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Putu Artiasih1
Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini2

Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

This study focuses on the analysis of code-switching of Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar’s Synergy
of Bird Conservation with Customary Village Community to Promote Demulih Bangli as a Green and
Harmonious Virtual Educational Tourism or in Indonesian is Sinergi Konservasi Burung Bersama Desa
Adat dalam Mempromosikan Bukit Demulih Bangli sebagai Kawasan Wisata Edukasi Virtual yang Hijau
dan Berkicau (henceforth SITADEWIKU) researchers. This study aimed at identifying the types and the
function of code-switching on the Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar’s researchers WhatsApp group. It
was found that 15 text messages show code-switching. The descriptive qualitative method was applied in
this research. The types of code switching were analyzed using Romaine's ( 1995))theory, and the
function of code-switching was analyzed using the theory of there were three types of code-switching
found by the researchers: tag-switching, inter-sentential, and the last one is intra-sentential. The results
showed that from 15 data texts the majority of the data used by the members of the research was intra-
sentential switching. In terms of function, based on the theory used there were six functions of code-
switching from the data above, namely referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic
function, metalinguistic function, and poetic function. The expressive function is the most commonly
used function of code-switching found.

Keywords: Code-switching, WhatsApp Group, Researchers.

Communication in two languages is code-switching. It is not surprising that
a common phenomenon in bilingual or individuals can speak many languages
multilingual nations. Switching between because they may be easily taught from a
languages can be used to demonstrate variety of sources and methods
expertise in two or more languages. Since there are no boundaries in
According to Trudgill (2003) bilinguals today's language especially English.
are people who can speak two or more With the expanding use of the English
languages. It refers to a bilingual or language in people's lives, its usage in
multilingual person's capacity to speak both formal and informal situations is
many languages at the same time. increasing daily Chughtai et al., (2016).
Conversations, speeches, lectures, and As a result, code-switching is becoming
other types of communication are all more popular and has formed a new style
conducted in English. In this situation, in everyday communication, and is a
code selection is crucial since we need to typical phenomenon in cyberspace,
choose a certain language to avoid whether in communication or while
misunderstanding. This is considered as posting anything on social media. The

193 | P a g e
use of social media programs on the function of switching the code is
internet, such as WhatsApp, Instagram, mostly to immediately include the
Twitter, Line, Facebook, and other listener in the conversation.
popular communication tools nowadays. Hanafiah et al., (2021) also created a
WhatsApp is the most popular social study to analyze code-switching that
media platform that could be used for occurs in lecturer students' interaction in
communication (Rahartri, 2019). thesis examination. The study found that
Without face-to-face communication, code-switching happens during thesis
WhatsApp may give a comfortable and examination. It may be determined that
simple environment for individuals to lecturers and students in thesis
share their thoughts, send messages, examinations aim to avoid using code-
interact with messages, and engage in switching during communication. Even
conversation with others. if the guideline is to speak complete
It is occasionally very interesting to English, code-switching is nevertheless
research code-switching since the employed to maintain the continuity and
various phenomena that cause code- fluidity of the interaction as well as to
switching are becoming increasingly guarantee that the messages are well
diversified. This is proven by the number comprehended.
of researchers who conduct studies on And the last study conducted by Adi
the case of code-switching. Many studies (2018) analyzes code-switching occurs
on code-switching from various aspects in the Indonesian novel Critical Eleven.
with many different data sources to the The writer found that there are three
literature issue have been conducted In a types of code-switching (inter-sentential
research conducted by Sinaga & switching, intra-sentential switching, and
Hutahaean (2020) to analyses code- tag-switching) and reveals the novel's
switching on Deddy Corbuzier's essentially inter-sentential change of
Youtube Channel, The researchers used utterances. And there are eight reasons
a variety of data analysis procedures, why the novel's characters switch
including familiarizing and organizing, languages.
coding and reducing, interpreting and In the aforementioned study above,
representing. The researcher collected 25 code-switching usage in diverse
data from Deddy's YouTube channel and contexts, such as in YouTube, movies,
examined them using Wardhaugh’s thesis examinations, and novels had been
theory, giving the following results: studied. However, the usage of code-
situational and metaphorical, with switching on WhatsApp has not been
situational accounting for 15 and focused on, particularly in the researcher
metaphorical accounting for 10. WhatsApp group. WhatsApp may be
Another research is from Nurmalia used for a variety of purposes and
& Purwaningrum (2019), the study is groups, including family, college or
about code-switching usage in 50 first school groups, office teamwork, and
Dates Movie. In this study, the even research groups. People that use
researcher found 23 cases of switching code-switching when talking online are
dialogues in 50 First Date Movies. The regularly found in this application. In
final finding shows that the most this study, code-switching cases in the
common type is tag switching. The most messages of WhatsApp Group of the
common reason for altering the language Synergy of Bird Conservation with
is that the speaker wishes to change the Customary Village Community to
perspective of the listener, and the Promote Demulih Bangli as a Green and

194 | P a g e
Harmonious Virtual Educational making it simpler to detect code-
Tourism or in Indonesian is Sinergi switching in group conversations.
Konservasi Burung Bersama Desa Adat
dalam Mempromosikan Bukit Demulih 2. CODE SWITCHING
Bangli sebagai Kawasan Wisata Code-switching is the process of
Edukasi Virtual yang Hijau dan switching between two types of
Berkicau (henceforth SITADEWIKU) res languages within an utterance or
earchers of Universitas Mahasaraswati dialogue, whilst at the bilingual level, it
Denpasar are studied. The recent studies includes changes in the language of style
attempt to discover a phenomenon that at the monolingual level (Hoffmann,
has never been studied before, the 1991). Unconscious code-switching
subject of this study is a research occurs as a result of their capacity to use
WhatsApp group. more than one language, while another
The objective of this research is to can appear code-switching to repeat
identify and characterize various types what was spoken previously. On the
and functions of code-switching used by other hand, Romaine (1995) defined
all members of the SITADEWIKU code-switching as the employment of
research WhatsApp group. This study more than many languages, varieties, or
mainly focuses on Indonesia-English dialects by a speaker within an
switching. In addition, the author uses expression or discourse, or between
the three types of code-switching based various interactants or circumstances. In
on Romaine's (1995) theory to categorize line with Romaine’s definition,
the types of code-switching. Meanwhile, Ayeomoni, (2006) defined code-
to find out the function of code- switching as the use of two or more
switching contained in the languages, dialects, or even speech styles
SITADEWIKU researcher WhatsApp alternately. While according to
Group, using the theory of Appel & Trousdale ( as cited in Ameliza &
Muysken (2006) Ambalegin, 2020) stated that Code
Members of switching is a language scenario in
the SITADEWIKU group come from a which the speaker switches between two
variety of backgrounds, including sixth- kinds (codes) in a dialogue with another
semester students and facilitators, who person who has the same language skills.
are the lecturers from three different It can be inferred that code-
programs of study. Six of the researchers switching is a linguistic phenomenon
and two lecturers have degrees in that is classed as a change of language
English Literature and English and is sometimes characterized as the
Education, while three others have transition between two or more
degrees in Biology Education. As a languages in a single utterance. For
result, researchers must be multilingual different reasons, the speaker will
for extra learning and new knowledge to frequently switch from one language to
be shared within the study team. The another without impacting the content of
current study is worthwhile since the dialogue. The context, the
because the object of study is derived interlocutor, and the topics spoke all
from researchers’ activities with have a direct influence on language
different educational backgrounds then it transmission.
is easier to find the object of study According to Romaine (1995), there
drawn from the actions of researchers are three types of code-switching (tag-
with diverse educational backgrounds, switching, inter-sentential and intra-

195 | P a g e
sentential). The insertion of a tag or an comments or the statement of something
interjection in one language into an in another language. Poetic function is
otherwise entirely in the other language frequently employed for enjoyment or
speech is known as tag switching. Inter- entertainment purposes in the form of
sentential switching is a switch that jokes, stories, songs, and poetic quotes
happens between clause or sentence
boundaries and is in any language. When 3. RESEARCH METHOD
transitioning between sentences, the The descriptive qualitative method
majority of the utterance should comply with message analysis was adopted in
to the standards of both languages. Inter- this study. Qualitative research is a
sentential switching is a switch that technique for exploring and
happens between clause or sentence comprehending the importance that
boundaries and is in one or either individuals or groups place on a social or
language. human issue (Creswell & Creswell,
Appel & Muysken (2006) divided 2018). The descriptive research
the code-switching functional model into technique is a fundamental research
six functions which are referential method that analyzes the issue as it now
function, directive function, expressive existed (Williams, 2018) The data were
function, phatic function, metalinguistic gathered from a WhatsApp Group
function, and poetic function. A message sent by SITADEWIKU
referential function is linked to a lack of researcher. SITADEWIKU is an
linguistic proficiency. The directive Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
function is to add or subtract a person scientific research group that undertakes
from a discussion part. An expressive bird conservation studies in Demulih
function focuses on self-identification or Village, Susut District, Bangli, Bali.
emotion. Phatic function is to indicate a Their WhatsApp group contains
shift in tone and emphasize important information about their studies and other
parts of a conversation. The activities. However, this analysis is
metalinguistic function of code- limited to English Indonesia code-
switching is frequently employed for switching.

Observing Identifying Classifying


The data collection process consists were applied in SITADEWIKU

of some steps: 1) Observing the data that WhatsApp group.The data will be
occurs in the SITADEWIKU WhatsApp reported accurately, systematically, and
group; 2) Identifying messages that scientifically by analyzing the types of
applied code-switching and screenshot code-switching which were assessed by
the selected message; 3) Classifying the employing Romaine's theory (1995).
type and the function of code-switching Meanwhile, the theory of Appel &
based on theory; 4) Concluding the Muysken, (2006) will be applied to
types and function of code switching analyze the function of code-switching.

196 | P a g e
Sudaryanto (2015) proposed two data can be classified based on its type,
methods for presenting data analysis. and it can also be classified based on its
They have both informal and formal function; the types and functions
processes in place. He argued that the contained in code-switching will always
informal strategy uses verbal assertions, be related to one another, because every
whereas the formal style employs signs code-switching that occurs will certainly
and symbols. The findings of this study have a type and function.
are presented informally. Because the
outcomes of the analysis are in the form 4.2 Discussion
of language without numbers, signs, or 4.2.1 Tag Switching and Its Functions
symbols, the informal technique is Tag switching is the most basic type
utilized of code switching since it inserts speaker
tags and specific specified phrases or
4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION words in one language through an
4.1 Result utterance that would normally be in the
The researcher uncovered data that other. Tag switching employs an
was used as code-switching based on the interjection, tags, and phrases.
data that was analyzed. The researcher Data 1
classifies the data based on the type and
function of code-switching. Code-
switching is classified into three types,
the first one is tag switching, second is
inter-sentential switching, and the last Terima kasih adik2 semua, good night
one is intra-sentential switching (Thank you everyone, good night)
(Romaine, 1995). Referential function, (Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp
directive function, expressive function, Group)
phatic function, metalinguistic function, This message can be classified as a
and poetic function are the six code- tag switching message, because there is a
switching functions (Appel & Muysken, “Good night” greeting at the end of the
2006). There were 15 data found in the message delivered, the data above is a
SITADEWIKU WhatsApp Group. For tag switching, where “Good night” is
the types of code-switching, the results part of the interjection commonly used
showed that the majority of the data used in code switching. Because it was late at
was intra-sentential switching which is 7 night, one of the lecturers who is a
data. The researcher also discovered 3 member of the SITADEWIKU
data categories as tag-switching and 5 congratulated all students before retiring
data categories as inter-sentential to bed.
switching, which is 2 data from inter- There is an English term “Good
sentential can also be classified as intra- night”, the data shows / belongs to
sentential switching. In terms of expressive function, code-switching has
function, it has been revealed that an expressive function when it contains
expressive function is the most an intent to transmit sentiments or
commonly found data, encompassing up emotions. It appears to be a greeting,
to 5 data, followed by 4 data classified as command, congrats, astonishment, and
phatic function. There are 3 data code- several replies to utterances. “Good
switching with referential functions, in night” is a word given to others before
addition to 1 data each for a directive, going to bed.
metalinguistic, and poetic functions One

197 | P a g e
Data 2 be guiding a seminar, we all encourage
her as well as another lecturer who urge
her to use the sentence above.
This data contains the referential
function, which happens when the
speaker does not understand the terms or
ideas conveyed in a certain language.
“Good luck” is referred to as "Semoga
Wooowww…kereeen Rai Good job beruntung" in Indonesian, however, the
(Wooowww…cool Rai Good job) phrase has become rare, particularly
(Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp among those with English education.
Group) Because the sender is a lecturer with an
Inserting a tag Woooww in the first English background, the expression
sentence and adding word good job in "good luck" is almost definitely more
the end on the sentence. The word frequently used than the phrase "Semoga
“wow” and “good job” is a categorize as beruntung”.
tag switching because tag-switching
employs an interjection, tags, and 4.2.2 Inter-Sentential Switching and
phrases and is often seen at the Its function
beginning or end of a phrase. In this Inter-sentential switching is a switch
data, a lecturer reacts to a message that happens between clause or sentence
conveyed by professor where one of the boundaries and is in one language or the
team members won the debating other. People who can speak two or
competition. She expresses happiness more languages will often use this type,
and appreciation for what his students but people who are not bilingual will
can accomplish, consequently it is tend to avoid this language change.
argued that the tag switching expressive Data 4
function is present in this data.
Data 3

Selamat pagi.Terima kasih untuk acara

dua hari ini dan semua tugas tugas2nya.
Looking forward to the next agenda.
(Good morning. Thank you for
Good luck bu Agung organizing this two-day event and all of
(Good luck Ms. Agung) the tasks.)
(Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp (Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp
Group) Group)
Code-switching appears in the first The type of code switching in the
phrase of the above-mentioned message. following data is inter-sentential
“Good luck” tag switching is present in switching. There is one message in these
this utterance, because the word “good communications that uses two
luck” is a part of interjection. As we languages. The first and second
know tag switching employs an sentences are in Indonesian, while the
interjection, tags, and phrases and is third sentence is in English. In the
often seen at the beginning or end of a context of the message above, one of the
phrase. Because one of our lecturers will research supervisors expressed his

198 | P a g e
appreciation for the work done over the Every sentence expresses feelings or
previous two days and encouraged all emotions.
participants to look forward to the next Data 6
In terms of function, the above
message is a phatic function. This
function attempts to show a change in
the tone and emphasizes crucial topics in
a discussion. The phatic function appears
at the end of the sentence in the data Good morning, here I attach evaluator
above. Which is this one of the sentences report regarding to our fieldwork
that highlights imported portions, it yesterday. For the notulensi akan
emphasized here that all members will menyusul. Thank you
soon receive a new task after finishing (Good morning, here I attach evaluator
the previous task. report regarding to our fieldwork
Data 5 yesterday. The notes will be followed.
Thank you)
(Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp
Inter-sentential switching is the
classification of the data. The messages
Wow y’aal have worked hard, you did are intended in a combination of English
well. Tetap semangat and stay healthy and Indonesian. The first sentence is in
Giarsa, Kusuma and Tia English, the second sentence is a mixing
(Wow you all have worked hard, you did of Indonesian and English, and the last
well. Keep spirit and stay healthy sentence is in English. This data can also
Giarsa, Kusuma and Tia) be classified as intra-sentential code-
(Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp switching since, in addition to language
Group) changes between sentences, language
As with the previous message, there changes inside the phrase occur.
is an inter-sentential transition of two This message is a send from one of
languages in one message in a different the English literature study program
sentence. Then, in the second sentence, students or member of SITADEWIKU
she encourages her friends in both she states that she will provide a report
Indonesian and English, indicating that and evaluation of SITADEWIKU
there is intra-sentential switching in this activities that day. The first and the
communication due to the presence of second sentence emphasize important
two languages in the second sentence. parts of a conversation, based on this, the
The context provided in focus on the data presented above can be categorized
topic is an excellent alternative for as a phatic function.
friends who worked hard to obtain one Data 7
of the results of the SITADEWIKU
scientific research in the form of videos
published on the YouTube channel. The
sender then encourages and prays for
friends to be passionate and in excellent
condition. As a result, the data could be
categorized as an expressive function.

199 | P a g e
Good afternoon Prof, I was too stunned while the third and fourth sentences are
to speak. Sangat keren ini Prof bisa written in Indonesian. The message
sampai ke ranah yang lebih tinggi above shows a lecturer who stated that
(Good afternoon, Prof, I was too stunned they would continue to make progress so
to speak It's fantastic Prof can advance that it can later bring advantages and
to a higher realm.) make the local community aware of the
(Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp possibilities of the area where we are
Group) doing research.
This message contains inter- The data presented here is
sentential code-switching, where the categorized as a directed function,
sender opens her sentence in English and because not everyone in the research
then switches to Indonesian in the group is fluent in English as a result,
second sentence. In this situation, the language-based activities are employed
sender is overjoyed and unable to say to engage all participants. The aims of
anything because the team's the directive function are to Including or
achievements are amazing. remove a person from a discussion part
This sentence serves as a
metalinguistic function, as there is a re- 4.2.3 Intra- Sentential Switching and
emphasis in two languages. The context Its Function
in the first phrase is that the sender is Intra-sentential switching is defined as
speechless due to extremely amazing change of language in a sentence.
achievements. While the second Because it occurs within a phrase, intra-
sentence shares the same sense of sentential switching presents the greatest
appreciation as the first. As a result, the risk in syntactic rules
admiration expressed in the first Data 9
sentence is reiterated in the second.
Data 8

Selamat malam Prof, really happy and

proud for team
(Good afternoon, Prof, really happy and
Great. We will keep up the good work. proud for team)
Semoga memberikan manfaat dan (Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp
menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat Group)
adat tentang potensi alam desanya. Intra-sentential occurs in the
Hijau berkicau message above because there is a switch
Great. We will keep up the good work. in the language in a sentence; the phrase
Hopefully, it will bring advantages and begins with Indonesian and finishes with
improve indigenous peoples' knowledge English. One of the students greeted in
of their village's natural potential. Green Indonesian and expressed his delight in
and chirping using English. The context of the
(Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp statement above is the message
Group) communicated when the team's video
The message above shows inter- project arrived at the government.
sentential switching, as well as a change The expression “really happy and
in the verbal phrases. The first and proud for team” expresses a student's
second sentences are written in English, emotion of joy and pride for a

200 | P a g e
corporation. As a result, this is an intra- inserted into an Indonesian phrase. As a
sentential switching with an expressive result, the following data was identified
function. As we know expressive as a referential function because the
function contains an intent to transmit English term "slow respond" was
sentiments or emotions. inserted in the middle of an Indonesian
Data 10 utterance. It occurred as a result of a lack
of knowledge of the Indonesian language
on the term "slow response." It is
translated as "menanggapi dengan
Two much also, pasti Tia senyum2 lambat" in Indonesian. However, most
(Too much also, Tia must be smiling) Indonesians are unfamiliar with the term.
(Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp As a result, many Indonesians tend to
Group) employ the English term "slow
The data above shows an intra- response" when speaking the Indonesian
sentential kind of code-switching, with a language.
language change, occurring in one Data 12
sentence. The phrase begins in English
and then moves on to Indonesian. The
sender's background is a professor who
joking blamed the English used and
stated that English Education students
laughed at the language. In reality, he is Selamat siang Prof, well note prof
a foreign graduate professor with Good afternoon Prof, well noted prof
excellent English. The above message (Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp
shows that intra-sentential has a poetic Group)
function because the poetic function is In this data, a student greets the
commonly used for amusement or professor and expresses his appreciation
enjoyment in the form of jokes, tales, for a message delivered by the professor
songs, and poetic phrases. previously. "Well noted" is an emphasis
Data 11 in the phrase that indicates the student
completely understands what the
professor is saying. Because of the
emphasis on important parts of the
phrase, the functions in the following
Selamat dan semangat ya buat semua data can be classified as phatic functions.
tim SITADEWIKU, maaf saya agak Data 13
slowrespon krn seharian menguji Skripsi
di Prodi
Congratulations and keep your spirits up
for all the SITADEWIKU team, sorry I'm
a bit slowrespon because all day testing Tim Sita tlg share catatan notulis dan
thesis in Study Program evaluator ke WAG ini
(Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp Sita team please share the note and
Group) evaluator to this WhatsApp Group
There is a "slow respond" word in (Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp
the middle of the phrase, this message is Group)
classified as intra-sentential The addition of the word "share" in
switching.English language word was the message above classifies this data as

201 | P a g e
intra-sentential code switching. The (Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp
professor asked that the Sita Team Group)
divide their notes and evaluator into The use of Indonesian at the
groups. The word “share” was inserted beginning of the sentence followed by
into Indonesian which means “bagikan”. English categorizes the message above
In comparison to the Indonesian as intra-sentential switching, in which a
language, the term "share" is more professor thanks for the information
known or often used. As a result, the shared about team progress, he says that
data can be categorized as a referential the information was very useful because
function. it was good news, then he gives the
Data 14 emphasis of the important part using
English, the data above can be
categorized as intra-sentential switching
with a phatic function.

Following the findings of this study,
it is possible to conclude that code-
Selamat Rai, hope you will get the best switching occurred in the Mahasaraswati
Congratulation Rai, hope you will get Denpasar University researcher
the best WhatsApp group and that several types
(Source: SITADEWIKU WhatsApp and functions of code-switching are
Group) interesting to be analyzed were
In the data above, the type of intra- discovered. The data above show three
sentential code switching occurs again; types and six functions of code-
the sentence is started in Indonesian and switching use. Based on the analysis
then continued by English; the context of above, it is clear that with the rapid
the message is a professor congratulating development of languages, code-
one of the students on advancing to the switching can occur anywhere. We can
final round, thus she will be absent from use code-switching to improve our
class today. The professor congratulates ability to learn a language in addition to
her and wishes her the best of luck, facilitating communication. We can
therefore based on this explanation, it learn to be bilingual or multilingual in a
can be determined that the data above variety of ways, one of which is by
can be classified as intra sentential having a conversation in various
switching with an expressive function. languages. Particularly if we have a
Data 15 group whose sole purpose is to teach a
lesson. Surely, this researcher may be
beneficial to readers and future
researchers interested in the same
subject. The phenomena of code-
switching will continue to increase in
line with the advancement of technology
Sip, trims Tia for the valuable and language. It is envisaged that
information researchers may discover new
Alright, thanks Tia for the valuable occurrences in code-switching that can
information be examined directly rather than only

202 | P a g e
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