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Unit 6 Vocabulary Short Test 1 | Group A 1. 1 burglary 2 sentence 3 vandal 4 prison 5 robbed 2.

1 theft 2 shoplifter 3 robber 4 vandalism 5 smuggler 3. 1 do community

service 1 d 2 c 3 e 4 a 5 b Unit 6 Vocabulary Short Test 1 | Group B 1. 1 arsonist 2 smuggler 3 stolen 4 service 5 fine 2. 1 smuggling 2 shoplifting 3 theft 4 robber 5 vandal 3.
1life sentence 1 e 2 a 3 d 4 c 5 b Unit 6 Grammar Short Test 1 | Group A 1. 1 would play, had 2 practised, would be 3 would you do, saw 4 didn’t help, wouldn’t
understand 5 would be, reported 2. If only we go on more school trips 1 could 2 were/was 3 didn’t have 4 knew 5 showed 3. ’m sorry you don’t visit me. I would be so
happy if 1 you visited me 2 lived in a safer neighbourhood 3 could remember our friend’s address 4 would (often) be late for school 5 wasn’t/weren’t so busy Unit 6
Grammar Short Test 1 | Group B 1. 1 had, would you read 2 wouldn’t visit, didn’t live 3 would watch, liked 4 spent, would get 5 wouldn’t commit, lived 2. If only take a
short holiday! 1 could 2 knew 3 gave 4 weren’t 5 didn’t have 3. My flat is small, so I don’t keep pets. If my flat were bigger, I 1 would keep pets / a pet 2 there were more
things to do near here 3 I asked her (to) 4 had a bigger garden 5 weren’t quiet Unit 6 Vocabulary Short Test 2 | Group A 1. 1 prohibits 2 order 3 accused 4 UNICEF 5 try 2. I
needed a good lawyer to 1 defend 2 adoptc3 charge 4 grant 5 judgement 3. 1 judge 1 e 2 b 3 d 4 a 5 c Unit 6 Vocabulary Short Test 2 | Group B 1. 1 authority 2 judgement
3 charged 4 defend 5 regulates 2. You need to wear a tie before we go in. Didn’t you read the 1 regulations 2 trial 3 judge 4 jury 5 Justice 3. 1accuse 1 d 2 e 3 c 4 a 5 b

Unit 6 Grammar Short Test 2 | Group A 1. 1 would have destroyed 2 had used 3 had helped 4 hadn’t noticed 5 wouldn’t have caught 2. If only I he homework down 1 had
written 2 had taken 3 hadn’t touched 4 hadn’t deleted 5 had told 3. 1 hadn’t forgotten 2 had helped 3 ’d written 4 had given 5 wouldn’t have missed Unit 6 Grammar Short
Test 2 | Group B 1. 1 had been 2 had taken 3 wouldn’t have caught 4 would have decided 5 had picked us up 2. If only you your missing cat to police 1 had reported 2 had
listened 3 hadn’t stayed 4 had looked 5 hadn’t taken 3. 1 wouldn’t have minded 2 had helped 3 had installed 4 wouldn’t have noticed 5 hadn’t spent Unit 6 Test Standard |
Group A 1. suggests using technology to catch shoplifters? 1 Macy 2 Mo 3 Zane 4 Greg 5 Uma 2. 1thief b 2 f 3 a 4 d 5 e 3. I think a(n) broke into our house when we
were gone. 1 burglar 2 arsonist 3 robbery 4 regulation 4. 1 would have won 2 we had 3 would enjoy 4 had been 5 didn’t 5. 1 I’d visited 2 would have destroyed 3 had
known 4 didn’t live 6. 1 would have helped (you) 2 we had checked 3 wish you visited 4 if it was / were 5 she would not have 7. According to the writer, why do scammers
try to scam young people in particular? 1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B 8. What a pain! I’ve left my football boots on the bus! B: Don’t panic. Are you sure? 1 wish 2 sort 3 shall 4 I’ll do
Unit 6 Test Standard | Group B 1. 1 Zane 2 Greg 3 Macy 4 Mo 5 Uma 2. 1 regulation 1 e 2 b 3 g 4 c 5 a 3. The jury passed their 1 judgment 2 smuggler 3 trial 4 murderer 4.
1 had worn 2 had 3 wouldn’t be 4 knew 5 wouldn’t have caught 5. 1 would be 2 hadn’t thrown away 3 wouldn’t have found 4 had installed 6. 1 wouldn’t be late 2 does the
library regulate 3 I had known 4 wouldn’t have missed 5 you had seen 7. According to the writer, what improves people’s ability to recognise online scams? 1 A 2 A 3 C 4 A
5 B 8. What a pain! I’ve left my football boots on the bus Don’t worry. Everything will be OK 1 only 2 use 3 idea 4 otherwise

Unit 6 Test Higher | Group A 1. Suggest 1 Macy 2 Mo 3 Zane 4 Greg 5 Uma 2. I think a 0 thief 1 smuggler 2 court 3 judge 4 murderer 3. 1 burglar 2 arsonist 3 robbery 4
regulation 4. 1 would have won 2 had 3 would like 4 had come 5 didn’t 5. 1 I wish I had visited John in prison when he was there. 2 If you hadn’t called the fire service in
time, the fire would have destroyed the whole building. 3 ✓ 4 ✓ 6. 1 would have helped (you) 2 we had checked 3 wish you visited 4 if it was / were 5 she would not have
7. According to the writer, why do scammers try to scam young people in particular? 1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B 8. What a pain! I’ve left my football boots on the bus : Don’t panic.
Are you sure? 1 only 2 sort / figure / work 3 shall / can / should 4 should Unit 6 Test Higher | Group B 1.thinks it was a good idea 1 Zane 2 Greg 3 Macy 4 Mo 5 Uma 2.
The jury passed their 0.vandal 1 authority 2 burglar 3 arsonist 4 robbery 3. 1 judgment 2 smuggler 3 trial 4 murderer 4. 1 had worn 2 had 3 wouldn’t be 4 knew 5 wouldn’t
have caught 5. 1 You would be better prepared for your trip abroad if you knew the local laws. 2 If only I hadn’t thrown away the instructions to my printer. I need them
now. 3 ✓ 4 I wish we had installed a satellite dish at the same time as we bought our TV. 6. 1 wouldn’t be late 2 does the library regulate 3 I had known 4 wouldn’t have
missed 5 you had seen 7. According to the writer, what improves people’s ability to recognise online scams 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C 8. What a pain! I’ve left my football boots on
the bus Don’t worry. Everything will be OK 1 only 2 use 3 idea 4 might / could / will

1.Arson podpalenie, arsonist podpalacz,burglar włamywacz, burglary włamanie, do community service wykonywać prace społeczne, escape justice
uciec przed wymiarem sprawiedliwości, forensic science kryminalistyka, get a life sentence dostać dożywocie, go to prison pójść do więzienia,
murder morderstwo, murderer morderca, pay a fine zapłacić grzywnę, punish ukarać, punishment kara, rob okraść, robber bandyta, robbery
rabunek, shoplifter złodziej sklepowy, shoplifting kradzież sklepowa, smuggler przemytnik, smuggling przemyt, theft kradzież, thier złodziej,vandal
wandal, vandalism wandalizm, ścigac, commit a crime popełnić przestępstwo, feline zwierze z rodziny kotów, law-abiding przestrezgający
prawa, law-breaking naruszający prawo, obtain otrzymać, rodent gryzoń, seagull mewa, stolen goods skradzione towary, suspect podejrzany, witness
świadek,3. accuse oskarżać, adopt przyjmować, authority władza, case sprawa, cgarge wnieśc oskarżenie, child labour zatrudnianie nieletnich,
defend bronić, genocide ludobójstwo, grant nadać, International Court of Justice międzynarodowy trybunal sprawiedliwości, International Criminal
Court międzynarodowy trybunal karny, judge osądzić, judgment wyrok, jury ława przysięgłych, law and order ład i porządek, prohibit zakazać,
regulate regulować, regulation przepis, trial proces, try sądzic, UNICEF fundusz narodów zjednoczonych na rzecz dzieci, verdict werdykt,

4. bully dręczyciel, click on a link kliknąć link, con oszukać, conman oszust, cyber bulling cyberprzemoc,
cybercrime cyberprzesrępczośc, fraud oszustwo, fraudster oszust, hack włamać się do komputera, hacker
haker, identity theft kradzież danych, junk mail niechciane materiały, login details szczegóły logowania,
open an attachment otworzyć załącznik, phishing wyłudzanie, protect chronić, scam przekręt, scammer
oszust, spam spam,CCTV kamey, fine ukarać grzywną, speed limit ograniczenie prędkości, ticket mandat,
deport deportować, immigrant imigrant, juvenile court sąd dla nieletnich, fairness sprawiedliwość, hate
speech mowa nienawiści, put sb off odstraszać kogoś, strict surowy, bug urządzenie do podsłuchu,
canine psi, infrared camera kamera na podczerwień, intelligence wywiad, wywęszyć coś, spy szpieg

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