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Order I

1. Joinder of Plaintiffs:
 This means that if multiple people have rights to seek relief for the same event or
series of events, they can all be plaintiffs in the same lawsuit. Even if they have
separate claims or if their claims are related to each other, they can join together
in one lawsuit.
2. Court's Discretion:
 The court has the authority to manage the proceedings efficiently. If joining
multiple plaintiffs might complicate or delay the trial, the court can ask them to
choose one representative, order separate trials for different claims, or take any
other necessary action to ensure a fair and prompt resolution.
3. Joinder of Defendants:
 Similarly, if multiple individuals are accused of actions related to the same event
or series of events, they can all be named as defendants in one lawsuit. It doesn't
matter if they are jointly responsible, separately responsible, or responsible in
different ways.
4. Flexible Judgment:
 The court can issue a judgment without requiring the original lawsuit to be
amended. This means the court can make decisions based on the existing claims
and evidence presented during the trial.
5. Interest of Defendants:
 Not every defendant needs to be directly involved in every aspect of the relief
claimed in the lawsuit. The lawsuit can proceed even if some defendants are only
partially responsible for the alleged wrongdoing.
6. Joining Multiple Parties:
 The plaintiff has the option to include multiple parties in the same lawsuit if they
are all separately liable on one contract. This means that if several individuals are
obligated under the same contract (such as a promissory note), they can all be
sued together in one lawsuit.
7. Doubtful Defendant:
 If the plaintiff is unsure which party is responsible for their grievance, they can
name multiple defendants in order to determine liability. This allows the court to
decide which defendant, if any, is legally responsible for the plaintiff's damages.
8. Representation of Numerous Parties:
 If many individuals share the same interest in a lawsuit, one or more of them can
sue or be sued on behalf of all interested parties, with the court's permission. This
helps streamline legal proceedings when numerous parties have similar claims or
9. Misjoinder or Non-Joinder:
 The failure to properly join or include all relevant parties in a lawsuit won't
automatically result in the dismissal of the case. Even if there are mistakes in
naming or including parties, the court has the authority to resolve the issues and
proceed with the lawsuit as long as the rights and interests of the parties actually
involved are addressed.
8. (l) Where there are numerous persons having the same interest in one suit, one or more of
such persons may, with the permission of the Court, sue or be sued, or may defend, in such suit,
on behalf of or for the benefit of all persons so interested. But the Court shall in such case give, at
the plaintiff's expense, notice of the institution of the suit to all such persons either by personal
service or, where from the number of persons or any other cause such service is not reasonably
practicable, by public advertisement, as the Court in each case may direct.
Let's break down this section:

1. Representation of Numerous Parties:

 When there are multiple individuals who share the same interest in a lawsuit, one
or more of them can sue, be sued, or defend the case on behalf of all parties who
share that interest.
 This provision allows for efficiency in legal proceedings by consolidating the
interests of numerous individuals into a single lawsuit.
2. Permission of the Court:
 However, this consolidation requires permission from the court. The court must
authorize one or more individuals to represent the entire group.
 This ensures that the interests of all parties involved are adequately represented
and protected.
3. Notice Requirement:
 If the court grants permission for one or more individuals to represent the group,
it must ensure that all parties with a shared interest are notified about the lawsuit.
 Notice can be provided through personal service (direct delivery) to each
individual. However, if this is not feasible due to the number of parties or other
reasons, the court may order notice to be given through public advertisement.
 The expense of providing notice is typically borne by the plaintiff (the party
initiating the lawsuit).

In summary, this section allows for the consolidation of parties with shared interests in a lawsuit,
with one or more individuals representing the entire group with the court's permission. The court
must ensure that all parties are properly notified about the lawsuit, either through personal
service or public advertisement, to protect their rights and interests.

10. (1) Where a suit has been instituted in the name of the wrong person as plaintiff or where it is
doubtful whether it has been instituted in the name of the right plaintiff, the Court may at any
stage of the suit, if satisfied that the suit has been instituted through a bona fide mistake, and
that it is necessary for the determination of the real matter in dispute so to do, order any other
person to be substituted or added as plaintiff upon such terms as the Court thinks just. (2) The
Court may at any stage of the proceedings, either upon or without the application of either party,
and on such terms as may appear to the Court to be just, order that the name of any party
improperly joined, whether as plaintiff or defendant, struck out, and that the name of any person
who ought to have been joined, whether as plaintiff or defendant, or whose presence before the
Court may be necessary in order to enable the Court unless the as may be the plaint thinks fit,
effectually and completely to adjudicate upon and settle all the questions involved in the suit, be
added. (3) No person shall be added as a plaintiff suing without a next friend or as the next friend
of a plaintiff under any disability without his consent. (4) Where a defendant is added, the plaint
shall, Court otherwise directs, be amended. in such manner necessary, and amended copies of
the summons and of shall be served on the new defendant and, if the Court on the original
defendant. (5) Subject to the provisions of the (IX of 1908], section 22, the proceedings added as
defendant shall be deemed to service of the summons.
Let's simplify this section:

1. Substitution or Addition of Plaintiff:

 If a lawsuit is filed in the name of the wrong person as the plaintiff, or if it's
uncertain whether the right plaintiff is named, the court can, at any stage of the
lawsuit, replace or add another person as the plaintiff if it's determined that the
mistake was made honestly (bona fide) and it's necessary to resolve the actual
dispute properly.
 This substitution or addition can happen under terms set by the court, ensuring
fairness to all parties involved.
2. Removal or Addition of Improperly Joined Parties:
 The court can, at any stage of the proceedings and with or without a request from
any party, remove the name of any improperly joined party (whether plaintiff or
defendant) or add the name of any person who should have been joined.
 This action helps ensure that the lawsuit involves all necessary parties for the
court to make a complete and effective judgment on the matter at hand.
3. Consent Requirement:
 However, no person can be added as a plaintiff without their consent if they are
suing on their own or as the legal guardian of someone under a disability.
4. Procedure for Adding Defendants:
 When a defendant is added to the lawsuit, the plaintiff's original complaint may
need to be amended accordingly, unless the court decides otherwise.
 Copies of the amended complaint must be served to both the new defendant and
the original defendant, unless the court directs otherwise.
5. Deemed Service of Summons:
 The added defendant is considered to have been properly served with the
summons, unless there are specific provisions in the law (referring to section 22 of
the Civil Procedure Code) that state otherwise.

In summary, this section allows the court to correct mistakes in naming parties in a lawsuit,
ensuring that the right parties are involved in the case. It also outlines the procedures for adding
or removing parties from the lawsuit and ensures that all parties are treated fairly throughout the

11. The Court may give the conduct of the suit to such person as it deems. 12. (l) here there are
more plaintiffs than one, any one or more of them may be authorized by any other of them to
appear, plead or act for such other, in any proceedings; and in like manner, where there are more
defendants than one, any one or more of them may be authorized by any other of them to
appear, plead or act for such other in any proceeding. (2) The authority shall be in writing signed
by the party giving it and shall be filed in Court. 13. Alt objections on the ground of non-joinder
or misjoinder of parties shall be taken at the earliest possible opportunity and, in all cases where
issues are settled, at or before such settlement, unless the ground of objection has subsequently,
arisen, and any such objection not so taken shall be deemed to have been waived.
Let's simplify these points:

11. Appointment of Suit Conduct:

 The court has the authority to assign the management of the lawsuit to a person
it deems suitable. This person will be responsible for overseeing the proceedings
and ensuring they progress effectively.
12. Authorization for Representation:
 If there are multiple plaintiffs or defendants in the lawsuit:
 Any one or more of the plaintiffs can be authorized by another plaintiff to
represent them in court proceedings.
 Similarly, any one or more of the defendants can be authorized by
another defendant to represent them in court proceedings.
 This authorization must be in writing, signed by the party giving it, and filed in
13. Objections on Joinder of Parties:
 Any objections regarding the incorrect joining or non-joining of parties must be
raised at the earliest opportunity.
 Specifically, objections should be raised before or at the time when issues are
settled in the case, unless the objection arises later.
 If an objection is not raised at the appropriate time, it will be considered waived,
meaning it cannot be brought up later in the proceedings.

In summary, the court can appoint someone to manage the lawsuit, parties can authorize each
other for representation in court, and objections about the joining or non-joining of parties must
be raised promptly or they may be considered waived.

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