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COSMOCHEMISTRY oxygen, titanium, calcium, and molybdenum

(3)—could contain enough hydrogen with the
Earth’s water may have been inherited from material appropriate isotopic composition to provide
water to the growing proto-Earth. Efforts to
similar to enstatite chondrite meteorites test this scenario have been hampered by dif-
ficulties in measuring H concentrations and
Laurette Piani1*, Yves Marrocchi1, Thomas Rigaudier1, Lionel G. Vacher1,2, isotopic ratios in ECs, owing to their assumed
Dorian Thomassin1, Bernard Marty1 low H abundances and the potential for ter-
restrial contamination (7).
The origin of Earth’s water remains unknown. Enstatite chondrite (EC) meteorites have similar isotopic We measured H abundances and isotopic
composition to terrestrial rocks and thus may be representative of the material that formed Earth. compositions for a suite of 13 EC meteorites
ECs are presumed to be devoid of water because they formed in the inner Solar System. Earth’s that spans the full range of thermal metamor-
water is therefore generally attributed to the late addition of a small fraction of hydrated materials, phism degrees [from petrologic type EH3 (the
such as carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, which originated in the outer Solar System where water least metamorphosed) to EH6 (those most
was more abundant. We show that EC meteorites contain sufficient hydrogen to have delivered to altered by thermal metamorphism on their
Earth at least three times the mass of water in its oceans. EC hydrogen and nitrogen isotopic parent asteroid)]. We covered this range to
compositions match those of Earth’s mantle, so EC-like asteroids might have contributed these evaluate potential effects of parent-body pro-
volatile elements to Earth’s crust and mantle. cessing, which could have altered the original
water content and H isotopic composition (11).

We also analyzed one aubrite meteorite (Norton
he origin of Earth’s water is debated. The tered into the inner Solar System from beyond County), which represents an evolved planetary
isotopic composition of Earth suggests the orbit of Jupiter (10), potentially delivering body of enstatite meteorite composition for
that it is composed of material from the water to Earth during or after its main phase which metal-silicate segregation (differentiation)
inner Solar System, such as enstatite chon- of accretion, in the first few million years of had occurred (11). Hydrogen measurements

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drite (EC) meteorites (1–3). The inner Solar Solar System formation. were performed at the Centre de Recherches
System was too warm to have retained water An alternative possibility is that EC-like Pétrographiques et Géochimiques (CRPG,
ice, so terrestrial water is thought to have been materials—which have similar isotopic abun- Nancy, France), either on bulk samples with
supplied by hydrated materials that originally dances to those of Earth for elements including an elemental analyzer (EA) coupled to a stable
formed in the outer Solar System before mi-
grating inward (4, 5).
Hydrogen isotopic compositions are con-
ventionally expressed as dD ≡ [(D/H)sample/
(D/H)SMOW – 1] × 1000, where D/H is the
ratio of 2H (deuterium) to 1H (protium) and
standard mean ocean water (SMOW) is the
mean value of Earth’s oceans. dD varies greatly
among Solar System objects. The bulk proto-
solar nebula had dD = –865 per mil (‰), esti-
mated from the solar wind and remnant H2 in
the atmospheres of the giant planets (6). Com-
pared with this protosolar value, all other
materials in the Solar System are enriched in
deuterium, with inner Solar System objects
having intermediate values [e.g., dD ≡ 0‰ in
terrestrial oceans and –165 to +800‰ in as-
teroids, as recorded in primitive meteorites
(7)]. Outer Solar System objects, such as comets,
are even more enriched in deuterium [e.g.,
up to dD = 2400‰ in comet 67P/Churyumov-
Gerasimenko (8)]. Among meteorites, water-rich
carbonaceous chondrites (CCs) of Ivuna-type
(CI) and Mighei-type (CM) are potential sources
of terrestrial water because their dD values
are distributed around a value coincident with
Earth’s oceans—i.e., dD ≡ 0‰ (9). Dynamical
simulations suggest that C-type (carbonaceous)
asteroids, whose optical properties suggest Fig. 1. Hydrogen contents and isotopic compositions of ECs. (A) Bulk-rock hydrogen content, reported
a link to water-rich CCs, could have been scat- as water equivalent by weight on a logarithmic scale. (B) Bulk-rock deuterium abundance, expressed as an
offset from standard mean ocean water. (C) Mesostasis hydrogen content. (D) Mesostasis deuterium
Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques abundance. The CM- and CI-type CCs Orgueil, Alais, and Murchison, as well as the aubrite Norton County
(CRPG), Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)– (aub.), are included in (A) and (B) for comparison. Data for the primitive EC Sahara 97096 (SAH97096;
Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, F-54500, EH3.1-3.4) and the two CV-type CCs Vigarano and Kaba are shown in (C) and (D) for comparison (11).
France. 2Department of Physics, Washington University in
St. Louis, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA. Different symbols in (C) and (D) indicate different chondrules (labeled CH). Error bars are 2s and are smaller
*Corresponding author. Email: than the symbol size in (B). The data are listed in tables S2 and S4.

Piani et al., Science 369, 1110–1113 (2020) 28 August 2020 1 of 4


Fig. 2. Contributions
of accreting
materials to Earth’s
hydrogen budget in
three different
models. Values are
expressed in
equivalent ocean
masses, where one
ocean = 1.4 × 1021 kg
H2O. (A) A model
Earth comprising only
ECs (1). (B) A model
Earth comprising Fig. 3. Hydrogen isotopic compositions of
68% ECs and 32% meteorites compared with that of Earth’s man-
CCs (2). (C) A model tle and oceans. Data are shown for ECs (bulk rock
Earth comprising 71% and mesostasis) (purple); OC pyroxenes and
ECs, 24% OCs, and hydrous minerals (red); and CCs (bulk rock and CI,
5% CCs [the most CM, and CV types) (blue). Mes, mesostasis; Pyrox,
extreme case from pyroxene. Meteorite data are from (7, 12, 21, 31) and
(3)]. The consistency this study (tables S2 and S4). Values for Earth’s
of such models for mantle (dD = –220 to –20‰) (green shaded area)
the isotopic com- are from (26), with the most D-depleted values
position of the mantle reported in (28). Primitive mantle dD values range

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is discussed in (11). from–130 to –75‰ (32, 33). Error bars are 2s.
SAH97096, Sahara
97096 (EH3); Bulk, morphism within the EC parent asteroid(s). In
bulk rock; OM, our least-metamorphosed sample, the pristine
organic matter; Sem., EH3 meteorite Sahara 97096 [EH3.1-3.4 (13);
Semarkona (LL3.0). a fragment of the same meteorite as Sahara
CCs are divided into 97116, see table S2], only a thin (≈500 mm) sur-
water-rich (CI-type) face layer of terrestrial alteration is visible (11).
and water-poor (CV- Its inner portions remain unaffected, as attested
and CO-type) groups. by the presence of unaltered grains of oldhamite
Water contributions (CaS), a highly hydrophilic mineral (14, 15).
from ECs are shown The fresh interior of Sahara 97096 has lower
in purple, from OCs in (and constant) H contents (0.5 ± 0.1 wt % H2O)
red, and from CCs in than the altered parts (3.0 ± 1.1 wt % H2O), and
blue. The water con- their H isotopic compositions are also differ-
tent of Earth’s mantle ent (fresh interior dD = –103.6 ± 0.7‰, altered
(green band) is surface dD = –136.3 ± 3.9‰; fig. S4 and table S2).
between 1 and ≥10 Similar features have been observed in martian
ocean masses (26). We consider 10 ocean masses in the mantle as a maximum value. Regardless of the meteorites subjected to desert alteration, with
model, the water provided by ECs alone lies above the maximum value of 10 ocean masses and thus the H content and isotopic characteristics being
substantially contributes to Earth’s water budget. Data are from (5, 7, 11, 21) and this study (tables S2 and modified only near the surface (i.e., <2 mm) (16).
S4). Error bars are 2s. In addition, the hydrogen contents and D/H
ratios measured for the two meteorite finds
isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) or at However, all analyzed ECs contain hydrogen (Sahara 97096 and Yamato 791790) are very
the micrometer scale by secondary ion mass concentrations above the EA-IRMS detection close to the ones measured for the Indarch
spectrometry (SIMS) (11). limit [~0.05 wt % H2O (11)]. The least-altered chondrite that was collected after its observed
We found that the ECs have bulk hydrogen EH chondrites (EH3 and EH4) have dD values fall and are consistent with a metamorphic
contents (reported as water equivalents) rang- averaging dD = –103 ± 3‰, systematically be- evolution of the H signatures in ECs (table S2
ing from 0.08 to 0.54 wt % H2O (Fig. 1A and low the current value of Earth’s oceans, whereas and fig. S5B). These observations suggest that
table S2). The EH3 meteorites are generally metamorphosed ECs (EH5 and EL6) and the the H contents of ECs were established during
richer in H (0.44 ± 0.04 wt % H2O; all uncer- aubrite have even lower values, averaging dD = the early Solar System and have experienced
tainties are one standard deviation unless other- –127 ± 15‰ (Fig. 1B and table S2). minimal modifications on Earth.
wise noted) than the more metamorphosed If the hydrogen contents had been entirely To confirm the indigenous nature of H in
groups EH4 (0.2 ± 0.1 wt % H2O), EH5 (0.3 ± due to atmospheric contamination during sam- the interiors of ECs, we used SIMS to analyze
0.1 wt % H2O), and EL6 (0.3 ± 0.3 wt % H2O). ple preparation, constant D/H ratios would be the H contents and isotopic compositions of the
The Norton County aubrite is 0.3 ± 0.2 wt % observed despite variable H concentrations. glass fraction (mesostasis) in four chondrules—
H2O. These EC water contents are well below Instead, our data follow a negative trend in a submillimeter silicate spherules that correspond
those measured in the water-rich CCs Orgueil diagram of dD versus 1/H (fig. S5), indicating to the main mineral assemblages in ECs—of
(CI), Alais (CI), and Murchison (CM), which possible loss of D-enriched hydrogen-bearing Sahara 97096, the least-metamorphosed EC in
are 7.2 to 9.1 wt % H2O (Fig. 1A and table S2). organic molecules (12) during thermal meta- our sample (11, 12). For comparison, we performed

Piani et al., Science 369, 1110–1113 (2020) 28 August 2020 2 of 4


thermal metamorphism effect visible on the

diagram of dD versus 1/H; fig. S5). Our SIMS
measurements demonstrate that at least 20%
of the H in ECs has an identified carrier phase
(mesostasis or IOM) and that most of the re-
maining 80% is probably of indigenous origin.
This implies that terrestrial hydrogen could
be derived from ECs without invoking addi-
tional sources.
We incorporated the H concentrations mea-
sured in ECs (tables S2 and S4) into theoretical
models of Earth’s formation that invoke mix-
ing of chondrite-like materials. These models
use various proportions of EC-like, OC-like, and
CC-like materials (1–3, 5, 23), so we explored
three end-member compositions: (i) 100% EC-
like materials (1); (ii) 68% EC-like and 32%
CC-like materials (2, 23), although these pro-
portions could be inconsistent for the iso-
topic composition of Earth’s mantle (11); and
(iii) ~70% EC-like, ~25% OC-like, and ~5% CC-
like materials (3) (Fig. 2). In all cases, EC-like
Fig. 4. Hydrogen and nitrogen isotopic compositions of meteorites compared with that of Earth’s materials contribute substantially to Earth’s
mantle and surface. Meteorite bulk-rock values are shown for ECs and CM-, CI-, CV-, and CO-type CCs; data water budget, supplying 3.4 to 23.1 times the

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are from table S2 and (7, 34, 35). Mantle dD values are from (26, 28). Primitive mantle dD values are from mass of Earth’s oceans (1.4 × 1021 kg) once our
(32) and (33) and d15N values are from the most negative values (–40‰) in (35). atm., atmosphere. H content measurements are included (table
S2). These estimates are upper limits because
loss of volatiles might have occurred during
similar measurements in two CV chondrites of the bulk rock, or ~13% of the bulk-rock H Earth’s accretion (24, 25). Considering only
(Kaba and Vigarano) that have the same degree content. Another potential source of H in ECs is identified H-bearing phases (mesostasis and
of metamorphism (17). The glassy mesostasis insoluble organic matter (IOM). However, given IOM), EC-like materials alone contribute ~3
of Sahara 97096 contains between 2700 and the low abundance of IOM in ECs (0.6 wt %) to 4.5 times the mass of Earth’s oceans (Fig. 2).
12,300 wt parts per million (ppm) H2O equiv- and the H concentration in EC organics [0.7 wt % If Sahara 97096 is representative of the most
alent, with an average value of 7560 ± 1546 wt (12)], the contribution of IOM to the bulk-rock pristine ECs (Fig. 2), its bulk-rock hydrogen
ppm H2O (two standard deviations, 2s) for H content is only 380 ppm H2O, or 7.7% of content (4700 wt ppm H2O or ≥14 ocean
16 measurements (Fig. 1C and table S4). Al- the total H content of the chondrite. Com- masses) is sufficient to explain the highest
though their metamorphic grades are similar bined, H hosted in chondrule mesostases and estimates of the water content of Earth’s sur-
to that of Sahara 97096, the CV chondrites IOM can account for only ~20% of the total face and mantle, which are 1000 to 3900 ppm
Vigarano and Kaba have lower H contents of H measured in the Sahara 97096 bulk rock. H2O (5, 26). Mesostasis and IOM H contents
330 ± 140 and 210 ± 120 wt ppm H2O, re- H concentrations have been reported in low- alone can account for three to five times the
spectively (Fig. 1C and table S4). The H iso- calcium pyroxenes from non-CC materials from total mass of the oceans, corresponding to in-
topic composition of Sahara 97096 mesostasis (i) the S-type asteroid Itokawa (700 to 1000 wt termediate estimates of the water content of
is homogeneous, with an average dD value of ppm H2O) brought back by the Hayabusa Earth’s mantle.
–147 ± 16‰ (2s; Fig. 1D and table S4), whereas sample-return spacecraft and (ii) the meta- The hydrogen isotopic composition of ECs
Vigarano and Kaba have dD = –261 ± 25 and morphosed ordinary chondrite (OC) Larkman is depleted in deuterium relative to that of
+17 ± 95‰, respectively (2s; Fig. 1D and table Nunatak 12036 (600 to 1300 wt ppm H2O) (21). Earth’s oceans but is still within the range of
S4). Among these three meteorites, only Kaba We found an even higher H concentration mantle values (Fig. 3). ECs are not the only
underwent aqueous alteration of its chon- (5300 wt ppm H2O; table S2) for the pyroxene group of meteorites with D-poor values con-
drules (18), which accounts for the variable fraction of the Norton County aubrite. The sistent with those of Earth’s mantle, as CM-type
D/H ratio of its mesostasis. Vigarano con- modal abundance of low-calcium pyroxene CCs also span the range of mantle H isotopic
tains traces of incipient aqueous alteration in ECs is ~50 vol % (15), so enstatite pyroxenes compositions (Fig. 3). Nitrogen isotopes pro-
restricted to its fine-grained matrix (19). Be- could account for ~15 or ~58% of the bulk H vide additional constraints (27), as the mantle
cause Sahara 97096 does not show any evi- content of ECs, considering the highest H con- is depleted in both D and 15N relative to the
dence of aqueous alteration, the abundant H tent of OC pyroxenes (1300 wt ppm H2O) or surface reservoirs (atmosphere and oceans).
contents of its chondrule mesostases must the aubrite pyroxene fraction, respectively. The Combining H and N isotopic compositions
have been acquired before the EC parent as- remaining ~65 to 20% of H measured in the allows us to identify potential chondritic pre-
teroid evolution, possibly during the period of bulk rock may be contributed by other un- cursors (Fig. 4). Only ECs are compatible with
chondrule formation. known carriers such as sulfur-rich carbon- both the dD and d15N values measured in
Considering the H concentration of Sahara bearing porous amorphous silica (22), owing mantle-derived rocks (Fig. 4). D-poor solar
97096 mesostasis, the modal abundance of to an underestimation of the H content in hydrogen [dD = –865‰ (6)] could also have
mesostasis in Sahara 97096 chondrules [16.2 EC pyroxenes, and/or could be derived from contributed to the mantle composition (28),
vol % (15)], and the modal abundance of chon- some pervasive terrestrial contamination, al- although it would require extreme enrich-
drules in ECs [~70 vol % (20)], H in chondrule though a limited amount of contamination is ments of solar H relative to solar Ne because
mesostases accounts for 702 ± 117 wt ppm H2O expected (otherwise, it would have erased the mantle neon is solar-like. The chondritic H/Ne

Piani et al., Science 369, 1110–1113 (2020) 28 August 2020 3 of 4


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escape; rather, they are best reproduced by mix- abstr. 1741, 29th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Nancy (IPTN) for help with the SIMS. We thank E. Deloule,
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Piani et al., Science 369, 1110–1113 (2020) 28 August 2020 4 of 4

Earth’s water may have been inherited from material similar to enstatite chondrite
Laurette PianiYves MarrocchiThomas RigaudierLionel G. VacherDorian ThomassinBernard Marty

Science, 369 (6507), • DOI: 10.1126/science.aba1948

An unexpected source of Earth's water

The abundances of Earth's chemical elements and their isotopic ratios can indicate which materials formed Earth.
Enstatite chondrite (EC) meteorites provide a good isotopic match for many elements but are expected to contain
no water because they formed in the hot inner Solar System. This would require Earth's water to be from a different
source, such as comets. Piani et al. measured hydrogen contents and deuterium/hydrogen ratios (D/H) in 13 EC
meteorites (see the Perspective by Peslier). They found far more hydrogen than is commonly assumed, with D/H close
to that of Earth's mantle. Combining these data with cosmochemical models, they show that most of Earth's water

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could have formed from hydrogen delivered by EC meteorites.
Science, this issue p. 1110; see also p. 1058

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