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There are many uses of an instrument which verifies the truthfulness of

statements. The polygraph has been applied in the pre-employment testing in both
the public and private sectors. Specifically, the polygraph is used to examine job
applicants for some traits. Also, a polygraph examination may be conducted in
internal investigations of alleged employee misconduct. These practices are not
universally followed, and some states prohibit such use of polygraph.

Another use of the polygraph is as evidence in a court of law. At the present

time there are sixteen (16) states which have court decisions allowing the expert’s
opinion to be admitted into evidence.

Problems inherent in general admissibility of polygraph results have not been

satisfactory resolved. The test applied by the courts for the admissibility of scientific
evidence is that it be generally accepted by the scientific field to which it belongs.
The polygraph has been part of the discipline of psychology, which in general does
not accept as valid. In response, polygraph examiners maintain that they themselves
comprise the scientific field which is required to vouch for acceptance. The courts,
however, have generally rejected these arguments.

Even though the testimony of the polygraph examiner will normally be

excluded from courtroom use when there is an objection, there is still a very
important role of polygraph in criminal investigations. Police can use polygraph
results as a method to establish the suspect’s truthfulness. Because of the high
reliability and validity of the polygraph in the hands of an expert polygraph examiner,
suspects who are willing to take the test and successfully pass it are usually
eliminated from further suspicion. This use of the polygraph enables the most
effective utilization of limited investigative resources.

Another major use of polygraph is to pinpoint the deceptive suspect. By

identifying a suspect who is lying, an investigation can be focused on that suspect. In
addition, polygraph examiner often obtains court admissible confessions from the
deceptive suspect at the time of the polygraph examination.

The polygraph daily becomes more and more popular. At present the USA,
Israel, Russia, and Japan are probably the biggest users. Although there are 77
countries are also known as being frequent users of the polygraph, for various
applications. The polygraph is obviously and mostly used in investigation:
 Crime investigation (private or Government)
 Fraud investigation, insurance companies, etc.
 Another popular use is involved in pre-employment screening and
honesty maintenance checks.
 Attorneys often use it in civil litigation
 The private company often inquires it for matters not involving the legal or
criminal justice system
 In certain countries the polygraph is generally used as a tool to control
and check people on parole.

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