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Business 4th

5 pillars of corporate social responsibility

Human Rights and Employment Standards in the Workplace
How this link shows this company's ethics is that it shows the rules about everything in the
workplace that need to be obeyed. Also it shows the safety rules too to make sure everyone in
the workplace is healthy and they're safe so nobody gets hurt and has a good working and
shopping experience.

Ethical sourcing and procurement.
How this link shows this company's ethics is that it shows how the workers are protected and
that it is absolutely not allowed for inappropriate behavior in the workplace. It also goes over
payment and they don't hold people by force for slavery and everything is fair.

Marketing and Consumer Issues
Dependence on memberships for this company is an issue because customer loyalty and that
other companies like Costco with memberships are competing with costco.
Another issue they have to try not to over saturate the market so it doesn't affect future sales.
Environmental Health and Safety Concerns
This link shows a whole lot of things especially at first but they have sustainability and they have
a sustainability program to reduce the amount of carbon emitted in the world. They also had the
human rights on there and saying that there is no mistreatment and slavery of any kind.

Community and Good Neighbor Policies
This link shows that costco gives back to the community and they do fundraisers and they do
give back. It also just shows that costco makes good contributions in general and they are a
good choice for shopping.

Rating: I rate the company a 5/5. I feel that they make good
contributions and have quality products.

Suggestions: how you can improve the ethics of this company is

that maybe keep track of some locations to keep it safe for
everyone incase any locations are neglected.

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