2002 Exam

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December 17, 2002 Tl1{E: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm ( 2 hours)

Answer ALL four questions. Marks for a question are indicated after the question.

Use a separate answer book for each section

Use of Electronic Calculators:

Candidates taking examination that permits the use of calculators may use any calculator which
fulfils the following criteria:
(a) it should be self-contained, silent, battery-operated and pocket-sized; and
(b) it should have numeral-display facilities only and should be used only for the purpose of

It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure that the calculator operates satisfactorily and the
candidate must record the name and type of the calculator on the front page of the examination
scripts. Lists of permitted/prohibited calculators will not be made available to candidates for
reference, and the onus will be on the candidate to ensure that the calculator used will not be in
violation of the criteria listed above.

Section One Has Two

Question 1 in Section One (25 marks)

Answer the following six questions.

1. 1 Give a brief discussion on the requirements to be a competent foundation engineer.

(3 marks)

1.2 Recently, HKU has developed a drilling process monitor (DPM) for ground
investigation. Give a brief discussion on the DPM and its possible applications.
(3 marks)

1.3 Discuss briefly the lower bound solution and upper bound solution in limit analysis for
bearing capacity and give an example to illustrate the concept. (4 marks)

l .4 Discuss briefly two analytical methods for the estimation of the ultimate bearing
capacity of footing on or adjacent to slopes. ( 5 marks)

l .5 Discuss briefly how to classify footing flexibility and give an example to illustrate the
classification. (5

1. 6 Figure 1 shows four different distributions of the contact pressure between foundations
and ground soils. Explain briefly the reasons for each of the contact pressure
distribution. (note on the soil type: (a) Pure clay; (b) Pure sand and gravel; (c)
Intermediate soil type between (a) and (b); and (d) Clay). (5 marks)

/ Smooth rigid foundations Fully flexible

footing on clay

( .b ) (c ) (d )
Figure 1

Question 2 in Section One (25 marks)

A square footing 5 m in width and 1 m in thickness is shown in Figure 2. The buried column
has a square cross-section of 1 m in width. The ground investigation reveals that the ground
comprises a sand layer and a clay layer. The soils are underlain by an intact bedrock The
ground water table is 1 m above the clay layer. A comprehensive field and laboratory testing
indicates that the clay deposit is an over-consolidated clay soil. The representative values of
the physical and shear strength properties for the clay and the sand are determined as those
given in the Table below.

Property Name Sand Layer Clay Deposit

Layer Thickness (m) 5.0 4.5

In-situ unit weight of soil, Ywet (kN/m ) 18.0 20.0
Saturated unit weight of soil, Ysaturated (kN/m3) 19.0 20.0
Initial void ratio, eo 0.47 0.70
Drained Poisson' s ratio, v 0.3 0.3
Undrained Poisson' s ratio, Vu - 0.5
Coefficient of permeability, k (m/s) 3 .5x 1o-4 6.6xl0"9
Coefficient of volume compressibility, mv (m2/kN) - 2.2x 10"3
Effective internal friction angle ( t/> ') 35.0 25.0
Effective cohesion, c ' (kN/m2) 2.0 20.0
Pre-consolidation pressure (kPa) - 200.0
Plasticity index - 35.0
Compression index (Cc) - 0.2
Compression index (Cr) - 0.02
Note: The unit weight of water Yw 9.8 kN/m3 .

The foundation is designed to support the superstructure load P (=5,000 kN). The foundation
is to be constructed by open excavation and in-situ grouting in the sand layer. The foundation
depth is 3 m below the ground surface. The unit weight of the reinforced concrete of the
foundation below the ground surface is 24 kN/m 3 . The foundation loading is considered to be
applied on the soils suddenly and keep constant for long-term.
Based on the above data, you are asked to answer the following four questions.

2.1) Estimate the theoretical factor of safety for the foundation bearing capacity.
(7.5 marks)

2.2) Determine the total consolidation settlement. (7.5 marks)

2.3) Determine the days for the completion of 50% of the total consolidation settlement.
(5 marks)
2.4) Discuss the results. (5 marks)

Please note: you should gtve clearly any assumptions used tn your assessment and their

Square Foundation f


Intact bedrock
Figure 2

Section Two Has Two Questions

Question 3 in Section Two (25 marks)

Table 3. 1 shows a simplified subsurface profile with description of various geological materials
down to the top of the bedrock.

A heavy structure with a column load of 25000 kN is to be supported by these materials where

the qcceptab\e settlement is to be less than 1Omm.

Water table can be assumed on the ground surface.

Table 3.1 Simplified Stratigraphy for Question 3

Depth SPT N value Description of Material
0 Level Ground
0-Sm N=8 Loose, pinkish grey, angular COBBLES of medium to
coarse-grained slightly decomposed granite with much
coarse gravel. (FILL)
5-15m N=5 Very soft, dark greenish grey very clayey SILT with
occasional shell fragements. (MARINE DEPOSIT)
15-30m N=20 Medium to dense, yellowish brown fine to coarse
subangular GRAVEL and COBBLES with a matrix of
sandy silt (ALLUVIUM)
30-40m N=l00/150mm Extremely weak, yellowish brown completely
decomposed TUFF (V). (sandy SILT/CLAY)
40-43m NIA Strong, dark grey highly to moderately decomposed
43-44m N=l00/150mm Weak, yellowish brown completely decomposed
TUFF (V). (sandy SILT/CLAY)
44-45m NIA Strong, dark grey highly to moderately decomposed
45-55m N=200/l50mm Weak, yellowish brown completely decomposed
TUFF (V). (sandy SILT/CLAY)
Below 55m NIA Strong, dark grey moderately decomposed TUFF (III)

3.a) Based on the geological description in Table 3.1, determine the most suitable pile type
to support the column load and explain the rational behind leading to your decision.
(5 marks)

3.b) Depending on the type of pile that you have selected in Question 3.a), describe the
installation procedure (in bullet points) so that your pile can rest on the required level.
(5 marks)

3.c) Based on the founding depth that you have selected in Question 3.b) and assume the
pile diameter is 1m, calculate the negative skin friction (in kN) generated in the fill and
in the marine deposit layers using the effective stress approach. Consider that the
neutral point can be taken as 0. 75 of the length of the pile and take ~ =::: 0.20 for the
marine deposit and~= 0.5 for the fill. For simplicity, Ysat 20 kN/m3 for all layers.
(10 marks)

3. d.) A dewatering occurred due to tunnel excavation below the bedrock and lowered the
groundwater table to below the bottom of the pile, causing the fill and the marine
deposit layers to settle. Assume Ydry = 15 kN/m3 for the fill and Ysat 18 kN/m 3 for the
marine deposit layers after dewatering.

Use the effective stress approach again to calculate the negative skin friction (in kN)
generated in the fill and in the marine deposit layers. ( 5 marks)

Question 4 in Section Two (25 marks)

4.a) A 8m long, outside diameter 500mm with wall thickness 20mm steel pile is installed
into a loose to medium dense sand that has <t>' = 30°, Ysat = 20.0 k:N/m and nh =4.4
MN/m~. The modulus of elasticity of steel is 200 GP a and the ultimate moment
resistance of the pile is 0.5 MN-m. The pile is 6 m into the ground and 2 m above
ground. The water table is at the ground surface.

i) Calculate the ultimate lateral resistance by the Brom' s Method ( 1964) assuming the
head is unrestrained (free-head). (5 marks)

ii) Based on the ultimate lateral resistance found in 4.a.i) above, estimate the lateral
deflection of the pile at the ground surface. (5 marks)

iii) Calculate the ultimate lateral resistance by the Brinch Hansen's Method ( 1961)
assuming the head is unrestrained (free-head) and that the pile can be classified as short
and rigid in this method. Draw the passive pressure distribution to determine the point
of rotation. ( 10 marks)

4. b) For piles situated adjacent to slopes where sleeving is required, describe with the aid of
a simple sketch the procedure of installing sleeving elements in driven pile, caisson and
bored piles. (5 marks)

End ofPaper

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