Business News (Week 9)

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Business News

1. Masan's approach to boost WinCommerce growth

 Source:
 Summary:
Masan's revenue reached VND 20.155 billion in the third quarter, with the
consumer business contributing 85%. In order to draw end-of-year shoppers to its
WinCommerce stores, Masan Group will concentrate on enhancing store models
and increasing benefits for members, ensure profitability as it approaches the
"golden period" of the consumer market at the end of the year.
After more than 9 years of operation in the retail market, the WinCommerce retail
chain deployed a high-end supermarket model located in prime locations of large
urban areas in Hanoi and HCMC. This model targets customers with high income
and high education who are busy and have many needs at the same point of sale.
The company also aims to serve a diverse customer group by launching the
Winmart+ Rural model with a portfolio of good locations, average imported fruits,
and promotions. Accordingly, the performance of WCM's store models is clearly
shown in Masan Group's third quarter 2023 financial report. Specifically, WCM's
net revenue increased by 2.1% in the first 9 months of 2023 and 3.3% in the third
quarter of 2023 over the same period, thanks to the opening of new stores. At the
end of September 2023, WCM had 3,586 stores nationwide, including mini
supermarkets and supermarkets.
WinCommerce also successfully built a clean vegetable socialization strategy for
WinEco, signed long-term contracts with local suppliers and distributed domestic
pepper and agricultural products. To increase customer benefits and stimulate
spending, Masan also plans to integrate Phuc Long and Lazada into the WIN
Membership program. Masan’ coffee & tea brand – Phuc Long Heritage (PLH) has
also achieved positive results. In the third quarter PLH recorded a 33% slightly rise
in profits compared to the second quarter and gradually recovered compared to
 Key word: profitability, golden period, deploy, target customer, portfolio,
 Questions:
- What was the Masan’s revenue in the third quarter?
- Who are the target customers of the WinCommerce retail chain?
- How many stores nationwide did WCM have at the end of September 2023?

2. KIDO Group embarks on E2E project on TikTok

 Source:
 Summary:
Foodstuff maker the KIDO Group announced an investment to develop an
Entertainment & E-commerce (E2E) project on the TikTok platform at a launch
event in Ho Chi Minh City. It targets becoming a commercial review and
entertainment channel to activate consumption power and promote trade
promotion activities on social platforms.
With the explosion of social marketing, the strong development of e-commerce
platforms, technology trends, and digital transformation, as well as the shift in
consumer trends after the pandemic, the trend of live shopping, livestreaming, and
entertainment commerce are booming in many countries, including Vietnam.
Many surveys indicate that consumers are in a new stage of development,
prioritizing an integrated shopping experience that effectively combines online and
Grasping the trend, the E2E project has been put into operation, aiming to
becomes the first shopping, trade promotion, and entertainment channel on social
platforms, helping businesses directly reach a large number of customers and also
helping users have a good experience in terms of emotions and product services.
Specifically, brands and businesses can post interesting videos reviewing fashion,
cuisine, and product experiences, among others, to boost trade promotion and
marketing activities to reach more customers, and conduct livestream sales on the
platform at low cost.
 Key word: platform, activate, digital transformation, commerce, grasp,
 Questions:
- What does E2E stand for?
- Why are the trend of live shopping, livestreaming, and entertainment
commerce booming?
- How can brands and businesses use the E2E project?

3. North-South high-speed railway project expected to kick off by 2030

 Source:
 Summary:
The North-South high-speed railway project development is heating up internet
forums these days. The existing railway system is outdated by hundreds of years
and cannot create momentum for development in a country 2,000 kilometers in
In early October, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh signed Decision 1143 on the
establishment of the steering committee on the elevated high-speed railway on the
North-South route and other important national railway projects. The Ministry of
Transport (MOT) plans to work on the two priority railway sections, Hanoi - Vinh
and Nha Trang – HCM City, by 2030 at the latest, and complete construction by
2050. MOT has sent invitation letters to nine experts and scientists specializing in
transportation, construction, economics, finance, railway transport exploitation and
engines, inviting them to join the advisory council.
The technology for high-speed railway requires special and complicated
techniques. If Vietnam builds the railways with the low speed of 200-250km/h
only, it will have to rebuild the railway in the future if it wants to increase the
speed. This would be very costly. Strategically, building a high-speed railway
system with the speed of 350km/h with the long term vision for 50-100 more years
is reasonable. With the current conditions, the option is feasible.
Experts pointed out that learning about the experiences of other countries is a must
when implementing the mega project. MOT has organized tours for an inter-
sectoral delegation of officials and specialists to four countries (China, Spain,
Japan and Germany) to learn about their high-speed railway systems. Of these
countries, China has the railway network with the highest speed, while Spain has
the largest railway network in Europe and the second largest in the world. Japan
and Germany have both mastered high-speed railway technology.
 Key word: heat up, momentum, priority, complicated, feasible, implement,
railway network.
 Questions:
- When will the two priority railway sections, Hanoi - Vinh and Nha Trang –
HCM City be completed?
- What does the technology for high-speed railway require?
- Which country has the railway network with the highest speed?

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