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1-Manners : polite ways to behave or speak 2-Be raised : be taken care of as a child 3-Courteous (Wigs) : polite 4-Treat : to regard and deal with in a specified manner 5-Respect : a feeling that something or someone is important 6-Rude : speaking or acting in a way will annoy people 7-document : a piece of paper with official information on it 8-Appreciate: to be grateful or thankful for something 9-Behavior : the way someone acts 10-Conduct : to act or think toward someone in a particular way 11-Likely : used to show that something will probably happen 12-face-to-face : in person 13-Electronic device : a machine that uses electricity 14-text : send a written message by phone 15-confusing : difficult to understand 16-immediate response : a fast answer 17-go out : go ona date 18-leave someone hanging : to keep someone waitinf for an answer 19-look forward to : to be excited about something that is going to happen 20-call something off : to cancel an event 21-sounds good : a way to say that you agree with someone's suggestion 22-turn down: to say “no” to an invitation 23-"i'll have to pass" : i can’t accept your invitation 24-take a rain check : to tell someone that you can't do something with them now, but you would like to do it later 25-blow off : to fail to attend or show up for 26-remind : to make someone rememner something 27-sudden : happening quickly when you are not expecting it 28-beat : to make a regular movement or sound 29-high pitched : making a sound that is high in pitch 30-warning : something that tells you that something bad is going to happen 31-affect : to do something that makes a change happen is someone or something 32-environment : the people and things around you 33-anxious : feeling afraid or nervous 34-sensitive to : easily changed, upset, or hurt by something 35-association between: a connection or relationship between things 36-annoying : making someone feel uncomfortable 37-rhythm : the way sounds are repeated over time 38-mood : the way someone feels at particular time 39-energetic : having or showing a lot of energy 40-upbeat : happy and positive 41-lyrics : the words of a song 42-peaceful : devoid of violence or force 43-pleasant : having or characterized by pleasing manners, behavior, or appearance 44-stressed : subjected to or affected by stress 45-catchy : easy to remember 46-album : a group of songs on a record, cd 47-instrumental : music made by instruments playing 48-turn up : to raise the sounds by using the controls 49-Track : one of the songs on a recording 50-volume : the amount of sound produces by a person or a machine 51-vocals : the part of a pice of music that is sung 52-perform : to carry out an action or pattern of behavior 53-melody : an agreeable succession of sounds 54-Courage : the willingness to do something you know it's difficult or dangerous 55-reacted : behaved in a particular way when something happened 56-turned out : unexpected result 57-community: a group of people who live in the same area 58-risk : possibilities that something bad will happen 59-the right thing : the correct thing 60-brave : feeling or showing no fear 61-Ordinary : not unusual 62-praised : said good things about 63-genes : small parts of cells that come from our parents 64-Responsible for : having the job to take care of someone or something 65-unselfish: putting others needs before your 65-unselfish: putting others needs before your own 66-volunteer: to offer to do something without getting paid 67-show concern for : show worry 68-Altruism : show unselfish concern to others 69-Personality : the kind of people you are 70-positve atutude : expect goof things to happend 71-contribute : to give something to a person or group 72-do good deeds : do something kind or helpful 73-get involved : to participate in an activity 74-generous : happy to give to or help others 75-have a good heart : to be kind 76-recognize : to know or remember 77-inspire : to encourage someone to do something 78-role model : a person whose behavior others try to copy 79-admire : to feel respecr for someone or something 80-make a difference : to have a positive effect on someone or something

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