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Shalltear Fallen

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Overlord - Maruyama Kugane & Related Fandoms
Relationship: Albedo/Shalltear Bloodfallen
Characters: Albedo (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane), Shalltear Bloodfallen
Additional Tags: Dom/sub, Humiliation, Conditioning, Extremely Dubious Consent,
Master/Pet, Blood Drinking
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-03-20 Updated: 2024-05-12 Words: 26,443 Chapters:
Shalltear Fallen
by WanderWarner


After Shalltear fails her Lord, she's sentenced to serve under Albedo until she can control her
temper. Albedo naturally makes sure to enjoy every minute of it.


Give a kudos and comment if you liked this and want to see more!
Lesson One: Writing Lines

“What?” Shalltear Bloodfallen gaped at her lord and master, Ainz.

“You heard me. Your repeated failings have cost me dear, and I know what has been
distracting you. Your continued infighting with Albedo has to stop, and since she seems to be
able to compose herself better than you during your fights, I can’t think of anyone more
suited to teach you how to keep your emotions off the battlefield than her.”

Albedo sat expressionless at her lord’s side, the picture of passive blind obedience, but on the
inside she was beside herself. Hearing her lord praise her was one thing, but the fact he was
both praising her and scolding her adversary in the same breath was too good to be true. She
fought hard to keep the smirk off her face, relishing the look of loathing Shalltear was giving
her as she received her punishment.

“Do you understand Shalltear?”

“Yes my Lord. But-”

“Do I need to strip you of your title to better impress upon you the seriousness of my words?”

“No my Lord. I am sorry. I’m sure Albedo will…” Shalltear tapered off. There was a pause.
Ainz clearly wanted her to finish. “Show me how to compose myself better.” She finished,
blushing much harder than a vampire should be able to.

“Thank you for this opportunity, Master.” Albedo said innocently, the picture of helpful. “I’m
sure by the end of it, Shalltear and I will get along like old friends.”

Ainz doubted it highly. This was most likely going to end in disaster, but Shalltear was really
bugging him, and he hoped this dose of humiliation at her rival’s hand would teach her to act
a bit more like an adult.

“Very well. For the next week, Shalltear, you will serve under Albedo.”

“A WEEK?” Shalltear said, her voice trembling.

“You’re right. Two weeks should serve you better.”

“I- thank you Lord Ainz.” Shalltear muttered.


Albedo called for Shalltear to report to her chambers for her first lesson in obedience. The
fact Shalltear was being summoned like a maid to her own bedroom was beyond mortifying.
Adding the fact of who it was made her want to break something.

Albedo smirked as Shalltear entered, putting her hands on her hips and scowling.
“Let’s get one thing clear here you old hag, I’m doing this because Lord Ainz asked me to
and I consider it a personal favor to watch-”

Albedo swiftly got up from the foot of Shalltear’s bed, stepped forward, and grabbed her arm.
Shalltear was caught so off guard she didn’t resist at first, and in that brief second, Albedo
turned her around, and smacked her on the ass as hard as possible through her thick dress.
Shalltear of course, immediately pulled away, ready to kill, but Albedo merely smiled.

“You are doing this because our Lord has commanded it, and no other reason. This is a
punishment, plain and simple. You will do what I say and how I wish it or you will feel the
full wrath and disappointment of Lord Ainz, do I make myself clear?”

Shalltear growled.

“Do I make myself clear?”


“What was that?”

“Yes… Lady Albedo.”

“I think… Mistress will do from now on, since our Lord did put me in charge.”

Shalltear glared. “I will rip your…”

Albedo reached a hand up. “Shall I summon Lord Ainz and ask him?”

Shalltear knew the punishment would not be pleasant if she disappointed her Lord twice in
one week.

“No, that will not be necessary… Mistress.”

“Good. Now for your first task, I would like you to strip down please.”

Shalltear gaped at her. She’d expected something demeaning, but the fact it was so direct, so

“I- it’s hardly proper-“

“Let us not pretend you know the first thing about being proper you little harlot. Strip down
now. If it helps, imagine I am Lord Ainz. That should make your clothes slide right off, I’m

It took all of Shalltear’s power not to go true vampire right there and then. With a
monumental effort, she swallowed her pride and merely replied, “as you wish Mistress,”
through gritted teeth. She stepped out of her heels, undid her hair pieces, and removed her
gloves. Next she slipped her stockings off and laid her parasol on the ground.

“You are stalling. You have nothing to be ashamed of. We all know your dress is padded.”
Shalltear glared at her, but slowly reached behind her back and unzipped her dress, letting it
fall to the ground at her feet. Albedo chuckled.

“Well, I stand corrected. It seems that not just your dress is padded.”

Shalltear stood there fuming, her arms crossed over her now very diminished chest. She was
wearing a pair of silk panties and a matching bra, each with a spiderweb pattern. There was
silence for a moment.

“Well?” Asked Shalltear impatiently.


“Are you simply going to stand there and drool or is there more to this lesson? If not, I’d like
to get redressed so I can wash myself of this experience. Maybe bathing in mud with swine
would make me feel cleaner having spent so much time in your whorish company!” Shalltear

Now it was Albedo’s turn to glare. “The lesson is not done, though I will remember your
comment about bathing with swine.”

Shalltear gulped.

“But first, I am still waiting for you to finish my first task. Don’t tell me you are incapable of
following even one simple order. I would have thought it would be easy, you’re so quick to
disrobe usually.”

Shalltear looked down at her body and back at Albedo. “But I-“

“I said strip. All of it. Now.”

Shalltear sighed and slipped her panties off and folded them neatly by her other things. She
unclipped her bra and and slipped her shoulders out of the straps, but clutched it to her chest
still, reluctant to part with her last shred of clothing.

“Come on. You’re so close.”

Shalltear closed her eyes and let her bra fall to the floor with a loud thump as the heavy
padding hit the cobblestone. Shalltear opened her eyes and put her arms at her sides, letting
Albedo look at her glorious naked form in all its splendor. She was Shalltear Bloodfallen, the
most beautiful, powerful, and loyal of Lord Ainz’s guardians. She had no need to be

Albedo looked her over, tutting. “Your bust is even more pathetic than I thought. To think
someone so lewd could have such a childlike slip of a body. How old were you when you
received your bite? Nine? Seven?”

Shalltear was about to respond when Albedo held her hand up. “I will have to stop whatever
feeble retort you were brewing right there. I have already sensed the first of what I am sure
will be many hurdles on your path to redemption.”
Shalltear waited.

“Your attitude is lacking. You have no discipline. You follow my orders in word only, not in
spirit. This is unacceptable. So I have thought of a way to ensure your cooperation.” She
moved to Shalltear’s side and grabbed a fistful of the vampire’s hair and yanked it up, forcing
Shalltear to look into her eyes. “If you disobey me, attempt to harm me, or disappoint me in
any way, then I will not hesitate to inform our Lord Ainz. This, I know, will get your
reluctant acceptance, but that is not enough. I demand your full efforts, meager as they are,
and your respect, worthless as it is. So if you do not follow my orders in both word and spirit
with a polite tone in your voice, I will personally pull every hair from your head till your are
as hairless as our Lord and allow both twins to observe the mighty guardian Shalltear without
her whorish locks or her padded bust, do I make myself clear?”

Shalltear for the first time in centuries, felt true fear. She nodded quickly. “Yes Mistress. I
will listen to you. I apologize for my rudeness.”

“Better. Now come to the wall and put your nose to the cobblestone.”

“Yes Mistress.” Shalltear walked quickly to the wall and touched her nose to it. She would
have her revenge, and it would be long, painful, and brutal, but now was not the time. She
would simply have to endure. There was nothing this whore could throw at her that the
mighty Shalltear could not weather.

Albedo snuck up behind her and started writing on the wall in chalk.

I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.

“Copy that phrase… one hundred times.” Albedo said, handing the chalk to Shalltear. Once
Shalltear had taken it, she reached into her dress and produced a small bell, the kind used for
summoning servants. “Write it on your wall. After you complete a line, I will ring this bell,
and you will say it out loud. Every night when you rise, I want you to repeat the entire wall
out loud, ringing the bell after each line. I will know if you do not. Understand?”

“Yes Mistress.” Shalltear said. She started the long task. “I was and will always be, a flat
chested harlot.” She said, after her first line. The bell rang. She let out a squeak. Albedo had
just grabbed her ass.

“What was that?”Albedo asked. “I did not say to stop.”

“Nothing Mistress.” She wrote another line.

“I was and will always be, a flat chested harLOT!” Her voice went up half an octave as
Albedo’s hand drifted from her ass to between her legs. She barely heard the bell.

“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.” This time she was ready for it, but when the
little bell rang, she still had to bite her lip to repress a moan as Albedo’s free hand started to
caress her. She could feel the woman’s hot breath on her neck.
“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.” Albedo rang the bell, then let go of it. It
floated in midair, in view of Shalltear, as Albedo now used both hands to grope her.

“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.” The bell rang itself, and Albedo made use of
her two free hands by stroking Shalltear’s nipples.

“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.” Shalltear practically moaned. Her
handwriting had gone from its usual perfect cursive to a shaky scrawl. Albedo’s long tongue
licked Shalltear’s neck as the bell rang again.

“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.”

After each line Shalltear would hear the little bell, then Albedo would touch some sensitive
part of Shalltear’s anatomy, causing her to moan, squeal, or buckle from the unwanted
attention. After she finally wrote the last line, she was a wreck. Albedo wrapped it up with a
flick of Shalltear’s nipple, making her give one last yelp.

“Much better. I think we have time for one more lesson before we retire, don’t you agree?”

“I- yes Mistress.”

“I think a bit of punishment is in order for how you spoke to me earlier. What did you say?
Bathe in mud with swine? I’m sure we can arrange that. I shall call for a carriage. The nearest
farm can’t be too far. I hope none of the other guardians are out right now. I’d hate for them
to see you looking so improper Lady Bloodfallen.”

Shalltear shook her head. “No. That will not be necessary. I- I apologize. I spoke harshly.”

“Not good enough. Maybe we could bring the pigs and mud to your room, if you’re worried
about being seen, I’m sure Aura would-”

“NO!” Shalltear blurted out. The thought of that runt seeing her like this was worse than just
about anything she could imagine.

Albedo’s smug smile was instantly replaced with cold anger. She reached out, and suddenly,
her ax was in her hand. Shalltear instinctively grabbed for her hair, as if to check it was still
there. “Wait! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-”

Albedo raised the ax.

“Please no! I’m sorry! I’ll do anything!” Shalltear put up her hands defensively.

Albedo paused. “Anything?”

Shalltear nodded quickly. “Yes. Please, I am sorry. I didn’t mean to offend. Allow me to
make it right.”

Albedo hefted the ax off her shoulder and let it fall. “Very well. What will you do?”

“I will do anything m-”

“No.” Albedo cut her off.

“W-I don’t understand.” Shalltear said.

“Do not hide behind words.” Albedo responded. “You said you would do anything, yes?
Then choose. What will you do? Name your punishment. But be warned, if I find it to be too
easy…” She reached for her ax.

Shalltear hesitated. “I-...”


“Pain. I will allow you to-” Shalltear was interrupted as Albedo reached out and seized her
arm tightly.

“Allow?” Albedo slapped Shalltear hard enough to dislocate the jaw of a mortal.

“I can do whatever I want to you at any time I want, with or without Lord Ainz protection.
You have insulted me for the last time. As soon as I shave your head, I will see about the

“No! Please! Have mercy!” Shalltear pulled away, and without thinking, flung herself at
Albedo’s feet. “I- I’ll write more lines! Do what you say, wear what you want! Just do not
take my hair, and do not let the others see me like this!” The thought of spending the rest of
eternity with Lord Ainz’s army as the laughing stock of the Guardians was worse than any
possible death or undeath she could think of.

Albedo looked at the trembling vampire and smiled. She’d broken much easier than Albedo
had imagined. As much fun as it would be to crush her here and now, there was a better, more
satisfying way.

“Very well. I will give you one more chance. Name a punishment. Do well and I will show
mercy on you, Harlot.” Albedo said, not letting her satisfaction show in her voice.

“Oh, thank you A- Mistress! I promise I will not fail you!” There was a pause.

“Well? Out with it!” Albedo said impatiently.

“Mistress, before I answer, might I ask a question?” Shalltear asked nervously.

Albedo was taken aback. “What is your question?”

“How long can my punishment take?”

“Are you trying to deflect my question again?” Albedo asked, growing irritated.

“No Mistress! Please let me explain, I only wanted to make sure there was still time for any
more wisdom my Mistress wished to instill upon me.” Shalltear said quickly.
Albedo considered it. Shalltear thought she was being clever. She was masking her deflection
under the guise of flattery, but in doing so, she was losing more and more of her dignity, more
and more of her control over the situation. That was fine with Albedo.

“I am impressed. Maybe you can be taught after all. Fine. One hour. This is all the time I can
give you. Now name your punishment.” The moment she finished speaking, Shalltear

“Mistress, I believe you should spank me.”

There was silence.

“Mistress?” Shalltear asked after the silence became uncomfortable.

“Read out what is written on your wall.” Albedo said coldly.

“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.” Shalltear said automatically.

“And do you really think that indulging in your disgusting fetish is an appropriate
punishment for you, harlot?” Asked Albedo. “You think I should reward you?”

“But any punishment from Mistress is a reward for me!” Shalltear blurted out. “I- a harlot
derives great pleasure from pain, from humiliation. Anything Mistress does to me… I will
enjoy it. I am sorry.”

Albedo stared at Shalltear long and hard. Then she laughed.

“You speak the truth! Anything I do to you, anything done to yourself, it will be a reward for
someone as lewd as you.”

Shalltear let out a sigh of relief.

“So I accept your suggestion for your punishment. I will allow others to humiliate you
instead. From now on, you will be known as Slave. If anyone calls you by your previous
name, no matter what you are doing, or who it is, you will correct them, while also reminding
them about what you learned from the wall, understand?”


“Do you understand Shalltear?”

“I- I am sorry Mistress. My name is not Shalltear. I am Slave, the flat chested harlot of
Mistress Albedo.”

“Good. Now run along to bed Slave. We have a busy day tomorrow.”
Lesson Two: Honesty

Shalltear sat in her room, fuming. She didn’t actually need sleep, but her room still had a bed,
mostly because the room would feel empty without one, and in case she ever had anyone
over to… play with. Her experiences with Albedo had left her quite drained, and because of
that, she didn’t feel the need to disobey her orders to rest. Now that was done, and she had to
start her first task of the day.
The bell was sitting where Albedo left it by her bed, taunting her. Shalltear clenched her fist.
Without the succubus there to threaten her, her old defiant rage was back in full force. Oh,
she’d make that bitch pay for everything she’d done to her. What did Lord Ainz see in a weak
whore like her, anyway? Mistress was a weak link in their defenses.
Shalltear grabbed one of her pillows and ripped it to shreds, stomping on the feathers that
spilled out. She tore her upholstery and smashed her desk. Just thinking of Mistress made her
skin boil. She’d show her. There had to be a way to assert some authority to Mistress an-
Shalltear stopped in the middle of breaking a bookcase and flushed red. She would not let
Albedo win. Albedo was not going to beat her. She wasn’t scared of Albedo.
“Are you really going to push me to punish you this early in our next lesson?”
Shalltear jumped, then kicked herself for showing fear. Albedo was sitting at the foot of her
bed, smiling and looking at the wrecked room with interest.
“I-what have I done wrong?” Shalltear asked defensively.
“Hmmm. Well, you have made a mess of your room, failed to repeat your wall mantra, you
haven’t rung your cute little bell even once, you are talking back to your Mistress who you
have not addressed in a polite tone, and you are not smiling.”
Shalltear decided now was as good a time as any to put her foot down.
“Albedo, you know Lord Ainz only gave you temporary authority because you were
supposed to help me remain calm in battle. I hardly think attempting to humiliate me is
helpful. For the good of pleasing our Lord, can we be civil?” Shalltear nodded politely to
Albedo. “If you can agree to that, I will have no issue acknowledging your authority.”

And I’ll have time to think of a way to destroy you.

Albedo made a contemplative face. “So you’re saying that my lesson didn’t help you stay
“No. Frankly-”
“I’m sorry Shalltear. I didn’t realize you were so easily aroused. I guess I should have
expected that from a harlot like you, but still. I had hoped for a little decorum.”
Shalltear spluttered in indignation. “I- HOW DARE-”
Albedo held up a hand to silence her, but when that didn’t work, moved quickly and grabbed
Shalltear’s face, squeezing her cheeks in her iron grip.
“Once again you forget your place. It seems a reminder is necessary.” Albedo grabbed
Shalltear and flipped her over her knee and in one smooth motion, pushed her skirts over her
“What do you think-”
Shalltear may have been the most powerful of the Guardians, but a full force attack from
Albedo without her armor still stung. She could feel herself starting to go true vampire and
repressed it.
“Stop it!”
“I’m warning you!”
“OW! Fine! I’m sorry, okay?”
“What, what do you want?”
“I’m sorry Mistress!”
“I promise I’ll behave!”
“Please stop!”
“I’m a harlot!”
“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot!”
Albedo kept spanking Shalltear over and over, never speaking. Eventually Shalltear just
gripped her skirts and bit her lip, wincing at each smack brought some red to her pale ass.
Finally, after what felt like a hundred, Albedo spoke. “Are you ready?”
“Yes Mistress. I’ll behave now. Thank you for-”
“Are you ready to start?” Albedo interrupted.
“Your punishment.”
“You will count. Understand?”
“But I thought-”
“Okay, okay! One.”
And so it went on again for another hundred or so spankings. Shalltear was nearly crying
from the pain by now, but she was determined never to give Albedo that satisfaction of seeing
her cry. Finally Albedo stopped. Shalltear let out a sigh of relief.
“Are you ready?”
If Shalltear's heart still beat, it would have stopped.
“But… No. Please…”
“When you receive punishment from Mistress, what do good Slaves do?”
“What do they do, Shalltear?”
“One. Thank you Mistress.”
“Two. Thank you Mistress.”
As the third round went on, Shalltear’s ass went from a bright red to almost matching her
dress. She held her skirts in her mouth now, clenching her eyes shut to stop tears from
flowing, her words slightly muffled. Finally, once again, Albedo stopped. Shalltear quickly
looked at her, hoping it was finally over. It had been almost half an hour by now.
“You look frightened Shalltear, what is wrong? Do you think you don’t deserve a
“No Mistress.”
“Do you remember all the rules from yesterday?”
“Yes Mistress. I will follow them.”
“Will you Shalltear?”
“I-” Shalltear looked up at Albedo, dawning horror on her face.
“Because I have not heard you say your true name once in our entire lesson. So I think maybe
a punishment might be in order…”
“no…” Whispered Shalltear. She’d never known fear before this, not real fear. Even her first
lesson paled in comparison to the terror she felt as Albedo lifted her hand up once more.
“Please Mistress! I know I’ve failed you! Please let me try again! I promise I’ll do better! If I
don’t… then please punish me twice as hard! Just… Please let me try and show you what
I’ve learned!” She blurted out. She looked up at Albedo, desperation and fear palpable on her
face. Albedo’s hand wavered. She pulled it away.
The spanking was twice as hard as the previous ones.
Shalltear choked back a sob.
“O-o-one. Th-thank y-ou Mistress.”
“That is just a taste of what your punishment will be if you do not succeed this time.” Albedo
said. Shalltear looked up at her.
“If you are going to impress me, you better do it quickly. I am not a patient wo-” Shalltear
wrapped her arms around Albedo, hugging her waist.
“Thank you Mistress! Thank you!” She whispered, just loud enough for Albedo to hear.
Where all her taunts and stubbornness had earned her only wrath, this act of gratitude did
more to unnerve Albedo and make her hesitate than anything Shalltear had done so far. She
looked down at her sworn enemy, hugging her with such pure happiness and felt sick.
“Release me Shalltear, or I will start your punishment over again.”
Shalltear quickly let go of her Mistress and straightened herself up, adjusting her skirts and
smoothing them out. “I am sorry Mistress,” She said.
Albedo smiled, ready to strike.
“But,” She continued. “I am not Shalltear Bloodfallen. I am Slave, the flat chested harlot of
Mistress Albedo.”
Albedo’s smile continued, though inwardly, she was disappointed to be denied her chance to
punish her slave.
Shalltear quickly scurried to the bell and grabbed it before going to the wall and looking at it.
She held the bell up, but turned to her Mistress.
“Mistress, before I start my mantra, may I ask you a question?”
“You are not getting off to a good start to impress me if you are already delaying your tasks.
What is it?”
“Last time, you said you would not spank me. Why did you do so today?”
Albedo didn’t answer right away. “Are you admitting it was too enjoyable?”
Shalltear bit her lip, debating how to answer. “It- hurt. Very much. But I did derive pleasure
from being taught by my Mistress.”
“Then what is your question?”
“I apologize, Mistress. I was being foolish.” Shalltear turned to the wall and began repeating
the phrase, ringing the bell after each time. Albedo got up and went behind her slave and
again, started groping her each time the bell rang.
“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.”
“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.”
“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.”
After the mantra was done, Shalltear was panting heavily from over excitement. Albedo too
was feeling a bit hot under her dress, so she quickly moved to the bed and sat down. She
gestured for Shalltear to sit on the floor at her feet, and to her surprise Shalltear did without
even a moment’s hesitation, but for a small wince as her bruised ass touched the hard
Albedo was about to speak when Shalltear raised her hand. Albedo glared at her. “I am not a
schoolmarm. If you wish to speak, curtsy and ask permission. Raise your hand like that again
and you will be sorry, understood?” Shalltear nodded. She quickly got to her feet and
“My apologies Mistress. I just wanted to finish my tasks from last time before we started a
new lesson, so I could avoid another punishment.”
Albedo was taken aback. “Yes?”
“You asked me to choose a punishment in my first lesson and I failed to do so. I have an idea
now, if you still wish to hear it.”
“Really? And what may that be?”
“Am I right in thinking I have wasted my Mistress’ time today having to go over my old
lessons and punishments?”
“You are correct.” Albedo said. She was curious where her slave was going with this.
“Then tomorrow, for my next lesson, I humbly ask you not go easy on me. I have wasted
most of today, so as to keep up with my education, I would ask you to work me twice as hard,
force me to multitask, allow no room for failure, whatever my Mistress thinks will allow me
to catch up to where I should be as her slave.”
Albedo’s eyebrow raised slightly. She was impressed. “Very well Slave. I think that is a
suitable punishment. Your hair and body will remain intact for now.” Shalltear curtsied again.
“Bless you Mistress. I am glad you approve.”
“Now that we will be working twice as hard tomorrow to make up for lost time today, I will
finish this lesson with a small exercise. In ten minutes, we will be attending a meeting with
our Lord and the other Guardians. You will be attending naked. Now strip.”
Shalltear paled, then blushed. “Mistress-”
“I shall explain shortly. Strip now or you will earn another trip over my knee, only this time it
will be in the war room in front of the others.” Quickly Shalltear stripped. This time she did
not need to be told to do it fully. Albedo bent down and picked up her clothes and walked
across the room.
Shalltear was trying to think of a way to pass this off as dignified, one hand covering her
small chest, and the other covering her flower.
“Here is your exercise. For each trait you can name where you fail pathetically and I excel at,
I will grant you one article of clothing. Which will be based on how obvious I find the
Shalltear nodded. It seemed easy enough.
“Mistress is a better leader than I am.”
“This is true, but it does not count, as you are not a leader at all.”
Shalltear bit her lip. This might be more difficult than she thought. She also thought she knew
where this was going.
“Mistress is… taller than me.”
Albedo nodded. “This is true. You do have the height of a child.”
She took a single glove and tossed it to Shalltear, who caught it. Not deterred, Shalltear went
“Mistress… Mistress has greater defensive measures.”
“True as well.” She tossed Shalltear another glove. So it went on for several minutes.
Shalltear spoke of battle tactics, defense capabilities, anything to avoid saying what she knew
Albedo wanted her to admit. She earned her bonnet, her gloves, and her socks and shoes
back, but that was it. Finally Albedo said she was not allowed to speak of the battlefield
anymore. Another minute went by.
“Time’s almost up, Shalltear. What a disgraceful display you will make.”
Shalltear looked at herself. With her shoes and socks, gloves and bonnet on now, it only
emphasized her naked form. She watched Albedo play with Shalltear’s pushup bra, her dress
and panties lying forgotten and wrinkled on the floor. “I- I-”
“I- Mistress has more, has a more full figure… then I do.”
“You’ll need to speak more plainly. Oh, only twenty seconds left.”
“Pity. I bet Lord Ainz will be cross, seeing one of his Guardians, if he even allows you to
stay, wearing nothing but her accessories…”
“Mistress! Mistress has a full chest and I do not! I am a flat chested harlot, and Mistress is a
full bodied woman!”
Albedo smiled. “Oh course I am.” She reached down, but instead of grabbing the dress,
tossed the bra to Shalltear.
“Time’s up Slave. Put it on if you want.”
Shalltear looked at her body, her flower and her ass still exposed. “Can’t I have my-”
“I told you. They were to be given equal to how obvious the statement was. Even a blind man
could see you are flat compared to a piece of driftwood, let alone to me. Now let’s-”
“You’re closer to Lord Ainz than I am!”
Albedo froze. She looked at Shalltear, standing nearly naked, her head down. A single
teardrop landed on the floor in front of her.
“I- I know Lord Ainz does not love me. He- I am just a servant to him. He does not love you
either, but you are his most trusted confidant. You are always with him. I- do not even have
that. I am- worthless to him compared to you.”
Shalltear clenched her fists, looking down on the ground. She didn’t know why she said it.
The ten minutes were up. She just… felt somewhere, that she knew deep down it was true.
She heard moving fabric, and with a soft rustle, her dress landed at her feet. She didn’t look
up, but instead clipped her bra on, and then knelt down and hugged her dress tightly to her
“Thank you Mistress.” She whispered.
“Get dressed Slave. We can not keep Lord Ainz waiting.”
Lesson Three: Humility

Shalltear trudged back to her room, exhausted. The meeting had been almost as terrifying as a
Lesson with Mistr- Albedo . Despite being allowed to wear her dress, attending the meeting
without her panties on gave Shalltear a rush of anxiety that put her on guard. She couldn’t
focus much, constantly shifting in her chair and adjusting her skirts.

Even worse than that was that Shalltear was under no false hope that Mistress was going to
pause any of her rules just because they were in public. Shalltear stayed completely quiet,
hoping and praying that no one asked her for an opinion. Anytime she thought someone was
going to refer to her or ask her for her opinion, she would cut them off, loudly suggesting to
change the subject or to ask Albedo. That seemed to impress Lord Ainz.

“I am glad to see you are learning to respect Albedo’s perspective.” Ainz said with a nod.
“Keep up this new attitude Sha-”

“My lord, I must apologize!” Shalltear interrupted. “My M- I mean, Alb- I have forgotten a
task I have been assigned! I must go now!”

“Wow, a task!” Aura teased. “Such an obedient slave you have Albedo.”

Shalltear gritted her teeth, but didn’t respond. She didn’t know what would happen if she
objected to being correctly named, but probably nothing good for her. Not that it was the
correct name, she quickly reminded herself. She limited herself to simply glaring at Aura
before stomping out of the room as fast as could be dignified.

Once she was a floor away she stopped and sighed. She didn’t know if she could survive
twelve more days of this.


The next night, Shalltear arose from her bed and looked dejectedly at the mantra in front of
her. She tried spending as little time in her room as possible, but she started developing a
nagging fear someone would come into her room and see it, a fellow Guardian looking for
her, or a maid perhaps. She eventually just decided to spend the rest of her sentence with
Albedo confined to her room whenever possible. She’d spent, therefore, hours staring at
those hated words, until they plagued her every moment. She could not look anywhere
without seeing them.

She shook her head. No. That was what Mistress wanted. To break her. She would not break.
She would never break. She just had to hold out a bit longer. She got up and walked to where
the bell rested. It had a place of honor in her room now, by Mistress’ instruction. A polished
black marble stand with a blood red pillow had arrived at her room, and Shalltear had
guessed what its purpose was. It was almost as tall as her, making the pillow with the bell on
it chest height for her.

She took it, and reluctantly walked to the wall and raised the bell.
“How are you feeling tonight, Lady Shalltear?”

Shalltear jumped. Albedo was resting on the foot of her bed, her face expectant.

“I am doing fine this evening, Mistress. But I must remind you, my name is not Shalltear by
your request. I am merely your Slave, the… flat chested harlot of Mistress Albedo.”

Albedo smiled. “Very good. You are learning Slave. I must apologize though, I am preventing
you from fulfilling your duties.” She gestured to the wall. Shalltear curtsied before turning to
the wall and raising the bell.

“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.” Even before she rang the bell, Shalltear
could feel herself getting excited. She knew what was coming, but that still didn’t prepare
her. Albedo ripped the back of Shalltear’s dress open and slipped her hand down her back
into her panties, stroking and pinching her every time the bell rang. It was all Shalltear could
do to not moan during her mantra. Finally, she finished.

“Well done. But that was just your preparation. You remember your punishment for today,

“Yes Mistress. I will work twice as hard today to catch up to where I should be in my

“Yes, so to start we will be working on that nasty temper of yours. Come here.” Shalltear was
led to another of her walls, this one adorned with a large oil painting of herself. It was one of
her most prized possessions. She looked like a queen smiling coldly down on her pathetic

Without a moment of hesitation, Albedo took a piece of chalk and began writing on it.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Shalltear said, more surprised than angry. She took a step from
the spot she was standing on instinctively, trying to stop the desecration of her prized portrait.

Albedo's hand froze mid word, her back to Shalltear, entirely ridged. Shalltear felt her skin
grow paler.

“I’m sorry Mistress, I did not ask permission to speak!” She quickly curtsied. “But please,”
Even with the looming threat of possible punishment, Shalltear’s pride still had its place in
her heart. “Please don’t do that. It was a gift from Lord Ainz himself. It means a lot to me.”

Albedo turned around, and Shalltear relaxed. She was smiling.

“I’m sorry Shalltear, I did not know it was a gift from our Lord. That changes things.”

“It is quite alright, Mistress. But I must remind you, I am-”

Before Shalltear could finish, Albedo turned and grabbed the oil painting and ripped it from
the frame in one tug. Shalltear gaped at the beautiful hand carved black wood frame, now
empty save for a few tattered pieces of canvas. “You…”
Albedo reached into her dress and removed a small mason jar of yellow liquid, similar to
honey, and smeared it on the wall inside the now empty frame before sticking the painting
back in, backward, with the liquid acting like glue.

Shalltear clenched her fists, jaw locked, trying to suppress every fiber of her being screaming
to attack Albedo. Her beautiful painting, her most beloved possession, was now an ugly
blemish on the wall. With the picture hung backwards, all she could see were a few stains of
red paint that seeped through an otherwise blank canvas and some fragments of black
background from the small strips that still clung to the frame.

“Why-” Shalltear stopped, trying again to keep her temper. She reminded herself the last time
she screamed at Mistress. “Why did you do that?”

“To help you. That portrait did not do you justice. It showed you as a powerful, dominant
Guardian, and a proper lady of Nazarick. But you and I know better, don’t we?”

“...Yes Mistress.”

“What are you really?”

“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.”

“And did that portrait portray that?”

“No Mistress.”

“So it was a lie?”


“Then it needed to be destroyed.”

“...Yes Mistress.”

“Then what should you say?”

Shalltear’s fists were clenched so tight by this point her nails were piercing her flesh, drops of
her essence hitting the floor.

“Thank you Mistress.”

“For what, Shalltear?”

“For destroying my portrait. It was a lie. I am not a proper lady of Nazarick, I was and will
always be, a flat chested harlot.”

“Good. Now our lesson can begin.” Albedo finished writing the last line and took a step
back. “You will read this entire script from beginning to end without stopping, and in your
own voice. I figured that since you were such a good girl with your mantra today, this would
be simple for you. You may begin.”
Shalltear took a deep breath and looked at her portrait again. It made her want to scream. Her
beautiful visage was pasted to the wall like a cheap flyer on a bar, and scrawled on the back
in chalk were more demeaning words for her to repeat. She forced herself to open her mouth.

“I, Shalltear Bloodfallen, lowliest of the Nazarick Guardians, do not deserve the praise of
Lord Ainz, nor his- Mistress!” Shalltear yelped as her skirts were lifted up. “Mistress what
are you-”

“I did not tell you to stop. Start again, and hold your skirts up.”

Shalltear held her skirts up, exposing her still bruised ass. She knew this pose meant she
would be spanked if she made a mistake, so she took a deep breath, determined not to give
her Mistress the chance.

“I, Shalltear Bloodfallen, lowliest of the Nazarick Guard-”


“OW!” The spanking was so quick and so painful on her already sore ass, that Shalltear
actually yelled. She turned to her Mistress, anger and confusion on her face. “Mistress, I did
not make a mistake!”

“You did not.”

“So why did you-”

“Now you are making a mistake.” Albedo pulled back and spanked Shalltear again.


“Start over.”

“Yes Mistress. I- thank you for spanking me!” Shalltear said quickly, determined not to be

“Oh, you are quite welcome. Would you like another?” Albedo asked kindly.

Shalltear thought quickly. “I do not wish to postpone my education any further Mistress. I am
already behind.”

“True. I will make it quick then.”


“T-thank you Mistress.”

“You are welcome. As much fun as it is to watch you squirm, I cannot allow this delay to
continue. I am glad you are so eager to please though, perhaps a reward could be in order if
you continue this behavior. But first, start over and read what I have prepared for you. You do
not need to thank me for any punishment I deem necessary while you are doing so. I will take
it as a given.”

“Yes Mistress.”

“And hold your skirts a little higher.”

Shalltear bent forward more and lifted her skirts up higher, looking up at the very long
statement she still had to read.

"I, Shalltear-"


Shalltear bit her lip, holding back a scream. “Mistress please, I know I am merely a slave, but
the writing says-”

“I know what the writing says, you simple minded hussy, I wrote it. Did your perverted mind
already forget watching me write those very lines in front of you mere moments ago? Perhaps
a punishment would remind you…”

“NO! No, please. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?”

“You stopped. Now start over.”



“I, Shalltear-”


Shalltear ignored the pain and continued. She didn’t know what was happening, but she
wasn’t going to start over again. “-Bloodfallen, lowliest of the Nazarick Guardians, do not
deserve the praise-”


“-of Lord Ainz, nor his-”


“-companionship, his respect, or even his-”


“-presence. I am not fit to-”

“-even lick the dirt on which he treads.” Shalltear watched from the corner of her eye as
Albedo walked away from her, retreating out of Shalltear’s line of sight. Shalltear dared not
let her skirts fall, or stop reading, so she tried to ignore whatever Albedo was getting ready to
do next. “This is just as true with regards to Lady Albedo, My Mistress and owner, fairest of
all women, more trusted of my Lord’s allies. Her beauty bewitches those around her in ways
my filthy vampiric powers can merely emulate."

Albedo returned to her side, carrying something in her hand. Shalltear could not tell what it
was, except that it was about the side of a saucer. While Shalltear continued to read, Albedo
took it and attached it around Shalltear’s neck.

Shalltear could see what it was now, a dog collar, complete with a tag and bell, though she
couldn’t read it so close to her face. She snarled inwardly, but didn’t stop. “Where men and
women swoon and fall before Mistress Albedo, they wrinkle their noses at the smell of filth
and decay at my worthless undead body, or sneer at my obvious padding.”

Albedo strode in front of Shalltear, holding a small bundle in her hands. Shalltear tried to
focus on her task, but she couldn’t help but steal a quick glance at Albedo as she read out
loud. Albedo was holding all of Shalltear’s bras, excluding the one she wore now.

She frowned, not sure what this was leading up too, but still remained undistracted. “I am
merely an attack dog, and if it were not for the seemingly infinite patience of my Lord, I
would have long ago found my true place away from tapestry, silks, and maids. I do not
deserve to have such elegant clothes. I can not even fill them correctly.”

As she read this, she watched Albedo quickly and methodically rip her tasteful bras and pull
the padding from them. Shalltear gripped her skirts tighter, but didn’t stop. She would not
start again. “I do not deserve such fine dresses, as a whore like myself would soon wear holes
in the knees.”

Albedo held up one of Shalltear’s dresses for her to see and cleanly ripped it in half, before
picking up another and ripping it.

“If I were where I truly belong, I would be kept in a kennel with the other mutts, to be used
as the mongrel bitch that I am, tended to by my vampiric spawn like simple livestock.”

Albedo summoned her weapon to her and with a powerful slam, smashed Shalltear’s bed to

Still Shalltear didn’t stop. She read quickly, trying to finish before anything else happened.
As she neared the end, she saw Albedo leave her sight again. She read even faster, and finally
finished. She dropped her skirts and turned around.

Albedo was sitting in one of Shalltear’s chairs, and next to her, was a small round cushion,
shaped somewhat like a bowl. Shalltear didn’t need to see her name stitched into the side to
know it was meant for her.

“Mistress, why did you do this? I did what you asked! I made no mistakes! I do not
Albedo got up and walked to her, smiling sweetly. “Poor Shalltear. I’m sure someone as
simple as you must be very confused, but I think that if you really think about it, you’ll see

Shalltear’s entire body shook with rage. She’d never been so angry in her entire life. Her
room was destroyed, her dignity insulted yet again, and this stupid demon virgin whore was
insinuating there was some reason for it her mind could not grasp.

“Now lift up your skirts.”

“What? Why?”

“Because I did not tell you to drop them. Because I am your Mistress and if I want you to lift
your skirts like the common whore you are, you will do so. Because I am about to punish you
for letting them fall without my permission, as well as talking back to me, and because you
did not finish your task correctly,” Albedo’s smile grew wider at the look of horror on
Shalltear’s face. “So we will have to start again.”



Shalltear’s fingers trembled as she slowly lifted her skirts and turned back to the wall.

“This is for questioning your Mistress.”


“This is for disobeying an order.”


“And this? This is a reminder that I can do what I want with your body at any time.”


With each smack to her ass, the bell on her new dog collar jingled. “Now start again.” Albedo

Shalltear nodded weakly and through teary eyes, started again.

“I- Sh-Sh-Shalltear Blo-lo-lod-”


“Start over again.”

Shalltear dropped her skirts and fell to her knees. She slammed her fist into the cobblestone
floor so hard she buried her hand nearly half a foot deep. She slammed her other fist, burying
it even deeper.
YOU WANT TO HEAR? JUST PLEASE-” She screamed at the floor. Tears of frustration
fell to the cobblestone. “ Please tell me what to do… ” The whisper somehow felt louder to
her than her own screaming.

“Stand up.” Albedo said.

Shalltear looked up at her Mistress, standing tall above her. She was not smiling, but she did
not look angry either. Shalltear shakily got to her feet.

“Start over.”

Shalltear turned to the wall and lifted her skirts up again.

“I, Shalltear Bloodfallen, low-”


“I, Shall-”


“I, S-”




Shalltear fell to the ground again. This time when she pounded her fists to the ground, she did
not even leave a mark.

“ Please… Please… ”

“Please what?” Albedo’s voice was calm, almost bored.

“ Please help me. ”

“What did Lord Ainz assign me to do Shalltear?”

“I am not-”

“Shut up and answer me Slave.”

“I- to punish me for-”

“No. To teach you to keep calm during battle. To not make stupid mistakes because you can’t
control yourself. Do you think memorizing a few lines will do that? Do you think you could
prepare for the frustrations of a battle at a desk? No!””


“So, read it again, and do not stop simply because you are frustrated.”

“But- I did th-”


“What were my instructions? Are you truly no more intelligent than a dog?””

“It was to speak the lines, and I-”




“What were my instructions?”

“I- to speak them… in my own voice, but-”


“And what is your voice, harlot? Do you snivel and whine to Lord Ainz to try and seduce
him? Do you scream and yell like a child? What is your voice?”

Shalltear looked at her hands, not understanding what Mistress meant. What was her voice?
Shalltear’s gaze landed on the wall, on her mantra. She took a deep breath and wiped her
eyes. “I am ready now.”

“Show me.”

Shalltear cleared her throat, lifted her skirts, and turned to the wall. She forced herself to
smile, despite the pain in her ass, and the anger and frustration in her heart, and she spoke.

“I, Shalltear Bloodfallen, lowliest of the Nazarick Guardians, do not deserve the praise of
Lord Ainz, nor his companionship, his respect, or even his presence.” She said, putting every
ounce of sultry seduction she possessed into each word.


This time, Shalltear did not stop. In fact, she moaned with pleasure. “I am not fit to even lick
the dirt on which he treads. This is just as true with regards to Lady Albedo, My Mistress and
owner, fairest of all women, more trusted of my Lord’s allies. Her beauty bewitches those
around her in ways my filthy little vampiric powers can merely emulate. Her natural beauty,
her full chest , her beautiful visage, and her enchanting presence are all far beyond what my
feeble flat chested slip of a body is capable of.” Shalltear found herself instinctively wiggling
her ass as she spoke. She heard her collar jingle as her whole body gyrated for Mistress.


“Where men and women swoon and fall before Mistress Albedo, they wrinkle their noses at
the smell of filth and decay at my worthless undead body, or sneer at my obvious padding. I
am merely an attack dog, and if it were not for the seemingly infinite patience of my Lord, I
would have long ago found my true place away from tapestry, silks, and maids. I do not
deserve to have such elegant clothes. I can not even fill them correctly. I do not deserve such
fine dresses, as a whore like myself would soon wear holes in the knees. If I were where I
truly belong, I would be kept in a kennel with the other mutts, to be used as the mongrel bitch
that I am, tended to by my vampiric spawn like simple livestock. I am eternally grateful to
Mistress for permitting me to stay inside the guild, for I have been a bad bitch and my
punishment is deserved. I will do my best to prove I can be house broken. Please show no
mercy to me Mistress, as one so lowly as myself deserves none. I am nothing more than a
foolish whore who needs to be put in her place. Do whatever is necessary to me to teach me
to be your obedient slave.” Shalltear finished a bit breathless. She’d managed to work herself
up from pretending for so long to be aroused, and it made her a bit red in the face. She also
realized it had been some time since her last spanking. She hoped she hadn’t made another

After a few quiet seconds she started to panic. She wanted to speak, but she couldn’t curtsy
and hold her skirts up at the same time, and she couldn’t turn around until she was told to.
After what felt like a minute passed, she tried her best. She lowered her knees and made as
best a polite curtsy as she could.

“Mistress? Was that-”

“Shut up!” Albedo sounded angry, very angry.

Shalltear fell quiet. She frantically went over what had happened. She was sure she’d done
everything correctly, why did Mistress seem angry with her? Had she made some mistake?
Was there a rule she forgot? She knew it was going to most likely make it worse, but
Shalltear curtsied again.

“Mistress if I have made a mistake, please let me know so I can-”

Shalltear felt a hand roughly yank her around till she was face to face with Albedo. Albedo
threw her to the floor. Shalltear landed on her side and slid a few feet away. Shalltear could
see Albedo was almost as red in the face as she was.

“Strip now, whore!”

Shalltear quickly slipped off her dress and gloves and threw them to one side of the room.
She pulled down her panties, stockings and shoes in one movement and slid them to join the
rest of her clothes. She reached back to unclasp her bra, but in her fear her fingers slipped on
the clasp and she fumbled it.
Albedo growled and bent down, grabbing her bra from the front and tearing it off her.
Shalltear let out a small cry of pain, but did not complain. She lay on the ground at Albedo’s
feet, looking up in fear of whatever punishment came next.

Albedo strode towards the shattered bed and grabbed a large chunk and came back to the
large cushion with Shalltear’s name on it. She stabbed the wooden post deep into the floor,
then produced a leash from her dress and turned back to Shalltear.

“Come to me. NOW!”

Shalltear slowly stood up.

“I did not say to stand!”

Shalltear quickly fell back down, before crawling slowly towards Albedo on her hands and
knees. When she was close enough Albedo yanked Shalltear’s collar and clipped the leash
on. She tied the leash tightly to the post driven in the ground and pointed to the cushion.


Shalltear quickly scrambled onto the cushion.

“If I come here tomorrow and see you have removed this leash, this collar, or even untied
yourself from this post, you can forget worrying about your whorish mange of hair. I will
drive this post though your heart, leech!”

Shalltear nodded quickly. “Yes Mistress, I will obey!”

Albedo turned and walked quickly out the room, slamming the door shut.

Shalltear sat on the cushion, her new bed she was now sure, and tried once again to fight off
the tears that welled behind her eyes. She lay down, making herself as comfortable as
possible, and waited for her Mistress to return.


Albedo stomped down the hall and all the way to her room, cursing the filthy whore and this
whole assignment. She never should have accepted it. She hated Shalltear with every fiber of
her being. She slammed her own door and threw herself into a chair, fuming.

She felt something in her dress side and pulled out the small bottle of liquid she’d made. The
one she’d ended up using on Shalltear’s portrait instead of…

She held the jar tightly, willing herself to break it.

Do whatever is necessary to me to teach me to be your obedient slave.

The thought of Shalltear’s collar jingling as she shook her skanky ass… Albedo growled.
An image of Shalltear, frightened and teary eyed on the floor at her feet, flashed in Albedo’s
mind. She tried to smile at the thought. It was her most hated enemy. This should be exactly
what she wanted. She stared at the jar and pulled her hand back to throw it against the wall.
Her hand shook. She cursed and slammed it onto her nightstand.
Lesson Four: Obedience
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Shalltear tried taking a deep breath to calm down. She had not moved from her cushion for
hours now, and no matter how she adjusted herself, she couldn’t get comfortable. She didn’t
know why her Mistress was so angry at her, but she knew she needed to be on her best
behavior when her next lesson started, going over each and every rule that may or may not
still be in effect. About four hours before she expected Albedo, as Shalltear was going over
all the rules again, she came to a horrifying realization. The bell for her mantra, what she
used to ring in every line, was out of reach.

Her leash did not give her enough slack to reach the bell, and even if it had, she was told not
to leave her cushion. She whimpered and shifted in her cushion, rocking back and forth on
her feet despite the pain in her bruised ass, trying to figure out what her Mistress would want.
Was she supposed to listen to the most important rules, or the most recent rules? She didn’t
know, and while she didn’t think Albedo would really kill her, she wasn’t sure. What she was
sure of, was her Mistress did not go easy on failure.

She continued to whimper, racked with indecision. As the minutes ticked by, she tried over
and over to think of a way to listen to all her Mistress commanded, but anyway she looked at
it, she would be breaking at least one rule.

Finally, she could hear the sound of heels clicking down the hall to her room. Tears filled her
eyes and she desperately tried to think of what to do. She tugged on her leash, to see if it was
loose. Maybe she could say it fell off? It was tight, but nothing she couldn’t get loose if she
really tried. She was just gearing up to yank hard when the door to her room opened and
Albedo entered.

Shalltear looked at her Mistress. Her eyes were so blurry from tears she couldn’t make out
her expression. She didn’t even have any clothes to curtsy with to ask permission to speak.
She did the only thing she could think of. Shalltear Bloodfallen, Guardian of the Great Tomb
of Nazarick, put her hands to the ground and bent down in full submission, bawling her eyes

“Mistress please! I’m so sorry! I couldn’t reach the bell to do my morning mantra! Please
don’t punish me! I promise I’ll behave, I will read the mantra till my voice cracks. I will do
whatever you say! I promise to be a good Slave today, please don’t punish me! I tried my
best! I’ll do whatever you desire, humiliate myself to any degree!” Shalltear sobbed and
sniffed and pressed her forehead to the ground as hard as she could, her bruised ass in the air.
There was a silence. Shalltear prepared for the worst. Silence was never good from Mistress.
“Please Mistress, have mercy! Don’t punish me! At least give me a chance to- to try and
please you! I will do anything to please you Mistress! I’m sorry! I-”

“Quiet. Stop sniveling Slave. It’s pathetic.”

Shalltear sniffed and shut up. She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to stop bowing or not.
Albedo answered the question by smacking her hand onto Shalltear’s exposed butt.


“Rise Slave.”

Shalltear rose, wiping her eyes at the same time to see her Mistress better. She looked calmer
than yesterday, but still very red in the face. Shalltear did her best to look submissive.

“Slave, you did not do your mantra. Do you feel you need to be punished?”

“But I could-”

SMACK . “Do you feel you need to be punished?”

Shalltear felt every fiber of her being begging her to say no. More tears welled up. “I- I failed
you Mistress. I- I deserve to be punished.”

Shalltear turned around and faced the wall and bent down, choking back a sob as she waited
for her punishment. When she felt Mistress touch her, she flinched, whimpering, but Albedo
didn’t spank her this time. Albedo took Shalltear’s hand and untied her leash from the post
before leading her to the wall. She took the bell and handed it to Shalltear.

Shalltear looked at the bell and back at Albedo, confusion and hope battling for control on
her face.

“I am not going to punish you anytime a rule is not followed that could not be. I am trying to
teach you, not hurt you. The fact you thought you deserved punishment despite holding true
to my rules as best you could shows me you have already made some progress. I am pleased
with you Slave.”

Shalltear whimpered again, sniffing. She took a step forward, clearly overcome with emotion.
Albedo took a step back, her calm face suddenly annoyed.

“Do not waste my good will so easily you dumb harlot. I have not given you permission to
touch me. I promise you that while my favor is difficult to gain, it is easily lost. Now what
should flat chested harlots be doing?”

Shalltear, nodded. “I am sorry Mistress, I forgot myself. I am just- thank you so much. I- will
admit that before, when this began, I was skeptical of your abilities. I can see now you were
right. I was a foolish harlot. I am grateful to you.”

“I-” Albedo tried to think of something appropriately scathing to respond with, but fell flat.
Shalltear waited obediently in case Mistress was going to say something. When she didn’t,
she turned to the wall and started her morning routine.

“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.” She rang the bell, and a small moan left her
lips. Albedo swiftly moved behind her and lowered her hand to Shalltear’s flower. Her long
nails caressed Shalltear, playing with her lips as Shalltear continued her mantra, ringing the
bell and moaning with pleasure. Albedo waited until right before the next ring and quickly
plunged a single finger inside her slave, breathing deeply into Shalltear’s ear and letting her
own long black hair gently tickle Shalltear’s naked back.

Shalltear arched her back, dropping the bell, which clattered to the ground. “Mistress, I-
mmmm I can’t-”

“Does my little slave need a punishment so soon in the lesson?”

“No Mistress. I will obey. She tried to pull slightly away from Mistress, but Albedo held fast
to her waist, her finger still deep in. Shalltear knew what she wanted her to do.

Without moving her feet, Shalltear bent down to retrieve the bell, pushing Albedo’s finger
deeper into her. She snatched the bell, then tried to quickly stand up, but in doing so the
finger was pulled out too quickly, and finally, Shalltear lost control of herself. With a loud
moan of pleasure, she tilted her head back. Her body shook as she came. Her knees buckled,
and her mouth gaped like a true whore. After almost a full minute, she took a long breath,
and slowly regained her surroundings.

Her Mistress was looking at her, an eyebrow raised. Shalltear was about to excuse herself, her
face flushed beet red, when she looked down, the better to look apologetic. She saw in her
excitement, she not only soaked the floor and her legs, but a large amount had landed on her
Mistress’s hand, dress, and all over her feet. She quickly made to curtsy.

“Mistress, I am sorry. I forgot myself. Please, I can-” She looked around the room for
something to clean Albedo up with. There was, of course, nothing. She did not keep cleaning
supplies in her room, and even if she used one of her ripped clothes as a rag, there was no
source of water. “- summon a bride…” She ended, lamely.

“That is an excellent idea.”

“I-, ah…okay. Thank you, Mistress. I will do so now.” Shalltear was taken aback. She had
expected an outburst, a punishment, at least an insult.

“Summon one of your little whorlings Slave. Tell it to bring you a damp rag, a small bowl
filled with blood, a short length of thick rope, and a uniform from the Six Stars.”


“I think Solution’s will do.”

“Yes Mistress.” Shalltear summoned her servant, and speaking through the door, asked for
the items to be brought in less than ten minutes. Seven minutes later, there came a knock on
the door. Shalltear waited till her servant left, then opened the door and quickly brought the
items in. Her suspicions were confirmed when Mistress told her to get dressed.

“You can wear one of your cute little padded bras if it makes you feel important, Slave.”
Albedo said with a smirk. “I know little flat chested harlots like to pretend to be real women
from time to time.”
“Mistress destroyed all of them.” Shalltear said, a touch of her old sulk in her voice as she
slipped the maid’s outfit on.

“Well then, I will have to supply you with some new clothes. Until I do, you will wear these
at all times unless I give you permission to strip, understood?”

“Yes Mistress.” Shalltear curtsied. She took the damp cloth and made to wipe Albedo’s dress,
but Albedo held up her hand.

“Did I tell you to act Slave?”

“No Mistress. I am sorry, I didn’t want to stain your dress, Mistress.”

“Very good. Set the rope and bowl by your new bed. We will deal with them later. Now get
on your knees. I am sure you are well practiced.” Shalltear got to her knees.

“Now give me the cloth.” Shalltear handed Mistress the damp rag. “Now you may clean.
Start with the floor.”

Shalltear looked down at the floor. “But Mistress, how-”

“You are being trained to be obedient. What would an obedient bitch do if she made a mess?”

Shalltear slowly got on her hands and knees, and never breaking eye contact with Mistress,
started licking her mess off the floor. She grimaced at the taste, but otherwise made no
complaint. Even so, her watchful Mistress noticed instantly.

“Are you not happy, Slave?”

“It does not taste very good Mistress.”

“And here I was going to give my Slave a treat for being such a good obedient slave. Maybe I
was premature if she is going to be so ungrateful at a chance to clean up her own mess. A
mess she made, I will remind her, while acting like the impatient disobedient little flat
chested slut everyone knows she is.”

“I am sorry Mistress! I will not be ungrateful! Thank you for this chance to redeem myself. I
know I am a flat chested whore, but I will try my best to please you.”

Shalltear started licking the floor clean again, this time with more gusto, smiling and making
little moans of pleasure. Albedo almost rolled her eyes. This vampire really was a whore. She
watched Shalltear lick up her own cum, moaning and giving Albedo accidental peaks up her
very short maid skirt with each lick.

Albedo had to admit that the dress looked good on her. The stockings and heels gave her a
small amount of height that pushed her chest out more, and without the padding, it made her
look more full bodied without making it obviously a lie. Albedo found the hand with the
damp rag drift slowly away from her dress hem, which she’d been scrubbing clean of
Shalltear’s filth, to the side of her dress where an opening gave her quick access to her own
pussy. As Shalltear kept lapping up her own cum, Albedo started rubbing her clit, clenching
her jaw shut so as not to make a sound, and positioning herself so Shalltear could not see.
After about ten minutes, Shalltear turned to her Mistress, who had quickly removed her hand
from her dress, and smiled.

“All done.”

“Very good Slave, but you are wrong. You have more to clean.”

She pointed to her open heels, still soaked.

“But I think you have earned your reward.” Albedo pulled out the jar of yellow goo from
yesterday and opened it. “Come smell Slave.”

Shalltear crawled to her Mistress’ feet and smelled the jar she held down for her. “It’s honey,
but there is something mixed in.” Shalltear said.

“Well done. You truly are a good dog. This is honey, mixed with a small potion and a touch
of a special ingredient just for you. Have a taste.”

Mistress took her finger, which Shalltear could still see was glistening from being inside
Shalltear’s flower, and dipped it into the jar and held her now yellow finger to Shalltear.

Shalltear rose up on her knees, and like a curious puppy, licked her Mistress’ fingers. She
moaned with delight, eagerly licking her Mistress’ finger clean.

“It’s blood! You mixed bl-” She stopped as a tingling sensation spread from her throat, and
down to her swollen bruised ass. She turned around and saw some of the swelling go down a
bit, and her skin turned a slightly lighter shade.

“Very good Slave. It is a special mixture of blood, special sweet honey, and a potion of
restoration to the undead. Consider it a reward for becoming such an obedient little puppy.”

Shalltear smiled. “Thank you Mistress! Can I earn some more?”

Albedo tutted in annoyance. “Ever the greedy little slut. Do not worry, you may have the rest.
You have earned it.” She took the rest of the jar and poured it over her cum soaked shoes,
letting it seep into her toes, her ankles, and mix with the cum till her feet shined like gold.

“Enjoy Slave.”

Shalltear did not need to be told twice. She got down on her knees and greedily lapped up the
mixture. Her moans of pleasure filled the large bedroom as she loudly slurped. She didn’t
waste a single drop. She pushed her tongue in between each of her Mistress’s toes, the
bottoms of her heels, up her legs, anywhere that some of her prize might be. The combination
of sweet blood and honey, added to the relief from the potion and the salty tang of her own
juices made her start to feel a frenzy come on.

Just as she lapped up the last of her reward, she felt the beast start to take over. She looked to
the bowl of blood on the floor and made a dash for it, only to be yanked back on her leash.
She looked around, furious, to see her Mistress tower over her.
“No. Not for you Slave.”



Shalltear growled at Albedo. She slowly stood up, all submission forgotten. Even in her
maid’s dress, she was still formidable looking.


“Does the little puppy need a punishment?” Albedo asked, a forced tone of playful teasing in
her voice.

“I- NO. I WILL-”

“You will sit down in your new bed before I have to really get cross.”


Albedo grabbed her roughly by the hand and pulled her over her knee and began smacking
her ass as hard as possible. Shalltear howled with pain, and began to struggle. Albedo knew
that she could not keep Shalltear still for long. She was stronger, at least physically. Albedo
could probably break her out of her frenzy by reminding her of her punishment from Lord
Ainz, but she had a better idea. She grabbed the bell and rang it.

“What are you?”



“What are you?” Albedo asked again. She rang the bell.



“WHAT ARE YOU?” She yelled. She rang the bell.



“Again.” Albedo rang the bell.

“I WAS AND- AND- AN d will always be, A FLAT chested HAR lot. ”

“I WAS and- and will always be, a flat chested harlot.” Albedo continued to ask over and
over, till Shalltear was fully back to her usual self.

“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.”

“Better. It seems we still have a way to go.”

“I am sorry Mistress. It won’t happen again. I couldn’t control-”

“Do not lie to me. This is why you are here. You can’t control your emotions. But it will be
okay. I shall punish you, and we will speak no more about it.”

“Yes Mistress.” Shalltear got up and bent down, lifting her short skirt up to begin the
punishment. She hardly needed to be bothered. The skirt rode so high up, bending down did
almost all the work for her. Albedo raised her hand up. Shalltear’s ass was completely healed
by now from the potion, but she didn’t want to gain any new bruises so soon. She tensed up,
waiting for the first spank.


Albedo was just about to remind her slave to thank her, when Shalltear spoke.

“I am sorry for disappointing you Mistress. I will work even harder to become an obedient
dog. Thank you for punishing this greedy filthy pig.”

Albedo smiled.

Good Puppy.


“I am sorry for disappointing you Mistress. I will-”


Albedo kept the punishment short, before clipping her slaves leash on and leading her to her
bed and letting her lie down for the night.

“You won’t have to do your mantra till I come untether you, so do not worry.” Albedo said,
while Shalltear got comfortable. “This is important so listen. You will no longer feed without
my permission. This bowl of blood is to remain by your side, untouched. If you drink from it,
you will have a severe punishment. If you feel the need to feed, use this.”

Albedo wrapped the dripping wet rag, soaked in more than one girl’s cum, and wrapped it
around the short piece of rope, first dipping the rope very briefly in the blood. The end result
was plain enough for Shalltear to understand. The rope was a chew toy.

It was soaked in enough blood for her to taste, but only if she chewed on it, and in order to do
that, she had to gnaw on the cum rag. She was still hungry, but not that hungry. Albedo tied
her leash to the post and turned to leave.
“One more thing. Tomorrow, we will be taking our lesson outside your room, so prepare
yourself. I’m sure you’ll have fun.”

Shalltear’s face paled at the idea. As her nerves got the better of her, she didn’t even notice
the chew toy find its way into her mouth as she started chewing and sucking in nervous
anticipation. Shalltear didn’t want to admit it, but blood was starting to taste even better
mixed with cum.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you all again for the kudos and the subscriptions! It really means a lot to me to
see so many people excited to read what I wrote! If you haven't already, give a kudos or
a shout in the comments! I'll be back next week with another chapter!
Lesson Five: Civility
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Albedo opened the doors to Shalltear’s bedchambers at precisely the same time as she had
done on every other night this week. She observed her slave stand quickly at attention on her
knees, like a good little attack dog. Albedo smiled. The training was going well. Soon, she’d
have this little whore eating out of the palm of her hand, till she was no longer any threat to
her and her Lord’s happiness. Better yet, if she could keep pushing Shalltear harder and
harder, eventually she might crack before the weeks were up. Albedo would be forced to slay
her, and she was sure she could convince her Lord that it was too great a risk to resurrect the
fallen hussy.

Albedo strode to the doggy bed, untied the leash, and led Shalltear to the wall and handed her
the bell. As Shalltear took it and started to speak, Albedo held up her hand. Shalltear instantly

“Is something wrong Mistress?”

“No. I think we will skip your mantra today. We have much to do.”

“Oh, really? I- what will we do today Mistress?”

“Follow me.” Albedo walked to the door and opened it. Shalltear hesitated.

“What is wrong, Slave?”

Shalltear curtsied. “My apologies Mistress. I- I am embarrassed. This attire and this collar-”

“Your collar.”

“My collar, yes Mistress. They are…”


“I do not wish the other members to see me like this. I only wish for my Mistress to see me
this way.”

“What are you?”

“I was and will always be, a flat chested harlot.”

“Good, but besides that.”

“I am… a slut?”
“Yes.” Albedo said impatiently. “While I am glad to see you have started realizing what a
worthless thing you are, we do not have time to have you guess each of the many things
wrong with you, so I will tell you. You are an attack dog. A loyal bitch to be tamed and used
by our Lord as he sees fit. Correct?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“And good dogs, housebroken dogs wear collars, correct?”

“But Mistress-”



“And are you house broken?”

“I- hope to be.”

“Then you should be proud to wear your collar.”

“Please Mistress. I- have nothing to offer but my gratitude, but if you-”

“Your gratitude, as well as your opinions, mean nothing to me. Now come.”

Still Shalltear wavered. “Please Mistress. I could- owe you a favor? Or accept a punishment?

Albedo strode from the door and back to Shalltear very quickly. In one quick motion, she
clipped the leash to her collar and yanked her neck down hard.

“Lift up your skirt whore.”

Shalltear quickly grabbed her short skirt and lifted it up high, presenting herself to her

“I trust you will know what to do.”


“I am sorry Mistress. This attack dog bitch will not speak out of turn again.”


“I am sorry Mistress. This attack dog bitch will not speak out of turn again.”


“I am sorry Mistress. This attack dog bitch will not speak out of turn again.”

“I am sorry Mistress. This attack dog bitch will not speak out of turn again.”


“I am-”

“Be silent. Stand up straight.”

Shalltear quickly stood at attention.

“Did I tell you to drop your skirt?”

“No Mistress! Forgive me!” Shalltear quickly picked up her skirt again, before turning
around again for another round of punishment.

“Do you think we are playing a game? Did I ask to see your whorish ass? Do you think I
derive pleasure from seeing your filthy body?”

Shalltear turned back around, her eyes starting to water. She didn’t know what was happening
now, but it didn’t seem good. She stood at attention, her hands behind her back lifting her
skirt up.

“Now, if you are done acting like a child, listen well. Lift the front of your skirts.”

Shalltear blushed, but moved her grip, showing her Mistress her flower.

“Unless I indicate otherwise, keep your skirt raised, Slave. If anyone asks why your skirt is
raised, tell them it is because your Mistress wants the world to know what a little whore you
are. Additionally, you are no longer allowed to deny any request, no matter what. I do not
care who makes it or how absurd it is. You will do it, first thanking whoever it is for giving a
chance to prove your worth.” Albedo tugged the leash of the terrified Shalltear. “Oh, and one
more thing. Your punishment.” Albedo took a small flat piece of Shalltear’s broken bed and,
using it like a paddle, smashed Shalltear’s pussy as hard as she could. Shalltear let out a loud
yelp of pain. Mistress waited.

“Thank you for punishing me Mistress. I will do better in the future.”

“Good.” Albedo led Shalltear through the doorway and out into the hall.

Mercifully, the hall was empty at least. Shalltear knew instantly where they were going. The
meeting room. Shalltear grit her teeth and prepared for the worst as Albedo opened the door,
but sighed in relief when she saw it was empty.

“It looks like we are the first to arrive.” Albedo commented. “Come with me.“

Albedo led her slave to Albedo’s chair. She tied Shalltear’s leash to a table leg and sat down.
Shalltear was unsure what to do, so simply stood next to her Mistress, trembling in
trepidation. Albedo reveled in watching her little slut squirm, her hands nervously twisting
her lifted skirt. It was just as pleasurable as any complement from her Lord.
The thought surprised her. She looked at Shalltear, her eyes wet with the thought of the future
humiliation. It felt good, but almost… wrong. Shalltear definitely deserved it. She had earned
a thousand cruelties and more. Albedo wasn’t feeling sorry for her, she knew that. But it
almost felt like she was being forced to share her slave’s misery with others. Shalltear was for
her and her alone. Hers to break. Hers to own. Hers to torture. Hers to use.

Both women heard approaching footsteps. Albedo had only moments to think.

“Summon one of your whorlings and get under the table slave. Drop your skirts, if a slut like
you is capable.”

Shalltear wasted no time and dove under the table.

The doors opened, and the rest of the guardians poured in.

“Wow! I’ll never get used to this!” Aura said excitedly. “I can’t believe Lord Ainz is letting
us sit where Supreme Beings once did.”

“True. It does feel like quite an honor.” Cocytus said.

“I wonder why he assigned us specific seats, especially ones that aren’t next to each other.”
Mare said.

“It is simplicity itself. Clearly we sit where our creators once sat.” Demiurge said, taking his

“Wow, so cool!” Aura said.

“Oh, Lady Albedo!” Mare said, “How are you doing?”

“Quite well Mare. I trust you and your sister are well.” Albedo said, the face of tranquil

“How goes Lady Shalltear’s rehabilitation?” Demiurge asked.

“Oh, yeah. I’ve been worried about her.” Mare said.

“Yeah, you got her trained like a good doggy yet?” Aura laughed.

“Aura, that’s not very nice.” Mare stammered.

“Come on Mare, you see the way she’s always yipping and preening herself. Plus the way she
slobbers all over Lord Ainz definitely makes me think pooch.”

Shalltear gritted her teeth under the table, Albedo’s grin widened.

A large gate opened at the head chair and Lord Ainz walked in. He sat down and looked over
at all attending members.

“Greetings loyal trusted-”

The door opened, and one of Shalltear’s brides entered. She looked around for her owner.
Shalltear hoped she wouldn’t announce her Mistress was under the table.

“You. Servant. Over here.” Albedo said loudly. “You disgrace our Lord even more than your
whore of a sire with your interruption. I have a task for you.”

Under the table, Shalltear willed her bride to come closer. She did, not commenting, as was
usual. The others watched in amazement as she stood in front of Albedo, seemingly under her

“Wow, you must have really whipped her into shape if you got her to lend you control of her
brides.” Aura said.

“Yes. I am impressed. Most pleasing Albedo.” Lord Ainz said.

For the first time in her life, Albedo was too distracted to acknowledge a compliment from
her Lord. She kicked Shalltear, who quickly stuck herself out from under the table just
enough to show herself to her bride. The bride saw this, but said nothing. Shalltear quickly
pointed to Albedo.

“You are to listen to me from now on till I say otherwise, by your lady’s instruction.” Albedo
said. Shalltear nodded to her bride from under the table.

The bride nodded. “If it is Lady Shalltear’s orders, then so be it. How may I serve you?”

Albedo was about to speak, but she paused, her eyes flickering down to Shalltear, wondering
if she would catch it in time, or if she would need a punishment. Shalltear paled. If she spoke
now, everyone would know she was there. Albedo waited till she was sure Shalltear would
notice her waiting. When it became clear Shalltear was not going to speak, Albedo smirked
and spoke. “I think for starters, you will refer to your Lady as what she truly is, A flat chested

Lord Ainz sighed, while Aura giggled. Shalltear resisted the urge to jump out and strangle

“Yes Lady Albedo.”

Albedo pulled the bride in close and whispered into her ear.

“Bring my one of Shalltear’s dresses, as well as a veil for her. Do it discreetly and within
minutes or your life is forfeit.”

The bride nodded and quickly evacuated the room.

“Most impressive. Are we to expect a reformed Shalltear even sooner than expected?”
Demiurge asked, smirking.

“Yeah, I miss her.” Mare said, looking down. “You’re not being too mean to her, are you?”

“Well why don’t you ask her yourself?” Albedo said.

Under the table, Shalltear saw Albedo’s hand point down, then lie flat. Shalltear laid down on
her back under the table, in full view of anyone who might look under. Albedo’s finger
pinched the side of her dress, then pointed up. Shalltear understood, and as quietly as she
could, she lifted up her skirts. If anyone looked under the table, her life would be over.

“What, is she here?” Asked Cocytus. He looked around him, as if Shalltear was hiding
behind a pillar or tapestry. Shalltear tensed. Cocytus but a hand on the side of the table. He
bent down.

“She’ll be with us soon. That is if she doesn’t want a punishment again.”

”Interesting. What kind of punishment does a being such as Shalltear fear? Pain? It seems
unlikely. What then? Humiliation?” Demiurge asked.

“This is not imp-” Lord Ainz began.

“OH YEAH!” Aura said. “Please say it’s embarrassing! Oh! You should make her admit she
pads her chest! Oh, no, wait! Make her clean Hamsuke! No, make her eat bugs! No w-”

“Thank you Aura. I will keep it all in mind.” Albedo said, smiling. The child really

was terribly innocent. “Right now she is simply doing a trust exercise with me. At this very
moment she is waiting for me with her eyes closed and a smile on her face . I am guiding her
every movement.”

“What? Boring.” Aura pouted.

“She knows if she does not do so, she will be severely punished, even more than what she has
already earned.”

Shalltear bit her lip, and closed her eyes. She would have no way to react now. If anyone
looked under the table, they would see her lifting her skirt up to show them her flower,
completely unaware. She was terrified. But in that terror, there was another feeling, pure
excitement. The idea of someone, maybe even Lord Ainz himself, catching her like this made
her more wet then she’d been in centuries. She shifted her skirts to one hand and reached
down, slowly rubbing herself, eyes clamped shut. If anyone saw her like this, she’d never live
it down. But Mistress was right, she was a slut. A dirty flat chested slut who craved to be
found. She did not find it nearly as hard to smile as she did to close her eyes.

“That is quite brilliant. The simplest methods and usually the best.” Lord Ainz said. “Now if
I might get us back on t-”

The bride opened the door, and quickly made her way to Albedo. “It is done. Anything else,

“Yes," Albedo said. “Clean the floors and remove all broken furniture from Lady Shalltear’s
bedchambers. Have you all been ordered to avoid the bedchambers while her education is

“Yes Mistress.”
“Good. I am lifting that restriction for you and you alone. Come to her bedchambers later for
further instructions.”

“Yes Mistress.”

As the bride turned to leave, a small bundle fell into Albedo’s lap, delivered by the bride’s
lightning fast reflexes. No one noticed as she quickly hid it under the table, as the only one
with the right vantage point was touching herself with her eyes shut.

“What’s that?” Mare asked, pointing to something by Albedo.

Shalltear listened, her attention only half on the conversation. She braced for discovery. If
Mare had spotted the leash, it was all over. It was still taut between the table leg and her neck.
Mare would have to be a fool not to look under the table if he saw it.

“Oh, this? A device to keep Shalltear in check. Would you like to see it?” Albedo said.

Shalltear gritted her teeth. Mare had stood up. He walked closer and closer to the spot where
the leash was tied to the table. Shalltear plunged her fingers deeper inside herself, soaking her
new maid’s dress.

“What do I do?”

“Just shake it.”

There was a pause, and then Shalltear heard the familiar ring of a bell. All at once, all those
mantra sessions came back to her in a flood of learned behaviors. Her knees buckled, her
mouth opened, and she moaned long and loudly as she came onto her hand.

“What was that?” Mare asked.

“What was what?” I heard nothing.” Albedo said. She took the bell from Mare and rang it
again. Shalltear was still cumming, but new waves of conditioned pleasure shook over her as
she heard the bell again. She was forced to plunge her cum soaked hand into her mouth to
gag herself to stifle her moans. Still, she cried heavily into her mouth as wave after wave of
pleasure hit her. Albedo rang the bell again, and all Shalltear could do was press her hand in
deeper, trying to stop herself from giving away her hiding spot. She licked her fingers clean,
loving the taste of her own cum. It was the cherry on top of her humiliation. Here she was,
orgasming underneath the table where the supreme beings once graced like a common whore,
for anyone to see. She was mere feet away from her Lord. She sucked on her fingers, lost in
pure humiliating ecstasy.

“Well, all very good, but we have a meeting to get to. Could you bring Shalltear here?” Lord
Ainz asked.

“Of course My Lord, as you wish. At this very moment, she is getting ready. She will be with
us in precisely thirty seconds, or she will be punished.”

“Oh, then let us wait.”

Albedo tossed the bundle at Shalltear’s head, knocking her out of her stupor. Shalltear
reached out and felt the package and quickly began to change. She wanted to simply slip her
dress over her maid outfit, but knew with her eyes shut tight, there would be no way to do it
without risking disaster in the time she had. While it was tricky with her eyes closed, she tore
off her maid’s dress and slipped on her usual one. Being naked under the table sent all new
waves of pleasure down her spine, and she shivered as she quickly put her dress on.

There were no other accessories but what felt like a veil, which she slipped on, so she kept on
her maid heels. She adjusted the veil to hide her collar and leash as best she could, though it
would be tricky.

She tried tying the bows on her dress and straightening her hair, but under the table with no
brides to help and her eyes still shut, it was impossible. She felt her precious seconds tick by
till finally she knew she was out of time. She opened a gate by the door, then quickly climbed
what she hoped was the chair closest to Albedo and the leash. She risked opening her eyes
and saw everyone had luckily taken her bait and was looking where her gate was instead of
her spot. Everyone except Albedo, who watched her with a lazy smile. She pushed the leash
down so it didn’t make her veil rise.

She quickly dismissed the gate and tried to straighten her appearance.

“I am here Lord Ainz.”

Everyone looked back to her.

“Wow, you were so quick Lady Shalltear!” Mare said.

“Yeah, where did you come from?” Aura said.

“I- I merely wanted to keep Lord Ainz from waiting.” Shalltear stammered.

“What’s that smell?” Cocytus asked. Aura sniffed. “Yeah, it smells like salty sweat. Shalltear,
is that you?”

Shalltear opened her mouth to argue, but stopped. With enormous reluctance she said, “I have
to tell you twerp, that my n-”

“What my underling is trying to say is she is merely working hard to please me, isn’t that
right, little parasite?”

“I- yes.” Shalltear said. It was humiliating, but much better than having to correct Aura.

Aura laughed. “Wow, Shall-”

“I believe Lord Ainz had something he wanted to tell us all!” Shalltear interrupted quickly.

“Yes, I did.” Lord Ainz said quickly.

“What’s with the veil?” Aura asked. “And why are you sitting by Albedo?”
“I am teaching her a little humility. No one wants to look at her bloated corpse face anyway.”
Albedo said. “And she knows not to stray too far from her Mistress.”

Lord Ainz quickly interrupted before he was cut off again. “Our recent endeavors have
proven quite fruitful from what Albedo has told me. Albedo, report.”

“Of course my Lord. I believe we can gain even more ground by redistributing our duties to
those which possess the appropriate skillset. Demiurge, you will be in charge of overseeing
the day to day, and report to me so I can run all through Lord Ainz.”

“Most wise council Albedo.” Demiurge said.

“Aura, you and your brother will be doing surveillance, reporting back to me any
developments and learning all you can.”

“Sure, sounds fine.” Aura said, bored.

“And you,” Albedo said, turning to Shalltear. “I’m not sure what your talents are. What are
you?” Albedo rang the bell.

“I was and always will be, a flat chested harlot.” Shalltear said automatically, before making
a small very unladylike moan.

There was a pause. No one spoke. Everyone looked at Shalltear dumbfounded. Shalltear
blinked, then realizing what she had just said, held her hand to her mouth like she had just
burped. “I- that - I misspoke! Mistress tricked- I am the most powerful of the guardians! I
will of course use my full might to support my Lord in any way he sees fit and-” Her
blustering was cut off by Aura roaring with laughter. “I- it was a mistake! I didn’t I don’t
have a- SHUT UP!” She lunged at Aura, the leash snapping taut again. The veil slipped off,
and everyone saw the dog collar on her neck. Albedo rang the bell again. Shalltear stopped,
her body shivering with pleasure again. She fell to her knees right in front of Aura, who only
laughed harder.

Shalltear stood up, furious. Her vampire nature began to take over. She turned to Albedo.


Everyone stopped talking. It was not often Lord Ainz raised his voice. Even Aura stopped

“What were you doing?”

“I- my Lord, she-”

“What were you going to do to Aura?”

“The truth. Now.”

“I was going to attack her. She- she insulted me.”

“But you stopped. Why?”


“Because of Albedo.” Lord Ainz said.

“And your leash, bitch.” Aura whispered, smiling.

“Yes. She has- the bell calms me down.” Shalltear said, ignoring Aura.

“This is wonderful news. Not just that Albedo has proven herself capable of solving this
problem, but that you are working hard to conquer your vampiric nature. If you can access all
the powers of your kind without the drawbacks of a frenzy, you would rival me in terms of

It was Albedo and Shalltear’s turn to be dumbstruck.

“You- you are too kind, my Lord.” They both said at once.

“We will end this meeting early so you can all start your assignments, but first, Aura, I do not
want you ridiculing Shalltear’s position. She is your ally, and you owe her your respect.”

“Yes my Lord.” Aura said. She bowed politely to her Lord, but when she turned, she stuck
her tongue out at Shalltear.

With that, Lord Ainz dismissed them, before stepping through a gate again. Most of the
guardians left without a word, but Aura lagged behind. “Hey Bugbites, make sure to keep up
the good work like a good little doggy.” Aura stuck her tongue out at Shalltear before
laughing again and running to catch up to her brother.

Shalltear seethed with anger as she watched the young elf go.

“I hate that boy bodied little elf so much! When I-” Shalltear was cut off as she was tossed
onto the table, sliding most of the way down till she came to rest by the head chair where
Lord Ainz sat.

“Yo filthy simpleminded little slut. Did you think I would sit by while you disrespected me
like that in front of my Lord?” Albedo spoke in a calm cold voice that to Shalltear, was much
worse than her yelling.

“I- Mistress I am sorry. I will-”

“Silence, or your tongue shall be my first recompense.”

Shalltear quickly fell mute.

“Take off your dress. You will not be wearing it for a long time.” Shalltear quickly stripped
naked, save for her heels.

“Lie down and face Lord Ainz’ throne.”

Shalltear complied, her bare body feeling cold on the table

“I am going to punish you for two hours. You are to keep count the entire time. If at the end I
do not feel you have been probably punished, we will start again. After each count, you will
apologize to me for disrespecting me in front of my Lord and Future husband, Lord Ainz.
You will also apologize to our Lord for disrespecting his wife, now and on every other

“Yes Mistress.”

Shalltear waited for the spankings to start, but instead, she heard Albedo walk to the side of
the table and unclip the leash from her collar and untie it from the leg, before wrapping the
leash tightly around her hand. She came to Shalltear’s side, pulled her hand back, and using
the leash like a whip, struck Shallear’s wet pussy with a loud snap. Shalltear screamed out in
pain. It hurt more than any spanking ever could. There was a single moment of rest, and
Albedo struck again, harder. Shalltear sobbed.


Snap .






Albedo pulled back her hand for another whip, but Shalltear’s words caught her off guard.

“What did you say?”

Shalltear was bawling from the pain by now, whimpering and sobbing. She did not respond.
Albedo seized her roughly and turned her around. She reached down and pinched Shalltear’s
sore nethers, holding tightly onto her pussy with her pointy nails. Shalltear howled in pain.

“What did you just say whore?”

“I am sorry! I'll take it back! I-”

“What did you say?”

“I will stoop to any low-”

“No. You said you’d be Lord Ainz and my dog. Are you really so arrogant?”

“I’m sorry Mistress. I was a stupid-”

“Silence. Put your hands behind your head.”

Shalltear did as instructed. Albedo took the metal clip and, instead of attaching it to
Shalltear’s collar, clipped it to her pussy. Shalltear whimpered in pain.

“We will need to squash this damn ego of yours once and for all. You dare assume Lord Ainz
and I would ever sully ourselves with you? I will make sure you never get ideas above your
station again. We are going to town. You are going to be serving with swine after all.”

Shalltear shook her head. “Please Mistress, no! You promised-”

“I did no such thing whore. Besides, the swine you will be serving are not going to be hogs.
You are going to be sullied with humans.”

Before Shalltear could respond, Albedo yanked her leash, and Shalltear found herself being
dragged, naked save for her heels and collar, out of the meeting room, her hands still behind
her head. Bumping into a guardian was now the least of her worries.

Chapter End Notes

Hey everyone! Really sorry this was late, especially after I made a whole thing about
specifically not doing that. There were a couple of reasons, the two biggest are if I'm
being honest,
1. I straight up forgot I said Friday instead of Saturday. Like just up and down straight
up forgot like a total dum-dum. I have decided I am going to move chapter updates to
Saturday from now on, same time, about 4-6pm PDT, or GMT-7, for reason number 2.
2. This chapter, as well as the chapter in PitD also released today, were both really
important and really fucking long, and I wanted to give them a good edit before I
published. I'd rather, and I hope readers understand, release a late chapter that I am
proud of then hit a deadline with some rough draft nonsense.

That being said it was still lame to miss a deadline and I'm sorry, and I should be good
now. Releasing on Saturday makes it way easier to get those nice long edit sessions in
before publishing, since I don't work on Saturday. Will be back next week with another
chapter, this time actually on time! Thanks to my patient fans for sticking with me while
I figure out a good system once again! You guys are the best! I would never have the
motivation to do this if it weren't for all the kudos and comments I've gotten!
Lesson Six: Attentiveness

Shalltear floated by her Mistress, bathed in the moonlight as they looked down onto the city
of E-Rantel. The stench of humans was pungent even from here. Albedo yanked on her
slave’s leash and Shalltear floated closer.

“Listen closely, Slave. I am going into town to make some arrangements. While I am gone,
you will float up here and repent for your arrogance and blasphemy to our Lord Ainz.

“Yes, Mistress.”

Albedo waited. She yanked on the leash harder, making Shalltear yelp as a sharp pain shot
through her most private area.

“I did not say to do it quietly.”

“I am sorry, Mistress! I am truly sorry for what I have done to you, My Mistress, and to my
Lord Ainz. I am nothing but a lowly creature, a slutty corpse with foolish dreams above my

Albedo changed her position and floated behind the vampire. Staying out of Shalltear’s line
of sight was her top priority right now. “Keep going. Do not stop till I say so. If you do, you
really will sleep with swine tonight, and do speak up! I don’t think the humans can hear



Albedo thought it was unlikely any humans would actually hear Shalltear from this height,
but it wasn’t impossible either. She could always hope. Once Shalltear had gotten into a
rhythm, quietly, she floated down.

Of course, she didn’t really have any way to know for sure if Shalltear kept humiliating
herself while she was gone; that was a bluff. But Shalltear was scared. Albedo knew Shalltear
would suspect her Mistress had left, but she couldn’t know for sure, and that small bit of
doubt would keep her going.

Albedo landed silently on the ground and searched the area. Demiurge had been keeping
track of all the seedier parts of town, which included some of the more disreputable brothels.
As fun as that idea was, she had a slightly different one in mind. She'd selected a very
specific tavern, The Coiled Snake, for her needs. Quickly floating around the side, she snuck
in through the back door.

It was a small establishment, almost not worthy of notice, but it did have a few interesting
policies. For one, all the servers were required to be young women of a certain type. Certain
valued clientele were allowed to ‘borrow’ these women for a quick visit upstairs to one of the
private rooms if they had the coin. The owner was a young woman herself, which Albedo
assumed was to throw off suspicion if any town guard were to take a closer look. No one
would raise an eyebrow at a female bartender that only felt comfortable hiring women.

It was, by all accounts, a dump. The lanterns were dimly lit, the stench of sour ale, and sweat
was heavy in the air. Dirt, mud, and other less savory things stained the walls, floors, and
ceiling. The tables and chairs creaked and groaned and more than one was broken.

The tavern was busy that night. Over three dozen men were drinking and laughing as
barmaids ran between tables, smiling and filling drink orders. Albedo saw the bartender
herself was behind the counter, wiping a glass while counting money. Albedo was in a
backroom that doubled as both the kitchen and the dressing room. Heaps of moldy food, dirty
dishes, and general filth were everywhere. She considered her choices before quickly landing
on a course of action. She reached for a particularly tall stack of dirty dishes and knocked it
over. The entire bar was filled with the sounds of breaking plates. The bartender looked up,
cursing and stamping to the back to see what the noise was.


A few moments later, Albedo tossed her corpse into the alley behind some rubbish bins.
She’d debated disguising herself as a patron, but she decided that she wanted to remain in a
position of authority over Shalltear and insure that she was not let off easy.

Albedo reached into her side and produced a small glowing glass ball the size of marble.
She’d borrowed it from the vault, but she was sure no one would miss it. It felt cold in her
hand as she pressed it to the bartender’s forehead then to her own. In a moment, she was the
exact twin of the human. It felt slightly nauseating to take such a disgusting form, but it was
unfortunately necessary. She quickly walked back into the bar and shooed away the
waitresses that had been looking curiously to see where their boss had gone.

“Get back to work.” She then pointed to the one with the smallest chest size, or as best she
could tell from the sea of hideous human filth. “You. You are done for tonight. I have a new
hire coming in soon. Leave your uniform in the back. She will need it.”

“But Miss Charlotte-”

“One more word and you will not be here tomorrow. Now.”

The woman nodded quickly and scurried to the back room. Albedo quickly followed behind.


As Albedo watched the woman leave for her home, she changed back into her true form.
Taking the barmaid uniform, she quickly returned to the sky. Before too long she heard the
familiar hated voice that now brought her so much pleasure.


“That is enough, Slave. Well done. Turn around.”

Shalltear turned quickly, the better to avoid a tug from her leash.

“Mistress, what is it?”

Albedo grabbed the leash and gripped it threateningly. “Did I give you permission to speak?”

“No! I apologize, Mistress! But with my hands on my head and no clothes, I am unable to
curtsy to ask permission,” Shalltear said, tripping over her words.

“Then know I want you to be silent, stupid whore.” Albedo pointed down. “Your punishment
will be to go to the human establishment called the Coiled Snake. You will arrive at the front
door in a few moments wearing this outfit, and a woman named Charlotte will answer. You
will do everything she asks of you, no matter what it is. Do not deny anyone any request,
even a human. You will not harm or even frown at anyone. If you break any of these rules, I
will personally report to Lord Ainz that you are beyond redemption. Do you understand?”

Shalltear nodded. “Yes, Mistress. May I ask you a question?”

“What?” Albedo pulled the leash slightly more taut, her patience thinning.

“Do you think I can be redeemed?”

The leash lost some of its tension. Albedo blinked. “I- you ask if I am capable of wrangling a
simple child as yourself? Do you wish for a more severe punishment?”

“No, Mistress! I simply meant, is a creature such as I so low that even the Great Mistress
Albedo could not fix her?” Shalltear had not looked up at her Mistress since they left the
meeting hall. Now Albedo wondered just what expression was on the face of her slave now.

“I think something as wretched as you would be served better as a smear in the dirt under
Lord Ainz’ feet than as a guardian.” More than anything she’d said that night, even the news
of her degrading punishment, this sentiment seemed to upset Shalltear more than all the rest.
The realization shook Albedo.

“I- I will prove you wrong.”

“What? What did you just say?” Albedo yanked hard on her slave’s leash. Shalltear flinched,
but she bit her tongue to stop from screaming. With her hands on her head, and her body
naked for anyone to see, Shalltear looked the picture of broken, but here she was, defying her

“I will show you I can be redeemed. I will show you my Mistress’ lessons were not a waste
of time. I will. You will see I deserve a spot in the Tomb of Nazarick. I will make my
Mistress proud to call me her Slave.”
Her Slave was talking back to her, and Albedo instinctively yanked on her leash again, but
the disrespect wasn’t aimed at Albedo, it was aimed at Albedo’s insistence she could not fix
Shalltear. It was… Albedo was not sure what to make of it.

“Do not speak out of turn again, Slave, if you value your meager existence.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Here. Cover yourself.” Albedo shoved the bundle into Shalltear’s hands, suddenly reluctant
to touch her. Shalltear slipped the rather fetching bra on, then the dress, which did almost
nothing to cover her bruised ass. As she slipped on her tights, she looked up at her Mistress.
Albedo knew what she was going to say but wanted to hear her say it. Finally, Shalltear took
her short dress and curtsied. “Mistress, may I remove my leash now? I can’t put on this garter
belt without doing so.”

“No need. I will remove it.” Albedo gave a quick and sharp yank, and the leash was ripped
off Shalltear’s pussy.

Albedo closed her eyes and bathed in the scream. She was so enveloped in the ecstasy of it
that when Shalltear again spoke, it once more caught her off guard.

“Mistress… may I please have a reward…” Shalltear gasped, tears streaming down her face.

Albedo’s eyes snapped open. “You have not even started serving your punishment, and you
already ask for reward? You believe salvation is still within your reach? I should kill you
where you stand for soiling my ears with such stupidity!”

“Please, Mistress! It hurts so much! If I do this well, if I prove myself to you tonight, will you
allow me to feed once more? It does not have to be from my Mistress. I know I am not
worthy of such a reward as that, but a small amount in my bitch bowl, or even a drop on my
chew toy would be all I ask. Please Mistress! I… I am not strong enough…”

To hear Shalltear refer to herself as weak without prompting and in such a sincere voice
intrigued Albedo.

“It would take a true act of repentance to earn such a reward, Slave, but I will not deny you
your hope. If you can show me you know your place, I will allow this.”

Shalltear smiled and curtsied quickly.

“Oh thank you, Mistress! Thank you! I am so happy! I will prove to you I have taken your
lessons to heart!”

Albedo tried to ignore her, forcing herself to look over Shalltear closely. The dress was form
fitting. Even with Shalltear’s pathetic curves, it was hard not to admire her body in such a
complementing outfit. The skirt only barely covered her waist, and Albedo knew more than
one customer would come to notice she wasn’t wearing anything under her dress. The apron
was frilly and looked more like a maids uniform than a server's with its short puffy sleeves
and a very generous view of Shalltear’s chest. Her stockings were dark, and her heels tall and
black. Her hair was done up in a long ponytail to keep it out of her face. A large headband
with a small beret on the side in bright red was the only spot of color on the otherwise white
and black outfit. The only standout was her collar, loud and prominent.

Albedo didn’t want to take it off, but it would ruin the image of consistency she was trying to
enforce, and customers might start asking questions. With a quick movement, another body
lay dead in the alley, and Albedo was hovering back up, holding a short strip of red cloth. She
tied it around Shalltear’s neck like a scarf. It matched the beret well.

“There. Now go. I will fetch you when I feel you have done your Lord well.”

“What will I do if-”

“You will do what you must to succeed. Now go or you will receive another punishment. And
a last reminder. You may not use your powers for any reason. Any of them. You must happily
obey any instruction you receive.”

“Yes, Mistress. I will make you proud.” The vampire curtsied then turned and flew quickly to
the streets below.

Albedo went to the back and switched into her human disguise once more. When she opened
the front door, Shalltear was smiling, the perfect impression of a simple human girl.

“What’s your name, girl?” Albedo asked in the brusque voice of the bartender.

Shalltear curtsied. “I am-”

Albedo slapped Shalltear across the face, hard enough to leave a bruise on a normal human.

“Your name is meaningless here, whore. You exist merely to serve. I will assign you a name
like every other slut here. You will respond to anything you are called, understood?”

Albedo waited smugly for the scream. She knew just how much Shalltear considered humans
beneath her. This disrespect would surely cause her to erupt. The second she did, Albedo
would reveal herself and take Shalltear before Lord Ainz. When he heard that Shalltear
attacked a human despite direct orders not to, on top of failing in her rehabilitation, he would
surely end her wretched existence. Or failing that, banish her, strip her of title, or similarly
disgrace her so that she would never be viewed as a potential bride again.

All these happy thoughts swam in Albedo’s mind as she waited for Shalltear to react. But she
didn’t. When Shalltear finally raised her head, she was beaming with tears in her eyes.

“Thank you for putting me in my place, Miss Charlotte! Please do not hesitate to discipline
me if I make any more foolish mistakes! I am at your service, to be used as you see fit!”

Albedo sneered. Shalltear was showing more restraint then she gave her credit for, but she
wouldn’t last the night. Not once the punishment truly began.

“I’m glad you know your place. Now get in, we have a full house tonight.”
As soon as they entered, Albedo shoved a serving tray and a notepad into Shalltear’s hand.

“From now on, you will be Lissa. Go to that table and take their order. Don’t make any
mistakes if you know what’s go for ya.”

Shalltear nodded and quickly rushed to the table. It was a big gathering. Six burly men were
crammed into small chairs around a circular table. They looked like ex-town guards to
Shalltear, and each was glaring at her as she approached.

“Greetings, I am Lissa, I will be yo-”

“What the hell is this?” Yelled one of the men. All of them already looked pretty drunk.

“Yeah, where’s Patri?” complained his friend.

“Tell your boss we want a girl with nice boobs, not some new little girl with a flat chest!”

Albedo listened in eagerly. Shalltear had been ordered to listen to the requests of everyone,
but if she went back to her boss or stayed, she’d be disobeying someone either way. Albedo
grinned. If Shalltear got tripped up this early in the night, she was never going to make it to
the end of the shift.

“If I may, please allow me to take your order instead. I promise you, you will not be
disappointed. If you are, then I will personally pay for everything on your tab out of my own
pocket as well as allow you handsome boys to punish me however you please.”

The men all stared in disbelief at Shalltear. They weren’t the only ones. Albedo gaped at her.
She didn’t have a single coin to her name, and if she thought Albedo was going to pay her,
she was sorely mistaken.

“Sounds good to me!” One said. The rest all nodded. “But you best know, we don’t satisfy

Shalltear smiled. “Well, I will do my best. I just hope I don’t humiliate myself on my first
day. I might make a mistake-” As she spoke, the pen from her pad fell down and rolled on the
floor under the table next to them. “Whoops.” Shalltear held a hand to her cheek, blushing.
“Let me get that quick while you think of what you all want.” She turned and bent down,
keeping her knees straight. The men all watched enraptured as she flashed them all, the clear
handprints on her ass shining brightly as she took her time gathering her pen. She gave them
a good long minute before finally standing straight. She turned to see six very happy men
staring back at her.

“I’m so sorry to keep you waiting. You boys aren’t too mad, are you? I’ll do my best not to
drop anything else or forget your orders. I can be so absentminded sometimes.”

Albedo watched the men stammer out their orders; the wooden mug in her hand started to
splinter from the pressure of her grasp. She couldn’t believe the depths to which Shalltear
was willing to sink. She watched the smug vampire mince towards the counter to give the
orders to the cook. Albedo made up her mind; Shalltear was not going to survive the night.
Lesson Seven: Complacency

Shalltear walked back to the table with the drinks, placing each one individually in front of
the customer, leaning low enough to give each man a welcomed view down her uniform.

“Anything else I can get for you?” She asked, smiling sweetly.

The men gulped. “Ah- no. But check in with us later, cutie.”

Albedo glared at the vampire. It had been this way for the past three hours. The slut would go
to the table, flash her ass and tits like she had no shame, and the men would all throw their
money at her. She’d made almost two gold worth of tips already.

This wasn’t working. Clearly Shalltear was far more of a degenerate then Albedo had
previously thought. She’d have to take more drastic measures.

Albedo walked from behind the counter and over to the table Shalltear had just served. As
one of the men reached for his mug, she bumped his elbow. The beer fell to the ground with a
loud crash.

“Hey, what the hell?” He asked, looking angrily at her.

Albedo bowed. “I am sorry Sir. I’ll get you a new one. Lissa, get over here now!”

“What is it Ma’am?” Shalltear quickly scurried over.

Albedo pointed to the ground. “Stupid girl! Clean this mess up now!”

The men all grinned. “Yeah Sweetie! We don’t want to drink in a filthy bar.”

Shalltear curtsied. “Right away.” She turned to go to the kitchen.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Albedo asked coldly.

“My apologies Ma’am. I should have asked permission. I was going to retrieve a rag.”

“Do you think I want to sully a good rag on this floor, stupid girl? Rags are for wiping tables
and dishes! Clean it yourself.”

Shalltear nodded quickly and got on her hands and knees. She grabbed a corner of her dress
and made to start scrubbing.


Shalltear squealed as her ass got yet another hand print on it.

“If you soil your uniform, I will take it back and you can work the rest of tonight naked!” All
the men looked very excited at that idea.
Albedo grabbed Shalltear’s head and forced it to the floor. “Clean. Now.”

Shalltear stuck out her tongue, and began licking the beer from the floor. All the men sitting
around laughed and jeered. A few even threw some copper coins at Shalltear’s head.

Albedo stood up, leaving Shalltear to continue licking up the beer. “Since you clearly need
practice, you will clean this whole floor right now. You will not stop till you are done,

“Yes Mistress.”

Albedo’s eyes narrowed. “What did you call me?”

“I- sorry. Ma’am. Yes Ma’am.” Shalltear corrected quickly, blushing. Albedo nodded to the
patrons. “Don’t be afraid to punish her if she’s not doing a good enough job.” She turned
around, a smirk on her face. Shalltear wouldn’t be so high and mighty now. From behind the
booth, Albedo started wiping a mug and watched the show.

For the next fifteen minutes, Shalltear licked all the beer off the floor till just a small patch of
drool remained. With each lick, she put her whole body into it, thrusting forward and gyrating
her ass for the customers. No one had touched their food or drink in the entire time she’d
been working. After she finished, she crawled to the next stain, wiggling her ass with each

Finally, after the third stain was cleaned, one of the men gathered the courage to move. He
held his hand up and smacked Shalltear on the ass as she crawled by, making her skirt flip up.
Albedo knew that this would hardly even register to Shalltear after all the abuse the Overseer
of the Guardians had done, but the message was clear.

“Hey bitch. There’s a stain here you missed. You want me to report you to your boss?”

“I’m very sorry Sir. Where is it? I will clean it at once.”

The man smiled. “Right here.” He took the flask and tipped it over onto his crotch. He
couldn’t wait to see this tiny skank lick him dry. But when he didn’t feel the expected
soaking, he looked down.

The barmaid had lunged forward just as he tipped the drink over. His mouth gaped as he
watched the trickle of beer pour out of the flask and onto her head, drenching her hair. Her
hands lay on his opened thighs, her chin almost touching his crotch. She looked up at him as
the drink finished dripping onto her, her eyes wide with submissive pleading.

“Please don’t spill on the floor Sir. If you must spill, please do so on me. I am worth far less
than the floor, and my Boss will not be mad at me.”

“I- you were supposed-” The man started.

Shalltear grabbed her scarf and pulled it off, revealing her collar to the table. She dried her
hair off with it as best she could before tucking it in her pocket.
“Please, Sir? I’ll do anything…” She held her hands up like paws and looked up, begging.
“Please… Master? Please spill your drinks on me instead…” All the men stared dumbstruck.

Albedo watched livid as Shalltear let patron after patron spill their drink on her. Most snuck
in a couple spanks here and there and one even had the nerve to pinch one of her nipples. She
never so much as dropped her smile. After every drink had been poured on her, she went
back to licking the floors, but this time with her ass elevated all the way up like a bitch in
heat. Every single patron got a good view under her dress, and more than one got a good feel
as well.

Albedo stormed off to the back room and threw the mug she’d been cleaning against the wall.
This was it. The vampire was going to die. How? How could she be so… so… unfazed? She
remembered Shalltear going true vampire in the meeting room for a few giggles at her
expense, remembered her screaming at Albedo when her painting was destroyed, when she
was forced to speak the truth about herself. But now, she was letting these filthy worms touch
her and treat her like gutter trash like it was nothing! Why did she allow this when she had
fought every step of the way when Albedo was doing it?

It was an insult. That was the only possible answer. She had guessed Albedo would be
watching her somehow and was doing this to insult her Mistress. Albedo kicked the wall so
hard she made a small hole. Fuming, she stomped back out to the bar. She was going to end
this right now. She’d drag the bitch out by her hair and make her go to a brothel. A few
weeks there would fix her up. Maybe she’d force her there full time. She’d tell Lord Ainz that
it was a long term form of rehabilitation.

But as she came out from behind the bar to get Shalltear, something even better walked in.

The man was clearly a noble. His fancy attire was pitiful to Albedo, but she was sure it would
impress a mere human. To her, he looked like a pig that had taught itself to walk upright. He
was hideous, and clearly, here to visit the upstairs room. Albedo smiled. She knew just the
girl for him.

“Sir, to what do we owe this unexpected pleasure?” Albedo said, greeting the man at the
door. He was flanked by two bodyguards, each wearing expensive armor and wielding large
polished swords Albedo knew were barely better than toys.

“Cut the pleasantries Charlotte. I need a whore. Someone young looking. I have had a hard
day and need to relieve some stress,” the man said.

“I know just the girl. She’s a new hire. It’s her first day. She’s an unplucked flower to the best
of my knowledge. Just a bit of bruising from her training.” Albedo said, smiling sweetly.

“Perfect. Bring her to my room. I will be waiting. And a bottle of sherry as well.”

The man strode upstairs, and his bodyguards followed. All the patrons looked away as he
passed, and he barely gave them a glance. Albedo guessed he must hold some real authority
over the humans to garner this respect and fear. She knew that the bodyguards would search
the room, then come back down when they were done if they had any brains at all. That gave
her a few minutes to deliver the news to Shalltear. With relish, she walked to where the
vampire was still on her knees with her ass out.

“Lissa, get up, I am reassigning you.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

Shalltear followed curtly as Albedo led her up the stairs to the hallway. On the way, they
passed the bodyguards coming down the stairs. Once on the landing, Albedo turned to
Shalltear and tried to keep the smile off her face.

“Do you know why we are up here?”

Shalltear’s face had the faintest hint of a blush. “No Ma’am. Do you require me to perform
something for you?”

Something about the way she said it annoyed Albedo. “There is a gentleman in the next
room. He is expecting you. You will fulfill his every wish and desire. If you fail me, I will be

“Of course. I will do my best.” Shalltear curtsied. Albedo thought she looked a bit
disappointed. That was a start. Maybe she was holding out hope that the man was at least
handsome. She didn’t think Shalltear noticed the noble when he walked in. Well, that hope
would soon die. She walked to the door and opened it for her slave.

The man was sitting on the bed, still fully clothed. He got up as the two women entered the

“This young lady is named Lissa. She lives to serve.” Albedo said smugly. “Might I-”


Albedo was so caught off guard, she was actually knocked back by the slap. It didn’t hurt,
human attacks weren’t capable of hurting a fly, let alone her, but she still held her cheek as
she looked at the noble.

“You forget yourself Charlotte. You are the whore monger, nothing more. You address me as
your grace, you do not open the door without knocking, and you do not look me in the eye.
This visit will be free, as will the next one, to pay for your insolence. Now fetch me three
bottles of sherry, or I will let my guards show you first hand their displeasure.”

Albedo stared at the filthy pig in clothing. She repressed every urge in her body to kill him.
No one had ever touched her like that and lived to tell about it. She had to keep it together
though. This was for Lord Ainz. Once Shalltear was out of the way, she and Lord Ainz would
be together. She had to remain calm.

“Of-of course. I- I am- sor-”

Her apology was cut off as Shalltear, her face furious, stepped forward and slapped the man
so hard his head spun and he crashed into a nightstand. Wood and broken glass scattered

“Don’t you dare strike her like that!” Shalltear hissed. “Filthy scum!”

Albedo was too stunned to speak, but the man stood up, his face now smiling wickedly.
“Leave now Charlotte. Leave the sherry at the door. Do not interrupt. I must congratulate
you. This is a fine girl. I will enjoy breaking her. Now leave.”

Albedo stumbled out of the door and the man shut it behind her. She just stared at the grimy
wood. She had no idea what had just happened, but she knew one thing. She had to see what
was happening in there. She didn’t know why, but she knew it to be true. She ran downstairs
quickly and grabbed the three bottles of sherry, ignoring the bodyguards.

Back at the top of the stairs, she placed them outside the door loudly, making the glass clink
together. But after a few seconds, the door still hadn’t opened. There was nothing else for it.
She was saving this for later, but this was an emergency.

She pulled out a scroll of etherealness and quickly cast it. It didn’t last long, and was pretty
low level, but with her class abilities, she was effectively an invisible ghost. She passed
through the door quickly.

Shalltear was glaring at the man, still standing by the door where she’d struck him. He was
by the bed now, speaking in a low dangerous voice. Albedo floated to a corner. The second
she touched another creature, the spell would end, so she made sure to stay as far away from
the two as possible.

“You think you get to touch me? You think your filthy peasant hands are fit for anything
more than scrubbing my clothes and washing my floors? That your mouth is fit to do
anything other than service me, you filthy whore?” He strode forward and slapped Shalltear.
She didn’t even flinch. “Get down on the bed.”

She complied. Shalltear sat, looking up at the smiling man.

“Strip slowly. Drop the act. I know you’re afraid of me. I will soon make you much more

Shalltear took a deep breath and slowly began to remove her dress, but she still continued to
glare at the noble. He strode forward and ripped her dress, exposing her bra. “DAMN YOU! I
and smacked her face. She let it propel her to the bed, and he stood over her. He reached for
his pants.

“Open your mouth whore.” Again, Shalltear complied. She ripped the rest of her dress off,
leaving just her lingerie and heels on.

“You’re going to taste me with a smile on your face. If you don’t y-” The man’s voice trailed
off into a high pitched grunt. Shalltear was splattered with red. She reached up with a
trembling finger and wiped the blood from her face with her finger and tasted it. It tasted
“Wha?” The man looked down at Shalltear. He couldn’t see where she was bleeding from.
Then he saw the red pooling from his chest. The candlelight caught the glint of the shard of
glass as Albedo pulled it from his back and he fell. With one flick she severed his head from
his neck, and a fountain of blood shot out, soaking her and Shalltear.

The vampire looked at her in awe.

Albedo looked down at Shalltear. “Lick me clean Slut.”

Shalltear smiled.
Lesson Eight: Chastity
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Albedo looked down at the hungry vampiric girl, staring up at her with wide eyes. “Now
whore. If I have to ask again your ass will know true pain, not the gentle slaps it’s carried
thus far.”

Shalltear nodded and quickly assumed a submissive position. She raised her bottom up and
her tits down, wagging her ass for her Mistress. She stuck out her tongue and began licking
her Mistress’ heels. Albedo closed her eyes, basking in the feeling of ownership again.
Shalltear was hers to humiliate and control. She was going to make sure Shalltear never
forgot that. She kicked off her illusioned boots and wiped her feet on the blood soaked floor.
Shalltear didn’t even pause before using her tongue to clean every crevice on Albedo’s foot,
starting with her big toe. Shalltear moaned, her hand slowly reaching up to caress herself.

After she finished Albedo’s feet, she moved to her thighs. Albedo sat down on the drenched
bed and allowed Shalltear to spread her thighs open. Her slave let down her hair. Each wet
curl tickled Albedo’s inner thigh as Shalltear started licking. Her cold tongue was like steel
rubbing against Albedo’s skin, and she shivered. Shalltear reached for Albedo’s dress, intent
to push it up, but Albedo stopped her with one finger. Shalltear latched onto it. She put the
finger inside her mouth, licking it slowly. Her moans grew higher as Albedo grabbed a fistful
of Shalltear’s hair and yanked her back.


That was all Albedo had to say.

“Please Mistress. Please let me lick you clean. I love the taste of you. Please use me like a
filthy rag. Please let me soil my tongue cleaning this filthy commoner off you. My body is
yours to use. I am a lowly dog, a filthy bitch who licks her meals out of dog bowls and off
floors, if it is not from an animal’s cock. Please gift me by letting me dine off your ravishing

Albedo didn’t like that Shalltear had started calling ‘Charlotte’ Mistress too, but for the
moment, it was exactly what she wanted to hear. Albedo grabbed her illusion outfit and
ripped it off, revealing her disguised body. While nowhere nearly as divinely perfect as her
real one, she guessed this body was considered attractive to humans. It was similar to
Solution’s, but her hair was shorter and in a dark brown bun. Her chest was impressive, far
bigger than Shalltear’s, though that was not saying much. All she had on remaining was a
plain white bra, which she discarded. She raised a foot up and kicked Shalltear in the face,
rolling her across the room.

In one quick stride, she reached Shalltear, and before her slave could even get up, ripped her
dress off too. She tore a strip off the bottom of the skirt and bound Shalltear’s wrists behind
Albedo walked back to the bed and lay down in it, the blood oozing from the damp sheets
like a sponge, coating her naked body in red crimson. “Demean yourself.”

Shalltear crawled on her knees towards Mistress. “I am nothing. I am a parasite. I am a flat

chested whore. I am a bitch who shamefully wears her collar to show the world what I am. I
am a worthless greedy fool who rides the coattails of the greats. I deserve death. I am not
worthy to look upon such true beauty. Please punish me for my insolence, but I cannot look
away from such ravishing perfection. I am your tool, to use or discard as you see fit. I am a
pet to be whipped and trained, to be abused and neglected. Do not show me anything but the
disdain and revulsion I deserve. Spank my ass, my tits, my flower. Slap me, insult me, please
just speak to me, so I can hear your beautiful voice, strike me so I may feel your heavenly
touch, or kill me, so I may be free of this cruel world where I will never know peace,
knowing there is someone so high as you that I will never be able to-”

As she was talking, Shalltear had made her way to the foot of the bed. Albedo had leaned up,
legs spread wide to give Shalltear a view of all she would never know, but listening to her
words, Albedo was overcome with pure lust. She slid forward till her knees were on opposite
sides of Shalltear’s head, and grabbed the slave’s head and shoved her pet’s still open mouth
into her crotch, cutting off her words.

Albedo arched her back as Shalltear’s tongue entered her. The tongue extended as the blood
started to cause Shalltear to transform, but Albedo kept a tight hold on the vampire’s head,
not giving her an inch of give. Albedo came quickly, and she didn’t let Shalltear pull away till
she licked up the mess. Shalltear didn’t try to move, but she did speak, her voice projected by
her thoughts rather than spoken out loud.



“You are nothing but a common mutt whore, Lissa. Say so, or this will end.”



“Silence. Shut up and lick me clean, mutt.”

Shalltear didn’t need to be told twice. She lapped up every drop of cum and blood on her
Mistresses pussy, then up to her stomach, then her fingers. When she got to Albedo’s chest,
she smiled. “Mistress, might I touch your beautiful chest?”

“Do you covet my bust? It must make you jealous, no?”

“Oh no. I would never want a chest like my Mistress. I would never dare to attempt to be as
alluring as her.”

Albedo was surprised how much Shalltear had changed since this week had started. She was
better at this than she thought. Maybe this flat chested harlot could be fixed. She didn’t hate
the idea of females in the tomb in theory. She had no problem with the maids or Aura. If
Shalltear truly saw herself as not worthy of Lord Ainz anymore, maybe this could work. And
it would mean she could still keep Shalltear as a plaything, which was exactly what she

“Very well. But do not forget yourself. I will not hesitate to punish you.”

“Of course Mistress.” Shalltear turned her back, still straddling Albedo, offering her bound
hands to be untied. Instead, Albedo reached up and yanked her hands down so Shalltear was
touching her chest backwards, unable to see with her back turned.

“I see no reason to give you too much pleasure.” Albedo said. The succubi's hand slipped
down and she began to caress Shalltear’s thighs, teasing her that maybe she might be entered

Shalltear moaned and cupped Albedo’s breasts in her hands and began to slowly massage
them. Her long tongue snaked behind her and rubbed against the tips of her Mistress’ nipples
every so often, making Albedo squeeze the bed sheets with her free hand. While this body
was an illusion, her real body was still there underneath. If anything, since her boobs were
bigger than Charlotte’s, she was being squeezed harder than Shalltear meant.

Albedo leaned back in ecstasy as Shalltear continued to moan. This would be perfect. She’d
have a new plaything, one that wouldn’t be broken or age, she’d have done her tomb a great
service, and best of all, she’d have no competition to be with Lord Ainz. She’d finally be able
to give her first time to-

She paled.

“Mistress. I have an impertinent question. Please. I know I’m not worthy, but if I cleaned it
up, would you allow me to cum as w-”

Albedo wasn’t listening. She shot bolt upright, knocking Shalltear off the bed and onto the
floor with a crash. She leapt from the bed and picked Shalltear up by the throat, her hands
gripping just over the collar.

“You sneaky little slut? Did you think your little plan would work?”

“Mistress, what are you-”

“You thought you could soil me? Taint me with your vile body so my love would no longer
see me as worthy? Insolent dog!” She slapped Shalltear hard enough for her to fall from
Albedo’s tight grip.

“Mistress, please! I never-” Shalltear looked genuinely confused, and a bit scared.

“Get out.”

“GET OUT!” Albedo strode forward and grabbed the rags that were once Shalltear’s uniform
and ripped off another strip, tying it to Shalltear’s bonds and yanking hard up before tying it
to her collar, forcing her into a reverse prayer tie.

“You will go downstairs and apologize to every single soul down there and kiss their feet and
beg them to hurt you. You may not leave till everyone has done so. They must spit on you,
insult you, remind you what you are worthless. Unloved by all. Then you will walk home. If
anyone catches you walking about naked, I’ll leave it to you to figure out how to convince
them to let you go whore. Now leave.” She opened the door and kicked Shalltear out with a
foot to the back, making her crash to the floor.

She turned around and smashed the bed into splinters, furious at her slave. She heard
Shalltear slowly stand up outside, and walk down the stairs, to cries of delight and whoops
from the men in the bar. Albedo dropped her illusion, and exited through the window. She
hovered behind the bar and ducked into the backroom to watch. She wanted to see Shalltear
suffer public humiliation, and she was happy to see that this time, she would. Shalltear was
practically crying as she knelt in front of a table of rowdy town guards and began kissing
their feet.

“Please forgive me. I-I-I I am a worthless slut. Please, punish me. Spit on me and kick me. I
need forgiveness.”

The men advanced on her, groping and spanking and kicking every inch of her. Even the
other barmaids seemed excited to have someone to let out their frustrations on. Everyone
seemed to have a unique insult or place they wanted to hurt Shalltear, but each had one

Each person spat on Shalltear in the same place, her face. By the end she was drenched. The
spit at least helped to hide the tears as she stood up and ran out the door.

Albedo left the bar and floated up to watch her run towards the town exit, her hands held up
high behind her. The succubi looked at the town clock tower. It had just struck eleven.
Shalltear had indeed not lasted the entire shift. She had failed. She would feel Lord Ainz’

Chapter End Notes

Sorry about the shorter chapter this week. The next one I think is gonna be longer to
make up for it.
Lesson Nine: Leadership

Albedo let herself into the throne room with a purposeful stride. She bowed to her Lord, but
he could tell right away her mind was elsewhere.

“You wish to report, Albedo? I can only assume this is to do with Shalltear’s progress? How
goes it?”

“My Lord, it is my firm belief that we should execute Shalltear as soon as possible. She is
beyond redemption.”

“I am sorry to hear that. Could you explain why? I would not be so quick to lose such a
powerful and loyal ally.”

“My Lord, while she possesses some skill, she is hardly loyal. Her constant pitiful attempts at
seduction show she is merely interested in what lies between her legs. The second something
else comes along that entices her filthy mind, she will betray us. Her lack of progress with
taming her blood frenzy or being able to follow a simple command shows she can’t control

“Really, I thought you had made excellent progress with that.”

“I will admit I had thought I had made some progress initially, but I can now see any progress
I had made was a lie. She was pretending to reform to lull me into a false sense of security. It
was to get my guard down and nothing more. She deserves death, and I for one would love to
give it to her myself.”

“Understandable, if that was true. But tell me, what specifically happened. Go into detail.
Leave nothing out. That is an order.” Lord Ainz gestured for her to speak.

Albedo gulped. “Well, her most recent act of disobedience was in the village. I ordered her to
obey all humans she encountered. She was-”

“I am sorry, but I must interrupt. You allowed Shalltear into the village without a chaperone?
That was a foolish choice. She could have harmed many.”

“Why would you care, my Lord?”

“Because I do not want unwarranted risk. If the humans suspect a spy or enemy is lurking
within, they will bolster their defenses, and that will require me to waste resources,
something I am already spending on this redemption project, which was done without my
approval.” Lord Ainz said pointedly.

“I am sorry. I did not think you would mind.”

“I do not mind you using items in the treasury. I trust your judgment, and that is what they are
there for. I do not, however, want there to be any unnecessary human risk without my
approval, understand?”

“You must understand my Lord, I didn’t think she would do anything.”

“I thought you said she had made no progress?”

“Well at the time, I thought she had.”

“She did such a good job pretending to make progress, you believed her incapable of hurting


“She must be a fine actress indeed then, to fool even you.” Lord Ainz said.

“Well, maybe she had made some progress, but like I said, most of it was an act.”

“Well then continue, sorry to interrupt.” Lord Ainz said, gesturing for Albedo to continue.

“Yes, well like I said. She was ordered to obey the orders of all humans. I knew she could not
be trusted, so I took the guise of a bartender to observe her throughout her shift, so I could
see how-”

“My apologies again for interrupting, but I must commend you on your choice of location.
Having Shalltear act as waitress to humans was an excellent idea. I can think of no better way
for her to understand following orders or humility. So she did not obey the orders of the

“No. She did. She was quite attentive.”

“The waitstaff then, was she rude? Did she perhaps harm or steal from them?”


“Well, then was she rude to you? I assume you were posing as the boss?”

“No. She was quite loyal and polite. She did all I asked without complaint.”

“Then I must admit, I am confused as to how exactly she disobeyed an order. I certainly see
no reason to call your work a failure or for her to be killed. Is this perhaps a bit of a knee jerk
reaction to something troubling you?”

“You are as wise as ever, Lord. I will admit maybe I was too quick to give up… But No!”
Albedo said, almost angrily. “I am sorry, My Lord. I apologize for my insolence at raising my
voice to you. Please punish me as you see fit.”

Lord Ainz shook his head. “No punishment necessary. I understand what I have asked of you
is a very difficult task. I can understand being upset. I only wish for you to continue your
story so I know what is troubling you so. I may be able to help you, even if it is not in the
way you thought.”
Albedo curtsied. “Very well my Lord. As she was working, a noble entered. He was insistent
on being entertained by Shalltear, and I agreed, thinking it would be good practice for her
patience and humility.”

“Don’t you feel that was a bit too far?”

“Not at all. As you know, Shalltear’s libido is one of her weakest points. It seemed natural to
test her in that capacity.”

“I suppose so. This is a woman’s matter, you would know best.”

“Thank you my Lord. She took him upstairs and I observed. She got very cross with him, and
he died.”

“She killed him? What for? Did he take any liberties with her?”

“Yes. But what upset her was his rudeness.”

“What did he do to her? Maybe that is what you can work on next.”

“It was not rudeness directed to her. It was to me. The man insulted me while in her

“You, or the bartender you were impersonating?”

“The bartender. She was very angry and would no longer listen. The fact she’d be so upset
over the whims of a mere human-”

“Wait. She did not kill him?”


“Then how did-”

“I did.” Albedo said. She looked at her hands, they were shaking. “I- I am sorry My Lord. I
have committed the utmost treason. I have acted against your will. I have ruined your plans,
and for that-”

“Please, Albedo. Nothing is ruined. I merely wish to understand. Why did you kill this
human? It is not like you to take what humans have to say personally. And besides, you were
in a disguise. What he said about you should have mattered even less. What prompted this?”

“I- I believe it was- I don’t know. I saw him, and I knew he must die. He was testing- He was
treating Shalltear poorly. I-”

Lord Ainz raised a nonexistent eyebrow. “You have grown to care for Sha-”

“NO!” Albedo screamed. She clutched her head and shook it back and forth. “I- NO! NO! I
am a fateful and devoted wife to Lord Ainz. I will not fall for this floozy corpse’s tactics!”
Lord Ainz raised a hand. Albedo quickly knelt again.

“Albedo, I am afraid I have misled you about the purpose of my decision to have you train

“My Lord?”

“I didn’t think only she would benefit from it. I also thought it would do you some good as
well. Allowing yourself to focus on the good and well being of someone you do not get along
with could open your eyes to new ways of thinking. I am glad you show such care for your
ally. But you excuse me, I have interrupted yet again. So, did she reach a blood frenzy as you
killed the man? I assume there was blood?"

"A great deal. On her and me. But no. She did not."

"So you are telling me a man was killed in front of her, a man she loathed, and his blood was
actually touching her, yet she did not fly into a frenzy?"

"No my Lord. In fact, she even tasted some, and she remained cool." Albedo said, her face
flushing as she spoke the truth as instructed.

"Then it sounds as if she has done nothing but what you asked."

"Yes my Lord."

"So do you think you might owe her an apology?”

Albedo gaped at Ainz. “An- apology, my Lord? But I can’t. I am her Mi- her better. It would
ruin my reputation with her.”

“Nothing will boost a leader's reputation more than admitting wrongdoing Albedo. I myself
do it at every opportunity, rare as it is. Do you doubt my leadership qualities?”

“No my Lord!” Albedo said, terrified.

“Then you will do fine. I look forward to your next progress update.” Lord Ainz waved
Albedo away, and the stunned woman staggered out of the room. She walked in a daze to her
room and collapsed into her bed, looking up to her ceiling. She had no idea what to do.

Did she care about Shalltear? It was such a stupid question. Of course not! She hated her. She
was a rival, a sworn enemy to her quest for love, and a total floozy!

Except that she wasn’t. She had admitted to Albedo she knew she had no chance with Lord
Ainz. And Albedo didn’t believe Shalltear was a liar. Not really. She knew Shalltear was a
floozy, that she was driven by her lustful impulses, and those impulses weren’t being pointed
at Lord Ainz anymore. She had gone so long pining over Lord Ainz and being rebuked at
every turn she never really thought about how powerful of a succubi she must be to someone
with a more primal driven mind.
All that time alone with Shalltear… Images of Shalltear naked and submissive flashed before
her eyes, ending with the memory of her tongue exploring Albedo’s pussy. Albedo moaned,
her hand reaching down to her crotch. Shalltear was a woman… so it wouldn’t really be
cheating on her Lord. If a Bicorn didn’t consider it sex, then it mustn’t be…

She yanked her hand away screaming into her pillow. This was wrong. She- she hated
Shalltear. But she didn’t want her gone. She wanted her here, under her heel, begging for

She screamed louder into her pillow.


Shalltear opened the door to her bedchambers with some difficulty, owing to her tied hands.
She had long since finished crying, but her eyes were still red and swollen. She walked like a
zombie into her room, so in a trance she didn’t even notice her Mistress sitting on the bed till
she had already sat kneeling in her doggy bed.

“Shalltear, look here.”

Shalltear turned. Albedo was sitting at the foot of a brand new bed. It was just as lush and
elegant as Shalltear's old one, made of centuries old wood and carved by hand. Shalltear
stared at Albedo blankly. “I am not Shalltear. I am a slave. A mutt to be used and abused.”

Albedo frowned. “Stop that. I want to speak to you.”

“Is Mistress ordering me to ignore her previous instructions for the foreseeable future, or
merely in the present?” Shalltear asked in a flat monotone voice.

“I- Just sit on the bed!”

Shalltear stood up and walked to the bed and sat down as far away from Albedo as she could,
keeping her eyes down.

“Shalltear, I- look at me!”

“Yes Mistress.” Shalltear looked up at Albedo. Her eyes were lifeless and empty. She looked
just as dead as any corpse they summoned. The look unnerved Albedo greatly.

“I- wanted to talk to you about your progress in town.”

“I apologize for my failure. I will assume the position.” Shalltear turned and bent forward.

“Shalltear stop! I’m not going to punish you!”

“Mistress was there. She knows I failed.”

“I- wait.” Albedo blinked. “You knew I was-”

“Mistress disguised herself as the bartender to make sure I would follow her orders.”
Albedo glared at her. “How did you know it was me? I told you to restrain from using your

"When Mistress slapped me at the front door. It was far too strong for a mortal. I can also
recognize the taste of my Mistress, despite the illusion.”

Albedo gaped. “You knew the whole time? Why didn’t you say-”

“Did I make another mistake? I apologize Mistress. I am worthless filth only deserving of
being fucked by pigs. Please sentence me to a night in the farm stables.”

Albedo stared in disbelief at her once hated ally. This was Shalltear Bloodfallen, the one true
vampire. This was the woman who she’d seen slaughter whole armies by herself without
breaking a sweat. She’d seen her go toe to toe with the great Lord Ainz and live to tell about
it. But here she was, muttering insults about herself like- like she was a talking corpse.
Albedo reached over and untied Shalltear’s hands. She didn’t lower them. Albedo realized
after a moment that Shalltear was waiting to be told to lower them.

That's when it really sunk in for Albedo. She’d done it. She’d broken her. Shalltear
Bloodfallen was reformed. She would not act without Albedo or Lord Ainz’s word. Albedo
pulled out a jar of red honey and offered it to Shalltear.

“I have this for you. It will heal you like last time. You are reformed now, and I am a woman
of my word.”

Shalltear didn’t even look at it. “It is a reward. I do not receive rewards. I receive
punishments. Unless you are going to give me a punishment or orders, it is a test to see if I
know my place. I will make you proud Mistress.”

“Shalltear.” Albedo leaned forward to press the jar into Shalltear's hand.

“I am not Shalltear.” The vampire stood up and walked to her doggy bed and sat down. “I am
a filthy disgusting unloved degenerate maggot ridden flat titted slutty skanky whorish stupid
ugly putrid hussy. I am to be ridiculed, used, abused, and hated. That is my purpose,
Mistress.” She curled up around her chew toy and began to gnaw at it, her back to Albedo.

“Very- very good. I will- I will bring in Aura and her brother to come see you now, to show
them how you’ve grown.” Albedo said, a smirk on her face now.

Shalltear didn’t even move. “Very good Mistress. Shall I refer to them as Master and Mistress
as well?”

Albedo slowly nodded. “Yes... I suppose so.”

“Understood Mistress.” Shalltear said in the same flat tone.

Albedo stared at the lump on the ground. Something about the victory felt so… so hollow.
She had everything she wanted, but this- it felt like cheating. Like she’d robbed herself of
something. She looked at the honey still in her hand and back to the mass of bruises and
scratches on the doggy bed and sighed. She stood up and set the glass jar by the bell on the
pedestal. She took one more look at her faithful slave, and walked out of the room. She shut
the door behind her and shuffled to her own room and laid down. She didn’t know how, but
she knew one thing for certain. There was no fun or satisfaction in teasing or torturing a
broken down thing.

She had to get the old Shalltear back.

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