Beginner - Lesson15 FEV HowWas

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Lesson 06: How was… ?

Objective: Talk about your personal history

Questions: Answers:

Were you (description)? I was (description). I wasn’t (something).

Were you a/an (someone)? I was a/an (someone).I wasn’t a/an


Practice: Finish the following sentence - because, so, and, or

I was tired…
I was happy…
I was angry…
I was scared…
I was excited…
The trip was great…
The movie was boring…
The test was difficult…

What makes you tired/happy/angry/scared/excited?

Something/Doing something makes me…

English makes me happy. Studying English makes me happy.

Discussion Questions:

Were you a good student in middle school? High school? hungry- com fome
Can you ride a bike? If you can, how old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
Do you have a driver’s license? If yes, when did you get it?
Do you remember your first English class? How was it?
Do you remember your first date? How was it?
Do you remember your first trip overseas? How was it?
Do you remember your first time drinking alcohol? How was it?
Do you remember the first time you fell in love? Who was it?
Do you remember the first time you (did) something? - Create your own action


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