Technical Writing Skills Complete Notes

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Technical Writing Skills

Lecture No 1
Technical Communication:
Technical communication is oral and written communication for and about business
and industry. Technical communication focuses on products and services—how to manufacture
them, market them, manage them, deliver them, and use them. Technical communication
is composed primarily in the work environment for supervisors, colleagues,
subordinates, and customers.
Purposes of Technical Communication
Knowing how to communicate successfully in a work environment will help you express your point of view and
influence people. In the business world, you will communicate to different audiences, for different purposes, using
different channels of communication.
1. Speaking to customers. Your job not only is to speak politely and professionally to the customer but also to follow up
with an e-mail documenting your responses.
2. Writing a letter.
3. Making a report.
4. PowerPoint presentations.
5. Marketing. As an entrepreneur, you want to advertise your new catering business. To do
so, you plan to write brochures (to be distributed locally), create a Web site.
6. Seeking employment.
7. Texting: As a manager, you need to stay in contact with your sales representatives who
frequently call on customers or visit companies in the region.

You are the team leader of a work project at Gulf view Architectural and Engineering Services. The team has been involved in
this project for a year. During the year, the team has met weekly, every Wednesday at 8:00 A.M. It is
now time to assess the team’s successes and areas needing improvement. Your goal will be to recommend changes as needed
before the team begins its second year on this project. You have encountered the following problems:
1: One team member, Caroline Jensen, misses meetings regularly. In fact, she has missed at least one meeting a month during the
past year. Occasionally, she missed two or three in a row. You have met with Caroline to discuss the problem. She says she has
had child care issues that have forced her to use the company’s flextime option, allowing her to
come to work later than usual, at 9:00 A.M.
2: Another team member, Guy Stapleton, tends to talk a lot during the meetings. He has good things to say, but he speaks his
mind very loudly and interrupts others as they are speaking. He also elaborates on his points in great detail, even when the point
has been made. If Guy isn’t talking, he’s texting.
3:A third team member, Sharon Mitchell, almost never provides her input during the meetings. She will e-mail comments later or
talk to people during breaks. Her comments are valid and on topic, but not everyone gets to hear what she says.

Lecture No 2
Audience Recognition
In technical writing, understanding your audience is crucial because it directly impacts the clarity
and effectiveness of your communication. When you write a memo, e‐mail message, blog entry, Web
site, instant message, tweet, letter, or report, someone reads it. That individual or group of readers is
your audience. To compose effective technical communication, you should achieve audience recognition
and audience involvement.

When you write, give an oral presentation, convene a meeting, communicate with customers in a
salesroom, or make a speech at a conference, consider the following questions:

 Who is your audience?

 What does this reader or listener know?
 What does this reader or listener not know?
 What must you write or say to ensure that your audience understands your point?
 How do you communicate to more than one person (multiple audiences)?

High‐Tech Audience.
High‐tech readers work in your field of expertise. They might work directly with you in your department,
or they might work in a similar capacity for another company. Wherever they work, they are your
colleagues because they share your educational background, work experience, or level of understanding.
If you are a computer programmer, for example, another computer programmer who is working on the
same system is your high‐tech peer. If you are an environmental engineer working with hazardous
wastes, other environmental engineers focusing on the same concerns are your high‐tech peers.

They are experts in the field you are writing about. If you write an e‐mail message to a department
colleague about a project you two are working on, your associate is a high‐tech peer.

Because their work experience or education is comparable to yours, high‐tech readers share your level of
understanding. Therefore, they will understand high‐ tech jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations.

High‐tech readers need little background information regarding a project’s history or objectives unless
the specific subject matter of the correspondence is new to them.


 Software engineers developing a complex algorithm for artificial intelligence.

 Electrical engineers designing microchips for advanced computing systems.
 Data scientists working with machine learning models.

Low‐Tech Audience:
Low‐tech readers include your coworkers in other departments. Low‐tech readers also might include
your bosses, subordinates, or colleagues who work for other companies. For instance, if you are a
biomedical equipment technician, the accountant or personnel director or graphic artists in your
company are low‐tech peers. These individuals have worked around your company’s equipment and,
therefore, are familiar with your technology. However, they do not understand the intricacies of this

Low‐tech readers are familiar with the technology you are writing about, but their job responsibilities are
peripheral to the subject matter. They either work in another department, manage you, work under your
supervision, or work outside your company.

Because low‐tech readers are familiar with your subject matter, they understand some abbreviations,
jargon, and technical concepts. To ensure that readers understand your content, therefore, define your
terms. An abbreviation like BCA can’t stand alone. Define it parenthetically: BCA (Burst Cutting Area).

When you submit a status report to upper‐level management, for example, don’t just begin with work
accomplished. Explain why you are working on the project (objectives, history), who is involved (other
personnel), when the project began and its scheduled end date, and how you are accomplishing your

 Elderly individuals learning to use a basic cell phone with limited features.
 Factory workers using manual machinery that doesn't require computer controls.
 Children using simple educational toys like building blocks.

Lay Audience.
Customers and clients who neither work for your company nor have any knowledge about your field of
expertise are the lay audience. If you work in network communications for a cable company, for
example, and you write an e‐mail to a client regarding a problem with the high‐speed Internet
connection, your audience is a lay reader. If your field of expertise is biomedical equipment and you
write a user manual for the patient, you are writing to a lay audience.

Lay readers are unfamiliar with your subject matter and terminology. Therefore, you should write simply

Because your lay readers do not understand your terminology or work environment, they won’t
understand your in‐house jargon, abbreviations, or acronyms. Avoid high‐tech terms or define them

Lay readers will need background information.

 Office employees using common software applications like Microsoft Word and Excel for routine
 Consumers using smartphones for everyday activities, such as texting, emailing, and social
 Homeowners operating smart thermostats or appliances with basic technical features.

Multiple Audiences.
Correspondence is not always sent to just one type of audience. Your correspondence may have an
audience with multiple levels of expertise. Sometimes you write to high‐tech, low‐tech, and lay
audiences simultaneously. For example, when writing a report, most people assume that their supervisor
will be the only reader. This might not be the case, however. The supervisor could send a copy of your
report to the manager, who could then submit the same report to the executive officer.

Guidelines for Effective Multicultural Communication

 Define Acronyms and Abbreviations
 Avoid Jargon and Idiom

Every day in the United States, we use “on the other hand” as a transitional phrase and “in the black” or
“in the red” to denote financial status. What will these idioms mean in a global market?

 Acronyms:

1. NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

2. ASAP - As Soon As Possible

3. CEO - Chief Executive Officer

 Abbreviations

1. Dr. - Doctor

2. Mr. - Mister

3. Mrs. - Mistress (pronounced "missiz")

4. Ave. - Avenue

5. St. - Street

6. Jan. - January

 Jargon:
It refers to specialized terminology or language that is used by people in a particular profession, industry,
or group.

Computer Programming Jargon: Programmers often use jargon such as "source code," "debuggi/]ng,"
and "algorithm" to discuss their work.

Medical Jargon: Medical professionals might use terms like "myocardial infarction" (heart attack) or
"pulmonary embolism" (a blood clot in the lungs) as part of their medical jargon

 Distinguish Between Nouns and Verb

Many words in English act as both nouns and verbs. This is especially true with computer terms, such as
“file,” “scroll,” “paste,” “boot,” “code,” and “help.”
 Watch for Cultural Biases/Expectations

In the United States, we say you’re a “turkey” if you make a mistake, but success will make you “soar like
an eagle.” The same meanings don’t translate in other cultures.

 Avoid Humor and Puns

Humor is not universal. If a joke is good in the South but not in the North, how could that same joke be
effective overseas?

 Avoid Figurative Language

 Be Careful with Numbers, Measurements, Dates, and Times

Chapter Highlights:

1. High‐tech readers understand acronyms, abbreviations, and jargon. However, not all of your
readers will be high tech.
2. Low‐tech readers need glossaries or parenthetical definitions of technical terms.
3. Lay readers usually will not understand technical terms. Consider providing these readers with
extended definitions.
4. Half of your audience will be female, so you should avoid sexist language.
5. To get your audience involved in the text, personalize it by using pronouns and the reader’s
6. Show your reader how he or she will benefit from your message or proposal

7: For multicultural audiences, define terms, avoid jargon and idioms, and consider the context of
the words you use. Avoid cultural biases, avoid slash marks, be careful with humor, and allow space
for translation

Lecture No 3
Technical Descriptions
Defining Technical Descriptions

A technical description is a part‐by‐part depiction of the components of a mechanism, tool, or piece

of equipment. Technical descriptions are important features in several types of technical
Technical descriptions are often used in user manuals, product specifications, construction designs,
reports, and sales literature

Operations Manuals
Manufacturers often include an operations manual in the packaging of a mechanism, tool, or piece
of equipment. This manual helps the end‐user construct, install, operate, and service the
equipment. Operations manuals also can contain technical descriptions.

Instructions provide a step‐by‐step explanation of how to do something. For example, in an

instruction, you explain how to change the oil in a car, how to connect a printer to a computer, how
to make polenta, or how to put together a child’s toy. In an instruction, the audience wants to know
how to do a job.

Criteria for Writing Technical Descriptions and Process Analyses


Overall Organization

In the introduction, specify and define your topic, and explain the topic’s functions, capabilities, or
processes. You can also include a list of components, parts, or equipment.

Highlighting Techniques

To aid understanding and allow for easy access, use highlighting techniques, including headings,
itemization, and graphics. You can use line drawings, schematics.

Use headings and subheadings to organize the content of your description or process analysis.

Lecture No 4
Organizational Communication
Organizational communication refers to the process of exchanging information, ideas, and
messages within an organization.
It is a critical component of how an organization functions and plays a vital role in achieving its
goals and objectives. Effective organizational communication is essential for creating a
productive and efficient work environment, fostering employee engagement, and ensuring that
everyone in the organization is on the same page.
Here are some key aspects and concepts related to organizational communication:
1. Formal vs. Informal Communication: Organizational communication can be
categorized into formal and informal channels. Formal communication includes official
channels such as memos, emails, meetings, and reports, while informal communication
involves casual conversations, social interactions, and grapevine communication (rumors
and gossip).
2. Channels of Communication: Organizations utilize various channels for
communication, including face-to-face meetings, phone calls, emails, instant messaging,
newsletters, bulletin boards, and intranet platforms. The choice of channel depends on the
nature of the message and the audience.
3. Internal vs. External Communication: Internal communication focuses on interactions
within the organization, such as between employees, departments, or management levels.
External communication involves interactions with individuals or entities outside the
organization, such as customers, suppliers, and stakeholders.

1. Barriers to Communication: Several barriers can hinder effective communication within

an organization, including language differences, cultural diversity, physical distance,
noise, perceptual differences, and information overload. Identifying and addressing
these barriers is crucial for improving communication.
Formal Communication:
Upward, Downward, and Lateral Communication: Organizational communication flows
in different directions. Downward communication occurs when superiors communicate
with subordinates, while upward communication involves subordinates providing
feedback or information to their superiors. Lateral communication occurs between
individuals or departments at the same hierarchical level.

Downward Communication:
 Definition: Downward communication refers to the flow of information from higher
levels of the organizational hierarchy to lower levels. It is a top-down communication
 Purpose: Downward communication is typically used to convey directives, instructions,
policies, goals, objectives, and important information from managers, executives, or
superiors to their subordinates. It serves to provide guidance, assign tasks, and ensure
alignment with the organization's mission and strategy.
Upward Communication

 Definition: Upward communication is the flow of information from lower levels of the
organization to higher levels. It is a bottom-up communication approach.
 Purpose: Upward communication serves as a means for employees to provide feedback,
share insights, report problems, express concerns, and make suggestions to their
supervisors, managers, or higher-ranking executives. It helps superiors gain insights into
the challenges and perspectives of those on the front lines.
Examples: Employees sharing ideas for process improvement with their managers, team
members reporting issues they encounter during their work to higher-ups.
Lateral Communication:
 Definition: Lateral communication, also known as horizontal communication, involves
the exchange of information between individuals or departments at the same
hierarchical level within the organization.
 Purpose: Lateral communication supports coordination, collaboration, and problem-
solving among peers or colleagues who work together on similar levels but may not be
in the same chain of command. It facilitates the sharing of knowledge, best practices,
and resources.
 Examples: Marketing and sales departments collaborating to launch a new product,
colleagues from different teams discussing a shared project, or cross-functional teams
working together on a company-wide initiative

Informal Communication
Grapevine communication, often simply referred to as "the grapevine," is a form of informal
communication within an organization. It is characterized by the spread of rumors, gossip, and
information among employees through unofficial and often undocumented channels. The
grapevine is called so because, like grapevines in a vineyard, information spreads rapidly and
Accuracy: Grapevine communication is not always accurate. As information passes from one
person to another, it can become distorted, exaggerated, or modified. Therefore, the accuracy
of grapevine information can vary widely.
In summary, grapevine communication is a natural and spontaneous aspect of organizational
life. While it can be a source of valuable information and connection among employees, it can
also pose challenges in terms of accuracy and potential disruption
When communication is clear, open, and aligned with the organization's goals and values, it can
contribute significantly to its success.

Lecture No 5
Business Letter
Whenever you need to communicate with another company or share important
news, business letters can present your message in a classic, polished style. Unlike internal
memos, business letters are usually written from one company to another, which is why they’re
so formal and structured. However, letters are also quite versatile, as they can be used for
official requests, announcements, cover letters, and much more.
Despite the formality, letters can still have a friendly tone, especially because they include brief
introductions before getting to the main point. Regardless of the tone you use in your letter,
your writing should remain concise, clear, and easy to read.
Their aim is to achieve a definite purpose such as selling a product, making an enquiry, seeking
information or advice, mollifying the injured feelings of a customer, creating goodwill, etc
The structure of a business letter:
1. Sender’s Address (Your name, Designation, title, company name)
2. Date (June 11, 2001)
3. Recipient's address
4. Salutation: Dear Mr. Smith,
5. Body
6. Closing: Conclude the letter with a courteous closing, such as:
(Sincerely, Yours truly, Respectfully,)
7. Typed Name (If applicable, your job title).
John Abraham
CEO, XYZ Corporation
Note About Format and Font
Block Format
When writing business letters, you must pay special attention to the format and font used. The
most common layout of a business letter is known as block format. Using this format, the entire
letter is left justified and single spaced except for a double space between paragraphs.
Modified Block
Another widely utilized format is known as modified block format. In this type, the body of the
letter and the sender's and recipient's addresses are left justified and single-spaced. However,
for the date and closing, tab to the center point and begin to type.
The final, and least used, style is semi-block. It is much like the modified block style except that
each paragraph is indented instead of left justified.

Opening Statements:
1. I am writing to inquire about...
2. We are pleased to inform you that...
3. I hope this letter finds you in good health.
4. I wanted to express my gratitude for...
5. I am writing to introduce myself/our company.
Request Statements:
6. We kindly request...
7. Could you please provide us with...
8. We would appreciate it if...
9. We are seeking your assistance in...
10. I am writing to ask for your advice on...
Information Sharing Statements:
11. I am pleased to inform you that...
12. I am writing to update you on...
13. I wanted to share some exciting news.
14. We have recently launched...
15. I am delighted to announce that...
Expressing Gratitude Statements:
16. Thank you for your prompt response.
17. We are grateful for your continued support.
18. I wanted to express our sincere thanks for...
19. Your assistance has been invaluable.
20. We appreciate your dedication and hard work.
Closing Statements:
21. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
22. We look forward to a positive response.
23. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
24. We hope to continue our successful partnership.
Invitation Statements:
26. We would like to invite you to...
27. We cordially invite you to attend...
28. Your presence would be greatly appreciated at...
29. We hope you can make it to our event.
Follow-Up Statements:
31. I wanted to follow up on our previous discussion.
32. We have not received a response regarding...
33. I would appreciate an update on...
34. Please let us know the status of...
35. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Apology Statements:
36. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by...
37. I am writing to express our regret for...
38. We take full responsibility for...
39. Please accept our sincerest apologies for...
40. We are committed to making this right.
Enclosure Statements:
8. Enclosed, please find...
9. I have attached the requested documents.
10. Please review the attached file.
11. You will find the necessary information in the enclosed envelope.
Lecture 7
How to write an effective email
Writing an effective email is essential in both personal and professional communication. An
effective email is one that conveys your message clearly, concisely.
Clear and Relevant Subject Line:
 Use a subject line that accurately summarizes the content of your email. It should be
specific and relevant to the recipient so they can quickly understand the purpose of the
2. Use a Professional Email Address:
 Ensure your email address is professional and appropriate for the context. Avoid using
overly casual or unprofessional email addresses.
3. Greeting:
 Start your email with a polite greeting, addressing the recipient by name if possible. Use
"Dear" for formal emails and the recipient's first name for more casual or familiar
4. Concise and Organized Content:
 Be concise and get to the point quickly. Use short paragraphs and bullet points for easy
Tone and Politeness:

Maintain a respectful and polite tone throughout the email. Avoid using offensive or aggressive
Consider cultural sensitivities when communicating with a diverse audience.
Provide Context:
 Clearly explain the purpose of your email and provide any necessary context or
background information. Don't assume the recipient knows everything you do about the
End your email with a polite closing, such as "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Thank you." Sign
your name after the closing.

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