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The Cleansing

of the
Sanctuary and
the Time of the
Lanz Cameron Khrystoffer D. Ege
Bible Teacher
Mindanao Mission Academy
We have come to the last
quarter of our study of the Bible
concerning last day events

Based on the prophetic books of Daniel and the

What we learned so far:

The issue at the end of time is worship –

true versus false worship.
God rightfully demands our loyalty to Him
through faith and obedience to His
At the end of time, there will only be two
groups – those who receive the Seal of God
and those that receive the Mark of the
God’s Seal is found in His Law (Ten
Commandments), and in His Law is a
commandment that God also calls a seal –
the 7th day Sabbath
What we learned so far:
The Little Horn power is the religio-
political power that rose out of Rome
after the time of the emperors from
538 A.D. – 1798 A.D.
Daniel predicts that the Little Horn
power will attempt to change God’s
Law and God’s Day thus creating
religious confusion.
God used Reformers such as Luther,
Calvin, Wesley, to slowly restore
biblical truth that was obscured by the
Little Horn power such as salvation by
grace, baptism by immersion, holiness,
What we learned so far:
The Great Advent Revival led by
William Miller led millions of people
to the truth of Christ’s imminent
second coming – a truth not
proclaimed over thousands of years.
The Old Testament Sanctuary is a
miniature model that teaches us how
God solves the problem of sin through
the sacrifice of Christ and His high-
priestly ministry.
The Day of Atonement foreshadows to
the time before the Second Coming
wherein Christ will cleanse the
sanctuary in heaven, judge all people,
and settle every person’s destiny once
and for all.
Seal of God Mark of the Beast

Jerusalem Babylon

True Worship based on God’s Word False Worship based on man’s


God’s Law (10 Commandments) Man-made laws and traditions

The 7th day Sabbath Man-made day of worship

Forehead, Hand, Heart Forehead, Hand

In Daniel 7, we were introduced to the Little
Horn out of Rome power that persecuted
God’s people, attempted to change God’s
Law and God’s Day

The Little Horn was prophesied to do its work for 1,260 years.
It happened from 538 A.D. to 1798 A.D.
In Daniel 8, we find the Little Horn power
again! This time, it creates a counterfeit of
all the realities that the Sanctuary points to

Prayer, the authority of the Word of God, Baptism, Christ’s once-for-all-time sacrifice
at the Cross and high priestly ministry, and buries it all to the ground
In short, this Little Horn power creates
another gospel – a false gospel!

“But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we
have preached to you, let him be accursed” (Gal. 1:8)
Daniel asks: “How long, O Lord?” (Dan.

Daniel’s cry is also our cry every time we are filled with problems that only God can
solve. For every cry for divine help, cries for heaven’s intervention, the Lord has an
And he said to me, “For two
thousand three hundred days;
then the sanctuary shall be
cleansed.” (Dan. 8:14)
Heaven’s response to Daniel is the longest time
prophecy in the Bible, one that reaches to “the time of
the end.” (Dan. 8:17)
Daniel 9 explains the mystery of the 2300
“days” prophecy
Daniel 9 predicts the exact timing of
coming events
History went from 1 B.C.
to 1 A.D. with no “0” year.

A.D. 1
From A.D. 1 let’s add 26 more
years to complete the 483

A.D. 1 + 26 Steps 27 A.D.

457 B.C.

Time of the End

A.D. A.D. 27
34 31
34 A.D. 1810 years 1844 A.D.
Since 1844, we are already
living on borrowed time. The
time before the Second
Coming – “the time of the
end.” (Dan. 8:17)
Since 1844, God is restoring the truths of the “everlasting
gospel” (Rev. 14:6) that was trampled by the Little Horn.
Since 1844, Christ is preparing a people ready to meet Him
in the clouds of glory.
And it will be said in that day: “Behold, this is our God; We have
waited for Him, and He will save us.
This is the LORD; We have waited for Him; We will be glad and
rejoice in His salvation.” (Isa. 25:9)

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