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Management and Organizational Behavior (1203)

Chapter Summary and Question-Answer

In this File, I have summarized the important topics of the chapters of the book Management by Ricky W.
Griffin, it will come to work before the exam to have a fast revise or review of the important topics when
you are in shortage of time to finish the full chapter. And specifically, the questions mentioned are most
relevant for your exam.

Table of Contents
Chapter 01 - Managing and the Manager’s Job ....................................................................................... 2
Chapter 02 - Traditional and Contemporary Issues and Challenges ........................................................ 4
Chapter 03 - The Environment and Culture of Organizations ................................................................. 9
Chapter 07 - Basic Elements of Planning and Decision Making ........................................................... 10
Chapter 09 - Managing Decision Making and Problem Solving ........................................................... 13
Chapter 11 - Basic Elements of Organizing........................................................................................... 15
Chapter 15 - Basic Elements of Individual Behavior in Organizations ................................................. 18
Chapter 16 - Managing Employee Motivation and Performance .......................................................... 19
Chapter 17 - Managing Leadership and Influence Processes ................................................................ 23
Chapter 20 – Basic Elements of Control ................................................................................................ 27

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Chapter 01 - Managing and the Manager’s Job

1. Identify and briefly explain the four basic management functions in organizations.

 Planning and decision making (determining courses of action)

 Organizing (coordinating activities and resources)
 Leading (motivating and managing people)
 Controlling (monitoring and evaluating activities)

These activities are not performed on a systematic and predictable schedule.

2. Describe the kinds of managers found at different levels and in different areas of the

 By level, we can identify top, middle, and first-line managers.

 Kinds of managers by area include marketing, financial, operations, human resource,
administrative, and specialized managers

3. Identify the basic managerial roles that managers play and the skills they need to be

 Interpersonal roles (figurehead, leader, and liaison)

 Informational roles (monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson)
 Decisional roles (entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator)
 Key management skills are technical, interpersonal, conceptual, diagnostic, communication,
decision making, and time-management skills

4. Characterize the new workplace that is emerging in organizations today.

 The new workplace is characterized by workforce expansion and reduction. Diversity is also
a central component, as is the new worker.
 Organization change is also more common, as are the effects of information technology and
new ways of organizing.

5. Contrast efficiency and effectiveness. Give an example of a time when an organization was
effective but not efficient, efficient but not effective, both efficient and effective, and neither
efficient nor effective.

6. What are the four basic activities that comprise the management process? How are they related to
one another?

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7. Briefly describe the ten managerial roles.

8. Define management based on its functions and describe its activities.

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Chapter 02 - Traditional and Contemporary Issues and Challenges

Classical Management Perspective:

Theory X and Theory Y:

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The Behavioural Management Perspective:

The Quantitative Management Perspective:

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The Systems Perspective of Organizations:

An Integrative Framework of Management Perspectives:

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1. Summarize and evaluate the classical perspective on management, including scientific and
administrative management, and note its relevance to contemporary managers.

 The classical management perspective had two major branches: scientific management and
administrative management.
 Scientific management was concerned with improving efficiency and work methods for
individual workers.
 Administrative management was more concerned with how organizations themselves should
be structured and arranged for efficient operations.
 Both branches paid little attention to the role of the worker as a person.

2. Summarize and evaluate the behavioral perspective on management, including the

Hawthorne studies, human relations movement, and organizational behavior, and note its
relevance to contemporary managers.

 The behavioral management perspective, character ized by a concern for individual

and group behavior, emerged primarily as a result of the Hawthorne studies.
 The human relations movement recognized the importance and potential of behavioral
processes in organizations but made many overly simplistic assumptions about those
 Organizational behavior, a more realistic outgrowth of the behavioral perspective, is of
interest to many contemporary managers.

3. Summarize and evaluate the quantitative perspective on management, including

management science and operations management, and note its relevance to contemporary

 The quantitative management perspective and its two components, management science and
operations management, attempt to apply quantitative techniques to decision making and
problem solving.
 Their contributions have been facilitated by the tremendous increase in the use of personal
computers and integrated information networks.

4. Discuss the systems and contingency approaches to management and explain their potential
for integrating the other areas of management.

 The three major perspectives should be viewed in a complementary, not a contradictory,

light. Each has something of value to offer

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 Two relatively recent additions to management theory, the systems and contingency
perspectives, appear to have great potential both as approaches to management and as
frameworks for integrating the other perspectives.

5. Identify and describe contemporary management issues and challenges.

 A variety of popular applied perspectives influence management practice today.

 Important issues and challenges facing managers include employee retention, diversity, the
new workforce, organization change, ethics and social responsibility, the importance of
quality, and the continued shift toward a service economy.

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Chapter 03 - The Environment and Culture of Organizations

1. Describe the components of the general and task environments and discuss their impact on

 The external environment is composed of general and task environment layers.

 The general environment consists of five dimensions: economic, technological,
sociocultural, political legal, and international.
 The task environment consists of five elements: competitors, customers, suppliers, strategic
partners, and regulators

2. Identify and describe how the environment affects organizations and how organizations
adapt to their environment.

 Environmental influences on the organization can occur through uncertainty, competitive

forces, and turbulence.
 Organizations use information management; strategic response; mergers, acquisitions, and
alliances; organization design and flexibility; direct influence; and social responsibility to
adapt to their environments.

3. Consider the three environments of a firm. Which of the environments has the most direct and
immediate impact on the firm? Which of the environments has a more diffuse and delayed impact?

4. Describe the organization’s general environment. For each dimension, give at least one specific
example, other than the examples mentioned in your text.

5. What are the major forces that affect organization– environment relationships?
Describe those factors.

6. Describe the four approaches to organizational effectiveness. Give a specific example of

something that a company should measure in order to evaluate its effectiveness under each

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Chapter 07 - Basic Elements of Planning and Decision Making

Kinds of Organizational Goals for a Regional Fast-Food Chain

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Barriers to Goal Setting and Planning

1. Discuss the purpose of organizational goals, identify different kinds of goals, discuss who sets
goals, and describe how to manage multiple goals.

• Goals serve four basic purposes:

 provide guidance and direction

 facilitate planning
 inspire motivation and commitment
 promote evaluation and control

• Goals can be differentiated by level, area, and time frame.

• All managers within an organization need to be involved in the goal-setting process.

• Managers need to pay special attention to the importance of managing multiple goals through
optimizing and other approaches.

2. Identify the major barriers to goal setting and planning, how organizations overcome those
barriers, and how to use goals to implement plans.

 Several barriers exist to effective goal setting and planning:

1. improper reward system
2. dynamic and complex environment
3. reluctance to establish goals
4. resistance to change
5. various constraints

 Methods for overcoming these barriers include:

1. understanding the purposes of goals and plans

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2. communication and participation
3. consistency, revision, and updating
4. an effective reward system

One particularly useful technique for managing goal setting and planning is formal goal setting,
a process of collaborative goal setting and planning

3. Discuss how tactical plans are developed and executed.

 Tactical plans are at the middle of the organization, have an intermediate time horizon, and
are of moderate scope
 Tactical plans are developed to implement specific parts of a strategic plan.
 Tactical plans must flow from strategy, specify resource and time issues, and commit human
 Tactical plans must be effectively executed.

4. Identify different kinds of organizational plans, note the time frames for planning, discuss
who plans, and de- scribe contingency planning.

 The major types of plans are strategic, tactical, and operational.

 Plans are developed across a variety of time horizons, including long-range, intermediate,
and shortrange time frames.
 Essential people in an organization responsible for effective planning are the planning staff,
planning task forces, the board of directors, the CEO, the executive committee, and line
 Contingency planning helps managers anticipate and plan for unexpected changes.

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Chapter 09 - Managing Decision Making and Problem Solving

The Classical Model of Decision Making:

The Administrative Model of Decision Making:

Advantages and Disadvantages of Group and Team Decision Making:

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1. Define decision making and discuss types of decisions and decision-making conditions.

 Decision making is the act of choosing one alternative from among a set of alternatives.
 The decision-making process includes recognizing and defining the nature of a decision
situation, identifying alternatives, choosing the “best” alternative, and putting it into
 Two common types of decisions are programmed and non-programmed.
 Decisions may be made under states of certainty, risk, or uncertainty.

2. Discuss rational perspectives on decision making, including the steps in rational

decision making.

• Rational perspectives on decision making rest on the classical model.

• This model assumes that managers have complete information and that they will behave rationally.
The primary steps in rational decision making are

 recognizing and defining the situation

 identifying alternatives
 evaluating alternatives
 selecting the best alternative
 implementing the chosen alternative
 following up and evaluating the effectiveness of
 the alternative after it is implemented

3. Describe the behavioral aspects of decision making.

 Behavioral aspects of decision making rely on the administrative model.

 This model recognizes that managers use incomplete information and that they do not always
behave rationally.
 The administrative model also recognizes the concepts of bounded rationality and satisficing.
 Political activities by coalitions, managerial intuition, and the tendency to become
increasingly committed to a chosen course of action are all important.
 Risk propensity is also an important behavioral perspective on decision making.
 Ethics also affect how managers make decisions.

4. Discuss group and team decision making, including the advantages and disadvantages of
group and team decision making and how it can be more effectively managed.

 To help enhance decision-making effectiveness, managers often use interacting, Delphi, or

nominal groups or teams.

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 Group and team decision making in general has several advantages as well as disadvantages
relative to individual decision making.
 Managers can adopt a number of strategies to help groups and teams make better decisions

Chapter 11 - Basic Elements of Organizing

The Job Characteristics Approach

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Factors Influencing the Span of Management

1. Identify the basic elements of organizations.

Organizations are made up of a series of elements:

 designing jobs
 grouping jobs
 establishing reporting relationships
 distributing authority
 coordinating activities
 differentiating between positions

2. Describe the basic alternative approaches to designing jobs.

 Job design is the determination of an individual’s work-related responsibilities.

 The most common form is job specialization.
 Other alternatives include job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment, the job
characteristics approach, and work teams

3. Discuss the rationale and the most common bases for grouping jobs into departments.

• The most common bases for departmentalization are:

 function
 product
 customer
 location
 large organizations employ multiple bases of departmentalization at different levels.

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4. Discuss how authority is distributed in organizations.

 Distributing authority starts with delegation.

 Delegation is the process by which the manager assigns a portion of his or her total workload
to others.
 Systematic delegation throughout the organization is decentralization.
 Centralization involves keeping power and authority at the top of the organization.
 Several factors influence the appropriate degree of decentralization.

5. Describe basic ways in which positions within an organization can be differentiated.

 A line position is a position in the direct chain of command that is responsible for the
achievement of an organization’s goals.
 A staff position provides expertise, advice, and support for line positions.
 Administrative intensity is the degree to which managerial positions are concentrated in staff

6. Describe the five alternatives to job specialization. What is the advantage of each, as compared to

7. What is meant by unity of command? By the scalar principle? Can an organization have one
without the other? Explain.

8. Describe the organizational structure that results from each of the different bases of
departmentalization. What implications does each of these structures have with regard to the
distribution of authority within the organization?

9. Explain the differences between line and staff positions. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of high versus low administrative intensity?

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Chapter 15 - Basic Elements of Individual Behavior in Organizations

The “Big Five” Model of Personality

Define personality and describe personality attributes that affect behavior in organizations.

• Personality is the relatively stable set of psychological and behavioral attributes that distinguish
one person from another.

• The “Big Five” personality traits are:

 agreeableness
 conscientiousness
 negative emotionality
 extraversion
 openness
• The Myers–Briggs framework can also be a useful mechanism for understanding personality.

• Other important traits are:

 locus of control

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 self-efficacy
 authoritarianism
 Machiavellianism
 self-esteem
 risk propensity

• Emotional intelligence, a fairly new concept, may provide additional insights into personality.

Chapter 16 - Managing Employee Motivation and Performance

The Motivation Framework

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

The Two-Factor Theory of Motivation

The Expectancy Model of Motivation

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The Porter–Lawler Extension of Expectancy Theory

1. Identify and describe the major content perspectives on motivation.

 Content perspectives on motivation are concerned with what factor or factors cause
 Popular content theories include Maslow’s needs hierarchy, the ERG theory, and Herzberg’s
two-factor theory.
 Other important needs are the needs for achievement, affiliation, and power

2. Identify and describe the major process perspectives on motivation.

 Process perspectives on motivation deal with how motivation occurs.

 Expectancy theory suggests that people are motivated to perform if they believe that their
effort will result in high performance, that this performance will lead to rewards, and that the
positive aspects of the outcomes outweigh the negative aspects.

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 Equity theory is based on the premise that people are motivated to achieve and maintain
social equity.
 Attribution theory is a new process theory.

3. Describe reinforcement perspectives on motivation.

 The reinforcement perspective focuses on how motivation is maintained.

 Its basic assumption is that behavior that results in rewarding consequences is likely
to be repeated, whereas behavior resulting in negative consequences is less likely to
be repeated.
 Reinforcement contingencies can be arranged in the form of positive reinforcement,
avoidance, punishment, and extinction, and they can be provided on fixed-interval,
variable-interval, fixed-ratio, or variable-ratio schedules.

4. Identify and describe popular motivational strategies.

 Managers use a variety of motivational strategies derived from the various theories of
 Common strategies include empowerment and participation and alternative forms of work
arrangements, such as variable work schedules, flexible work schedules, and telecommuting.

5. Describe the role of organizational reward systems in motivation.

 Reward systems also play a key role in motivating employee performance.

 Popular methods include merit reward systems, incentive reward systems, and team and group
incentive reward systems.
 Executive compensation is also intended to serve as motivation for senior managers but has
currently come under close scrutiny and criticism.

6. Compare and contrast content, process, and reinforcement perspectives on motivation.

7. Explain how goal-setting theory works. How is goal setting different from merely asking a worker
to “do your best”?

8. Describe some new forms of working arrangements. How do these alternative arrangements
increase motivation?

9. How do rewards increase motivation? What would happen if an organization gave too few
rewards? What would happen if it gave too many?

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Chapter 17 - Managing Leadership and Influence Processes

Distinctions Between Management and Leadership

Leadership and Power

1. Legitimate power

Power granted through the organizational hierarchy; the power defined by the organization to be
accorded to people occupying particular positions.

2. Reward power

The power to give or withhold rewards, such as salary increases, bonuses, promotions, praise,
recognition, and interesting job assignments

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3. Coercive power

The power to force compliance by means of psychological, emotional, or physical threat

4. Referent power

The personal power that accrues to someone based on identification, imitation, loyalty, or charisma

5. Expert power

The personal power that accrues to someone based on the information or expertise they possess

Leadership Behaviors

1. Job-centered leader behavior

The behavior of leaders who pay close attention to the job and work procedures involved with that

2. Employee-centered leader behavior

The behavior of leaders who develop cohesive work groups and ensure employee satisfaction

Initiating-structure behavior

The behavior of leaders who define the leader–subordinate role so that everyone knows what is
expected, establish formal lines of communication, and determine how tasks will be performed

3. Consideration behavior

The behavior of leaders who show concern for subordinates and attempt to establish a warm, friendly
and supportive climate

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The Least-Preferred Co-worker Theory of Leadership

The Path-Goal Framework

The path–goal theory of leadership suggests that managers can use four types of leader behavior to
clarify subordinates’ paths to goal attainment. Personal characteristics of the subordinate and
environmental characteristics within the organization both must be taken into account when
determining which style of leadership will work best for a particular situation.

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1. Discuss and evaluate the two generic approaches to leadership.

 The trait approach to leadership assumed that some basic trait or set of traits differentiated
leaders from nonleaders.
 The leadership behavior approach to leadership assumed that the behavior of effective leaders
was somehow different from the behavior of nonleaders.
 Research at the University of Michigan and Ohio State University identified two basic forms
of leadership behavior—one concentrating on work and performance and the other
concentrating on employee welfare and support.
 The Managerial Grid attempts to train managers to exhibit high levels of both forms of

2. Identify and describe the major situational approaches to leadership.

 Situational approaches to leadership recognize that appropriate forms of leadership behavior

are not universally applicable and attempt to specify situations in which various behaviors are
 The LPC theory suggests that a leader’s behaviors should be either task oriented or
relationship oriented, depending on the favorableness of the situation.
 The path–goal theory suggests that directive, supportive, participative, or achievement-
oriented leader behaviors may be appropriate, depending on the personal characteristics of
subordinates and the environment.
 Vroom’s decision tree approach maintains that leaders should vary the extent to which they
allow subordinates to participate in making decisions as a function of problem attributes.
 The leader–member exchange model focuses on individual relationships between leaders and
followers and on in-group versus out-group considerations.

3. Identify and describe three related approaches to leadership.

• Related leadership perspectives are

 the concept of substitutes for leadership

 charismatic leadership
 the role of transformational leadership in organizations

4. What are the situational approaches to leadership? Briefly describe each and compare and contrast
their findings.

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Chapter 20 – Basic Elements of Control

Levels of Control

Steps in the Control Process

Organizational Control

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1. Explain the purpose of control, identify different types of control, and describe the steps in
the control process.

 Control is the regulation of organizational activities so that some targeted element of

performance remains within acceptable limits.
 Control provides ways to adapt to environmental change, to limit the accumulation of errors,
to cope with organizational complexity, and to minimize costs.
 Control can focus on financial, physical, information, and human resources and includes
operations, financial, structural, and strategic levels.
 Control is the function of managers, the controller, and, increasingly, of operating

• Steps in the control process are

 to establish standards of expected performance

 to measure actual performance
 to compare performance to the standards
 to evaluate the comparison and take appropriate action

2. Identify and explain the three forms of operations control.

 Operations control focuses on the processes the organization uses to transform resources into
products or services.

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 Preliminary control is concerned with the resources that serve as inputs to the system. •
Screening control is concerned with the transformation processes used by the organization.
 Post action control is concerned with the outputs of the organization.
 Most organizations need multiple control systems because no one system can provide
adequate control

3. Identify characteristics of effective control, why people resist control, and how managers
can overcome this resistance.

 One way to increase the effectiveness of control is to fully integrate planning and control.
 The control system should also be as flexible, accurate, timely, and objective as possible.
 Employees may resist organizational controls because of over control, inappropriate focus,
rewards for inefficiency, and a desire to avoid accountability.
 Managers can overcome this resistance by improving the effectiveness of controls and by
allowing employee participation and developing verification procedures.

Notice that –
Practice the Chapter end Questions of your given book by Ricky W. Griffin. Typically, questions
are repeated from those given review questions. Follow your tutor’s lectures. Enough dear. Have a
fine Semester, Insha-Allah!

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