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Capstone Update #4

What I have accomplished so far

I have spent lots of time going around to numerous police stations to try and find some people that
would be willing to be interviewed. I have also spoken with Theresa Campbell to hopefully get the
names and numbers of some police officers that would be willing. I have the names and numbers of 6
different officers willing to speak with me about my capstone and answer some questions. I have
spoken to 4 out of 6 police officers over the phone and have gotten permission to record. I have all
recordings saved and they are waiting to be entered into a video editing website. I have scheduled
times to speak with the other 2 cops over the phone and will be done with my interviewing by May
14, 2024.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I will finish interviewing all 6 officers and begin to edit all the videos. Once all the recordings have been
compiled, I will start to film and edit the intro and outro to my final video.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

 Time to speak with two more officers

 Time to edit my video

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

It was difficult to find time to speak with them as they are from multiple different time zones. I have
spoken to people all across Canada and the US so finding a time to call one anther was definitely
challenging. I overcame this by communicating effectively and efficiently to set up times.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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