Educational Technology ICT - Solved Notes

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Educational Technology & ICT

EDUC 5112
Dr Ahmad Bilal

1. ICT (Information and Communications Technology): ICT refers to the technologies used
to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems,
audiovisual processing, and transmission systems, among other things. It encompasses
both the internet-enabled technologies and the telecommunications that people use to
2. Educational Technology: Educational Technology, often abbreviated as EdTech, refers to
the use of technology to facilitate learning and improve performance by creating, using,
and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.
3. IT (Information Technology): IT is the use of computers, storage, networking, and other
physical devices, infrastructure, and processes to create, process, store, secure, and
exchange all forms of electronic data.
4. Communication: Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas,
thoughts, or messages through speech, writing, gestures, or other means.
5. Information vs. Data: Data refers to raw facts or figures, while information is processed
data that has context, relevance, and purpose.
6. Software vs. Hardware: Software refers to programs and applications that run on a
computer system, while hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system,
such as the processor, memory, and input/output devices.
7. System Software: System software is a type of software that provides a platform for
running application software and manages computer hardware resources. Examples
include operating systems, device drivers, and utility software.
8. Operating System: An operating system is system software that manages computer
hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs. It
acts as an intermediary between the hardware and the user.
9. Internet: The internet is a global network of interconnected computers and devices that
use the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to communicate and share information.
10. Webpage vs. Website: A webpage is a single document or page on the World Wide Web,
while a website is a collection of related webpages and multimedia content that are
typically accessed through a common domain name.
11. Database: A database is an organized collection of structured information or data,
typically stored electronically in a computer system, and can be accessed, managed, and
updated as needed.
12. Server, Web Server, Mail Server, Node, Modem, Router:
• Server: A server is a computer or device on a network that manages network
resources and provides services to other computers or devices.
• Web Server: A web server is a type of server that stores, processes, and delivers
web pages to clients over the internet.
• Mail Server: A mail server is a server that handles and delivers email over a
network, typically the internet.
• Node: In networking, a node is any device that is connected to a network and can
send, receive, or process data.
• Modem: A modem is a device that modulates and demodulates analog signals to
enable digital data to be transmitted over analog communication channels, such as
telephone lines.
• Router: A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between
computer networks.
13. Synchronous and Asynchronous:
• Synchronous: Synchronous communication refers to communication that occurs in
real-time, where participants interact simultaneously.
• Asynchronous: Asynchronous communication refers to communication that does
not occur in real-time, where participants interact at different times.
14. Network and Topologies:
• Network: A network is a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network
devices, and other devices connected to one another for the purpose of sharing
data and resources.
• Topologies: Network topology refers to the arrangement of nodes and connections
in a network, such as bus, star, ring, mesh, etc.
15. Various Protocols of Internet:
• HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): HTTP is the protocol used for transmitting
hypertext documents over the internet. It is the foundation of data communication
on the World Wide Web.
• IP (Internet Protocol): IP is the principal communications protocol in the Internet
Protocol Suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries.
• FTP (File Transfer Protocol): FTP is a standard network protocol used to transfer
files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the internet.
• WWW (World Wide Web): The World Wide Web is an information space where
documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators
• Domain Name: A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of
administrative autonomy, authority, or control within the internet.
• Hyperlink: A hyperlink is a reference to data that the reader can follow by clicking
or tapping. It refers to a specific element within a document or to another
• Web Address: A web address, also known as a URL (Uniform Resource Locator), is a
reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a
mechanism for retrieving it.
16. Virtual Storage vs. Physical Storage:
• Virtual Storage: Virtual storage refers to storage space that is simulated or
emulated, often using abstraction techniques, and may not directly correspond to
physical storage devices.
• Physical Storage: Physical storage refers to the actual hardware devices, such as
hard disk drives, solid-state drives, and optical drives, where data is stored.
17. Virtual Computing: Virtual computing refers to the use of virtualization technology to
create a virtual version of a computer system, including virtual hardware, operating
systems, storage devices, and networks, allowing multiple virtual machines to run on a
single physical machine.

Long Questions
1. Difference between Software and Hardware:
1) Nature: Software refers to programs, applications, and instructions that run on a
computer system, while hardware refers to the physical components of a computer
2) Tangibility: Software is intangible, existing as code and instructions stored on
hardware, while hardware is tangible, comprising physical devices and components
that can be touched and seen.
3) Functionality: Software enables the computer to perform specific tasks, such as
running programs, processing data, and managing resources, whereas hardware
provides the infrastructure for software to run and interact with users.
4) Flexibility: Software can be easily modified, updated, and replaced without physical
alterations to the computer system, whereas hardware changes often require
physical modifications or upgrades.
5) Examples: Software includes operating systems, applications, and utility programs,
while hardware includes processors, memory, storage devices, input/output devices,
and peripherals.
6) Dependency: Software relies on hardware for execution and resource allocation,
while hardware requires software to perform specific functions and tasks effectively.
7) Interactions: Software and hardware work together in a computer system, with
software instructing hardware to perform tasks and hardware providing the physical
means for software to execute commands and processes.

2. Different types of Software and Hardware:

Types of Software:

1. Operating Systems: Software that manages computer hardware resources and provides
common services for computer programs.
2. Application Software: Programs designed to perform specific tasks or functions, such as
word processors, spreadsheets, and web browsers.
3. Utility Software: Tools that help manage, maintain, and optimize computer systems, such
as antivirus programs, disk cleaners, and backup software.
4. Programming Software: Tools used by programmers to create, debug, and maintain
software applications, including compilers, interpreters, and integrated development
environments (IDEs).
5. Educational Software: Programs designed to facilitate learning and education, such as
interactive simulations, educational games, and digital textbooks.
6. Entertainment Software: Software designed for entertainment purposes, including video
games, multimedia applications, and streaming media platforms.
7. System Software: Software that provides a platform for running application software and
manages computer hardware resources, including operating systems, device drivers, and

Types of Hardware:

1. Input Devices: Hardware devices used to input data and commands into a computer
system, such as keyboards, mice, touchscreens, and scanners.
2. Output Devices: Hardware devices used to display or output data processed by a
computer system, including monitors, printers, speakers, and projectors.
3. Storage Devices: Hardware components used to store and retrieve data, such as hard disk
drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), and USB flash drives.
4. Processing Units: Hardware components responsible for executing instructions and
processing data, including central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units
5. Communication Devices: Hardware components used to facilitate communication
between computer systems, such as network interface cards (NICs), modems, and routers.
6. Memory Devices: Hardware components used to temporarily store data and instructions
for processing, including random access memory (RAM) and cache memory.
7. Peripheral Devices: Hardware devices that connect to a computer system but are not
essential for its operation, such as printers, scanners, webcams, and external drives.

3. Input Devices and Output Devices:

Input Devices:

1) Keyboard: Used to input text, commands, and shortcuts.

2) Mouse: Enables cursor movement and selection on the screen.
3) Touchscreen: Allows users to interact directly with the display using fingers or
4) Scanner: Converts physical documents or images into digital format.
5) Microphone: Captures audio input such as voice recordings or speech.
6) Webcam: Records video or captures images for video conferencing or
7) Joystick/Gamepad: Provides input for gaming and controlling on-screen characters
or objects.

Output Devices:

1) Monitor/Display: Displays visual output including text, graphics, and video.

2) Printer: Produces hard copies of digital documents, images, or graphics.
3) Speakers: Outputs audio for music, voice, or system notifications.
4) Projector: Projects images or video onto a screen or surface for larger display.
5) Headphones: Outputs audio for private listening or communication.
6) Plotter: Draws vector graphics or technical drawings on paper or other media.
7) Haptic Feedback Devices: Provide tactile feedback, such as vibrations, in response to
user input or system events.
8) Benefits of Computer and IT:
• Computer: Benefits of computers include increased efficiency and productivity,
automation of repetitive tasks, access to vast amounts of information, improved
communication, enhanced creativity and innovation, and opportunities for
entertainment and leisure.
• IT (Information Technology): Benefits of IT include improved communication
through email, instant messaging, and video conferencing, efficient data
management and storage, enhanced collaboration and teamwork, streamlined
business processes, and access to global markets and resources.
4. Concept Of IT and Meaning of IT:
• The concept of IT encompasses the use of computers, software, networks, and other
technology to manage and process information. IT involves the use of technology to
create, store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data for various purposes, including
communication, decision-making, and problem-solving.
5. Types of Communication:
1. Verbal Communication: Communication through spoken or written words, such as face-
to-face conversations, phone calls, and written messages.
2. Non-verbal Communication: Communication through gestures, facial expressions, body
language, and other non-verbal cues, which can convey emotions and attitudes.
3. Visual Communication: Communication through visual aids such as charts, graphs,
diagrams, and images, which help in conveying complex information more effectively.
4. Digital Communication: Communication using digital technologies such as emails, instant
messaging, social media, and video conferencing, enabling instant and remote interaction.
5. Interpersonal Communication: Communication between individuals, involving direct
interaction and exchange of information, ideas, and emotions in face-to-face or virtual
6. Group Communication: Communication that occurs within a group or team, involving
multiple participants sharing information, making decisions, and collaborating towards
common goals.
7. Mass Communication: Communication to a large audience through mass media channels
such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet, aiming to inform,
entertain, or persuade.
6. Process of Communication:

Certainly! Here are the steps in the process of communication, summarized briefly:

1. Sender: Initiates the communication by creating and encoding a message to convey

2. Message: The information or idea being transmitted by the sender through verbal, written,
or non-verbal means.
3. Channel: The medium through which the message is transmitted, such as face-to-face
conversation, phone call, email, or text message.
4. Receiver: The individual or group for whom the message is intended, who decodes and
interprets the message.
5. Decoding: The process by which the receiver interprets and assigns meaning to the
message based on their understanding and context.
6. Feedback: The response or reaction provided by the receiver to the sender, indicating their
understanding, agreement, or any clarification needed.
7. Noise: Any interference or distortion in the communication process that may affect the
clarity or accuracy of the message, such as physical noise, language barriers, or
7. Components of System Software:
• Components of system software include the operating system (e.g., Windows,
macOS, Linux), device drivers, utility programs (e.g., antivirus software, disk utilities),
and firmware.
8. How we can Use Internet:

• The internet can be used for various purposes, including communication (email,
instant messaging), information retrieval (search engines, online databases),
entertainment (streaming media, online gaming), collaboration (social media, online
forums), e-commerce (online shopping, banking), education (online courses,
research), and much more.
9. Blog and Blogging:
• A blog is a website or web page that is regularly updated with new content, typically
written in a conversational style and organized chronologically. Blogging refers to
the act of creating and maintaining a blog by writing and publishing posts on
various topics.
10. Wiki, Podcasting, Online Social Network, Slide Show, RSS Feed:
• Wiki: A wiki is a collaborative website that allows users to create, edit, and link
content together. Examples include Wikipedia.
• Podcasting: Podcasting is the production and distribution of digital audio or video
files that users can download or stream online. Podcasts often cover specific topics
and can be subscribed to for regular updates.
• Online Social Network: An online social network is a digital platform that allows
users to connect, communicate, and share content with others. Examples include
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
• Slide Show: A slide show is a presentation format that displays a series of images or
slides in a sequential manner. Slide shows are commonly used for educational,
informational, or promotional purposes.
• RSS Feed: An RSS feed is a format used to syndicate frequently updated content,
such as blog posts or news headlines. Users can subscribe to RSS feeds to receive
updates from their favorite websites.
11. Online Sharing, Image, Video, Audio, Files, etc.:
• Online sharing refers to the act of distributing or exchanging digital content over
the internet. This can include sharing images, videos, audio files, documents, and
other types of multimedia content through various online platforms and services.
12. AV aids its types and Skills:
• AV (Audio-Visual) aids are tools or materials used to enhance teaching and learning
experiences through sight and sound. Types of AV aids include projectors,
whiteboards, audio recordings, videos, charts, graphs, and multimedia
presentations. Skills needed to effectively use AV aids include presentation skills,
technical skills, creativity, and the ability to engage and interact with the audience.
13. Merits of ICT:
1. Improved Communication: ICT facilitates instant communication through
various channels such as email, messaging, and video conferencing, enhancing
connectivity globally.
2. Enhanced Access to Information: ICT provides access to vast amounts of
information and resources, empowering individuals with knowledge and enabling
informed decision-making.
3. Increased Efficiency and Productivity: ICT automates processes, streamlines
workflows, and reduces manual tasks, leading to improved efficiency and
productivity in various sectors.
4. Globalization of Markets: ICT enables businesses to reach global markets,
expand customer bases, and engage in international trade, fostering economic
growth and opportunities.
5. Enriched Learning and Education: ICT enhances educational experiences by
providing interactive learning resources, online courses, and virtual classrooms,
catering to diverse learning styles and needs.
6. Innovation and Creativity: ICT fosters innovation and creativity through digital
tools, platforms, and collaboration, driving advancements in technology, arts, and
7. Empowerment of Individuals and Communities: ICT empowers individuals and
communities by providing access to information, education, resources, and
opportunities, promoting social inclusion and development.

14. Issues in Using Educational Technology in Pakistan:

1. Infrastructure Challenges: Inadequate access to reliable electricity and internet
connectivity in many areas hinders the effective implementation of educational technology.
2. Digital Divide: Socioeconomic disparities result in unequal access to technology and
digital resources among students and schools, widening the digital divide.
3. Lack of Training and Support: Teachers often lack proper training and support in
integrating educational technology into their teaching practices, limiting its effective use in
4. Content Relevance: Limited availability of localized and culturally relevant digital
educational content restricts its usefulness for Pakistani students and educators.
5. Language Barriers: Educational technology often lacks content in local languages, posing
challenges for students who are not proficient in English.
6. Quality Assurance: The quality of educational technology tools and resources varies
widely, leading to concerns about the accuracy and effectiveness of digital learning
7. Policy and Regulatory Issues: Inconsistent policies and regulations related to educational
technology deployment and usage create uncertainty and barriers to innovation in the

ICT Practical’s
Sending an Email with Gmail and Attaching a File:

1) Sign in to Gmail: Go to and sign in with your Google account

2) Compose a New Email: Click on the "Compose" button to start a new email.
3) Enter Recipient and Subject: Enter the recipient's email address in the "To" field and
add a subject for your email.
4) Compose Email Body: Type your message in the body of the email.
5) Attach a File: Click on the "Attach files" icon (paperclip) located at the bottom of the
email composition window. This will open your file explorer. Select the file(s) you want
to attach and click "Open" or "Insert," depending on your operating system.
6) Send the Email: Once you've composed your email and attached the file(s), click the
"Send" button to send the email with the attached file(s).
Creating a Google Form:

1) Sign in to Google Forms: Go to and sign in with your Google

account credentials. If you're already signed in to your Gmail account, you can
access Google Forms from the Google Apps menu (represented by nine dots) in the
upper right corner.
2) Start a New Form: Click on the "+" (plus) icon or the "Blank" option to start a new
form from scratch.
3) Create Form Title and Description: Enter a title for your form in the provided field.
You can also add a description if needed.
4) Add Questions: Click on the "Untitled Question" field to add your first question.
Choose the question type from the dropdown menu (e.g., multiple choice, short
answer, paragraph). Enter your question and options (if applicable).
5) Customize Form: Customize your form by adding more questions, sections, or
images using the toolbar options.
6) Preview Form: Click on the eye icon to preview your form and see how it will
appear to respondents.
7) Settings: Click on the gear icon to access form settings. Here, you can adjust
settings such as allowing respondents to edit responses, limiting responses, and
collecting email addresses.
8) Send Form: Once your form is ready, click on the "Send" button to share your form.
You can send the form via email, share the link, embed it on a website, or share it on
social media.
9) View Responses: As responses come in, you can view and analyze them in real-time
by clicking on the "Responses" tab at the top of the form editor.

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