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Biocompatibility of alloys used in orthodontics evaluated

by cell culture tests

P. Locci,1 L. Marinucci,1 C. Lilli,1 S. Belcastro,2 N. Staffolani,2 S. Bellocchio,1 F. Damiani,2 E. Becchetti1

Department of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical Sciences, University of Perugia, Via del Giochetto,
06100 Perugia, Italy
Institute of Clinical Odontology, University of Perugia, 06100 Perugia, Italy

Received 1 July 1999; revised 29 October 1999; accepted 30 December 1999

Abstract: The cytotoxicity of the most common alloys used by orthodontic appliances to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of
in orthodontic appliances was determined by cell culture single ions. Morphologic observations with SEM and radio-
testing. Human gingival fibroblasts were cultured on 304 labeled incorporation studies showed that 304 and 316 stain-
and 316 stainless steel, on brazing alloy composed of palla- less steel were more biocompatible than the brazing alloy.
dium (Pd), copper (Cu), and silver (Ag), and on plastic sub- Among the metal ions tested, Ag and Pd, constituents of the
strate (control). Studies were carried out with SEM and ra- brazing alloy, showed the highest cytotoxicity. © 2000 John
diolabeled precursor incorporation. Cells were cultured in Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res, 51, 561–568, 2000.
MEM without serum but with the addition of 3H-thymidine
to evaluate cell proliferation and 3H-glucosamine to evalu-
ate glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis and secretion in the Key words: human gingival fibroblasts; dental materials;
culture medium. Moreover, gingival fibroblasts were cul- metal ions; cell proliferation; glycosaminoglycan accumula-
tured in the presence of some metal ions generally released tion

INTRODUCTION the metals themselves.2–9 In order to evaluate the tox-

icity of the alloys used in orthodontics, an essential
approach is to study specific cell populations in vitro.
Clinical use of orthodontic appliances often is asso-
In fact, in vitro the cells are free of the general influence
ciated with an increase in the frequency of gingivitis.1
In some instances one might suspect that the appli- of the organism and adapt to the particular conditions
ances or their corrosive products cause local tissue of the microenvironment in which they are main-
damage, which clinically cannot be distinguished tained. Normally cells are cultured in plastic flasks
from gingivitis of bacterial etiology. The most com- where they adhere to the substrate, setting up cell–cell
mon metals used in orthodontics are of a composition and cell–substrate relationships. In these conditions
similar to 18/8 (18% chromium and 8% nickel) stain- cells proliferate actively forming a continuous single-
less steel. Since the mechanisms behind many of the layer that covers all of the available surface area. At
adverse effects have not been fully clarified, knowl- the same time the cells synthesize and secrete local
edge of the composition of the materials, their irrita- growth factors and macromolecules that make up the
tive and allergenic properties, and other possible toxic extracellular matrix (ECM).10–13 The ECM, in turn,
effects are essential for their proper and safe use. controls numerous biological processes, such as cell
To identify a material as biocompatible with human proliferation, differentiation, and tissue regeneration;
tissue, attention should be paid to its effects on specific therefore, any variation in the ECM composition can
cellular functions. In recent years researchers have influence the tissue’s state of health.14–17
concentrated their attention on the study of the bio- Previous studies have provided information regard-
compatibility of materials used in orthodontics and on ing cellular response to implant materials by evaluat-
the cytotoxic effects of certain metal ions released by ing ECM component neosynthesis and degradation
and TGF␤ activity by human bone cells in vitro.18,19
Although these studies provide valuable information
Correspondence to: P. Locci; e-mail.
Contract grant sponsor: Leone Company, Firenze, Italy
about cellular response to implant material, many ex-
perimental problems need to be solved. First, in the
© 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. previous studies the cytotoxicity of materials was

evaluated using bone cells in vitro. However, as we Each donor had undergone dental prophylaxis and 3 weeks
know, cells of different origins have different cellular of intensive oral hygiene. Each biopsy was washed with
reactions to foreign bodies. Thus the results obtained Hank’s balanced salt solution containing 59 ␮g/mL of gen-
using osteoblast-like cells do not necessarily predict tamycin antibiotic and minced with sterile scissors. Tissue
fragments were transferred to Falcon flasks (Becton Dickin-
their cytotoxicity for other tissue cells. Second, while
son and Company, Lincoln Park, New Jersey) containing
materials used in oral implantology are set into the
Eagle’s minimum essential medium (MEM) supplemented
tissue that is to be regenerated and integrated with the with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS; Gibco, Paisley, UK). The
alloy itself, the alloys used in orthodontics come into cultures were maintained in a 5% CO2 humidified atmo-
contact with the keratinized epithelium, which acts as sphere at 37°C. Subcultures were obtained 20–30 days later.
a protective barrier for the underlying living cells. All tests were performed on the 3rd or 4th subculture.
Third, alloys used in oral implantology may release
metal ions, which, generally, are a major potential dis-
advantage of these appliances.
In our research we evaluated the biocompatibility of Cultures on metal substrates
some common components of orthodontic appliances.
Molar bands and the brackets generally are made of Gingival fibroblasts were collected and seeded at a den-
304 and 316 stainless steel; moreover the various com- sity of 1 × 106 cells/mL in 9-cm2 wells, some of which con-
ponents of the molar bands and the brackets are either tained sterile metal disks. After 24 h (subconfluent cultures)
welded or brazed together. Since the brazing alloys or 48 h (confluent cultures) in MEM supplemented with 10%
FCS, the disks were transferred to new wells containing 3
generally consist of silver and copper, and sometimes
mL of MEM and tested with a scanning electron microscope
palladium, we also tested a brazing alloy composed of (SEM), for 3H-thymidine incorporation and 3H-glucosamine
palladium, copper, and silver. To evaluate the degree incorporation as outlined below.
of biocompatibility of the metals used as substrates,
we studied cell morphology, cell proliferation, and the
synthesis of ECM macromolecules. We utilized an in
vitro model of human gingival fibroblasts cultured in Morphologic analysis
serum-free medium in the presence of 3H-thymidine
to evaluate cell proliferation and in the presence of Subconfluent gingival fibroblasts cultured on plastic, 304
H-glucosamine to evaluate GAG synthesis and secre- steel, 316 steel, and brazing alloy were cultured for 24 h in
tion. Furthermore, we tested the effects on cell prolif- MEM. At the end of in vitro maintenance, the cells were fixed
eration of some metal ions released by 304 and 316 in 1.5% glutaraldehyde in PBS for 15 min at room tempera-
stainless steel and by the brazing alloy.20 The results ture, washed three times in PBS, and dehydrated stepwise in
obtained indicate that the substrates utilized affect ethanol. For SEM examination, after critical point drying
gingival fibroblast behavior differently and that the using the Freon method, the samples were coated with gold–
palladium (60:40) by vacuum evaporation on a moving stage
brazing alloy is more cytotoxic than the stainless steel.
and viewed under a 501 Philips SEM (Philips, Eindhoven,
Holland). The acceleration voltage was 15 KV.


H-thymidine incorporation into DNA
Subconfluent gingival fibroblasts were maintained on
Disks (2.5 mm in diameter) made of 304 stainless steel plastic (control), 304 steel, 316 steel, and brazing alloy for 24,
(18–20% Cr and 8–10% Ni) or 316 stainless steel (16–18% Cr 48, and 72 h in the presence of MEM with 1 ␮Ci/mL of
and 10–14% Ni) or 304 steel coated with brazing alloy were H-thymidine (Amersham International, Little Chalfont, En-
obtained from Leone (Leone Spa, Sesto Fiorentino, Firenze, gland; s.a. 13.4 Ci/mmol) added in the last 24 h. In the
Italy). The brazing alloy consisted of 15% palladium, 20% second set of experiments disks were immersed in 3 mL of
copper, and 65% silver. All disks were sterilized before test- MEM for 28 days (washed disks) before use. These disks and
ing. the MEM recovered (enriched MEM) were used for the fol-
lowing experiments. Gingival fibroblasts were cultured on
plastic in the presence of enriched MEM or on washed disks
and new MEM, as previously described. In a third set of
Cell cultures experiments, gingival fibroblasts were maintained on plastic
in the presence of MEM containing 2 ␮g/culture of nickel
(Ni, 34.1 ␮M), copper (Cu, 31.5 ␮M), chromium (Cr, 38.5
Gingival fragments from the area around premolars were ␮M), silver (Ag, 18.5 ␮M), or palladium (Pd, 18.8 ␮M). The
obtained during oral surgery on four human donors (20 to final solutions were obtained adding Ni(NO3)2, CuCl2,
25 years old) with healthy, non-inflamed periodontal tissue. K2CrO4, AgNO3 or (CF3COO)2Pd (Fluka, Labiorchemikalien

GmbH & Co, Switzerland). At the end of the incubation time Statistical analysis
the medium was discarded and the cells solubilized in 0.5
mol/L of NaOH. One aliquot of cell lysate was precipitated
with 10% TCA (30 min at 4°C), filtered into glass fiber filters Statistical analyses were performed using Student’s t test.
(0.45 ␮m; Millipore Spa, Milano, Italy), and washed with Data were expressed as the mean ± SD of one representative
cold 5% TCA; the other one was used for protein determi- experiment chosen from three similar experiments per-
nation. The filters holding the acid-insoluble fraction were formed in quintuplicate.
dried and counted in 10 mL of Instagel scintillation fluid
(Packard, Meriden, Connecticut) in an LKB scintillation
counter (TCA insoluble fraction). Results were expressed as
cpm/mg of protein. Total radioactivity was assessed by
counting separate aliquots of solubilized cells in 10 mL of
scintillation fluid. The relationship between the 3 H- Scanning electron microscopy
thymidine incorporated into the TCA insoluble fraction and
total radioactivity (total uptake) was expressed as the per-
cent of incorporation. Gingival fibroblasts, cultured on 304 (Fig. 1) or on
316 steel (Fig. 2) as substrates in serum-free medium
for 24 h, sometimes have a triangular, sail-like shape,
sometimes elongated, thicker in the central area of the
Isolation of newly synthesized GAG
nucleus and nucleolus, flattened in the peripheral re-
gions, with areas of expansion and of contact with
Confluent gingival fibroblasts were maintained on plastic,
304 steel, 316 steel, and brazing alloy in the presence of
other cells. In general, cells grown on stainless steel
MEM containing 3 ␮Ci/mL of 3H-glucosamine (NEN Du showed a strong adhesion to the substrate, indicating
Pont de Nemours, Boston, Massachusetts; s.a. 29 Ci/mmol). that these metals are a good support compared to the
At the end of the in vitro maintenance, the cells and media plastic that was used as a control (Fig. 3).
were collected separately. THe cells were scraped into 1 mL Brazing alloy revealed a heterogeneous surface
of ice cold 0.1 mmol/L of Tris-HCl and 1.5 mmol/L of CaCl2 made up of depressions. The cells adhered to the most
(pH 8.2) and lysed using a Bronson sonicator. The media raised points, suspending themselves by their cyto-
were dialyzed, lyophilized, and dissolved in the above plasmic regions over the depressed areas (Fig. 4).
buffer. Both the media and the cell lysate were boiled for 5
min and then digested for 3 days at 37°C with 1 mg/mL of
pre-digested (for 30 min at 37°C) pronase (Sigma Chemical
Co., St. Louis, Missouri) in the presence of 1% (w/v) toluene. H-thymidine incorporation into DNA
Fresh pronase was added daily. Proteins were removed
through precipitation with 10% TCA (w/v) and centrifuga-
tion. The supernatants were collected and GAG was precipi- Human gingival fibroblasts were cultured on 304
tated with 3 vol of 5% potassium acetate (w/v) in absolute steel, 316 steel, 304 steel coated with brazing alloy, or
ethanol (for 24 h at 4°C) and pelleted by centrifugation for 20 plastic in order to have a term of comparison with
min at 12,000 g. The pellets were dissolved in 0.1 mol/L of metal substrates (Table I). After 24 h human fibro-
Tris-HCl, pH 7.2. An aliquot of labeled GAG was mixed blasts grown on brazing alloy showed a significant
with 10 mL of Pico-Fluor 40 and counted in a Packard Tri-
Carb 2425 liquid scintillation counter. The radioactivity was
described as extracellular radioactivity (recovered in the me-
dium) and cellular radioactivity (recovered in the intra- and
peri-cellular compartment). Another aliquot of labeled GAG
was applied to a DEAE-52 cellulose anion exchange column
equilibrated with 10 mM of Tris-HCl, pH 7.2, and eluted at
room temperature with increasing stepwise concentrations
of NaCl (0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6M) to separate hyaluronic acid
(HA), chondroitin (Ch), chondroitin sulphate (CS), heparan
sulphate (HS), and dermatan sulphate (DS). Individual GAG
were identified by their enzymatic susceptibility.21 One-mL
fractions were collected; 0.2-mL aliquots were mixed with 10
mL of Pico-Fluor 40 and counted in a Packard Tri-Carb 2425
liquid scintillation model.

Protein determination
Figure 1. Scanning microscope micrograph of gingival fi-
Protein concentrations were determined by the method broblasts cultured for 24 h without serum on 304 stainless
used by Lowry et al.22 on aliquots of cell lysate. steel (bar = 20 ␮m; original magnification ×721).

Figure 4. Scanning microscope micrograph of gingival fi-

Figure 2. Scanning microscopy micrograph of gingival fi- broblasts cultured for 24 h without serum on brazing alloy
broblasts cultured for 24 h without serum on 316 stainless (bar = 20 ␮m; original magnification ×706).
steel (bar = 20 ␮m; original magnification ×720).
immersed in MEM for 28 days (washed disks). The
decrease in the level of radioactivity incorporated into MEM (enriched MEM) and the disks (washed disks)
the DNA (TCA insoluble fraction) compared to fibro- were collected. Human fibroblasts were cultured on
blasts grown on 304 or 316 stainless steel. washed disks, on plastic, or on plastic in the presence
At all the times examined, metal substrates had an of enriched MEM (Table II). Studies carried out on
inhibitory effect on 3H-thymidine incorporation com- H-thymidine incorporation into DNA showed that
pared to plastic, which was used as the control and the proliferative capacity was lower in human fibro-
universally is known to be a suitable substrate for cell blasts cultured on washed disks than on plastic. As far
culture. The percentage of incorporation (TCA in- as 304 steel and brazing alloy were concerned, there
soluble fraction/total uptake) was higher in human were no significant differences between washed and
fibroblasts cultured on 304 and 316 steel than on braz- unwashed disks (Table I). On the contrary, 316
ing alloy, confirming that the decrease in the presence washed steel showed an inhibition of 3H-thymidine
of the brazing alloy was real. After 48 and 72 h of in incorporation of about 70% compared to the control
vitro maintenance, compared to the level at 24 h, 3H-
thymidine incorporation into DNA increased in hu- TABLE I
man fibroblasts cultured on metal substrate while it H-Thymidine Incorporation in Gingival Fibroblasts
decreased in human fibroblasts cultured on plastic. Cultured on Plastic, 304 Steel, 316 Steel, and Brazing
Alloy (cpm/mg Protein)
In a second set of experiments the disks were
Total Insoluble %
Uptake Fraction Incorporation†
24 h
Control 12,406 ± 139 5,562 ± 294 45
304 Steel 7,721 ± 211 629 ± 45* 8
316 Steel 11,115 ± 88 895 ± 19* 8
Brazing alloy 11,324 ± 488 455 ± 48* 4
48 h
Control 11,461 ± 1,213 4,915 ± 160 43
304 Steel 8,315 ± 125 1,132 ± 91* 14
316 Steel 10,713 ± 941 1,524 ± 63* 14
Brazing alloy 9,981 ± 513 728 ± 70* 7
72 h
Control 12,004 ± 715 3,682 ± 184 31
304 Steel 9,207 ± 248 1,428 ± 101* 15
316 Steel 10,891 ± 606 2,031 ± 99* 19
Brazing alloy 9,973 ± 980 1,005 ± 120* 10
Means ± SD of five determinations. Similar results were
Figure 3. Scanning microscope micrograph of gingival fi- obtained in three independent experiments. †% incorpora-
broblasts cultured for 24 h without serum on plastic (bar = tion is the ratio between TCA insoluble fraction and total
20 ␮m; original magnification ×705). uptake; *significance versus control, P < 0.001.


3 3
H-Thymidine Incorporation in Gingival Fibroblasts H-Glucosamine Incorporation into GAG by Human
Cultured for 24 h on Washed Disks or Enriched MEM Fibroblasts Cultured for 24 h on 304 Steel, 316 Steel, and
(cpm/mg Protein) 304 Steel Coated with Brazing Alloy, Expressed as
cpm/mg Protein
Total Insoluble % %
Uptake Fraction Incorporation† Secreted
Cells Media Total GAG
Control 13,274 ± 590 5,907 ± 98 44
304 steel* 8,346 ± 344 480 ± 32§ 6 Control 43,689 ± 2,730 77,520 ± 4094 121,209 64
316 steel* 12,131 ± 513 1,754 ± 116§ 14 304 Steel 32,740 ± 1,805* 60,668 ± 2130* 93,408 65
Brazing alloy* 13,088 ± 207 426 ± 44§ 3 316 Steel 34,857 ± 1092* 59,162 ± 2,763* 94,019 63
Enriched MEM Brazing
(304 steel)‡ 11,165 ± 310 4,389 ± 311§ 39 alloy 4,184 ± 322* 7,173 ± 224* 11,357 63
Enriched MEM
(316 steel)‡ 10,470 ± 490 4,181 ± 205§ 40 Means ± SD of five determinations. Similar results were
Enriched MEM obtained in three independent experiments. *Significance
(Brazing alloy)‡ 12,208 ± 715 3,083 ± 170§ 25 versus control, at least P < 0.01.

Means ± SD of five determinations. Similar results were

obtained in three independent experiments. †% incorpora-
fibroblasts cultured on the brazing alloy, a 46% in-
tion is the ratio between TCA isoluble fraction and total crease of HA and a 50% decrease of sulphated GAG,
uptake; *the disks were immersed in MEM for 28 days be- compared to the control, were observed.
fore use, ‡enriched MEM in which different disks have been
immersed; §significance versus control, P < 0.001.

Metal ions
(Table II) while 316 unwashed steel showed an inhi-
bition of about 84% compared to the control (Table I).
The presence of enriched MEM (Table II) had less Human fibroblasts were cultured on plastic in the
effect on the proliferative response of human fibro- presence of metal ions to ascertain the influence of
blasts than did the disks. The lowest reduction of 3H- single ions on 3H-thymidine incorporation. The re-
thymidine incorporation was observed in the presence sults, reported in Table V, show that Ni had no sig-
of enriched MEM obtained by 304 steel (about 26%), nificant influence on 3H-thymidine incorporation. All
the highest in the presence of enriched MEM obtained the other metal ions provoked a marked decrease in
by the brazing alloy (about 48%). DNA synthesis. The highest decrease in the prolifera-
tive response was observed in the presence of Ag+ and
Pd++. The percentage of 3H-thymidine incorporation
as a ratio of radio-nucleotide incorporation into DNA
GAG synthesis and secretion to total uptake also was determined. The percentage of
incorporation was reduced from 43% in control cul-
Total GAG production was lower in fibroblasts cul- tures to 33.5–16.5% in the presence of metal ions,
tured on metal disks than on plastic (Table III). The showing that Cr+6, Cu++, Ag+, and Pd++ provoked a
percentage secreted into the medium was similar for true reduction of DNA synthesis. The metal ions
all populations. The effects of 304 and 316 steel were added to the cultures had a cumulative effect in re-
similar. Both 304 and 316 steel decreased 3 H- ducing the radioactive label incorporation.
glucosamine in the cell layer by about 20–25% and in
the medium by about 23% compared to the control. TABLE IV
The reduction observed in the presence of the brazing H-Glucosamine Incorporation into Individual GAG
Classes Secreted into the Medium by Human Fibroblasts
alloy clearly was more marked both in the cellular and
Cultured on Metal Disks
the extracellular pool (by 90% in both cases).
Chromatographic analysis showed the presence of HA HS CS DS Total
four classes of GAG identified as HA, HS, CS, and DS. Control 40,478 10,005 23,405 3,632 77,520
HA was the principal constituent secreted into the me- (52)* (13) (30) (5)
dium in the presence of all substrates (Table IV). The 304 Steel 43,683 4,852 9,100 3,033 60,668
quantity of HA produced by fibroblasts grown on 304 (72) (8) (15) (5)
316 Steel 42,598 4,849 8,874 2,841 59,162
and 316 steel was higher in absolute value and in per- (72) (8) (15) (5)
centage than that produced by control fibroblasts. The Brazing alloy 5,450 647 912 164 7,173
absolute levels of HS, CS, and DS rose in the control (76) (9) (13) (3)
fibroblasts. However, whereas the percentage of HS The values are representative of a single chromatography.
and CS increased in control cultures, that of DS was Similar results were seen in three independent experiments.
about the same. In the media obtained from human *Percentage secretion in the medium.

TABLE V by cells cultured on the brazing alloy. However, with

H-Thymidine Incorporation in Gingival Fibroblasts time (after 48 and 72 h of in vitro maintenance), fibro-
Cultured for 24 h on Plastic in the Presence of 2
blasts cultured on metal substrates were able progres-
µg/Culture Metal Ions (cpm/mg Protein)
sively to raise the mitotic activity tending towards the
TCA minimum control values. Probably fibroblasts cul-
Total Insoluble %
tured on metal substrates increase their mitotic activ-
Uptake Fraction Incorporation†
ity after deposition of ECM macromolecules, which
Control 18,291 ± 1,315 7,826 ± 316 43 favor cell proliferation.
Cr+6 15,193 ± 1,424 5,094 ± 501* 33.5
Experiments carried out utilizing substrates im-
Ni++ 17,920 ± 1,020 7,198 ± 108 40
Cu++ 18,003 ± 668 4,429 ± 190* 25 mersed in MEM for 28 days (enriched MEM) to evalu-
Ag+ 10,791 ± 512* 1,782 ± 121* 16.5 ate the effects of any chemical alterations of the sur-
Pd++ 12,986 ± 403* 3,024 ± 144* 23 face with the consequent release of ions showed that
Cr+6 + Ni++ + there are no significant differences between treated
Cu++ + Ag+ +
and untreated substrates as far as the brazing alloy is
Pd++ 6,950 ± 728* 720 ± 32* 10
concerned. On the contrary, 316 steel increased and
Means ± SD of five determinations. Similar rsults were 304 steel decreased the proliferative response com-
obtained in three independent experiments. †% incorpora- pared to untreated substrates. The addition of en-
tion is the ratio between TCA insoluble fraction and total
uptake. *Significance versus control, P < 0.001. riched MEM, in which the substrates have been im-
mersed for 28 days, to gingival fibroblasts brought
about an inhibition of cell proliferation compared to
DISCUSSION the control cultures. These data demonstrate that 304
and 316 stainless steel and the brazing alloy release
Dental materials and accessories may cause adverse metal ions into the culture medium, as confirmed by
effects on cellular metabolism. The mechanisms be- our previous studies and by other authors.3,5,20,24
hind many of the adverse effects have not yet been Since the greatest reduction of 3H-thymidine incorpo-
fully clarified. For the choice of materials a knowledge ration was observed in the presence of enriched MEM
of their composition, irritative and allergenic proper- obtained from the brazing alloy, it is reasonable to
ties, and toxic effects is essential. suppose that the brazing alloy is subjected to greater
The aim of the present study was to investigate the corrosion compared to the steel used and that it is
cytotoxicity of materials used in orthodontic appli- more likely to cause possible cytotoxic effects on the
ances by evaluating their effects on specific cellular cells.
functions. Some authors have suggested that complete In the oral environment the orthodontic appliances
materials should be used to evaluate their cytotoxic- may undergo corrosion processes with the release of
ity.23 Although such assays can assess the total cyto- metal ions. Some of these ions, such as Cr+6, Ni++, and
toxicity of a composite of materials, they cannot evalu- Cu++ are known to be cytotoxic for the cells.4,24–26
ate the toxicity of individual components. We evalu- Certain authors consider Ag+ and Pd++ to be cyto-
ated the cytotoxicity of the most common constituents toxic,11,27 while others consider them to be non-
of the following orthodontic appliances: 304 or 316 toxic.26,28 Studies on 3H-thymidine incorporation have
stainless steel, containing Ni and Cr, which constitute demonstrated that metal ions influence cell prolifera-
bands and brackets, and a brazing alloy composed of tion in different ways. Radioactive incorporation was
silver, copper, and palladium, present between molar unaffected by the presence of Ni++ and inhibited by all
bands and tubes and between bracket bases and the other metal ions in the following order: Ag+ > Pd++
wings. The materials were tested separately and com- > Cu+++ > Cr+6 > Ni++. Our data confirm that Ni is not
pared to plastic, which normally is used in in vitro very toxic compared to other heavy metals. Animal
studies of the processes involved in cell adhesion, cell research has shown that relatively high concentrations
proliferation, and the production of GAG, all of which of Ni are needed to create toxic effects, but in low
are important components of the ECM. concentrations Ni may provoke allergic reactions.2,29
As far as cell morphology and adhesion to the sub- Moreover, this rank generally depends on the types of
strate were concerned, SEM observation showed a bet- cell cultures and on the use of metal ions or ele-
ter responsiveness to 304 and 316 steel than to the ments.9,30
brazing alloy. According to our experiments on DNA synthesis,
Studies on cell proliferation showed that in the first Ag+ and Pd++ had the highest cytotoxic effects within
24 h of in vitro maintenance, the capacity of gingival the concentrations tested. These data are in contrast
fibroblasts to incorporate 3H-thymidine, and thus to with those obtained by other authors,28 who have
synthesize DNA, was inhibited by the orthodontic ma- shown a high biocompatibility for Ag and Pd. The
terials examined compared to plastic. The highest re- authors used disks of Ag and Pd as substrates for the
duction of 3H-thymidine incorporation was observed cells while we added Ag+ and Pd++ to the cultures as

metal ions. The absence of or the low release capacity ity of single components of the orthodontic appliance
of these metal ions from the disks into the culture and to evaluate whether the metal release is of a suf-
medium may explain the discrepancy between their ficient magnitude to cause cytotoxic effects in in vitro
results and ours. cell cultures.
Proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans (GAG) rep-
We thank the Leone company for supporting this research
resent a considerable amount of the ECM macromol-
and providing the orthodontic materials.
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controls the diffusion of organic and inorganic com-
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