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"ona. 2027" United Ofer Coaltton Bonomi Agreement ’ (quocsa) Ps "mmo anpun OF ECONO AGREE nade ia fu 2008, (£2002-2027 Unformnd Ofte Ceation Boonamledgrosent by od between ‘he undaralgned Union (be Unens?) an the Cty ofNew York (Me Snploye") vorenseors WHIEREAG; te unerigned pares dso str elactv barge areamats, Tnoisng. ths 20222027 ‘UnltenetOllens Celle “Beonomle.Agrorert (COCA) and agenents soccer oelting al arses ogling ce: ly 3, oat (UPC; Febvouy 13,2022 (LBA) Desombr 31, 22 (USCA), Fay 28, 2002 (COBA July 31, 022 (CHAY, November 78, 2022 (CCA); Sune 24, 2023 GOA} bay 31,2108 (ADW/DWA); Deesber 52021 (SBA) May 31,2023 (eA), Sly 31, 2020 (OHA PaaaFhe Merah), ly 27, 2021 (UPA- Fi Bans) and ly 31,2020 UFA- Wiper) reapectively cover the ployee represtoted byte Uslone Employes end ‘WHIBREEAS, te undersigned partes etd By tie VOCE to cover all oxselatad anti ad te Incarport he etme of ths COCA hoe Spee Uni Arent, [NOW THERRFORE rally aged flow: Seoton Tem “Theteimf ach Sopra Unt Agreement shal be sty (6) nent ms the ‘expltion dit ofthe Predeceoe Separate Uni Agenmen Section 2. Continuation of Teams Alten of he Pradecesor Separate Unit Agrnnents sal bs continoed ‘xoost at modified pursunt to this UOCEA Seolon3, General Wase nsenst 1 Thegeneral inert etetve a noted hal be: ctv on theft dy ofthe ppb Sucetor Seperate ‘Uni Agteran, Heyes bal eel arte reas of 325% (0) Btecveon tft uy ofto 134 mano tn epleablo ‘Soceto: Sopute Unt Agreement, ployee el eave ad anal inrease0f3 25%, (i) Mectve onthe fst ay of the2 man ofthe plone ‘Sunonocr Sparte Unt Agreemen, Srplyent dl eosin dion! rat ores of 3 39h (W)_BRetve onto flee ay othe 3A mont ofthe apllabic ‘Suoasacr Spare Unt Agrerer, rplyecs tal eosie an dalton rs hares of 339% (0) Biatveon the tt day ofthe 9th noth of te aploae Sugcesor Separate Unt Areemeny, Spleen aul eae an dione rat Iareaxe oP 42036 1b Thelnerenss provided fornia Soto 3. sal be aloud a flows © Tretnreterin Sentinel base yoni bare vi ‘hallinelids anlary ot arena aokedles) of te eplable et Inet one ast dy! af tpl: Agoasent. 15, The tne tx Seton 3, (2) sal be baad upon he bee ate (oh chal ode sly oneal ees fhe pple thle te fet on the lat dy of he 2 month ofthe apne Suteeior Sepets Unt Apeemat, (1) The nseees in Section 3 (i hall be based pan th bse rete (ohio shall Tnsuge salary or Inrenetal twa) of the Slain ani oe tn ae ty ohm 2 month ofthe ‘plow Suseoor Seprla Uri Agra ((v) Th nsreass in Seton 3, shall be based won the base ste (hte sll Tose uery'or toon soduls) oft ‘plleabl tes In effet onthe Lat day ofthe 36" month of te plod Sooessor Sopuet Unit Agreoment. (The inarenss In Sean 3 () sl be bed pen he base res (hlo shal Tool aly or inaremerl sehedelet) of tt ‘pln es in effet oo the ast aay of th 4 month of te eppliotble Sueoeror Separet Un Aroement. 2B aoa tanj oem torr a est ur a a ene Sei acieitas Cogan ona me aemomarc gaat 2, Tho erases provided nti Set 5 bal be epi to th base ales and ely grades fxd forthe ppt ties, seats ay boro. inthe sopate Unt Agieenent (ther ten blo axon Sle). Seaton 4,” Unk Rarealing, ‘A Btitve on the ft day of fe 37kh mosh ofthe sppable Successor Separats Unl Asean, eck unfon sal have 0.2% avaible oad cnsmatnlyagrcobe fe thet ol halp improve aay corer ‘edie recnitmenttsenion suse, Zach membar of Se Unifomed ‘Olce Coulton aod wach loping egoey sll have a commits to ‘lous each ivan nt nig nae (Oth empleyer end sployes). ‘The parties mey mutually are to den suvigs ener ray nied, Including mcaeng etre fh a Seton fo fund any adlona ‘zone propose ether hn fo onenee the general Wigs eres st ‘rth in pte 3. B, Ary terme and oondtons of employment which sre the miles of ‘pone race in Unit Bergulsng leh oe net mstonlly agreed by he aes hal enalo unchanged rom tour Agremen andy eeonmale Gecands ray oot be suaed vo boding bare wan. The pars ‘nay mutaly age to waive tl Seton #3) end ebm ery propor) 1 binding itrterbtetion upon rt consent. Any dap about ‘Wontar a dead har an eonomle eo may be aubmifed f npr imblration by athe py under the tle of he Off of Calestive ‘Begun, fe ruob us 0 artralon mus be reales before any Inter erbivation panel i eabliabe, (. The pales apres commince Unit Barglnng a soon a practoebe er tho sezitlon of tie UOCEA. Seat 6, Condens ofPrvment “The gama wage neeoes provided fin Sesion 3 ofthe UOCEA ha be ‘payable a soon es praca upon aati of the UOC nnd efter the eve ‘at of uch iorsne. Seon, Anpuun ot Aseeman ‘The VOCE end tha spurt unt agreereat re choc to nlonrifeton {naovraanoe vil ech nfl and tpn abjestappoval ineoordanee ‘ith pplabl law. ‘tee, uaeatnaf Cul a Anes Al late vv of UOC Ha adn st wo ier ein’, face, nea at nt coc a sigan areata hs oy Uw nye DOS we eas a go ers ee on ea tt ay yea ks win ntl, “pls oct oh rte angie rpentn anc i pa i id le wen Oo 0, Rms ot Garnett gene YO O78 mmm FEIT went httayy

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