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Brief description of the course

The total duration of the course is 75 hours: compulsory attendance hours (50h) and autonomous
student work hours (25h)

The A1 course is the first level of the learning progress/process and at the end it gives access to the
A2. It allows the speaker to understand and use oral and written expressions, frequently used daily
expressions as well as simple phrases designed to meet immediate needs.

Course contents
Grammatical contents
• Declarative, interrogative and negative sentences: the order of its components.
• Articles, determinants and pronouns.
• The concordance: gender, number and person.
• The present tense.
• The past perfect tense.

Communicative contents
• Greetings and presentations: giving personal information.
• Description of people and places.
• Requests and questions in stores and restaurants.
• Expression of interests and preferences.
• Daily life.
•Past experiences.
• Intentions and plans.

Aula 1 (Spanish course, new edition). Editorial Difusion.
Basic grammar of the student of Spanish. Revised and expanded edition. Editorial Difusión.
Other materials provided by the teacher along the course.
Self-study work plan (25 hours)
1) Writing
Facebook profile
Essays (my country, my city, family and friends, etc.)
Personal letter.
2) Reading
El parque
Familia pequeña
Mi día
Mi nueva casa
Mi pueblo
Readings from the student book (7 readings, from unit 2 to 8)
3) Listening
Videos form the student book (8 videos)
2 songs
4) Speaking
Role playing (with a classmate)
5) Grammar and vocabulary
Exercises from the student book.
Others materials given by the teacher
Exercises on-line Aveteca A1


W 6
R 5
L 3
S 1
G 10

OBSERVATIONS: Attendance hours are compulsory (50h). Without self-study work at home you are
not allowed to get the certificate at the end of the course. Tasks might be changed depending on
the group working progress.

At the end of level A1, a final assessment test will be carried out to measure the abilities of the
students in the four skills (reading comprehension, listening comprehension, written expression,
oral expression). In addition, a specific part of grammar and vocabulary will be included.
The assessment test will take place in the last session of the course and it will be set the first day
of the course. The structure of this test is as follows:

Tasks Description % % Minimum

Reading skill 2 texts with tasks of a different kind 20 12
Listening skill 1 or 2 listening tasks of a length of 5 minutes 20 12
in total
Writing skill 2 texts of a different kind, 60-70 words 20 12
Speaking skill Monologue and direct questions, 10 minutes 20 12
Grammar and A task of no more than 30 items 20 12
Total 100% 60%

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