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Kei Ishiguro
Kei Ishiguro (2014) “Basics of Essays and Reports” (partial deletions/alterations)

Part 1: Structure of the paper

Sho structure
Chapter 1 How to structure a paper

Joron Really Ketsuron

The basics are introduction, main body, and conclusion.

Hijou Tanjun Bunshou

What is a thesis? very simple In other words, it is a sentence in which you create your own questions and answer them yourself. rice cake

Gakujutsu Kachi
Of course, the problem is academic. It must be of value. University education to create problems

Ippan and

Generally speaking, this is called ``posing a question.''

Joron Really Ketsuron Joron

When writing a paper, it is useful to think of an ``introduction,''
``main body,'' and ``conclusion.'' "Introduction"

and Really and specifically of Ketsuron Close

``conclusion'' section.answer the main question, provide the answer in the ``conclusion,'' and explain the process of asking questions in the

Bu structure oh
Please explain this three-partPress first.

Bu structure oh structure
However, this three-part structure is a little rough for writing a paper. Therefore, the structure is more like a paper.

Let's think about it.

Joron habato Joso Junbi Kikan

The introduction is like the run-up for a long jump; it is the preparation period for the jump. but,

Joso Fireworks
If you can't accelerate properly during your run-up, you won't be able to make a big jump.

Joron and Close and

There are three important things in the introduction. Show the question itself, and make sure the question has originality.

Close and path Close

provide guidance
The goal
on how
is totoprovide
to questions and to

and Close and Teiji and

First, to ask a question, you must state your questionin one sentence. Also, the question itself is shown. stomach

who free space and Go Teigi

You must define the word used by whom, but in order to make it clear to the reader,

Bouto purpose
yeah. This is done in the ``purpose'' section at the beginning of the paper.

and Close flash research Close

Next, to show that the question has originality, it is necessary to examine previous research. must be shown.

and who free space

This is to make it clear that no one has yet clarified these questions. it is,

Bouto purpose Chokugo flash research

Immediately after the ``purpose'' at the beginning, ``preceding'' This will be done through research.
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and path Close and free space method Meikaku

Furthermore, in order to show a path to answering a question, we must clarify how to clarify the question.

method free space research who method

not. By clarifying the method, who can do the same research? But now you can do it in the same way,

Can't wait Hosho flash research Continued Shiryo method

objective view quality is guaranteed. It is ``preceding''. the study ” followed by ``Materials and Methods''.

Joron Really Really habato distance Juni

After the introduction is the main discussion. The main topic is a jump. In the long jump, ranking is based on the distance of the jump.

tree Really I don't think so Kachi tree

will be determined. The value of a paper is also determined by its content. The most important part of the paper

Really circle result Kosatsu
The main
twotheory that. The "results" and "discussion"
are divided into

result Bunseki method Bunseki result Close result and

``Results and Analysis'' is the result of analysis according to the method. The results show the questions you asked. stomach

Konkyo specifically Close

When coming up with an answer to a question, evidence.

concrete data will be provided as

Kosatsu result result

``Discussion'' is where you think about and explain why you got the results you did. result

Settokuryoku and Close research Shinka Clear

This is where one's true value as a researcher is demonstrated, by giving the researcher persuasive power and showing the meaning of the answer to the question.


Ketsuron research Chakuchi tree

The “conclusion” is a summary of the entire study. A jump with a clean landing is a successful jump.

Chakuchi Yo a circle Ketsuron

is. Experts can tell whether a jump is good or bad just by looking at the landing point. Read the conclusion

I don't think so At a glance soon Youshi Kochi

A good summary that allows you to understand the entire content of the paper at a glance is a pleasant read.

is good.

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