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How do I know if my preschooler needs OT?

Says "I can't" or "I won't" to age appropriate activities

Clumsy or seems less coordinated than same age peers.
Needs more practice than other children to learn new skills
Tires easily, has low muscle tone or floppy muscles
Does not enjoy jumping, swings or climbing play equipment
Dislikes coloring in the lines, doing puzzles or cutting with scissors
Holds pencil or crayon with a whole hand, fist-like grasp

Difficulty self-calming. Frequent tantrums.

Overly active and unable to slow down. Constantly in motion.
Bumps into furniture or people, has poor body awareness
Short attention span. Moves quickly from one toy to another
Doesn't seem to notice or over-reacts to touch, sound, tastes and smells

Very picky eater. Eliminates whole food groups.

Dislikes being cuddled. Dislikes bathing, teeth brushing and hair cuts.

Has difficulty handling unexpected changes and transitions between activities

Difficulty following 1-2 step directions
Delayed language development.
Does not speak or others have trouble understanding the child's speech

Easily frustrated or lacks confidence to try new things

Tends to play the same games and activities over and over again
Finds it difficult to make friends with children of the same age

If any of these problems are interfering with your student's level of success at home or
school, then occupational therapy may be helpful. Visit
to learn more about how OT can help kids reach their potential.

2020 Play It Forward Therapy

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