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English IV

(AC-S07) Week 07 - Task: Assignment -

Someone that I admire (PA)


Juan Diego Maldonado Mondragon Yuli Yajaira Díaz Arcelles

Code: U22232750 Code: U21220569

Lucero Estefany Fernández Cubas

Code: U20225015
In Peru there have been several recognized characters
thanks to the trajectory they have had
throughout their lives, obtaining admirable recognitions
making the nation proud. The author
we have chosen on this occasion for his innumerable
achievements is the writer and novelist
Mario Vargas Llosa.
Jorge Pedro Mario Vargas Llosa, better known as Mario
Vargas Llosa, was born in Arequipa
on March 28, 1936, he has studied literature at the
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San
Marcos, thanks to his performance they gave him a
scholarship to study at the Complutense
University of Madrid. He has worked in the newspaper "La
Industria" and presented his first
play "Huida del Inca" One of the important achievements he
has had is the Nobel Prize for
Literature, thanks to his cartography of power structures
and sharp images of the resistance,
rebellion and defeat of the individual received in 2010 by
the Swedish academy.
These achievements were obtained thanks to the effort,
dedication and commitment of the
author, since everything is embodied in his novels and
works, generating a change of vision
to Peru, thus demonstrating his dedication and effort,
leaving the name of Peru high.

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