Alice in The Wonderland Skit Group No 3

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Alice-what is happening here……maybe the court has not started yet….

Rabbit-Silence in the court.

King- start
NArToR – The rabbit who had the paper in his hand began to read out aloud.
Rabbit-the queen of hearts
She made some tarts
All on a summer day
The knave of hearts
He stole those tarts
And took them far away
King-hmm so-
Rabbit-oh not yet x2 we have a lot to listen, call the first witness.
Narrator – the first witness was a hatter, he entered with a tea cup in one
hand and bread and butter in the other.
King-what have u got to say
Hatter-Oh, excuse me for bringing these here …. I have not finished my food.
Queen – u should have finished it …when did u start
Hatter- maybe 14th of march no maybe 15th no maybe 16th.
King- stupid fellow , take of your hat
Hatter- this is not mine.
Queen- huh
Hatter- I keep them to sell ….well u should know ……….I am hatter…
Narrator- the queen felt a little insulted but she continued
Queen – tell me what have to say or your head will be off.
Narrator- due to fright the hatter took a bite of the tea cup instead.
Queen- rabbit
Rabbit – yes
Queen – bring me the list of the singers in the last concert.
King – tell us what u have to say or-
Queen – your head will be off
Hatter – I am a poor man pls leave me-
King-u r a very poor speaker indeed. U may leave.
Narrator- without saying a word the hatter left.
Queen – cut off his head outside
Narrator – suddenly, Alice started to fell strange
Alice- wait …. I am growing again …
Rabbit – call the next witness.
Narrator- the next person was the queen’s cook . She seemed pretty
confident. She was carrying a box of peper with her and then everybody
started sneezing
King – Speak women
Cook-I wont
Narrator-the rabbit goes towards the king and says in a low voice
Rabbit-maybe …. u should speak in a polite sounding voice
King- …………. I mustx2
King – what are tarts made up of
Cook –peper mostly
Narrator- from outside came a sharp voice, probably the hatter s head was
being cut off so everyone turned around to look and by the time the cook
disappeared and no one noticed Alice growing.
Queen – well…. does not matter …..CALL l the next .
Rabbit –Alice
Queen- omg. Such a big one
King – huh let me take out my rules book yes x3 so rule no 142 all persons
above one mile should leave the court.
Alice-I wont
King – but …. that is the most important rule in our book.
Alice – who cares.
Narrator – Alice steps out the door angrily

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