Peslier 2020 Perspective

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COSMOCHEMISTRY chondrites apparently do have enough wa-

ter to provide Earth with the mass equiva-

The origins of water lent of several surface oceans’ worth of

water. In addition, the D/H ratio and ni-
trogen isotope composition match those of
New measurements of Earth’s building blocks Earth’s interior.
It would now seem that Earth could
point to a simpler water source have acquired its water during accretion
after all. Alternative models suggest the
By Anne H. Peslier type of material that aggregated to even- possibility of retaining water in the inner
tually form planets. Earth’s isotopic com- planets’ building blocks. Surface adsorp-

ur blue planet having water seems position indicates that the main building tion of water on nebular condensates (7),
such a simple and obvious fact blocks of rocky planets are enstatite chon- retention of nebular gas around planet
that the question of why Earth has drite–like materials [e.g., (5)]. embryos (8), or inward migration of the
water at all feels like a trivial one. However, enstatite chondrites were be- snow line (2) have all been proposed. That
However, the origin of this key in- lieved to be too dry to account for Earth’s enstatite chondrites formed in the inner
gredient for life has remained a water. Instead, a water-rich type of chon- Solar System (5, 6) relaxes the challenging
long-standing topic of debate. According to drite called carbonaceous chondrite was requirement of bringing water to Earth
models of Solar System formation, Earth, suggested to have brought most of the from farther away from the Sun.
as an inner Solar System planet, should planet’s water. Carbonaceous chondrites, Piani et al.’s observations do not provide
have little to no water. On page 1110 of however, are not ideal because they have any constraints on timing for the incorpo-
this issue, Piani et al. (1) ration of water into Earth.
analyze enstatite chondrite Early incorporation during
meteorites, a material simi- Sources of Earth’s water accretion could be irrele-
lar to Earth’s main building vant if most water degassed
New measurements of enstatite chondrites indicate that water could have been primarily
blocks, and address the ori- during early events in the
acquired from Earth’s building blocks. Additional water was delivered to Earth’s early

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gins of Earth’s water. oceans and atmosphere by water-rich material from comets and the outer asteroid belt. planet’s history. Formation
Early models of plan- of magma oceans and in-
etary formation predicted Asteroid belt tense asteroid bombard-
that the nebular gas near 2 ment would both cause
our young Sun was too water to be lost to space (9,
hot to form ice. Water as 1 10). Alternatively, enstatite
vapor therefore could not Sun chondrite–like material
have been easily incorpo- could have been incorpo-
rated into the materials rated into Earth after accre-
that formed the inner rocky Proto-Earth tion (11). After Earth’s accre-
Snow line
planets Mercury, Venus, tion, it appears that water
Earth, and Mars (2). Only was added to its oceans
the outer Solar System plan- Proto-Jupiter and atmosphere (not its in-
ets, such as Jupiter, contain terior), with contributions
an abundance of water and Provenance of Earth’s water from comets and carbona-
other volatiles, because they 1 Enstatite chondrite–like material 3 ceous chondrite–like mate-
formed beyond the “snow 2 Carbonaceous chondrite–like material rial (3, 12). Nevertheless, the
line,” the imaginary bound- 3 Comets contributing to the atmosphere’s composition authors’ work brings a cru-
ary between water vapor cial and elegant element to
and water ice in the solar nebula (2, 3). a very different isotopic composition than this puzzle. Earth’s water may simply have
These planets were born far enough from Earth and formed outside of the snow line come from the nebular material from which
the Sun to be able to easily incorporate fro- (6). To reconcile these apparent inconsis- the planet accreted. j
zen water. tencies, carbonaceous chondrite–like ma-
Earth not only has water in its oceans terial was proposed to have been added
1. L. Piani et al., Science 369, 1110 (2020).
and atmosphere but also contains the to Earth from beyond the snow line when 2. L. Hartmann, F. Ciesla, O. Gressel, R. Alexander, Space
equivalent of several oceans’ worth of the planet was already mostly formed [e.g., Sci. Rev. 212, 813 (2017).
water locked inside the rocks of its deep (4)]. For these chondrites to pelt the early 3. O. Grasset, J. Castillo-Rogez, T. Guillot, L. N. Fletcher,
F. Tosi, Space Sci. Rev. 212, 835 (2017).
interior (4). To solve this puzzle, special Earth, either the formation of Jupiter or 4. A. H. Peslier, M. Schönbächler, H. Busemann, S.-I. Karato,
types of meteorites that formed at the very its inner Solar System wandering has been Space Sci. Rev. 212, 743 (2017).
beginning of the Solar System can be ana- suggested to have disturbed the orbits of 5. N. Dauphas, Nature 541, 521 (2017).
6. P. H. Warren, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 311, 93 (2011).

lyzed. These space rocks, called chondrites, asteroids, ejecting them from the outer 7. M. J. Drake, Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 40, 519 (2005).
have not been incorporated and chemically part of the asteroid belt (6). 8. Z. D. Sharp, Chem. Geol. 448, 137 (2017).
modified into a large planet. Chondrites Piani et al. offer a simpler explanation. 9. L. T. Elkins-Tanton, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 40, 113
represent condensates of the solar nebular The authors convincingly argue that water 10. H. Lammer et al., Astron. Astrophys. Rev. 26, 2 (2018).
gas and are the best representatives of the could come from enstatite chondrites (see 11. M. Fischer-Gödde, T. Kleine, Nature 541, 525 (2017).
the figure). The authors measured the water 12. B. Marty et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 441, 91 (2016).

Jacobs, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058, concentration and deuterium to hydrogen
USA. Email: (D/H) ratios of these meteorites. Enstatite 10.1126/science.abc1338

1058 28 AUGUST 2020 • VOL 369 ISSUE 6507 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
The origins of water
Anne H. Peslier

Science, 369 (6507), • DOI: 10.1126/science.abc1338

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