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UNH Lesson Plan Template Spring 2022

Lesson _4__
Title of Lesson: Goal setting for health and wellbeing Time: 45 minutes

Focus: Keep only those that are relevant in each lesson:

(step of skill
development Modelling and Practice
model or

Materials &


Skill Objectives Functional Knowledge Objectives

Standard 6: Use a goal-setting process to support health and Students will be able to create a goal for themselves using the SMART acronym.
well-being of self and others.
6.8.1 Assess personal health and well-being to identify focus Measurable
areas for goal setting. Achievable
6.8.3 Develop a goal and explain how it supports health and
6.8.6 Examine the goal-setting process and outcomes on Students will be able to identify the characteristics of a smart goal.
health and well-being

I Can Statements:

I can listen attentively to instructions by not talking to my peers

I can demonstrate my knowledge of health and well being by creating a goal for myself
I can identify the different characteristics of a SMART goal
I can use the SMART goal outline to create a realistic goal for myself
I can identify the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle

Alperin 2022
UNH Lesson Plan Template Spring 2022

Formative Assessments:
Please include ideas for formative assessments that can be used during the lesson (as appropriate).


Learning Plan

Introduction (_5__ min)

Welcoming and attendance.

Mindful Moment: (__3_ min)

Have students turn and talk with a partner and discuss what they did after school yesterday for physical activity or what they are doing tonight after

Review of Lesson Learning Targets:

Recap, health and wellbeing.

Physical activity
Main Activities (_30__ min)

Create a goal + smart goals (_25_ min)

I will begin by having the students take 5 minutes to think and write down a goal that they want to achieve related to physical activity/health and
Then we will discuss and go over SMART goals.

Alperin 2022
UNH Lesson Plan Template Spring 2022
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time based.
I will give some examples of smart and non-smart goals for the students to dissect.
Then once we discuss and go over SMART goals, I will have them look back at their goal that they wrote and make changes as necessary to make
it a SMART goal.
They will be writing this on their own piece of paper and we will be discussing it on the board.

Discuss (10 min)

Discuss how they changed their goal and how it is now a smart goal. What makes it now a smart goal. What did they need to do, what was the
process. Why are smart goals better than regular goals.
Discuss how this is going to allow them to achieve their goals.

Closing Activities (__10_ min)

Exit Ticket/Reflection/Processing Activity

We will recap what we talked about today. Health and wellbeing and smart goals.
If there is time it is Friday so we can do a quick activity to get everyone moving since we are on the physical activity unit.

Further Learning

Lesson Vocabulary:

-Physical activity
-Health and well being
-SMART goals
-long term goals
-short term goals
Alperin 2022
UNH Lesson Plan Template Spring 2022

Preparing for next class/homework:

Meeting the Needs of All Learners

Please include suggestions for modifications to support learning, differentiation strategies and other notes to support all students. The Universal
Design for Learning Guidelines are a useful resource for this section.

Extension Activities & Connections

Each lesson should include at least two ideas for extension activities including one activity for home.

As appropriate include connections to & opportunities to extend or apply learning:

● In other academic subjects (English Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies, etc)
● School staff/resources
● Home
● Community
● Technology

Alperin 2022

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