Polygraph Components

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Kinds of Polygraph
1. Analog
2. Computerized

B & W Lie Detector

Manufactured by B & W Associates of Michigan City, Indiana.
Measures Galvanic Skin Resistance (GSR) only.

Keeler Polygraph
 Invented by Leonarde Keeler
 Manufactured by Associated Research Company at Chicago, Illinois, USA.
 Used by CIA during the Korean War.
 Used in testing Cuban Nationals if they are Spies.
 One of the first portable polygraph.
 First of the pacesetter series that integrated photo/optical pletysmograph.

Lafayette Polygraph

 Manufactured by Lafayette Instrument Company, Indiana, USA in 1972.

 Most popular instrument introduced in 1970s.
 It has double pneumographs, GSR, Electro-cardio and a top-mounted pneumatic
stimulus marker.
 Lightweight instrument enclosed in a sturdy halliburton case with case accessory

Lee Polygraph
 Invented by Capt. Lee from Berkeley California Police Department.
 Capt. Lee was the first to introduce Guilt Complex Question, and First Control test
which was later known as Pre-test.
 Also known as Berkeley Psychograph, which was first introduced in Chicago, Illinois
in 1938.
 Used for minors in 1930s until 1938.
Stoelting Polygraph (1950s to 1981)
 Manufactured by the Stoelting Company in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
 Designed by Cleve Backsterin 1950s and gave it to the Stoelting Company.
 Started with 2 pens, it became 3 then developed to have 4 pens.
The Components of Polygraph

1. Pneumograph
- Records breathing changes of subject.
- Is composed of:
Pneumo 1 (thoracic part) – chest assembly
Pneumo 2 (abdomen) – abdominal assembly
- Tracings are located at 1st and 2nd lines of tracings.
- Note: inhalation ad expiration is one respiratory cycle.
2. Galvanograph
a. Records the skin resistance of subject in small amount of electricity.
b. Finger electrodes are attached with the index and ring finger (opposite hand where the
BP Cuff is attached)
c. Tracing is located 3rdfrom top on the Chart.
d. Has the longest pen of 4-7 inches.
3. Cardiosphymograph
a. Records heart beats, Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate.
b. Cuff is used attached around the subject’s arm and must be centered on the Brachial
Artery about 1 inch above the elbow.
c. If my BP is 120/90, my 120 is the systolic and 90 is the diastolic.
d. Tracing on chart paper is located at bottom part.
e. Pen is 5 inches long.
4. Kymograph
a. The component that drives the chart paper.
b. Pulls the chart paper at rate of 6-12 in/min.
c. One roll of chart paper may reach 100 feet long. It has 6 in width, ½ in margin apart.
Common Parts of Polygraph
1.Pen lifter
2. Program Pacer
3. Paper tear bar
4. Foam Pen hold-down
5. Attache Compartment
6. Accessory storage and Optional Calibration Checking fixture
7. Subject connections
8. Mechanical Pneumo Module
9. Galvanic Skin Response
10. multi-function module
11. Mechanical cardio module
12. Paper storage device
13. AC Power Receptacle
14. Power Switch and Circuit Breaker
15. Chart Drive roller Lever
16. Power analyzer
17 Stimulus markers
18. Sphysmomanometer dial
19. Pneumo 1
20. Pneumo 2
21. Cuff
22. Pump
23. Mechanical cardio switch

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