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CafeRomatica & 740

Fully automatic coffee centre
Operating Instructions and Useful Tips

A passion for coffee.

Operating Instructions and Useful Tips

Dear Customer,

Congratulations and many thanks for choosing a high-quality

NIVONA product. To get the most out of your NIVONA machine,
please read this manual carefully before use. Please start by
reading the safety notes.

Please keep this manual in a safe place. You may want to use
it as reference guide or hand it on to any further users of your

Purchase made at

Place, date



A Text display screen I Service button ‘S’ Q Steam / hot water

with control keys valve control knob
J Height-adjustable
B Removable water coffee spout R Document compart-
reservoir ment (on rear)
K Drip grill
C Cupwarming / S Mains supply switch
L Cup-warming function
holding plate (on rear)
(On / Off switch,
D Water quantity NICR 740 only) T Steam / hot water
control knob jet and ‘spumatore’
M Grinder settings
(milk frother)
E Coffee strength button control knob (inside)
U Used coffee tray
F On / Off (stand-by) N Bean container
button with lid
V Power cord storage
G 1-cup button O Pre-ground coffee
compartment (on rear)
H 2-cup button
W Drip tray
P Steam warm-up button

2 3 4

5 6 7

8 9 10


a Control knob
b Air inlet valve
c Air inlet pipe
d Inlet valve
e Steam / hot water jet d f
f Liquid inlet hose

1. Safety instructions
2. Set up
2.1 Preparing the machine
2.2 Getting started
2.3 Grinder settings
2.4 Cup-warming function
3. Making coffee
3.1 Selecting coffee strength
3.2 Selecting water quantity
3.3 Making one cup
3.4 Making two cups
3.5 Using pre-ground coffee
3.6 Drawing hot water
3.7 Drawing steam
3.8 Frothing up milk
4. Programming functions
4.1 Filter – Inserting a filter, Operating without a filter
4.2 Water hardness
4.3 Temperature
4.4 Time – Current time, Automatic start-up, Automatic stand-by
4.5 Language
4.6 Statistics
5. Maintenance and care
5.1 Inserting a filter
5.2 Changing a filter – Washing a filter manually
5.3 Cleaning program – Manual cleaning
5.4 Descaling – Manual descaling
5.5 General cleaning – Cleaning the brewing unit
6. System messages
7. Troubleshooting
8. Further instructions
1. Safety instructions

• This machine may only be used • Always unplug the machine dur-
for the intended purpose (domest- ing extended periods of absence.
ic use) and is not for commercial
• Do not leave the machine
application (more than 3000
switched on unnecessarily.
brewing cycles per year) – see
guarantee conditions. • Never submerge the machine in
• Operating voltage must be the
same as mains voltage. Please • Do not put the machine or in-
note the model nameplate / dividual parts in the dishwasher.
sticker on the machine.
• Unplug immediately if there is
• Do not operate the machine if a defect (do not pull the cord or
the power cord or machine case machine to unplug).
is damaged.
• Liability for damages cannot be
• Keep the power cord away from accepted if the machine is in-
hot parts. correctly operated, subject to
improper use or non-professional
• Do not unplug the machine by
servicing. In such cases, services
pulling on the power cord.
will not be provided under the
• Observe the descaling instruct- guarantee.
ions provided.
• Use the integrated coffee grinder
• Make sure to switch off and un- for grinding roasted coffee
plug the machine before mainte- beans only. Never use for other
nance or cleaning. foods. Always make sure there is
nothing but coffee beans in the
• Place the machine on a firm, level
beans container, otherwise the
surface and use it indoors only.
guarantee will not apply.
• Do not place the machine on a
• This machine is not suitable for
hot surface or near open flames.
individuals (including children)
• Keep the machine away from with physical, sensory or mental
children. impairments, including indivi-
duals who do not have sufficient

... 1. Safety instructions

experience or knowledge, unless • Only touch the plastic parts of

they are shown how to operate the steam jet (fig. 1/T) and never
the machine or initially super- point it at people.
vised by someone responsible for
• The steam jet (fig. 1/T) becomes
their safety.
VERY HOT during use. Leave to
If repair services are required, cool for a few minutes before
including replacement of the touching.
power cord, please send the
machine to the dealer from whom CE – This machine conforms to
it was purchased – or to NIVONA the following EC guidelines:
central customer services.
• 73/23/EWG dated 19/02/1973
Caution: Electrical appliances “Low Voltage Directive”, includ-
must be repaired by qualified per- ing amendment 93/68/EWG.
sonnel. Non-professional repairs
• 89/336/EWG dated 03/05/1989
can expose the user to significant
“EMV Directive”, including
dangers. Liability for damages
amendment 92/31/EWG.
cannot be accepted if the machine
is used for any other than the in-
tended purpose, incorrectly main-
tained or serviced. Mains voltage: 220 - 240 V
Power input: 1350 W
Caution: Using the mains switch
(fig. 1/S) during brewing can Note: Your fully automatic coffee
damage the machine. Only switch centre has a cord storage compart-
off at the mains when the On / Off ment – if the power cord is too
switch (fig. 1/F) is switched to long, any surplus can be accom-
Off (stand-by). modated in the storage area on
the rear of the machine (fig. 1/V).
Caution: Risk of scalding!
• Then you draw steam or hot
water, watch out for splashes
from the jet / frother (fig. 1/T):
risk of scalding!

2. Set up

2.1 Preparing the machine 2.2 Getting started

Carefully remove the machine and ➔ Remove the plug from the
all parts from the packaging. power cord compartment (fig. 1/V)
and plug the machine in.
Note: If you need to return your
➔ Switch the mains supply on
machine for servicing, it can be
(fig. 1/S). The On / Off button
sent by post in the original packag-
(fig. 1/F) lights up.
ing. Please keep all packaging and
➔ Press the On / Off button
protective material for this purpose.
(fig. 1/F). „SYSTEM HEIZT“
➔ Remove the water reservoir (“SYS. IS HEATING”) appears in
(fig. 1/B and 2) and wash it out the display.
with cold, fresh tap water. ➔ After the machine has warmed
➔ Then fill the reservoir up to the up, the service button (fig. 1/I)
“max.” mark and replace it in the flashes. The instruction „BITTE
machine. Make sure that it clicks SPÜLEN“ (“PLEASE RINSE”)
into place. flashes in the display.
➔ Now place a cup under the
Note: Only fill the reservoir with
height-adjustable coffee spout
fresh, cold water. Do not use car-
(fig. 1/J and 5) and press the ser-
bonated water or other liquids.
vice button (fig. 1/I). The system
➔ Open the lid of the coffee con- is then filled with water and com-
tainer (fig. 1/N) and add coffee pletely rinsed out via the coffee
beans. spout (fig. 1/J and 5).
➔ The machine is now operational.
Note: Do not use beans which have
been treated with supplements, Note: Please see point 4.5 to
such as sugar, during or after the change language!
roasting. Supplements can damage
Note: For manufacturing reasons,
the grinding mechanism and any
the machine hoses may still be
repair costs arising as a result are
empty when the machine is first
not covered by the guarantee.
operated. The machine indicates
Please make sure the steam / hot this as follows:
water valve control knob (fig. 1/Q ➔ After the machine has been
and 7) is turned to ‘0’! switched on using the On / Off but-
... 2. Set up

ton (fig. 1/F), “FILL UP PIPE-SYS” Remember:

and “TURN VALVE” appear alter- · a light roast requires a finer grind
nately in the display. · a dark roast requires a coarser
➔ Open the steam / hot water con- grind
trol valve (fig. 1/Q and 7) by turn-
Try out the different settings to
ing knob to the right. The system
find the one that best meets your
now fills up and some water may
personal preference.
come out of the jet (fig. 1/T).
➔ As soon as the “TURN VALVE”
2.4 Using the cup-warming
signal reappears, you can turn the
valve control knob (fig. 1/Q and 7)
back to the left to shut. Your fully automatic coffee centre
➔ After the machine has warmed CafeRomatica is equipped with a
up, the service button (fig. 1/I) ‘passive’ cup-warming function –
flashes. The instruction “PLEASE the operating heat of the machine
RINSE” flashes in the display. is transferred to the cup-warming
➔ Press the service button (fig. 1/I) plate on top of the machine to
and the system is rinsed out via warm any cups placed there (only
the coffee spout (fig. 1/J and 5). when the machine is turned on).
➔ The machine is now operational. Model NICR 740 only: This machine is
equipped with a high-quality ‘active’ cup-
2.3 Grinder settings warming function which can be switched
on and off independently by pressing the
Caution: Grinder settings can only “cup warming” button (fig. 1/L and 10)
be adjusted when the grinder is in on the side of the machine, provided that
the machine is either switched on or in
operation. You can adjust the grinder stand-by mode (the mains supply switch
to suit the roast of your coffee beans. fig. 1/S must be switched on).
We recommend that you leave the The cup-warming function can be switched
grinder on a medium setting. off by pressing the “cup-warming” On / Off
➔ Open the lid of the bean con- button (fig. 1/L and 10) a second time.
tainer (fig. 1/N). The light in the switch indicates whether
➔ Turn the control knob (fig. 1/M the warming function is switched on or off.
and 3) to the desired position while Use the warming function to optimise the
temperature and aroma of your coffee to
the grinder is running. The smaller
suit your personal preference.
the dot, the finer the coffee is
ground. 9
3. Making coffee

Note: The machine is preset for ➔ You can change this setting by
immediate use. However, we re- pressing the button (fig. 1/E and 6)
commend that first you adjust the repeatedly until the desired coffee
most important settings to suit your strength appears in the display
personal preferences. Please fol- (fig. 1/A and 4).
low the instructions in chapter 4
(“Settings / program functions”) 3.2 Selecting water quantity
for language, filter, and water
You can freely select the quantity
hardness settings.
of water used by turning the water
Note: When the machine is brand quantity control knob (fig. 1/D and
new or has not been used for an 6), the dot scale indicating the
extended period, the first cup of current setting. The little cup bot-
coffee does not have the full aroma tom left represents less water, the
and should not be drunk. large cup bottom right represents
more water.
3.1 Selecting coffee strength
➔ The selected quantity of water
There are three levels of coffee is displayed in the upper line of
strength to which you can adjust the display screen.
the machine. They are shown in ➔ Water quantity can be adjusted
the display screen as follows: in 10ml steps from 20ml to
240ml by turning the water quan-
“MILD”, about 7g of ground coffee,
tity control knob from left to right.
e.g. for café latte or cappuccino
“NORMAL”, about 9g of ground 20ml to 70ml for espresso or cap-
coffee, e.g. for American coffee puccino
“STRONG”, about 11g of ground 80ml to 130ml for American coffee
coffee, e.g. for espresso or very 140ml to 240ml for café latte
strong coffee.
Tip: The water quantity can be
➔ As soon as the machine is ope- adjusted while the machine is
rational, the display shows the running. Try out various cup sizes
default setting “NORMAL”. and quantities to find the setting
that best meets your personal

... 3. Making coffee

3.3 Making one cup of coffee ➔ Turn the water quantity control
knob (fig. 1/D and 6) to one of the
➔ Place your (pre-heated) cup
following positions:
under the coffee spout (fig. 1/J or
· ‘100ml’ for a small (espresso) cup.
5). The coffee spout is height-
· ‘240ml’ for a large cup.
adjustable and can be raised or
➔ Press the 1-cup button (fig. 1/G).
lowered to best suit the cup size.
➔ The machine starts brewing.
➔ Set the water quantity and
➔ Shortly before the desired
coffee strength.
amount of coffee is reached, turn
➔ Press the 1-cup button (fig. 1/G).
the water quantity control knob
➔ The machine now starts the
(fig. 1/D and 6) slowly to the left,
grinding and brewing operation.
until the machine stops running.
The brewing operation can be can- ➔ You can now read in the display
celled at any point by pressing the how much water is required for
1-cup (fig. 1/G) or 2-cup button your desired cup / coffee quantity.
(fig. 1/H).
3.4 Making two cups of coffee
Caution: The grinding chamber is
empty the first time you brew a In the 2-cup operation, two cups
coffee. “FILL BEANS” may there- of coffee are brewed consecutively.
fore appear in the display after the
➔ Place both (pre-heated) cups
first grinding, and no coffee is
under the coffee spout (fig. 1/J
brewed. If this occurs, simply
and 5).
press the 1-cup button (fig. 1/G
➔ Select the desired coffee
and 6) again and the operation is
strength and water quantity sett-
ings for one cup (with the buttons
Tip: To determine the ideal quantity see fig. 1/D and 1/E).
of water for your taste or cup size, ➔ Press the 2-cup button (fig. 1/H).
make your first cup of coffee as ➔ The machine now starts the
follows: grinding and brewing operation
and produces two consecutive
cups of coffee.

... 3. Making coffee

Note: pressed after ground coffee is

· The brewing operation can be added, the machine will automati-
stopped at any point by pressing cally be rinsed out via the coffee
the 1-cup (fig. 1/G) or 2-cup spout (fig. 1/J and 5) a minute
buttons (fig. 1/H). after the lid is closed. It is then
· If the water or beans supply runs operational again.
out or the trays need emptying
Caution! The pre-ground coffee
between brewing the first cup and
chamber is not a storage container.
the second, the appropriate mes-
Never add more than one measure
sage will appear in the display and
at a time to the chamber, and use
the second coffee will not be
only fresh or vacuum-packed
made. Follow the display screen
coffee ground from beans. Do not
and then press the 1-cup button
add instant coffee powder!
(fig. 1/G) for the second cup.
3.6 Drawing hot water
3.5 Using pre-ground coffee
(e.g. for making tea)
➔ First turn the water quantity
➔ Hold a cup under the jet (fig. 1/T).
control knob (fig. 1/D and 6) to
➔ Turn the steam / hot water valve
the desired amount for one cup.
control knob (fig. 1/Q and 7) to
➔ Open the lid of the pre-ground
the right. Hot water comes out of
coffee chamber (fig. 1/O).
the jet and the display reads
➔ Add a level measuring spoon of
ground coffee and close the lid
➔ Fill the cup up to the desired
again. “POWDER READY” appears
level and turn the valve control
in the display.
knob (fig. 1/Q and 7) back to ‘0’.
➔ Place a cup under the coffee
spout (fig. 1/J and 5) and press Caution: Risk of scalding!
the ‘1-cup’ button for one cup Watch out for splashes. The jet
(fig. 1/G). becomes very hot during use.
Leave to cool for a few minutes
Note: If the pre-ground coffee
before touching, or only touch
chamber is left open by accident
the plastic parts.
or the ‘1-cup’ button is not

... 3. Making coffee

3.7 Drawing steam · Caution: Risk of scalding!

The steam which comes out is
➔ Then press the steam warm-up
very hot. Only touch the black
button (fig. 1/P and 7).
plastic parts of the jet.
➔ As soon as the system is ready,
· It is hard to remove dried milk
left on the jet after frothing.
VALVE” appear alternately in the
Therefore clean the equipment as
soon as it has cooled down –
➔ Hold a container with the liquid
ideally repeat the steam drawing
to be heated under the jet (fig. 1/T).
operation with fresh, cold water
➔ Dip the jet (fig. 1/T) into the
in a cup.
container with the liquid to be
3.8 Frothing milk, hot milk and
➔ Make sure that the ‘spumatore’
control knob (fig. 11a) is pointing
to the neutral position (steam With the special ‘spumatore’ /
symbol). frothing device (fig. 1/T and 8)
➔ Turn the steam / hot water valve you can heat up milk straight from
control knob (fig. 1/Q and 7) to the carton or container and then
the right. Caution: A little water froth it into the cup.
will come out before the steam.
➔ Dip the inlet hose (fig. 11f)
➔ The operation is completed by
straight into the milk carton or
turning the control knob back to
‘0’ (fig. 1/Q and 7).
➔ Place a cup under the ‘spuma-
Note: tore’ jet (fig. 1/T and 8).
· Steam can be drawn for about ➔ Then press the steam warm-up
2 minutes. Then the machine will button (fig. 1/P and 7).
automatically switch the operation ➔ As soon as the system is ready,
off. You can prolong the operation “STEAM IS READY” and “TURN
by turning the control knob VALVE” appear alternately in the
(fig. 1/Q and 7) back and forth. display screen.

... 3. Making coffee

➔ For cappuccino: now turn the ➔ Now draw steam (as described
‘spumatore’ control knob (fig. 11a) in points 3.7 and 3.8) until only
to the left so that it points to clean water / steam comes out.
‘cappuccino’. ➔ Now the whole ‘spumatore’
➔ For hot milk, turn the ‘spuma- mechanism is clean and operational
tore’ control knob (fig. 11a) to the again.
right so that it points to ‘cafè latte’.
Cleaning: For optimal cleaning the
➔ Now turn the steam / hot water
‘spumatore’ must be dismantled
valve control knob (fig. 1/Q and 7)
from time to time and its parts
slowly to the right.
rinsed under fresh, cold water.
➔ As soon as the desired amount
The ‘spumatore’ is easy to take
of milk foam or hot milk has been
apart and reassemble (see fig. 11).
drawn, turn the steam / hot water
valve control knob (fig. 1/Q and 7) Note: Steam can be drawn for
back to the left into the ‘0’ about 2 minutes. Then the machine
position. will automatically switch the
➔ Press the steam warm-up button operation off. You can prolong the
again (fig. 1/P and 7). operation by turning the control
➔ Now place the cup with the knob (fig. 1/Q and 7) back and
frothed up or hot milk under the forth.
coffee spout (fig. 1/J and 5) and
fill with coffee as explained above.
Caution: It is hard to remove dried
milk left on the jet after frothing.
Therefore clean the equipment as
soon as it has cooled down!
➔ To do this, fill a container with
cold clean water, and dip the inlet
hose into it.
➔ Place an empty container under
the ‘spumatore’ jet (fig. 1/T and 8).

4. Programming functions

The function keys under the text filter setting to “FILTER YES” so
display screen are used to pro- that the machine knows that the
gram functions (fig. 1/A and 4): filter has been inserted. The de-
fault setting is “FILTER NO”.
P = Programming mode
> = Selection key The current setting is indicated in
ok = Confirmation key the display screen.
exit = Cancel or end programming
➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to
Important: Please note that you enter programming mode.
can only program functions if the ➔ Press the > key until “PROGRAM
On / Off button (fig. 1/F) is FILTER” appears in the display.
switched to ON (stand-by mode, ➔ Press the ‘ok’ key.
display lit up). ➔ Press the > key until “FILTER
YES” appears in the display.
The following functions are pro-
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key to confirm.
• Operation with / without filter VALVE” appear alternately in the
• Water hardness display.
• Temperature ➔ Empty the water tank (fig. 1/B
• Language and 2) and screw the filter into
• Time the bracket provided in the water
• On / Off time (timer and reservoir using the assembly tool
automatic stand-by) on the end of the measuring
4.1 Filter ➔ Fill up the reservoir with fresh
water and put it back in the
Inserting a filter
A special filter for the water reser- ➔ Hold a container under the
voir is included in the machine steam / hot water jet (fig. 1/T) and
accessories. If you use this filter turn the control knob (fig. 1/Q
correctly you will not need to des- and 7) to the right to open. The
cale your coffee machine as often system will now be rinsed out.
(recommended: descale about
twice per year, see point 5.4, ‘des-
caling’). You must change the
... 4. Programming functions

➔ Wait until no more water comes placed anyway after no longer than
out of the jet for a short time and two months (see chapter 5.2
turn the control knob (fig. 1/Q “Washing filter manually”).
and 7) back to the left to close.
(Caution: If water continues to Operating without a filter:
come out of the jet after a short
If you no longer wish to use a filter,
while, the system is also ready. If
the filter setting must be changed
this occurs, turn the control knob
back to “FILTER NO”. This is
back to the left anyway.)
important, as without a filter the
➔ The system briefly warms up
machine must be descaled (the
(“SYS. IS HEATING” appears in
machine is delivered in the
the display), and is then operatio-
default setting “FILTER NO”).
nal again.
➔ Note: The service button (fig. ➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to
1/I) may still flash. Press the but- enter programming mode.
ton (fig. 1/I) and the system will ➔ Press the > key until “PRO-
briefly be rinsed out through the GRAM FILTER” appears in the
coffee spout (fig. 1/J and 5). display.
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key.
Important: If you use a filter for
➔ Press the > key until “FILTER
your machine and have changed
NO” appears in the display.
the function setting to “FILTER
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key to confirm.
YES” the water hardness and
The display reads: “PROGRAM
manual descaling functions will no
longer be shown. The filter loses
➔ You can now either continue in
its efficiency after processing
programming mode to change
about 50 l of water (for changing
other function settings or press
filter, see chapter 5.2).
‘exit’ to leave programming mode.
Caution: If the machine is rarely
Note: Do not forget to set the
used and the “FILTER CHANGE”
water hardness now (see point
signal does not appear in the
display, the filter must be re-

... 4. Programming functions

4.2 Water hardness Note: If none of the dots turn red

on the test strip, please set level 1.
Depending on the water hardness
in your region, or if you have not ➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to
inserted a filter (see chapter 4.1), enter programming mode.
the machine needs descaling ➔ Press the > key until “PROGRAM
sooner or later. So that the system W. HARD.” appears (it will not
can indicate correctly when des- appear if the filter setting is on
caling is necessary, you must “FILTER YES” – see chapter 4.1).
enter the correct water hardness ➔ Press the ‘ok’ key.
settings before the first use. ➔ Press the > key until the ap-
propriate level appears in the
The default setting is level 3.
First, test your water with the test ➔ Press the ‘ok’ key to confirm.
strips provided: The display reads: “PROGRAM W
➔ Dip the strip into the water and
➔ You can now either continue in
then shake it lightly off.
programming mode to change
➔ After about a minute you can
other function settings or press
read the result by counting the red
‘exit’ to leave programming mode.
dots on the test strip.
➔ The settings corresponding to
4.3 Temperature
the different levels of hardness are
as follows: You can change the coffee temper-
ature to “NORMAL”, “HIGH” or
Test strip / hardness level
“MAXIMUM” as desired. The
= Display
default setting is “HIGH”:
1 red dot / 1–7°
= “HARDNESS LEVEL 1” ➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to
2 red dots / 8–14° enter programming mode.
= “HARDNESS LEVEL 2” ➔ Press the > key until “PROGRAM
3 red dots / 15–21° TEMP.” appears
= “HARDNESS LEVEL 3” ➔ Press the ‘ok’ key.
4 red dots / > 21° ➔ Press the > key until the desired
= “HARDNESS LEVEL 4” setting appears.

... 4. Programming functions

➔ Press the ‘ok’ key to confirm. ➔ You can return to programming

The display reads: “PROGRAM mode “PROGRAM TIMES” by
TEMP.”. pressing the ‘exit’ key.
➔ You can now either continue in ➔ You can now either continue in
programming mode to change programming mode to change
other function settings or press other function settings or press
‘exit’ to leave programming mode. ‘exit’ to leave programming mode.
Note: The current time setting is
4.4 Time
lost if the mains supply (fig. 1/S)
Current time: is switched off, the machine is un-
plugged or if there is power failure.
It is necessary to enter the current
time to program an automatic
Automatic start-up:
start-up time.
This function allows you to pro-
➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to
gram a time for your machine to
enter programming mode.
switch itself on automatically.
➔ Press the > key until “PROGRAM
TIMES” appears Note: You can only program an
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key. The display automatic start-up time if you have
reads: “TIME SETTING”. entered and saved the current
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key to confirm. time before.
The display reads: “HOURS >
➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to
00:00” (the arrow flashes).
enter programming mode.
➔ Press the > key until the
➔ Press the > key until “PROGRAM
correct hour appears.
TIMES” appears
➔ Press ‘ok’ to confirm. Now the
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key.
arrow < flashes behind the minute
➔ Press the > key until “UNIT ON
AT” appears.
➔ Press the > key until the desired
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key to confirm.
minute appears.
The display reads: “HOURS >
➔ Confirm your selection by press-
00:00” (the arrow flashes).
ing ‘ok’. The display reads “TIME
➔ Press the > key until the des-
ired hour appears.

... 4. Programming functions

➔ Press ‘ok’ to confirm. Now the ➔ Press the ‘ok’ key to confirm.
arrow < flashes behind the minute ➔ Press the > key until the desired
display. number of hours (1 – 12 hours are
➔ Press the > key until the desired possible) appears.
minute appears. ➔ Tip: If you never want the ma-
➔ Confirm your selection by press- chine to switch off automatically,
ing “ok”. The display reads “UNIT select “OFF AFT. NEVER”.
ON AT”. ➔ Confirm your selection by press-
➔ You can return to programming ing ‘ok’. The display reads “UNIT
pressing the ‘exit’ key. ➔ You can return to programming
➔ You can now either continue in mode “PROGRAM TIMES” by
programming mode to change pressing the ‘exit’ key.
other function settings or press ➔ You can now either continue in
‘exit’ to leave programming mode. programming mode to change
other function settings or press
Note: The automatic start time is
‘exit’ to leave programming mode.
not lost if there is a power failure
or the mains supply is switched off.
4.5 Language
Automatic stand-by: You can set 8 different languages:
German, English, French, Italian,
This function allows you to program
Spanish, Dutch, Russian and
the machine to switch auto-
matically to stand-by mode a given
The default setting is German.
number of hours after the last
brewing operation. The default ➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to
setting is 5 hours. enter programming mode.
➔ Press the > key until
➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to
enter programming mode.
➔ Press the > key until “PROGRAM
TIMES” appears
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key.
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key.
➔ Press the > key until your
➔ Press the > key until “UNIT
desired language appears.
OFF AFTER” appears.
... 4. Programming functions

➔ Confirm your selection by press- ➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to

ing ‘ok’. The display reads enter programming mode.
“PROGRAM LANGUAGE”. ➔ Press the > key until “PROGRAM
➔ You can now either continue in STATIST.” appears.
programming mode to change ➔ Press the ‘ok’ key.
other function settings or press ➔ Press the > key until the desired
‘exit’ to leave programming mode. statistic appears.
➔ You can return to “PROGRAM
4.6 Statistics STATIST.” at any stage by pressing
This program allows you to read
➔ You can now either continue in
how often the following functions
programming mode to change
have been used since the machine
other function settings or press
started operating:
‘exit’ to leave programming mode.
“1 CUP” / “2 CUPS” / “POWDER”
/ “TOTAL” (number of coffees
served) “WATER” / “STEAM” /
“F CHNG.”.

5. Maintenance and Care

5.1 Inserting filter operating message, and the service

button (fig. 1/I) flashes.
Note: See chapter 4.1 ‘Inserting
filter’ Tip: Only press the service button
(fig. 1/I) when you wish to change
5.2 Changing filter filter. You can continue to make
coffee, hot water or steam. How-
Filters lose their efficiency after
ever, we recommend that you re-
processing about 50 l of water.
place the filter immediately.
“FILTER CHANGE” appears in the
display alternately with the normal

... 5. Maintenance and Care

➔ Empty the water reservoir (fig. ing disk at the top of the filter
1/B and 2) and replace the filter (scale in months).
(see point 4.1).
➔ Empty the water reservoir (fig.
➔ Press the service button (fig.
1/B and 2) and replace the filter.
1/I). The display reads “FILTER
➔ Fill the tank with fresh water
and replace it in the machine.
➔ Hold a container under the
➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to
steam / hot water jet (fig. 1/T) and
enter programming mode.
turn the valve control knob (fig.
➔ Press the > key until “PROGRAM
1/Q and 7) to the right to open.
FILTER” appears.
The system will now be rinsed
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key. The display
➔ Wait until no more water comes
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key to confirm.
out of the jet for a short time and
turn the valve control knob
VALVE” appear alternately in the
(fig. 1/Q and 7) back to the left to
close. (Caution: If water continues
➔ Hold a container under the
to come out of the jet, the system
steam / hot water jet (fig. 1/T) and
is ready anyway. If this occurs,
turn the control knob (fig. 1/Q
still turn the control knob back to
and 7) to the right to open. The
the left.)
system is rinsed out.
➔ The system briefly warms up
➔ Wait until no more water comes
and is then immediately oper-
out of the jet for a short time and
ational again. The normal coffee-
turn the control knob (fig. 1/Q
brewing message appears in the
and 7) back to the left to close.
(Caution: If water continues to
come out of the jet, the system is
Changing/ washing filter manually:
ready anyway. If this occurs, still
Caution! If you use the machine turn the control knob back to the
infrequently, you must change the left.)
filter after two months at most. No ➔ The system briefly warms up
message will appear in the display and is then immediately operatio-
and you must rinse the new filter nal again. The normal coffee-bre-
manually. You can set the replace- wing message appears in the
ment date using the special rotat- display. 21
... 5. Maintenance and Care

5.3 Cleaning program Tip: Place a sufficiently large con-

tainer (about 0.5 l) under the cof-
When the machine needs to be
fee spout (fig. 1/J and 5).
cleaned, “PLEASE CLEAN” ap-
pears in the display and the ➔ Put a cleaning tablet into the
service button (fig. 1/I) flashes. ground coffee chamber (fig. 1/O)
and shut the lid. The display reads
Tip: Only press the service button
(fig. 1/I) when you wish to start
➔ Press the service button (fig. 1/I).
the cleaning program. You can
➔ The machine starts the cleaning
continue to make coffee, hot water
or steam. However, we recommend
➔ The cleaning operation runs
that you start the cleaning program
automatically and lasts about
as soon as possible.
10 minutes. As soon as the cycle
Caution: Once running, the clean- is complete, the display shows
ing program must not be inter- “EMPTY TRAYS”.
rupted. Only add cleaning tablet ➔ Empty, clean and replace the
when the machine instructs you to. drip tray (fig. 1/W).
➔ Fill up the water reservoir (fig.
➔ Press the service button (fig. 1/I).
1/B and 2) again with fresh water
The display reads “EMPTY TRAYS”
if required.
alternately with “FILL WATER”.
➔ The machine warms up briefly
➔ Remove the drip tray and used
and is then immediately oper-
coffee tray (fig. 1/W and 1/U) and
clean them both.
➔ Fill the reservoir (fig. 1/B and
Manual cleaning
2) with fresh water and replace it
and the tray (fig. 1/W) in the If required, the cleaning program
machine. can also be started even if no
➔ The machine rinses briefly and indication has been displayed by
the display shows “CLEANING the machine that this is necessary:
➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to
enter programming mode.

... 5. Maintenance and Care

➔ Press the > key until “PRGRAM Tip: Only press the service button
CLEANING” appears. when you wish to start the des-
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key. The display caling program. Please strictly ob-
reads “MANUAL CLEANING” serve the order of the following
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key. “EMPTY instructions when descaling your
TRAYS” appears alternately with machine. You can continue to
“FILL WATER” in the display. make coffee, hot water or steam,
➔ Continue as described above, but we do recommend that you
from Point 5.3, ‘Remove the drip complete the descaling program
tray … as soon as possible.
Tip: If you start the manual clea- Caution: Once started, the descal-
ning program by accident, you can ing program cannot be interrupt-
cancel the operation at the start ed. Never use vinegar or acetic
by pressing and holding the On / acid based agents for descaling.
Off button (fig. 1/F) for about 4 Use standard liquid products
seconds. available in specialist retailers and
recommended for use on fully
5.4 Descaling automatic coffee centres.
Note: The descaling function does ➔ Press the service button (fig. 1/I)
not work if the filter program is for about 4 seconds. The display
set to ‘operation with filter’ (see reads “EMPTY TRAYS”.
point 4.1 ‘Operating without a fil- ➔ Empty the drip tray (fig. 1/W)
ter’). When the machine needs and replace it in the machine. The
descaling, the message “SYSTEM display reads “DESCALER IN
CALCIF.” appears in the display TANK”.
and the service button (fig. 1/I) ➔ Remove the water reservoir
flashes. However, you can start (fig. 1/B and 2) and fill with water
the descaling program manually at up to the 0.5 l mark before adding
any time (see under ‘Descaling the descaling agent.
manually’). (Caution: never the other way round
– consult the manufacturers’

... 5. Maintenance and Care

➔ Replace the water reservoir in ➔ Open the steam / hot water valve
the machine. The display reads (fig. 1/Q and 7) by turning the
“TURN VALVE”. control knob to the right.
➔ The system is rinsed out in
Tip: Place a fairly large container
intervals once more through the
(about 0.5 l) under the coffee spout
steam / hot water jet (fig. 1/T)
(fig. 1/J and 5) and under the steam
(about 5 mins.).
/ hot water jet (fig. 1/T and 8).
➔ As soon “TURN VALVE” appears
➔ Open the steam / hot water valve in the display, you can turn the
(fig. 1/Q and 7) by turning the valve control knob (fig. 1/Q and 7)
control knob to the right. back to the left to close.
➔ The machine descales auto- ➔ The system is rinsed out at
matically and the descaling so- intervals through the inside spout
lution now flows out at intervals (about 5 minutes).
through the steam / hot water jet ➔ As soon as the rinse is complet-
(about 10 mins.). ed, “EMPTY TRAYS” appears in
➔ Wait for the next instruction in the display.
the display, “TURN VALVE”, then ➔ Empty the drip tray (fig. 1/W)
turn the valve control knob (fig. and replace it in the machine.
1/Q and 7) back to the left. ➔ The system warms up briefly.
➔ The descaling solution now The display reads “PLEASE RINSE”
flows out at intervals through the and the service button flashes
inside spout (about 15 mins.). (fig. 1/I).
➔ Please wait for the next in- ➔ Press the service button (fig. 1/I)
struction in the display, “EMPTY and the system is rinsed out
TRAYS”. through the coffee spout (fig. 1/J
➔ Remove and empty the drip tray and 5)
(fig. 1/W). The display reads “FILL ➔ The machine is now operational
WATER”. again.
➔ Fill the reservoir with fresh water
and replace it and the drip tray in
the machine. The display reads

... 5. Maintenance and Care

Manual descaling ➔ Empty the drip tray (fig. 1/W)

and the used coffee tray (fig. 1/U)
If required, the descaling program
only when instructed to do so by
can also be started even if no
the display. From time to time
indication has been displayed by
use soapy water to clean.
the machine that this is necessary:
Important: When cleaning the drip
➔ Press the program key ‘P’ to
tray (fig. 1/W), make sure that the
enter programming mode.
two contacts on the back of the
➔ Press the > key until “PROGRAM
tray are always clean and dry.
DESCAL.” appears.
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key. The display
reads “MAN. DE-SCALING”. ➔ The water reservoir (fig. 1/B
➔ Press the ‘ok’ key. “EMPTY and 2) should be rinsed out and
TRAYS” appears in the display. refilled with fresh, cold water daily.
➔ Continue as described above, ➔ Clean the hot water and steam
from Point 5.4, step ‘Empty the jet (fig. 1/T) with a damp cloth or
drip tray … flush it out with fresh, cold water
until it is completely clean (see
Tip: If you start the manual desca-
also cleaning note under point 3.8).
ling program by accident, you can
cancel the operation at the start
Cleaning the brewing unit
by pressing and holding the On /
Off button (fig. 1/F) for about 4 If required, the brewing unit can
seconds. The machine may ask be removed and cleaned under
you to change the water. running water. Please use only
water to do this, not cleaning
5.5 General cleaning agents.
Caution: Never submerge the ➔ The machine must be in stand-
machine in water. Do not use by mode for this operation!
abrasive materials to clean the ➔ Remove the right cover by
machine. unscrewing both screws (e.g. with
a 5-cent coin).
➔ Wash the case inside and out
with a soft, damp cloth only.

... 5. Maintenance and Care

➔ Unlock the brewing unit by ➔ Replace and lock the brewing

pressing the red switch and turn- unit with equal care by pressing the
ing the handle to the left until it red lever switch and turning the
blocks (see fig. 9). handle to the right until it clicks.
➔ Then extract the brewing unit ➔ Replace the cover and screw the
carefully by the handle (fig. 9). screws back in. Press the stand-by
➔ Wash the brewing unit under button to switch the machine to
running water and then let it dry. normal coffee-brewing mode.

6. System messages

Message ➔ Meaning ➔ What to do

FILL-UP ➔ Fill or rinse out water ➔ Turn hot water control
PIPE-SYS hoses knob(fig. 1/Q and 7)
to the right to open
FILL WATER ➔ Water reservoir (fig. 2) ➔ Add fresh water
is empty
➔ Water reservoir (fig. 2) ➔ Correctly position
is absent or incorrectly water reservoir
FILL BEANS ➔ Not enough coffee ➔ Add beans to the
beans container (fig. 3)
➔ Coffee beans do not ➔ Stir beans, e.g.
fall into grinder with a spoon, to
(stuck) loosen
➔ Note: The message “FILL BEANS” only
disappears when coffee has been brewed after

... 6. System messages

Message ➔ Meaning ➔ What to do

EMPTY TRAYS ➔ Drip tray (fig. 1/W) ➔ Empty drip and / or
and / or used coffee used coffee tray
tray (fig. 1/U) are full
TRAYS MISSING ➔ Drip tray (fig. 1/W) ➔ Position water and
and used coffee tray used coffee trays
(fig. 1/U) are absent correctly
or not correctly
➔ Contacts on back of ➔ Clean contacts
drip tray are not clean
SYSTEM TOO HOT ➔ Machine is over- ➔ Cool machine by
heating drawing hot water
(see point 3.6)
PLEASE CLEAN ➔ Cleaning is needed ➔ Clean machine
(see point 5.3)
SYSTEM CALCIF. ➔ Descaling is needed ➔ Descale the machine
(see point 5.4)
FILTER CHANGE ➔ Filter is no longer ➔ Replace filter
efficient (see point 5.2)
CLOSE THE DOOR ➔ Doors to the brewing ➔ Shut doors properly
unit are open and lock securely
➔ Brewing unit is ➔ Check and lock
incorrectly positioned brewing unit

7. Troubleshooting

Fault ➔ Meaning ➔ What to do

No hot water / ➔ Jet (fig. 1/T) is ➔ Clean jet thoroughly
steam comes out blocked
of jet
Too little milk foam ➔ Unsuitable milk ➔ Use cold milk
or foam too liquid ➔ Jet is blocked ➔ Take jet apart and
Coffee only comes ➔ Grinder setting is ➔ Select coarser
out in drips to fine grinder setting
➔ Pre-ground coffee ➔ Use coarser
is too fine pre-ground coffee
Coffee without ➔ Unsuitable coffee ➔ Change coffee type
‘crema’ type
➔ Beans no longer ➔ Use fresh beans
➔ Grinder settings not ➔ Optimise grinder
adjusted to coffee settings
Grinder makes ➔ Other substances ➔ Call service hotline,
loud noise in grinder, meanwhile pre-
e.g. little stones ground coffee can
be used
Descaling program ➔ Filter program set ➔ Change filter setting
does not start to “ON” to “OFF”

... 7. Troubleshooting

Fault ➔ Meaning ➔ What to do

“ERROR 1” ➔ Circular light around ➔ Let the machine
appears in display On / Off button warm up at room
(fig. 1/F) flashes temperature for one
➔ Machine is too cold to two hours
“ERROR 2” ➔ Circular light around ➔ Let the machine
appears in display On / Off button warm up at room
(fig. 1/F) flashes temperature for one
➔ Machine has not to two hours
reached operating
“ERROR 3” ➔ Circular light around ➔ Call the Service
appears in display On / Off button Hotline
(fig. 1/F) flashes
➔ Brewing unit is
blocked or not
correctly positioned
If you are unable to correct a fault yourself, please call the service hotline
– please consult the notes in the accompanying guarantee and customer
service information booklet.

8. Further instructions

Transport and storage would like to hear from you. Your

support is essential to our mission
The steam must be evacuated
to further develop and improve our
from the machine if it is to be
products so that they fully meet
transported or stored in cold
your needs.
➔ Remove water reservoir. Guarantee and customer service
➔ Turn steam / hot water valve conditions
control knob to the right (fig. 1/Q
Please consult the detailed
and 7).
guarantee and customer service
➔ When no more steam comes
conditions in the appropriate
out, turn steam / hot water valve
information booklet.
control knob to the left (fig. 1/Q
and 7).
Protecting the environment
➔ Turn off the machine.
Electric and electronic
Please keep the original packaging
appliances often contain
and protective material for storage
valuable or harmful
and transport purposes.
materials which should
not be processed in the
Replacement parts / accessories
same way as normal household
You can purchase new water filters, waste. If incorrectly processed,
cleaning tablets and descaling they can harm human health and
agents from any well-stocked spe- the environment. Please therefore
cialist retailer. do not put your machine in the
dustbin with normal waste. Instead
Customer service submit it to the “collection point
for the disposal and recycling of
NIVONA products are designed to
electric and electronic appliances”
meet the highest quality standards.
provided by your local council.
However, if questions do arise while
You can obtain further information
you operate your machine, we
from your local council, the waste
collection services or the specialist
retailer who sold you the product.

Original NIVONA accessories

Professional care and maintenance tablets are specifically designed

for this purpose and completely
Your love of coffee is here to stay.
loosen staining such as coffee
residues. Regular cleaning pro-
The CLARIS filter cart-
tects your machine and preserves
ridge NIRF 700 is
the coffee’s full flavour.
specifically designed
for NIVONA fully auto- Model: NIRT 700, ANR: 390 700 200,
matic coffee centres EAN: 42 600 8346 702 2
models). It is screwed SPECIAL Fluid descaler
directly into the water NIRK 703 for CafeRo-
tank. It is filled with matica models, includes
purely organic materi- 500 ml, enough for 5
al, without chemical treatments.
additives. With CLARIS Your NIVONA fully auto-
filter cartridges you matic coffee centre pro-
can protect your ap- vides an integrated de-
pliance and improve its durability. scaling programme. The
The CLARIS filter cartridge, if NIVONA descaler is de-
changed regularly, ensures that signed especially for our machines
you will have to descale your and will reliably remove limescale
NIVONA machine less often. without damaging the machine.
The special NIVONA descaler
Model: NIRF 700, ANR: 390 700 100,
leaves no residue! Regular descal-
EAN: 42 600 8346 701 5
ing protects your machine and
preserves the coffee’s full flavour.
Cleaning tablets NIRT
700 for CafeRomatica Model: NIRK 703, ANR: 390 700 300,
models, includes 10 EAN: 42 600 8346 703 9
tablets per pack. Your
NIVONA fully auto-
matic coffee centre Subject to replacement with similar
provides an integrated designs and technical alterations.
cleaning programme.
NIVONA cleaning


Nivona Apparate GmbH
Fritz-Haber-Straße 10
D-90449 Nürnberg

© 2008 by NIVONA

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