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SOCIAL INFLUENCE- influence of the society that results
8 TYPES OF EMOTION in a behavioral attitude of individual.

JOY- feeling of happiness CONFORMITY-influence to adjust or change her attitude,

beliefs to fit in
SADNESS- feeling of being unhappy
COMPLIANCE- person does what other ask him what to
FEAR-feeling of being scared
ANGER- feeling of mad, irritated, annoyed
OBEDIENCE-direct order of authority
DISGUST-what we feel when something is wrong,
GROUP RELATIONSHIP-facilitation and guidance of a
erroneous, dirty
people in a group
TRUST- positive emotion, confidence and belief
FOLLOWERSHIP- function of member in a group
ANTICIPATION- looking forward to something positive,
POLITICAL LEADERS- create laws and executive
believes will happen
implement law
SURPRISE- feeling when something we did not expect
RELIGIOUS LEADERS- performers of rites and
ceremonies in their perspective religion

TEACHERS- dispensers of knowledge and useful info.

CHILDREN-have the role and societal duty to grow
ATTRACTION- one is attracted to someone healthy

CRUSH-form of attraction (E. Hurlock) CHURCH MEMBERS- follow the religious leaders

IDENTITY CRUSH-formed when an adolescent finds CELEBRITIES- influence on other people especially young
someone she admires generation

ROMANTIC CRUSH-find someone attractive and feels to FAMILY STRUCTURES

desire to be around a lot time with her
NUCLEAR FAMILY- conventional type, ideal kind of family
HERO WORSHIP- absence of personal contact. Celebrity
SINGLE PARENT FAMILY- consist one parent either
mother or father
COURTSHIP- getting to know each other
EXTENDED FAMILY- extends beyond the immediate

DATING- offer opportunity for an individual to know STEP FAMILY- couple family containing one children who
more about the person is the stepchild

SELECTIVE STAGE- after dating. Person starts selecting GRANDPARENT FAMILY- grandparents and grandchildren
the person who will be her steady living together

GOING STEADY- relationship is made official PARENTS- couple get into arguments

ENGAGEMENT PERIOD - couple is engaged GRANDPARENT AND RELATIVES- grandparent and

relative is running the household

STEP PARENT- adults become step parents pf new


SIBLINGS- good relation with sibling

GENOGRAM- understanding predispositions


LIFE GOALS- individuals aspiration, missions,

SETTING LIFETIME GOALS- holistic approach in

considering various aspect

CAREER- particular profession

PHYSICAL- achieve maintain good health

FINANCIAL- target earning

PLEASURE- dreams for pleasure, how do you want to

enjoy life

EDUCATION-course you want to take

PUBLIC SERVANCE- serve other people

FAMILY- dreams of marrying someday

BRAINSTORMING- thinking about general goals

CAREER DEVELOPMENT-comes up with strategies to his

career goals

PERSONALITY- refer to combination of traits or persons


PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ABILITIES- jobs require specific

physical and mental capacities

SKILLS AND ABALITIES- considering skills, general


INTEREST- passion toward a certain kind of undertaking

LIFE EXPERIENCES- experiences we had in our lives

VALUES- person principles of behavior



ANXIETY-feeling of fear, known as common

psychological human response

STRETCHING- defined light activity doing dynamic


WARM-UP- exercise with a slow walk, gentle stretch

LEADERSHIP-behavioral process that Influence

individuals and group

DIETITIANS- gives advise on what to eat to health goals

PHYSICAL THERAPIST- person promotes physical


SCHOOL SPRINT DIRECTOR- person develop and manage

school port

NUTRITION- corner stone to good health

COOL DOWN- exercise method after physical activity

INSULIN- hormone regulate blood sugar

HOMEOSTASIS- stress that maintain balance

ANTROTIC STYLE- leadership style that usually well


GROUP EXERCISE- person who plans and choreo

exercise class

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