NIS Project TOT Exercise For Participants

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NIS TOT exercise for Participants

Growth Monitoring Promotion

GMP_Ex_1 Bekelech Alemu gave birth to a baby girl named Hanna on February 26th,
2014EFY. On July 20, 2014, EFY, she brought Hanna to Arada HC for the growth monitoring
and promotion program; Hanna's weight was 5.8 kg and her height was 98 cm. Her father is
Adugna Gudeta. Bekelech resides in the Addis Abeba City Administration in the Arada Sub City
woreda 08/08 house number new and telephone number 0911000000; she is ineligible for the
UPSNP. Hanna completed the 00123 MRN in the department of medical records while registered
in the GMP register under 108 Hanna attended the same health facility on August 25,
2014EFY, and September 26, 2015EFY, and her weight and height were 6 kg, 54 kg, 98 cm, and
99 cm, respectively.

GMP_Ex_2 . Tigist Belay gave birth to a girl named Eyu on January 6th, 2014EFY. On
February 05, 2014, EFY, she brought Hanna to Amaya HC for the growth monitoring and
promotion program. Eyu's father is Tariku Ataro . Eyu's weight was 5.8 kg and his height was 80
cm. Tigist resides in the South West Ethiopia region in the Konta zone Amaya town house
number new and telephone number 0990000000; she is eligible for RPSNP. Eyu took the 00444
MRN in the medical records department and was registered in the GMP register under 80
Eyu visited the same medical center on May 10 and June 10 of 2014EFY, where his weight and
height were 5.7 kg, 5.5 kg, 82 cm, and 84 cm, respectively.

Based upon GMP_Ex_1 & GMP_Ex_2 scenario answer the below questions

a. Plot the Growth monitoring and interpret

b. Asses and classify the child nutritional status based upon weight for age curve and
develop package of interventions for mother/care giver
c. Fill GMP register and monthly nutrition report

Nutritional Screening

AM_Ex_1 Fatuma brought her child Shemsu who is 8 months old living in Bishoftu town kebele
o3 on August, 25 2014EFY . He was admitted to the SFP with a MUAC of 11.6 cm at Bishoftu
HC, with MRN 01234 and in register having 019. After four weeks, the child has lost
weight and MUAC is now 11.4 cm. His weight at admission was 7kg, but by the fourth week it
had decreased to 6.2kg.

a. Fill TSF register and report appropriate monthly

b. Develop package of interventions for mother/caregiver

ANC register (IFA)

Bekelch Akalu made her first visit to Ataye HC while she was 24 weeks pregnant and residing in
Ataye Town Kebele 05 residence in September 12, 2015 EFY. Every essential investigation was
ordered by the nurse in charge of the visit. After mentioning danger signals and other pregnancy-
related risk-reduction measures, he dispensed 90 IFA tablets. From the physical examination he
found Hemoglobin level: 11 g/dl, blood pressure: 115/79 mmHg, pulse rate: 89 min. She has
male and female children who are each 7 and 4 years old. She is currently expecting her third
child; she has never before experienced an abortion or a stillbirth.

a. Fill ANC register and report for respective month

b. How do you comment IFA dispensing for the mother? Are you agree with the nurse in
c. What consulting package you prepare for the mother for IFA adherence and other safe

VAS and Deworming

A 7-month-old kid arrived at the Hawassa Health Center on July 25, 2013, EFY. His mother,
Abebch Yunkura, resides in Hawassa Town's Kebele 06 and reached at 0909090909. The
responsible nurse was appointed on Tir, 25 2014EFY and provides vitamin A supplementation
doses according to age groups. On April 4, 2014, E.F.Y., Abebech brought her child to the clinic.
The nurse gave the child doses_2 of vitamin A and deworming dose_1.

a. Based on the information fill the VAS-Deworming register, tally and monthly report
b. What challenges you faced based on the scenario

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