Eng Mod2

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Module 2

Quarter 4
The Elements of an Argument

I. Guess the missing word of the quote to give you an idea of this week’s lesson:
“Don’t raise your voice, improve your __________. (Desmond Tutu)

A. Posture B. vocabulary C. argument D. temper

II. Observe the pictures, which ones do you think shows an “argument”?

Which picture demonstrates the definition of an argument as stated below?

“An argument is a communication process that attempts to resolve an actual disagreement, confusion, or ignorance about
something. Arguments occur all the time and are a staple ingredient of many communication environments. The end goal of an
argument should be to reach a conclusion which is sufficiently persuasive to convince someone of a position on a claim.”

Activity 1
Look at the illustration and think about the girl’s argument.

Activity 2
A. Read the argument about solar-powered cars. Circle the claim, underline the evidence, and cross out any
information that does not support the claim.

Activity 3
What are the parts of an argument? Match the questions with their parts
Activity 4 Which paragraph shows a more effective argument about smoking?

Activity 5 Read the article and fill the chart with the information about the author’s arguments.
Hey Kenny! We should play basketball instead of baseball after school today. Basketball is better because we
can play no matter how many people show up. If we’re the only ones playing, we can play one-on-one or we can
play “Horse.” When we play volleyball, we need at least six people to play with us. A lot of people, like Jake and
Penelope, think that volleyball is more fun because they like hitting the ball over a net and batting balls. But the
truth is that we always end up having more fun when we play basketball because we don’t have to wait for
people to go get the ball from the street. So, let’s meet at the basketball courts at 4:00 pm.

Activity 6 Read and evaluate the text

Thor is the best Avenger. He is a legitimate hero because of his nature and origin He is the son of Odin, literally
the Norse God of Asgard, which means his hero-ness is more credible since he was born as one, not becoming
one through riches or creepy science experiments. He understands his powers come from his behavior, as he lost
them for a while when he was acting badly, unlike Hulk, who only has powers when he is unstable emotionally.
He has an amazing accent which makes people want to listen to him and do what he says. For these reasons,
Thor is the best Avenger.
1. What is the argument?
2. What is the claim?
3. Does the claim make sense?
4. What reasons and evidence are presented to support the claim?
5. Are the reasons presented sensible?
6. Is the evidence presented valid and reliable?
7. Write your evaluation regarding the worth, effectiveness, and validity of the writer’s argument.

Many arguments are written in letter form. Imagine that you receive this letter, and you disagree with it.
Write your own letter in response to the letter. Make sure to include the date, a greeting, a conclusion, and a
closing in your letter. Your letter should contain the following:
1. Your claim
2. Two pieces of evidence that support your claim.
3. Underline one evidence in your letter that will serve as your counterclaim.
4. A rebuttal that will weaken or object to that piece of evidence.

February 2, 2023
Dear grade 9 students,

We will no longer allow any type of games or sports to be played during recess. It has come to my attention that
grade 9 students have been bullying other kids while playing takyan and basketball. In addition, many of you have
been leaving sports equipment in the gym, instead of putting them away at the end of recess. You might think that
this is unfair. But you will find that there are other activities you can participate in during recess, like running laps.
Sports are hereby banned at our school during recess and dismissal.
Your principal

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