Purp Comm Notes

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Fundamentals of Comm

Comm Process
*Comm models
*Elements of Comm
Comm Principles
Comm Ethics

Comm – exchange of ideas, feelings, and thoughts. Sender to listener and listener provides feedback.
Helps build human relationship (main goal of comm). Essential tool for our survival.

Comm has 2 forms

 Verbal
Form of written or spoken. Use of actual language
 Non-verbal
Body posture, intonation, anything that does not including speaking or writing

*smallest unit of meaning in language are morphemes, sounds*

Words – combined sounds

Phrases – combined words
Clauses – combined phrases
*independent or dependent*
Has subjects and predicate – independent
Has subject and pred but cannot stand on its own - dependent
Sentences – combined clauses
Paragraphs – combined sentences

Language can be understood through its functions:

Information dissemination
- U provide info but not necessarily expects listeners to give feedback. One way giving info
Social Interaction
- Collaboration and cooperation. Two way giving info
Emotional Expression
- Emotions

Elements of Comm

Sender – holds an idea that needs to be conveyed, influenced by multiple factors

Receiver – decodes conveyed message, filters message based on frame of references
Message – verbal or non-verbal. Can be both depending on situation
Channel – medium, language, use of 5 senses
Noise – all things blocking comm, always present
 Physical noise – anything noisy, environmental factors
 Semantic noise – differences in meaning, misinterpreting or misunderstanding
 Psychological noise – prejudices, biases, anything psychological
Situation – the context of message
Feedback – must complement message
Communication Models

Linear Communication Model

- Speaker transmits message to the listener
- It is a unidirectional model
- Presents a simple communication act
- Involves persuasion, not mutual understanding
- Values psychological over social effects
- Shannon weaver model of communication in the mathematical theory of communication
- One way communication (telephone calling before, receiver cannot respond. Only listen
*we are persuaded when we feel like information is enough*

Interactive Communication Model

- Involves more than one participant
- Two directional communication
- “feedback loop” perpetuate continuity of communication
- Schramm’s model of communication and Berlo’s model

Transactional Communication Model

- Exchange of messages creates relationships, forms intercultural alliances, shapes self-
concepts, and engages dialogues

Contexts of transactional model

Social – unstated norms (ex:when talking to elders), manners, politeness, moral compass
Relational – relationship, intimacy (topics for friends only or for family only) status (diff when talking to
low class or high class)
Cultural – ethnicity, gender, class

Communication Principles

Communication involves symbols

- Arbitrary representation
Communication requires meaning
- Meaning is socially-constructed
- Meaning and context may vary
- Verbal and nonverbal influence on meaning
- Meaning and medium are interconnected
Communication is culture related
- Construction and interpretation is influenced by one’s culture
Communication is relational
- Meaning and delivery is influenced by relationships
Communication involves frames
- Bound and limited to one’s context and capacity
Communication is both presentational and representational
- Communication in influenced by one’s worldview
Communication is a transaction
- Communication is productive and creative

Communication Ethics

Respectful of their audiences

Considerate of the consequences of their communication


Efficient in using information

Watchful on falsified information

Respectful of the rights of others to information

Mindfulness Communication

Mindful presence
- Focus on “we” not “me”

Mindful Listening
- Step in their shoes

Mindful Speech
- Think before you speak

Unconditional Friendliness
- Accepting cycles of ups and downs
- Accept others

Mindful Responsiveness
- Be in the moment
- Plurality of cultures
- Live alongside one another
- Tolerance, superficial isolation
- Interdependence and isolation

Cross Cultural
- Reaching across boundaries
- Build bridges of relationship
- Openness to individual change but not collective
- Cultures are compared and contrasted
- Dominant and minority

- Comprehensive mutuality, reciprocity and equality
- Cultural groups interact with one another
- Collective transformation
- Intercultural product

Socio Cultural Aspects of Communication

Cultural Identity
- System of traditions, norms, and values
- Shared symbolic verbal and nonverbal behavior
- Language, cuisine, clothes, social habits, music, arts and others
- Varying degrees of involvement

Gender Role
- Sex, core gender identity, and expression
- Femininity and masculinity
- Assumed roles we ascribe to each

Age Identity
- Self-conception in relation to your age
- Maturity, innocence and naïve
- Self-image, personality, language use, attitudes

Social Class
- Ranked assigned to a member of a society
- Stratification (strata) in a society
- Power relations

Religious Identity
- Active and inactive membership
- Values, morals, ethics, worldviews
Cultural Factors in Multicultural Settings

 Mother tongue
- Social Sphere
- Exposure
- Core Being

Communication, Globalization, Localization, Multiculturalism, Internet, New Literacies

Globalization and Internet made it possible to communicate with people from other regions and learn
their cultures

Localization assumed important role of providing globalized communication a native soil to flourish.

New literacies, products and skills born through our constant interaction in the internet the products
and ways on how we communicate in the 21st century

Globalization – growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations, brought
about by croo-border trade in goods and services, technology and flows of investment. AFFECTED THE

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