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‘MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ‘MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (hereinster refered to as the “Agreement”) tered into this 23° dey of December, 2021, by and between the City of New York (the City”), andthe Uniformed Firefightors Association of Grester New York, (the “Union” WHEREAS, the undersigned parties desire to enter into a collective bargaining agreement, including this Memorandum of Agreement, modifying the collective Dargaining agreements that expired on July 31, 2017 and July 27, 2018, to cover ‘employees represeated by the Union ("Employees") inthe ides Fuefightes, Fie Mashal, ‘Wiper (), Plot, and Marine Engineer (Uniformed- Fire Department); WHEREAS, the undersigned parties desire thatthe economic tems of the Agreement ‘conform to the uiformed setlement pattern; IN WITNESS THEREOF NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually egred as follows: 41. Duration ‘The term of the agreement shall be ffom August 1, 2017 through July 31, 2020 (for Firefighter, Fie Marshals, and Wipers) and July 28, 2018 through July 27, 2021 (for Pilots and Marine Engineer). 2. Continuation of Terms ‘The terms of the prior collective bargxining agreements shall continue, except as ‘modified pursuant o this Memorandum of Agroement and ede letters, 3. Wages 1 For Firefighters, Fire Marshals, and Wipers: 5, Effective August 1, 2017, Employees shall receive a general wage Increase of two and a quarter percent (2.25%). fi, Eifective August 1, 2018, Employees shall receive « general wage ineease of two and a half percent (2.5%). fictive August 1, 2019, Employees shall receive a general wage increase of three percent (3%) 'b. For lots and Marine Engineers (Uniformed. Fre Department): |. Effective July 28, 2018, Employecs chal rcsive = gonoral wage increase of two and a quarter percent (2.28%). UPA Meornadum of geomet . Effective July 28, 2019, Employees shall receive a general wage Increase of two and a half percent (2.5%). i, Effective July 28, 2020, Employees shall recive « general wage: increase of three percent (3%) ©. The increases provided for in Section 3 shall te clculted as follows: J. The general increases provided fr in Section 38 and 3b above shall be based upon the base ates including selary or ineremental salary Schedules) ofthe applicable tte in oct onthe day prio othe general increase, e.g, the general increase provided for in Section 3a shall be based on the bese rates (including salary or incremental salary schedules) ‘ofthe applicable tes in effect on July 31, 2017, and the general increase ‘provided for in Section 3 bi shall be based on the base rats (including salary or incremental salary schedules) ofthe applicable tes in effect on July 27,2018. 1, The general increases shall apply tothe CFR-D and Chauffeue/Tillerman Differentials. 4. Salary Schedule For Firefighters hired on or after April 1, 202, the salary schedule shall be as fallow: 6th Grade (Ist 1S years of service): $47,394 Sth Grade (ater 15 years): $49,728 4th Grade (after 2:5 years) $54,163, Sed Grade (afte 3.3 years): $59,580 2nd Grade (ater 4.5 year): ‘$65,674 Ist Grado (ator 5.5 years): 92075 5. Service Differential [Effective April 1, 2022, the parties agree that employees willbe provided a differential for title service, a follows: ‘a For employees inthe Firefighter tle, far 5.5 years of service as Firefighter, members shall be eligible fra service difeential inthe amount of $691 per annum. UPA Memermadumet Ageonent 2 ', Bargaining unit employees in tls other than Firefighter, irespecive of the length of service, shall be eligible fora service differenti] inthe following amounts: Tie Peron Anon Fire Marsal S773 Pilot. Ese ‘rin Engineer (orth Hens) 355 Marie Engineer (without Hers) We Hie ‘© This diffrent! shall be pensionable, subject to applicable lew end rules ‘concerning wages an shall increase with future general wage increases, 6. Longevity Differential 4 Effective April 1, 202, afer 10 years of service, employees shal resis ‘longevity fret in the illowing amounts, in eddton tthe ‘xsi schedule of longevity payment: Tecan smovat —] Fieger S691 Fire Masbal | $775 Pilot S858 Marine Bogie | $836 (ih Hens) Marine Enginoer | $762 (ito sense) Wiper 376 be. Effective April 1, 2022, aftr 15 years of service employees shall recsive: ‘longevity differential in the fllowing amounts, n addition tothe essing eal loge payments Passo Anca | Pretigae [staan Fre Manial [S546 Pit Si7is ‘Naine Engines [S1.672 (ots icese). ‘aie Engines [S70 (tout ees) ‘Wier TB ‘UPA Maan of Agramant The diferental described inthis Section 6(e) and 6(t) shall be paid base on the eligibility rus for payment ofthe existing 10 and 15 year Tongevity differenti, shall be pensionable in accordance with contractual rules, shal be subject to applicable law and rules concerning wages, and shall inrease with fture general wage increases. The difereatial ‘described inthis Section 6(s) and 6() shal be pid separately frm, and In addition to, the service diflerental described in Section 5, 4. Eefctve April 1, 2022 the existing longevity amounts for Pilots and Marine Engineers sill be as follows: x ‘After yea 35,995, ‘Ber 0 S798. ‘Aner ls 405 ‘afer 20 year 8 7. Union Release Effective on April 1, 2022, te union shall have one (1) addtional fulltime paid sclease postion pursuant to Mayes Executive Order No. 75. I isthe Union's intent to ‘utilize this position forthe Fire Marshal representative on the UFA Board. ‘8, Welfare Fund Contribution ‘Effective on April 1, 2022, the City’s contribution on behalf of active employees shull be reduced by $700 per employee per annum. Effective on April 1, 2022, the City's contribution on behalf of retired employees stall be reduced by $450 pe employee per annum. The partes shall implemen: the modifications described in Section 6(a) and 6(0) 1s a result of this agreement, and shall expeditiously draft and execute new Weltie Fund Agreements for actives and retires reflecting these modified contribution amounts. UPA Memrandun of Aunt ‘ 9, Health Insurance ‘The June 28, 2018 Leter Agreement regarding health savings and welfare fund contributions between the City of New York and the Municipal Labor Commitee, willbe attached as an Appendix, end is deemed pet ofthis Agreement. 10. Approval of agreement ‘The terms ofthis Memorandum of Agreement are subject to agreement by the Mayor and ratification by the Union. Agreed otis 23" day of December, 2021: For the City of New York: For the Union: "UPA Menanndum of Ageement s The i £@ Office of Labor Relations 22 Corte Sot Now Yo, NY 10007 ego Renee Campton har Lave ‘mmo ‘ep mmr Stover Banke eh Ce Steg? ‘aoe Depty Commitee Ceoraeta Costly ‘ovr eon| ‘ret Enpe Beets gran December 3, 2021 Andrew Ansbro President Uniformed Firefighter Assocation 204 East 23° Street ‘New York, New York 10010 Deer Mr. Ansbro: ‘This eter iste confirm the parties’ discussions with regard tothe Building Inspection Pilot Program. ‘The instant Memorandum of Agreement resolves the 8/1/2017-7/31/2020 ‘agreements for Freighter, Fire Marshals and Wipers, andthe 7/28/2018-7/27/2021 ‘agreement for MarineEnginers and Pilots; however, the partes (including the Fre Department, the City Office of Labor Relations, and the UFA) will continue to collectively discuss the status ofthe BISP Pilot Program dated March 5, 2015, and related ‘productivity issues applicable to UFA members, Ifthe above canforms to your understanding please countersign below. Very truly yours, UNIFORMED FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION [AGREED AND ACCEPTED BY: hb habe- UPA Meratam of Agreement 6 Tie OFFICE OF LABOR RELATIONS Cy 10 corSe New Yo NY, 116-5 nehik cee Renee CAPO eoRoerre OEsTELY ‘eto ‘esa ersoee ore ‘Sy common Maaco tanger June 28,2018, Harry Nespoli,Cir Manipal Labor Commitee 125 Barly Steet, ‘New York, New York Dear Me Nepal 1, Thisisto cotirm the pasties” muta understanding concerning the health ear agreement For Fiscal Years 2019-2021; | The MLC agrees to generate cumulative healthcare savings of I. bilon over the course of New Yor City Fiscal Yeare 2019 trough 2021 aid savings shall be generated as follows: 1. $200 milion in Fiscal Year 201%; ii $300 milion in Fiseal Year 2020; ii, $600 milion in isa! Year 202, and iv. Forever ical yer thereat, te S600 milion per year saving on 8 citywide basis in bealtheare costs shall continue ona recurng basi. 1b Savings willbe measured agains the projected FY 2019-FY 2022 City Financial Plan (adopted on June 15,2018) which incorporates projected City hel cae east inereases of 7% ia Fecal Year FY") 2019, 65% in FY 2020 and 66 in FY 2021. "Non-aburng savings may be rareferble within th years FY 2019 through FY 2021 pursuant ony to 1.aX), 1A, IGN above. For example: 1. $205 milion in FY 2019 anc'295 milion a FY 2020 wl qualify fr those year savings tages unde (06) an aX). i, $210 milion a FY 2019, 10 milion in FY 2020, an $580 milion in FY 2021 will qualify for those year savings targets under (6X0), aK), ei. {i Inany event, the $600 milion pursuant (9K) must be recurring and greed to by the parties within FY 2021, and may not be berowed from er yeas. ‘Savings atibutable to CBP programs wil continue to be wanfered tothe City by offen the savings amounts documented by Empiee Blue Cross and GH] aginst ‘the equalization payments fom the City tothe Sablon Fund for EY 19, FY20 and FY 21, unless otherwise agreed toby the City andthe MLC. In order fr his ‘ofiet to expt, any savings slaved inthis manner must be replaced in order to ‘meet the ecartngabliaton under (a) sbove. 4 The pres ages tiat any savings within the period of FY 2015 -2018 over $3.4 ballon arising from te 2014 Ciy/MILC Heath Agreement willbe counted towards the FY 2019 goa. This is curently estimated at approximately $131 millon but wil ‘not be finalized until the fl year of FY 2018 data ranted an analyzed bythe City’s andthe MLC's atari. The presage tat recuring savings over S13 billion for PY 2018 asing under the 2014 CiyML.C Health Agreement wl be counted toward the goal fr Fiscal ‘Years 2019, 2020, 2021 and for purpaes ofthe ecurig obligation uncer 1) shove, This is erent estimated at approximately $40 milion but wil at be {inland unl the fl ear oF FY 2018 dts twansmited and arlyzed by the Ciy's snd the MLC actuaries, Once the anount is lize, tat amount stall be applied 'o Fiscal Yes 2019, 2020, 2021 and to the obligation under (iv) 2. After the coreluson of Fiscl Yet 2021, the pate shal calculate the saving elzed ding {he 3 eae prod Inthe oven that he MLC haz generated mare than SOD milion in ering ‘shear Savings, as agreed upon by the City's and the MLC's actuals, ch aditonal savings shall be vlize a follows: ‘The firs SE million wil be used by the City to makes $100 pec member pr year inert to welfare funds (actives an ees) effective July 1,202). 1fasavings mount over $600 milion bt less than $668 milion is achieved, the $100 per member pr year (actives an eres) increase wl prorated. 'b, Any savings theese shal be split equally between the Cty an the MLC an applied Ina manner epee byte pares. 4 Beginning January 1, 2019, and contin ules and until the pris agree otherwise, the partis sall authorize he quay provision of the following data to the Citys and MLC's {cturies onan ongoing quel basis (1) detaledelsin-level health cata fom Emblem Healt ‘and Empire Bie Cross ncn dtd laim-leve dat for City employes covered under the CGHI-CBP programs (incng Senior Cae snd Behavioral Heath infomation); end (2) lation data under the HIP-HIMO plan. Such data shall be proved within 60 days ofthe end af ech quarterly period, The HIP-HMO uilaston data wil also be provided othe City's and DMLC's actuaries within 60 des ofthe exceuton of is eter agreement for Ciy Fiscal Year 2018 as baseline information to assess ongoing savings. The HIP-HMO data sal ned) ulation by procedure for sit of servic benefit changes; (i tiation by disease tate, by procedure (for porporesofaszsting Centers f Excellence) and (i) member engagement data forthe Welles program, inlidng strafing members by eee wanches (evel, and). “The Gta shall include baseline datas wel axa regarding the asumpins wile In determining expected savings fr comparison. The data desriedin his paragraph shall be ‘rovdedpursutnt oa data sharing apeement entered ino by the City and MLC, akin o prior {sta agreement, which shall provide fr te protection of membec privacy and related concerns, ‘Shall cover all periods acdressed by this Agreement (., though kine 30, 202 an theca), fd shal be executed within dirty days ofthe exeation of this ter agreement. 4. The partes gre thatthe Welle Funds wil reevetv0 $100 per member onetime lump-sum paymens actives and rete) funded by he Jit Salton Fund payable effective Jl, 2018 and July 1, 2018, ‘SThepates eeagize that despite exrordnay savings to heath cots accomplished in the ast round ofegotiton through ther efforts andthe innovation of the MLC, end the fuer sevings ‘which shall be implemented asa rest of this agreement, thatthe longer term sustainability of eal care fo workers ard the families, requis forthe ty, savings and fein inthe ‘method of health are delivery. Tota ed the parties wil within 90 days establish a Teparite Health isuranee Policy Comite of MLC snd City members, hated by one member ech ppointd by the MLC andthe City, and Martin F. Scheinman, Esq. The Commitee stall study the sues using appropri da an recommen fr implemestton a soon = praciable uring the tem of his Agresmen bt no later than une 30,2020, medications tothe way in ‘wih heath ear is curently provid er funded. Among the topics the Commie shall discus: ‘Selineurance andor minimom premium arrangement forthe HIP HMO plan ', Mediere Advaniage- adoption ofa Medicare Advaniage benchmark pla for etees © Contoldsted Drug Purchasng- welfare funds, PICA end health plan prestition cots pooling ther bying power and resources to purchase prescription deus 4. Comparabiliy- investigation of other unionized seings regarding thet methodology for éeliverng health benefits including the rospec of cordnationcooperation to increase purchasing power and to dssrease administrative expenses. «uals end Coordination of Benefit ait narers for csims and financial ecurey, ‘coordination of benefits, pre-65 disabled Medicare utilization, End Sage Renal Disease, PICA, and Payroll Ault of Part Tine Employees. Other reae- Canter of Excelence for specif conditions; Hostal nd provide tro; Precetfiation Fees; Amendment of Medicare Part B reimbursemeat; Reduction of ost for Pre Medicare retires who have sees to other coverage; Changes othe Senior Care tate; Changes tthe equalization forma. ‘Potential RFPs for sl medial and hop benefs. I status of the Sabiliation Fund. “The Commitee wll make recommendations abe consiered by the MLC andthe City. {6 Thejoint commitee sal be known a he Tripartite Healt Insurance Policy Commitee (THIPC) and sal be independent ofthe exsing “Technical Commits” The "Technical ‘Commitee wl contin ts work and will Wok in conjuction with the THIPC as designated shovetoaderest areas of health benefit changes. The Technical Committe wil ori t0 be ‘uppoted by separate ature orth ity and the MLC. The City andthe MLC wil each be ‘response fr the cote fis ectiary “1. Inthe event of any disput under sections 1-4 of this Agreement, the pats Shall mee and confer nan attempt to resolve the dispute. Ifthe parties eannot resolve the dispute, such disput shal be refered to Marin Scheinman for reoluon consistent wih the dispute resolution tes of the 2014 Ciy/MILC Heath Agreement 1 Such dispute shall ereslved within 90 days ‘The arbiter shal have the suthory to pose inter lla i consistent with the parties intent. The ari shal have the authority to meet with the parses such times a it appropiate to enoree the tems ofthis agreement 14 The pation sal sae the oats for th rbieatr(nluding Commins resins). the above conforms to your understanding, please countersign below. Agrod an Accepted bal ofthe Municipal Labor Commitee

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