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Curso profissional de Técnico

Domínio de Compreensão Escrita

Ano Letivo 20 - 20

Nome do/a formando/a Número Turma

Disciplina Inglês Módulo 2 Um Mundo de Muitas Línguas
Classificação Data
Professor/a Tomei conhecimento

1 (5 × 10 = 50)

Use of English
Match in order to create sentences.

1. A polyglot is a) one of the most universal and diverse forms

2. Language is of expression of human culture.
3. When a person is fluent, b) we need to fill out a registration form.
4. To apply for an exchange c) for one year and I loved it.
programme, d) he/she can speak a language easily, well and quickly.
5. I’ve studied in Germany e) someone who can speak many languages.

2 Fill in the gaps with the words given. Two words are not necessary.
(8 × 10 = 80)
fluent • make • employer • language • phrases
comfort • learn • international • confident • employment

Studying abroad will take you out of your 1) zone as you become more self-efficient. This
also allows you to develop personally and become a more 2) individual.

By immersing yourself in your new study destination, you will find yourself picking up new
3) and sayings and before you know it, you will be well on your way to becoming
4) , which will be hugely advantageous later when seeking 5) .

When an 6) sees that you have studied abroad, it shows them that you are a
well-travelled individual, who has developed an 7) global perspective. Living and
studying abroad can broaden your perspective on life. You will 8) lots of new friends
and have loads of great stories for all your friends at home.
LPRO13EPFR © Porto Editora
3 (10 × 7 = 70)
Choose the correct option.

3.1. I’m learning English French. ©

Porto Editora
a) nor b) and c) yet

3.2. I want to study in Germany, I have decided to learn German.

a) for b) but c) so

3.3. Last year, I to France to work as a volunteer.

a) went b) have gone c) going

3.4. Learning French is learning Russian.

a) as easy b) the easiest c) easier than

3.5. I’m Portuguese, but I also speak three languages.

a) abroad b) foreign c) fluent

3.6. I my job because I to travel the world.

a) leave / want b) leaved / wanted c) left / want

3.7. I my passport at home.

a) forgot b) forget c) forgotten

3.8. I learning French when I 10 years old.

a) start / was b) started / were c) started / was

3.9. For me language to learn is Spanish. It's too similar to Portuguese!

a) the easiest b) the easier c) easier than

3.10. Have you been to London?

a) since b) yet c) ever

Total: /200
Curso profissional de Técnico

Domínio de Compreensão Escrita

Ano Letivo 20 - 20

Nome do/a formando/a Número Turma

Disciplina Inglês Módulo 2 Um Mundo de Muitas Línguas
Classificação Data
Professor/a Tomei conhecimento

1 (5 × 10 = 50)

Use of English
Choose the correct option.

1.1. Someone who can speak or use several different languages is a .

a) polyglot b) monolingual c) linguist
1.2. If you are able to speak or use two languages, you are .
a) dual b) bilingual c) native

1.3. When a person is , they can speak a language smoothly, easily, or readily.
a) extrovert b) fluent c) hardworking

1.4. Someone who speaks a language as their first language rather than having learnt it as a
foreign language is a .
a) native speaker b) foreign c) hardworking

1.5. When two people who speak different languages use English to communicate, they are
using it as a .
a) translation b) mother tongue c) lingua franca

2 Fill in the gaps with the words given. Two words are not necessary.
(8 × 10 = 80)
fluent • abroad • skills • advantages • native speaker • foreign • cultural
mother tongue • global • problem-solving

Learning a 1) language will bring you many 2) , not just in terms of linguistic 3)
, but also in terms of other abilities, such as creativity or 4) . With that tool, you can study or
work 5) , because you are able to communicate with people who can’t use your 6)
LPRO13EPFR © Porto Editora

. In fact, if you travel, speaking with the locals may give you a different perspective on their 7)
traditions and give you the feeling that you are as good as a 8) .
3 Choose the correct option. (10 × 7 = 70)

3.1. Learning a new language is than learning mathematics.
a) more challenging b) challenge c) challenger

Porto Editora
3.2. I'm planning to move to Spain, I’ve started to learn Spanish.
a) for b) but c) so

3.3. Last summer, I to the Algarve to work as a waiter.

a) went b) have gone c) going

3.4. Learning English is learning French.

a) as easy b) the easiest c) easier than

3.5. The staff all the equipment yesterday afternoon.

a) move not b) move c) didn’t move

3.6. They at the office yesterday morning when the reporter _______.
a) aren’t / go b) weren’t / called c) didn’t / didn’t call

3.7. Tiffany for this job vacancy yet.

a) hasn’t applied b) applied c) haven’t applied

3.8. Last month, I an internship in Paris.

a) start b) started c) starting

3.9. I am student in my French classes. I'm so happy!

a) the best b) better c) better than

3.10. Have you been to Paris?

a) since b) yet c) ever

Total: /200

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