.Net Developer

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Senior Software Engineer

Chicago, IL

Full Stack Software Engineer with 6 years of working in a professional environment with experience in building, and
engineering both business-oriented software and distributed systems.


Senior .NET Engineer (Contract) Jan 2023 – Jan 2024

Confidential - United States
● Managed the migration of ASP.NET Web Forms to ASP.NET Core Blazor and Web API, achieving
improved system performance and user experience with no downtime.
● Designed software architecture focused on practical scalability, enhanced performance,
and straightforward maintenance.
● Built a high-efficiency distributed events processor utilizing WebSocket client and RabbitMQ,
increasing event handling capacity by 40%.
● Crafted a user-friendly management dashboard using Blazor and Tailwind CSS, enhancing
data visualization and operational workflow.
● Moved business logic from Stored Procedures to the application layer, streamlining system
architecture and operational efficiency.
● Implemented custom data visualization graphs with Chart.js and D3 to meet specific business needs.
● Technologies Used: ASP.NET, Blazor, MVC, TypeScript, T-SQL, Docker, WebSocket, Load Balancing,
.NET Core, C#, Tailwind CSS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Azure, Git, TFS.

Software Engineer Sep 2022 – Jan 2023

Confidential - United States
Successfully navigated and delivered projects in a high-pressure, deadline-driven environment, coordinating closely
with a skilled team while working at LiveDocs.

● Built a Central Notification Service in TypeScript, employing the Pub/Sub pattern for more efficient
and responsive communication.
● Developed proficiency in AlloyDB and columnar SQL databases, applying them for improved scalability
and data management efficiency.
● Built a reliable Billing System integrating Stripe subscriptions, focusing on transaction accuracy.
● Directed the creation of custom ETL pipelines and OAuth integrations, and developed dedicated libraries
for their efficient management.
● Developed advanced components and integrated Lexical as a Rich Text Editor, focusing on enhancing
the user interface.
● Adopted test-driven development practices in JavaScript with Jest and ensured thorough documentation of
APIs using JSDoc.
● Technologies Utilized: React, Next.js, Lexical, TypeScript, TSX, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, AlloyDB,
PostgreSQL, Sequelize, Express.js, GraphQL Apollo.
Full Stack Engineer Feb 2020 – Nov 2022
Confidential - United States
Worked as a committed team member, contributing fresh perspectives and dedicated effort to enhance

● Developed and managed software projects, focusing on both back end and front-end aspects.
● Responsible for coding and maintenance across technologies including React, TypeScript, C#,
ASP.NET Core MVC, and Web API, with Entity Framework integration.
● Specialized in Node.js for serverless framework development, leveraging core APIs like File System
and Clusters.
● Gained hands-on experience with major cloud platforms, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
● Early adopter of Blazor Web assembly, contributing to projects with emerging technologies.
● Crafted complex T-SQL queries, stored procedures, and triggers to enhance SQL Server
database performance.
● Skilled in conflict resolution, adept at navigating challenging situations to maintain positive team dynamics.

Full Stack Developer Jan 2018 – Feb 2020

Confidential – United States
In a team of four, led software solution development to address complex challenges, resulting in a notable 50%
increase in team productivity upon joining.
● Developed Django MVC and Flutter mobile applications for specific project needs.
● Skilled in SQL database architecture, applying database normalization for structural integrity.
● Built systems using the LAMP Stack, focusing on Laravel for functionality.
● Developed RESTful APIs with Flask and client-side applications with React.
● Created efficient web applications using Flask and EJS, utilizing pure JavaScript for performance.
● Conducted unit testing in backend development to ensure software robustness.
● Exhibited strong problem-solving abilities, applying creative and analytical approaches to
overcome complex challenges.
● Demonstrated strong communication skills, effectively articulating complex ideas and fostering productive
team discussions.


Operating Systems: Arch, Debian, Windows.

Favorite Tools: VSCode, GIT, Postman, Figma, Docker, Excalidraw, Obsidian, BurpSuite, Git, Neovim.
Languages: JavaScript (ES6), TypeScript, CSharp, Python, Rust, Dart, Java, PHP, Shell Scripting (BASH, ZSH,
Technologies: Next.js, React w/ Redux, Express.js w/ Apollo GraphQL, .NET Core, Blazor, Django, Flask, Flutter.
Databases: MSSQL, MySQL, Columnar PostgreSQL, AlloyDB, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Redis, Scylla.

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