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Dynamic Modeling, Screen Design andTest Plan

Assignment Two
Table of Contents

Extract 2
Introduction 2
Post Job Vacancies 3
Extended Use Case 4
Activity Diagram 5

System Sequence Diagram 6

Track the application 6

Screen Design 10

Test Plan 11

Reference 13

The assignment covers the model of behavior of the system/ subsystem for the two most
complex use cases from the subsystem that I had chosen in former assignment. Two UML
illustration extended use case descriptions, test plan and defenses developed from invision are
handed to make clear analysis of the given script.

In this assignment, I'm modeling one of the subsystems of Australia post. The subsystem that I’m
working on under Australia post is Reclamation and Graduate programs. I've created a use case
illustration for the susystem in former assignment which is shown below;

Among the 10 use cases, I'm choosing 2 most complicated use cases i.e. Post a job vacuities and
Track application. I'm going to explore these two use cases and produce an exertion illustration
and system sequence illustration, extended use case and attach a storyboard created in an
invision and write a test plan for the use cases.

The two most complicated use cases are

1. Post job vacuities

2. Track operation

1. Post Job Vacancies

Australia post has new opening ad and au post staff can post opportunity commercial in their
site. There can be one work commercial or can be different opening accessible. Just an Australia
post staff can post the opportunity. Just specific Australia present staff can go on the site and
make changes. For this they should be inked in. When an opening is free it should be posted on
the site. So staff will fill all the expected set of responsibilities which incorporates work title,
work part, time of agreement, number of individuals required and so on. The framework will
approves the subtleties gave and it will instigate a task number and save the post. Furthermore,
it'll be update in the Au post have choice about the gig ready where the client will get declaration
assuming any new position is posted. So assuming that any client has empowered the work
ready, the framework will shoot declaration to them. I've made expanded use case, effort
representation, framework sequrnce delineation and model in invision to give detail model of the
utilization case.

Extended Use case

Activity Diagram

System Sequence Diagram

Track the application

Use case
Track operation colorful job position are available in Australia post. Once the aspirant applies
for a job, he can track the progress of his operation. Tracking the operation will show where
his process of recruiting has reached. To track the operation first of all the aspirant must have
applied for a job position. It can be one or further position. also once the aspirant applies for a
job he'll have his aspirant id number, word and operation id number which is needed to track
the operation further. Once a aspirant go to the job hiring runner of Au post he will see a
option to track the operation. When the stoner click on that he has to enter the aspirant id and
password. The system will corroborate the word and take to coming runner where the aspirant
need to enter the specific operation id which he wants to track. Since one aspirant can have
multiple operation submitted at a time so he needs to be specific about the application. Once the
id is submitted the system will search if there's any progress in the application. If there's any it

will show the result. Otherwise it'll notify the stoner that it isn't been reviewed yet. To give a
brief detail about the functionality of the use case I've created an extended use case, exertion
illustration and system sequence illustration for the use case.

Extended Use Case

Activity Diagram

System Sequence Diagram

Screen Designs

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Test Plan
The ideal of this test plan is to validate the functionality, usability, and performance of the
accommodation service on Airbnb. compass The test plan will concentrate on testing the
following aspects of the accommodation service Searching for lodgment Viewing
accommodation rosters Booking lodgment stoner profile operation Testing Approach The
testing approach will include homemade testing by QA masterminds to insure thorough content
of all scripts and use cases. Automated testing may be considered for repetitious or
retrogression testing in unborn duplications. Test Environment The test terrain will replicate
the product terrain of Airbnb, including the web and mobile platforms supported by the service.
Test Cases Hunt Functionality corroborate that druggies can search for lodgment by
position, dates, and other pollutants. Validate that hunt results are applicable and directly reflect
the stoner's criteria. Test the performance of hunt functionality under colorful network
conditions and cargo situations. Viewing Accommodation rosters insure that druggies can
view detailed information, including prints, descriptions, amenities, and reviews, for each
accommodation table. corroborate that all information displayed on the table runner is
accurate and over- to- date. Test the responsiveness and usability of the table runner on
different bias and screen sizes. reserving lodgment Validate the booking process from opting
dates to completing payment. Test colorful scripts similar as reserving for single or multiple
guests, applying abatements or promo canons, and canceling bookings. corroborate that
druggies admit evidence emails and announcements after completing a booking. stoner Profile
Management Test the functionality to produce, edit, and cancel stoner biographies. Validate
that druggies can modernize their particular information, payment styles, and communication
preferences. corroborate that changes made to stoner biographies are reflected directly across
the platform. Testing Tools use a combination of homemade testing ways and testing tools
similar as Selenium for web robotization and Appium for mobile robotization. Test Data

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Prepare a set of test data including valid and invalid inputs for different test scripts similar as
searching for lodgment in different locales, reserving lodgment for colorful dates, and
managing stoner biographies. Test prosecution Execute test cases totally, establishing the
results of each test case including any blights or issues encountered. disfigurement operation
Track and manage blights using a disfigurement tracking system similar as Jira or Bugzilla.
Prioritize blights grounded on inflexibility and impact on the stoner experience. Retrogression
Testing Perform retrogression testing after each release to insure that new updates or changes
don't introduce any retrogressions or break living functionality. Acceptance Criteria Define
acceptance criteria for each test case grounded on the anticipated issues and conditions of the
accommodation service. Exit Criteria Determine exit criteria for the test plan, specifying the
conditions under which testing can be considered complete and the accommodation service can
be supposed ready for deployment. By following this test plan, we can insure thorough testing
of the accommodation service on Airbnb, helping to identify and resolve any issues before
deployment and icing a positive stoner experience for guests.

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