Marxism, Communism and Capitalism

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There is an inherent problem with fascist government that is insoluble. For fascism to succeed it has to
devastate the rule of law. This is the first corner that fascism stops at – the rule of law. But in destroying
the rule of law, fascism destroys the society because all other stakeholders ignore the rule of law. They
take their cue from the State. A vivid manifestation of how the rule of law is treated contemptuously by
the society under fascism is the classic movie, “Night of the Generals.” This is classy stuff with high class
acting by Omar Sharif and Peter O’Toole. It is about the breakdown of the rule of law in fascist Germany
under Hitler and how powerful people just did what they wanted to. Policemen who tried to enforce the
law just fell by the wayside.
In Guyana the night of the generals lives on. The night doesn’t run into day. The night goes on and on
and the rule of law flickers in the background the way the evening breeze may tease a candle flame. A
judge orders the DPP’s office to bring an indictment on a particular day in the High Court. The DPP’s
representatives walk into court and there is no obedience of the judge’s order and the night goes on. A
judge grants bail to an accused and the order goes to the prison authorities. The judge’s decision is
ignored and the night lives on. A judge grants bail to a murder accused, the State asked another judge to
rule against her colleague. She does and the night goes on.
From prison authorities to policemen to state officials, no one respects the rule of law any longer in
fascist Guyana. A judge declares that the Dental Council must register a Columbian doctor working with
a valid permit in Guyana, the judgement is tossed aside. A year has passed and the poor dentist is still
watching the generals and how they live in the night while he awaits his faith. Under fascism, the rule of
law has no place. And Guyana has become a fascist state. The philosopher Edmund Burke once wrote;
“People crushed by law have no hopes…if laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to laws.”

In international relations, there is the concept of falling dominoes. You

know what I mean.


The Third World can only remain colonies if their attention and energy is channeled towards fighting
each other. This is why the French, the British, the US and the Fourth Reich Zionist Entity are suspects in
every terror attack.

A short History of their criminal record:

The British SAS Battalion was composed only of military personal that tan easily and thus pass as Arabian

The Phoenix project in Vietnam consisted of covert CIA terror attacks targeting civilians of towns and
villages suspected of supporting communism. The US and the puppet government would then blame the
communists for this terrorism to “WIN HEARTS AND MINDS”.

JOHN NEGROPONTE AND COLONE STEELE organized a CIA terror Operations against the innocent people
of El Salvador. Since El Salvador was Catholic, they decided to call the attacks on a shadow organization
they called Battalion 316. The name was used to demoralized the people of Central America and justify
US presents (Imperial objectives)

puppet government officials would blame the attacks on the Islamic party that had won 80% of the
votes in the 1991 election. As in Joss, Nigeria the government forces would arrive on the scene late
enough to give the French terrorist time to escape. The French Foreign Legions also used the British
tactic of dressing like Muslim Arabs before attacking.

The Iraqi resistance was humiliating the US. Bush called for the “Salvador Option” (New York Times,
2004). Brimmer and General John Abizaid refused to become terrorists and thus were pushed to the
side. Bush made John Negroponte US ambassador to Iraq and he brought Colonel Steele out of
retirement for one last Butcher Fest. In his first week, John said he has evidence that Al Qaeda was now
in Iraq. With the fake AQI as his cover and Blackwater on his payroll, Negroponte and Steele KILLED


Why would Mr Ramkarran continue to

embrace Marxist-Leninist ideology?
By Stabroek staff | March 20, 2010 in Letters

Dear Editor,

When will the Guyanese electorate demand more from their elected leaders in government and
the opposition? November 9, 1989 saw the collapse of the Berlin Wall and with it, the end of the
Cold War which in turn led to the collapse of communism in Eastern bloc countries. Why then
in the year 2010 would Speaker of the House Mr. Ralph Ramkarran in an interview conducted by
Christopher Ram that’s making the rounds on You Tube, continue to embrace Marxist-Leninist
ideology? Ramkarran has expressed an interest in succeeding Mr.Jagdeo as president when his
term ends. Russia the cradle of communism; for all intents and purposes has abandoned
communism and has unabashedly pursued free market economic policies based on capitalism.

Ramkarran and others in the PPP who to this day continually espouse their admiration of
Marxist-Leninist ideology are being intellectually dishonest with the Guyanese people when the
reality of the state of the Guyanese economy, property ownership rights and a plethora of ills that
the PPP has presided over is held up against their stated ideology. Sadly, it is this kind of
fossilized thinking that has earned Guyana the dubious distinction of being the perennial
underachiever of Caricom.

As if the Marxist/Leninist Ramkarran in 2010 wasn’t mind boggling enough, Minister of Home
Affairs Rohee expressed his interest in the presidency as well by proudly stating “goat ent bite
me” as his qualification for the highest office of the land. This is the same minister who has
(mis)managed without any accountability the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and their torture of
innocent civilians, involvement in endemic corruption, rampant criminality amongst its ranks
and failure to arrest and successfully prosecute the drug barons who operate their cocaine
transshipment enterprise with impunity.

It occurs to me that both the PPP and PNC who both subscribe/d to communist ideology are
equally responsible for the pox that has afflicted this nation since its independence from the
British. Barticians recently gave the nation a glimmer of hope by standing up to the Jagdeo/PPP
government and the next Guyanese leader will do well to learn from them.

A leader who will protect the territorial integrity of Guyana and promise to put country above
race or archaic ideology, merit over favouritism and pursue respect for equality under the law
will win if he or she can honestly and tirelessly communicate that to the electorate. If such a
person exists in the AFC they should travel the length and breadth of Guyana to get that message
across without wasting another day.

Yours faithfully,
Nigel Jason

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Reader Comments

1. yasuman71 says:

March 20, 2010 at 7:09 am

What Nigel Jason calls “communism” and what many Marxists today call bureaucratic
state capitalism indeed “collapsed” in Eastern Europe. But worldwide, capitalism hasn’t
collapsed, class society hasn’t collapsed, the exploitation of the poor by the rich hasn’t
collapsed, class struggle hasn’t collapsed. Economists of all stripes and colours generally
recognize Karl Marx as the thinker who gave the world one of the best analyses of
capitalist society. Time has vindicated Marx’s diagnosis of the cyclical nature of
capitalist crisis, like the current international financial meltdown. And the method Marx
used to analyze capitalism still serves as a handy tool for countless economists and
political scientists.
Three years ago the NEW STATESMAN magazine (UK) published a discussion between
historian Eric Hobsbawn and French economist Jacques Attali on Marx’s importance and
relevance to the present as follows:
HOBSBAWM: “Marx today is incredibly influential. I don’t think enough has been made
of the BBC poll which named him the most famous of all philosophers. If you actually
put “Marx” into Google you will find that there are several million entries – in fact, 39
million when I tried it last time. He is much the largest of the great international
presences, exceeded only by Charles Darwin and Adam Smith. How are we to explain
this sudden re-emergence? First, I think, the end of the official Marxism of the USSR has
liberated Marx from the public identification with Leninism in theory, and with the
Leninist regimes in practice. People have begun to notice once again that there are things
in Marx that are really quite interesting. And this, in a sense, takes me to the second and
main reason: that the globalised capitalist world that emerged in the 1990s was in some
ways uncannily like the world Marx predicted in 1848 in the Communist Manifesto.”
ATTALI: “Marx is an amazingly modern thinker, because when you look at what he has
written, it is not a theory of what an organised socialist country should be like, but how
capitalism will be in the future. Contrary to the caricature of Marxism, he is first an
admirer of capitalism. For him, it is a much better system than any other before it,
because he considers the earlier systems to be obscurantist …. For Marx, capitalism has
to be worldwide before we think about socialism. Socialism for him is beyond capitalism
and not instead of capitalism. He has much say on globalisation, what is happening to
movement of companies, delocalisation and everything that is linked to the way we live
Ralph Ramkarran does not want to, and can never, plant “communism” in Guyana. But
there’s nothing wrong if he believes the Marxist method helps him to understand the still
prevailing world capitalist system and its attendant economic and financial realities.


o Reddy says:

March 20, 2010 at 9:04 am

Yasumin, a good reply .”Nigel Jason’s” reasoning has a political and class basis.
In the 1950s, coming out of World War II, where without the Soviet Union’s
mighty Red Army coming from the east Hitler would probably have invaded
England and his fascism rule for many years, the right’s acolytes in media and
elsewhere defending monopoly capitalism launched a red baiting attack on
Marxists and the left in general. Don’t forget, that on the basis of those countries”
Communist Parties’ resistance to Hitler and their popular support among the
people, they should have become the government in Italy and France. Also the
left was very influential in Hollywood. Marxists led several liberation movements
The strategy with McCarthyism in 1950s USA as its shock troops was to smear
the left as anti-patriotic and undemocratic. It was a smear campaign –it didn’t deal
with facts and philosopy. Essentially, as “Jason” is doing here, it appealed not to
reason but to fear.Without any answer to the ongoing progress and development
of the PPP, one of the main tactics we will see is red baiting. It is illusionary.
Lazily, these no hopers point to misakes made by Stalinists to generalise from the
particular. It will not work.
Marxism-Leninism with its philosophical basics rooted in the European
Enligthtment, continues to be a valid option for peoples worldwide, particulaly
the working class, farnmers and patriotic businesspeople.Genunine socialism, not
the phony state capitalism run by the Burnanamites and its elite trying to maintain
state power for a particular race, stands for a society free of exploitation and
alienattion of man by man, of people living for today and guided by love rather
than trying to get to the top of the barrell trodding down people…Peace…

2. Zaphur says:

March 20, 2010 at 7:22 am

Thank you and Amen!


3. Cummins says:

March 20, 2010 at 7:49 am

I know people like Rajendra Bisessar are going to come here and curse capitalism. But
even with its short comings (business cycle phenomenon/recessions etc) there is no other
system known to man today than can elevate a people out of poverty faster than
capitalism can and that is a proven fact.

While I did not see or read Ramkarran’s interview with Mr. Ram, Guyana will be signing
a pact with prolonged poverty should Mr. Ramkarran, as president, even embrace part of
the Marxist ideology, let alone all of it. If what the writer is alleging is true then he
(Ramkarran) is a slow learner, which I don’t believe, or sees 800,000 Guyanese as
subjects he can retry a failed experiment on.


o Reddy says:

March 20, 2010 at 9:06 am

Oh, I forgot: Did the Pope resign yet (and let progressives take over with reforms
including married priests) ?

4. Canecutta says:
March 20, 2010 at 8:10 am

Nigel, no country in the world has ever realised communism. Capitalism and socialism
are the two dominant ideologies. Free market under capitalism is excellent for the
rich(owners of production) where the rich is licened to exploit the poor. Socialism
is a system where the workers are the owners of production and will be good for them. In
todays world, the rich is getting richer and the poor poorer and the gap is widening. I
have nothing against the rich, they are legally exploiting. Its time for the wealth to be
distributed or atleast appears to be distributed fairly. Apart from all of that, Ramkarran
has the fundamental right to believe what he likes and you Nigel has the same right to
like the free marketsystem that expolits our sweat and blood.


5. Kingshark says:

March 20, 2010 at 9:16 am

Ramjattan was the only man to opposed communism ideology at Port Mourant Congress
and a change in the PPP constitution.He was seriously attacked by ministers of the
government for his fresh ideas.


6. Cochore says:

March 20, 2010 at 9:24 am

Wow Nigel !.. great topic question here, “Why would Mr Ramkarran (and other political
leaders) continue to embrace Marxist-Leninist ideology???…

Nigel the answer is simple my friend, it’s because they are born followers and not true
LEADERS. Leadership, for one thing, requires courage, independent thought, new
learning, vision with an analytical eye for change and timing among other virtues. In a
nut shell Jason, leadership is about being original while ideologues are conditioned to
simply follow.

Leadership brings excitement with new adventure and ideas while ideologues embrace
the safety of someone else’s thought and structure. Ideologues are foot soldiers and not

This may sound controversial at first blush, but think about it and you’ll conclude that
Guyana has never experienced a born LEADER on the political stage. Dr Cheddi was
shamelessly a Marxist-Leninist ideologue(follower) to the core. Burnham was a master
opportunist in search of political legitimacy. Hoyte was a private individual, who was
foist suddenly and awkwardly into the public domain to be leader. Janet Jagan sure
wanted to but was always confined in the background and never allowed to lead.

As for today, Guyana is saddled with Jagdeo as leader, nuff said already Bannas…
Corbin is an old school cheerleader doing his outdated pom-pom dance for the PNC. As
you can see Nigel Jason, it’s much easier being a quiet insignificant follower of
something in the background while waiting for attrition to set in.


7. rajendra Bisessar says:

March 20, 2010 at 9:39 am

Cummins UNITED STATES says:

March 20, 2010 at 7:49 am

I know people like Rajendra Bisessar are going to come here and curse capitalism. But
even with its short comings (business cycle phenomenon/recessions etc) there is no other
system known to man today than can elevate a people out of poverty faster than
capitalism can and that is a proven fact.

I sincerely hope Cummings has the has the intellectual faculty to appreciate when
evidence conflict with his conclusions and toa adjust his conclusions to fit the evidential

Cummings subject reality have to adjust to objective reality as practice is the test of truth.

In America. the gap between the rich and poor is widening. The workers get one percent
of the newly created wealth and one percent of the American population gets 80 percent.
For the past fifteen years the real wages of the workers have fallen or has stagnated.
10 million children will die of poverty related factors. I billion will not receive adequate
food and will not enjoy basic necessities like pure water, basic education etc.

The USA consumes 25 percent of the world’s resources with 6 percent of the population.
Good for you and good for the Americans and I am glad for you all but it leaves only 75
percent for the remaining 94 percent. Take into account the other 6G countries and there
would be just 40 percent and more likely less for the remaining 80 percent of the world’s

Have you looked at the TV and see what in the name of profits we are manufacturing so
as to create wants and a consumer market for so many things that are not really
Cummings and many of you need to take a conscious step back; recognise that we all
have been indoctrinated and so try to appreciate that what we think and how we think
could be wrong and not even in the interest of workers a category that most belong to;
Appreciate that the capitalist control the press and subsequently a lot of what we know
and think.

Your perspective could be incorrect and so do not hastily condemn others because they
can see the world a little differently from you and in a manner that is supported by

The process of learning is easy. the unlearning is the hardest process.

Do you think you can ever be wrong? You will always win an argument if you are the
sole judge. Commence to judge yourself critically.


o Joe says:

March 20, 2010 at 1:14 pm

I will go along with you here RB.

8. rajendra Bisessar says:

March 20, 2010 at 9:53 am

For information

We all accept that man is a social animal. It was one of the greatest contribution to
sociology and the understanding of the human race.

It was Marx who introduced this concept.

Please study the materialist dialectics, of Marx, Its an advanced methodology. If you
were to examine the Epistemology of world knowledge you would find that Aristotle was
the father of modern materialism. You would also find that Marx’s methodology was a
result of developments that led to quantum physics. However the ruling elites caused us
to generally remain at pre quantum physics level of the social sciences and thinking

Why do you think the UISA banned Marx’s book for a considerable period of time
allowing the generation of bourgeois sociological thoughts and its internalisation before
releasing the ban.
Too many {intellectuals) refuses to read and learn anythings else and so become
regurgitators of what the corporate media and publishing houses and the film world
teaches them.

Its time for you to question so many things that you have accepted to be true.

Ask why 50 million had to die in a capitalist world war 2. A war to redivide the world
among the capitalist class. A war that resulted from the So called Free Market processes.
It was the workers who died, Russia lost 20 million in that war and fought 2/3s of the
German divisions.

Who are dying in Iraq, workers. Not the children of the rich, of the oil barons.

Before you write again please do some reading.


o Brandon Samaroo (Dissent is the hightest form of patriotism) says:

March 20, 2010 at 11:16 am

Communism is a waste of time. It is a dead boneheaded idea.

9. rajendra Bisessar says:

March 20, 2010 at 10:03 am






o Brandon Samaroo (Dissent is the hightest form of patriotism) says:

March 20, 2010 at 11:18 am

America may not be the world but America is not the only country that embraces

The entire west does, most of South East asia does, Brazil the largest country in
South america does. South Africa Does, The continent of Austrailia embraces
capitalism, India embraces capitalism and China is embracing most aspects of
capitalism if not all minus democracy.

o Stokes says:

March 20, 2010 at 1:41 pm

A better question the writer should have asked is, “what kind of leaders are there
in Guyana? Reddy, Yasuman and Rajendra, discuss the merits of what the writer
said instead of spewing these ridiculous defense of Marxism/communism. With
the exception of China (we all know that economically China departed form
communisim)please cite another example of how communism has elevated people
out of poverty?

Now, go look at the interview and be true to yourself and see how detached from
reality Ramkarran really is. With respect to Rohee, if his qualifications for
becoming president is “goat ent bite him” then all the other people that “goat ent
bite” are equally qualified to to become president.

10. Diamond Dog says:

March 20, 2010 at 10:46 am

Marx and Lenin were both children of wealthy parents who had too much idle time on
their hands, which permitted them to dream and write against the very system, which
created such wealth, which caused their boredom. Socialism, sharing and disrtibution of
wealth, was started by Christ, not those jokers

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