Plant Kingdom Chart

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Habitat  Mostly aquatic  Amphibians of Plant K. 

Mostly terrestrial Mostly perennial, evergreen, woody, xerophytic trees Mainly terrestrial
 Some grow on other plants  Mostly terrestrial 
Need H2O for fertilization
 Some symbiotic Lichen on  Need H2O for fertilization 
Moist, shady regions
Sloth Bears  Moist, shady regions 
Aquatic – Azolla, Marsilea

Xerophytic – Equisetum

Epiphytic - Lycopodium
Veg. Structure  Thallus,  Thalloid – Liverworts 
Annual or perennial  Roots – Tap  Root, Stem, Leaves in variety
 Unicellular  Foliose – Leaf-like - 
True Root (adventitious), stem, o Coralloid – Cycas + BGA
o Motile – Chlamydomonas Mosses leaves o Mycorhizzae – Pinus – Root + endophytic fungus
o Non Motile - Chlorella  True roots absent, root-  Leaves –  Stem – Mostly erect, aerial, solid, cylindrical
 Multicellular like rhizoids – Unicellular o Microphylls – (i) Scaly – o Unbranched – Cycas
o Unbranched – Spirogyra (Liverworts)/ Equisetum (ii) Simple Sessile – o Branched – Conifers - Pinus and Cedrus
o Branched – Chara Multicellular (Mosses) – Lycopodium  Leaves – Dimorphic (adaptation)
o Macroscopic – Sargassum, Absorb H2O, nutrients and o Macrophyll - Pinnate - Ferns o Foliage – Simple, needle like/ pinnately compound
sea weed fixation  Paleozoic era – golden age of o Scale – Small, brown membranous
o Colonial - Volvox pteridophytes
Spl. cell wall Inner Cellulose, Outer Pectin Inner Cellulose, Outer Pectin Inner Cellulose, Outer Pectin Inner Cellulose, Outer Pectin Inner Cellulose, Outer Pectin
Pigments  Chl – a – All  Chl – a – All  Chl – a – All  Chl – a – All  Chl – a – All
 Acessory – Chl – b, c, d;  Acessory – Chl – b, c, d;  Acessory – Chl – b, c, d;  Acessory – Chl – b, c, d; carotenes, xanthophyll  Acessory – Chl – b, c, d; carotenes,
carotenes, phycocyanin, carotenes, xanthophyll carotenes, xanthophyll xanthophyll
phycoerythrin, xanthophyll
Reserve food Starch, Laminarin starch, Starch Starch Starch Starch
Mannitol, Floridean starch
Reproduction  Fragmentn – filamentous  Vegetative prop. –  Vegetative – Stolon  Vegetative bulbils  Vegetative – Tubers, rhizomes, etc. (Refer
 Cell division – Unicellular Fragmentation, tuber &  Asexual spores produced in  Asexual – heterosporous MOFP)
 Spores – Motile (zoospores) gemma Sporangia o P.G. in microsporangia  Asexual – heterosporous to form
or non-motile (akinete/  Asexual – Spores o Mostly homosporous – E.g. o Megaspores in megasporangia gametophyte
oospores)  Sexual - Gametes Lycopodium o They are formed in sporophyll which aggregate to o P.G. in microsporangia
 Sexual – Gametes (Motile/ o Heterosporous – Salvinia, form cones/ strobilus/ lax o Megaspores in megasporangia
non-motile) Selaginella  Sexual – Gametes – Anemophilous (wind), direct o Ovule in megasporophyll
(Iso – Chlamydomonas o Strobili – Selaginella, pollination (on ovule) – siphonogamous (pollen tube)  Sexual – Gametes - Pollination indirect (on
(motile), Spirogyra (non Equisetum stigma) and siphonogamous – may be SP or
motile)/ Aniso –  Sexual – Gametes CP – aided by accessory whorls (sepals and
Chlamydomonas some spp./  Apogamy – Haploid sporophyte petal)
Oogamous – Volvox, Fucus) without fertilisn  Double Fertilisation
 Apospory – Diploid gametophyte o MG + Egg = Zygote
w/o meiosis o MG + Sec. nucleus = PEN
Sporophyte  Reduced and diploid  Reduced and diploid  Dominant, diploid  Dominant, diploid  Dominant, diploid
 Dependent on gametophyte  Patially Dependent on  Independent  Independent  Independent
gametophyte  Prostate and erect
Gametophyte  Dominant and haploid  Dominant and haploid  Reduced, haploid  Recessive, haploid  Recessive, haploid
 Independent  Independent  Independent  Dependent on sporophyte  Dependent on sporophyte
Seeds Absent Absent Absent  Phanerogams w/o ovary  Present
Flower, Fruit Absent Absent Absent  Non-flowering, naked seeds  Present
Vascular Absent Absent  Primitive Vascular  Tracheids and Sieve cells  Xylem – Trachea/ Vessels
System  Tracheids & Sieve cells  Sec. growth due to presence of cambium  Sieve tubes & Companion cells
 Annular rings are distinct
Other  760 genera, 24000 spp  400 genera, 10500 spp  70 genera, 7255 spp; India -16 genera, 53 spp.  Smallest wolffia – 1mm
 Imp. Role in succession  Living fossil – Gingko biloba  Tallest – Eucalyptus – 100 m
on bare rocks/ soil  World’s tallest living – Sequia sempervirens -
Californian Giant red wood – 366 feet
 Largest girth – Taxodium mucronatum – 125 ft
 Smallest – Zamia pygmia – 25 cm

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