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501 GMAT® Questions

Set 12

Now it is time to answer GMAT table analysis practice questions that have
been designed to test your integrated reasoning skills. Good luck!

293. The following table shows the total number of fast-food

restaurants and Type-2 diabetes statistics for six cities in the
United States with similar square mileage and population size.
Which of the following CANNOT be inferred by the data
represented in the table below?

Fast-Food Restaurants and Population of Type-2 Diabetics

% of reported
diagnosed Overall % of
Number of with Type-2 population
fast-food diabetes under with Type-2
Town restaurants the age of 16 diabetes

Rockville 24 8 15

Medford 29 15 19

Pittsfield 21 5 7

Beaver Creek 37 19 23

Greene 40 20 25

Lewistown 28 7 7

a. The city with the most fast-food restaurants will also have the
highest overall occurrence of diabetes.
b. The city with the highest percentage of children with Type-2
diabetes also has the highest number of adults with Type-2
c. The more fast-food restaurants in a city, the more childhood
diabetics it will have.
d. Other factors besides fast-food restaurants, such as culture and
economy, may influence a city’s diabetic population.

501 GMAT® Questions

294. Scientists wanted to analyze risk factors for a certain lung ailment.
Some scientists argue that the presence of a certain gene (labeled
gene Lfac) is responsible for a person’s chance of developing the
disease, while others from the group claim the pollution from a ten-
year-old factory in the region is more to blame. The following table
shows 10 patients who have the disease, their level of toxin exposure
based on distance of their homes from the factory, and whether they
have the Lfac gene. Which of the statements can be supported by the
information in the table?

Environmental and Genetic Information on Patients with

Lung Disease

Patient Toxin exposure (%) Gene Lfac present?

1 20 Yes

2 45 No

3 84 No

4 34 Yes

5 62 Yes

6 31 Yes

7 75 No

8 33 Yes

9 77 No

10 58 No

a. The greater the toxin exposure the more likely a person is to get
the disease, whether they have the LFac gene or not.
b. The disease is caused only by genetic factors.
c. The closer a person lives to the factory, the more likely he or she
is to acquire the disease.
d. It is not possible to determine whether genetics or toxin exposure
increase a person’s chances of developing the disease.

501 GMAT® Questions

295. In 2011, 10 different companies reported sales for products they

advertised for on two social media websites. Data was collected for
online sales of products and was determined by customer surveys.
Which of the following statements is true, according to the data in
the table?

Change in Sales of Products 1 and 2, for Companies

1–10 (percent)

Social Media Site #1 Social Media Site #2

Product Product Product Product

Company 1 2 1 2

1 +2.0 +1.7 +3.0 +2.7

2 +2.3 –0.3 +2.5 +1.0

3 –4.6 –2.0 –4.0 –2.1

4 +3.0 +3.2 +2.0 –1.5

5 –2.9 +1.0 –3.6 +0.5

6 –5.0 –2.1 +2.5 +2.5

7 +3.1 –2.0 +1.0 +1.7

8 –0.3 –1.2 +6.2 +4.7

9 +1.0 –1.0 –3.0 –2.2

10 –1.0 –2.5 +4.3 +4.3

a. Product 2 had a higher sales increase than Product 1 on both

b. Company 1 was not honest when reporting sales of both products.
c. Overall, the second social media site was more effective for
increasing sales of both products.
d. Company 2 was not honest when reporting sales of both products.

501 GMAT® Questions

296. The data presented in the following table shows the population of
snakes and the population of rabbits in a meadow ecosystem for a
10-year time period. What can be inferred from the data in the

Rabbit and Snake Populations in a Meadow Ecosystem,


Year Snake population Rabbit population

2000 100 250

2001 120 210

2002 160 185

2003 130 170

2004 110 190

2005 95 215

2006 85 230

2007 90 245

2008 100 235

a. The population of snakes is influenced by the population of

available rabbits.
b. New sources of prey were found by the snakes between 2000
and 2008.
c. There was an increase in other predators of rabbits from 2001
to 2002.
d. If the rabbit population were to double in 2009, the snake pop-
ulation would double as well.

501 GMAT® Questions

297. A team of botanists wanted to figure out what sort of conditions

were best for growing a type of flowering plant. The following
table shows the variables that were tested and the results of the
experiment. All other conditions were kept the same, and the
plants came from the same package of seeds. What can we infer are
the best conditions from the data in the table?

Effects of Temperature and Water on Plant Blossoms

Plant Temperature (°F) Amount of water (mL) # of blossoms

1 60 25.0 2

2 60 50.0 2

3 60 75.0 0

4 65 25.0 3

5 65 50.0 4

6 65 75.0 1

7 70 25.0 8

8 70 50.0 10

9 70 75.0 2

10 75 25.0 13

11 75 50.0 10

12 75 75.0 9

13 80 25.0 16

14 80 50.0 12

15 80 75.0 10

a. The plant prefers cool, damp growing conditions.

b. The plant prefers cool, dry growing conditions.
c. The plant prefers warm, damp growing conditions.
d. The plant prefers warm, dry growing conditions.

501 GMAT® Questions

298. Five private universities released statistics on the top three college
majors at their schools, graduation rates for each major, and
graduates who reported having a degree-related job in their field
within 12 months of graduation. The following table represents
the information that was released. Which of the following
statements CANNOT be inferred from the data in the table?

Top Three Majors, Graduation Rates, and Graduates with

a Degree-Related Job

Four-year Graduates
graduation with a
rate within degree-
each major related
University Top three majors (%) job (%)

Abracadabra Biology 82.5 75.0

University Chemistry 83.0 80.0
Zoology 87.0 80.0

Crescent Liberal Arts 90.0 70.0

Moon Finance 91.5 80.0
College Business 90.0 75.0

Westfield Women’s Studies 92.0 50.0

University Biology 93.5 89.0
Liberal Arts 95.0 70.0

Letterbox Chemistry 95.0 90.0

University Mathematics 97.0 91.0
Business 95.0 80.0

Cranberry Botany 85.0 95.0

College Biology 85.0 96.0
Zoology 83.0 88.0

501 GMAT® Questions

a. Crescent Moon College has the most successful networking and

job placement of the universities listed.
b. In the current economic conditions, it is probably more chal-
lenging to get a job in the liberal arts than it is in a science-
related field.
c. Students who require more than four years to graduate will
likely have a harder time finding a job post-college.
d. Those who graduate from Westfield University with degrees
that are not ranked in the table will probably have more success
finding a job within 12 months of graduation.

299. The following table shows the top ten United States imports and
exports for the year 2008. The data in the table supports which of
the following statements?
a. The United States is self-sufficient for many facets of its trans-
portation industry.
b. Passenger cars make up a higher percentage of exports than
imports for the United States.
c. Other nations are dependent on the United States for civilian
d. The United States has little demand for foreign-made clothing.

501 GMAT® Questions

Top Ten Imports and Exports for the United States, 2008

Imports Exports

% of % of
total total
Rank Product imports Rank Product exports

1 Crude oil 16.3 2 Semicon- 3.9


8 Cotton 2.4 5 Automotive 3.1

apparel accessories

3 Medicinal 3.8 9 Telecom- 2.6

preparations munications

4 Automotive 3.1 7 Fuel oil 2.7


5 Other 2.9 6 Other 3.0

household industrial
goods machines

2 Passenger 6.0 1 Civilian 5.7

cars aircraft

6 Computer 2.8 10 Plastic 2.5

accessories materials

10 Video 1.9 4 Pharma- 3.1

equipment ceutical

7 Petroleum 2.5 3 Passenger 3.9

products cars

9 Telecom- 2.1 8 Organic 2.6

munications chemicals

501 GMAT® Questions

300. A school district in Maryland integrated a state-funded reading

program into its curriculum for four years. The same program was
integrated in a school district in Virginia. The passing rates for
elementary (K–5), middle (6–8), and high school (9–12) are shown
in the following table. Which statement is true about the
implementation of the reading program?

Passing test rates for Virginia and Maryland school districts,

before and after state-funded reading program (percent)
Grade Level
K–3 4–6 7–9 10–12

Before After Before After Before After Before After

pro- pro- pro- pro- pro- pro- pro- pro-
State gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram

Virginia 85 78 75 65 82 87 82 89

Maryland 80 78 84 75 79 80 82 85

a. As grade level increased, so did passing rate, both prior to and

after the reading program.
b. The program was unsuccessful in Virginia.
c. The program was unsuccessful in Maryland.
d. The reading program was more effective for older students.

501 GMAT® Questions

301. The following table shows the percent of commuters and the type
of transportation they primarily use, for six countries. Which of
the statements that follows can be supported by the data in the

Common Modes of Transportation for Commuters

Transportation Type (percent)

Country Bus Bicycle Train Automobile

Brazil 30 50 10 10

Argentina 40 30 15 15

Germany 30 20 25 25

United Kingdom 30 10 40 20

France 20 30 35 15

United States 20 10 10 60

a. Of all the listed countries, pollution is probably lowest in Brazil.

b. South Americans commute with the automobile more fre-
quently than Europeans.
c. Mass transit is the most common way to commute in the
United States.
d. Mass transit is the most common way to commute for the
majority of the countries listed.

501 GMAT® Questions

302. A school in New York State has experienced a decrease in

graduation rate for the past six years. The school wants to
determine some of the outside factors that could be playing a role
in the decreasing rates. Behavior reports and juvenile arrests of
students enrolled at the school were the focus of the study. Which
of the following statements can be made, based on the information
in the table?

Graduation Rates, Behavior Reports, and Juvenile Arrests,


Graduation Behavior Juvenile arrests

Year rate (%) reports (total) (total)

2002 54 416 5

2003 55 419 5

2004 55 415 4

2005 57 400 4

2006 52 436 8

2007 49 482 11

2008 45 510 16

2009 41 540 20

2010 37 593 25

2011 34 704 31

a. As the total number of behavior reports increases, so do gradua-

tion rates.
b. As graduation rates decrease, behavior reports do the same, but
juvenile arrests increase.
c. Juvenile arrests and behavior reports have been steadily increas-
ing since 2006, and the graduation rate has been steadily
d. Students who do not have behavior issues both in and out of
school make up most of the graduating class each year.

501 GMAT® Questions

303. The following table shows four different cable providers and the
change in their rates for the 2012 subscription year. All four of the
companies have experienced a change in their clientele based on
renewal subscriptions, also shown in the table. What is a
reasonable conclusion based on the information given?

Changes in Cable and Internet Costs for Cable Providers

A, B, C, and D

% change % of customers
in cost of who re-signed
Cable wireless % change in contract for 2012
provider Internet cost of cable service year

A +2.0 +5.0 70%

B +4.0 +5.0 65%

C +5.0 +3.0 85%

D +6.0 +2.0 90%

a. The rising cost of cable has more of an influence over whether a

customer will re-sign than the cost of the Internet.
b. The rising cost of Internet service has more of an influence over
whether a customer will re-sign than the cost of cable.
c. Changing Internet and cable costs have little effect on whether
a customer decides to re-sign with the company.
d. Customers are not likely to renew a subscription for a year of
service if the wireless Internet price increases.

501 GMAT® Questions

304. The rate of magazine versus tablet or other device subscription for
three magazines is shown in the following table. Which of the
following statements CANNOT be supported by the information
in the table?

Tablet and Print Magazine Subscriptions for Three

Magazines, 2009–2012 (thousands)

Fashion Forward Sports Weekly Classy Cooking

Year Print Tablet Print Tablet Print Tablet

2009 25 4 15 2 20 5

2010 28 10 15 4 22 10

2011 32 14 13 7 21 15

2012 35 18 10 10 20 29

a. All three of the magazines have seen an increase in tablet sub-

scriptions for the past four years.
b. People interested in fashion are more likely to get their infor-
mation from a tablet than those interested in cooking.
c. People interested in sports are less likely to have a print sub-
scription than those interested in fashion.
d. People interested in cooking are more likely to have a tablet
subscription than people interested in sports

501 GMAT® Questions

305. The number of new hires for the year 2011 is displayed in the
following table, for four various industries within a county in
Ohio. Which statement is true about the data in the table?

New Hires, Mason County Ohio, 2011

Change in new hire

Number of new employment from
Industry hires year prior

Education 173 +5%

Civil Service 200 +5%

Service Industry 210 +10%

Health Care 205 +5%

a. The healthcare industry hired more new employees for the year
2011 then the civil service industry.
b. There was an increased demand for teachers in 2011.
c. As new hires and employment increase, there is an increased
demand for employees in the service industry.
d. There were more people hired in the service industry and
healthcare than in education and civil service.

501 GMAT® Questions

306. A survey was conducted with groups of people between the ages of
14 and 17 in different states in the United States, measuring how
young people typically spent their time outside of school. The
results of the surveys that were given are displayed in the following
table. Which of the following statements is a reasonable inference
based on the survey results?

How Teenagers Spent Their Free Time, 2010


Com- Books
puter/ Sports and
Tele- Inter- or time maga-
State vision net use outside zines Work Other

Florida 25% 30% 10% 10% 20% 5%

Vermont 15% 15% 30% 15% 20% 5%

Minnesota 20% 25% 20% 10% 15% 10%

Oregon 15% 15% 25% 15% 25% 5%

Louisiana 20% 30% 20% 5% 15% 10%

Utah 5% 10% 30% 15% 35% 5%

a. Teenagers in northern regions tend to spend more time outside

than teenagers in southern regions.
b. Teenagers in southern states are most likely than teenagers in
northern states to spend time on the Internet in their spare
c. Most people in Vermont get their first job as a teenager.
d. More teenagers spend time watching television than using the

501 GMAT® Questions

307. A study was conducted to see whether people who drove red cars
were more likely to be written a speeding ticket. The number of
speeding tickets written between 2005 and 2009 for red, black, and
silver cars is displayed in the following table. Which of the
following conclusions can be made, based on the data in the table?

Speeding Tickets Given by Car Color, Monroe County,


Tickets given Tickets given Tickets given

Year to red cars to black cars to silver cars

2005 600 500 550

2006 700 400 500

2007 640 450 600

2008 800 600 700

2009 750 550 600

Total tickets 3,490 2,500 2,950


a. People driving silver cars are most likely to be given a speeding

b. People who drove black cars in 2009 were written the most
speeding tickets.
c. The police wrote more total speeding tickets in 2007 than any
of the other years.
d. People who drive red cars are more likely to get a speeding
ticket in Monroe County than those in black and silver cars.

501 GMAT® Questions

308. A laboratory conducted a study on how certain antioxidants

regulate cell division in a variety of groups of the same specimen.
The purpose of the study was to see whether certain antioxidants
can be directly linked to uncontrolled cell division (cancer) in
living organisms, when exposed to cancer-causing agents. The
results of the study are displayed in the following table. What is a
possible inference based on the data the scientists gathered?

Effects of Various Antioxidants on Uncontrolled

Cell Division

% of
specimens % of specimens
who had who had
uncontrolled uncontrolled
Primary food cell division cell division
Antioxidant source (control) (experimental)

Alpha- Tomatoes, 20.0 12.0

carotene squash

Beta- Squash, sweet 20.0 11.0

carotene potatoes

Lutein Spinach, kale 20.0 4.0

Lycopene Cooked red 20.0 13.0


Zeaxanthin Kale, collard 20.0 4.5


a. Lutein and lycopene are the antioxidants that showed the most
beneficial impact on the specimens, so a diet rich in them would
mean a decreased cancer risk.
b. Diets rich in dark green vegetables could mean a decreased
cancer risk.
c. Diets rich in alpha-carotene and beta-carotene will increase the
risk of cancer if exposed to cancer-causing agents.
d. Red and orange vegetables are an excellent source of

501 GMAT® Questions

309. The total number of medals for the seven countries who won the
most gold medals at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games is shown
in the following table. Which statement is true about the data in
the table?

Medal Count for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games

Country Gold Silver Bronze Total

United States 46 29 29 104

China 38 27 23 88

Great Britain 29 17 19 65

Russia 24 26 32 82

Korea 13 8 7 28

Germany 11 19 14 44

France 7 11 12 34

a. The country with the most total medals won also had the high-
est medal count for gold, silver, and bronze.
b. The country with the fifth highest gold medal count also had
the fifth highest total medal count.
c. France had the least number of gold medals as well as the low-
est total medal count.
d. Russia had the fourth highest gold and bronze medal counts.

501 GMAT® Questions

310. A certain pheromone produced by the female monarch butterfly

has been identified as responsible for their reproductive success.
The same pheromone has been tied to other species of butterflies
but they do not emit it as much as monarchs do, and their
reproductive rates are also significantly lower. Scientists want to
see if increased exposure to the pheromone will be effective in
encouraging mating among an endangered species of butterfly. Six
test groups, with 50 male and 50 female butterflies, were separated
and exposed to different amounts of the pheromone to see if it
increased the mating activity between them. Which of the
following can be inferred from the data in the table?

Mating among Butterflies, Various Pheromone Exposure

Amount of pheromone Number of butterflies

Test exposure (%) times who mated during
group normal amount exposure

1 0 0

2 20 12

3 40 36

4 60 74

5 80 94

6 100 90

a. The butterflies would probably mate the most when exposed to

50% pheromone levels.
b. Controlling the amount of pheromone exposure would be an
effective way for scientists to promote reproduction among
these butterflies.
c. An increase in pheromone exposure always leads to increased
mating activity between butterflies.
d. Exposure to controlled levels of pheromones would not encour-
age mating between the endangered butterflies.


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