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Assistance towards Funeral Expenses for ............................................................................

2 ASSISTANCE: ..................................................................................................... 2 RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROVIDING ASSISTANCE ................................. 3 GENERAL: ....................................................................................................... 3
Assistance towards Funeral Expenses for
Employees in case of death
Ref. No. 8.7 Date
Title Assistance towards funeral expenses for
employees in case of death
Approved By
Effective Date
Replaces/Modification/Classification CHRD/RR/003.17/4208/99,dtd: 07.08.1999

As a part of moral and social obligation, Company has been extending some
assistance to the bereaved family of the deceased employee. It has been now
decided to adopt the following guidelines for providing funeral assistance. ASSISTANCE: A sum of Rs.15,000/- shall be paid as an ex-gratia assistance towards funeral

expenses of employees, whether the death is caused by accident arising out
of or in the course of employment or due to natural causes. The ex-gratia
assistance amount towards funeral expenses shall be revised from time to
time as per the provisions of ESI Act.1/2

The payment will be made to the nominee (next of kin of deceased

employee). In case next of kin is not available, payment may be made to
friends or neighbours who are making arrangements for the funeral. Transport for the funeral, if requested by the next of the kin of the deceased
employee may be provided without any charge for a distance from the
headquarter to hometown as declared by the deceased at the time of initial
appointment or latest hometown whichever is less. In case of death of an employee while on duty, a representative of the Chief

Executive/ Unit Head will accompany the dead body for the funeral and will
place a wreath of flowers on the body on behalf of the Company in honour
of the services rendered to the organisation. In such a case transport for the
funeral will be provided on free of charges. An additional sum up to Rs.60,000/- may be paid (on request by next of kin)
as an advance towards immediate family requirement to meet various social
obligations, which shall be recovered from the Benevolent Fund payable to
the next of the kin.1 A condolence meeting may be arranged preferably on the said day or if not
possible on the next day. The Unit Head shall be present in the condolence
meeting. After the condolence meeting, a condolence message be sent to the
spouse or head of the deceased family, by the Unit Head. RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROVIDING ASSISTANCE An Officer of the concerned department may be deputed to make

arrangements alongwith the Welfare Officer of the Unit, if required. To ensure the payment of other dues to the widow or nominee of the
deceased an Officer of the HRD Department shall be nominated to make
quick settlement of final dues within a period of not exceeding one month. GENERAL: Head of Unit/Office will be the Competent Authority for sanction of ex-
gratia/ advance. The Guidelines may be modified/amended/discontinued/withdrawn with

the approval of the Chairman-cum-Managing Director. In the event of any doubt or dispute, the decision of the Chairman-cum-
Managing Director shall be final and binding. These guidelines shall come into force with effect from 01.07.1995 and shall
supersede earlier orders/instructions issued in this regard.


1. (Clauses and amended w.e.f. 22/07/2016 vide Circular

No.CHRD/RR/003.17/ 1862/2016 dated 22/07/2016.)

2. CHRD/RR/0012.8/519/2019 dtd 08.03.2019 (6th LTWS)

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