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洲、加拿⼤、新加坡、⾹港…… 留学申请指导服务。

英国、美国、澳洲、加拿⼤、新加坡… 留学申请指导
免费享: 雅思真题、托福机经、名师试听课、英语测试
3 P.Jr �J examiner ffi! ::IH11 fo] Rli EJ;f , � �::f � tl:l lJ{! " -�,!'ft� M ' � � '' l!ilE D :;le�"
< f

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""'Jf!HJ 1f-g ., o

British Council �-lifilAA!J,E: Part 3 ¾ □ i!f5lj-'g:fE�,f- D iJCtt!:fi! r/ JJlft- riT � :i.zl;� El c

:fjRJI�'$Jt ( British Council: In Part l and Part 2, examiners a- ·qu to follow the
;.;cript. In Part 3, examiners do not need to follow the script anL hoose to add
::heir own questions. ) o §ri;J., r!t* Part 3 B�U11�::f�f&)lijH:9i�:•
� ifli !Wimil1l ffl 'lit!h!. tlH!� 5:t ( Day 7 ) , �Ju W ff,,:x,t51j-'@'JJI! J:J., tlHI

�fr r:J itffvi i9!� R2 * rfE * i':l<J Afc .$ :i: � ( biog. sina. com. cn/ieltsguru) , ; l: �: ::f � ic
��89�-. �¾m•m••�---�m��-�������o


l� ;(£ :ff :l-h a -$ ¾ , n � 1. :riHf 'ff;) l\i r i1f. ,
British Council ..R J- ;Jt � t

i rro7f¾ "1!:f' o" ��iHlllif.l1f

""�-=--===---=--=---=----=--=-·=·-=-· -=- ===========d:
The Start of the Test

Please switch off / turn off (;Jcffi ) your mobile phone.

a * What's your full name?/ Can you tell me your full name please?
ililfoJ�1:.s<J��¾4ij:1'-�W&HoJa<J��foJlm, W!'!t:11!1.!fil� My (full) name is ...
il%1Lt!!f o

aM: *�a<Jtt�-����a<Jtt�-��Mffl&.�t;.J.•M�A�:11!1.�•a<J
first name / last name ¾ 1t ¼ , � �F 1%!> i-t:!Gtl :f:E - ;ff Ml il% :FF�� W ( Pat :f:E * 00 a<J �� ;t
��M1itff1:ffil1f "had to be careful about saying 'first name' and 'last name' to avoid
confusion" a<J�JJ5) o 1E!3!1lJft{@.��F•iJt��EIB "tt'.:f'.�-$", ll�¼iJtMy family name
is... and my given name is.. . illi:iJ t;..l. o

a * What can I call you?

• o �-t-�*�•-�•a<JMfil�#�*-�. ffi �&i:iJt;.J.�W�W•a<J���•.

-ij!f@)� "You can call me ... " �� "Just call me ... " 0

a * Can I see your ID card please?

�¾��fo]N2[, @I� Sure. �ff Here you are. ���M, l!•��f4lL�:it!!.
3 PJj-jJexaminer•:±l(i(Jfi:ijlffiflt. ��.::f�ilil'Jl. ",�t1H�i'm" �� "Jfili:J:;'Jc*'' 89

i!A:k�fi�D#JjEA Cl ift;!y:!$.,e<J;'iy�$��¥1Jlli,1'..,09�·11f o �;,j,:�fiJ�� 33 ®1�

��m•••����•�n•:±1(1(J&#�•••����*iffig�•m*, �R
"�IUJ 1'f1f � o

:±Jlj(l(Jffll% ( British Council: In Part 1 and Part 2, examiners are required to l N ,

script. In Part 3, examiners do not need to follow the script and they can cho,
their own questions. ) 0 ,@rt:). Part 3 (l(Ja;J-1�.::f�,fjx)j:�j'jjf?fi!iJ, ii'IT•@wJ: Da,

(i(Jj'ilj�mlffllilt!i!.iliim%:tt (Day 7). �ffltidt-:xt;'ly'gl!,i\:l:m•tl:l891'oJ®J-tl!tilH- �I

if Part l ;f:11 Part 2, �'g !i!�&,�l'P: ft��*��-�*,'±: /Mi, E)r t:) :(£ � f.1..
t;!i� tJittfOrn �3JU/E;. (l(J � $:i: � ( biog. sina. corn. cn/ieltsguru), tt�:: {�� i�

��(i(J-�,ffl&@.fflW•;'ly�--�ffl�������*-ffi o


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;{£ -Jf :¼ 13 -$ 1} , British Council P-. � ,jt � t � � 1. :lit fr� if- 1 M,
j iiu:fJl "1J:? ti" ji,/J¼ifWiftlfJ:
i --·--·-··--·-------·--··-·•--··

The Start of the Test

Please switch off/ turn off ( Jcffi) your mobile phone.

a * What's your full name?/ Can you tell me your full name please?
m.JfiiJ�1:�1t��4il-t-�W&HiiJ���fiiJM, ffi�:li!?.@J� My (full) name is ...
�/Ultl!f o

tu1 = i:p x �:!t:U:'i Ji!YfJ'f ;¥O•x � tt� Ji!Yf J'f JEMffl & , FJr i;,t &M JJIJ Jt.�:li!?.i.#.��
first name/ last name �ft¾, ��H$it:1W:(:E-3f MtiWl::W=��- ( Pat f:E If! 00 (1(}1�$
•�IDL�: 11'1 ffiVff "had to be careful about saying ' first name' and ' last name' to avoid
confusion" ��JJj) o fJ�jll*ffMl=-!!H.#.m� § B "!&*�ii", !�.z. i.#. My family name
is ... and my given name is... tl!PI J:). o

a * What can I call you?

• o �-t-�•�--����fil�#�*-�. Wfitl!Pfi;,t�W�W•�•x«•.
�[ill� "You can call me ... " :ii,IZ:l- "Just call me ... " 0

rr:F * Can I see your ID card please?

�¾��fiiJM, @J� Sure. :ii,IZ:ff Here you are. $1&M, IR.!a-tte•��#lL�J&
U * Are you working or studying?

1Ut@ � I'm working ; studying. .A 1c � "liJ D.J. 1'.19 , ;ty-g -ili. "liJ W. ft ilf f$ Jg � iJUt
ffi,ll.�--�. lt:lm:
I'm working as a ... (-ft�llRiU.

I'm studying at ... (-ft����f8').

a * Where are you from?

I'm from ... , which is a city in the north east/ north west/ south east/ south west
of China. ( �:W:-!$:1.!itl. El c.*§ ;lt-t-1J\�, jj�.z. re city Ne.Git a small town 8XM- T)

I'm from ... , which is a city on the southeast / east / northeast coast of China.

�:W:i$�*i;¾ti":ffl5:�1'\'i'*· jj�.z.•-tllJiJD.J.���:
I'm from ... , which is the capital city of China ( ���--1-�'t'.iM�ft-).
Giving Details
Part 3 :¥:J¥)di�fciJ�, �-f-��lt-J�A tt��.:h �*��, Pfr �j E:.�ll{iiili�iit
lt-Jfol�oJ ��tt;tc;ttr�i'-$# O

i:.!£iitA;lf.JfhtlftB1-JFcl�Tlt�tHt� Part 3 ir-Jtl!:lm:n:it� 3 *� , -- ·

(Day 7), MF□ti!JtiJ!JID:*� p. 3 -p. 19 lt-.J��JUfil, �-f-��tt P

���btiElf s - 10 � af.l Fcl �-i'IH'3 #a*� p. 3 - p. 87 ir-l ti�, =

.fii�i?ilt!11!..¥:1-'�>J-iU\Ii!, MF□�ffl native speakers AA�ir-l�� ( �
ffBlHl��. ffi.:lH���$��$!e�ctf.J�$i��£1E�, £��!-'.) o

ft�ll1feJffl�1t:mlt-J Fol �-itt3 Ji.;$:• p. 3 - p. 87 f:!{J =tl�, □fim 1°1 ir-J

������$�@�����-�. ���%����ir-J�,;f;:m�§c�
�rt3ffl�M�, -�fflffl�-�-�lt-J�� o

Examiners tE Part 3 il'lit��ffi�
f;I] 136 )!t§t!.�-�

1 What skills are important to success in the knowledge-based economy ?

( ";Jtfti." ��;IA)
-(f.9:P-i.R �*atf\'..iU.:f-A-1/J #J Y �-it.1i�;jf PJJJI*? <�� $ l-lt 20 9f)

2 Why do some people choose to do new things instead of the same old
things? ( � gi ��.I!)
;lJ1f ¾;jf*�#-hl�i'Pr#J�+tm;r:;;l_y,i_-Ji,(f.1�#J-.+t? (��$l-lt 20 �)

3 Do you think schools should teach children how to manage money?

( "��i.;t" ��.I!)
1t-Jt.�ii-..;lJ�-#:.ffi.�:.ff.JLi::ko1oJfJ.!Ji!t�? (��$*-lt 21 Ji)

4 Do you think children should learn to make things by hand ?

( "�t-i.;t" ��.I!)
1t-Jt.�-i.A..;li JL-Jkffi. �� >1-t.:r..-lli lfHh£?
<��$;t-lt 21 Pi)

s What skills can children learn at school ? ( "!Hti." ��.l!)

JLi:of v-A,(f. ,Jf:.t:..2. � .ftl PJJJl*-it��? (��$;t-lt 22 Jf)

6 What skills can children learn at home but not at school? ( "¾ ft i." ��.I!)
JL i:of 1-;J.,(f. �.2. � .f1J PJJ]IAt,(f. �.t:..2. 'Jf: ,;r;; .f1J #J-it��? (��$;t-lt 22 Jf)

1 Do you think children should be encouraged to think Independently ?

( "�:t:-i.;f" ��--)
1t-Jt.�R;li JL� ffi. ii.;i!M.m!J-¼�$�? (��#:;t-lt 22 9f)


2 What are the differences between the way children learn and the way adults
learn ? ( � lt � � P!)

JL -f:� f S] '7i" t(.;p JN.lf-A {/.J lif: J:] '7i" t(. IR JJ1J ft 1t �? (p. 23)

3 Which are more important, academic lessons or art lessons ? ( Jt lt � � !@.)

�**•Lt��Jt��-•Lt�? (�n)

4 What are the qualities that good teachers have? < "¾1t¼" ��;B!)
*¼1t Jl.���-t J!f? (p. 24)

5 How has teaching changed in your country?

4tf./f.-tt-11100 �� ,t#-{i{J � 1t?

6 What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving prizes to children who do
well at school? ( 3ftl��;f�)
(p. 25)

7 Will the traditional classroom disappear in the future ? c & �;;!olt���)
-fHic. alJ .ft 1: � -1; ½ � ji;_? (p. 26)

1 What kinds of jobs do young people like to do in your country?

C "¾1ti." �;f�)
(p. 26)

2 What are the main things to consider when choosing a job?

( ";lUt1-" �:f�)
( p. 26)

3 Which is better, staying In the same job for a long time or changing Jobs
every few years?

4 What are the differences between older employees and young employees?
( :x,j- i:I:. �� if! )
( p. 27)

s Do you think women should be able to do all the same jobs that men do?
"{!F�i.�" ��if!)
( p. 28)

6 Do you think working from home will be more common in the future?
(JiUtl. ;le.*�� JlD
( p. 28)

I What are some problems that might be caused by using the Internet?
1t.}f] .§.*J#l 'iif 1i�/'° 1. <r-J f<>J M;tf"})H�? < p. 29)

2 Which do you think are better, emails or hand-written letters? ( ,t 1:1:, ��;I!)
1t-iA59 ll tt!.--f tii�14 �:ktiaill-f % <r-J .:JHt �:kt? < p. 30)

3 How will the Internet develop in the future?

.§.*/#l;/£ � tAf½-:ltt11of:JJ..J&..?
4 What are the advantages of working from home?
;/£ � .iz1A.Ll:. Ji£ <r-J :kt �ll1+ � ?

s Some universities offer their courses on the Internet so that students can study
online. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? (Jftl���J!)
-�k·���{r-J••��/#li�•1.�ft¥�-·�o �#-���#
( p. 31)

6 Do you think technology such as computers and the Internet will replace
teachers in the classroom? ( Al� ;;le*�� .J!)
(p. 32)

1 Do you think it's impolite to use mobile phones in public places ?
( "%�i.�" ��;II!)
( p. 32)

2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones?

Otl � � df ;II! )
-itlfl-f :fJLlllJ;;l1J � ,t; .,l.-ft �? C p. 33)

3 How do you think mobile phones will change in the future? (��**��;/I!)
1.t-1-J..;l;-fl}l,����.t.#a�? (p. 33)

1 Do you think children should spend more time playing outdoor games?
( "%�¼ot" ��;II!)
( p. 34)

2 What are the benefits of playing indoor games for children?

'.£ P-J ��# JL i" a!J M*k 1t �?

3 What are the benefits and drawbacks of playing video games for children?
( p. 35)

o What are the advantages and disadvantages of using robots? (ftl#�;;lf;/1!)

�Jij��}drl];;l•J��.,t 1t�? (p. 36)

1 Why do some people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally-produced

2 What are the differences between watching a film in the cinema and watching
a film at home? (�lt��:H!)
(p. 37)

3 As home theater technology improves, do you think cinemas will disappear in

the future?

4 What kind of influence do TV shows have on children? ( "¾ ft i" ��if!)

�ili'.. iS" m ,tj" JL:t� 1t ¼ #� ��? (p. 38)

s Do you think people watch less television nowadays than they did in the past?
C "��1,.fr" �� JU
(p. 39)

6 What kinds of live performances are popular in your country?

( "¾fti" ��,I!)
( p. 39)

1 Do you think newspapers are important to us? "��if§"" ���)

1tk 1ii-J-.:h-tlli�,tj"� 1fHR Y �? (p. 39)

2 Do you think newspapers will disappear in the future?

1t k 1i i-1-.:h-tilAA. 4-}€. :M'-½ nli �?

3 Where do people get news in your country ? ( "¾-ft¼" �-ii.II!)

�em��I, Am�1t�����•M1 (p. 40)

1 What are the benefits of parents reading books to their children? ( �tl � �� .N!)
�t(;:,;IJ.:JB:-t VJJ-it4Lfie!:J*�}t.1t:¼? (p. 40)

2 Do you think e-books will completely replace printed books in the future ?
( /l 'f ::;!Ulc ��JI! )
( p. 41)

1 What is the role of parents in their children's development ?

( "¾1t¼" ��Jill)

( p. 41)

2 How have relationships between parents and children changed in your

country? ( � It �� .N!)
�•m�*I• �•�•-t�M�*���#���? (��>

3 Why do many people have children later in life these days?

�,{!.Ji-ft z. �ll$ A#...llt�a-t?

4 Do you think there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their
parents? ( "�:t¼�" � ;If.,\'!)
ii,l ?;1,lJi 1f-�Aj1J 1-;t(i(J Jt=-i't'ik.-1' $. -it,1t;fll 5L.-£J:-{t,#.-�? ( p. 42)

5 How has the size of the average family changed in your country? (�lt�;Jf,ll;j_)
-/f.1.Mfl 00 i.£.-t�(i(J ��J.t{t�-ft� :t ,ft? (p. 43)

6 What are the advantages and disadvantages of living alone?
+r �q
�� m .1. � {r-J ;f,J � � �

7 Do you think men and women should share the housework equally?
( "*'�¼�" �:iltJlll)
(p. 43)

8 Do you think that women are more emotional than men?

"*'�¼ f«" �:ilt.Jlll)
(p . 4

1 Who do you think should be responsible for caring for elderly people ?
( "*'�¼�" �:iltJlll)
( p. 4

2 What are the problems caused by population ageing ? ( "¾fr¼,. �:ilt.l!)

A. 0 :;t�1t. * � {r-J ,;;i ��1t ¼ ? (p. 4

1 Why is friendship important? ( * f§ � :iJt JI! )

7'J1t¼-&.it�llI�? (p. 45)

2 What are important qualities for friends to have? ( "¾fr¼" �:ilt.l!)

JUJ -&.E. ii: J!-� {r-J I� -,t .$ �� �? . 46)

3 Is it possible to make friends with people who we have never met In person?
( "��¼,t" �:ilt.l!)
�111 ���if 1i� � M. �-tf. .1. i 'JI 'f �i.± iii {r-J AA 7'J JUl-&.? < p. 46)

I In your opinion. what is success? "1tf�¼ :w"
�;lt/l!)�. ftzk.&\1/J? ( p. 47)

2 Do you think that successful people are always happy people?

( "fr-�¼.tf" �;It�)
( p. 47)

3 Why do many people want to become famous ?

59ft ¾�ij A:t� ll: ,t?

4 How can famous athletes be good role models for children ?


s Do you think that sports stars earn too much money? ( u i1r- i- ¼ � " � ;It ;JI! )

�JI:. �R;/;J#-1f BA£ 11J89 iltAii�? ( p. 48)

1 Is tt better to get advice from our parents or from our friends ? (#!;I:.� ;If .ll!)
hl � £ � .fl) �ix.� :ltt i:!>l�JVl .&.� .E �f J1J �:ix.�M-? ( p. 49)

2 What are the advantages of discussing our problems with o ther people ?
( �H� �;It .ll! )
( p. 50)

3 Why is it important to make plans?

��¼-lit it �•Ull Y�?


4 What are some decisions that most people need to make these days?
( ";,'Uti" ���)
( p. 51)

◊ What kinds of things do students borrow? "¾1ti" ��.I!)

':if: .1.1f1 ½1%"'1� � # � #J 411 .fa? ( p. 51) �lliTi
I 1=1 1-t'.'I IW

t Do you think advertisements are important? ( "it�i�" ��.I!)

1.t-Jl�-j,J..7'] r ¾�P<.1."�? (p. 52)

2 How do you think advertisements influence what people choose to buy?

( "��i�" ��;lg)

(p. 52)

1 What is good customer service? "¾1ti" ��;lg)
1t ¾ Jl -Jit <1-J $. fr JUl �? ( p. 53)

2 What are the differences between men's shopping habits and women's
shopping habits? ( ,t 1:l:. ���)
·tt +r
Jf •t1.;fi,-¼•t1. {r-J 9Ji.J 411 >] :1f ¾ 1K t )?
1 ( p. 54)

3 How has shopping changed in recent years ?

9Ji.J 4h i.i4 �;tf1t ¾ �-ft.?

4 What are the advantages of onllne shopping ?

J#l 9}i) (r-J-Jit�Jl +r ¾?
s What are the advantages and disadvantages of consumer culture ? ( �j � ���)
* � m j fr!J :.t. 1t fr!J ;ft] � � Jl ft �
"* t fr!J :.t.-it")?
( consumer culture fr!J -;t ,1& ;f Jl " � 1Jr ¼ :.t..
-it", ;;, ll fa] m < P- 56)

6 \Aktat are the benefits of people wanting to get new possessions? ( 5¥� � ���)
A.ii1 ;$" !l iK * '1r fr!J � Jff M t fr!J ff 9l Jt:ft � ? < P. 56)

7 What are the differences between supermarkets and street markets ?

( p. 57)

-�!l�� �


1 Do you think it would be better for society if everyone got the same salary ?
( "'lti;,i�" ��!!)
( p. 57)

2 What kind of people earn the highest salaries in your country ?

( "¾1ti" ��JU
( p. 58)

3 Do you think it's important for people to save some of their money?
( "-It�¼�" ���)
(p. 58)

4 Do you think women are better at saving money than men ?

( "-It�¼�" ��11!)
( p. 59)

1 What's the difference between clothes that young people like to wear and
clothes that elderly people like to wear ? ( M !:I'., �� 11! )
••A.•*ffr!Ja•��•A•*tWJa•�tt��M? <��)

2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniforms at work?
( �J � ��P!)
( p. 59)

1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying presents online?

( p. 60)

2 Why do people collect things?

A.111791t z.. �lii.#J .fa?

1 Do you think festivals are important to us? ( "�;t1.�" �*:I!!)

1t-Jl -8iA.79 °i1 El � � 1fH� � �? ( p. 61)

2 Do you think it's important for people to celebrate their achievements?

( "��¼�" �*I!)
( p. 62)

3 Do you think parties are important? ( "��1.�" �*;!!)

1t-Jl-8iA.79 �4H� � �? (p. 62)

1 Why do many people like eating at fast food restaurants ?

791t z.. �� t A.$:ik.,(f. •tk:�ti"f.-t&.?

2 How have people's eating habits changed in your country?
�·ffl�t, A ffi��*�-1f��£�?

3 Why is genetically-modified food more common than in the past? ( /Ji- � � ;;if M.)
;9ft i- �.&-�*��tit¼� f Ji/.,? ( p. 64)

4 What is a healthy lifestyle ? ( "¾1t¼" �;;if.>ffi)

ft� Jt.-lt.1.l � 1. � � �? ( p. 64)

s Do you think men and women enjoy the same leisure activities ?
( "��¼�" �,:lj-M_)
( p. 65)

6 How can governments help to promote healthy lifestyles ?

7 Do you think governments should pay for people's health care ?
( "�i:-1.$" �;;if;Nil)
( p. 65)

1 What are the benefits of doing sports?

� #1 &?-it ;t}l ft- ¼ ?

2 What are the differences between Individual sports and team sports ?
( p. 66)

3 Why do some people like to do extreme sports?
:h ft i-1f�A-i-'J.k.M.. #J?

4 What are the benefits of intematlonal sports competitions?( ",ttH." �;;if .la)
�-�•�•�:ij-�Jt.ft¼? (��)

I Do you think old buildings are important? "-1$�¼.tr" ��if!)
1,t-:.<l :f.-i,J,.:h :t- �i,Utl � �? (p. 68)

2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of high-rise buildings?

(p. 69)

3 Is it better to rent or to buy a place to live in?

:.<l:U.& �MJ£Jl� & k-Jt=f?

4 Is it better to live in a house or a flat?

-!i. �1] � k MJ£Jl,g_1l;:- 'i; kM?

s What do you think houses will be like in the future? ()iHblulc ��Iii)
1;r-iJ,.:h ��a'-J-!i.&�½Jlft¼ #a'-J? (p. 70)

I How can we help our neighbours? (71���:R!)

� 111 of )I:,( ;� ff f P,}J � 111 a'-J 4/i /l;? (p. 70)

2 What are some of the ways that people can help others in their community?

3 Do you think local businesses are important to a community?

( "��¼$" ��;I!)
(p. 71)

4 Are people less helpful today than they were in the past? ( � U'.. � ;ilf J/E.)
Jl,,(iA{fJ ,l � ;f: �ii¾" � !f- -t J½ A? (p. 71 )

s Do you think it's important to do volunteer work? ( "-1$ % 1.. �" � ;ilf �);¼B.�,l��ll�-t-? (p. 72)

I What kind of people go to the library most often ? ( "k1t¼" �;ilf�)

��.A.ii 'f ¼ 00-# -it? (p. 73)

2 Do you think museums are important? ( "-1$%1.�" �;ilf,'l!)

{.t. ,l � RjJ � !/Mt�!l �-t-? (p. 73)

1 How can we help to make our cities better?


2 Why are more and more people moving to cities from the countryside ?

(p. 74)

1 What are the problems caused by the increasing use of private cars ?
( .. .¾1t¼" ���)
(p. 75)

2 What are the solutions to the Increasing use of private cars? ( 7f *�� ,1!)
� � .$- ir-J 1� Jfl PB ;/Ju {f.J Wf ;k � l-!-JUt ¼ ? (p. 7s )

3 How can public transport be Improved? ( 7i *�� ,1!)

,t,,tf PJ"" v.,t �ilt.l�#-- 3(.im_? (p. 76)

4 How can traffic in cities be improved? ( jf *��M)

.-t# PJ"" f,t �¼� r/f .£. {f.J �i@AkoL? (p. 76)

1 Do you think tourism can contribute to the economy of a country?

( "1�%-2.�" ��MD
(p. 77)

2 Do you think travelling with tour guides can improve the experience of
travelling? ( "%%-2.�" ��I!)
�k�R�**••ffPJ""���-ff�»? (p. 77)

3 Why do people like travelling abroad?

A.1il�1t¼$,k.l:I:: �-fr?

4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of international tourism?

( p. 78)

s Do you think it's important for employees to go on holiday a few times a year?
( .. ��¼·" ��1!)
( p. 78)

1i.-� **
What are the advantages of staying In a hotel ?
{f.J k 1t ¼ ?

1 Why is it important to learn a foreign language ?
/:Jfr¼ • >J ;Hfftl"i"�?

2 Do you think secondary school students should study history?

( "-it%¼�" �;ij-�)
( p. 80)

3 Do you think we can learn history from historical TV dramas?

( "1ti-¼ft" �;ij-}!g)
( p. 81)

1 Do you think public art is important to our lives ? ( "1t%-i.�" �;iy}!g)

,{fi:Jl.:f.iA/:J I.,}-#-- t: ��A1fJftl "i" �? ( p. 81)

2 Do you think children should study art at school ? ( "1�%¼ft" � ;iJ Jig)
�Jl.:f.RJJ��S•�·�•>Jt:�? ( p. 82)

3 What are the things that make a painting look good? ( "¾1t¾" �::if P!)
Jlfri'. il:-7ii���;f;.it�? ( p. 82)

4 Do you think it's important for children to learn to play a musical Instrument ?
( "-lt%i.�" �::ifll!)

( p. 82)

s Why do so many people like taking photos?

/:J ff- ¼ .::trftl l a!J A.-! �.x..ffi. l}?

◊ Why are parks an important part of a city?
7'11t���JU� Wa!J-�1:���?

l What can be done about global warming ?

P[ VA ,1;.#- ,& �½]: ll£_?

2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using clean energy, such as
solar energy and wind energy? ( �J ���.II!)
�mk�ft�Aft•*�ft-��#���? (��)
3 How can we protect the environment?
�111 Pf VA ,1;.#-1i.:tf' �J}t?

◊ Do you think the seasons have less influence on our habits than they did in
the past? ( u�t-i.�" �::it.ll!)
1�� :f.-iA.7'14:11 ��1l1a9 >J •If� �-f.J J;t�-i;-�,J, 7? (p. 86)

I What kind of influence do human activities have on wild animals?

( u¾ft¼." ��;I()
(p. 86)

2 How can we protect wild animals and plants?

� 111 P[ v;J. ,t.#--1*.:tf YI-1. i1J ,tl..ljjJ?

tt fm
► What skills are important to success in the knowledge-based economy?
( "¾1ti." ��ft!)

Independent thinking skills ( �!l!J'z: ,�, � � � �) and problem-solving skills ( lW- ol1:
fcJlM'-i � � ) are very important to success in the knowledge-based economy. Thei
help people develop new ideas on their own. For example, employees who h aw. gtJod
independent thinking skills and problem-solving skills can often find practic, , , .nd
creative solutions ( ttf1J �ffl jjij.§. 1fE1J�if-Jfm.);!!;d}5!) to their tasks. Cornmur ;a. ion
skiUs (51;1 im � �) and teamwork skills ( l2tl �A� fl= t.Ut ) are also very impcr :,r, · to
success in the knowledge-based economy because they help people to work do11ely
together ( -i!':tl ©ii!!� 1�) and achieve their common goal ( � !.W, 1tldf1 s-� # �

independent thinking skills �3L�-�B<Jtt:fru communication skills rtlii!l.ttfl�

problem-sohing skills WHJcloJffia<Jtt: fig teamwork ski! Is lfil llA�f1=:iHJ1?.
develop nm ideas �Jltflr1'!9m� work closely together -��',.;. ,:g�ft
find practical and creative solutions achieve their common goal
�¥11� mffii 11 :{sf �1J� l'.l9fWH;lt11-� �13\\11!!{(] f!(J�li'/J 13 ;j:jj;

�I ideas

computer skills it;Wt!Ltt�

leadership skills ffi�.:1"fm ( �i-t: stl!,i!U!.:t.1'.;:f--iiL leader skills X )

► Why do some people choose to do new things instead of the same old r,:ings?
( � [] ��;lyj_)

* .t;: .I! at of ��:if British Council :tU= (tn fql �#? ( Day 7) , � at ·tldt � tHI e, - J!!c. }I_ 15 llt ,
>fi'•��itl!t;k §M, n� /r<Jim�. w.:r-¾ "*�"
They choose to do new things because they find it more interesting and motivating than
doing the same old things. Doing new things can help them gain new knowledge,
develop new skills and make new friends. For example , some people choose to change
jobs so that they can develop new skills and have new experiences.

interesting and motivating make new friends �i:Rffis<JJlJl:.&

fi"@ mi fl.� }Jru .1J a<J so that . •• iHH,fiiT � · · · · · · . Wi! · ·· ···
gain new knowledge �l&Kiis<J�i,,R have new experiences 1'i"KJi (l{] �}Jj
develop new skills �JiUiis<Jtt�

► Do you think schools should teach children how to manage money?

( "�t-i.. fr" �;If�)

Yes , I think they should because financial education can help children develop their
financial skills ( £ f&. ffu ill 8"l 9J;l- % � fig ) . For instance, they can learn how to
make a budget ( :/ijfj � ffi �) and save money for the future. Financial education in
schools can also help children develop good spending habits ( %Jix. e�Jr8"J 5M1i 3:1 ffl ) .

develop their fmanciaJ skills save money for the future 1'1:J1f*tgj'�
��frnifls<J�*tt� develop good spending habits
make a budget fvfl}:£Ni$): �nt ll!M-s<J 1� � 33 ffl

D- Do you think children should learn to make things by hand? ( "� t- i.�" � ;ly�)
-ft-Jl�iA7'J JL-!kE ii.� >J + ..L',Mft4hJ'a?
Yes, I suppose they should. Leaming to make things by hand can make children more
creative ( it ffu ill � � � � £I] � ) . For example, learning to make pottery ( $1J i1=
�ij z) can encourage imagination and creativity ( �£;!!I,� fJ �£I]� fJ) in children.
Also I learning to make things by hand can improve children's concentration ( � �!ii
ffuiilB'-J►!�fJ) and hand-eye coordination ( -:fHIH�i/!JfjgfJ)

make them more creative iJ:ftBifJ1NU!!fi"f!1Jit

make pottery ffi1Jf'FJ!$Jt;
encourage imagination and creativity ���al.1J;f!J-€1J�fJ
improve children's concentration and hand-eye coordination :l:ttii.JLltt(f)tl:itfJ;fa-¥0&t/J,�tm;IJ

► Whal skills can children learn al school?
JL-!of v:J.,tf. f #..!. f !tl ��.tt�?

reading and writing skills independent thinking skills

iJ;'.%{ifm Ml iL ,�- :ilr !fJ tt fit
maths skills 11 it fi� communication skills 'l1i/ :iffi. tt fi�
foreign language skills 7'/-� it l teamwork skills 01 IR ¾ -ft (Jig tt fi�
computer skills it J{ll,it i problem-solving skills

public speaking skills � � f"1 � (Jig tt fit

J}#i1[ *�it l

► What skills can children learn al home but not at school? ( "¾ 1t-i" � � J81)
They can learn a variety of life skills ( �5!��) at home, which they can't learn at school.
For example, their parents can teach them cooking skills and home-decorating skills.
They can also learn how to repair things at home.

life sldlls � mtt �' i:Ut: native speakers ;;i;;i3i living skills X
cooking skills �w 99 tt�
home-decorating skills �Jil�1$ 89 tt fm
repair things ilHMt i11

► Do you think children should be encouraged to think independently?

( "itt-i.�" ��'8i)

De.finitely. When they become adults, they will not always have people to guide them
( fef�ffHiJ). For example, they will need to decide whe re they want to live, what

careers they want to have and what kind of lifestyle they want to have . H we don't
encourage children to think independently, they will rely on others' ideas ( 1&ffi�1J,A_B{J
Mt5t) and they wi!I be Jess successful when they become adults.

independent thinking skills �:tr.-�;lj-(j(Jifjjl5

guide them :&.!;J,{t/!.{fJ
rely on others' ideas -lt<tii!':f§Jlj,A_l'l(J��
If we don't ... , ... will ... �O*�fil� ...... , ...... ...... (:{:E����'iii"Jfl a<Jm;jfj&
·l']!J 1£ill: fiffitiQ: l'l(J 1iJ :i:\ )

1> What are the differences between the way children learn and the way adults

Children are good at remembering information because they like to copy what they see
and hear ( :tJ {jjfl!!, fil � iiJ ;fa □,Fi' lij W-.l p;J �). For example, primary school pupils are
generally better at remembering historical dates ( ffi.51::�{4-eq B Wl) and learning the
pronunciation ( £iii-) of new words than adult learners . By contrast, adult learners
tend to learn through understanding ( ii t11" ffi!H� � ::5:1 ) • They try to understand
new information before trying to memorise it

copy what they see and hear By contrast, ... � Jl:IJ� Ja.ltHt , ......
m {fj11!!.1n ;i- �J ;f11 Q.Jr i!J a9 p;j � learn through understanding
historical dates JJj5e${4a<J 13 Wl ii!i:1:l�Wn!eJtc >J
pronunciation �ii memorise icfl

1!� ideas
JL1la{J� .33 W,.��1'1: like to learn through interactive activities ( :g.�iiHJ::!f. � a{]

nlt��.3:);lfa{JW,,��1'1: are more likely to think independently ( l!1f"1iJfm�Sl:.:lt

,\!!.�) ;f!l are more likely to think critically (l!�iiJs��hiE:lt.1�,�)

t> Which are more important, academic lessons or art lessons?


I would say academic lessons are more important because they help students develop a
variety of key skills ( �ffl:lifjg) , such as reading and w riting skills, maths skills,
foreign language skills and computer skills. These skills can help students prepare for
employment ( 1Jibl1'. �;t-§). Art lessons are interesting and e njoyable ( �� im .§.
� A 1'" �if-)) , but most students won't need drawing or painting skills when they
enter the job market ( ittA�)fr.$�)

key skills I essential skills �if!tt� prepare for employment jg�il!.11&1!£,?k

reading and writing skills ��tt� interesting and enjoyable
maths skills l'L*�� ��iliHl 4'-.A.1lftr·l'Jca<J
foreign language skills :9H!�� enter the job market :il!'A�i!!.$:l:}J
computer skills it:ll tfl��

► What are the qualities that good teachers have?

:ij-:t, �, J!. oJJJS� -t ,t?

Good teachers know their subject well ( ffiim ffu 11'1 PIT� (t-] l3J. § ) . They are also very
patient ( iliit ,f,, if-) ) and enjoy sharing their knowledge with their students. Another
quality that good teachers have is a good sense of humour ( @I � � ) . They make
learning fun ( i.t $ >.l � � lH!I!) and can keep their students motivated t o learn
( ffllF41:h*�:s:J).

know their subject well ffiilli1!Mn.19r�a<.J# §

patient �jf,C,,{l(J
enjoy sharing their knowledge with their students .!j[��11!!.ff1a<.J��{f1?t$i'!ltR
ba,-e a good sense of humour �!Hfl!IUk�
make learning fun iJ:�>35¾:11J��
moth·ated to learn �lH'i;IJ.h��.33

l:J Ideas
native speakers it���9'1il'l9�ml:1Jit:i:3S'ltiJli!1,Jij5: They encourage their students to
think independently (�WJ��{m.!k.ll.:it!t\tl�).

► How has teaching changed in your country?

�,J/:,tf.1.t.1n � ���#� j: 1t?

In !he past, not many teachers used technology in the classroom. And there were very

few classroom activities that encouraged imagination ( :&: � � tJ ) . Nowadays•
many teachers use technology to improve their teaching ( i& ii!: f& ill {l{J $: $ ) .
For example, these days, teachers often use compu ters and projectors ( it• :tfl
ifD � � iSI. ) to show their students pictures or videos, which makes their lectures
more interesting and enjoyable ( lii" � im .§. � A � � {l{J ) • There are also more
classroom activities that encourage imagination and creativity ( ����TlifOEIJ�tJ )
than there were in the past

improve their teaching i&il!:fi!?.flli'f.J�� interesting and enjoyable

these days, . . . m1. :(£ , · · · · · · ( native �@ffii_§_ � A.t®tk:i'f.J
speakers :(£ i::l m, Ill. fi?. 'M' � these days f1l classroom activities �'.£75291
nowadays 1L��ffl) encourage imagination and creativity
computers and projectors TT�fJUf1lN�{Sl �.;lt;l!l,�jJ fll-€�:itjJ

t> What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving prizes to children who do
well at school?
M;-,{f..*��.J,W,ili �a'-J JL:i:if...�tf.J;Jc•].tj $t:lt.1t ¼?

The main benefit is prizes can make children more motivated ( i.t)L11lill5!!lii"ih tJ)
and help them achieve their potential ( 3t ?t � W tfj 'ft!!. ill (!-g � jJ ) at school. For
example, children who win prizes in maths competitions at school are likely to study
maths even harder in the future. The main drawback is some children may think the
reason for attending school is to win prizes instead of ( mi' :;i::: * ) gaining knowledge
( �l!l1.9'Di.R) and developing useful skills ( � /& lii" ffl (!-g � 1Jg). And children who
don't win prizes may feel that they are not treated fairly ( 59:1'f��J0.iE{l{Jx.f-ffl).

benefit/ advantage %-6lt, :i!�-1-�tE@l�;f!J��l'aJ®iEJ;fiiJt:J.S:��ffl

drawback/ disadvantage ��, 't{iltE@l�;f!J��l'aJ�EJ;f-tl!.i'iJIV-1!:��ffi
make children more motivated il:JL1l!fll£ �qJjJ
achieve their potential 'Jf, ?t .::it� tl:l ftk fll i'fJ m JJ , fl: :ill: potential C M JJ ) ¾ � iiJ 151::
4-!i � ,
are likely to... ��iiJ��f4tlit$
instead of ffii� ¾
gain knowledge �Jlit�i,,q
develop useful skills .::It��ffii'f.Jtt�
not treated fairly �iU�0 .i:Ei'f.J�,J'1(J

► Will the traditional classroom disappear in the future?
-fHit alJ � '.t � �Jl .:§ ½ ,'Af fk.?

It will probably become les s common, but I don't think it will disappear. I think
students will spend more time studying online in the future. For exa mple, many
university lectures will be moved online so that students c an listen to the lectures
anytime and anywhere. On the other hand, studen ts will still need to attend lessons in
a classroom at least a few times a week to interact face to face with ( � · • · • · · Wx1im:ttl!.
3( i1it ) t heir teachers and classmates.

attend lessons 1:W interact face to face with .•. -'=J • ·•••· ffif.x<fffif:ltl!.-3(:iili

► What kinds of jobs do young people like to do in your country?

C "¾1t¼" ��Im)

IT jobs and finance jobs are popula r among young people in my country. These jobs
offer high salaries ( m 1# � 1Jr ) and the demand for them ( x1 £ ill a{] � * ) is
increasing fast. For example, IT engineer s earn high salaries and the demand for them
continues to grow in my country.

IT jobs :;iUft: the demand for them :X;f'(:;{f]B<J\VS*

finance Jobs �MIft earn high salaries ¾'tiWi�
offer high salaries il!{jtitfr

► What are the main things to consider when choosing a job? ( " ¾ft-¼ " �� �)
it#-..r..# et .i.�� ,t� �-t;{f��?

For most people, the main things to con sider when choosing a job are the salary
( llri'i!) , the benefits ( I 11=�;¥11) and whether the job matches their interests ( f4.g­
f!B10{t'H�ll). For example, most people con sider it very importa nt to earn a salary that

allows them to live comfortably. Other things that many people also consider when
choosing a job include the working hours ( I it:H1 fsl) , the location of the workplace
( I 11::t:IE.,� ) and training opportunities ( �iJIJ ffi. �) .

the salary tJrM the working hours I fl=f!;j"fii]

the benefits Itl=:ml.f!J the location of the workplace If!=:lt!!..�
matches their interests r,)'�f1Bfl1B9�� training opportunities t�iJllfJ!. �

t> Which is better, staying in the same job for a long time or changing jobs every
few years?

have more opportunities for promotion develop new skills

<*••�-i�{i/JA) �Ll{i/J*��• :11..J&..# (1/J ,tt_ tit
are more valued by their employers make new friends
L �Ai.i. eiJ "i";it �iY-# ei} JIJlh:.
have stronger relationships with their avoid falling into a routine
colleagues ..!§ � *1flzfeJ eiJ I: J. L � � iii 5t � A W: JI.. {1/J El 't •ft -IJ,J ili 'f

have more stability in their lives 1 challenging and exciting

�LI {ilJ .i. ;;t-;f!,t..ti �.t.U\mJI.4-A.��{i/J

1> What are the differences between older employees and young employees?
( ;i,Hl'.,��JI!)

more patient and detail-oriented more energetic and ambitious

L.!it ,c. m JI. I: ii.� "r jz_�;;t- jJ ;f,,,tfoJ

more loyal to their employer have more creative ideas

have more professional experience and are more open-minded and willing to
life experience I accept new ideas
I ��L��mJI.��4�#(1/J�*
■W ...,.Oct I

► Do you think women should be able to do all the same jobs that men do?
"1,T-�¾�" ��;!/!)

I think women should be able to do most of the jobs that men do. People should be
employed according to their abilities ( fflt@fig::tJ) rather than their ge nder ( 1i:t.l1J).
Therefore, women should have equaJ job opportunities ( � S/Z- � s{J � � tfl � ) as
men in the knowledge-based economy ( 9;0i5l_g�). On the other hand, it's true that
some jobs still require great physical strength ( � � 1& �!ii s{J '(;$: jJ ) , such as
construction workers ( jlmI A) and firefighters ( Wl �JJ � ) . These jobs tend to be
more challenging for women than for men.

acconllng to their abilities m�t:m.:/J require great physical strength

gender t'U� m'�1!Bfila(J,f;t..:IJ
have equal job opportunities construction workers �$tIA.
:fi.ljl-�l'.19g.i'..IJ!t1lft firefightersm llti!ft
the knowledge-based economy :3l]i,flf£ i1f more challenging ]!!1'sf�Ui�B9

► Do you think working from home will be more common in the future?

Yes, I think it will be more common because the Internet will become faster and more
reliable ( J!#!ifii.§.Jl!aJit} in the future, and there wil l be more apps that can help
people work efficiently ( ]!�S&j:jp,I11=) from home. Another reason is that I think in
the future, there will be more people who care about the environment ( � ,t,, If� } . '"

As a result, more employers will allow their employees to work from home to help
reduce pollution from traffic.

raster and more rellable J!tJcmL§..J!ilT� As a result, .•. lz;ltlt, ··· ···
apps �fflffl1¥ reduce pollution from traffic
work efficiently .J!jgj�.ll!/,I ft= �d->?x:im.75�
care about the environment �•C.•J.FJ.ji

> What are some problems that might be caused by using the Internet?

The main problem is our personal information ( 1' A IB ,�, } may be stolen when our
mobile phones or computers are connected to the Internet. For example, some hackers
( �."g} use malware ( ��$5::#} to steal personal information from mobile phones
and computers. Another problem is people tend to develop an inactive lifestyle ( �/lx
� Y ili 7ilJ 1¥-J 1:. ft "Ji� ) .i!_ they spend too much time on social media ( t± 3z �tit;;} or
online games ( [xx] � � x:lt } .

personal information 1-..A. f� ,@, malware ���f4

hackers �� social media U5i:::/Ck-l;t.
develop an inactive lifestyle online games � !! r.61 �
% Jilt lliRY� igj (l(J 1: m1.f �

J!� ideas

Some people rely too much on the Internet. 1-f �Ai±� :!il!.1&.� f#J � o

It reduces face-to-face interaction. E..* f#J �j;- ii zj- mi e(J X v1i. o

Many people prefer to make friends in a virtual world.

They tend to feel lonely and isolated in real life.

The Internet is an important source of information.
§._ [#j .¾ i: � � � .�, * jj, 0

It helps us find information quickly. t f JJ/J � 1fJ tk: it :!t\i. ft iU ft ,�, o

We can use social media to keep in touch with family and friends.

We can listen to music, get news and share photos and videos online.
�1fl � ��� J:. '9f-f ffi, �J{.\tff fill# 1l ¾ � JffUt ;f!i�#i o

► Which do you think are better, emails or hand-written letters?

It depends on the situation. Emails are usually better because t hey are free and they
arrive immediately ( 'iI.. �) �) � ) . But I suppose hand-written letters are better
when we want to express love or appreciation ( ;&��§.lt��iM:) because hand­
written letters feel more personal ( ]I! 1' A 1-t ) than emails. For exa mple, a
hand-written thank-you letter ( -:f � aq � W 1§ ) is a better way to express
appreciation than an email.

arrive immediately :U:�Jj]J� more personal :ii! 1' A ft(l(J

express love or appreciation hand-written thank-you letter
�.i5���!!liil ¥'.!sil'i9�imf�

* � � � *-i+½:kn
► How will the Internet develop in the future? (M�;!tJ!t#t�:,IWi.)
.!. i'of £/l.?

I think the Internet will become faster and more reliable ( � � im _§_ � aJ � ) in the
future. This means that sharing information ( 5t � 1§ ,�, ) on the Internet will be
easier and more efficient ( � 1.1□ � 5& ) . I a lso think free Wi-Fi { � flt aq 5'f; � iXX.l � )
will be more common. For example, there will probably be many cities offering
city-wide free Wi-Fi in the future.

faster and more reliable free Wi-Fi 1R,J1U1<J :;Jc���

J!tk imllJ!'iif 3 as city-wide free Wi-Fi
sharing information 7t$,m,@. � rlnil iE i,;i a<i1R. Wt :x� � �
more efficient J!1m��

► What are the advantages of working from home?
,{i. � .i&tI J:. J;I e(i #��,ff i'- ?

enjoy more freedom ( .Bi. .I.) � ;fi' � j � El IE

have more flexible schedules ;(if� Jl r.5" tJI<; ll,J- fl'J � j,j�

more likely to keep a work-life balance


save money on transport '15" � � :ii! ¥if

develop a more eco-friendly lifestyle � � � lf � tJI<; � r.5" -jf �

don't need expensive business clothes ;r-m, � 2p j/t- tr<; jl}j �Jllt.

t> Some universities offer their courses on the Internet so that students can study
online. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? ntl���!lii.)
-*k•��m�--���,±m��,ti.-,� o �#*���#
JUt i'-?

The main advantage is students can study in a more flexible way ( ffl ]I!� j;s l¥l hit�
3:1 ) . In other words, they can study whenever and wherever they want to. For
example, they can listen to a lecture while enjoying coffee at Starbucks if they want to.
Another benefit is it can help to reduce the cost of receiving higher education. On the
other hand, online education reduces face-to-face interaction ( ;��'!ID � !ID l¥l � � )
between professors and their students. And people who study at home or in a cafe may
find it difficult to concentrate ( �i1J���/J�cf:ij1�:h).

benefit / advantage -J!Ht

study in a more flexible way Jlfl!!�fflil9:1J:i:l::�33
reduce the cost of receiving higher education �j;-�5f:j\ilj��Jfil9�.ffl
reduce face-to-face interaction /.!Jt'.J,'ilifMimi193cvlt
find it difficult to concentrate ffi\<;¥JJ�t:J.�i:ptt�f.1
In other words, ..• �1iJ-l.siJI., ��Z ( ln other words, ... ffi This means •.• �:!HE Part 3
Jl!:fif8j !)i�ii£11\' .ffiil(J',;J:i:I:;)

► Do you think technology such as computers and the Internet will replace teachers
in the classroom? ( I&. �At* � ;;1j- JI!)

make lessons more interesting and enjoyable

il�il t4i i7"i" ¾!! tm 114-ki '!;le

help students find information quickly
i tlc:it �� Jlj it J:,

Teachers can provide well-structured lessons.

�HPJ I;,( � {)Ht � Jc :M� ½ II ti9 � if o
Teachers can help students develop good learning habits.
Teachers can help st udents correct their mistakes.
ft � iiJ 1;H1J WJ 1 i ilk iE 1t 1t'J a(J flt iJ. o
Teachers can help students develop their communication skills and teamwork

skills through group activities, such as group discussions and group presentations.
� :ii =it fU-;i ffi IR ¾ it =it Ii� o

=f tJl
► Do you think it's impolite to use mobile phones in public places?
< "�X��,. ��JI!)

It depends oo what kind of public place we are in. It's impolite to use mobile phones in
a public place where we are expected to be quiet. For example, it's impolite to use
mobile phones in the cinema, library or classroom. On the other hand, I suppose it's

okay to use mobile phones in public places that are noisy and busy , such as shopping
centers or supermarkets, if we don't mind others hearing what we say.

J!� ideas
Making phone calls in public places may cause distractions for others.
���-MIT�ffi�R��A%d�m o
1>- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones?
( ltl����)

keep in touch with family and friends cause distractions for others
�ft.� 1111i#*,f,. (.(f.�A¼¾h��) ��AM���
surf the Internet / browse the Internet
cause health problems
(�m+•{liJat��*) �--·A•
find information quickly
·�it.JI!!.� f1J 1t .t
rely too much on their mobile phones
check emails Jim�#
�Ji..Jt-!idJQ#..111 l!IJ +•
listen to music and watch videos

reduce face-to-face interaction

chat on social media .(f.:f.!3t.:/!t#.J:.Mi'�

socialise and make new friends{liJJIJ!� Some people use their mobile phones while

get help quickly in an emergency driving, which is dangerous.

:i!. f1J � .t. ·tt ;Jt {liJ at� il!,.,t. iHl � .11/J �*Aff4ath+•. �4-L�o

► How do you think mobile phones will change in the future?

1:r- i.A. Ji -t ;f:JL t.. �� ½ -� .t-f & .'t ?
I suppose mobile phones will be lighter, thinner and easier to carry around in the
future. And mobile phone apps will become more efficient and more reliable ( ]I!�
5&: mi .EL ]I! oJ � ) than they are now. I also think the competition among mobile phone

manufacturers ( -f-f}l� f" � 11'1 z. fa] t'f.J � �) will make mobile phones more affordable
( ift��,g-� t'f.J) than they are now.

lighter, thinner and easier to carry around .£�, jiJiJffii_§_.£��m1!r

more efficient and more reliable J!iWi�ffii..§..£iiJtf;
the competition among mobile phone manufacturers ¥-tJL�f"illf{i'Jz.fii] EJ(J�$
more affordable fft�. -@-J.!l!(l(J, fft�}!$�;i{(t§EJ(J
manufacturers �f'ifli

► Do you think children should spend more time playing outdoor games?
( "{ff%1.-�" ���)

Yes, l think they should. Children walk, run or jump while playing outdoor games.
This can help them develop an active lifestyle ( % /lX �'if;� iif.J B{] � j31f � ) . What's
more , children who often play outdoor games tend to sleep better at night.

What's more. ... mi.§., •·····

develop an active lifestyle �ht§'litjg7:j/J(l(J�f.sjn't

J!j ideas
JUUir.ft 5-1- iJfJ x.Ji; l¥J M � :i:I � enjoy the sun and fresh air ( � � �l:l 1c ifll WT ftf. B9
��), boost the immune system ( m:j\1lj�{;f.B<J�A5Et!Lfi�) �

► What are the benefits of playing indoor games for children?

1: � i#�� JL-t{i-J:kHtk ft :i-?

Some indoor games can make children more intelligent ( i.t) L � '.ll'.' � ]e: It�, B)l ) . For
example, playing chess can help them improve memory and concentration ( � 33\ ii:
tZ.7J.�:i1�J.J). Other indoor games, such as table tennis and video games, are fun
and relaxing.

make children more intelligent itJLJBNi:ll!JIMJj
improve memory and concentration !tBUc.tZ..t., �tl:;l:.t.,

► What are the benefits and drawbacks of playing video games for children?

Playing video games can help children develop a variety of skills.

'f?1J:ltD :
develop their problem-solving skills �/l-fi!!. 1fJ f@Pk: 1'"1 JlJi attt Ii�
improve their teamwork skills !t1 s! -fi!!.1fl at @ 1R -ft- ittt Ii�
boost their hand-eye coordination !I¾.� 'H!!.1fl at 4 Ej DR llf � t!iJ. if.] �� jJ

Another benefit is playing video games online can help children make more friends.
}J -1-frf*¾tE � �••� �- � JL.3t1R� atM Y...

Many video games promote violence. {R $ • • � th £ jJ 0

Children like to copy what they see in the video games.

As a result, some of them become aggressive and violent.
��. ���-���*��wn••n.
Spending too much time playing video games can damage their eyesight.

( 1l�oJ�itt� 144, 174 -176 m:

�¥JJ:�$�,: JL�Jmx.UD � r�xlti.%!Mi�±t!!.:��i,�)

► What are the advantages and disadvantages of using robots?
ft ft) :fJL � Jdf.J ;ti] #o ,l fr :i. ?

The main advantage is we can use them to boost efficiency ( :m � � $ ) . For

example, in many car factories, robots are much more efficient than human workers.
Another benefit is robots make fewer mistakes ( ]e: :1>�eAti�) than humans, so work
that is done by robots is more reliable ( £ 1J0 oJ ® ) . The main drawback is many
human workers will be replaced by robots and lose their jobs. Another disadvantage is
we may rely too much on ( i1 ff. tt!!. '/;& ffi. ) robots. Artificial intelligence may even
become so advanced ( 1cit!:e{J) in the future that robots may become self-aware ( �
�JHf El tt �iR) and humans may lose control of them.

boost efficiency mi\li�$ rely too much on ... i:J:Jj:-f&�"f ······

more efficient J:illi�� advanced Jtit:!: (J(J
make fewer mistakes }!j;'.fil�� artificial intelligence/ AI .AI'!§'�jg
more reliable J:.t.JuiiJ�(l(J become self-aware �qijJ!_.;;(,f El l!t1i:tR
be replaced by . . . it · · .. · · {tff lose control of... ��M ...... (J(J1£1fltj
lose their jobs ;lc¼{IBfil � IfF

I:� ideas
Robots can help to make life more convenient and comfortable.
f/1.� .A.lf Wl "f i..t 1:. m � 1lH! b□ 1r-iie � � 0 ( ffftJ :tm : f3 :ii!! tJL � J\. floor cleaning
robots, ��Mf'B9mff.A. window-cleaning robots)

They can be used to perform dangerous tasks, such as deep sea mining and removing
bombs. 'tff1ilJ!l,(�JfH�tMim:�1'.19-ff�, ffftJ�of5iUfiJ��;f[]��W�f o

t- Why do some people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally-produced

The main reason is the film industry ( ��.ii:'.. ) in some foreign countries, such as
America, has huge budgets ( e e{] m � :t� A ) for the special effects ( tic x!l_ ) in
their films. For example, some Hollywood films cost several hundred million dollars to
produce. Another reason is that many foreign films have international stars in them.
These international stars can help the foreign films attract viewers ( □R I l!Jil, A ) ands
media attention ( l/¥��5i).

film industry ��� attract viewers � 51 !Utik

huge budgets e*e<JWf�NA media attention �-1;$.�tt
special effects ��

1> What are the differences between watching a film in the cinema and watching a
film at home?

A cinema screen is much larger than a TV screen and the sound quality ( � ffi. ) in
the cinema is better. It also feels special to share the experience ( ?t � � f!ti � �)
of watching a film with many other viewers. On the other hand, it's cheaper and
more convenient ( £ :n�) to watch a film at home. And watching a film at home is
more comfortable for people who don't like sitting in a crowded place ( ffilffie{]±tl1.:n).

cinema screen it!.�llltH!/J97C»f;m;

sound quality irl.lli:
feel special �'.!lt�ls!�§JU
share the experience with ... � · ·· ··· -j§:$}:$.�;fi!i�JJj
cheaper and more convenient £-fll!'.§'£1ftil!
a crowded place -1-�tff e<J:!t!!jJ

J!J ideas
It's easier to concentrate on the film in the cinema. ( tE it!. m 1!1£ El!]!?&�� 9" � jJ
The special effects look more spectacular on a cinema screen. ( f.f�tEEl=!.�1!1£89,ijf;fi
_t;i)Bl;!n!ft� o )

► As home theater technology improves , do you think cinemas will disappear in the

No, I don't think cinemas will disappear in the future. Watching a film, such as an
action film ( M{t�) or a sci-fi ftlm ( t4� )=\") , on a huge cinema screen will always
feel more special than on a small screen at home. And cinema technology , like
IMAX, is also improving fast. It'll help cinemas continue to attract viewers ( IJ& s I ll.!,il.
A ) in the future.

action mm i;/JfF Jt attract viewers I!& 51 ��

scl-6 film fl� Jt IMAX e ffil�::kflf �
feel more special l@jj;J!��

► What kind of influence do TV shows have on children?

it ;it "it W ,tj" JL -.t � ,i, # {r-J *-ft vf.J ?

Some TV shows are very educational ( � 9;ll i.R•l1 B'-.1 ) . For example , the TV shows on
National Geographic and Discovery Channel help children gain knowledge ( �J'il!.9;1Ji,,R)
about science, technology , history and many other fields. On the other hand, there are
many TV shows that contain violent images ( �ff� ;tJ (t.J @i mi ). These TV shows
make children aggressive and violent ( � J� m '11 rfij ..§. f!Hl jJ ) because children tend
to copy what they see on TV ( �fjjflftifH±�:eil....t�ilJa{Jr-J�).

educational 1f �i.R tt a<.J

gain knowledge about ... �Jlit;1c'f · ·· ·· · 1¥J�iR
contain violent images *ffll.e:fJ i'.!9iiiiiffii
aggressive and violent fl°:r$Cmttmi.fHIHi:fJ i'l<J
copy what they see on TV ffi{jjf-t!!fn:t£rti.t!.i'.J:�f1Ja9��

► Do you think people watch less television nowadays than they did in the past?
( "11f�i!k" ���)

Definitely. Online streaming is cheaper and more convenient than TV these days.
For example, most of my friends used to watch TV for at least an hour every night. But
now many of them watch films, videos or drama series on their computers rather than
on television.

online streaming :(:E � " vfi::l!Jll;,flt,:" drama series *7tl®J

cheaper and more convenient rather than ... ifri:;f� ······
£ -@I 1i'. Tm .El£ ::tf -@I used to... �lllJ�t2fl!tltt�

t> What kinds of live performances are popular in your country?

C "¾1ti" ��:N.i[)

Live concerts ( IJil.¼ '!§- * * ) are very popular in my country, especially among young
people. For example, some pop stars can attract ( DR I ) thousands of young fans to
their live concerts. Many people also enjoy live " crosstalk" , which fs a form of
Chinese stand-up comedy.

live /laiv/ concert m!:1:�'lif jf-�

live .. crosstalk.. m!:!$,;j:Jcj,a*�• $� native speakers ;Jf:;f:11!UW crosstalk i¥H!H9fl$ SI.., @ijl
{tBff]fl!¥� which is a form of Chinese stand-up comedy {tBfil.:stttl;MDJrtrfiT, �:(:E�:!$,J!.-iil:{Ull
attract �51

1:> Do you think newspapers are important to us?

-ft-Jl ::§-i)..:h tllj��� ffJ-1/l Y�?

Yes, they are important because they're a good source of information ( � 311 sg@ -�­
*;ml). For example, they give us information about technology, finance, entertainment
and many other fields. And articles in newspapers tend to have more details ( �� �

�¥llli5') than news articles on the lntemet.

a good source of information 11Uf/!9m.l*lW- have more details 1'f£$B��ll

► Do you think newspapers will disappear in the future?

ii,l-1;iJ,.jlJ,tll�4-J&-;/lf-½� fe..?

I suppose fewer people will read newspapers in the future because most people will
prefer to get the latest news from the Internet for free. But I don't think newspapers
will disappear completely. There will still be people who like reading newspapers while
enjoying their coffee or tea.

► Where do people get news in your country?

Many people get news from news websites ( ffi lifl fxxl M ) because they offer the latest
news ( �JH!l·:nV.lBil't-Jffiflil) and they are quite reliable ( oJ�s{J). Some people also
get news from sociaJ media ( tfxji¥�). Others, especially elderly people, tend to
get news from newspapers.

news websites fjrllil �M reliable nJ��

offer the latest news !!t�:lll:�llta<JAAllfJ social media U�:!tlt�

► What are the benefits of parents reading books to their children? ( ;ftl � � :i!f �)
�* jlJ .Jt-t J/JJ � 4Hi lrHHl::il tH� ?

The main benefit is that it can increase their children•s vocabulary ( �:/JDffl:-=f s{J iBl 5[
•) . For example, reading books about space to their children can help their children
learn new words such as planet and satellite ( fi £fll .I!.£) . Another advantage is it
can build family bonds ( � i1! * � ) and improve communication ( � lt!: 3(' Dit )
between parents and their children. It's also a good way to improve cbildren•s

concentration ( ��!Ht =f-�>!�7.l).

increase their children's vocabulary l:fttO�T(l(JiRJt[il:

planet and satellite fi /:iHll.E£
build family bonds :l:t�UdJ
improve communication !\¥/ill:3cvff.
improve children's concentration !\¥/�!ii�T1¥.Jtl:�j)

r> Do you think e-books will completely replace printed books in the future?

are easier to carry around prefer to hold a real book in their hands
( ��A.) £.t.,.t+.tlt-4e/J�'!t

find information quickly enjoy turning the pages

·tic it.;ik..:I\ j� 1-t .t %,Htilill4Hi!J(J1f-�

are more eco-friendly can take notes comfortably

of �;1. �All.lti!,f!i Jf. -ic.

help to save trees are less likely to cause eye strain

�.ll/J-t�:ft'#.t. UP Jp•J{i/J �) ;r- :.k.�!HI ,tg,_O!llfA-:/.l9}

► What is the role of parents in their children's development? ( " ¾ 1t ¼ " ��;I!)

teach their children good behaviour 4't � -=f i JiJ- fY'J TT jg

teach them the difference between right and wrong $: 1t!!, 1f] 7J'- ¥If¾. �f

help them develop their life skills � JJ}J-(tl!. 1f] it./&. i :;f; tt Ii�
( native speakers :f i! living skills X )

share their life experience with their children

give them advice and emotional support

��-t���-miJ:.� :l#

► How have relationships between parents and children changed in your country?
( ,tj- H:,���)

In the past, many parents had meals and played sports with their children. Many of
them also helped their children with homework. Nowadays, most parents have busy
careers ( 1f1t7i�Hf-J$.it), so they spend much less time with their children. And part
of their time together is spent silently surfing the Internet, chatting on social media
( tftl3Hl�_tijp�) or playing video games.

have busy careers -fftt ��$Mt_

chatting on social media tEU3'.c�{;t..J:ijJl'fe.

► Why do many people have children later in life these days?

�-Ii ;lJ 1t � w.. $� -t?

Many young people have busy careers and stressful lifestyles.

Raising children is more expensive than in the past.
iti�-r�Jf t Jt:i±i- J!iffi o

► Do you think there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?

( "1$�¼�" ��;11!)
·��R;li ••A.�1-��··��a�������-�?

Definitely. Young adults who live with their parents tend to rely too much on ( is!:�
±1!!.'f&�) their parents. For example, most of them don't cook for themselves or help
with the housework, which is unfair to their parents. I would say after young adults
find their first job , usually at around 22 years of age, they should live on their own
and stop living with their parents.

rely too much on .".. :u=f{t{ffi-f' ······ help with the housework il'/'ltM**
cook for themselves El e,f�� is unfair to ... X;f-f' ····· · H,:;i-03f!-�

► How has the size of the average family changed in your country? ( n It� :;Jy ft!)
The size of the average family has become smaller in my country. In the past, most
families in my country were large extended families. These days, small nuclear
families are very common in my country, especially in cities.

extended family $f-t.A..-®�m�::k*�

t> What are the advantages and disadvantages of living alone?

�!R m .1. i� fr-] 'f'l Ej � ;ut ¼ ?
People who live alone enjoy more freedom ( � � � � � § El3 ) and more privacy
( � � � �-fl). They also tend to be more independent ( �11□�2.IL) and have better
life skills ( 'et i-!nHJE) . For instance, young people who live alone tend to be better at
cooking and repairing things than those who live with their parents. The main
disadvantage is that people who live alone are more likely to feel lonely and isolated
( �¥HJR�ifo11!.\.ft). And it's more difficult for them to get help when they need it.

enjoy more freedom $:1fll!$� El EE more independent 51!:/JO!!R:\t

more privacy 51!$��.fL. are more likely to ]l!�ilJflli�
life skills ':tm:Jiflli, ii�: :lt!!il!J€X.lll. feel lonely and isolated �f!Jllll!t.fOlllU'l.
:;i--m living skills 'f.

► Do you think men and women should share the housework equally?
( "1r-:t1.ft" �;lf�)

Defi nitely. These days, most women work full-time ( � IIR I 11:: ) just l ike men , �
it's fair that men and women share the housework equally. And couples who share the
housework equally are more likely to have a happy marriage ( � � � e{J � "I@ )
because they respect and care about each other ( * 'L' � h) .
work full-time 1:l!.HI ft a happy marriage $Wia<J�1Hij
are more likely to l!i'iJ/lli� care about each other *,C..<x;J';J

► Do you think that women are more emotional than men? ( "1t � -i % " ��JI!)
it-Jl �iA � -k,Ji tt 11 •ri£Jh.t1t?
I would say in general ( }ii:, 1;$;* t�) , women are more emotional. For example, sad
scenes in films or in TV drama series are more likely to ( � oJ fig � ) make female
viewers cry. On the other hand, I'm sure there are exceptions to this ( �1'�.ll1.W'fillf

In general .�tt,*i.l?. are more likely to ... !!i:iJ�� • .... ·

sad scenes ;!,\;m(l(J:lffeij!l; there are exceptions to this JK 1-�..'l\�-t:11f-J {9tl;,I--
TV drama series �1!UUtl�J

► Who do you think should be responsible for caring for elderly people?
( "ff-� -i'ffi"" ���)

I think both governments and their adult children ( � .$. B{] =f -f;l: ) s hould be
responsible for caring for elderly people. Elderly people paid taxes ( tt/i m) to
governments when they were working. Therefore, governments should provide elderly
people with state pensions ( ii.& Jf.f � ¾- �) and the health care ( � fi ) that they
need. Adult children should also care for their parents because they have a moral
responsibility (����if) to do that.

adult children Jilt��T:R° health care �;17
paid taxes �& have a moral responsibility :�filtt'!!ifttE
state pensions �}&���

i.> What are the problems caused by population ageing?

A. o :t-�1t.-llt-�#J 1"1��1tz.?

The main problem is it causes labour shortages ( � � * 1qJ fJ � � ) . For example,

more than 20 % of Japan's population is over 65 years old, which has led to serious
labour shortages in the country. Another problem is population ageing increases the
burden on taxpayers ( � 1:m �IJJ ffi. J.... B{] ff.! :@ ) because it puts pressure on the
healthcare system ( � :l:m � ff f.;f;: * B{] ff fJ ) .
causes labour shortages ���z;/J}Jmtlilt
increases the burden on taxpayers iit/J□�&J....�ffttf!
puts pressure on the healthcare system �:/JD�ff�*a{Jffi}J

save money for retirement ( -t J....) }J i!Ht;. ��,If�

raise the retirement age ( ifk J{f) � i% 5t Jt :ii!. 'it 1F-#

encourage immigration ( "ff.k Jff ) tt. Im ,'A-111!, 00 * � J.... r,;J .;Js;. 00 � �

M ti
� Why is friendship important?
:h 1t z.-&. i}t.ffl. Y �?

It's important because friends are people who we like to share experiences with ( -�
?t��/JJ). For example, most people enjoy hanging out with their friends, in a

cafe, in a park or at home. And these days, many people like to share photos and
videos ( 71'¥.��f(J��) with theirfriends on social media. Without ( il(H'.il::i'§&.tr-J
�;52) friends, life would be quite dull and boring ( f6"� z � a{] ) .
share experiences with... ffl ...... -itii:St-$?&/.n
bang out f;t;:Cij, l'&fl, it�: tEit!!iUUC.!Et, hang out #-:::f-J€�tE�H, hang out at
home, hang out in a cafe -te.�;lf9i:OO�l%.fil(l(]'/jt J:!Hiit·
share photos and videos :W$:!!lUHllt!l\ffi
dull and boring :ti!i:bl.z!J:/1/j(_J
Without ....... would... �n*&� ...... , ...... �� ...... ( Part 3 Jfffl&'!wl1C.:it!:1'rf!Jj/i'i[J'.l(J

► What are important qualities for friends to have?

Jl!U.. i-L ii Jt. � {f.; -t -!--t ,$ �"}JJi �?

In my opinion, the most important quality for friends to have is honesty ( iJoc � )
because we can't trust ( 1§ ff ) people who t ell lies. A good sense of humour
( � � � ) is also an important quality for friends to have. Friends with a good sense of
humour can help us develop a positive outlook on life.

bonesty �� develop a positive outlook on life

trust -mff
a good sense of humour l!f!I��

► ls it possible to make friends with people who we have never met in person?
"1t;ti.�" �df,R.lf)

I would say it's possible. I've heard about pen pals who'd never met in person but could
still communi01te well with each other by mail. And these days, it's very easy to make
friends with people from other cities or even from other countries and keep in touch with
them on social media. A good example is Facebook, which helps its users make friends
and share photos and videos with people who they've never met in person.

pen pals �� keep In touch with ... f!l • • .. · · -fliHt<� w.;
communicate well with each other social media i±3'c1!1M..f.
{&'.Jlt� mrnHIHff· share photos and videos -5t$:J!lUrfllt!il./ijj

1> In your opinion, what is success?

,tf.1t ;t ;f;. , 1t � �A-1/J ?

Personally, I think success can be anything that a person achieves through effort
( im. i:I � .7J *�I�) . It can be something very simple, like cooking a nice meal for
our family or friends. On the other hand, it can also be something that takes a long
time to achieve , such as achieving our career goals ( � I.!Hx 11'1 e-(J $ il'.. § f,f- ) .

achieve through effort im:u�h*��

achieve our career goals ���1rJ!'.!9�ill'.§tf-

t> Do you think that successful people are always happy people?
( "1t-t-¼�" �;it�)

It's true that many successful people have fame and wealth ( ffll:f:i� �;¥1l!ilt�) , but I
don't think they are always happy people because many of them have stressful lifestyles.
For example, some successful business people work 70 to 80 hours a week and
suffer from stress and anxiety ( '.5'l: lli .7J ;¥8 � @ 12§ tt ) . Another problem that many
successful people have is they find it hard to keep a work-family balance. Many of them
need to travel on business regularly and can't spend enough time with their family.

have fame and wealth :tffl�1';1/HOVJ::ftf

stressful lifestyles ff.jJ ��:;le 89� f.li1f:i\:, "Slf./Jj L1J j;_" 89� f.s1f :i\:
suffer from stress and anxiety �¥1Jlli.JJ:f1l���l11HJt
find it hard to ... onHi;j;j;J) �JIHl,!xfe�14t�HJ
keep a work-family balance t!i!:f#Ifl=.!:i*.ll!Z.lal!'.19-¥.ffii
travel on business regularly �'/jt :±l �

► Why do many people want to become famous?
;li,tt- z.�ll§ A�� di�?
I suppose they want to become famous because that would give them a strong sense of

achievement ( �ffi!1f1 � 5� i¥J PX m'. � ) . Becoming famous would also mean that they
would be able to socialise and make friends with ( :r-± X ..El /5x 7'.J Jl)l 1ii.. ) other
celebrities, which would be fun and exciting. Another reason why many people want to
become famous is that it's usually quite easy for celebrities to earn money ( �ii) . For
�. celebrities can-make a Jot of money by endorsing products ( t\:§ f'-£).

give them a strong sense of achievement fun and exciting �@iffi.§.�.A.�119

l'ftft!lfWJH!i\a(J��� earn money 1'-�
socialise and make friends with endorse products f-t�F.11

► How can famous athletes be good role models for children?

I suppose they need to behave in the right way ( * .1t � 3 ) because many children
admire them and like to copy what they do ( � iJJ ftldf1 /tJ rr 7'.J ) . For instance , they
should show respect to other athletes and avoid using bad language. Famous athletes
who earn a lot of money should also contribute to charity ( tJ rl �*it 1$: � � ) .
And they should have healthy lifestyles and encourage children to develop healthy
lifestyles as well.

good role models �(l(J,mfli

behave in the right way * .t!Ji �
copy what they do m1n{t\J.{f] �fij;J
avoid using bad language
For instance ..•. I For example ....
i.!p;q-t--¾iJ ffi! �J! native speakers
* 191] Rt a<J
contribute to charity j;J��;,J.ft{�fn�
encourage children to develop healthy lifestyles
show respect to other athletes �JiJ/JJL1!1'l1�nltti!*�:'.Et.s1i�
�lJ.e.lflx.tJ:tf!Eili� in (j{Jt:jl[

► Do you think that sports stars earn too much money?

it.� :f;-i)..;l} #.1f aJl £ 1fJ friJ i/tAii �?

I think it's fair that they earn a lot of money. Their very high incomes are the result of

their popularity ( 1fu 111 B'9 5¥: }� i9! � g_ ) among sports fans. For example, in my
country, the sports industry ( -(;$:jll ,a- jr) is huge and there are millions of sports fans
who are willing to ( ��) pay to see their favourite sports stars play in person.

their very high incomes are willing to ... m.• ......

ft!!.ff1 ¥ii!'�� !&.A see their favourite sports stars play in

are the result of... �EH ...... ffl'*(!{J person *DlUHIJft!i.fflli'fg �(!{]pt,;� flJl £
their popularity among sports fans ff]��, see ... in person B� � ,\!.l.;!i1, Di
ft!!,fll t1:-lit,;� � � 9' 89 � �i!lrnUl: ;(,H)J;!jt .A"
the sports industry -lit,;�r" -Uk

I think sports stars are paid too much money. They earn much more than people who
provide vital services ( mi#���� s{J �� �) to others. For example, doctors and
nurses contribute more to society ( xsft±�f.lxtf:l��ag��) but earn much less than
sports stars.

provide vital services m�£�11!�898��

contribute more to society Mt±�fi\'{tf:l]!!�(!{J:9iffi):

£> Is it better to get advice from our parents or from our friends?

It depends on what kind of advice we need. It's better to get advice about things like
ou r lifestyle, education choices and career choices from our parents. They have more
life experience ( fi'� � B'9 A� t} �) than our friends and can help us avoid many
mistakes ( l@� 1� � ffi ij) . On the other hand, when we need advice about things
like shopping or entertainment, we should probably talk to our friends because they
know our interests better ( � 7 mtt{il s{J ��) than our parents.

our lifestyle. education choices and career clloices �fna{J1:n!f;f:i:\:, ittFf:l2i;�;fillUbJ1'.:iz\;:fi<
bave more life e�-perience ;fj°£$a{J.A.1:.��
avoid many mistakes iG�-W$ffl�
know our in terests better £TM�fll���

I think it's better to get advice from our parents because they have more life experience
{ �J!�i¥-J.A.�Ui�). This means that they can help us avoid many mistakes ( i!li�
-iR i ��). Friends can offer us a lot of support, but their advice is usually not as
helpful as advice from our parents.

► What are the advantages of discussing our problems with other people?
( tu � � "'t � )

The main advantage is that others can give us advice ( � � fll � i:X. ) about how to
solve the problems. For example, our parents have more life experience ( � J! � s{J
,A_1:_g�) than us and they can often give us sound advice ( �fJIUf-J}tiSI.) about how
to solve our problems. Another advantage is that we can get understanding and
support ( l,! fm � � M" ) from others, which can make us more confident about
solving the problems. Sometimes the people who we discuss our problems with also
offer to join us in solving the problems.

give us advice 48�fmti5l

have more life experience ;fj"J!$89 A1:.f'£�
soll!ld advice i!-t-Ji!!.:ii�i!��-'[l.;;FJ! "tll%1fa{J}ti.5(", ffii;IJ!: "-frJll!a{JilhJl., 1'�1¥J:iti,Sl"
understanding and support .l:!11.M�.1[*
make us more confident il:�fn]!!�ffl',C.,

► Why is it important to make plans? ( JJr- Ii§ � "'t �)

jlJ 1t z. 1tHt �'Ull 1: -t-?

Plans make us more focused and efficient ( � /Jo -t 1i im lL i!li �) .

Plans also heJp us avoid mistakes ( 1',/1 .ll}J � ff] il! $e, #r � ) .

Having a plan can save time and energy ( -:!p � at fij ifP � ;h ) .

► What are some decisions that most people need to make these days?
( "¾1t¼" ���,

There are many decisions that most people need to make these days, including housing
decisions, career decisions, lifestyle decisions and financial decisions. For example,
most adults need to decide where they really want to live, what careers they want to
have, what kind of diet they want to have and whether they should buy things they like
or save their money for the future.

housing decisions �-=ffiliH19tR:�

career decision �'f$illi.a<:J/:k:� save their money for the future
lifestyle decision �'f�ti1i:7f�B<:Jtk:� j,7:µJ.?{q'f�
financial decisions 'M%-tk:�

( 1.0llciJ��H±� 121 -122, 162 -163 :in

•��,*���. ���-��mm�,

1> What kinds of things do students borrow?

'Ji:± 111 ½f.f •JJ� *# -#t fl14h J',,?

( .till* El l
We often borrow books from the library because it offers a wide variety of books and
helps us save money. _.!f we miss a class, we borrow notes from their classmates.
Sometimes we also borrow money from our friends.

( :rui*Ei 2,e,��I11=7 l
Students often borrow books from the library because it offers a wide variety of books
and helps them save money. _.!f they miss a class, they borrow notes from their
classmates. Sometimes they also borrow money from their friends.

a wide variety of $#$t-f\a9 borrow notes 1'/er�ic


J 1h

► Do you think advertisements are important?

1'.t-Jl. :f.iJ,..JJ t -¼�ll i".f:?
Yes, they are really important. They teU us about the choices we have as consumers
( 1fi}fft{ll1f 1'15���:jffl1J"l¥-J ��). For example, mobile phone advertisements tell
us about the latest mobile phones available on the market. Many advertisements are
also fun and creative ( fl � iliJ .El fl �1] � a{] ) . Fro m an eco nomic perspective,
advertisements help to boost the sales of products ( m� r" & s{J fij :it) and contribute
to the economy ( �g;tf{I& tfl :9t�).

tell us about the choices we have as consumers -i½vHtillfl=J'ltjlj��lffl�B{J��

fun and creative 1f@imll.�€1:te'-J
From an economic perspective, ... .bU�Vfi¥,JffHl!J�;'g ···· ··
boost the sales or products il!ilif'ilii £19�:til:
contribute to the economy M�Vffi\tlli ]7.f�

� .i .A (celebrities) "� if ;r- Jl," /fiJ :!t:il Jt� ¾ endorse products

► How do you think advertisements influence what people choose to buy?

( "11r-�i.$" ���)

Advertisements use interesting images or sound ( � � s{J !Il 1l � 155 � ) to attract

people's attention ( 11& s I A 111 a{] 51 � :tJ ) , They encourage people to follow the
latest trends ( a Jiw A {/1 � !!'ii f&: ffi 1¥-J � � ) and try to make people believe that
following the trends can make them happier or more attractive. Some advertisements
aJso have celebrities in them. These advertisements rely on the celebrities' influence to
promote products.

interesting images or sound attract people's attention

�@{J(JOO���;a-g. r�P31A1Dt19ti:�.h

follow the latest trends celebrities � A
*l!.li:ll'¾:ffi(l9�� rely on -1&*-61
happier or more attractive promote products J1H¥lr"ifn

Many advertisements are aimed at children and teenagers.

{R % ; % ¾ # .xt JL :t � -t Y 5¥- !iJ o

Many advertisements promote unhealthy food.

{R % i %ii4J!:PF'fitfilt /iJ� £ o

Some advertisements provide misleading information about products.

� � 1 % {{ 1# � iJt � 'Ii /iJ r £ 1t .�, o

They interrupt TV programmes, which is annoying.

't 1f1 If� Lt 'it 'it § , ik ilA {R� o

1> What is good customer service?

1+ z. lt_Af-¥)$-f' JIil�?
Good customer service means the business really cares about customers' feelings
( *'L'�r'Er-J�:W:). It trains its employees well and values its customers' feedback
( & t.ll: ) . For example , J!_ a customer is not satisfied with ( 1' � � ) a product , he
or she should be able to return it and get a refund easily.

cares about customers' feelings �,l'.,<j§'.ft ��5¥:

feedback &i:J/t, r±�: B¾�iiJf/:i!iUi.l, �fm:/J□ s
not satisfied with �m�
get a refund YHi:il!�

► What are the differences between men's shopping habits and women's shopping
� •ti;fu-k•ti (r!J J1l:J �>)·��ft-¼ [R 11]?

� 1i

Shopping is fun and enjoyable. It's a task to be completed.

Ill ljj;Jl.� �ilii JJ..-t-A*·l/c /f.J. 'git-� -.W; � ,tA, l!IJ�¼ 0

go shopping with their friends shop alone

:.f,,MJ..111-�J/1!/h .!f-�llt]!/h

get their friends'opinions complete the task efficiently

•Jr �MJ..ill 6/J �if: jilj �!\l!,,tA,-!!-¾

enjoy the shopping e�'Jlerience get what they need and then leave the
.:f{:Jf:J4h/f.J{f� , shop quickly
� i� '.W; �l!IJ ?t- �11,tAll-t:k. iii 7!-i8i ;;!;

� ;{£ i!9 �A�� Wi # f 4/,J i::. fiiJ n U'.. � at� , iif � � Jfl ... while . .. , By contrast, ...
� � lt µ] � tend to ( :iffi. f , ft ft) {iJ '- , '/?HID :

Women tend to think shopping is fun and enjoyable, while men tend to think it's a
task to be completed.

Women tend to enjoy the shopping experience. By contrast, men tend to get what
they need and then leave the shop quickly.

► How has shopping changed in recent years?

m 41J iii 1t-� � tt ¼ :t 1t?
Online shopping bas become much more common in recent years. Physical shops
( �'f;f;Jis) used to be ( �;). jjlj £) most people's favourite places to shop. But these
�' many people prefer to shop on their mobile phones or tablets ( -¥f.& �M') and
get their orders delivered to their doors.

physical shops ��f.s

w;ed to be v,,(fiJ�

► What are the advantage� of online shopping?
1#) Jjlf:J {r-J -]it �Jt.1t �q

The main benefit is it's more convenient ( � :n i! ) than going to a physicaJ shop
( �ptg) , buying things there and bringing them home. In other words, it can help
consumers save time and energy ( i, � Bi feil � � fJ ) . Online shops also offer a
wider range of products ( m i,±1; !!: $ � a{] ;rz- □'1 ) and lower prices ( � iLt 1¥-) 1JI' � )
than physical shops.

benefit / advantage :!8'-6tl:

more convenient £»19!
a physical shop '.lj;;f;ji;Ji5
save time and energy �<m'Atl'iiJ;f"llifi!jj:,
offer a wider range of products tlHttle°�tFe(_Jf'ifl,
lower prices £ 1�B91fr�
In other words, ... �'P)"ij5 1,3/., �*Z······ (In other words, ... ;f-ll This means that .•. �¾
1".-£ Pan 3 i1rfimi -'¥!-�l±1ll° ffi e(_Jt,,J5:tt;1i:tt.))

J!� ideas
i!k Jlj iXXJ JiV;J s{J :!ff 5-1 at, native speakers :i± 'lir i3l It helps us avoid the crowds in shops
C �H.ltfiJ�ff iffi$ �:J11ltlt �Am) ;fll It's easier to compare prices onJine ( tE �..t rt

The main drawback ( � ¥/Af) is it's more difficult to identify fake products
( i.5UJ1Ji� �) online than in a physical shop. Most consumers can't tell whether
a product is real or fake just by looking at its photos online. Another drawback
� when we buy things like clothes or shoes, we want to know whether they
fit us well ( -g- � ) or whether they are comfortable or not, but we can't try on
clothes or shoes ( :f�i.rt:�¥n!Ut§til'¥1) online.

identify fake products iJUJ!J@!:j;'f

fit us well ,@-5J'
can't try on clothes or shoes �fmiit�fl��iix:�t!

► What are the advantages and disadvantages of consumer culture? ( 5ftl �� �Ji&)
f �* J�.:t1tlr-J ,l;1] .q �ll1t !/.. ( consumer culture � Jt "� t ¼ :t.1-t",
r1r,;i "t�mtlr-J.:t1t")?

increase the demand for products put pressure on natural resources

�llu,t-t f J'a{i(Jf; .f. tj-tJ ;J;f'at.;#;JAJ£JJ

often overspend ( 1Ll y A) � 't i:.!:. Ji. i1i t

boost economic growth
buy things that they do not really need
illiU! �giJ ££
J!q �-!t!!.1fl*;r- -1(.._,1. %" �/f.J !jh,fa
creare jobs have debts x_ r1/f¼, �A "D'i �"
focus on money and possessions

increase technological innovations

R * ,(.; 1;-«,,1,, jl;j-/'-
jf llu#.ttii] fir are money-oriented
� *•(.;«-<r-J, .. -mfaJ«.�� ..
provide consumers with a wider status symbols t 171" � .le {i a-!; � -tiE ,
1f,J � :
range choices luxury cars ( i. 4- ) , designer clothes ( " $ �
;!; ;'fi i ,HJt/l-ot-� J #-61:J i!.tt Jlll!tt" 1±. .ll!!.i!U� :t. .2. ;f- •� famous brand clothes
X , t?r, Jt "1 tl, designer clothes V)

► What are the benefits of people wanting to get new possessions? ( 5ftl ,t; ��Ji&)

The main benefit is it makes people feel motivated to work hard ( � � {p[ � ii;JJ jJ � �
7J It!: ) because they need to earn money to buy new possessions. In other words ( �
� � �) , wanting to get new possessions, such as new cars, new computers or new
mobile phones, makes people more productive at work. Another benefit is the demand
( � 31< ) for new things often leads to inventions and innovations ( £ Bjj )f[l E1J ffi ) .

feel motivated to work bard �'.ilt�fHf;/JjJ;¼�}JifF

In other wor-ds ffi! .!\i�j£
demand ,S;/c
inventions and i.onovations �f!ll��flr

► What are the differences betwe.en :;iupermarkets and street. markeJs?

There're many stalls ( ffi 11:i:ill) in street markets and most of the things sold there are
locally made ( {E �HfulMm if-J) . By contrast, supermarkets have tall shelves ( ;� � a{)
1ft � ) and most of the things sold in supennarkets are transported over long distances
( tt�ie � :l:i!!. � � ). This means that they cause more damage to the environment
( xil;f��,6,)t�j;;:if-J<i&::f:;f). Another difference is we can usually bargain ( i11fi':tt1fl-)
in street markets, while things are sold at fixed prices in supermarkets.

stall W :!fr Jltt cause more damage to the environment

are locally made 1E � :It!! i!liJ :il!i 89 xt:fftJtl� �£ ::k El<J� J;f
By contrast, ... �Jltx<ftl:B<J¾ ······ bargain i-t1ft i± 1ft
are transported over long distances are sold at fixed prices
�zRe� ±il!.iE 4wJ IV.�UE'.B<J-fft:ml.l:\�
tall shelves 16!. i\lli 89��

J!$ ideas
W:,,;$:f:JJ��-1-�,�¾ We can find many handmade products ( 'f-I�Jf'l=:�:f'
£) in street markets. mi jfil rprffi" £ �9j--t-� ,#,;Ji!: The things sold in supermarkets
are mass-produced ( ¾:fdttil:�:f'�) and lack character ( �Y-1-·11��).

► Do you think it would be better for society if everyone got the same salary?
( "-/t;t��" ��.ll!)

I d on't think it w ould be fair for everyone to get the same salary because bardworking
people should be rewarded for their hard work and commitment ( $lJJl¥JI11=fO�A).

For example, successful athletes who trained and competed very hard would feel
frustrated ( �ft9&�) .if they got the same salary as athletes who did not train or
compete as hard as them.

be rewarded for �::1:7 ·····• ffiHUJJ@Ua successful athletes nx;:;JJ(f(J�i;/J.!n

hard work and commitment train and compete hard �,:/J�;iJlltMilJli:$
feel frustrated fl°tt9&�, ��Jffl �

► What kind of people earn the highest salaries in your country?

( "¾1ti." �:ilt:H!)

As far as I know, the CEOs of large companies earn the highest salaries in my country.
They work hard and help their companies achieve success ( � � � m ) . As a result
( f!I lit) , they are rewarded for ( � i!J @l :tf¾} th eir hard work and commitment
( �A) with very high salaries.

achieve success �mJrl."Jj) are rewarded for 1lHJJ @I*

as a result �lit commitment ritA

► Do you think it's important for people to save some of their money?
( "13f�-i�" �:ilt:H!)

Yes, it's really important because it can help us deal with unexpected problems in life ,
such as accidents or illnesses ( •ii5ist:t��). And it's a good habit that can make
us CeeJ financially secure ( tf Y!:r � 1f mi����). In the long term, it's also
important to save for retirement because we can't rely on governments for all the
retirement expenses ( i!ff.Fott-Jff�), including healthcare costs ( �fi � ffl).

unexpect,ed problems in life In the long term, .. . if.z*#, · · · · · ·

� m.mxi! ffif>l(/9fiilffi save for retirement jg� f;jc+H�
accidents or illnesses ¥$iil(:f�1jij rely on governments {ocfft1�Jff
a good habit --tMJ3ffl retirement expenses �-t+-.Fo(l{Jff�
reei financially� ;(£M%-1iffii,fHc�� healthcare costs �:17 !JJtffl

► Do you think women are better at saving money than men? ( "��-i :ft" �::t.11)
1.t-Jl-s-iJ..:/.J --k•t!tt. '5 •t!�½.f5-�?

I suppose it depends on an individual's personality and preferences ( 'fi m � � jff)

rather than on gender ( 1'1 §llj ) . For example , some women like to buy expensive
cosmetics ( f�� a{J 1t* cPo ) , while most men tend to think buying expensive cosmetics
is a waste of money.

it depends on ... Blill.l:R:'f ...... gender ttJJIJ

individual 1'- A expensive cosmetics �&:!lta<Jit:19:£
personality and preferences tt:m�iliil� is a waste of money ¾m��
rather than ... il'ii�¾ ..... .

1> What's the difference between clothes that young people like to wear and clothes
that elderly people like to wear?
Young people tend to follow the latest fashions. They feel that trendy clothes make
them look more attractive. By contrast, elderly people are more interested in
comfort than fashion. For instance, in my country, many elderly people wear clothes
that are practical and comfortable.

follow the latest fashions :i�JlfiUa<JBti'l6 more interested in comfort

trendy clothes at t,lj a<J n!f� £�,c.,��Ji:
look more attractive lr®*J!��51.:iJ practical and comfortable
By contrast, . .. � .lttffi It, ...... �.ffl mi..§.�� a<J

► What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniforms at work?

( ;ftj���;lll)

The main advantage is that wearing uniforms at work can help employees concentrate
on their work and boost efficiency ( m:��$). Wearing uniforms at work can also
give them a sense of belonging ( t% ifu fll - f!P !8 � � ) . On the other hand , some
employees may find unifolllls dull and boring ( tt � z � Et-.! ) be cause they all look
the same.

concentrate oo their work boost efficiency

�'Ptl:!:JJ:ffIfl:.t dull and boring
give them a sense of belonging look the same

► What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying presents online?

( ;ftl ;$ � ;ft JlfI )

The main benefit is it's more convenient than buying presents in a physical shop
( ��./5 ) . In other words, it can help people save time and energy ( 'i5' � Bt fsl f□
ffijJ) , especially when they want to send the presents to friends who live far away
( tl:-tfiie��ifte{J:lfui:f). Another advantage is online shops offer lower prices ( :l:IH#
£ fliir-Jtr�) than physical shops. I suppose the main drawback is it's more difficult to
identify fake products ( i.R �� 1� 1#i) online than in a physical shop.

benefit/ advantage iH1 In other words. ... � -'i:i] i;s ijt, � � z

drawback / dlsadYantage �� • ·• · · · ( In other words, ... ;fil This means that
more convenient £1ffl89 •.. '/fll�:{E Part 3 urfr�!'ji�:i£'H!'.ffll'J<J'1,]J!:
physical shops �U>Jis ��)
save time and energy 13�J;.j(iijfjlffijJ offer lower prices m{�tll! 1!£ B9 ffrf/5
Uve far away {t::(fiei!Hii&fl9.ltt1J identify fake products ifUJ1Jffi(:ftr

► Why do people collect things?

A ftJ ;/.J ft z. i!ti&.!fh �?


Some people collect things as a hobby ( ����). They enjoy organising what they
have collected. For example, a friend of mine collects foreign coins, which is a source
of fun ( 5f- � !'tJ *;)f) for him. Others, however, collect things as an invesbnent ( W:
� ) . They only collect what they believe will be worth more in the future.

hobby 3'H��:!lf investment ��

a source of fun 5fo��*�

]!� ideas
Some people enjoy organising and presenting what they have collected.
-®A·�••*���A&ffi�ID�■ �-�o


£> Do you think festivals are important to us?

1/F�-e;iA:hi1 El M�1llft'<.-.t�?

Yes, they are really important because they are times for celebration. They enrich our
lives ( -=F � :ft 117 !'tJ 1:. 5t ) and bring us joy and happiness. For instance, in my
country, people d o a lot of shopping, exchange presents ( 3£: � fL tJ ) and enjoy
traditional meals with their families during the Spring Festival period. Many traditional
festivals are also an im por tant part of our heritage ( ttill!'t.13t1-t��!'t.l-1-��ml
?t) and help us bet ter understan d our traditions ( £�±il!.llfi:ftfi'Je{J3t1-t�r!c).

enrich our lives .=j::if:fic;fll�1:iis, native speakers 1'i"Bt�i#. brighten up our lives-tl!.�F,ij
bring us joy and happiness �:fic;fllm,*:g•&ffi$.-ti
exchange presents ::le�;tL!lt!J
an important part of our heritage �fll�X{t.�jjk(fJ-1-:ffi:�$51", tl:�: heritage�"'
ilT � � iii] , ,f flli:b□ s
better understand our traditions J!Pr:11!!:i:.!l!/ff�ffl��tif

�J Ideas
People decorate their h omes for festivals.
Aff11.1 T-;;- EHE�ll! �i11i �* o

Family members get together and exchange presents.

�,igJit_oi if1�JIJ-.®!HL41!J o

► Do you think it's important for people to celebrate their achievements?

( "ft:t:-i.�" ��.!8i)

Yes, it's really i mportant. Celebrating their achievements can give them the
opportunity ( � ft/! f(1 m� ) to share their excitement ( ?t � � iijJ � 'L' •Ii ) with
people who really care about them ( � 'L' ffu 117 ) . For instance, graduation
ceremonies ( $ jJ:: :!II! �L ) give graduates the opportunity to celebrate their academic
success with their family and friends.

give them the opportunity to ... !'€,ftg,frJ ······ B(Jtfl.�

share their excitement with... � ······ :W$ftll.frJB(J�°fil'L'ffi
care about them ;¥c,(.,{l!!fn
graduation ceremony ���L

► Do you think parties are important?

it.Jl �v-.:h If_½{!l ��?

Yes, I think they're important because we have parties ( :1f 51K x1) to celebrate
special occasions ( �mtH�{t-Jfm�) in our lives. For example, we throw parties
( 7f;J&�) to celebrate our birthdays, New Year's Day or weddi ngs. We also have fun,
socialise and make new friends at parties.

have a party I throw a party JzM--t�m:ffil�!tl!.lA�X.lE.B(J "Hilre5t'1""

celebrate special occasions £1,;��,J!;fl(J¼-fr
New Year's Day jtJi
socialise and make new Criends 1±3'.0f:i!.MiHffifl(JJlJl�

► Why do many people like eating at fast food restaurants?
;J:J 1t Z- 1£l J, A¾ J!.k.,/f. ·r;lc;j-,tti1,,tp_?

The main reason is fast food can help them save time and energy ( 1'-t!i"BtfsJfllffi;tJ).
For example, many working adults ( I fie it-] � � A ) have lunch at fast food
restaurants like McDonald's or KFC so that they can save time. Another reason is eating
at fast food restaurants tends to cost less ( � f.!i � 1,- ) than eating at other kinds of

save time and energy '\,�B-ti'iiJ;fUm.f1 cost less :ttfB!!&

working adults Ifl=a<Jnlt�A

J!� ideas
�•�•��•��•m�•�•�. ���m:
Fast food contains too much fat, salt or sugar.
·�tH!l:�ii$�n�Jlti, ��:1'rffi o

Eating fast food regularly increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pr�ure and
�-��•ffl�-��-�E•. -•llifll�M��R-o
► How have people's eating habits changed in your country?
-tf.�m��. Am��*ij•��*£�?

In the past, people in my country had more home-cooked meals and they generally had
a balanced diet ( �� W a{] tj.: � � � ) . Nowadays, the pace of life ( � 5! 1' * ) is
faster, so people eat out more often. And many people rely on ( -tt{�) fast food that
helps them save time but is quite unhealthy. For example, fast food restaurants like
McDonald's and KFC are usually packed ( ��m'ffilBle{]) at lunch time.

home-cooked meal s / home-cooked food had a balanced diet ;�jj��a<Jtk't!t�;f:1;)

the pace of life �m-;,�

rely on -f«ffi like... tt� ······
save time i1�11'tfiiJ packed ;jj: #ffll� t'J<J

► Why is genetically-modified food more common than in the past? ( }j � � � Jlli.)

;li 1t z. #� I!] ,t � �t, ii¾ � 't Jil.. ?
It's more common nowadays because genetic engineering technology ( ¥: l!l I li � * )
can make crops grow faster ( il :&. i1= t.l 1: ¥: � J! 1:R ) and make them stronger

against diseases ( it 't: ill (t-J mm fig fJ J! �i ) , which can help farmers reduce costs

( /fi\xY fit*) . Genetic engineering technology can also make food, such as vegetables,
look more attractive ( ��*J!1i®. sl tJ).

genetic enginee.ring technology ¥ ffil Il!Ht;;t

make crops grow fast er itt<f1:1tll1:!�JU!�
make them stronger against diseases il:E111BMJi:�flli}J:U!ii
reduce costs litY�:it,;
look more attractive .i"illlJIO!HiP.bFll }J

increase food supply !f/Ji,½J:.�.& may cause health problems

help lo keep food prices stable
.t Jh -t�#½ J; i1!--tHi,t
may disrupt food chains
help lo reduce hunger of�½ttiL½�it
.t Jh f'� ,;,· 111.-11\..oc t
provide a wide range of choices
.t.l* .Hr l#&?it#:

► What is a healthy lifestyle?

1t z_:Jt.-ft/.t{r!J 1..�;}; #-.?

have an active lifestyle � # fi # � ijJ '/J':J !£ rt; -Ji �

often play outdoor sports � f ».• i' *� #]

exercise regularly � t'i&�

have a balanced diet � # � {tf � {j:_ *ft�
keep a regular sleep schedule � # :1i" � -f4t /tg t\! ,t, et fa]

keep a work-life balance � # J:. t\! lj i � :t. fa] � 111-�

have a positive outlook on life ;ff��� A. i � .lt

► Do you think men and women enjoy the same leisure activities?
( "�tif6-" ��JI!)

I would say both men and women enjoy leisure activities like watching TV, eating out
or going to a park. On the other hand, some leisure activities are more popular with
one gender. For example, football and golf are more popular with men than with
women, while yoga and Pilates are more popular with women than with men.

leisure activities #; Jif;J m i9J yoga Ilru{/Jll

gender t!JJIJ Pilates ll/fp!tf¾

1> How can governments help to promote healthy lifestyles?

Governments can create websites ( EIJ }t lxxJ M } to offer information about healthy
lifestyles to the public. This can help to raise public health awareness ( :m � 0A sq
fitffi $i.R) . They also need to increase funding for ( �:Im� .flJJ } health education
programmes in schools. Another way for governments to promote healthy lifestyles is to
install more exercise equipment ( $: � JI! � sq Wx :1$ � tJ£ } in community parks
( t±l'K 01m l.

create websites ·MJ!l!lxi.lM install more exercise equipment

raise public health awareness *ltil! $ (l(J �1tH��
��0.:�dl�-ru!Blt�iH community parks UIK01m
increase funding for !tl:ba�WJ

► Do you think governments should pay for people's health care?

( "%�iff" ���)

Yes, I thinlc they should because people pay truces ( � ffl,). This means that
governments should provide taxpayers with public services ( 79 tit:! ffl. A :b't 1# 0 �
�*) , including health care. Another reason is everyone can have access to the same
quality of health care jf_ governments pay for people's health care. This can help to
make society more equal and fair ( i1 H ����;/JO 0SJZ- mi.§. 01E ) .

pay taxes �&

provide oo-payers nith public services jJ�&Am{M}3tB!l�
make society more equal and fair U:�±f;�1f:il!:/J003f-1m.ll0.iE

J!J ideas
;tJf.Hi�:!e.J�ff(l{j�-1'�Hl:¾ Patients from low-income families ( 1�®:.A a<]
*N!) can also get the health care that they need.

► What are the benefits of doing sports?

iE. #J e!J tf 511:}tft � ?

boost the immune system reduce stress ,fax. Y lf. }J , " Jfax. lf "
JI ! i 'f.f. eti � :1.U1. � improve teamwork skills
boost endurance � � jij-jJ ( tJl IY-. � #J ) :!{B! 0:1 PA.% ft � � 1i�
bum calories give us a sense of achievement
ilHt�:t, "��-H�.1" ��1fJ-# ���
lose weight � If make more friends
improve concentration :l:f 5! 91 ;t }J � i.R � t £19 M �

► What are the differences between individual sports and team sports? Ur It�� ft!)
Ai! #J � Bl Jf).._i.fY/J (riJ g 11) Jt ft� ?

People are more focused ( � 1i" 51 (t-J ) when they do incli vidual sports , such as skiing
and swimming, than when they take part in team sports ( �tJ□ l1l �..A.�i;JJ). Another
difference is that individual sports can give people a str onger sense of achievement

( � �� a{] PX � � ) than team sports. On the other hand , team sports help people
improve their communication skills ( � Ji :it fig ) and teamwork skills ( � �A -g. f1=
:/tflli). Doing individual sports doesn't help to improve these skills.

more focused 1!1Hl:89 take part In team sports �:/JD0JIR�iYJ

give people a stronger sense of achievement communication skills tlilimttflE
� .A.fi1Jl!�!il89�ff°t� teamwork skills l?fl IRil-11:ttfm

► Why do some people like to do extreme sports?
1'J 1t ¼. � A._..g- ij:_J.).. l&. f!lii!. #J?

They like to do extreme sports because extreme sports can give them excitement ( �*ffu
ilJ�:g.�) and a strong sense of achievement ( �IB!R(t-]���). A good example is
bungee jwnping ( UJvl:j-),3_) • Bungee jumpers leap from very high places with a rope tied
to their ankles , which is quite an adventure ( � � ) and makes them feel very

give them excitement �ft!!.fnj4i'f� bungee jumping !Wlm

a strong sense of achievement adventure 'm' 11,i

rock climbing � ;f} white water rafting � )]i't surfing ,<f nl

water skiing � .7l<. mountain biking w :ltl!. 9 .fi �

£� ideas
Some people like to take selfies ( § 18 ) while doing extreme sports so that they can
share the photos on social media and get more followers ( " J]iCjW' ) .

► What are the benefits of international sports competitions? ( "¾ft¼ " ��If!)
00 Jl;r-#- if J;t.,f.{r-J :kt�JL 1t ¼?

contribute to the economy of the host country � i. i.J- I!! {i;J �'bf� ill jQ° �
attract international tourists '2l ;J 00 �ii�$'..
ticket sales
advertising revenue ( -t i� m -i¼) * § -t i % f1(J 115cA

improve local infrastructure including roads and airports

�����£���. �������
create jobs '81] it :tU!'.
build trust and respect among athletes from different countries
promote peace and understanding 1Jl :i! fP JJl- lj JI ftR
boost national pride it ff- � ii. § *�
boost the image of the count ry it fr 00 * .%$J..

► Do you think old buildings are important? �v...;lq � �f1All 1: �?

Yes, they're important because they help us better u nderstand our history and culture

( W W:i ft {f1 � � ffu 7 f&HX 111 Et-) .IE � � X: {t ) . For example , old houses show us how
people lived in the past. Old buildings also look unique ( � � 1� �9l. 4\f ) and
make cities more interesting and enjoyable ( il iJ;x m � ;IJa =/if� im .§.�A 1\tii 11':R:).
What's more, some old buildings are famous landmarks ( �� 1¥-Jf;r-$11.}tiit.). They
attract tourists ( IJ&sl��) and contribute to the economy ( �t�rnc{i!xtlt�mx).

help us better understand our history and What's more, . . . iffi .§ ., · · · · · ·

culture famous landmarks �� B%f-Jttt�$i
1H.!VJJt i(]J!.Yfit!! Tlff-H�fn (l(jJJi .If..Jll -f.t attract tourists I!& 5 I ilfj�
look unique fr®*��M!� contribute to the economy
mau cities more interesting and enjoyable �·HN3Hi\i(ili :i:it�

@J�i!iU! B;j � ;lF: iUfJ �<j' It 5'\ � r1i,r ( On the other band, ... ) -M i.5l. iJi � � $t En
�a. J.imJiltliiJv.ur:

Some old buildings are not in good condition. 1f �.½ }t $1:� � � ;f � 0
Some of them can't meet their users' needs.
Old buildings are expensive to maintain. .½ }.! $1: �¥�*'IN. "11 :J1t 0

► What are the advantages and disadvantages of high-rise buildings?


High-rise buildings use land more efficiently.

�I.a-��k 1-i lit.JM1!Jll .±. .lt 0
Rooms on the higher floors can provide nice views of the area.
They create an impressive skyline.
'E 1n-Wt tll 4--A.. �p � �ill a!J JU\f: �.
Frank Gehry i,lt it e'-)
Jft� ll .I.�� Stata Center
They are not easy to maintain or repair. - Pat�
·t -ill ;r-. Z:. CJ *�A% MHt.
It's not easy to leave the building if there is a fire.
-iir,}R� ;)(_;it, ;r-$.J; Iii jf-ii£��-

1> Is it better to rent or to buy a place to live in?

}t�JL% Jt -Jff if,}t � & � #?


can move more easily enjoy more privacy

-Mt�k$.Jb .:f ;tfk $ i19 F,i;t;.

not responsible for maintenance decorate the rooms in the way that we like
;f.Jll�it.¾Jitr-JF. #� {fl%n:. 6'1i � ,tlji,¾ ie]

Renting costs less money. It's a better investment in the long term.
;fll,¾elJir i..k'.J,·. � ,¾-t(:.J(JJ "'-;{t,l�-,t#J,& '}t 0

► Is it better to live in a house or a flat?
-tl.l1l � �ft�Jl:._,{i/�i i..-ff?

I think it's better to live in a house because it's more spacious and comfortable ( mr-&
ff@tt-:1). Living in a house also means more privacy ( l! $ l't-J �-fb) and less noise
from neighbours. Cleaning a house takes more time, but I think the time is worth it.

spacious and comfortable �l'ltff�(!<J more prh•acy !l! $ B<J ��

less noise from neighbours is worth il :llH1WJl'l<J
]1!1-'* � 'f�,@-(J{J�ir

► What do you think houses will be like in the future?


I think houses w ill be more compact ( !I! 'J;l � l't-.l) in the future because cities will be
increasingly overcrowded ( i::Fffflltfrl't-J). And I think there will be many houses that
are powered by clean energy. For example, houses powered by solar energy
( ;t: llB tJt) , which is clean and renewable ( oJ :j'lj: � a{] ) , w ill probably be very
popular. Smart home technology ( �flg��f��) will also be widely used in houses
in the future.

more compact ( lttiL � £) :l!�$(J{J solar energ_v ;t ll8 fill

overcrowded i1'fWttf(J{J renewable iif:jij'.�B{J
dean energy �ii!ifi'tit. smart home technology �fi�*®;f'4tt

► How can we help our neighbours?

$_. 1() riJ" Jll- ,t.# f j/J � 1f1 a!J 4JS /{,?

We can accept parcels ( �!&El• ) for our neighbours when they're not at home.
And we can share information ( -Wi ffi -�-) with new neighbours ( ffi � Fcs ) about
the area that we live in, which can be very helpful to them. J! our neighbours are

elderly people, we can offer to pick up mail ( llJ(.f§) for them.

accept parcels �l&'e!.ll! new neighbours f/r�P.!i

share information with ••. ;ff! ...... ?t$111f,li! pick up mall llitfi1f

► What are som e of the ways that people can help others in their community?
( 1r$¼�;1t�)

People can do volunteer work in their community. For example, they can help to
clean their community park. Another way is to share useful information with other
residents. People who don't have enough time to help others personally can donate
money to the charities in their community.

do volunteer work f$:$!fil�D�* other residents ;ltft!ia<J/l!H�;

clean their community park help others personally � § m ft/JitflkA
:J'H.3t1'1.f17B<JUIR01ffi donate money to charities
share useful information

► Do y ou think local businesses are important to a community?

( "ft�¼�" �;1t;fl1)

Yes, they are really important. They help local people build a strong sense of community
( }t:sHIB!iiB'-.IHIR�). For example, many people like to meet their friends at local
cafes or restaurants. Local businesses also create jobs ( �1JnU,.t�) for local people.

build a strong sense of community Il!i&H!Bi�t±IK�

meet their friends l/E!M�:ill.W..iii
create jobs for local people 1'J �:ltltA:l!���.ill-'.

► Are people less helpful today than they were in the past?

Well, I suppose so. Nowadays life is more stressful and the pace of life is faster than

in the past. People tend to be much busier with their work or studies, so they are I�
likely to help others than they were in the past. For example, in my city , many people
go to work early in the morning and get home late in the evening. Many of them don't
even know their neighbours and they rarely help each other.

more stressful JfjJ �::k (I(] rarely help each other q11j;-m ij/J�:tf
the pace of life �r,fj-;t�

are more likely to . . . � ;f:i"iiJ 1i� ¾-¼ � � :f.
are Jess likely to . . . jJ: � .f /tJ of fi� •Ii � 1j,

► Do you think it's important to do volunteer work?

�.tJt%»ll�,l 1;�tl 't:�?

Yes, it's very important because we can give back to society by doing volunteer work.
For example, we can help to raise funding for charity , sort books in the local library
or pick up litter in the community park. Doing volunteer work is also a good way to
make new friends.

give back to society @I11H± � pick up litter �.®AflliUJH1<J:tJ:��JliJ

beJp to raise funding for charity community park UIK0@1
fflff/)��$.ill'.jJffl make new friends �i-Jt�S{JJ:!Jltit
sort books lE:tti�

J!� ideas
Doing volunteer work c an help young people improve their communication skills.
-��-�§��mm•@Aa-�m��att■ o
Doing volunteer work can also help young people develop a sense of responsibility.
B����M��A%�-#�ff� o
(�fEciJ�:;J.1£1/;115 ~117 }ff

► What kind of people go to the library most often?
•>JJI.� A. :i. 't ¾ 00 � -ii?
I suppose university students go to the library more often than others. They need to do
a lot of research for their as.tjgnments and papers ( 11= � fa � 3t ) . For example,
every evening there're many university students reading books or typing on computers in
the main library of my city.

do a lot of research -f/itW$ilf3! assignments and papers f\:���X

1> Do you think museums are important?!

1:tJl �if-.JJ t-1?#1-ii 1ll Y �?

Yes, they're very important because they open our minds ( jf � ftin 1¥-J ,1[1, ;l) and
help us gain knowledge about history, culture, technology and many other fields ( ffi
� � E � �) . They also offer many hands-on activities ( i.t * x.!j! � * � * � a{]�
i/J ) that are fun and relaxing.

open our minds :tf��if]li9:[l!/t hands-on activities

gain knowledge about ... it���fn*���a<.Jf.s�
���=f ...... a<J�i,R fun and relaxing 1f@ffiili � A:titf'J�
many other fields �i$;lt1?:@l�

► How can we help to make our cities better?

We can take public transport more often. As a result, there will be fewer cars on the

roads in our cities, which can help to reduce traffic congestion ( X im :l;ilf � ) and
pollution. We can also do volunteer work (�;:t��m�.%) in our communities. For
example, we can help to clean local parks. And we should always be polite to others
and avoid making noise.

traffic congestion 3cimtff£ do volunteer work f,li;t,�;\!r��-%-

► Why are more and more people moving to cities from the countryside?
( ml [!I �;lt;ll!)

Cities offer more job opportunities. � rlf � � Jl!. ff, fr;;&. jt tJl, 4,,- 0

City dwellers tend to earn higher salaries than people who live in the
countryside. � ;Ji ft� It Jt # � � #- Jl!. � /J'-J I.* 0 ( 1tf1. city dwellers
Ji u�ip}t�" (fJ�,\!;-}
Public transport in cities is more convenient and reliable.
J/lrp .fil8'J0�3<:i@�7i�oft: o

Cities offer a \\ide variety of leisure facilities, such as museums, shopping

centers, cinemas and fimess clubs. :J.i£. W � � $ # ff, #- al:_] # pi;] -ti � , �I'., J!P
••�.M•t�. �-��-•«ffi•a
Living in a city is more interesting and exciting.
! � :it:l!l $ .! � 1'i � irri 11. 4 J\ ft� o

The cost of living is high. f 75 /J'-J A;f.-ffl. � 0

Most people have stressful lifestyles. ;k $ � A fr;; 1. � IE jJ 1R -Jc 0

Many city dwellers lack a sense of community.

-ffl. 1 :l/l ili' � � �ztl: IK� o
Some people don't even know their neighbours.
1'i � J\ it � .:f iA if-� 1fJ � 1� ,% o


Many cities are overcrowded. ffl�:!Jixrfiii-f-ffil1ri 0

Traffic congestion is quite common. X:im.:tl�ffl�mo

There is a lot of traffic noise, which is annoying and distracting.

�-��ffl�, �-�Affig�tt�•�o

► What are the problems caused by the increasing use of private cars?
( "¾1ti" ��Pa)

The main problem is there's more traffic congestion ( �ia:ti!r�). This means that it
takes more time for people to get to work or school. Another problem is it increases
carbon emissions ( � t.Ja �t-U�) , which contributes to global warming ( 7.l□ )!1J � �
�II!). And I w ould say people who rely too much on their cars tend to develop an
inactive lifestyle ( %.lit� 5' m. iiJJ lt-.1 ��:ff it) , which can increase the risk of heart
disease and high blood pressure.

traffic congestion x::®t,tm, t):;'tg: congestion ¾�i'if�� WJ, �fi�1m s

increases carbon emissions :tm:IJa�:tllctilr
contribute to global warming 1Jn.@IJ�:r,f�II!!
rely too much on their cars i:J:)jt*Jl1JHtMl1(J{J�ij::
develop an inactive lifestyle/ develop a sedentary lifestyle ITTJllt�1,':iE�l¥J1:.r.1i1fA
increase the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure :lfil1JO.�•L'lll1WHllit/i Jfn.ffil¥JJxl�

► What are the solutions to the increasing use of private cars? ( "¾ ft i " � ;:ij- .I!)
There're several solutions to this problem. The main solution is that governments can
improve public transport ( t& il!/L} � 3( Ja ) , such as bus services and underground
train services. More people will use public transport if it becomes more efficient and

reliable ( �� im .§. ciJ $ /tJ ) . Encouraging people to walk or cycle ( iv fi sx � ijt
eHr $) more often can also help to reduce the use of private cars. Another solution is
to put high taxes on petrol ( M 5� j(!J fil � � � Et-) m) , which will make some car
owners ( $:±) drive Jess.

improve public transport i&ur0�3Cii!l. put high taxes on petrol

ilt�iin .§.
efficient and reliable i'iJ•
il<J Mf'\:'1111 qiE i& 1� jli1j � m
walk or cycle tHr!it=i\i'!f.l 11l fr$ car owners $ .:E.

► How can public transport be improved?

.!-# a]" ;,J_ �i!�� 3(_�?

Governments need to increase funding for public transport such as buses, the
underground or the light rail ( ��iil.) and make public transport more convenient and
reliable (]1!:IJO:ni!aJ�). As individuals, we should help to keep public transport
clean and comfortable by not littering or making noise on public transport.

the light rail �t/L convenient and reliable J!Jm:nf,!i'iJ�

► How can traffic in cities be improved?

,t#aJ"i,-:.W:.¼� 1p l'.{rl.J 3Z.i@.:Jk.qi,?

make public transport more convenient and reliable

il¾#x :im t q1Lt :t�oJ �
increase the number of buses and underground trains
� .mi 0 # rt .tpfti :IJ!,, � ?1 .$ a<J � :I
raise taxes on cars

� i&_ .$ � �

control the number of private cars on the roads � 1jl!J Jt/'r J:. gig ;fi,. $ � :1-

provide real-time traffic information to drivers (.J ii] ;trL 1fJ i{ {# � at Jt/'r {JG -ft,�,

upgrade the road system :rl- � it� J}. m,

iMffi, llftfll:iMffi
► Do you think tourism can contribute to the economy of a country?
( "��i:-i"" �;;1§-11!)

Definitely. Tourism can contribute greatly to the economy of a country because tourists
spend money on a variety of things when they travel. For example, they spend money
on accommodation, transport, food and entertainment, and many tourists buy
souvenirs from local shops.

accommodation, transport, food and entertainment fifi,j, 3'.i:ii, �&/,;f1l�UJ�

buy souvenirs ��tc�ii'h

► Do you think travelling with tour guides can improve the experience of travelling?
( "�t-i�" �;;1§-11!)

Definitely. Tour guides know the local attractions ( '3 ±t!i, * #.) well. They can
provide tourists with a variety of information about the places that they visit. Many
tour guides also have a good sense of humour ( f�lH!!i��) , so they can make the
trip more enjoyable ( J':JJD4' A 'lt,J191:Et-.1).

No, not really. Travelling with tour guides means higher costs and fewer choices. For
example, some tour guides only take tourists to restaurants or gift shops ( tL o'1i f.5 ) that
pay them to do so, which limits the choices that tourists have.

local attractions �:It!!�,� more enjoyable �:bD4-..A.llf.J�eg

have a good seose of humour 1�:;(;fl!lllllll;liJ?; gift shops :fL&li/is

► Why do people like travelling abroad?

A.1f1 39 1t ¼ $ :1k. tl:! l!l �fr?

Travelling abroad can open our minds ( ff � tt fll {I{] ,�, ti ) and help us
gain knowledge about other cultures. For example , travelling to London can help us
better understand the British culture and history. Travelling abroad is also a good way
to reduce stress ( � 1-' II 7J ) and recharge our batteries ( 7fJ.. t'c � ,t.,,) . We can
get away from our daily routine ( tff Bt�Jftt{fl l'r.J B �t.8tirtl) , relax and have fun.

open our minds Him!JlHn(l(j,1[Ult get away from our daily routine
reduce str� �!i£/f,_jJ ttat�ff:fltff1EJ<J El ')ll'•tm:fJiiJ
recharge my batteries :t&ft:!lJ-,(.,

► What are the advantages and disadvantages of international tourism?

( f1l � � dr Ml )

U')Jerience other cultures first-hand increase carbon emissions

( ilf .t-l li.41-Ht $.- t alJ :i:. it. :It /Ju� 41)e m:. , 1f•H" : i 4t 00 ll;r- i#- � 1lt
"'t 'f)L*.:ft
interact with the locals
� � Je.A�it.!. #J put pressure on local resources
�ili�a/J�-��&�. ��: ��
build trust and respect
,tl..i-it-!f:ft, :!f. :t ' create waste and pollution

make new friends .f-1.J.i:!&.&#,fn;t� ( it-1'-4'.iii¼.£<r-J

waste ;f-,l-t:fii!t1/t, ilQ,l-ttiJ.iJ.&.&;;;t)

contribute to the local economy damage the local environment

59 ili .le. siJ � i#-it. 1r itiJ; ik_.l;f,. � JI!!. al} J,f-JJl.

create jobs for local people do not respect local traditions

)I] ili .le.A i>J .ibt .:Ii. ( -� 00 f.r- i#-:t- ) ;r- � � ;,\, J\11. alJ tHtc.

are rude and noisy ;/'.ll % .7ri JI. •j- bli

► Do you think it's important for employees to go on holiday a few times a year?
C "1dF;t. i ,w" ���)

Yes, it's really important. Going on holiday a few times a year can help employees
reduce stress and make them more efficient at work ( f± I i'l= 111 J! � � ) . Most
employees would feel exhausted and unmotivated ( �� � 1ffe. � mi .§. � 1-' i;/J jJ }
J!. they worked all year round without taking a break from time to time. ( x1 �t;"i\:, ®
i9::tl3 .& if-J•1w;5r,�1ot� 13 cif-J!IE!3 l

reduce stress lT�ti£ff.jJ exhausted and unmotivated

make them more efficient at work �l='iltltU' ffii.EI.Ailtj;-�fJ
work all year round �� :::t'ft.l!!!If1=

!!!� ideas
Going on holiday is a good way for employees to recharge their batteries. JJt fill¾
.vLI 1f1JJJCf'�� ,I'.., a��:nr! ( JJ!'.®¾filifll "gfj�'L'ft'E!." tt-J'M-:nr!) o

► What are the advantages of staying in a hotel?

{t ,:&t,_ lig" {r,J -Jtf-!zj: Jl 1+ Z, ?

The main advantage is hotels offer safe and convenient accommodation ( mi#��:n
� 8\1 ii: 1§ } . Many hotels also offer a variety of amenities ( � l;!<J i9: fiW.) . For example,
many hotels have restaurants, bars and fitness centers ( ftl � cp 'L' ) , which can make
their guests' experience even more enjoyable ( 1!1:l□� A 1tirt;"R;tt-J).

offer safe and convenient accommodation restaurants. bars and fitness centers
tlH!Hc � ;J19! (t,J {l: m frit, i@Of'_l.;f-UfiHJ-9'•L'
a variety of ... �;ftp�:f'F(t,J more enjoyable 9!1m4t A.llftr�a<J
amenities 1t1'1<1i..9:Jnii

ui�oJJ,J-tE� 1s9 -160, 175 -1?a 1n


► Why is it important to learn a foreign language?

7'J 1t :i. � ;;; 7r*�� j: �?
Learning a foreign language is important because it leads to more job opportunities
( � % 8\1 g,\: it ;j:Jl � ) . For example, in my country, people who have good English


skills tend to have a competitive edge ( 1ffl ���tit� ) in the job market. Foreign
language skills can also help us make more friends ( t5i9-.J! � if-l AA�) , both on the
Internet and in real life.

more job opportunities l!$(1(Jgt�HII.� make more friends �i,,C),]1!$�Wt�:

have a competitive edge fjJ;(j�fltft�

!:f Ideas

*�*if , ;{'f.*
Travelling in a foreign country is much easier if we can speak the language of
that country. Jill A(: 1r1 4t iJt JJ --t- 00 00 M( ft-¾ Jt tH'c o

Learning a foreign language can improve our memory and concentration.

Learning a foreign language can open our minds and expand our horizons.

► Do you think secondary school students should study history?

( "ft;ti.$" ��ft!)

Definite!y. Studying history can help them better understand social change ( J! � :tfu
JffliHt���). For ex.ample, it can show them how technology has changed society.
Studying history can also develop their critical thinking skills ( £ .I& tlft 1fl 891� iiE ,�, il

better understand social change J!llf:it!J,Jtii$;j.±��1j\:

develop their critical thinking skills �JiflBfntJ<JmiiH!HtUlliJJ

J!f ideas

Studying history can help them better understand their heritage.

Studying history can help them better understand the importance of
promoting peace and cooperation between nations.

Studying history can inspire them to build a better future.

► Do you think we can learn history from historical TV dramas?

( "%iH, �" �:f:R!)

No , not really. They are fun and relaxing ( -:ff� rm ..13. � A tb. ¥l (t-J ) , but most of
them are not based on historical facts ( # 1' � ¥ T B5 51?. � � ) . Actually, they
tend to distort history ( � dll JJj 51?.) to make the storyline more entertaining ( itiiJ

fun and relaxing ;:ff@jfif _§:� .A.:$:;ft!HS

not based on historical facts 1f:::f:IU!i'f-Jn�-�
distort history ffi [11:j JJj�
make the storyline more entertaining il::,@ljfflJ!::ff®Uf-lt, the storyline¾ ".®Jffl"

£> Do you think public art is important to our lives?

1�:JL :§- 1-A.7'1 /�-:}t-t: ;j(�� 1il�r<. Y�?

Definitely. Public art can enrich our culture ( -$-'i' fHl tt-.J :SZ: 1-1'.:) and bring art into
our everyday life ( re�;;!(: ffi,Jt!: A117 s{J 8 ';It 1: 73"m) . It also makes our cities more
interesting and enjoyable ( i..t ft 1fJ tt-.J JJ£ rp � jJa ��nu ..13. � A 1t,r � ) . For example,
sculptures ( MM ) on the streets and in public parks make cities more attractive
( J!1'i0.& sl :tJ (fJ l.

enrich our culture $'iir�1f1!'.!9Jt{t

bring art into our e\·eryday life re�;;!(:ffl'i£.A.1111W 1:11·1::r&J!.
makes our cities more interesting and enjoyable it�fll(l(_J�rffi!:bn;:ff@ffii.ll � .A.11tr�
sculptures mm
make cities more attractive J!;:ffl!!l<Jl.:tJ 99

► Do you think children should study art at school?
Yes, I think they should. Art activities encourage imagination and creativity ( ;� �
�- � h fa�j � 7.1 ) . For example, drawing and p ainting can help children develop their
imagination and make them more creative. School a rt lessons can also help children
gain knowledge about an history and famous artists.

encourage imagination and creativity �Zit:l$!�.tJ;fil-f!:1�jJ

develop their imagirultion tit�fillffHt<.J:l$t�}J
make them more creative itft!!.11Tit1i£1'fi!:1�jJ
gain knowledge about ... �l.fJlxf ·· · ·· · B<.J�iJl.

No, not really. Art skills, such as drawing and painting skills, are not essential skills
( �,i:.,titfi!l) that most children will need when they enter the job market ( :iiJ:A.)f,lt�
m�). They can study art in their free time Jf_ they want to. Studying art at school
would take their time away from more important subjects like language and maths.

essential skills tt,C.,tt� enter the job market :iz!'AJ¥Jt.ill(f!r:!$.,

► What are the things that make a painting look good? "¾1ti." �jy}Wl)
tJ- ¼ ii: -s!ws i!ii .:t � AUf ;t?

I'm not an anist, but in my opinion, a balance of colours ( � )lf� 1¥.l :l$J �) is the main
thing that makes a painting look good. Many famous paintings, such as Mona Lisa and
The last Supper, have a balanced colour scheme ( §,llfHlllc). An interesting subject
and good composition ( Jlr(J{Jri:100) can also help to make a painting look good.

a balance of colours ��tl'J±I.Jf1!i' good composition 1ff a9 #ii I!!

coloar sd!eme ��P.tffc

► Do you think it's important for children to learn to play a musical instrument?
( "1tf-;t-i'§"" �jy}Wl)

Definitely. Learning to play a musical instrument can help children improve their
coordination ( ��fiMn1¥.it1J-ifol�jJ). A good example is learning to play the piano.

Children need to coordinate their fingers to get the notes ( � � ) right. Learning to
play a musical instrument can also improve children's memory and concentration ( ic
·�z. ti ;fO 5i� ti l
improve their coordination n otes if�
��!iH1k1fJ �tJJ-WlfJ�)J memory and concentration ictl)Jfllt!::@:)J

► Why do so many people like taking photos?

;I.; 1t 2.- �� j A.-!J1.Ui.*'ft?

The main reason is it helps people capture special moments in life ( l1'i tE !i. 'it� 1¥-]
t�� � !ell ) . For example, many people enjoy taking photos of special occasions such
as their birthday parties, or interesting places that they visit. Another reason is these
days, almost all mobile phones have built-in cameras ( i;i;J I :I'� 1-Jl) . This means that
many people can take photos anywhere they go and share the photos ( :5t � !fil }t )
with their family and friends.

capture special moments in life :JlfitE� ffl 1lHl{J!l\f9Jlcl!}ltfii]

built-in cameras P-J jt;j{jt/J,
share the photos with their family and friends f-0*�:5t:!lf!ffl}t

I!� ideas

Photos can bring back good memories. )ff\ Jt of J;}_ ;Jlr * � Jtf (ll;J W •tz. 0

It's a creative hobby. t ¾ � -fr1 nLh rf;J :f Jtf o

(1l�aH�tEm131 ~134 �
•��$*��*· ��.ffffi, fflE��i¥-J�mm�,

► Why are parks an important part of a city?

;!.;1t Z,/�fill�JA if #}-,}ii���?

They're an important part of a city because they offer a lot of green space ( �1-t�fsl).
Tuey are places where people can breathe fresh air, exercise and socialise ( t± X ) . For
example, many people enjoy jogging ( � Bfil ) , walking their dogs ( im g'bj ) or
hanging out ( {tf;!g;rbf'�) with their friends in their community parks ( tf[g_ 01m).

green space l'o},j.t�fa] walk their dogs ill!�

breathe fresh air Plj<i!!,t��a(J�l=(. hang out �11'<1$:t-'.t
socialise t±3c community parks HIR0!m
jogging 1Ue!

► What can be done about global warming?

;if )i'
,,( .t *-¥-i:l .tj" � J.jl 't lit?
A variety of things can be done to improve the situation. Governments can take
measures to reduce carbon emissions ( ,fix:!>� m 1/J. ) from cars and factories. For
example, they can put high taxes on petrol ( �5!a[5eifil l& f� j¥/j (J';J �) , which will help
to reduce the use of cars. They can also give more financial support to ( }�1t!c � � (J';J
� lllJ) research on clean energy ( m ;a fig ;J ) , such as solar energy and wind energy.
As individuals ( {1= 1.l-t A) , we can try to walk or cycle to work or school whenever
possible. We can also take public transport more often.

reduce carbon emissions �YlwtfjJ;nl( clean energy ri!f ii!ifi�Wl(, -f9il:l!□ solar energy
cars and factories rt$l!JI1 (:;!:;:ill:l�), wind energy (Jxl.fili)
put hlgb taxes on petrol as individuals fl=:;l;J-t-A
j.J-iJ!ttmfili&�li'.!liit-Jm walk or cycle to work or school
give more financial support to ... :iEMl-itlt�% El 1i $ __t fil lllt..t�
J;; · .... · W:{lt!!$ (t{J 18'i WJ take public transport *�0��:im

��•• • � 00 Sit< f If � fjc ..J)c X S. ½ � � � " e1:i �;: ¾ Countries should work closely together
to ad� global warming.

► What are the advantages and disadvantages of using clean energy , such as
solar energy and wind energy?
The main benefit is clean energy is eco-friendly ( If � B'\I ) and doesn't produce
carbon emissions ( 1' ? 1:. � t-l� ti!I. ) . Another benefit is clean energy is renewable
( oJ :jij: � e{_) ) • This means that it can't be used up ( 1' � � ffl � ) . The main
drawback is using clean energy is more expensive than using fossil fuels ( ft:E lit ;mi )
such as oil , natural gas and coal. Therefore, new technology needs to be developed to
make it cheaper and more efficient ( ��E'.rffi.§.��581:8'9).

eco-friendly J>f--Oil:a(J can't be used up ,if:�f1tffl�

doesn't produce carbon emissions fossil fuels 1-t:fi��
::,Ff=' 1cli!tf'I� µj: cheaper and more efficient
renewable i:iJ 1!}� a(J

► How can we protect the environment?

� 1(] � y;J. ,t-#1!it-1! £[-J,t?

use public transport more use energy-saving light improve public transport
often bulbs &l�h'·.J!<- 3c. i@.
1t. J �1itlfl /�.JI<- xim. 1t m -;; �t � ;tne, introduce laws to protect
walk or cycle to work replace old machines with the environment
:h-t � # ijj fr 4-J:. r,1 new energy-saving machines /

reuse shopping bags

m �<m ;nt �:iJt.2-R* 1a j fine companies that pollute
1f .i..1it.lfl j/1:J #J
,lJL 2- ; the environment tj- it *
use recycled materials in ! �Jt. /JIJ 1,'- ,;J J!fr .f,j #.
recycle waste
-iRi .tr- l'l m �* 4h .,,,., < ;z,
production i
give financial support to
,(!.1. f' ii;f1 'f -ft. JIH/fi � ;f1J
,'J'-1'.i-i¼ .i'. {r/J waste ;r- �.:Hl research on clean energy
i�'/J{' ilG�,t�liJ;&.�#)
j!J it �t � g!J .o,f 11:,${ '9\-1t- JlJJ

► Do you think the seasons have less influence on our habits than they did in the
past? ( "11r- � i. :i@"" #.t � �)
it-Jl �iJ..;/;J 4= "Yi zj-4\ 111 if.J ;:J ·tt!{I-J # uf.J tt.i:t ¾ Jt ,J, T ?

Yes, they have less influence on our habits because nowadays, we have technology that
can keep us warm in winter and keep us cool in summer. For example, in the past,
most people in my city walked or cycled to work, so they had to wear heavy coats in
winter. These days, many people in my city have cars with heaters and they drive to
work and other places, � they don't wear heavy coats in winter anymore.

walk or cycle to work jE/mjjx;j!flltf:tf-¾ heater l!f-1:(

heavy coats .IJl!(l(J:k;:{{ drh•e to work ff.$ J::Jj/£

► What kind of influence do human activities have on wild animals?

( •'JUt¼" ��ft!)

The natural habitats ( § Mffi ,�, i1E.) of many wild animals are under threat ( � ¥1J
�!J:/J-) from human activities. For example, carbon emissions ( � :/'1� "JrJ_ ) from cars
and factories contribute to global warming ( 1.JO�lj�B:J<��). As a result, the natural
habitats of many wild animals, such as polar bears, are under threat. In some areas,
the construction of new buildings and roads also causes many wild animals to lose their
natural habitats.

nalllra.l ha.bitats § f&�.@Ut!!, it�: habitats ( ffi,�,:11!!.) 'fll habits ( .:SJ ·/:1Jt) 1¥.J 5-li:if;;G �J

are under threat 3¥:ilJ�JI:/}
carbon emissions iH-11:t&
contribute to global warming 1ln@J���ill (�contribute to iJ<JJ§mi:llHfJ. mi$�111, 'E�
":/Ja.@IJ" ��,ffi,, f71J:lm: contribute to climate change :IJO.@IJ��'.ll:ft)
construction lti.9:

► How can we protect wild animals and plants?

� 1f1 .;y VA ,!;. tf 1* :if Jf 1.. i;J tli. 4h?

Governments should create more nature reserves ( �1j�]!!$(t-J El �f:�HPIR) and tine
companies that damage natural habitats ( 13 Mt@,�,±t!!,). For instance, companies that
cut down forests should be heavily fined ( rt:i: fiJ). As individuals, we should walk
or cycle more and drive less because many wild animals and plants are under threat
from global warming ( -i'.:B1<�Bf).

governments :(£�5:\�i!.ll!., government B��� governments ;li/::iznl�m�Jff, �:lt!l�Jff
WG @I iI3Ult
create more nature reserves €�JIB]!!$� 13 �-1,'iHr' IR, nature reserves ;Ii/:: " 13 f'.!i-lliHr' IR" ��,[!,

[ BBC i91j 1'iJ) Nature reserves give them the opportunity to learn about local wild animals and

natural habitats !llf�i;/Jffi�i'.813 f'1.,WL\i!Jt!l

line ... f,J�
walk or cycle more and drive less �X(l(J-1;Jvfi=fr�*ffl*: 51!$:lt!ltf;-filllt�� El fi:$, 5f!j;':ff$
are under threat � flj m\1.M}
global warming �:f;j��

J!� ideas
� :Jf' !LIJ 1:. igJ fll � B{J J3 - ,t :m � tMf fiWf. ¾ Schools should educate students about
endangered animals and plants. (��i.i1Z��WI!:/J��ff1Tm�fe:�ffi!lmo)

( 1.T-� oJ �:x:tfm 183 -185, 186 -189 1il

-��$*��-�M■ ��-��J

Short and Direct Answers
JiHj., SHA� Part 1 l¥J t:l:lit:nrt:�•/lHiHZJ ( Day 5), ��-@- o i.�fmJjD
* ��
( biog. sina. com. cn/ieltsguru ) fO ;.$: � � (t-J $ � oJ �j 1� •� >II � '9J­
��W� ( :f �ic tz.• $, @ l'�f.R :tJ} * �• � �
ili IJi1, a{] 1JD � iii] 5[ ;f□ ±t!!. m:

ft ?I: , t .t e(J I 1$ 1 92 ��,,@-, 4�.! ** / 115

ffet��I.Mt��*• �#I� t ll o\lr All� I 116
x :i!.I .Jl. 196 � t7Hr.�, '* �,1/ll #f I 117

f;.J5Jffl', �-fa9ttfiEll0O M�. *A/ 118

f?l-i¼/101 �cl! 5(t, ,;Ji'$- I 119
lt � , � t , # f , ffi 'J?.. I 102 ;$;!/iii, -fj;-.1J=., -tA I 119

:ii t. }J , ic tUJ , M: ;t I 105 �� I 121

!If�. itnt, j:11106 Jti-.x., );k:)t I 121
tfM#..�-. 11..#. xl!W/108 il i!' , 1,£ .R- I 122

tAt, 1JU!t, � I 109 1i B, 1. B / 123

,¼4,{'g /110
'f;lJ:�. iot, t!HL; 124
7r @ ,t£ I 112 ifL tn , t&_ il , f.\' Ji; 'eE I J.·

,!<., o/Jlli / 112 t:W, t� / 127

-'-4, -'* I 113 Z:;;ft, �@i, tl� I 131
#t�-t£, iif*, Pj'Jl}J /114 l§i-@. , � .I. I 134


:Ja�, .fJi" l'i1J, * ;t I 136 at f!3] f I! , � TT �L &Y 1t I 162
00�, {t; I 137 El t ffl�J, '!1. pij at M � m ;/I 1163
*�· �I!!/ 139 �tt, �.t� / 165

,% I 140 J<:..� / 166

li� �, it�tJL I 140 Bf J<:.. , llB .3/t , 'ffl J<:.. I 166
tr $,-=f lb� ff / 142 *"f / 167
Ef-tJL/143 ••*ij�;/J. l'*�I. -��11�9
$, -1- � I 144 P *ml, @:� 1110
tJL�A I 144 ��.�t.�i. ��.�*��;,k�
*� / 145
�;/J /171
�1Hx, �£, iii"l\'i% I 146 1b1 �, '9t.Jl; I 174
1-r�f.l / 147 iKfr, It�/176
¾:#�;WJ / 178
�#J. �#J/148
rp�, #� I 149 J'A.:l, i/ii:, i/ii:ili, i/ii: Sb 1119
Rll�, at r/6 I 151 ��. Wlia I rno
Ml-, 19 f! /181
:ff, ffi / 153
lt{l'fi, Ef¾, :k_µa<tt., 'e!,/153 ¾ ri9 , 1Bf ffi Im I 181
� ;,k , 1t :lY: £ , � � I 156 W, �#1183
* q,,tt_!/pJ, ;/t /184
:t-Jtit I 157
-t!J1- #Jn', 00 -45 {t I 157 J<:..'!1., ,m-££ I 185
]i.ig I 159 Jf :i ;/J 4PJ , ;/J i lfil /186
� 4!iJ , � 1! , � J , It ! / 187
tL�, � at I 160
iWt I(.' , 11- 1f- I 161
� I 161

G * Do you live in a house or a flat?
Part 1 _m�����M-K. wHf��'jg'�,A3(':iffil¥J�'tli\;agft Part 3o
I live in a two-bedroom flat ( WJ.m* (190jt) with my family.

I live in a flat with my roommates ( 'fl.tft:.) .

I live in a flat, which is on the ... ( 5th / 6th / 7th ... ) floor of a block of flats
( tE��, 0m-�n�ft a block of flats).

a * Which is your favourite room in your flat?

My favourite room is the living room. It's spacious and bright. It's where my family
and I unwind and have fun together or entertain our guests.

spacious and bright y!AtlJll1fi(l(_J

unwind [ ,An'waind) ftl:f'k ( ili S(�fg: wind [ waind) down)
entertain our guests ffi t'H� fl'WJ � A

My favourite room is my bedroom. It's not big. but it's cosy and quiet. I decorated
it all by myself.

cosy and quiet (J%fEil) ff�1c,tft(l{J, tfit!!��Jt£, cosy "ffillia<J'' -fR�JFJ*%�

decorate �i$, 'f::{l(_J� Wm:J!:£ decoration

fai ;{ !tI ill.»- -t- I ffil"oJ J;l � JIJ?r mi� ;t # J.- � , native speakers 4 ilL:
The room has a view of ...
[ Daily Mail i§IJ'fiJ) The living room has a view of our community park ( ;i.:!:.
IB.1:--Bl ).

My favorite room is the kitchen because it's practical and well-organised. I enjoy
cooking in the kitchen for my family or guests.

practical and well-organised :Jtffll¥.JffiHHlt1flf!¥�

U * Are there any things that you would like to change about your Oat?
Yes, I'd like to have a balcony and a bigger living room. Our living room is quite
small, and we don't have a balcony at the moment.

balcony llB €i

U * Do you like to decorate ( �tfli) rooms with mirrors?

Yes, I do. The rooms in my flat are quite small. I like to use mirrors to decorate them
so that they feel larger than they really are.

It's just a short walk from . . . B Be 'I!) ...... .R � k - 1J, .fUt o

It's just a short drive from ... t Be '/1)..... · .R .fi" -1], & $ � o

It has large windows that allow plenty of natural light ( -Jf. � a'9 :J;:. f& 1t � )
into the room. B;fiffl;k/J'9�-filJ'E�/J'9:J;:.f&.7\:J:lUtrJ\ifJ o
My bedroom is my own space. � a'9 !Ji� i ¾. � § G /tJ � JPl o
1 can use a mobile phone app to control the lighting.
It has hardwood flooring � � ;ll!1, � , flooring ;,'U� :!{!!Abt /tJ # #
The kitchen is small but practical. /jf $-1fl!J,,(g,¾*�Jll, �:if It's an open­
plan kitchen ( jf '/IJ.. � Jfff $- ) .

CT * What do you like about the area that you live in?

I like its location because the area is close to public transport, a park and a variety of

shops and restaurants. I also like the strong sense of community of the area. Most of
my neighbours are friendly and helpful.

public transport 0:lt3cim

a variety of $f,!i�j;$(t,J
a strong sense of community {IB!a<JUIKffil\
friendly and helpful Jt!!.ilt�:Z.!EM�.Jd!H�ffi a<J 1· J:IH,\1 ift: :ti"!!f mi_§Jf- -=f i!/J .A. a<J

[ff' * Are there any things that you don't like about the area?
I don't like the noise level in the area. It can be quite noisy, especially in the afternoon
and at weekends, which is annoying and distracting. Another thing that I don't like
is there are not enough sports facilities in the area.

at weekends "!Ii: 00 ;tJ 'g fll iJ1. " :(£ Jli]

weekends ;lt�;IHti't:"!Ri!
*" fa; i,Jl at weekends , cp 00 llil ?¥: {f] � ?ls a<J on

annoying and distracting :liiLA.a<Jffii.§. ::P?Jttl:�fJ a<J

sports facilities jg���. {JiJ:!IO: football pitch (,IE�:1$)), basketball court 11[�:J:�,
tennis court ��:%, swimming pooI lD'!:i;J(�
[ ffl�ffiilt) leisure facilities it�ii�, It� parks, shopping centers fil cinemas

U * Would you prefer to live in a city or in the countryside if you could

I would prefer to live in a city because public transport in urban areas is more
convenient and reliable. Also, cities offer a wide variety of leisure facilities, such as
shopping centers, museums and sports centers, � living in a city would be more
enjoyable than living in the countryside.

convenient and reliable 1f-(j!AJ�(l(J leisure facilities #-��n([

a wide variety of $#$j;$� enjoyable � .A.'flfu-11cil'-J

�mfa i tttt-J IK�tl

Cities offer more job opportunities. � r!i � i# � j {r<J � j]'._ t/L� 0
Cities offer a wide variety of leisure facilities, such as museums, shopping
centers, cinemas and fitness clubs. :I.RZ. r!i � i# i # i # � vt;. Ii¥] i,� � , It �
���. ��o/�, t������*� o


Public transport in cities is more convenient and reliable.
� rf7 ll ev -0 # 3C -� :if 1' ini 11. Pf • o

Living i n a city is more interesting and exciting.

1:. m t£ � W ll J!: ;ff .it im 11. 4 A. � -if o

The cost of living is high. 1:. $ �** jl'/j


Most people have fast-paced lifestyles. ::k I I: A 891:. � ;t tic 0

Many city dwellers lack a sense of community.

fR f:lj. 1p ,% � ilik: .z � IR � ( nUI city dwellers .¾ " � 1ji' I! � " ll<J t �- )
Some people don't even know their neighbours. -�A.-#:f.:fiA.-l..Rft!7.11'Jll<J1P.i 0

Many cities are overcrowded. fR i � 1ji' :i±-f ffil i# o

Traffic congestion is quite common. ?t:il:!f £'/ll � Jl o

There is a lot of traffic noise, which is annoying and distracting.
3t•�%«f, �«MA.imll-f��-h o

The pace of life is much slower. 1:. :;f; ii � 'Ii ffl. f o

The cost of living is lower. � :;f; � * � 1t 0

There is a strong sense of community. il: IR�f!Ul o

Local people tend to be friendly and helpful. �:ltl!,,@-�iffi.'IW=ittt:!ifii'iill.ffi-f.!l)JA. o

Air quality tends to be better in the countryside. i, # a<J !l � Alt I: 1Hi � :!if o
There is less traffic noise. 3t • Pj tr � j> 0

There're not many job opportunities for young people. ��A.ll<J�.iAJL�.:f 1- o

Young people tend to ( :ii. it , fi. fi.) think the countryside is dull and boring

U * What changes would you like to see in your city?

I would like to see more sports facilities, including swimming pools and basketball
courts , in my city. And I would like to see more green space, such as community

sports facilities ili;/Ji&!:MB community park t± lz: 0 tffi
green space �.1Mt£fiil

� � � rp ?k :ill (J(J :t ffi if 1iJ" t;J. 1i" cleaner air ( � � t.!f e\J � � ) , less
pollution ( � y tf;J � �) , more reliable public transport ( 'J[ "j;J" "1f;. e\J 0 # i��) ,
a Jot of eco-friendlyvehic les ( I: B\J � � 3( it .I. JI: ) �

U * Would you like to move to another city in the future?

Yes. In the future, I'd like to move to a city with a milder climate, cleaner air and
more reliable public transport.

a city with cleaner air �"'i.:ll!ffl�B9lJixm, il!iiJ�i}I. a city with better air quality
more reliable �oT�t'.J{J

No, I'mquitehappylivingin ... (1B-�1fr.s{::Ei¥J�m). It's a clean and safe city,
and it has efficient and reliable public transport. It's also where my parents and most
of myfriends Ii ve.

efficient and reliable r.63&mi.fl..iJJ$(l<J

:!nd!U! "£�ii��$ti:t", native speakers �i,ll The infrastructure

is well-developed. ffi:...zJ!tl ¾ The infrastructure is under-developed. ( £� i��
;f � $tit) O
:/IP* J: ill. I§ C 1i 8'J �$fit�% :!.Hi , :l1l!. it� 3C � i.!l It's very walkable.
�-:If It's very pedestrian-friendly.

a * What types of public transport ( 0ft 3ti!) can be found in your city?
A variety of public transport can be found in my city, such as buses, taxis and the

underground. They are efficient and reliable.

a variety of $fi!'$f-f(j(J
the underground :l!!lt'k, :(£�f@n4 subway (Pat ttt!ilJ:if::(,f�fr:i'J�reF-1 c.Elf:tE.IJ&rfi(j(J
:lt!!.t'kn4fF the Tube, jt�:(£�00 the Tube .Rtmffl*�ffi��mP-J(/iJ:ltM�. ElfVJ:lm,llt:f
fi:(£fi?;tl(�:;r,:;�_ffl the Tube *ffi F-1 EJlft£�m.l!lfl9:l!!li!IO
efficient and reliable ili635(il'ii.§.iiJ!l(l(J

U * Do you like to take public transport?

Yes, l do because it's safe, convenient and reliable. It's also more eco-friendly than

safe, convenient and reliable 1i':�, ::tf{!fffii.§.iiJit(l(J

more eco-friendly j!!};i;,(JjH1<J

No, I don't because public transport i n my city is inconvenient and unreliable. And
it's almost always crowded and uncomfortabl�.

inconvenient and unreliable :;r-:;jf{l-w,:;r,:;i:i]"�lf{J

crowded and uncomfortable 111J:t9fifrj_§_:;y;:;1ff�(/i]

U * How often do you take a taxi?

I take a taxi at least a few times a week. I usually take a taxi when I'm in a hurry to
get somewhere.

I take a taxi only a few times a year. I take a taxi only when buses are not available.

a* Do you prefer to take a taxi or take the underground?

I prefer to take the underground because it's much cheaper than taking a taxi. It is also
more eco-friendly and is a good way to avoid traffic congestion.

more eco-friendly :il!ff*l'fJ

avoid traffic congestion �ff3offirtf�


traffic jam fo traffic congestion ill¾ "�ii*!l" e¾ ;t ,�-, -fg_)f] 5i".;f liiJ:

traffic jam ¾ :I! /tJ , ii]" !;A iJl a traffic jam � � traffic jams;

traffic congestion 9!tl ;,'t_;f ii]"� /tJ, _p)r t;J.:!.{l!.:itlJi�jcj_ :f i,jl a traffic congestion X,
-1!1. :f iJl traffic congesti�ns X, mi ¾ i,lt traffic congestion v'
[ BBC (§IJ �] A good way to avoid traffic congestion is to allow employees to
work from home.

I prefer to take a taxi because the underground tends to be very crowded. A taxi is
much more comfortable.

tend to im'/il, tttt

crowded ffil=!JHl9

IT * What are the advantages of cycling to work or school?

The main advantage is that cycling to work or school is eco-friendly and helps us
reduce our carbon footprint. Cycling is also cheaper than driving and faster than

cycle to work or school !JtHJ-rr$:�.1:.Yf�1Lt�

eco-friendly 1i" � 'fpf-fJiHJ<.J
reduce our carbon footprint � p � fil (l<J " lil)i ,@ � " , :II!! J:R � JC .ll -tl1 1il" W. reduce
carbon ellliffions ( �j,'�:jjl,$:)

native speakers � � 13 TT$- pt t ,If] /tJ}} -,/;] -i! ¾:

I can enjoy the sun and fresh air ( :!j[ � lll3 7t� tfr#- BJ;;��) while cycling.

U * Do you like cycling?

Yes, I do because cycling can improve my balance and coordination. It's a good
way to burn calories as well.

improve my balance and coordination c&il\q.lUJ9.iJZ-�.!§E1J,if.J�jJ

burn calories fr!HU�ffl:, "��-¥�.ll" ( ilr.:X.: lose weight �Be)


� § ff $ a¾ }J - 1- :/!l-- ?t ¾: Cycling is eco-friendly ( t � -t lt � �)
because it can help us redu ce our carbon emwions ( �j> � 111 e(J "�Xii").

IT * Do you have a driving licence?

Yes, I do._ And I always have my driving licence with me when driving.

I don't have a driving licence yet. I'm still learning to drive and I'm not confident
about my drivin g skills.

It makes my life easier ( i,l � {1/;J f 51; -,__ � ;Jil ) .

It makes me feel more independent ( iJ: � � '.llt -,__ �9? if. ) .

Driving is fun.

There' re many dangerous drivers ( :f ff[ j!t 11- � � �) in my city.

I often get stuck in ( 'llt @ ,'fE • · • • · · � If ) traffic jams.

It's often difficult to find a parking spot / parking space ( 1f .$ft) .

a * Do you like the idea of robots driving our cars?

Yes, I do because rob ots don't get tired like humans. I suppose driving, es pecially
long-distance driving, would be much safer J!:. cars were controlled by robots.

long-distance driving :@lie����

self-driving cars § ;/J�.lfl!��$, :(£��-tl!. 'it��j;J driverless cars

... would. . . if. .. were. . . Ji!: � �;{ i! l\ � � , * if- � .:!K * a Ht � :i!Ht

$S( ff.J1FHt


Bicycles don't need fuel.

Driving makes me feel more independent. 7f * il � � � � �!11 iL o

a * Do you prefer to study alone or with others?

I prefer to study alone so that I can concentrate better and think more clearly.
Studying with others tends to be distracting ( T=l'ftr±�:h 89).

so that... �� 13 (l(_J (l<Jji�ili], 2::l'f�iiJ �� · · · · .. , l;1{!I!..····

distracting 'ftlttl::tf.r l'l<J
tend to illi '/ii· , tl: tE

a * Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?

I prefer to study in the morning because I feel refreshed after a good night's sleep. It
helps me concentrate better and think more clearly.

feel refreshed �'.!11:*Rili�M.ri!Jff concentrate better £.!ff-:lt!!.�i:J:ttl::�.:/J

a good night's sleep think more clearly £�1l1Ji:lt!!.,��
( [§J�®:ey) -fi:!lt'.!11:

a * Are there any skills that you want to learn?

driving skills 11; � ;Ji �

public speaking skills 0- * i}t i# (Jl;J it 1i�

mo ney-management skills f l1 M 4§- alq it 1i�
cooking skills � i. {f;J tt: ne
playing a musical instrument ]jt�JJ;.M-

The teachers are friendly and helpful. ti: !/iii 111 * -JJ:.. ./if iro Ji ;f. -t I .ll)J 1 !£.1fl 0

They encourage their students to think independently.

-flt 1fJ M. !fJJ • !£. 111 1!k .I[ ;ljg �- ;f 0

Art activities can encourage imagination and make children more creative.
Group activities can help students improve their communication skills.

U * Do you think it's important to learn a foreign language?

Definitely. People who have foreign language skills have a competitive edge in the
job market. Leaming a foreign language can also help us make more friends.

foreign language skills 5'1'-i'IHU� in the job market :(E��rp��'t'

have a competitive edge �J[;fl!-t't�

native speakers i-H, * ;:J :rr i$- a(J ./if ?t: Bi :if '!it ill Learning a foreign language
makes a person more intelligent ( iJ:. A � � � ll!t f!,IJ ) •

Definitely. ( �.)(f¾:lk#) ¾:ltl!.��jc.f a(J-,tt Jll @1$��. iii. if-Jt;t:

Definitely. F.fJ if � ffl. S!i\ , fft IV, 't ,,R it� 1t- �-* � S.H� ir Jt it N. a(J � Jfi1 o

u * Would you like to learn another foreign language?

Yes. I'd like to learn French so that I can read French novels in the original and
watch French films without having to read the subtitles.

read ... in the original ]I*O"!;Jw;W,Jt, ;f��;ii,fJt

subtitles *4i

I plan to visit... next year. I'd like to learn ... so that I can communicate with the
locals ( � ;:i:ltE.A5tv!O in their language.

A friend of mine is from ... I'd like to learn... so that we can communicate better.

��*=f· · · · · · )'( {tB-99;0ttJ.)

It can expand my knowledge about the ... culture. ( tt

Studying a foreign language can boost children's brain development.


* 4tIi��
English skills can help students make more friends, both on the Internet and in
real life. � Wt# JlJ; • 1. 11'1 if §. J!0,1] .l:-fD {£ � � 1_ 15 � tp ;f/11 � i,R � $

a * Do you think it's important for children to learn maths?

Yes, it's important because maths skills can help them better understand science and
technology. Studying maths can also improve their problem-solving skills.

help them better understand... fWij/Jftp,fl7j!jff-:11E,JJl[ffj1f ... ···

improve their problem-solving skills 1£i'tliftkff]ffj1f�fll_]ffifl<Jtt�

JL:f � >J �, ft;] -!if;!.: :ii PJ' I;/. ill. It can develop their money-management
skills ( £/l 1i!t. 111 f l! � ¾ (r-J 4t Ii�).

iiff * Do you prefer to use a calculator when you do maths?

It depends. I prefer to do maths in my head or on paper and not to use a calculator
when I only need to do simple basic calculations. But I tend to use a calculator when
I feel the calculations are tricky.

do maths in my head or on paper ,i:.,.�;j!f-�1f:

",-:.,,1(." tE:!11!.it�)tJ..lf!.'iifW.P� do mental maths, "%1(." -tl1.'iifW.P1/

do maths by hand, "fHi ;k �" 99 � X .¾ exercise my brain

simple basic calculations !Wilt!B(J�lill!:iift

tricky ���fli!H:lcfl9

a * Do you have a number that is special to you?

Yes, 16 is a special number to me because it's the day on which I was born. I believe
it's m y lucky number.

lucky number $ill�*

a * Are you good at remembering numbers?

No, I'm not good at it. Remembering numbers, especially long numbers, is always a
challenge for me.

Yes , I'm good at remembering numbers. I can easily remember phone numbers,
including those I've heard only once.

a* What are some good ways to remember long numbers?

I suppose the best way is to break long numbers into shorter parts so that they become
easier to remember. Creating connections between the long numbers that you want to
remember and things that you are familiar with is also a good way to remember long

create connections between ... and... tE······�·····•Zfii.llt.iT.l!)c:f-

Studying maths can help students develop their problem-solving skills.


U * Do you think it's important for children to study science?

Yes, it's really important because studying science can help them better understand

ft can improve their problem-solving skills as well.

beaa- �--- J!•--···

the worid uoead them fts fn;!i:J-itl (J(Jttt 11-
imp.rove their problem-solving skills :lt�!il.{il!.fflf!i!HR:l'iiJ!l.fil(J(J�jJ

Doing experiments in physics ( or chemistry) class is interesting and exciting.

t��(���f) *L���*�W�4A��o

a * Do you like history?

Yes, 1 do because it helps me better understand social change. It's also fun and
fascinating. Sometimes I feel that reading history books is like going on a journey into
the past.

better understand. . . !I!� ii!! 7 Aff · · · · · •

social change u��;'v: (���i!)
fun and fascinating 1f�imil.��'M'l�FJIA(J(J

* -f f1i _t, native speakers t /i<J - l,;J � ¾ Studying history helps us
better understand the present and the future. ( � -Jif :!\l1. ll 1W � ,it l:j 41f- -3lt.)

U * Do you like watching historical TV dramas?

Yes, I do. They're fun and relaxing. They also help me gain knowledge about
historical events and historical figures.

fun and relaxing 1f�ffiiil. �A:iffr'�(J(J historical events £Jj�)J:f4

gain knowledge about... �.QR;'IFf-· ••(J(J�W., historical figures £Jj�A!lo/.J

No, I don't like watching historical TV dramas because they tend to distort history.
They are entertaining, but very few of them are based on historical facts.

distort history � !III JJj_IE are based on historical facts

entertaining 1f�*tt(J(J


Studying history can help students develop their critical thinking skills.
Hi story is fun and fascinating. JJi ..!I:. ;(if� ii'ii ll..{R � �I A. 0

a * Do you concentrate better in the morning or in the evening?

I concentrate better in th e morning because I feel refreshed after a good night's sleep.
By con trast, I tend to feel sleepy and unfocused in the evening.

feel refreshed �'.l\t�Jmiq�rrJM[

a good night's sleep ( IID�m:iff) -��:tit
feel sleepy and unfocused �'.%��031m.§.it:lJJ��'t'

I concentrate better in the evening because I'm free from distractions. Everything
feels quiet and peaceful in the evening.

free from distractioos :iF5¥'.1f{iiJ''ftlt peaceful 5¥-fitt £19

a * What are some ways to improve memory?

Having a balanced diet is a good way to improve memory because it can help the
brain work more efficiently. Playing outdoor sports and keeping a regular sleep
schedule are also good ways to impro ve memory.

have a balanced diet 1JiHt±'iJ1jijl¥Jtxit�:ltJ

help the brain work more efficiently �Hl/J::kn&Je:il't�:lt!!.Ifl:
play o utdoor sports JA$ ,P ?'HE;/J
keep a regular sleep schedule 1JiH�lH!il$1¥Jfj:,@,B;j'fa]

U * Why do some people forget things easily?

The main reason is that they suffer from stress and anxiety. Lack of sleep is also a
common reason for forgetting things easily.

suffer from stress and anxiety �jJ.ffijJ��.f!'.t(J(J�tfc
lack of sleep l!Ui;�.IE

�d(�1) ��-��-. t�rc••·-��;

lack � �. � Bf« , t al; fc' im � J: 7JP of � 31{ 4; �
[ TED 1,1!�]
Children who spend too much time playing video games tend to lack communi­
cation skills. (lack� ;Ii�)

Lack of sleep increases the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. ( lack
iij:4, wJ)

a * Why do elderly people forget things more easily than younger people?
It's a natural process. Elderly people tend to be more forgetful due to ageing of the

a natural process -1' § MB<Jtt� forgetful il!��B<.J

tend to be iffi-m�, tttt¾ ageing of the brain ( ��t}j:�) /
due to E!J'f, t:E#� B{i(JfciiliiiU; aging of the brain ( ��t}j:�)
� , � iil.l�ig�;;lf the fact that... t$i :kffi&i B<J �-ft

Having a healthy diet can improve concentration. �¾ft .l3t � 1.X ½ ;t � PJ i;l.
i# 5£ ii ;t jJ o

Learning to play a musical instrument can help children improve their memory
and concentration. � >J jjl *Jf--3 oJ Ii). rt} ll)J JL it� 5.£ 1t 1f1 89 ie. •�z. jJ � :11;@: jJ 0

IIDll, Billi, fi9

a:::F * What are some good ways to improve sleep?
I suppose the best way to improve sleep is to keep a regular sleep schedule. Doing

some light exercise or listening to soft music before going to bed can also help to
improve sleep.

keep a regular sleep schedule f¥ � � � $ 89 fF ,Ii!, B;j fii] ( go to bed and get up at
around the same time every day 4!t:Rtlli'.E:;k:¥:{ffi�i¥)B;f fii]l!i'./t�®*)
do some light exercise before going to bed 1111ltri$�4£Jti¥.Jtl/1J;
listen to soft music U)r��a(Jif'Jf-

llt llU browse through magazines ( jj!J .l � ;t) , have a hot shower ( i,t 1'
1"'I 7k � ) , try not to use electronic devices ( � :i ;f � Jfl it!. f- F ,H, ) ·tl!.tll �
& $ llt BlHV 'lit Ji!. 7i �

IT * Do you take a nap after lunch?

On weekdays, I'm usually too busy to take a nap after lunch. But at weekends,
sometimes I take a nap after lunch because it makes me feel more energetic in the

on weekdays tEm!-ilJJ1/Jli
at weekends tl:�JK ( tl:�: �Ii.Ai.JI. at weekends, ffii�INA!ilU� on weekends)
make me feel more energetic iJ:��'!;ffr,sjJ

IT * What do you do when you stay up late ( l!fel!i, ��)?

I tend to stay up late to play video games. Sometimes I also stay up late to chat with
my friends on social media.

� � a¾ fffi llsl :i!. "iif 1i� ;{ii' Sometimes I stay up late to study for exams. ;Jt :t
Sometimes I stay up late to finish an assignment ( % � fl: jt).

U * How do you feel when you stayed up Jate the night before?
I feel tired and sleepy. And I tend to find it difficult to concentrate.

find it difficult to concentrate �1t!;�l;JJJ!9"tl:�JJ

a * Do you remember your dreams?
I usually don't. But if I wake up during a dream, I tend to remember it.

wake up during a dream tE-1-�l'.!9:iiff � 9"1\U!E

a * Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks?

I prefer several short breaks because they make me feel more energetic and
motivated. I can have a cup of coffee or go for a short walk and get some fresh air.

energetic and motivated ;(ff.sjJj/ij_§_::{;f;,/JjJ{l(J

a * What do you usually do when you feel tired?

I usually listen to music or have a hot shower when I feel tired. And sometimes I take
a nap , which makes me feel more energetic.

have a hot shower (�.;:t) / take a hot shower (��) t.9i;1-�1.k�

take a nap llli-1],�
[ TED @I�) I usually take a nap after lunch.
feel more energetic �'.li!:9!1ff.fijJ

frff * What do you usually do when you feel bored?

I usually chat with my friends on social media when I feel bored. Sometimes I also
play video games or go to the cinema.

social media t±3c�� go to the cinema -¼�El!�

Going on holiday is a good way to re charge our batteries.

Jt1iV!ffi:�fit,-.:;, "�Jt,t·Jtl@." eHf7T5i o

0 * Do you like fruit and vegetables?
Yes. I'm fond of fruit and vegetables, such as pears, tomatoes, and cucumbers. They
are tasty and they improve my health because they're a good source of vitamins and

I'm fond of... flt*�······

pears, tomatoes and cucumbers �, lffitt�faj{J[
tasty !!fat a<.) ( i!r.>l: delicious)
improve my health �iz!:�B���
a good source of vitamins and fiber ¾{!Of a<]���fa� �IHI�*� ( = rich in
vitamins and fiber "m'�fin':t:.�f1l�H-1£)

* -f- 7.l<.*� ,JJ£,.'At, native speakers :it �iJI,� Wi .f;J�:

Fruit and vegetables are tasty and nutritious (:!if"timil.1fi��)- j-:
Fruit and vegetables can boost the immune system ( iif t;HJ mJt � � :!tJ.U1L1iE).
.13 11-- , � 00 ** 1fP.h 1j, J!/l � $ Pt #l J � � at � :it � � � iJt : Carrot s can
improve our eyesight ( � :lft � 1fl b'<J � -}J ) .

J.l<. *" $, n- W<i" , native speakers � if] very juicy ** it.

carrots #l "J � tom atoes W h# potatoes ± .R
cucumbers ._ J[ cabbages !t '"-' Jt_
apples jp:* pears � peaches �f-
oranges ;jfq.- grapes :mj,1,ij

U * Do you like eating fish?

Yes , I do. It's tasty and low-fat It's also a good source of protein.

tasty ./1-J·llz:i'I� a good source of protein

low-fat f!U�Jltia<.J W:18-B<J � B mt* lllll

No. I don't like the smell of fish. It makes me feel sick.

.fc -f i,t � , native speakers � iJt atJ }j - ,f;J � X ¾ Fish is very nutritious

Eating vegetables that are high in vitamin A, such as carrots, can improve our
eyesight. 'i I * � 1. * A tl9 di� , It :ini #11 I' , iiT i;l. � 3! � 1i1fl 9 {Jil. 7J o

ilfi, �-ffi
CT * How often do you eat out?
I eat out only once or twice a month. Most of the time, I eat at home because it's
cheaper and healthier.

I eat out at least a few times a week because eating out helps me save time and
energy. And sometimes I eat out with friends, which is a good way to socialise.

save time and energy 7J�IJ,}'/B]f1lffljJ socialise :t-i'x':

U * Why do people eat out?

Some people, like myself, eat out to save time. Others eat out because restaurants
offer a variety of food choices or they like to socialise in restaurants.

a variety of food choices $f+$t-Fi'.J<Jitil''/d2\;� socialise tl'.le

U * What are the differences between restaurant food and home-cooked

Restaurant food tends to taste better than home-cooked food, but it usually contains

too much fat, salt or sugar. By contrast, home-cooked food is healthier and more
nutritious, but it's not as tasty as restaurant food.

tend to illi 'lit , tEtE

contain too much fat, salt or sugar �ff:l:i�a<JD�!W, !t:�:t"ffi
healthier and more nutritious Jl!fi!Mfim..111!:ff��a<J
tasty :!ff nz: a<J

CT * Do you think children should learn to cook?

Yes , I suppose they should because cooking is an important life skill. It can make
cMldren more independent. Children who know how to cook are also more likely to
have a healthy diet.

an important life skill -#m�a<J�mtt/m

make children more independent i..t{ll!.{0'.lNU!!�.U:
are more likely to... ]!i'iJ��- .... ,
have a healthy diet i'tl:�fl!*a<Jtxit�;tt) (�<tit: rely on fast food -/«A!fttRifO

CT * Do you like watching cookery programmes on TV?
Yes , I do because they can help me improve my cooking skills. I like watching them
also because many TV chef s have a good sense of humour and they teach people to
cook healthy meals.

improve my cooking skills l:l¾il1/ifta<J_!ijz::

TV chef JMZ::'i, § ![a<J:f;:00, "14!1!\1;�:Mi'' , lt:f: chef �iETiffl2tlf¾ Ifef/
have a good sens e of humour 1�:;(ifl!i!I��
cook healthy meals {lM!.IJRB<Ji&�

native speakers i� � ffif 't. % /f<J Jfff �ifi at iE � f f:- i!I. They make cooking
look like an art form ( ii:. 16-t � � � *1tUt - # t ;le*�) .

No, I don't like watching cookery programmes on TV because most of the advice from

TV chefs is not practical. Watching their programmes is a waste of time .

the advice from TV chefs not practical ��ml':19

� ¥!.t B9 *i!-ITT� tll B<J�i5l is a waste of time ¾��B;j"fa]

Eating fast food regularly may increase the risk of heart disease and high blood
pressure. f.£'$ Pz. �il- oJ �!: %:it :lw ,!!:, ,-:,, ![ tili � � .ifn.JI /J(J J'A. � o

Some restaurants are always packed with people. � � � � .!. ,(g, ¾ � � T Ao

CT * Have you ever tried any foreign food?

pwa ��* kimchl � 00 jfJ, �
spaghetti ;f, JC �Ui chips ( � � � ii ) / French fries
cheeseburger fr}}� ix. :lf­ Ubt�m) ;tt•�
sushi Ii'&) taco IW-llf-1(§1#

0 * Do you drink water only when you are thirsty?

No, I drink water regularly during the day. I suppose it's important to stay
hydrated, which can improve my health and boost my immune system.

drink water regularly ;&'11\'�JJ<. improve my health :ltit!:;J:11; fl<J{l::l!Jj}ii

during the day boost my immune system
(ffi:i:1½) i'fElx (&x.: at night)
stay hydrated �t.yU, ,:tg:ff;E}E 1':19 7Jci}-

(i) � f-Pl 7]<., � I!] OO If ff f,I>. j NHS�� Iii�� 99��¾ Try to drink
8 glasses of water a day ;

(ii) native speakers � � 7]<. fl;J -J£f ?I: et� iJl fl;J - ,f;J � ¾ It makes me feel
energetic ( $ jl/: 'ffl_ i(;f ff; :h ) .

U * How often do you drink coffee?

I drink coffee once in a while. Coffee makes me feel energetic, but I suppose
drinking it often may make me addicted to it.

once in a while -/llii$ make me addicted to...

feel energetic �'.Jlt1!Rffm:JJ l·

a* Do you think having breakfast is important?

Yes, it's really important because having breakfast makes us feel energetic in the
morning. A healthy breakfast can also improve memory and concentration.

feel energetic �'.ilt1!Rffm:JJ, ffijJJfjlji

improve memory and concentration m�!iHc:tZ.}J;f:1li!:f-fJ

a* When do you usually eat snacks?

I usually eat snacks in the mid-afternoon, between 2 p. m. and 3 p. m. Eating snacks
in the mid-afternoon makes me feel energetic. Sometimes I also eat snacks after
working out.

make me feel energetic i.t��'.ilt;fir.!i:/J

work out ft'l!Jt

l eat snacks when I feel hungry between meals. I also eat snacks while watching TV
or watching a film.
when I feel hungry between meals :ll:WJ�Z.faJ�:il.tffiT�lt-t�

biscuits ( � ;t � i¾) / cookies ( � .;t � i¾) t!!J ilf , iH½J-,m.
crisps ( � jJt i¾ ) I potato chips ( � 'J;\, � i¾ ) 1= .It
popcorn ii-.* ;/t
ice cream * itt )p_
cheese sticks "Wi $ �
chocolate bars * * % 89 :tS )t }J *

a* What are some kinds of baked food that people enjoy in your
Well, cakes are always baked and they are very popular in my country. And bread,
which is also quite popular in my country, is usually baked in the oven as well.

oven �ffi

"� h ;J" � �-):_ t- i. -iJl? !!l'l. native speakers -i}t baked sweet potatoes
1t 1n .11 �J iuui r ©

a * Do you like sweet food?

Yes , I do because it help s me reduce stress. It's also a good source of energy.

reduce stress a.&�J.lijJ

is a good source of energy :llHlUffl9flli::!itltElw.

No, I don't because it's bad for my teeth. And I'm trying to lose weight, so I don't
like food that is high in caJories.

lose weight iJ.&HE is high in calories 1-?�-tfHI!�

a * Do you like chocolate?

Yes, I'm fond of its taste and texture. It also makes roe feel energetic. I particularly
like dark chocolate because it goes well with coffee or tea.

I'm fond of... =m�x:t· ·· ··· particularly :Jtjf;
taste and texture �ilUlll.Jr� goes well with...
feel energetic J!iltl.it11Uf t!; JJ �······!Hc:t£-�m*i!

native speakers -it ,l 15 1l JJ ( dark chocolate ) tJiJ :!if ?t fl,j- it 'It ill It can
reduce the risk of heart disease ( � j> �, ,t' Ni #i f/;J J'A. �) .

a* How often do you see your neighbours?

I see my neighbours at least 3 or 4 times a week. I usually see them when T leave
home for work in the morning. Sometimes I also see them when I get home in the

get home ¥0*

a* How well do you know your neighbours?

I know them quite well. My neighbours are friendly and helpful. They're also polite
and respect my privacy.

friendly and helpful �:llf ffi'i.§Jf r'fWJ..A.� respect my privacy �IJ� a1J 11£\,#.\

U * Do you prefer older people or younger people as neighbours?

I prefer older people as neighbours because they tend to be quiet and polite. They can
be very helpful as well.

tend to be iifi-m•:m:, tttt.¾ quite and polite :ti:ffrfii..§.;tHL��

I prefer younger people as neighbours because they tend to be more sociable. It's
easier for me to communicate with them than with older neighbours.

sociable 9Hiil B{J, *Wfa{J communicate with... 1:g •••••• 3clifl:

* native speakers � :f *jft "#-t-J 89, ¾#f-89" ;t ,\!;,at, sociable � outgoing
tl!J¾. # J-fl � -w] 5C 0 {g If' 00 � � 1fl - ALR Jfl outgoin g, 1&. j;- � � 1:. �- fti
ffl sociable:ik 1-�,t� t:U5 !.* jft ":#- r-1 e(i, ¾fff-89" fPl #-fHi� f#J %� �

[ BBC f§ll iiJ ] Their primary school will use the funding to create a friendly
environment and encourage the pupils to be more sociable.

a * How can we help our neighbours?

We can accept parcels for our neighbours when they're not at home. And we can
share information with new neighbours about the area that we live in, which can be
very helpful to them.

accept parcels �!&'§.� share information with... ;f1l · • · · • • -5}-� ffi" ,@,

a * What problems do you sometimes have with your neighbours?

The main problem is noise, such as loud music or TV. Another problem is that some
of my neighbours drop litter, which shows that they don't care about the community.

drop litter Mi-¥!U1i�J.&, �J:llniUTH'J!f.1-:)1[ ( plastic bottles), ffi;Jro:IYJl)Jtlj,;ff ( paper

coffee cups) , Wj[ ( sweet wrappers) �
don't care about the community �*,C,,t±lK

We get on well with each other. � 1f1 * � '/N.111-, 1R ¾� * o

m- -=f 1: � - -1- *
They are polite and respectful. ft 1f1 � 4L AA', im 11. lf. I: Jlti A 0
Good neighbours make a house a home. " 111-1� M iJ:. -1'-
* 1R ft 'f' x � iJl89 " i& ffe :f :!ni m. ��

i! � fa. o"

a * Do you think it's important to do volunteer work?

Definitely. We can give back to society by doing volunteer work. It's also a good way
to socialise and make new friends.

do volunteer work -fitt�.l!:\lflftHL -fMtJ(.I.
give back to society lfil�1H±4l;
help to raise funding for charity f'IJW!�*!l'.,ill,_JJffl
socialise and make new friends tt5c#-Jl�W.ffiA9.llJlli

Doing volunteer work can help young people improve their communication
skills. 1�Lt � 4r �l ¼ of i;J. /,11 Jl)J -4- *A£� -ft 1f1 � ;-fJ � :!U� o
Doing volunteer work can also help young people develop a sense of
responsibility. i:: if of I;). :W1 Jl)J -4-*A* !it-# $1£� o


U * How do you feel when you see people dropping litter?

Their behaviour makes me feel upset. They're selfish and don't care about the j.
environment. Sometimes I pick up others' litter, but I don't always have the time to
do that.
selfish El ft. 89

* What are some common types of noise in your city?

The most common types of noise in my city are traffic noise, including honking, and
construction noise. Loud music is also very common in my city.

traffic noise 5':ii!l!Ai!Ja construction noise i!$tnffi:I�pf

honking :!$:l!il[jlJJl,

U * How do you feel when you're in a crowded place?

I'm quite sociable, so I tend to feel comfortable when I'm in a crowded place.

tend to im�, tl:{1

I tend to feel a bit nervous when I'm in a crowded place, especially when the place is
crowded with people I don't know.

Noise is annoying and distracting. 'i fr� AW 11. .:fR -fit 1i ;t :h a

U * What are important qualities for friends to have?

I suppose the most important quality for friends to have is honesty because we can't
trust people who tell lies. A good sense of humour is also an important quality for
friends to have.

honesty iii£� ( ffl;;!t: a sense of responsibility 'i!f 1f�)

a good sense of humour lllil��

U * How do you usually keep in touch with friends who live far away?
I often chat with them on social media. Sometimes I also share photos and videos
with them.

chat �7( share photos and videos

social media t±.3'1:�� 5t $'.,im Jt ffi �/ijj

U * Do you usually spend your birthday with your family or with your
I usually spend my birthday with my friends because my family live in another city.
My friends usually throw a birthday party for me, which is nice and thoughtful.

throw a birthday party 7f� E iJRx;j, K:lt!!.il�)t11! throw a party fll have a party U
� ulfw.xr ��.�
thoughtful -U.M�, ;X:,e,,§Ju,A.�

I tend to spend my birthday with my family. We usually have my birthday dinner in

a nice restaurant, and then go to the cinema.

tend to :ii1Jt , tl:tl:

U * Do you like to spend time alone?
I'm quite sociable and I have many friends. But I try to spend at least a few minutes
every day alone, so I can concentrate on my own tasks and avoid distractions.

quite sociable q�il-ff a<J avoid distractions illt�-=ftft:

concentrate on... �t:j:l�;;/J-'f-······

U * Do you often have visitors?

Yes, my friends often visit me at home. I enjoy catching up with them and cooking
for them.

catch up with friends �1-±IP.:itl:ffiilfifJA�i�Lt.J!lla:1f1, ilii¾Blt!!ll�1f1 "Wi!r1£" (l{J


My friends and I have a lot in common. j. tJl;J M "ff.. 1f] f!l j. 1'i" 1l 1 # Fol ,fi- o

We like to hang out together. � 1fl .S:- J.k - �-ft� iiHl o

Sometimes I invite them for dinner. ;{ij° at j. Ji!� 1!/!, 1fl * 1 l-ta o

U * What are the qualities that good teachers have?

Good teachers know their subject well and enjoy sharing their knowledge with their
students. They are also very patient and have a good sense of humour.

know their subject well 1� Tffi1Htl!.ff]lfr� (l<J:f.ll- §

enjoy sharing their knowledge with their students $.5¥:;fllfl!!ff11¥.1$�fMt:$9:IJW­
patient fii jfij ,C,, �
have a good sense of humour 1�1il!l!llll:�


native speakers vt, j(f- � !)ifi � � !fi at :iI Jfl J1j :i! - ,/;J it : They encourage
their students to think independently ( tt JfJi � 11fJ �!I! 3L :1-11!. �- � ) .

n:::? * Do you think it's better for students to have teachers or to teach
1n my opinion, students can learn more efficiently with teachers' guidance. At the
same time, teachers should encourage their students to think independently.

learn more efficiently ]!:��.ltl!$33

teachers' guidance �!fiji(lgffi�
encourage their students to think independently �Jil/Jft!!1ll l¥J$1=.. 1fH!l!Jt,��

IT * What do you think is the best thing about being a teenager?

The best thing about being a teenager is probably the opportunity to explore new
things. They are encouraged to explore things that they are not familiar with and learn
through mistakes.

the opportunity to explore new things ��tfr4)J�i¥.Jt/L�

learn through mistakes ¾ native s peakers � i,t i!f j> �EX.�� 1,f, 5t.,
�·� atffl. 1 Jll � -,t� �
[ TED i§IJ'$)]
Our employees are encouraged to explore new ideas and to learn through

IT * Would you like to be a celebrity?

Yes, I'd like to because being a celebrity would give me a strong sense of
achievement. And I would be able to socialise and make friends with many other
celebrities, which would be fun and exciting.

a strong sense of achievement 11B!ii.1¥.l/ilt£ic�

socialise and make friends with �--····U3cJf:..§.nlt:fgJj/Loc
fun and exciting ;� A�:(,jl¥)

native speakers -vl. 4; A lit 'It� Ml -,!;J � ¾ They have fame and wealth ( 1i � 'J_
5fti M �)
.t A " 1t 1f I"- Jh " im � )'c ¾ endorse products
[ BBC {§1] 'i'iJ ] It can be quite effective to use Internet celebrities ( � $3, � A,
" [#] h" ) to endorse products.

No. Being a celebrity would mean losing my privacy and having paparazzi following
me around. J don't think I would enjoy this kind of lifestyle.

lose my privacy jdd1Ht9�#.

have paparazzi following me around 1,f�-lf!Ri!J:ltt/l!Vi:f!G, ii�: paparazzi (�ff
IR) ¾--t-�il-�WJ. �tg:JJn s

Good teachers are friendly and helpful. :lkf/fJ::t"iWit:lkfiliiil.Mf i:/tl1if.llb o I
He/ She is a good role model for young people. 1l!i I #.¾1¥-�AaHf;!f#- o
He / She is a legend. ft I �¾-1'-#-tf- A 1/m 0


a* At what age do you think people are the happiest?

I think people are the happiest in their 60's. Most people who are in their 60s have
retired and they are still generally healthy , � they have a lot of free time to do what
they enjoy.

have retired E'..�il!{ifi:.7

a* Who do you get advice from, your parents or your friends?

It depends on the kind of advice that I need. I usually get advice from my parents
about things like my diet and lifestyle. But I talk to my friends when I need advice


about shopping or entertainment.

diet and lifestyle itit�¥i!� 1:f.s :1fit

a * What are some decisions that most people in your country need to
make nowadays?
There are many decisions that we need to make, including career decisions, lifestyle
decisions and financial decisions. For example, we often need to decide whether we
should buy things that we like or save our money for the future.

career decisions *'f$.ill'.i'fJ�5E rmancial decisions 1M % �k'.
lifestyle decisions 'f!t f,s ::tnt � �5:E

CT * What do you like to discuss with your friends?

I like to discuss a variety of topics with my friends, such as films, music and food.
Sometimes we also discuss TV programmes that we enjoy watching.
a variety of $# $:f-Fff{J

CT * What did you like to talk about with your friends as a child?
As a child, I liked to talk about popular toys and animations with my friends. They
were things we were really into.
animation i;/J@i)t

U * Do you change your opinion often?

I can't say I change my opinions often. But I always try to keep an open mind and I
respect different opinions.
keep an open mind {liH�'ff J'il!: a<J ,i:,, � respect different opinions J!f m)G l<lJ a<J lc.W..

No, I'm not a person who changes opinions easily. In fact, sometimes I can be quite

U * Do you think festivals are important to us?
Definitely. Festivals are times for celebration and � bring us joy and happiness.
Many traditional festivals are also an important part of our heritage.

bring us joy and happiness ��1il**�'t!Ull$:fi

an important part of our heritage �fnl¥.l:t-ft��1¥.J]fi:�$�, tl:;t: heritage �,t;;
i:iJ!/&�iWJ, �rm:1.m s

native speakers * -f -r, B 'It i,)t. � }J - ,f,J � jc ¾ Festivals enrich our lives.
( -t- 'ii � 1fJ � �,Ut )

U * Do you usually spend your birthday with your parents or with your j-
I tend to spend my birthday with my friends because my parents live in another city.
My friends usually throw a birthday party for me, which is really kind and

throw a birthday party :If� B tlifM, throw a party l'll have a party U� ";Jf�X'J'"
B<]�,i[l, ,_'
thoughtful ,f,t,;�B<J, *,C,,J]IJ,A.1¥.J

I tend to spend my birthday with my family. We usually have my birthday dinner in

a nice restaurant and then go to the cinema.

U * Do you think it's important to celebrate our birthdays?

Yes, it's really important because they're landmarks in our lives. And it's fun and
exciting to celebrate our birthdays with people who really care about us.

landmarks in our lives �{fl,A.4'_![,f��fi-t�1¥.J:t,j;$

fun and exciting ;{;j"�ffij_§_ � A�1iil¥.J
care about us *,C,,�frl


a * What's the most important birthday for people in your country?

I suppose it's the 18 1b birthday. In my country, a child is considered to become an
adult when he or she turns 18.

People decorate their homes for this festival.

A1fJJJ 7 �t-18 jE�fil�ii'li�* o
Family members get together and exchange presents.
*1l#. ff! flHH� -� W 11 ��-i'L#J o
Everyone loves to unwrap a thoughtful birthday present on his or her birthday.

a * What types of parties do people have in your country?

In my country , the most common types of parties are birthday parties and New Year's
parties. Graduation parties are also quite common.

New Year's party ffi�i/i£X'.t graduation party !f-i.U/[ M

a * Do you think parties are important?

Yes, they're important because we have parties to celebrate special occasions in our
lives, such as birthdays, New Year's Eve or weddings. We can also have fun,
socialise and make new friends at parties.

celebrate special occasions lx]5/Aff;/c�:!;wi:­ socialise U3'.i:

New Year's Eve ffi� Jru&' make new friends �3'.i:�,ijijii[

U * Where are weddings usually held in your country?

I've n-0t been to many weddings. But in my country, most weddings are probably held
in hotels or restaurants.

are held in... �1±······:!¥:.fil'!<J

fa" * What types of presents do people give at weddings in your country?
Wedding guests usually give "hong bao" , which are red envelopes with money
inside. It's also quite common to give wine as a present.

envelope ffi°it

i:p x Jl �1 >J ·lJ fltJi If ;JiHJt " if �� Mr jl" , irii � Jc £ � >J il � Jf ¾ ill the
bride and groom ( Mr felffi" ��)

[ Daily Mail 171 1;J J The guests will drink toasts ( ii!. i/N) to the bride and

U * Do you like looking for presents for your friends?

Yes, I enjoy looking for presents for them. I try to find presents that are unique and
match their interests.

unique �!ll%'B<:J
match their interests

native speakers ;t£i,t � � ;j:L #J at f}. � iJ/, a'g - 1iJ � ¾: It's the thought
that counts. ( "i: � /r<J ¾ ,(.' �) , " �t i(.' e!J ;j:L #J" � j( ¾ a thoughtful present

U * Have you ever bought an expensive present for someone?

Yes, I bought a tablet for my father (.§?li:E.AJIV.:J!jl;.ftl!,(!g*A��� / ;cJl§ti:)
as a birthday present last year. It was a nice surprise for him and he loved it.

a nice surprise w-1'.

i!m:��-ili. AJ 12J. i,Jl-=ff]L, � fil3-=f* ( a smartwatch), �-tfti, f.t:&'i\1, �AA3-:;tc llflffi
( a pair of designer sunglasses) , � P�� l'1 � ( a concert ticket) �, 1it !A!. 'iffi (lg tr
�x�� p. 154, 1t.fil1t:1:9'. iRi ��xiW� p. 156
U * What kinds of things do people collect in your country?
Some people collect stamps, coins or postcards. Others collect more expensive
things, such as jewellery or works of art.

coins lil!ffl jewellery 1tim, It�: 't':»:�i:iJ�-1!;�

postcards IJJltti Jt works of art 2!:*g

a * Why do you think people collect things?

Some people collect things as a hobby that they enjoy. Others collect things as an
investment. They only collect what they believe will be worth more in the future.

hobby §:ff investment 19.:�

";jj° � A-t- ;): # J! #- JL � IF § e, i/UU� #J £ " � X � : Some people

enjoy organising and presenting what they have collected.

U * Have you ever borrowed things from others?

Yes. As a child, I often borrowed books from my friends. These days, sometimes I
borrow a bicycle from a friend.

toys (;}at�) -ffr lftA a pen�
clothes ( from a friend) r/iJ J!/l -/f.. it N �
money ( from a relative or a friend) if;J ffe � � :t'" M � 1¾ i&

a * Would you lend your friends your mobile phone?

lt would depend on the situation. I would if they need to make an urgent calJ ( � jJ
��-l'f.l�ffl:tflt!.�). But l probably wouldn't if they just need a phone to play
games or watch videos.

:tDi*ill-Z-!t;tfft, .'3-1-J!Eb"Sfi;.i,JU have lots of personal information

( 1- A�,€. ) on my phone.

U * How often do you go to the cinema?
I go to the cinema at least once or twice a month. It's a good way to unwind.

unwjnd [ ,An1 waind] titfa ( ilr.>l.�ffi: wind [ waind] down)

I go to the cinema only a few times a year. I usually watch films on TV or online .

online / on the Internet H:fiii.l..l

well-directed ( it ��ot-�ttiO �jj*1R%�

well-acted ( it�� ot- it 'ft,@IJ) * i.J( **%�

engaging � I A A }Ii �
a strong cast �! -;k._ � jJ{ 9i. ll$- �

U * What types of films are popular in your country?

Comedies ( �.@IJ) are very popular because they make people laugh and help people
reduce stress. Sci-fi films are also very popular because they encourage imagination
and help people gain knowledge about science.

comedies �,@lj ( ·ri!J��.!!HJ04 roma11tic comedies)

reduce stress �4£.ffi}J
sci-fi films/ science fiction films f-,i.f(J1'@Jl�
encourage imagination ���f§!.;IJ
gain lmowledge about... �ltit�f······89�ifl

They have gripping action scenes ( to A 1\J' � fi;J f/J ft :Jj l- ) and amazing
special effects ( 4 A •br- '!5Z. {i;J it � � � ) .

iE Pf � i,!t : They are fast-paced and action-packed. ( 'E 1f1 fi;J f � fR tic W 1i
� fc-1:#Jft:¼J:)

IT * Do you prefer to watch films alone or with friends?
I prefer to watch films alone so that I can concentrate on the films. Watching them
with friends can be distracting.

concentrate on... �'t'tl:iJJJtE ······..t

distracting 'fttiUtJJ �

I prefer watching films with friends. We don't talk during the films, but we enjoy
discussing the films after watching them.

discuss the films ii"�it!.�

a * Do you prefer to watch a film in the cinema or at home?

I prefer to watch a film in the cinema because a cinema screen is much larger than a
TV screen and the sound quality in the cinema is better. It also feels special to share
the experience of watching a film with many other viewers.

sound quality -t"$

share the experience with... � .. ····-il!.?t.:!i!�f'il�/n

The special effects look more spectacular on a cinema screen .

It's easier to concentrate on the film in the cinema.

The viewing experience in the cinema is more enjoyable.

-t£ t � � .f tr;J� f �� � 4 Jdt tk: o

I prefer to watch a film at home because it's cheaper and more convenient. And I just
don' t like sitting in a crowded place with many strangers.

cheaper and more convenient a crowded place -1--�tlHl�:i'mJf

JI!fj!1I fro Ji}! 1ifj! strangers m�A

U * Would you like to be in a film?
No. I'm not good at acting and I would feel nervous in front of a movie camera.

acting �ill(, lt:l!O "�it" �;Ii! acting skills

U * Do people in your country like international film stars?

Yes, many Hollywood stars and Korean film stars are quite popular in my country.
Actually, some of them have appeared in Chinese films.

Holly w ood stars M-���£ appear t!JJJ.i\

Korean film stars �@!�£

a * What types of TV shows are popular in your country?

Talent shows are very popular these days because they're fun and exciting. TV drama
series are also quite popular because they are relaxing.

talent show :ii\;��-;,§ these days tEIJ*X'fm.!l!:iF{lloJJ)..(

fun and exciting ::ti@mf Ji�A3'Hra<J Jfl nowadays � m " § llir. J!,il tE " '
TV drama series lttli\*j°tl,ls{J native speakers tEX'fmlltm # Jfl these
relaxing i.t.A..$:fka<J days �mfil.lf-fa<J�,�

� ,Jl1, B'J � :/Jil. 71 §l # � :if � tal k show (it -w � 1 13 , JUl t:J * ) , news show
( k/r l'&l 71 § ) , quiz show ( fi,J ft � 1 § ) , variety show ( f;r- tf §),
reality show ( � A ff ) , cookery show ( /ij- t f 13 ) , travel show ( fff- � �
71 §l ) , blind d ate show ( #I ffe f#_ 1 13 ) $ , i;}J @i )t PY animated film � :f
animation t!l � IV. ( t-P*#�-t:®.Jt * f'&�¾ cartoon)

a * Do you like watching cookery programmes on TV?

Yes, I do because they can help me improve my cooking skills. I like watching
them also because many TV chefs have a good sense of humour and they teach
people to cook healthy meals.

improve my cooking skills mi\l/i�A<J.[ijt;

TV chef .[ijt;-;,§.m_A<)jc.[ij, "E�.:l!litfl!l", tl:#: cbeft¥.liE��-f:lfJJef/


have a good sense of humour ��l!l!l��

cook healthy meals ��� B<Jfli�

native speakers � � jf t :!tl- fl/;J Alf !lili at fai '$ ½ iJt They make cooking look like
an art form ( -il -ij: ffi. ,t � * il ¾ - ;# t: ;ft*�) .

No, I don't like watching cookery programmes on TV because most of the advice from
TV chefs is not practical. Watching their programmes is a waste of time.

the advice Crom TV chefs not practical ;;r;�,ffie{J

IJ:!.�..tA9:;klilfrJ� .':l:l (IIJ,llSl is a waste of time :.lrd!il�BtfaJ

U * Do you like watching sports on TV?

I enjoy watching team sports, like football and basketball, on TV because it's fun
and exciting. But I don't like watching individual sports, such as skiing, on TV.

team sport lfil llAiEi;IJ ( [j_,SI._: individual sport 1-)djJ_�)

fun and exciting ;(if�ffiil. ,t.A.���

U * Do you prefer to watch TV alone or with your family?

I prefer to watch TV with my family, especially when there is a TV programme that
we all like. It feels great to snare the experience as a family and unwind together.

unwind [ ,NI 'waind] ntf� ( ilr>l��: wind [ wrund] down)

J prefer to watch TV alone so that I can decide what to watch . Watching TV alone also
helps me concentrate on the TV programme.

concentrate on... �trti:�jJ:(£...... ..t

It::?* Do you think children should be encouraged to watch TV?

It depends on what they watch. I suppose children should be encouraged to watch
educational programmes because they can help children gain knowledge a bout a
variety of topics. On the other hand, parents should limit the time that their children
spend on entertainment programmes.

educational programmes gain knowledge �.lflt�i:fl
� � i:R tt (fJ ,S- § , �Hm : National entertainment programmes
Geographic fll Discovery Channel ..t �*tt(l(J-;, §
(fJ documentaries ( fil � Jt)

o/ 00 Iii] � �-] -iJt. " ff � Pt{ J-" at �- ;l! .R Jfl broaden their horizons, #1 :lit
� � 't: tE IELTS t1 -J.R. ll � :f 1l. $ ii ill; 0 * t J:, expand their horizons .:if
[ Daily Mail ffi -f;J ] Book s expand children's horizons from the moment they
learn to read.

This film has won many awards. :ii� t % Al q!j-. J' {IHHlUJi 0
It's good for all ages. t :J:t ,g..�-1¥-#& � )df] 0

It's based on a true story. t�#f-$��-i!.k* o

It mixes romance and humour very well. 'E��•lti!.k.f;fill!lg�M',g..q!J-.:ffl_:/(f o

Watching TV together as a family is a good way to build family bonds.
People who watch too much TV are likely to develop an inactive lifestyle.
It increases the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.
't: • flp ,!!;, l\,' /l/i m � � Jlll lJ_ !fJ ,l'A. il,t o

Children like to copy what they see on TV.


a * Do you think school art lessons are important?

Yes, they're important because art activities, like drawing and painting, can
encourage imagination a n d make children more creative. School art lessons can also
: 1

help children gain knowledge about art history and famous artists.
encourage imagination ����JJ. 't'ffilfiiJ�f(]U�iti: encourage� "riHiJJ" 09:t
.�. ill� encourage /l<Jftiiffi:llb�ff--fij,,C,,J.ll!f.5-;/JB9tlil���at,
'f::� "��" �i:,\!.l.
( Telegraph {9,J 'i,J ] Joanne Gaumond is the inventor of a variety of toys that can
encourage creativity ( �$t�tlil!JJ).
make children more creative itJL11I'.:t�i£1f€tl�.7J
gain knowledge about... �**'f·--···09�i,,q

* f- )L f: '!f @i @i , native speakers :if � it iJt. Painting is a good way for

children to express themselves ( !: :it § c, 89 � � ) .

No, not really. Art skills, such as drawing and painting skills, are not essential skills
that most children will need for adult life. They can study art in their free time if
they want to.
essential skills �,C.,ttfm

U * Do you like visiting art galleries?

Yes, I do because they offer a variety of art exhibitions. They help me gain
knowledge about artists and their styles. They also offer many hands-on activities
that encourage imagination.

a variety of $fil,$t-f1¥J
art exhibition Z*�
gain knowledge about... Vflit*'f ...... (l(JiiliR
artists and their styles l:*��fil!.filtl<J.IX\.;J;/i
bands-on activities �XW.�iiJJ;J*����;/J
encourage imagination ����JJ

No, I don't like visiting art galleries because I don't know much about art. I tend to
feel sleepy and bored while visiting an art gallery.

U * Do you like taking photos?

Yes, I enjoy using my mobile phone camera to capture special moments in life. And
it's fun to share my photos with my family and friends.

capture special moments in life :l!fHit£.fss.!E(l(J��ljjif(iij

native speakers � � � llf t i}I. � - /pJ if;¾.. Photography is a good way to

express ourselves ( � � ¾ * � � 111 � � � -Jif-j; )');;).
a * Do you take photos with a camera or with your mobile phone?
I take photos with my mobile phone because I carry it everywhere I go. And it's very
easy and c onvenient to share the photos with my family and friends.

easy and convenient $.2:r'a::O-ffi'.J<J

share the photos with my family and friends .E.i�i'f.J*;&fn5t$!!lUr

( 1) native speakers il Im Jt llf 1{; J¥J �-#ill�¾ Photos can bring back good
memories ( .im Jt 1if l;.l. ;)Jr *�1£f- tJl;J W •tz.).
( 2) "�UL § #J" � � }c¾ take selfies

[ff * What types of photos do you like taking?

I like taking photos of anything that I find interesting. But my favourite types are
photos of natural scenery and wildlife.
anything that I find interesting ��'.ilt�@(l(J,fffiiJ$�
natural scenery � ?!.\Jxl.:il:, iitff.: scenery ¾-1-�
wildlife rzmff�i;!Jfi!jt, wildlife lli.�-1-�

I enjoy taking photos of famous landmarks, interesting people and nice food.

I'm fond of taking photos of my family and friends. And I enjoy sharing the photos
with them.

n -t
�-t!l. it� }c ,t -f' A -(j_ � � 'J, -t ii'.. tJl;J ill, )');; ¾.. portrait photography,
§ i'& :'- � :J'l � � -t ii'.. f11;J iJl ¾ landscape photography, " 1!r #J " �1 ¾.. street

a * Where do you keep your photos?
I take photos with my mobile phone, � I keep them on my mob ile phone, which can
save time. But Jf_ a photo is really special, I'll probably print it out and put it in a
photo frame.

a * When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards?
J used to buy postcards. But these days, l prefer to take photos and share t hem with
my friends because it's a better way to share my experience with my friends.
share my experience :$t$f:1UJ{J�}Jj

... used to ... But these days,

... used to ... But nowadays,

ttJ ,f;J 7Jl.

0- * Do you think different colours can change our moods?

Yes, I suppose they can. For instance, bright colours, lik e red and orange , make us
feel energetic, while dark colours, such as brown and dark blue, make us feel calm.
And soft colours (*�B<.J��), including light green and light grey, make us feel
peaceful and relaxed.
For instance, ... ;ffi For example, feel calm fil?;fU,c.,·�.3jl-ffi;
.ff¾ native speakers ¥�JB;J-(r,Ji'/!j�l,;Jlli) feel peaceful and relaxed
feel energetic �IDH!Uff.L/J �i1J:lf-�rm..El.1vcfk

a * Do you like making things by hand?

Yes, I do. I enjoy making things like Valentine's Day cards and Christmas cards by
hand. My friends really like the cards that I make.
like... -tl1¾ native speakers *f§tJB;J-a<J'iit!fJWJ Valentine's Day cards 'lffA11-t>t
Christmas cards ½iii£�-¥ fun and relaxing 1f,OOrni.§:lJ:Atbt't�(ig

bookmarks � 4t­ pottery p&J.g.
paper planes &t. � ;tJL simple furniture t,i" if! fr;J *-A-
kites Jxl• � ;i : pottery � furniture -1/1! .¾ ,f 1iJ �
wood carvings ;t �J ,t-J;;J, £!:mis

No, I don• t like making things by hand. I tend to be quite clumsy with my hands.

clumsy *t.ll �

U * Do you think children should learn to make things by hand at


Yes, I suppose they should because it can make them more creative. It can also
improve their concentration and h and-eye coordination.

make them more creative ( �f���) iJ:ft1111NU!1i-€�:l

improve their concentration and hand-eye coordination
��!iHtMfl �ri.�JJ �-¥B�tl}iffll�JJ

No, I don't think making things by hand is an essential skill that most children
will need for adult life. They can learn this skill from their parents Ji. they want
to learn it.

essential skill �,(.,:f:itfm

adult life .Glt1f .Fo (I() A1:.

Painting is a creative hobby. � i® ¾ - # 1f itl :it jJ {Ii] � :/if o

Old photos can bring back fond memories. ;t- � # iiJ" i;J. ;J!r *�:/if e<J [El 'fl o

Making things by hand is an important life skill.


U * Do you read newspapers?
These days, I tend to get news on the Internet. But I still enjoy reading the culture
section and the entertainment section of some newspapers.

these days lJll. :{:E, El 1ru , native tend to :im 'ill" , tt tt

speakers :{:E D JS£ fa£� re
J! 1- � jg culture section X 1-t.JI&
� nowadays ?x:��m entertainment section ��JI&

* � /Jl;J 'It Ji!,� i,l:: it ,lf local news section ( � ¾1!1. iii- liil JI&. ) , national news
section ( 00 fJ � fiil � ) • international news section ( 00 �,j; iii- liT.J JI&. ) ,
business and fmance section ( Jlt #& m_) , travel section ( ;Q&. � � ) , sports
section ( �ff�) , classified ads ( ¾ � j ½ ) �

U * How do you usually get news?

I usually get news from news websites because they offer the latest news and they are
quite reliable. Sometimes I also get news from social media.

offer the latest news ltt{!tli1:}?d!,J'(J(_)Kfiilil social media *13C�W

reliable llf:3�

ft7 * Which are you more interested in, local news or international news?
I'm more interested in local news because it's important for me to stay up-to-date on
local events. These are things that really have an effect on my daily life.

stay up-to-date on local events .&fft7fjj1f�:!t!!.(Jg¥{4

have an effect on my daily life -X1'!Jt(Jg 8 'iit1:.f.sf"1:f;U(,ij

I'm more interested in international news because it tells me what is happening around
the world. It's also a good source of knowledge about politics, science, culture and
many other fields.

native speakers i,� 00 � 1}i- fiil et t Jfl iJl;J - 1iJ :111!. :it!: � j;_ ¾ : International
news can help us expand our horizons ( ::1f � 1M Ii; Uli $).a

U * Do you think newspapers will disappear in the future?

I suppose fewer people will read newspapers in the future. But I don't think
newspapers will disappear completely because there will still be people who like
reading newspapers while enjoying their coffee or tea.

U * Do you like reading magazines?

Yes, l do because they're a good source of information. The articles in magazines
tend to have more details than the articles in newspapers or on the Internet. The
colourful pictures in magazines also make them enjoyable.

a good source of information colourful pictures ����Jt

�lt�te(;f�.@,*YW- enjoyable -tAit.Jtk�

U * Do you think it's important that children read regularly?

Definitely. Reading regularly can expand their vocabulary and develop their language
skills. I t can also encourage imagination and improve concentration.

expand their vocabulary encourageimagination ��;tt!�}J

tr7Cf1B1f1 B9itiJr[it improve concentration ��lt�jJ

Definitely. ( � �t k :lif #-) ¾ :ltl!, :utJUc .f a(] -+ 11t Jfl l0 ft ;:.Ii � , 1!! lff 'ii ;t :
Definitely. 09 *� flH! , P.Jr 0. t ..R it½%�,* :lHl �� J.t aiJ � Jg o
U * How often do you read? i·
I read almost every day. I enjoy reacting newspapers in the morning and reading novels
and magazines at night before I go to bed.

novels 1],iJI.

a * Do you usually read books for leisure or for work purposes?
I usually read books for leisure. I enjoy reading novels , history books and
biographies in my free time.
biographies {{ic

I usually read books to gather information for my research projects. The books that
I read are not really fun, but I find them very helpful.

research projects {ilf� :im § find them very helpful

are not really fun }t:;f�1lHf'Alll ( �:rt-t;!j"#iJ) �:litt:1f11N,tef lW f!/J

U * Do you prefer to buy books or borrow books from a library?

I prefer to buy books so that I can keep them for as long as I want. I can also take
notes in the books because r own them.
take notes {$:�ic

I prefer to borrow books from a library to save money. Libraries also offer a wider
variety of books than bookshops.

save money ��
offer a wider variety of book t1H,:lj;J!$1lr$t-Fa<J't5�
( j(r004$1t�!E$�/iffi� p . 159)

U * Which do you prefer, printed books ore-books?

I prefer e-books because they help to reduce the use of paper and save trees. E-books
are also easier to carry around and take up less space than printe d books.
are easier to carry around J!:Jj-fil!tJ\H!r take up less space J5 ffl �� fa]J!�

I prefer printed books because reading on paper is more comfortable and enjoyable
than reading on a screen. I also find it easier to concentrate while reading on paper.
comfortable and enjoyable ff:iifffii .§. -{,j .A.1f,j·l3c �
find it easier to... ( JH��fg) �:lit······£��
concentrate � <p ii �jJ


. ;J
U * Which do you prefer to use, pens or pencils?
I prefer to use pens because things that are written with pens last longer than things
that are written with pencils. And pens don't need sharpening.

last longer ��.99f!tfiiJJ!!R sharpening 'fill

I prefer to use pencils. I can easily erase it when I make a mistake.

erase �:tf

U * Do you prefer to use paper dictionaries or electronic dictionaries?

I prefer to use el ectronic diction aries because they are easier to carry around. It's also
much e asier to look up words with an electron ic dictionary than in a paper dictionary.

easy to carry around -ffl!':fm* look up words :l1f �iffl


I prefer to use paper dictionaries because they offer more information about words
than electronic dictionaries. Looking up words in a paper dic tionary is also more
interesting. It feels like a process of exploration.

offer more information about... �-f#]!!$*'f······(l(_Jnf.6!,

a process of exploration ���i:.l:W

a * Do you prefer to use paper maps or electronic maps?

I prefer to use electronic maps because they are easier to carry around. Searching for
a place with an electronic map is also easier than on a paper map.

easy to carry around fJ! 'ftWffl' search for a place ��-1-il!1.:1r

� =J- .:l:il!, 00 � it !Ji :if� They can help us find the quickest route ( f � �']
� tl h\'UA � !Ii � )

U * Do you like watching the advertisements on TV?
Yes, I do because they are creative and entertaining. They also provide useful
information about new products.
creative and entertaining 1'i-€H�iffl.§.;fij�Jfd�t'l{]
provide useful information about new products Wi!tJi:-'ffffrf'.11, t'l{]::ij' fflf�-�-

No, I don't like watching advertisements on TV because they interrupt TV

programmes. And many of them promote unhealthy food , such as fast food and
unhealthy snacks. Some advertisements on TV even provide misleading information
about products.
interrupt TV programmes 9"Wi°it!.�ll 13
promote unhealthy food liHl!J�{lt�(lg1tifli
provide misleading information m�fl
��t.:l: (l{J1* ,@,

a * Do you think advertisements are important?

Yes, they're really important because they tell us about the choices that we have as
consumers. And companies rely on advertisements to promote their products.

the choices that we have as consumers �ff]f'l=J<Jiill'bll*1JtFfift'l{]j2\;�

rely on... **-lij ......
promote their products Jtii!,j-fl{l,fi'J(igf=&/i

This advertisement has a catchy slogan. :I!. 1'-t' % fi' - ,t;J 11!l$- � ic 1i � J %ii) o

slllliJ, i.tJU1l
U * Do you think the Internet is important?
Yes, the Internet plays a key role in our lives because it can help us find information

quickly and easily. We can also watch videos, listen to music and socialise on the

play a key role in... :(£· ·•· •· � 9'1i&1IU!t��f'FJ:fj

socialise tt5c

The Internet makes life more convenient and comfortable.

The Internet helps us keep in touch with our family and friends.
§. ll)U�<J :fH !1JJ « 1fl � ffe � i% # lOC * o

We can share photos and videos with our family and friends on the Internet.

U * How often do you use the Internet?

I use the Internet every day. I check my emails and my social media accounts early in
the morning. And I often watch videos, listen to music and chat with my friends on
the Internet at night.

check my emails 11l: 11!�{4 social media account ti3t��Wc%

(i) "1lt�'f'§.�," ��jc_k search for information, "�·····•�!/;il@.�" ltJ

�X¾ video-chat with ... '

(ii) � :a A 1fl i/lll ¾ Jfl t' fl� -=¥-- ;tJt ( smartphone) , rJr � § l!H� 119 :i! � Jfl :it-tf.
i� -t lJL -cy Jlii 09 at 1J -ili, iiil # 1iJ � Jfl JU ;

( iii) " Jfl ;f ;t/L J:. p.iJ " 89 � Jt ¾. use my mobile phone to browse the Internet /
use my mobile phone to surf the Internet

U * What do you use your computer for? j
I use my computer for a variety of things, such as doing research, watching videos,
listening to music and writing emails. Sometimes I also play games on my computer.

t � tfJ Jfl it it 1iT t;1- � write papers ( '1W it :SC. ) , fill out online forms
( � � .ff � '1Ht ) , edit photos ( � $ii: III Jt ) �

a* What are some problems that using computers may cause?

The main problem is people tend to develop an inactive lifestyle if_ they spend too
much time on their computers. Another problems is our personal information may be
stolen if our computers are infected with viruses.
develop an inactive lifestyle / develop a sedentary lifestyle
% kt�j,-�i;/J ifU$ EB��Jfj:\
personal information 1-Am.�, are infected with viruses 1BU�$�.W!

it Jlw 1iT if* /l"J }J -1' fPj jig¾ Some people, especially children, may
become addicted to Uf······.lill) computer ga mes.

a * Do you prefer to write by hand or type on a computer?

It depends on the situation. I usually prefer to type on a computer because typing is
faster tha n writing by hand, and I can copy, paste or save what I have typed on a
computer. But when I need to take notes or make a shopping list, I prefer to write
them by hand.
copy, paste or save JJM, ::l\'i!i!li��-{¥:('f

U * Which do you think are better for communicating with others,

emails or hand-written letters?
It depends on the situation. Emails are usually better because they arrive
immediately. But I suppose hand-written Jetter.-s are better when we want to express
love or appreciation because band-written letters feel more personal than emails.
arrive immediately n:.t1JJJ� more personal ]!-1- A1ta<J
express love or appreciation *����$�

native speakers i.Jl -1=- � i w Rt 'it Jfl tJl;J --!;J � ¾ Hand-written letters are
time-consuming ({!{#;at tJl;J).

U * Do you prefer to send a text message or make a phone call?

It depends on the situation. I usually prefer to send a text message because it's faster
and cheaper than making a phone call. But when I need to have a long conversation
or when I need to talk about an urgent matter, I prefer to make a phone call.

a long conversation *B;jfii] £1{]��

an urgent matter ��£1{]$-·lj!j

#:. -f � w, native speakers it i!t Ii-] Ji --!;J � ¾: I prefer to send text

messages when I'm i n a public place ( 1� *'-� r)r) .

U * Which are more popular among mobile phone users in your

country , mobile apps or websites?
Mobile apps are more popular in my country. It's easier and more convenient to use
mobile apps than to browse websites. Well-designed mobile apps also perform tasks
faster than websites.

easier and more convenient J!�tkrni.1'1.J!:1f-(J!i'l9

browse websites /x!J.00: � }n
well-designed i.!hfqf{iM-e<.J
perform tasks faster J!·tR:lt!!tM-jf:I:%- ( ffl�: install apps :fcMtf.itzffl�ff)

native speakers {E i.Ji app � at� f Jfl a'<J - ,t � 7#- � ¾ user-friendly

< ::t�ttm �, "m Jt tt:!lr�"):
[ BBC �HiJ ] Most of the apps desig ned by this company are user-friendly and
free to use.


music app t ;f; Si. Jfl na vigation app � AA: ,/�Lffl

social media app � �it� S. JJl fitness app � Ji}' S ffl

game app ��Si.Jfl to-do list app j: :t- • ¼ ?1 * S ffl

weather app J;. � jji ffl. S. JJl

U * What are some benefits of playing video games?

I suppose the main benefit is that playing video games can improve hand-eye
coordination. Some video games also help players improve their problem-solving
skills and teamwork skills.

improve hand-eye coordination :ltB!ii.:f-�OJH1{JtJJ-ir.lfi�jJ

problem-solving skills NH/cfii]�a<JfilljJ
teamwork skills !ID 11/\fi-ft��jJ

Children like to copy what they see in video games.

Many video games contain violent images. 11 ff, � -=J- m: � iQ. 1- .,J. 7J e',J i!i ilii 0

a * Do you like robots that can do the housework?
Yes, I do because they are easy to use and easy to store. And they can help us save
lime and energy.

easy to use and easy l-0 store

{tffl;f-01HHll��1f�. i!-1'- store �::l'H:liiiJ "�r.s"', mi¾i9JiiiJ "1f'Jtl."
save time and energy ,,�!J;ffiijfi]ffijJ

U * Do you like the idea of robots driving our cars?
That's a good idea because robots don't get tired like humans. I suppose driving,
especially long-distance driving, would be much safer Jf.. cars were controlled by

if ffi ffiH

U * What types of music do you like?

My favourite type of music is classical music because it makes me feel calm and
relaxed. I'm also fond of R&B , or rhythm and blues , because listening to it helps me
reduce stress.

I'm fond of... �*� • --• ..

make me feel calm and relaxed i-.l:�!lll<;:J,\t,C.,'N!f�\Yltmi.§.f&f'�
( :ili:5(.: make me feel calm and peaceful)
reduce stress ��.ffi.jJ

U * What's the difference between the music that you like listening to
nowadays and the music that you liked listening to as a child?
As a child , I was fond of listening to happy and energetic music. Nowadays, I like
listening to music that is calm and relaxing.

happy and energetic � tJc mi.§_� f.!; jJ i¥J

calm and relaxing -lJLffi"tffii.§_iJ:,A..t&;tMJ(_J ( :lliJl: calm and peaceful)

a * Do you prefer to buy music CDs or download music from the

I prefer to download music from the Internet so that I can have a wider variety of
music to choose from. It's also more convenient than buying CDs from music shops.

a * Do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument?
Definitely. Playing a musical instrument, like the piano or guitar, is a great way for
children to express themselves. Leaming to play a musical instrument can also
improve their memory and concentration.

express themselves �it.ft'1.{nl'l9��

memory and concentration ic.fljJ;f!li±_�jJ

native speakers it i]t Playing a musical instrument makes children more

intelligent ( il. JL :f {f] f � � .!!�, a)l ) .

JL if >J 'ij/_ • .,'f, & ft} J; - � M-11: ¾ Leaming to play a musical instrument
takes a lot of pra ctice ( � � 1K $ ftJ � >J ) , so it can help children develop a
sense of responsibility ( % ffe.. - .# � 1:f: � ) .

Listening to music is a good way to unwind. ':Jr ff JI-. ¾ - # 1&. M FJ� -}jy_ ;/,'l -:Ji if.
( unwind [ 1An1waind ] � t'l ) o

Leaming to play a musical instrument can boost children's brain deve lopment.

a * Do you like singing?

Yes, I'm really into singing and I often go to karaoke bars with my friends. It's a
great way to reduce stress.

I'm really into. . . 1JU!fl½ xX · · · · · · reduce stress �!f£EKJJ

karaoke bar -tti'I OK ff

No, I don't like singing. I can't even cany a tune.

can't even carry a tune il€\MOO

CT * Do you prefer to listen to pop stars' albums or go to their concerts?
1 prefer to go to their concerts so that I can experience their music first-hand. And I
can share the experience with many others who also love their music.
experience their music first-hand 1[�:1!!1.U.�f1MfJ�ir5f-
share the experience with... -5i······-mHt1j!'.�JE

native speakers ;(E iJt § e. Ji��¾ llt 1' JfJ a(J iW ,l;J � ;K;/t: Going to a concert
is a memorable experience ( 1tl it� Im 'fl. /J(J #& '!fi ) . � I go to concerts to see
my idols in person ( � -k fUJi �/§-% ft!: J.J 1 t, ffi' DlUl!. l� § c. /J(J l'M-ft) .

I prefer to listen to their albums. because concert tickets tend to be very expensive.
Pop concerts are also quite noisy, which can be distracting.

concert tickets Wf P�4l: f1 ;\!Ji; distracting Ttit 6: ;t.1J 89

tend to be :im 'it ;Ill, , tttt�

Their songs are very catchy. 11!!. 1i] e/;_J � 1R ;g. JJ; ic 1i, 1ll ".l tJ " o
Their songs are very inspiring. 11/!.1f] a·HU!liitbi/JA., 1llbi/J� o
He / She is a singer-songwriter. ,ft!!. / j!l!,fi!:-;f:; iiJ f¥ JJ'/. ;Jk .f o
Their fans waved glow sticks and screamed. � 1fJ B9 � � ;JOB'.iz J\:� ITO lL � PY o

a * Do you like dancing?

Yes, I do because it can improve my balance and coordination. It's also a good way
to socialise and make new friends.
I'm fond of... JUi3l.X-····· socialise :f-±:ic
improve my balance and coordination make new friends �'iRWT/lfl;;x
m � :JJG E�J 3JZ-1!ilf � tr/}iffil fi�j1
JlJt � a/;J ?; - 1-- 'Ill' Ji!,%�¾ It makes me feel energetic. ( iJ:. � � i ffl. 1f 15' }J )

No, r don't like dancing because I don't have a good sense of rhythm. I feel
awkward when I dance.

don't have a good sense of rhythm :5[�M,(i{Ji5'��

feel awkward �'.litX£Mt

native speakers f¾ 't J!l I have two left feet ( "* Y � ,R ir_ )ltp" ) . :ii 1iJ i1i
31U!� � tll e. fdf: {fa af � ** :f1ll ( very clumsy )

e i 1J ballet n
-ft fJt {fa � fP] traditional folk dance
$11' 1t waJu #.r � street dance
� � tango I!#-� n hip-hop dance

( Telegraph f?tl'f:D] It's a traditional folk dance often performed at celebrations.

Dancing can improve our balance and coordination. Wt n 1if I;). :Jl jWj � 1fJ �
.lJ!-� .!Hb-i},!J fit:}J o

U * What kinds of shops are there in the area you live in?

grocer's t'- £ tfe jt I!

florist's :ttm
chemist's �m
book shop -# $
clothes shop /l � 16 ( #: �ll � fl:i ;j, ,t:{fr & � " ;ffi- fp m " ,t£ � 00 PY boutique

a* Do you often shop online?
Yes , I do because shopping online helps me save time and avoid the crowds in
shops. It's also easier to compare prices online.

help me save time ll'f:JJfiJ1l!'fl;J'fii]

avoid the crowds in shops �::lfifljJi!i !IH11ltlt89Afff
compare prices 1:t:tlcift�

na tive speakers i,lt M J:. � 4bJ % ?t lit fiJ t' Jfl ,fjJ fit� :

OnJine shops offer a wider range of products. ( M jg !It{# � i # ffJ f Jli )

They offer lower prices than physical shops. ( li,lJ jg lt � 1,t,: 15 !It 1# 'J. i� /fJ ifr .:m-)

It's easier to return a product ( :i! ji'-J& 'J.. �;/I�) if I change my mind.

a* Do you like buying clothes or shoes online?

No, I don't. When I buy clothes or shoes, I want to know whether they fit me well or
whether they are comfortable or not, but I can't try on clothes or shoes (��H��
��ft) onJine.

try on clothes / try on shoes iJ!:� ( :&BIH.t#f.E)

a* Do you like buying jewellery online?

No, I don't because I can't tell whether a piece of jewellery is good or not just by
looking at its photos online. I prefer buying jewellery in a jewellery shop where I can
see it and try it on before I make up my mind.

try it on JJ\9i.t (trim) make up my mind M:�JE

a* What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

There're many stalls in street markets and we can usually bargain in street markets.

By contrast, supermarkets have tall shelves and things are sold a t fixed prices in

stall t!.'�fit tall shelves 1��s<J��

bargain itfftiHfr- are sold at fixed prices IV. !ID 5E (IJ.J 1fr� tll 't!f

* j1J #-r !k: rli :lffeJ at :if. it i)t : Most of the things are locally
native speakers
made or locally grown ( $ � Jt- 2!i 1,'Jl ¾ {E * J{\?, iii� :it� 4r 11. � J{\?, # ft a� ) .

U * Do you think it's important for people to save some of their money?
Yes, it's important because it can help us deal with unexpected problems in life, such
as accidents or illnesses. And it's a good habit that can make us feel financially

unexpected problems in life �r,s fil:Jc7'!'f:m;jSJ.l'.!{j fa]jffi

feel finandally secure :(£1Jl:t*1Iiii�:ti:�!ll\1i

U * Do you think parents should teach their children to save money?

Yes, I suppose they should because saving money is a good habit. It can also help
children develop a sense of responsibility.

a good habit �3:lffl build a sense of responsibility �nlt'llr1f�

Shopping is a stress-reliever. � 4bJ ¾ - #{RM !t.J lJrN. ff -Ji "it.. o

This shop is well laid out. :ll. -t � /5 /j;J 1'p° f$J 1R ¾ JI o

The shop assistants are friendly and helpful. � � 911f1 fr..M ITO ii. {R % =W il)J 0

The shop assistants are rude and unhelpful. � � vi. 1f] 1R Jl:.EL :i- mi ii. � Jc =W ll)J 0

It's a pedestrian street. t ¾ -4f-- :!v fr #r 0

Some people have bad spending habits. - �A% :Z: � [t'J )/lj !JJt >J ,im_- 0

Luxury cars, designer clothes and ex.pensive bags are considered status symbols
by some people.

U * Do you wear different clothes for different occasions?
Most of the time , I wear casual clothes that make me feel comfortable and relaxed,
such as jeans, a sweater or a T-shirt. But for very fonnal occasions, such as job
interviews , I wear a business suit.

casual clothes � ffi H!Ui

make me feel comfortable and relaxed i-1���Hitiliill.:t&f't
jeans 4ffW
sweater %�, ;(£�� • .A.117-tll 'M":fe=ts.:tx:ft1'1 jumper
business suit .iE;i:.\'.;B(J��. "eg�"

hoodie ffi fj JL
loose-fitting 1R $.. ;ft� a"1 ( If... :X..: tight-fitting / close-fitting f Jt /r:J)
denim jacket " 4 ff" J:. �
shorts ffl.�
dress code :#. -f � � a� ;11 'A;'..

U * Are clothing fashions important to you?

No, I don't follow clothing trends. I like to wear clothes that fit me weU and make
me comfortable. I suppose I have my own clothing style.

follow clothing trends mfjjijjt�wJ.llin

U * Do you like to buy expensive clothes?

No, I'm not interested in expensive designer clothes and I don't copy what celebrities
wear. I like to buy average-priced clothes that are practical and comfortable.

designer clothes �-1'-�ffi¾:lt!!.i!� copy what celebrities wear

XM -m " � Jl!\1. n�� " iii 'M' J:IHl(J � it , �-in4', A. (l<J �,W
average-priced clothes cp�ifl"urt'l9HI¾�
ffll.i!:Z it!!. ?Ji: X M � � designer shoes
practical and comfortable
(�f.$�) , designer jewellery ( i; AA! �Jflii'��(l(J
tli-'f!i) ��jg-

a * Do you like to buy clothes online?
No, I don't. When I buy clothes, I want to know whether they fit me well or whether
they are comfortable or not, but I can't try on clothes ( ta:� HIVl) online.

try on clothes/ try on shoes i5t� ( ;ixR!i��1fit)

[ff' * What is your favourite item of clothing?

1 would say my favourite item of clothing is my leather jacket. It fits me well and
makes me feel comfortable and confident. My friends also like it.

a * What's the difference between clothes that young people like to wear
and clothes that elderly people like to wear?
I suppose the main difference is young people like to wear clothes that make them look
more attractive, while elderly people like to wear clothes that are practical and
look more attractive !lif.itil,f(!i!!:faif¥it 51 jJ 89
practical and comforts hie �ffl im llff� B<J

½--t- l&J3L.'!1: Young people are more likely to (��-;if ffE �) follow
fashion trends than elderly people.

a * Are jeans popular in your country?

Yes, jeans are very popular in my country because they're practical and comfortable.
They are also very durable.

practical and comfortable �,f!Hi'iiil..��89

durable (�ilh) l@Jf!B<J, (BUO ilJl;,(�:/lt�B<J, "��89''

Casual clothes make me feel comfortable and relaxed.

#;ffl JrUHl:a�1tff nR ilii lt�¥} o

I prefer clothes with bright colours. � �- 7.X. i.H�. � ft 89 �ll £ 0

( ,t It : I prefer clothes with dark colours. � � $ J.X. � � 89 JlR £ 0)

I prefer comfort over fashion. a VI. :k 1t :it It at fpj J!. 1l Ji- o

ft, ..
IT * Do you like to buy expensive shoes?
No, I don't. When I buy shoes, I look for comfort and convenience. I like to buy
average-priced shoes that fit me well and make me feel comfortable.
comfort and convenience \lff:itt:tf� average-priced clothes 't1��ifl(l{Jt£

IT * Do you think people wear hats for practical reasons or as fashiona-

ble items?
I suppose most people wear bats for practical reasons, such as protecting themselves
from the sun or wind. On the other hand, there're some p eople who like to wear
fashionable hats because they think fashionable hats can make them more attractive.

wear fashionable hats aU&at r/6 (l{J � T

make them more attractive iJ:{1!!111J!�PJBl;IJ

a * Why do people wear jewellery?

Some people wear jewellery because they think it makes them look more attractive or
elegant. Others wear jewellery because the jewellery bas a special meaning to them.
For example, it may be a present from a family member.
look more attractive lr®*1!��5ijJ(l{J elegant ftffl¥J

a* How often do you wear jewellery?

I always wear ... It was given to me by my parents as a birthday present.
a birthday present 1:. E *L�

I wear jewellery, such as a ring or a bracelet, at least a few times a month. It makes
me feel more confident.
feel more confident �'.!.it:£ § -ffi

Only a few times a year. I wear it for special occasions like parties.

special occasions ��(l(J:1$,,fr

it:? * What type of jewellery do you like best?

earrings IPf
necklace Jt � � ifii Ji ;f,f � 1ffi 091,t lit , % � -J,; ± �it� necklace
chain It�� W Ji� ;Jll' �-{$ � l:l1i lit , $ � JJ � JJi tHt chain
bracelet jz,�.f�, .f��;#J-.filt
bangle If+� -1f * � � .f 4i
wedding ring � � , iT :ki-� � JJ!tl ¾ engagement ring
graduation ring ;f,f � � � * � .f � lr< jr 1: -1':0J;, jldl!- :fL at 1it � � :Fe· , jA
flj $ � J&--tk.- A �;f
diamond i51i
pearl ��
jade .3i.

a * Do you like buying jewellery online?

No, I don't because I can't tell whether a piece of jewellery is good or not just by
looking at its photos online. I prefer buying jewellery in a jewellery shop where I can
see it and try it on before I make up my mind.

try it OD ii\:jt ( ti°il!i) make up my mind 1�tk:JE

a * Are watches still popular in your country?

J suppose watches are still popular among business people because they want to look
efficient and organised. But watches are not so popular among other people these days
because they use their mobile phone to check the time.

efficient and organised ifli51tffii.EU!Hif fkJ:11!1¥.l

check the time :U- ( -¥.tJl., ¥�:illllt# ..t.89) 8-j"fiij


It's my lucky charm. t i� �i/!fr ¾Jlf� o
Some jewellery can b ring back good memories. 1i" �it1$1if l?)..f *Jfife(J IEJfZ.0

Wearing jewellery is a good way to express ourselves.

� it1fli ;Ji!:ll:ik gJ e. �-#31f7i * o

My watch helps me manage my time. � �-'f-* i Jl}J � f .if at fiil 0

It's simple and practical. t %r .Ip. im.ft !Jt Jfl 0

CT * Do you like wearing sunglasses?

It depends on the weather. I like wearing sunglasses on sunny and bright days
because they can protect my eyes from ultraviolet rays. But I don't like wearing
sunglasses on cloudy or rainy days.

protect my eyes from ultraviolet rays fJiltNJt(l(]D�i$f���:9��(l(].j$i!f

CT * Do you think people should have different bags for different

Yes , the bag that we carry should suit the occasion and match the clothes that we
wear. For example, it would look strange to carry a backpack at a formal business

suit the occasion jj[i)-��a<.J:%il"

match the clothes that we wear !2il"�f11�,:ix:t,
backpack "/,r-§,
it would look strange... �,',:iJii!;'.!f!i'.J<] wou ld �!tW.i!�. ��rt�t'l9·flhi

This shop offers a variety of bags, such as backpacks, satchel bags and
suik��- ��-m-�f#J#�«. ����-�. R•-•*ff�
" j(L hi 'El, " fll .f- • -0- X « O

a:? * Why do some people wear perfume?
I suppose some people wear perfume because it makes them feel more confident in
public places. They also feel that wearing perfume can make themselves more attractive.

feel more confident ��£ § ffi B<J more attractive J!,(,f '!5t 5 I JJ �

}s -:it�� Why do people wear makeup? ( A 1f1 :h 1t i. .f.fl 1-t JI, ? )
� if !;.{ J!l aEJ 1f ril �H'Hf JA:

lipstick P tr foundation ��
eye shadow DK � mascara llilt =l:; •
nail polish ,m '¥ ,m

[ff'* What's your favourite hairstyle?

crew cut JJJ � mt.' "3¥- 31-"

swept-back hair fc'. iJi !}; J:. � !}; it. f1l J:. � rtJ fr..� , " � !k"
spiky hair ffl it� ( hair spray) 4E 31- fr..� jig_* a-(] fr..�
layered hair � it
bob * � mit., "�:fa ..
ponytail � Jt tit
braid -& M--f
bun � At ,&- �� ;1_ it. tL � I!t � � £ 1S! , " fr.. � "
shoulder-length hair :Ii ffJ £

Pat's note:

U * Do you prefer old buildings or new buildings?
I prefer old buildings because they look more attractive. New buildings tend to look
the same or very similar. I would sa y many of them lack character.
look more attractive :tfitiHl(!!!;{,f I!& 5 I JJ (I() very similar �1Hflml'l9
tend to iili ')it , tt tt lack character tljl!z.. -ttt�f5

I prefer new buildings because they are safer and easier to maintain. Old buildings
look attractive but they're n ot as safe as new buildings. An d they are usually
expensive to maintain.
safer and easier to maintai n J!:ti:ftmi..§.J!��t1Hf
look attractive �iEHR:11Hi I!& 5 I jJ
expensive to maintain il1:�®�M!Hll:Jlt

U * Do you think old buildings are important?

Yes, they're really important because they show us how people lived in the past and
help us better understand o ur history and culture. Many old buildings are also
famous landmarks. They attract tourists and contribute to the economy.

better understand our history and culture J!�Jt!!TfwHl!fnl'l9.Bi3f;fll)({t

famous landmarks �i', a<.J;j:;j;�-fi}l9.JI:
attract tourists I!& 51 ��
contribute to the economy 1-.J �it!l��ffff4tjt"�

-�ffl I (l)�ffi

U * What types of museums can be found in your country?

A variety of museums can be found in my country, such as hist ory museums, science
and technology museums and art museums. Children's museu ms can also be found in
some cities.
history museums £15 .se:l!Jf!lmtll science and technology museums
children's museums JLiiPJl:!ftiJtll l>ltt 1f4?4m

fashion museum at f.J if #J tt
agriculture museum � � ff #J if
folk art museum � fii] t. * ftlJ. #J ii
wax museum �ii t&
natural history museum § ?& !k. W #J ffi
aviation and space museum A;t � Ej Aft. :k ftlJ. 4w i'g

U * Do you like visiting museums?

Yes, 1 do because their exhibitions are a good source of knowledge and
information. Many museums also offer han ds-on activities that are interesting and

exhibition /&�
a good source of knowledge and information
q1Uf-(J{Jj:J]ifVf!Jffl.@.(J{J*lw., it�: knowledge� information tl3�:ba s
offer hands-on activities 1£1# i-.t��;;lf1f] 5t�-'=j l't9 ffi 7#]
interesting and enjoyable fl°@im.EL� A tlf.rl1H1g

U * Do you think museums are important?

Yes, they're very important because they help us gain knowledge about history,
culture, technology and many other aspects of life. They also offer many hands-on
activities that are fun and relaxing.

gain knowledge about... �llii*'f· .. ···
hands-on activities i.t���111 :!13-�-'=i 1'.19 r.s 7PJ
fun and relaxing fl�ffii.§.� ..A..:ttf;}l't(J

native speakers ill. ff '7h tt at g� f ffl JU WJ }J ?I- Wi {iJ � ¾ :

They are fun and educational. 'E 1f1 � ;fii" ¾I! 5Z.. ;fir 1:tl -;.y, •/1: o

They are good for all ages. t 1fl it¾ 4).- ,t-� # R � A 1fl o

U * Do you think it's a good idea for museums to sell souvenirs?

Yes, I suppose it's a good idea because the souvenirs can help visitors better

understand the exhibitions. And museums can use the profit from their gift shops to
increase their collections.

help visitors better understand the exhibitions fif l!ll�x!Mffn:l!!ilt:l&J.!1!�/iOt
the profit from.. . El ...... tl9;ffJ lfij
gift shop (ffl�tif:e,lt;;lf*ihHb�(!(J) fL&'/i/is
increase their collections �:bD'Efil (!(J1:if•

"fR %-µ11-#Ji't f& � :f ,,IE_" /Ji; Jt:i!��¾ Many museums are under-funded.

U * Do you think libraries are important?

Definitely. Libraries offer a wide variety of books, which are a good source of
knowledge and information.

Definitely. ��M;f!�t-F o E:llHl!l��:tm_(l(_J-1-�ffl@l�::tnt, filiRti�: Definitely.

i'!<Jifr4:.1LH¥., Elr!V- E .R�1f-$��:izsI¥.1.!Ht��Jt(l(_J:;l§-/I!
a good source of knowledge and information 1Riltfl9�1fl.�ffl.@.f0*1l

Libraries have quiet areas available to people who want to concentrate on

( � tf' � jJ -f ) reading or doing research.

Some libraries also have areas for group discussions ( 1j\ ii! Hi?:).

Many libraries have computer labs ( it ;Jf;t/1$) where users can search for
information on the Internet.

Some libraries also offer free Wi-Fi ( 'ftJ /Ji; X !l. � �).

U * How often do you stay in hotels?
At least a few times a year. I usually stay in hotels when I travel.

luxury hotelf $ i@ 15 boutique hotel � J'" 5fii It
economy hotel f& j]i:: ?J'l � 15

U * What are the advantages of staying in a hotel?

The main advantage is hotels offer safe and convenient accommodation. Many hotels
also offer a variety of amenities, such as restaurants and swimming pools.

offer safe and convenient accommodation W#t:ti:�1i-@!a<:11i1ii'

amenities -f;t-J;ijiQ:M[

a * Do you think it's important to be polite to others?

Yes, it's important because being polite is a virtue. It shows that we have respect
for others. It also shows that we're t houghtful and re sponsible ( *,t,JJIJAiiff.§.
:ff �ff �a<)).

is a virtue �-¥!'��
thoughtful Jd,• §JIJ,A.(l(), '{if §JIJA�� 139

Being polite shows others that we care about their feelings.

Being polite helps us make a good impression on others.
«�tt½l.affi•MAl�%�- o

thank others for their help � -lAf JJ1 A � !,jJ .!!h
have good table manners 1f l % {fJ ,1AL ft

respect others' privacy t- :! Jltl A {fJ �- ;fl

arrive on time for appointments *!It ;it #']-]Jf a'-J at fii] l :it_

avoid talking loudly in public places � :St ;{E 1� # :lh }')f J::.. ji � "1(,
use "please" when you ask for help -+* 1,/J 11h llf-fRJ¥] "if"

U * Why is it important to be punctual?
It's important because being punctual shows that we have respect for others. It also
shows that we can manage our time well, and we're responsible and reliable.
manage our time well 1'J11!11H�ff1a<JBtiBJ
responsible and reliable ;ffjlfff�mi.§.ilJ;\la<.l

U * Are you a patient person?

Well, I suppose I am. I can usually stay calm when I have to wait for someone or
when I'm in a stressful situation.
stay calm -Oil::f'#�'/i11 a stressful situation ffijJ�(t:kA9ffi1£

U * Do you think parents should encourage their children to share things

with friends?
Yes , I guess they should because it can help their children understand the importance
of cooperation and fairness. It can also help their children develop a sense of
underst and the importance of cooperation and fairness JJl!m�fl:�0-lf-(l(_)Ji:�tt
I guess... native speakers tE J:1*3C'iiltll;f1f1.�1ltffl I guess !lv� I think a<J:t.�
develop a sense of responsibility �JiUfff�

U * What kinds of things make you laugh?

I laugh a lot when I watch comedies in the cinema or on TV. Funny jokes that I hear
from my family members or my friends also make me laugh.
comedy :g,@tJ family member *&!Jilt.!Jj_

U * Do you like making others laugh?

Yes, I enjoy making others laugh by sharing jokes or funny things that have happened
to me with them. It's a good way to socialise and make new friends.
socialise t±.3C make new friends ra3clfM�

a * Do you think it is important for us to laugh?
Yes, it's really important because laughter can improve our health. It helps us
unwind and can boost the immune system.

improve our health i!JUi!t�{ll a9-/lt�

unwind (,,rn'waind) $:f'k (ili:5(�*= wind [waind) down)
boost the immune system mifli�.pt;.1'1(_)�1!UJL�

native speakers :if. f iJi Laughter can help us reduce stress ( ��If jJ ) .

flit[ii]tf!I, tiitilJ' $.ltt

[ff' * Do you think time-management skills are important?
Yes, time-management skills are very important because they help us become more
organised. People who have good time-management skills can work or study more

bewme more organised �IH!:fi �''d�

work or study more efficiently ]!1,l/i�:!t!!,Ifl=]j,li;�:!¥: >3 ( ffl�: boost efficiency mifli
�$, save time "i1!elltfilJ)

a * Are you good at managing your time?

Yes, I usually manage my time quite well. I make daily schedules and concentrate
on one task at a time.

make daily schedules iUii:xl'l(_J B ��1-1�

concentrate on one task at a time IWJ at .R � tt 'f--{4$

No, unfortunately, I'm not good at managing my time. I like to put things off until
the last minute, � I often find it difficult to complete my tasks on time.

put things off !e$ffi11H!s

find it difficult to... ( 1€it-itH{J) �'.l,itx!f!;,l---···
complete my tasks on time ticat�lllt$*

native speakers tEiJR¥!JB.ffaJ�J.ifJtiE'lit.ffl¥1J�31-�ith

set my priorities !Jf:l .f,{/J § e, � it .51:; 7t � tJ(J ff:¼

use my time efficiently � �;ij, �Jll it 99 pt f P]

avoid distractions llt :t T tt

U * What is the hardest thing about making a plan?

I would say the hardest thing is to make it practical ( i.l:Ht1Hi�li). Many plans
sound good, but they are not practical.

�J ;;t it :li.1] a\J }5 11-- ilR 1- � JUl ,p,; ¾ : set priorities ( $1] ;tit 7\'; 1f ¼ ) �
make it flexible ( -il. it�� 1'i" }t jf; •Ii)

U * Do you often do things in a hurry?

Well, I'm not good at making plans or managing my time, � I often do things in a

manage my time �3Il!fta<Jlltfiij

No, I don't. I like to plan ahead of time and start early, so I usually have plenty of
time to get things done.

plan ahead of time t!l\:ilu,ftJt:tJ have plenty of time � .IE'lt 1:19 flt fii]

U * What's your daily routine?

ii. ;t:: Part 1 (r/J � 1t - ,t_;r.;� "� 3t e. till", ttJt-OCHJl � e.. flJ El �ilfi :itA!l-Jct o

My typical day is like this: I get up at around 7: 00 a m. , have breakfast and then
check my emails and my social media accounts. I go to work at 8: 30 a. m. and get

home in the early evening. After dinner, I watch TV, browse the Internet or listen to
music. I usually go to bed at around 11 p. m.

typical day Affia<J-3c browse the Internet ...tixxl, tEl:tl'.ilt�X.!l! sun the
check my emails �IBHIJ= Internet ;fO browse the Internet :l�Jl;!ji'ffi:�Jt?tffi�
social media account 1/tffl, f.§ 9"���1f]:r£ □ W.:Bgtp,g_¾�f-f surf the
Internet, I¼� bt�ll!ir.J

:/Ill JU�.¾ - ..t .A: f !£ , JJ� -i. " -¼ _l if " ¥- i,Jt go to lectures , " f,l,: 11= jk"
_ij .¾ work on my assignments, "-¼ IE � {'g" *I'&�¾ go to the library

I(? * What do you like doing in your free time?

I'm really into outdoor activities, such as jogging and cycling. I also enjoy hanging
out with my friends in a cafe or going to the cinema with them.

I'm really into... JU!fl�---··· cycling !Jtf §I fi<$

outdoor activities r':?�f.ri;/1 hang out ,(,t<;j,!sj,fi3!:.t,'t
jogging 'Ii�

( i) � ff] !1,J- /ij $ $}:_ /tJ � i/J it "ET V,J. � : surf the Internet I browse the Internet

( _l M) , watch TV, listen to music, read novels ( � 1J, i,)t ) , chat with
my friends on social media ( ;Ii ;j± 3t � -1. ;fP M if..1f1 ll9P Ji;. ) � ::t- hang
out witb my friends ( � M j:,, 1f] - �ii� � t� ) , walk my dog ( il � ) ,
play sports , go jogging ( ¾ ·ti /!f!, ) , go to the gym ( ¾ M: jJ- � ) , go
to a concert ( ¾ "/r-f .5F.�) , go shopping, play video games, cook for
my family, do volunteer work ( f,l,: ;t � ::t- Jll � , fi!j: )Z .I. ) �

{ii) J.;.{ J:..l! � Yi5" � {E. of l;J. Jfl * � $ What do you usually do at the weekend?
�:i!:/{:JI! (-tf.�OOA{fl-M:$¾-i,f at the weekend, 9" 00 fPJ '1f1fJ ��fi(J
on the weekend ji: ;% kJt � � i!) ;

* 1*. 110 ,
(iii) ftJ % 'f {tj_ a�n11t :if. of i;J. {f do the housework {;tk * � ( .!it M � - Jt. ;it
� t- ,,t ft1 /r!J ©) , Ii jar : cook for my family ( � � do the
dishes / wash the dishes ( JJI:; ije. ) , do the laundry ( jj\; ;t{ Jlli ) ,
vacuum the floor ( Jfl � :i. � 'il .1tl!, � ) , mop the floor ( • :It!!. ;Iii ) ,
water the plants ( � {fI .t;J � .7.K) , change the sheets ( � }if;. !f. ) �

U * Are you tidier ( J!Jll�) at home or at work?
I would say I'm tidier a t work because that makes me more efficient and organised
( ��mj_§_� ��fl{]). I'm more relaxed at home than at work, so I don't always
try to be tidy at home.

�u � �' iJL " lf flt 1� � � f/i fiil ll14fQ J'n % :at '6L" , .!tl!.:i@: � X 4tW, Sometimes
my room and my stuff can be quite messy.

U * Do you think men and women should share the housework equally?
Definitely. These days, most women work full-time just like men, � it's fair that
men and women share the housework equally. And couples who share the housework
equally are more likely to have a happy marriage.

work full-time �l{Rif°F a happy marriage $1fii(J(Jfflffi

are more likely to Jl!AJti��

U * Do you think children should help their parents with the housework?
Yes, I suppose they should because they can learn important life skills, such as
cleaning and cooking, by helping their parents with the housework. It can also help
children develop a sense of responsibility.

learn important life skills ��li:��1:r.stl:fm

develop a sense of responsibility %Jllt-�jlfff�

* -f * ¼ , native speakers it iJt, rt) }J - ,f;J i\i ¾ Doing the housework

together can help to build family bonds. ( - JI& fij_ * � lf .llh f-Jt llbt ffi)

U * What's your favourite type of weather?
My favourite type of weather is sunny and bright weather because it makes me feel
energetic. And it's perfect for outdoor activities, such as jogging , cycling and

outdoor activities P9�7'5i;J, t�:!10: jogging ('Ii�), cycling ( !r,lt El fitf:), hlking
( �t.Htcrr, :iii;JE) , camping ( lff'tf) �

U * Do you think the weather affects how you feel?

Yes, I suppose it does. For example, sunny weather makes me feel energetic, while
cloudy or rainy weather makes me feel a bit sleepy.

feel energetic !:l!i'.llt�&liffl ;JJ

U * Would you like to have the same type of weather all year round?
No, I would prefer to have a variety of weather and four distinct seasons because
they would be more interesting and enjoyable. I'd like to see the change of colours
of leaves and flowers, and to do different outdoor activities in different seasons.

a variety of $#$f.Fa<J the change of colours 15�1¥]�,ft

four distinct seasons 0-a,§Jl{J IZ!l* outdoor activities f' 9�fisi;/J
interesting and enjoyable ff@ITTi.§.� .A.iltit/cEl(J

native speakers i�Jl;. llll 7f:. et '/jf," iJt if]- ,t;J it¾: Sunshine is a good source
of vitamin. D. ( /ll:l 7tfit� 1. � D fl% � 310!)

U * Do you prefer sunny days or rainy days?

I prefer sunny days because sunshine makes me feel energetic. I enjoy doing outdoor
activities on sunny days, such as jogging and cycling.

feel energetic �'.l;ll:{lf:fimJJ jogging and cycling 1U�f11it El fi$
outdoor activities .P ��m;IJ

I prefer rainy days. I like the sound of raindrops falling on the ground. It makes me
feel calm and relaxed.

raindrops f:m�JL
fee l calm and relaxed �'.lit-SJZ-Dmi.El.:t&f'�B9 ( J/iJl: feel calm and peaceful)

U * Do you know any technology that use s sunshine?

Yes, I would say it's very common these days. For example, solar-powered
calculators and solar water heaters are quite popular. And some companies are
working on solar-powered cars.

solar-powered calculators i:J;iclll3�j;i;IJjJ (19it��

solar water heaters ::k µg fiM-!�7)(�
solar-powered cars i;J:t:mfill::J-3;/Jj] (t<Jft:$

U * Do you like rain?

I like Light rain because it's relaxing. And walking in light rain is fun and pleasant.
But I don't like heavy rain because it makes driving difficult or even dangerous.

light rain 1J,j:f:J heavy rain ;k ffi

relaxing iJ:AnX+'� 89 make driving difficult or dangerous
fun and pleasant 1i�ffii.l3.� A1lfu'l'ka{J il:7f $�1if,E!�il'f�ltlli

native speakers � flt .t!:, :fE 1J, fN PY it drizzle

-l- J}z ffi {r-J Jj - ,t- � Ji!, ff!.. � it I like the sound of raindrops falling onto the
ground ( -1- :,_x ii Jut iE .:It J:. ffJ Pi- ) .

U * What's your favourite season?

My favourite season is spring because everything feels fresh in spring. In my country,
most flowers also bloom in spring.

bloom ff:/.t

My favourite season is summer. The weather in summer is perfect for outdoor
activities, such as camping and having picnics.
camping If71! have a picnic !ff�

My favourite season is autumn because it's the most colourful season of the year. And
the weather tends to be mild and pleasant in autumn.
colourful -@.�$il\'i¥; mild and pleasant ( ;R�) W,;ftl�:iJH{J

My favourite season is winter because I'm really into winter sports such as skating and
skiing. And the snow in winter makes everything look so pure and peacefuJ.
I'm really into... �W-��-····· pure and peaceful ri��fffi _ft JJZ-f:fti¥.J

native speakers Jtl � ':k. at # ·W, e1iJ - ,t;J � ¾. The snow in winter makes
everything look so pure and peaceful ( � jtJ ITU ll. 3¥- * ) . atilt ii t: .ft� 111: � X £, 1!t ;ft ;:;qH)l snowflowers X , mi¾ P4


U * Do the seasons affect our behaviour?

Yes, they do. For example, w e tend to be less active in winter than in other seasons,
and we tend to dress more casually in summer than in other seasons.

My city has mild weather all year round. �f)r;(E � ¾& rr �.1¥- :le �$1rt1Mi.;fti o

My city is hot and hwnid in summer. �}')r ;(E e1iJ � rr � fi:..1&. # ffiI 111fl i'tJl ii o

It's scorchlng in summer. t ;(E Y.. ��jg� 1i!\. o

It's cold and damp in winter. 'E 4 3';:, ii * 0
It's windy in winter. t 4 3c Jxl 1ll ;k o

a * What is your favourite sport?
My favourite sport is football. It's fun and exciting. And it's a team sport, � it's a
good way to socialise and make new friends.
fun and exciting ;�n@mL§.4--,A_�-1if (l{J socialise and make new friends
team sport i?fl IJA.;ig i;IJ U3cllii.El.�3c�(l(JJl,Eli.\t

My favourite sport is swimming. It makes me feel energetic and helps me reduce

stress. It also improves my balance and coordination.
feel energetic�:l-\t:/1.t�·mt., improve my balance and coordination
reduce stress �$£llij:, �s!il�eti->JZ-m�1:IJ.�fitln
fG' * Do you like watching sports on TV?
I enjoy watching team sports, like football and basketball, on TV because it's fun
and exciting. But I don't like watching individual sports, such as skiing, on TV.
team sport ial lJA.;ig i;/J ( ffe.:X.: individual sport 1-,A.�;IJ)
fun and exciting ;fj@rffl.§:� ,A.�-a!f(l{J

a * Do you prefer indoor sports or outdoor sports?

I prefer outdoor sports, such as football and tennis. I can enjoy the sun and fresh air
while playing these sports.
enjoy the sun and fresh air ��1!8:J't;lflffi!!f(l<J�SC

I prefer indoor sports, like swimming and badminton, because they are not affected
by the weather. I can do indoor sports all year round.
not affected by weather conditions :;i;:�:J;:�(l{J�Pj/;J
all year round ��

U * Do you prefer individual sports or team sports?

I prefer individual sports such as running and swimming.
They can improve my concentration and make me more confident.

improve my concentration :ltii�l'.f<Jtt�jJ
make me more confident it�]! Elm

I prefer team sports, like football ( or volleyball) and basketball. Playing team sports
is a good way to socialise and make new friends.

socialise and make new friends tt3'1::#-11.�i.R�l'.f<JM�

native speakers � f� B:! AA.� ijJ llt � "It i3l /r;J � l;;J iE ¾ :

Team sports improve our communication skills ( :ltr S! � 1f] /r;J 1/iJ :ift tt ��).

We can share the joy of winning with our tearnmates ( 1iJ W. ;fP IR if_ 1f] - �
¾f Jl'1 .f1 e(J -t m. ) .

Individual sports can make us more confident. -t- A.� -ijJ 1iJ W. il. � 1f] � E 1t 0

Team sports can improve our teamwork skills. ffl 1R � -ijJ 1iJ � � 5.i � 1fJ � � !!A.
,g.ff,jjtjJ 0

U * Do you like outdoor activities?

I Jove outdoor activities, such as jogging, cycling and hiking. They make me feel
energetic. And I can enjoy the sun and fresh air while doing these activities.

jogging , cycling and hiking �a@! , � 13 fr !f.� �!I!;$ n!f fr

feel energetic �'.%1R�ffijJ
enjoy the sun and fresh air $�1lflj{;�K#ff!IU1<.J2:'={.

Jf1 Jtbt � X � ,P ?I- 15" ijJ at� iJt 89 J5 * � l;;J i-! ¾: Doing outdoor activities can
reduce stress ( � � Jf. JJ ) . � They can boost the immune system. ( iiJ' I;1.
� stjj-� e9 Jt�m fit).

[ff * How often do you exercise?
I exercise almost every day because it helps me reduce�- It also improves my
concentration and makes me feel more energetic.

reduce stress ll!i¾�.ffijJ improve my concentration

feel more energetic �flJJ!timJJ i#ffl � (l(j tt•jJ

:@. i;J � � �:!if� if ;-fr* i , lt jai : boost my endurance ( it� t � it jJ ) ,

improve my health, help me sleep better, reduce the risk of heart disease
and high blood pressure ( � j> .�,,..:,,Alt#;�� Jin.Bi atlxl. �) f

[ff * Do you like walking?

Yes, I do and I tr y to walk at least 30 minutes a day. It improves my health and it
can help me reduce stress as well.

improve my health �:itl:!ll�M!Jlli reduce stress ��ffi.jJ

IT * What do you think should be done to improve the experience of

walking in cities?
I think the pavements should be widened. And there should be more zebra crossings
on the main roads in cities, which can help pedestrians cross the roads more safely.

pavement ,Afi:iH pedestrian frA

widen 1.lllU: cross the roads more safely
zebra crossing ���
main roads .i:��i1tl1!

* � :i€
11: � 00 , ffe fi 1ir P4 ff pedestrian street, ffe TT 1K P� 1t pedestrian zoneo
-iJ:. :lJl<. rJ, � ½�fr � :ltl1, :itt � X ¾: make cities more walkahle :Pl. ,t
make cities more pedestrian-friendly

a * Do you like running?
Yes, I do because it makes me feel energetic. It's also a good way to lose weight.

feel energetic �'.%�li;fj m .1J B9

No, I don't like running because it's very tiring. I suppose walking is a better form
of exercise than running.

tiring it.A.1&/&� a<J

a good fonn of exercise -#�&�l'fJf&�::tf:i:t, a better form of exercise Ji!Ll:;Jlk "-fili
Jl� B(Jffl�liA"

a * Do you like cycling?

Definitely. Cycling improves my balance and coordination. It's also a good way to
burn calories.

a good form of exercise -#�1':19f&�::tf:i:t

improve my balance and coordination i&�:ft89->Jl��t'J,iffijfj�j]
burn calories ��-tBU! ( j[f.5(: lose weight �RE)

� § -fi $- 81 JJ - 1'- M ?t ¾. : Cycling is eco-friendly ( � � T If 1,!i1;. a9 )

because it can help us reduce carbon emissions ( ,jil;. j,' � t-1� �) .

a * What's your favourite water sport?

My favourite water sport is swimming. It helps me reduce stress and makes me feel
energetic. It can also improve my balance and coordination.

reduu stress ��lli.:fJ improve my balance and coordination

feel energetic �'.l.\tf&;f;f mfJ ��!il. � B<.J->jl� �t'J,-jJ\!jj fmj]

"i'!J.*'tf .6)J f-�11"'mt./J" � � jc)! Swimming can help to boost endurance.

"�*¾1'Jfa(Jjj-1JJ:i" �jcJ! Swimming is a good way to lose weight.

My favourite water spor t is rowing. It can improve my balance and coordination.
It's also a good way to build up muscles.

rowing �tlfm
improve my balance and coordination miJ1li�tf9-ljl��t!J.�fmjJ
build up muscles �-K:Jl/l�

U * Where do you swim?

I usual ly swim in our community swimming pool. It's close to my home and is well

is well maintained f;lfc�1f11l!tzf

I usually swim in our community sports center. The indoor swimming pool in the
center is clean and well maintained.

community sports center *iIRilii;J't'{,,

is clean and well maintained .::P $imiiili1:�1lHIOr

31P .:lfl !J!, i;L {E i;til J. � ::M- � J. � iij(_ " iif I;,( W._ � i1t -Jc 1\1 ?& " , native speakers
% m can get closer to nature :i!. 1--�

U * Did you learn to swim when you were a child?

Yes, I learnt to swim at around ... (�lnf�FrJ:k3&��). At first, I felt nervous and
even a bit afraid. But then after some practice, I became quite good at it.

practice t'f- 33 , � �

No, I didn't. I didn't learn to swim until the age of... (FA**�M-B<J��).

U * Are there any water sports you would like to try in the future?
Yes, I'd like to try surfing, water skiing and scuba diving in the fu ture. They look like
fun and exciting sports, but I suppose they're also quite challenging and will take a
lot of practice to learn.

llt'ia challenging ::WtEi'ilt �
water skiing m take a lot of practice to learn
scuba diving #»iii/I# �JH�$�J:J ;;tfm��
fun and exciting :rf@rnf.El. �A��{!()

a* What kinds of games are popular in your country nowadays?

Video games are very popular these days, especi ally among young people. And some
traditional games, such as Chinese chess, are still quite popular.

,rj -t native speakers JR. il , chess - M: ¾ tif 00 �if 1/J.. � , 't' � ilJ.. � PJ l:J.
P� ff;Chinese chess 0

� t' � � P� educational games, �I'., -fe:i maths games 5ftJ language games

a * Do you think it's important for children to play outdoor games?

Yes, it's very important because outdoor games can help children develop an active
lifestyle. Children who often play outdoor games also tend to sleep better at night.

develop an active lifestyle JBfilt�£'M'@;/JB<.l�r61f:t-\:

improve their concentration ii\H!lH-tB11l �t:1:'.fi:jJ

Pat's note:
i.JL :t ljf,f' 11-� � e!J Jl:3-?t at :it. 1-- mi.¼� 1R 'it .Jfl : boost the immune system ( � �

play hide-and-seek �'3/t�1i

play tag :i! A
have a snowball fight tJ � 1:t
play hopscotch �-jj- #- JL
play tug-of-war 4i 1"J
play with marbles lJt. � f- I'jt.


U * Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?
It d epends on the weather. I usually prefer to play outdoor games because they're
a good form of exercise. But I prefer to play indoor games when it rains or when it's
windy outside.

a good form of exercise -#11Uffl9f&�::,r,t

I prefer to play outdoor games because playing outdoor games is a good form of
exercise. And I ca n enjoy the sun and fresh air whil e playing outdoor games.

a good form of exercise -#1�:uH1<J@�::n�

enjoy the sun and fresh air ��llE;}'t;fa��(J(J�"'i.

I prefer to play indoor games, like board games and card

games, because they can hel p me improve concentration.
-- ··@i0•
And they are not affected by the weather. !i
board games m�• xlG , tt *O chess ( iUJt) , Monopoly
( :k ,xlG ) ;to Scrabble ( � ffi I!! �(lg :lf!'/it m (!<)- #Vf
•• .x!G, ��--�M�g�-•A(!<)Vf� h��g ■
skills �IHflH1)
card games Ji!l!�ihlxll;
& :(E��(J<Jm,Jtr.tl111..
Scrabble ift1 Monopoly
improve concentration ��!il.tE�.f.1 ��JH!l.@ -Pattfl
are not affected by the weather ;;f-�;J.;:"'i,(l<J�P(ii.]

i'. fi;J � �, U'.. -feii PUBG ( � 1{; f 1,

video games -t!1. Iii] # ¾ it � W<J

" •t � " ) , League of Legends ( 1t it � .I ) , Overwatch ( 9' f ;\:; * ) ,

Fortnite ( � !k .z �) �

U * What was your favourite toy as a child?

As a child, my favourit e toy was... I spent a lot of time playing with it.

Lego set 5f- iWi .ff. ;I-.

doll �Jll:

toy car lJCJl-ti.:t:

toy robot ljcJ/;.;tJ'l.� A

Rubik's Cube lt:ff ( "M--l::ff" PY ft solve a Rubik's Cube)

marbles � ¾. Jl: 111 � ¾ :m ;k. J1. � , ilo ¾ :W & � W- -f-

toy mobile phone lJC Jl: if- :tfL

soft toy ( � ;.t �if) / stuffed animal ( � -Jt. � M- )

bear ( lJC� i)

:ll!\* � X £ i-1£ it play with a toy, 1i' ® l¥iJ � 1[:ff-i,JL play a toy X ¾

U * Do you like travelling?

Yes, I do. It can help me reduce stress and recharge my batteries. Travelling also
helps me gain new knowledge and make new friends.

I'm fond of... �:m:�•····· gain new knowledge �{l!J.�t'f.J'.fflift

reduce stres.s � �ffi;/J make new friends �iRffiIDl:lii:
recharge my batteries $:t't�,C,,

recharge my batteries / recharge our batteries ( -j;j:_ ;ii� jJ, 1t' ) ;l't native
speakers .:{£ 11 ¾-fi f:.¥1 � f11fl � JJl. at ffi #' JfJ � - '1'- Jt; � �ff. i¼

I go there for a long weekend each month to r echarge my batteries.

IT * Do you prefer travelling alone or with a group of people?
I prefer travelling with a group of people because it's safer and cheaper than travelling
alone. It's also a good way to make new friends and share experiences with them.

make new friends �i.RtlrJlJt�: share experiences Jt-:f.if2)Jj

I prefer travelling alone because it is more relaxing and gives me more freedom.
Travelling alone also gives me more time to explore local attractions and interact
with the locals.

more relaxing £il:.A.�;f1�1'.!{J

give me more freedom ��£2i� El F.a
explore local attractions ���:11!2�:lrl:�
interact with the locals ;f1l�:it!!..A.�iilt.liigj

attr actions ¾ "it,�" , lt itll: historical attractions fli ,t :l ,ti.

cultural attractions jc 1t :l ,?i natural attractions i\J M J.- ,?i.

IT * What kinds of souvenirs do tourists buy in your country?

They buy a variety of souvenirs, such as T-shirts, toys and jewellery. Stamps and
postcards are also popular souvenirs.

a variety of $fill 2i¥-F l'.l{J

stamps and postcards lllB�;f!l�1tJt
jewellery §ft/Ii, iitlt: 1?;,¾;r-:;iiJ�i!iiilJ, ;r,:;,mJ.m s

IT * Do you think it's important for us to go on holiday?

Yes, it's important for us to go on holiday at least once or twice a year. It's a good
way to reduce stress and recharge our batteries.

reduce stress �!i:£lli)J recharge our batteries �t'�J?,(.,

recharge my batteries/ recharge our batteries¾. native speakers ;(E itit

native speakers i,!l � 1i ��Al � J3 - ,t *� ¾. I can get away from my

daily routine ( 1if J;l. 11 1H' � ;tf ft Ml 8 'It i. 15" •� 1JtJ ) .

Travelling can help us expand our horizons. ;iJ&. fr of IV- J/W JI);� 1fJ tf !ft� 1fJ Ml flR J/1-
( :ri I : expand our horizons :i! 1-- �i -W- .1i1. tf;J horizon ,5/:; 1ffi .if] � �)

It's a great way to make new friends. 't: ¾ .M" -i,R 1ffe JlJLit tr,J M Ji 5i o

Going on holiday as a family is a good way to build family bonds.

1- t -�� 11VVJ :i£ ffe 1't � % 7i 5i o

U * Do you think there should be more public holidays?

Yes, that's probably a good idea. Many people travel on public holidays and they
spend money on transport, accommodation and entertainment, which can
contribute to the economy.

transport, accommodation and entertainment 3'.(:@, {i 1a';fll��

contribute to the economy 1'.!f&7tf,\ti7t�

Definitely. For example, Teachers' Day should become a public holiday. It would be
a great way to honour teachers' contribution to society.

honour teachers' eontribution to society JP.J�fijjillfe*±� §rf1Jl189:m�*m�m

U * When you travel, do you prefer to stay at a hotel that bas a
beautiful view?
Honestly, that's not an important factor for me when choosing a hotel. I usually
don't spend much time in the hotel room when I travel.

U * Do you Jike to take photos of beautiful scenery?

Definitely. I love taki ng pi ctures of beautiful scenery, like beaches, islands or
mountains. And I enjoy sharing the photos with my family and friends.

beaches, islands or mountains i'/IJtl�, &l,�]!xW

share the photos with... ;f11 ..... .,tlj[

U * Would you like to live near the sea?

Yes, I'd like to. I would be able to spend a lot of my free time on the beach. The view
of the sea , the sea breeze and the sound of waves would be very eajoyable and

the view of... ...... B9:il:tR enjoyable and relaxing

sea breeze y/ij:)x1. �Ailf'Jtl!ffii.El.iJ:Atri:t'.ca(.J
waves yijy�

M 9� ;fi P4 pebbles, jjl- fr. PY sand dunes, if j/Jj i4 J: l jj· i uy fl, build
sandcastles, ftk El JC%-¾ do some sunbathing/ 1sA111bei<) io/, �jj- i4 ��11t Pl1J
it play beach volleyball

U * Would you like to live on an island?

Not really. The cost of living would be quite high, and I would feel bored very soon.
But I'd like to go on holiday on an island.

the cost of living 1:.f.!rHJt, 1:,r,!r/ilt,11: feel bored �fll::UP

Some people like to walk barefoot on the beach. 1'r �A$ J_k -tE J/t jJi J::. 7t � )lip k,
ji_ ! : native speakers iE � 1'- � ill- � ;:r- ffl barefeet X
Children like to collect shells on the beach. JL :i 111 $ JX .t£ jl/j j;i(i J:. i& � JiUt 0
We can enjoy the sun and fresh air. � 1fl ;;J' W. "if- � JlB 7l ;rP .ffi- � sig � � 0

U * Why do some people like to live near rivers, lakes or the sea?
I suppose they prefer a view of water. And living near rivers, lakes or the sea means
that they can have fun on the beach or go swimming whenever they want to.

a view of water 7.1<.�

iff,a{ 1, native speakers 4fll $ J}:. 1i {£ f,iJ �, 5;\IJ 58 Ji\(.� J/t slg ll!t :il:i:., -,t- 'It Ji!,
/fJJ! EE¾ I want to live closer to nature ( �- 1. yf; -tE � 4i:il:i:.;k El ft a� :111!,jj).

U * What are the functions of rivers and lakes nowadays?

They're still popular places for a variety of leisure activities, like swimming, fishing
and rowing. They are also an important source of fresh water. Som.e rivers are used
for the transport of goods as well.

leisure activities it �ffii';/J an important source of fresh water :i:�

rowing :£JJ fl{} .m
a9�7j(.7j( Wit , -/.1 � : t£ !t!i. :i1! � X fresh
the tnnsport of goods Ji; tiro 1;'r !lm water �¾ffif;/rfy!f. B�7.K, ffii¾ffi "�7]("

The water in the lake is crystal-clear. WJ A<.1l � it o

The scenery is gorgeous. Pt :l �� 'it � , l1. -;@: : scenery � ;,:.: '"ii]" /Jt{. ,t iii] , ;,:.: �� j;p

a * Do you wish to own a boat?
Yes, I do because I love boating. I feel totally free when I'm out on the water. I can
ettjoy the sun and fresh air as well as the sound of water splashing around the boat

feel totally free �ilJ:rciE 13 S:I

out on the water ( >3ffl�i-!) ;(£7.](J:(l{;Bt�
enjoy the sun and fresh air $-�llS:Yt;fJ!fif«t(I{;�""{
the sound of water splashing around the boat 7}'..:(ER{!Jltj(E��(!(J�Jlf

:it fh\J" {;Ji! -t!L ;it native speakers '/It i,Jt a/g: Boating is a real stress-reliever
( {R 1f � W9 � � lli }J a'g 'Ji )i: ) . ;fil I can get away from m y daily routine
( ir at;% :Jf 8 'llt � � a'g •i,t-/?iJ) and get closer to nature ( � l:llt;k §I�).

No, I don't because the maintenance of a boat would be a lot of work. I wouldn't
even be able to find a p lace to store a boat.

maintenance �'!UP , f,'j/:� store a boat -ll!H¥-*�

a * Why do people go fishing?

Some people go fishing to enjoy nature and reduce stress, or maybe just to spend
time with friends. Others go fishing to catch fish for a meal. And there are
pro fessional fishermen who rely on fishing to make a living.

enjoy nature $:§l:::k El rt rely on fishing to make a living

reduce stress ��.ffi..h *��fg1'J4:
professional fishermen IJJbltiffl �

a * Do you like parks?

Definitely. They help me get closer to n ature. I can breathe the fres h air and hear
the birds chirping when T'm in a park.
get closer to nature l!1Jn�i!i § Ji!rt hear the birds chirping
breathe the fresh air �P}kflr�I¥)�� Wr .!ii!.��llf5n�

native speakers � JU -0- 00 at iE � 3 -t- � Jll B9 1V -r :

Parks make a city more attractive and enjoyable ( � � � 5 I h mi lL4 A 'hff tit).
Parks are like an oasis in the city ( 1l ¾ :IJft 1ff fil fl<J - Jt � jjtt ) .
Parks help us get away from the hustle and bustle of city l ife ( W Jib � 1fJ � at
�jf.J;htrp i_�{i,)ll[f,f;] �tf).

O" * What do you do in parks?

I often exercise in parks, like jogging or cycling. Sometimes I also h ang out with my
friends in parks.
jogging or cycling -tli'.�!ix:ilt� §11'$
hang out with my friends .'f1l:fll(J�f1Jl.&f17-mlf*l,is]$:;j;lf

"� $1" t,{] � j:Jt_ walk my dog, " 't ¾ - 1'- # 11tl :it-@-- ff � et :11!!. 7i o''
tiJ � X ¾ It's a perfect picnic spot.

lawns i� paths IJ:::. � .\R a<J /j, �
flowerbeds :ttJi swings ;f;k.-f-
fountains 1t ffi. s lides m,�
benches -k� see-saws ��tffe.
sculptures J1l £i! ponds ;:tl1,;lf
gazebos ;f-=f l akes if;fJ YEl

U * Why are parks an important part of a city?

Parks offer a lot of green space. They are places where we can breathe fresh air,
exercise and learn about nature,
green space rJJ11'..�ia.1 learn about nature Tm El rtJ>r-
breathe fresh air Pf P}kflr!4t'l��.E(

U * What do you usually do in amusement parks?
I do a variety of things in amusement parks. But my favourite activities in amusement
parks are riding a roller coaster and watching circus shows.
amusement park i/Jf,F_� ride a pirate ship �#i}�Sj}
ride a roller coaster �:ul.U* go-karting ff�T$
watch circus shows ;f:j' ���� have a picnic !If.Ii
ride a Ferris wheel fill!J:R�

This park is a perfect picnic spot. :l!.-t-1&-�,¾-,Npfi[-ft-Jf4/!!J�fr 0

It's an oasis in the city. 't¾:!Jb.;Ji£/n-Jt�iJtl 0

It helps us get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.
't ,WJ � 1fJ �ff� rli 1- rt B9 � frlll W t,t:.

U * Do you think trees are important to us?

Yes, they' re really important. Trees produce oxygen and absorb dirty air. They also
make streets and parks look more attractive and provide shade in summer.

produce oxygen ffi!J��'={ look more attractive �mDf(i!!;(efl!!FJI jJ

absorb dirty air �®:/l11:�'={ provide shade �-!Af,!Oi

U * Do you know how to plant a tree?

community park 'f.±. IR 0�

dig a hole in the ground 11:lil!.J:.� -+:tit

put the tree in the hole :fe.M:.iocl!HJr.£ mi

push back the soil :fe. .± ij. Im .:Ji:

press the soil firmly 3E.±.ff �

U * Do you think forests are important to us?
* td' *
liT iiJ �;.(�::lfjllJ-:ig�ll[i 89 ideas Z>'�, �,# 1¥.J ]i � ·11::if i:iJ � � Forests are the
main source of wood. ( ¾ 89 ±� W.. ) f-O They help us tackle global
warming (fliHJit�� �Iii fi:i]�) .

U * Do you have plants in your home?

Yes, I have some plants in the living room. Looking after them is quite easy and

look after /fflt4 enjoyable 4-A'fnutks{J

* -f * 9' � #7 , native speakers � ii � � J,;J � X ¾ The plants brighten

up the room ( it� i'sl �f.'}� ;;f;f � jJ ) . 5fJJ Looking after the plants can help
me reduce stress ( � � Jf. jJ ) .

")t;W.l�m<'#J�JJ<." ��X¾ water the plants regularly 0

a * Do any flowers have a special meaning in your country?

Yes, some flowers have a special meaning in my country. For example, the peony is a
symbol of wealth and prosperity, while the plum flower represents hard work and

is a symbol of... ;ll!: ...... ffHl W:

[ BBC �J1iJ] The red rose symbolises romantic love.

wealth JM� represent f-\::c'&� .. · · ..

prosperity:f: 5fi courage � 6(

lotus i{::/t purity #, it

red rose h�� romantic love YR 7i s'<J :ffe:. 'fir

U * Do people give flowers as presents in your country?
Yes, it's very common to give flowers as presents in my country. For example, many
people give flowers on special occasions, like Valentine's Day or wedding
special occasions ��B9:%-€i­ wedding anniversary �t:Hc� f]
Val eotine's Day •If .A.�

U * Which do you think are better, real flowers or plastic flowers?

It depends on the situation. Real flowers look better and their fragrance is very
attractive, so they're better for special occasions like Valentine's Day or wedding
anniversaries. But when we just need some flowers to decorate our homes, plastic
flowers are probably better because they are cheaper and last longer.
fragrance ( :tta<J) �� wedding anniversary ��!He� a
attractive 1W 5 I )d1{) decorat e � -ttfi ( fgJ 00 ) , E B9 i; 00 % :£1: �
special occasions �93lca<J¼-€i- decoration
Valentine's Day ·11rA� last longer J!i!Jfl

Flowers help us express our feelings. ;/t f .!Yi� 1il * :it § G a\J � � o

Flowers can help to cheer up people who are ill. :1tiifi;J.f#.!YJ1iilit19)di1t�io

U * Do you often look at the sky?

Yes, I do because I enjoy watching the different shapes that the clouds make. And at
night, looking at the moon and the stars in the sky makes me feel calm and relaxed.
the different shapes that the clo uds make z;J!lJi!G{l{J;flWJm:tR
feel calm and r elaxed �j,it,C,,•li!J3¥-i'ffimillfil(;j'/t ( :ili:Sl.: feel calm and peaceful)

No, I don't look at the sky very often. But sometimes I look at the clouds in the sky to
see if it's likely to rain.
is likely to �II[ A]"fi��

a * Do you think the sky looks more beautiful during the day or at night?
I would say the sky looks more beautiful at night, especially when the sky is clear and
it's filled with stars. It looks calm and peaceful but very lively at the same time
because of the stars.

when the sky is filled with stars calm and peaceful ->flfflt:ti:i${l(J
mx�fl{l(Ja-t� lively / laivli/ �&�f.sjJ1¥J

IT * What are the best places for stargazing?

The best places for stargazing are probably the pl aces that are far from city lights and
where the air is clean. For example, remote mountains and b eaches are perfect for
far from city lights ���rp(l<J:tJ:l't, ii�: native speakers tE�ffl:i!-t-:it!!.m:lfiijfB;f
-RU'lli:lt city lights V, im�i.#. city's lights X
remote ili4� {l(J

The sky is bright and clear. Jc'.£ W. * !W 0

The night sky looks calm and peaceful. � � ��*-¥-�!Ji: if. 0

U * How can we protect wild animals?

I think governments need to create more nature reserves. And schools should
educate students about endangered species.

create more nature reserves -€1J � J!_ � Mi § #ft � -iP 1K , nature reserves ;It. " � �
��{K" �;@;t,

[ BBC 911�) Nature reserves give them the opportunity to l earn about local wild
animals and plants.

educate students about endangered species 1,'/J ll/J 'lifa � 1fJ 1 � � fe; #1 #


U * Do you think zoos are important?
Yes , they' re very important because they have programmes that help to save
endangered species. And they help visitors gain knowledge about wild animals.
Visiting a zoo is also fun and enjoyable, especially for children.

endangered species ffllm;!fii}# gain knowledge about...

fun and enjoyable ;ijil!@'ilii.Ei. � .A.1lfil'11c� �llil�'f ...... a<J�m

native spe akers .:f i! learn knowledg e X , � JiJ #{ � X >J ffl" learn .W knowledge
00 ,t- i� .:f tiUJ We. ftl - �

Zoos make people more interested in nature and animals.

Zoos are important resources for wild animal researchers.
[��I:] Animals that are kept in zoos have lost their freedom ( 1c ! 7 t ffi (t;J
13 EEJ ) and are forced to change their habits (�ill & f 't: 111 (r;J >J tt).

[ff' * Why do some people keep pets?

I suppose pets can help them reduce stress and loneliness. They tend to think of their
pets as friends or family members.

reduce stress and loneliness lT�j,'ffiJJ :f1l:nil�

think of their pets as friends or family members �1t!!.11'1a<J:le1tlJ ��/l)!OC�.A

a * Why do some people keep fish as pets?

I guess they keep fish as pets because fish are quiet and don't cause distractions.

I guess they keep fish as pets because fish are colourful and interesting to watch.
They're also easier to take care of than most other pets.

colourful $�a<.J are easier to take care of ��£,lfl�

.tE �:ii!:� x .!. , * 1l � i! lfHn i! u llt "i'if IV- P4 a fish tank, {IL -;;y IV- P4 an
aquarium, J1il &t-m'51 �: aquarium {E.¾ ";,j<_ � 1i'" Ml�-�-, It Jill� tk � ,t
(l!J The Sea Life London Aquarium

Taking care of their pets can help children develop a sense of responsibility.
Pets are adorable. 5t �*of§:. ( native speakers iJI, /], M ii.. Jilt� 1], ijJ 4h :fr{� f.
Hi ;f. 1)i(. f Jfl cute, -I!!,±£ � JfJ adorable :i! 1-- % :ff. -iii] )

Playing with pets is fun and relaxing. lm. 5t 4PJ � :/l * ..t!I!. ii'ii 11. 4 Am_ .f� 0

a * What kinds of birds can you see in your city?

I often see sparrows in my city. Sometimes I also see pigeons.

sparrow M� pigeons �T

U * Do you think we should protect birds?

Definitely. They play an important role in the ecosystem that we live in. For
example, birds eat harmful insects, which helps to protect plants.

play an important role in... :fE ·· .... � cp�Jtl!i� tl<Jfr-ffl

the ecosystem that we live in �f(lelr!:tr.!i1¥.J!:t'5�t1f.
eat harmful insects o'_c'g.!ll.
protect plants �:tr'-t.MfrJ

a * Do any birds have a special meaning in your country?
Yes, some birds have a special meaning in my country. For ex.ample, the magpie
represents good luck and success , while the crane is a symbol of Jong life and good

magpie l!M is a symbol of... ¾;------1'19�&. �6111�

represent... f��tJ<--..-· 891"1�-tl!iiJ�Jfl longevity �1-lt�$1'19W
crane filJ� *�Ht "*�•
a * Do you think insects are helpful to us?
Well, some insects are quite helpful to us. For example, bees make honey, while
butterflies pollinate flowers. On the other hand, I would say many insects, such as
flies and mosquitoes, are useless or even harmful.

make honey l,l��

pollinate flowers �;ft��
flies and mosquitoes tt!P.iMll�T

Clarity Counts
Part 2�It B, {t(t-J�'g'*:;kJ{tM it*ffl'.(t-J@��� l±l-1'ii@*�� 0
itg•� � � Part 2 � � -i% � 1¥.J � � tHZJ ( Day 6) , # im i1 � II "ffi ffi"
[ii]#Rit�ziB]l¥.J�� ( Day 2) '�J£tii}3ff Part 2 0

o�M����*[E]���(t-J�N, �����m•����m•��*
!&ff-it�, �WJ1*J!'�, J!$.£f'�:tfuti-i-3ff PB.rt 2 e{Jtfii;Jil� �o

/ 196

�j_i�i�� / 222

,t-A�it-3t / 239

m 9k�#J,F
I�'" _r / 254

#-l��:Jet. 1rf / 264

/ 291

ffl ¥-¥- JU at�¾; 197 &205

� lU � Jt� / 242
tf,l'..,et-111191 &199
f½WrtH� � fim 1266
i� A. 4J(. � 11f- tf-J • I 197 & 199
iii :JIil i!liJ ,it � 13 # / 218 & Day 6 p. 62
�:r/J3t�tf-JJ.f / 199
-,t����,t I 217
ijiiJ!: / 200
:i& lU � � }Jj I 205
1!"�01Jil I 207
� :iffl.if � / 205
ti� I 209
�eAl}��m 1211, 218&304
� if ;f- � �1;-- I 209
,Ht�-&Jh jij&'(. {!(J -1f 1218
�� ;!tJ!}t #J Ji, tf-J �1;-- I 273 4dlllf¾�Jtli.:h" I 209 &234
911'--lL I 213 :fit tj{: �� � f¾ Bi I 201
� Jill :;t 1� ill eHi m 1 211 � lU :f � ;t JlR � e(J �}Jj I 201

:lit WJ w:, f1J � � Wl .�, 1 305 :f iUfH-:vt ��13- /197

Jlt¾ / 211 �lU".tir��/Jj I 202

1. B/ 211 iJ:. -(,'f � � e(J .f / 201 &202

j - );k_ J1, * � # � Ji, I 204 ifft,UJft� �}Jj I 201

ur- oo -t- £ tt-J � m 1 204

1R J at fiiJ ��}Jj I 201 &304

Jt* / 261 Jlj A. rf,J � it t1: � !i }Jj I 202 &201

��at-W. / 261, 204 &219 � � Y¼-ff; I 214

�{f � � � JJj I 220 f#e!J�)t I 216

'ff- tJ e., :loc .f- .;J:. b9 JlfLl tf-J � 1;-- I 197 & 297 }Jj ..t.f-# I 220

1i" f:� � � A I 245 , 244 &242

�- a,ll s� A I 240 &245

liiW I Day 6 p. 68
ir ffi.A I 242 &244
m4S-tw 1231
ffi. IR I 244
J � iW I Day 6 p. 68
z:;;jt* I 244 &245
f ;f..ff I 226
¾ ��/ 250 & Day 6 p. 74

:t;Ut 1229

*Ii.lit� I 251 &252

1�im 1221

4-i't / 247
.If �- 8� .:I 1t / 242

:t A I 251 &24,O
;jf ;ijd/!J �Ji I 235, Day 6 p. 72 &p. 82 JL :t ; 252

ii5 zti i4!J ja / Day 6 p. 72 &p. 82

� 00 .:t A ; 244, 245, 247, 2so &280

ihidi'g;lt;J I 235 &Day 6 p. 72

k!i- Jll] .:t A ; 242, 244, 245, 247, 2so,

280 &Day 6 p. 74

;J,¾� I 247, 246 &227

*IJ;:.f;J I 249 &250

,r ¼ / 281

:it�/ 255 j:jfiit* I 286

/�� / 257 ���-# / 251

iii" m. � i41J jg / Day 6 p. 82 *�a(J�iliJ I 283

tfft tl9 :it!!,jf I 209, 229, 237 &255 -1-t�M� /284

�Hb tl9 ti!!, 7i I 255 & Day 6 p. 68 -i- },X a(J EL Jfl / Day 6 p. 90

i ffe I 255 & Day 6 p. 82 $ >.X a(J * 00 X 1t I 288 I Day 6 p. 82

it 75' � � :it!!. jf I 263

� 1 ;b 419 I 258 & 260 t -f .F Ji, I 292 & Day 6 p. 94

.t#/261 I it B'J :,j; W / 292 & Day 6 p. 94

�At I 255 -'if 1 � 4fr] Ji, I 304

!!!0\- / 293

it i: B'J -ft I 305

� � I 265 & Day 6 p. 86 4 .I. {jitj 1t: / 295 &297

:@.:;/JI 266 &268 ;j:L 4/Q I 292 , 297 & Day 6 p. 92

,j;/i.1[ :ijf.1lj: I 268 & 270 :%Ji:/ 297

-;, s 1210 ,f� I 297

t'ft °it� / 272 & Day 6 p. 88 t; Jlc JI, I 289 & Day 6 p. 96

l\!.'ttf:r�'61] I 274 &275 r'\, $ I 29 9 &301

t:t / 276 &278 :f .i: B'J ,t f!ll I 303

ll: il!J / 280

;(f�J::JIUaHt an experience a<JBtflr.£'/it�.FIUlJrffiiJ!®�i!fr (;f-�

4it--tffl5�ffl�J, fl!im'iir�ffli!J;)ti:pl¥.JJL1-): At first. ... ; But then .

... ; So ... ; After that. ... ; Then ... ; Finally. . .. J! ® 9M i!t"i:iJ !;.HiHlHf1 fE

!Jflj:�J@[FfiM�H�m'� Cfflt!'.}kf§tlijj�:33 Day 6 p. 62) o

*�m�B� ,���00
Mind Map

( ft 1 of fJ. � .11/J ili � f J:. oo � � ;f-- iE. -t # , r iii 69 Mind Map � of 1-:J.
f .U;Ht- 4t ,l tll ;}a M , ft i � � � )

*fti_gffi � 7 ftz.$7�3±1fil
What Who

tti. Bi�gffi a{] - � 115 7-Ji+¾ ���1-�ffi

When Why

tf�JL�ffisg � 135 i¥l tt� � $t$ s{J

Where How

f* s{_H� 5t � $;f-$ sg
How you felt about it

Describe a happy event.
You should say:
what it was
where it was held
who went to the event
and explain why it was a happy event.

Pat a9��

I'm going to talk about my graduation ceremony, which was held at the main assembly
hall of my university.

My classmates and I arrived at the assembly hall very early. We were really happy and
excited, and all of us were dressed in caps a nd gowns.

After all the graduates and guests, including many parents, were seated, the
chancellor of our university gave a welcome speech and congratulated us on our success.
Then he read out our names, one by one, shook hands with us, and banded us our degree
certiticates. That was one of the happiest moments of my life.

After that, a guest speaker gave a speech on how to achieve success and learn from
past mistakes, which was very inspiring. The guest speaker had a good sense of humour
and we laughed a lot. After the ceremony, my friends and I took lots of pictures together
outside the assembly hall.

The graduation ceremony was a really happy event

because we'd worked so hard to earn our degrees. The
ceremony was a celebration of our achievements. We were
happy and excited also because the ceremony marked the
beginning of a new stage in our lives.

\ :tl� �bly haJJ( :(£��:k�
'ittll mifil
, , J!JffJ-A�*fii"t���f!ltL1.t, 11�04 · ·· learn from past mistakes
:1 Hall, iHi � � � � " -tl!. iiJ VJ W. faculty
1�lii/J�B<J very inspiring
/ building, 1i �(ii]� re" tt � �" ft Jg
I teaching building X it���Jtf],iia<J�)t) 1�1Hl!I�� has a good sense of humour

I $.ft #t!ALffl a<J • W ± �" fll" #ff" illl:ii�}JlH�$m earn our degrees

! cap and gown ( ,! ¾ :(£ � � :& Im !'I! :Ill 'iii'

.!Ji::m. celebration( n. ) / celebrate( v. )
! OJr �J ��ft' :wi ll!J!! iE J:\ - -� if jjJ I)). iJi
mortarboard and gown , ill -tl!. fi A�� t£ t't Jtll, �ff)t achievements

. i#. hat and robe)

�� be seated

:;k$i!(J�* chanceUor(�)/president( �) a new stage in our lives

j ljt'l* vice-chanceUor ( � 00 l'J<J ::k $ :& *
! imitJltE-&5:t..t��JIJ,;iiEa<J"���"
it�;IHij�* )

! fi\t�i!!!ilNt give a welc ome speech headmaster ( � :i:t ) / principal ( �:i'\)

m, congratulate( V. )I congratulation( n. )

*ili read /ri:d/ out( u-¼61: read /red/ � 'a walk onto the stage

i llH· shake hands( u*B-t: shook hands) walk across the stage

i ii� hand( u"tfl.t: handed) �.A.B<Jui'f-l;J:j: a moving speech

j $i:!IliE � degree certific ates

cried tears of joy and excitement
one of the happiest moments of my life ml� hug each other
j J£��ijj: A. guest speaker :$t-�l}•tlt share the happiness

l alt� .ltl:W achieve success �ff11Yr1'il':l<J$Jro� JJ.ffl5:ff T@Hfi o

All of our hard work paid off.

Describe a time when a person said positive things about
something you did.
You should say:
what you did
how you did it
what the person said
and explain how you felt about the experience.

I'd like to describe a presentation I gave, which received positive feedback.

Two weeks ago, in our English class, the professor asked us to prepare a presentation
about some famous British writers and their works. He also divided us into teams of two or
three for the presentation.

After class, my teammate and I went to the library and searched for information about
the writers and their works. Then we made PowerPoint slides and note cards to help us
organise and remember the information. We practised presenting the infonnation in front of
some friends as well.

We gave the presentation in class last Wednesday. My teammate gave the

introduction, while I presented the main part At first, I felt a bit nervous, � I was just
reading from the note cards. But then as I went on, I felt more confident and comfortable.
I began to speak loudly and clearly, and I showed slides to help the audience better
understand the information. I also smiled and made eye contact with my audience, while
taking a quick look at the note cards from time to time instead of just reading from them.

Our professor and classmates were quite impressed. When we finished the presentation,
they clapped and the professor said, "You presented a lot of detailed information and your
slides were well organised. Good job! " Our classmates also said they found our
presentation interesting and helpful. We felt very excited and proud of ourselves for the
success. It was a memorable experience because we worked bard for the presentation, and
all of our hard work paid off.

I �jf- presentation !{'.$: clap

! &ffi feedback, ii�: 't ¾:�oJ �� iJiJ, ,$�a{Jf"llf.l@, detailed information

i �fig1Jtl s

i fl;i!li works find our presentation interesting

tHt divide
a memorable experience
i ��mg search for information , � �
! �lU!3JU1a� 1H� (J(] ti/E , Wf J;,( ;iJ iaJ � ffl
ii*Bt AU of our hard work paid off.

�KT Jt slides
I £�ffi�-tmic
t!h-'r-"F note cards

iJ1. ...... as well {!B!ia{Jmt��

13:��mHt the main part

a strong sense of achievement

��ij.n\t:yJ achieve success

i 1fwf,t,� confident
� Ax!t'ii;,a{J�Jn
il!:rr !Ht5cmt make eye contact a memorable experience
I �WlPJritJ!}f:Jt!!J!l!fmrn,\i!,
help the audience better understand the
I information �IHH& a{] effective

IELTS O -i:a'..iff at 11 � � j� Describe a talk or a speech. � 1'- -i! �, � I

� 5F*Jl' ��-Jc.� i � � -1- 'it e(J public speech, � � ffl � -1'- TED talk -\l!,
oJ W- o � 1'- � :hl: ilt i# 1 TED i� IHtr 7J .tl:. JTl � 1.b� 89 - ® 51{ iJHi � , -i! Ji!� 1l
;f,f �: 171/the_most_popu lar _ta lks_of_a ll

Jtl!,Jt� ;C.! if 1fl- -1'-M- fr;] speech 1HR $ # �, 1:1:'.. jp moving (�A�),
inspiring ( !fJJ ;t ttJ) , witty ( t1l, � e(J ) , insightful ( ;fir 5f.] � .7J 89 , � " � � ;lf.J Ji!."
�). well-rehearsed (ffij\"; "ijt.,$." �fRJt1}EY'J), well-structured (it�½Jf
(lg) , informative ( w .�. I: f;._ fr;; ) � � , ilii fft � e\1 good speeches 89 # liiJ ,R- � ,'t
well-received ( * t P)r 1t. ,x i8!. B\) ) o

[BBC �1i)] His speech was well-received - the audience response was very

Describe an unhappy shopping experience.
You should say:
when you had the experience
where you had the experience
what you bought
and explain how you felt after that experience.

Pat 09��

I'm going to describe one of my recent shopping

experiences, which was a very unpleasant one.
A couple of days ago, I went to a supermarket to
buy some fruit. I saw some apples that looked really nice
and fresh. I paid for them right away and went back I
home. But then I was very surprised to find out that the
apples tasted bad. In fact, most of them were rotten

inside. So I returned to the supermarket and wanted my money back. But their customer L
service staff just sai d something like, "Who cares? You should have checked them before
you paid. " I got angry and argued ,vith them. Unfortunately, their customer service
employees still refused to give me a refund.

I was left with no choice, so I called the consumer protection hotline and complained to
them about my experience. They promised to look into the matter and asked me to wait for
their response.

Yesterday, I finally got a phone call from the manager of the supermarket He
apologised to me for the employees' behaviour and told me they would give me a full
refund soon.

I accepted his apology, but I have to say that was a very unhappy and disappointing

I� .A ffi �M�i'l9 unpleasant �-Wiit!� a full refund i
! ,_�(Jg rotten fli:s1t T ffili'J{_J:i1U� accepted his apology

j �@l�i'l9tt wanted my money back � A��(l-<J disappointing

j ill$ i'l9 1'i. I customer service staff / ,Jt-1/!i stuff(t±�:ffl stuff*l.K"*l\i"{f j

i customer service employees �� □ ijHJH& 1g -m- .!X!. , fg :�:.�c 1± � 1-� .R I
fm.ffitia�, W��$:ffJ�i,3li'J{_J" stuffs" ,lH!

i ( tl: �: � % q?i Wl staff �)(,t m I a(] �ffF,
::ffjgho s ,@� employee !i!tl"f.iJ I;). n□ s)

I � ...... �� argue with...

��, �Vf complain
ffl. fl- (J<J rude
1 i!� refund
Jilt&� messy

:il!� returned it to the shop
consumer protection hotline

�f.fffBfn(!{j@I� wait for their response

They didn't care about their customers .
.fflrfi (!{Jt{J41\ the manager of the supennarket

J;J1'i. I(!(;fi7'J fol �iUI: apologised to me They didn't live up to their reputation.
for the employees' behaviour

Describe a time when someone made a lot of noise.

You should say :
when and where this happened
who this person was
what kind of noise it was
and explain bow you felt about the noise.

I'd like to tell you about an experience I had at a hotel last summer. The hotel was
close to the airport. I stayed there in order to catch an early Right the next morning.

I arrived at the hotel at around 8: 30 pm. At first, I was glad that I chose to stay at the
hotel because the employees were friendly and helpful and my room was nice and clean.

But then I realised I had a noisy neighbour next door. He talked loudly on his phone
for more than an hour. It sounded like he was arguing with someone on the phone. After
he got off the phone, he started playing loud music, probably on his laptop.

I tried to ignore the noise, but I couldn't. In fact, it made me feel annoyed and
upset. So I called the fron t desk and complained about the noise. The front desk lady
apologised to me and said she would ask my neigh bour to stop the noise. The noise
stopped about five minutes later.

I got a good night's sleep that night because the bed was comfortable. But my stay at
the hotel could have been more enjoyable without the noise from my neighbour.

! 1¥-*t'J{Jflitffi an early flight iii!: apologise

I :& MimJHlHf '1W Il:/J � friendly and helpful MM-IW-l!t get a good night's sleep
! �i.R�J realise 4t-Ailftri1ca1! enjoyable

I �it argue

i :tJ'.fcit!. � get off the phone

! lic::zfi:it!.n© laptop m�.�M party

i �}J?at!il.�ii' try to ignore the noise :kitffl::lt!!.ffl:$:i\l-,f- play loud music

rn\i�1IH!Jiifii _§JIH� I� lSfJl.i&lS��f!a1!� ii

feel annoyed and upset the noise of planes taking off and landing

'iltr� the front desk W=fflt'i::!::f jJ il<J very distracting

ffi�, Nilf complain iJ:A.1&%fil<J very annoying

Describe an occasion when you tried a kind o f food for the first time.
You should say :
when that was
where that was
what you tried
and explain how you felt about the experience.

Last Saturday was one of my best friends' birthday. We went to a buffet restaurant to

There was a large sushi area in the restaurant. I'd never had sushi before, so my friend
encouraged me to try it, which actually made me feel nervou s. I'd heard sushi had raw
fish in it but I didn't like food that's not cooked.

I told my friend about my concern and she recom mended "California rolls". She said
California rolls didn't have any raw fish in them - just cucu mber, crab sticks, avocado
and rice.

� I went to the sushi bar, picked up a California roll and put it on my plate, still
feeling a bit nervous. But it was my friend's birthday and I didn't want to disappoint her.
So I took a deep breath and took a small bite o f the sushi. It tasted quite bland. In fact, I
had to dip the sushi in soy sauce to add s ome flavour to it.

My friend asked me if I liked it. As I said, I didn't want to disappoint her, so I told
her it was u really good" .

Honestly, I didn't really like the sushi. But it was still a fun and exciting experience
for me because I tried something I had never eaten before - it almost felt like an

! ti WJ/i-tg' buffet restaurant 1&ro!J encourage

i %ifrl sushi � �If e<J nervous

�it!. raw fish ( �i§.Jt ll4 sashimi) ��Ht!*iruiC
�(l<J cooked HItit concern fi\1l�(l<J W-� ingredients

Ii# recommend j(J[ cucumber �::k�Jifijg/{ spaghetti

lt�-t}t pizza
M�� crab stick 4'-r!ll:W: avocado

* rice :/lr plate

�Ii 89:.l'Fit!.5� fish and chips
jljj:iffi paella
�IJif '!& take a deep breath ffiJ!l� pumpkin pie
!BlT-tJ\[I take a small bite of... tt31:*mi1!1, �,j$ baguette

I llf;im:��riR� bland t/ii dip �ffli&� cheeseburger

i �l;§Hf!!� kimchi
! �'illl soy sauce ( sauce ¾ :ffi'-iftl IJ;tc 11, � �
1.A.Pz:"1fi'iJ"i�¾ .. xiftl!J;tc� :;f Jvt� ... :xt L\l'{.$1-
�i!!i��m taco

1 *�89�:iiffe.rrff::f�"�¾"±ll!.tE�) tt3:\:1tfPJ� Pad Thai

.3:.� main dish
l ii!� flavor
.3:.�Z!We<J3f lW/ 1J,11z: appetiser
gt��L$i$te<JJ.I��, · · · · · ·
iJUHlt,#- dessert
As I said , .. . / Like I said , ...

1t :h - -1-- * � " � 1i'i' " ( foodie ) , Pat Jf;J � ti �Ut * :il -t M ij :

recipes. wikia. corn , ,R- :it!: i- � ¾ $ 00 � � ;k 1:- , :f-fxJtt fl\J 1it � ff , ilii Jl. #1 t
a(J fr JJl iJt PA (recipe) -tlt. 7i � iiJ 1T O ;/sf J t, , :tk-/lf-t!i :f � 411. 1� � JJ � � fH ff
il§ e,�'1 "��ffii" T©

Describe an occasion when you were late for something important.

You should say :
what you were late for
when it happened
why you were late
and explain how you felt about the experience.

I'm going to describe a job interview that I was late for.

Last Tuesday, l_ got an email from a company which invited me for a job interview.
I applied for a job at that company last month and hoped I could get it. At first, I felt very
excited. But then I began to feel nervous. I slept little that night and the next morning I
woke up late, at around 8: 30.

They'd asked me to arrive by 9 am. So I ran out of my apartment, hailed a taxi and
told the driver to drive as fast as possible. Unfortunately, there was a serious traffic jam in
that area, and � got stuck in traffic. The taxi moved so slowly that I got angry. I yelled
at the driver to drive faster, but he told me there was nothing he could do about it.

Then I called the hiring manager of the company. I told him I would probably be late
for the interview and I was realJy sorry about that. To my surprise, that gentleman
remained very nice and calm and told me not to worry about it. Actually, he even asked
me to tell the taxi driver to drive safely.

Finally, I got there and had the interview. � went quite well. I answered all of their
questions about myself and my past experience honestly and clearly. They were quite
impressed with my answers, � I got the job.

I was really excited and felt lucky because I was almost half an hour late for the
interview. By the way, I suppose I should have apologised to the taxi driver. I shouldn't
have yelled at him for something he couldn't control.

i tEB!..tP4liH!l$,�tl:lffi$ hail a taxi :P:��� drive safely

i ( �jJJ!i!�{f�3Jttla� u * 89 &-£)Ji, Yr (o]�..A.:iiM(k apologise to
'. J;')�ffl1 hail l'fJu�Bt hailed)

: iiJffi(!(J� unfortunately( :(fm,�. J:l fil !ll.,

'. unfortunately �')j\"�ff-"iiJ ffl-a<J¾")

' •oo:t£�ii�'t' .. .. J;1r" :(£� ..t T �5:EB<JB-tl'EiJ appointment

gel stuck in traffic( get l'fJu �IJiJ'¾ got) Jfil 11\· m1i� 13,t usually punctual
IPl�Aj;:JaP41f yell at someone i,zJ-tt.!tl! in a hurry

! 1e:@:;@icT�� ½ilf�ti:U'Mf:1l1JiHffl�
totally forgot the appoinbnent told me to relax and stay calm
if:rH�Hllt:k It was raining hard. �icJ:illil� forgot to set the alann clock
�jjjfflffl The road was wet and slippery. ( :tf� � (J(J 8 'lit J:l iR 11! il?.� 'lit�� clock
1UtHEi1!,'J�P4fl: alarm)
fll'M: 7 0 $ I missed the bus.
Eb-=f;!UI' W-� f,fiJ tili&1H:!ilffllfaJ.
i 0$�-��-4'-1]\a;j- Somehow the alarm didn't go off.

_ ______ ____________________
I The bus was half an hour behind schedule.

Describe an interesting lesson you attended.

You should say
when you attended this lesson
where you attended it
what it was about
and explain why you found it interesting

I'm going to talk about a science lesson I attended at secondary school when I was
about 16 years old.

My science teacher was a middle-aged man who was nice and patient. Just like many
scientists, he wore thick glasses and spoke slowly. But be bad a good sense of humour and
his lessons were always fun.

One of the most interesting science lessons he taught us

was about density. He came into the classroom with a large
beaker, a bag of raisins and a bottle of Pepsi, which really
attracted our attention. He said he was going to share with
us the "top secrets" of density.

He poured some Pepsi into the beaker, and then put a

couple of raisins in it. Of course, the raisins sank to the bottom of the beaker. But then, to
our surprise, after they hit the bottom of t he beaker, they went back up and they just kept
going up and down in the Pepsi, which was really interesting.

Our teacher then explain e d to us the reason for this. At first , the raisins were heavier
than the Pepsi. But after some gas in the Pepsi went into the raisins, their density became
lower than that of Pepsi, so they went up. Once the raisins reached the surface of the
Pepsi, the gas in them was pushed out and their density became high again, so they started
to sink again.

I found this lesson interesting because our teacher really made the concept of density
come alive. The experiment was simple but fun, and it made the concept of density quite
easy to understand.

! 'P�t¥.J middle-aged �lli experiment 1t�0�

chemical equation
1�{,t'J(J patient fill pour

l m1HNJJ� iim t: � ffi :k iffi ;[

chemical reaction
! thick glasses

i 1HN�ia-'.1���
i ,(S(ff instrument
lwi�tk;fBI. carbonated drink
! bas a good sense of humour �w solid 1Sl* meter

�w liquid x:lfl- balance

i� density

I !Mf beaker
ffir tweezers
�li hang

: ii� -=f k]-y spoon

raisins :/Ja� heat up

j sJ:iiJ5f- Pepsi
Jn!. �m microscope
�!fl cool off
ff scale
! lll51TftffJ(Mt:f!JJ '.i::i!: weight
• attract our attention $j'ffl' dropper
/ffiii mass
( x! � lt-t : attracted)

w� volume �'ff test t ube
tli4 funnel
to our surprise {t�jf;�
chemical elements iffi\/j[iT thermometer
:&itii surface
ml AA* �� stir
( **11Hi!i'.iik/J<.J$�) 1Nt
the periodic table
111:;fJ come allve ti.:!ii mix

:/IP*� � � SL � � � 4f -1F- � � tl 300 -PA t '11. � 1HH!- f if 4m ti < the
Science Museum of London) � if M : www. sciencemuseum. org. uk 0 A ilr ,i iii

;(J" l.� 11'-J}'t.if!. (MENU), �� LEARNING, 'ftaPJ" IU:tl��t{l1ii£f.l{i!J
science lesson Jtl # tk tl9 1

Describe a performance, such as a dancing or singing performance.

You should say:
what kind of performance it was
when and where you watched it
what it was l ike
and explain how you felt about it.

Pat 13 i3¾-1-�� (I'm a music buff), �;fti:!11!-if*�v!Lfiif*fflHtfi�o J!.ffl.

i�i.)H}l:-t;:�--1- rock concert fJ{Jt�JJj, �iHtti:!11!-if*# (classical concert) �:ml!i
t� "��.!§" mt&1f1B�J/t��m O �AJl;,({.if.#-""f :'J;.z-J!Hiii!l��X�l!Vr!tM(H�JJ�f!i
�?.!���3}( ( exciting atmosphere) 0

I went to. . . ( the band's name) 's concert last Fri day night. It was held in the largest
stadium in my city. I'd been a big fan of the band. I'd even made a poster to hold up
during the concert.

Last Friday night, I arrived at the stadium early. But it took me about 40 minutes to
get to my seat. The concert attracted people of all ages, and the stadium was packed! I
even bumped into some old friends of mine and did some catching up with them, which
felt great.

When the band took the stage, everyone stood up, clapped and cheered. Many
people screamed the band mem bers' names at the top of their lungs. Some people were so
excited that they even cried.

The band played songs from many of their album s and played some acoustic songs �

well. Then they perfonned their latest single. We waved our arms and sang along. I
suppose for many people, that was the most memorable moment of the concert. The band
members did notice my poster. In fact, they waved to me from the stage, which made me
feel like I was on top of the world.

It was really exciting to be so close to the band, and the live music was amazing.

�i'i$1 stadium #iJ:jjl poster

'9!517 *1-���s<.JJ...ff] J!.\1.:fm1f ;f.;� live concert

attracted people of all ages
$:�;jlf performer
1,,n,n .A.a<J packed
(*)t�f'.)�1QJ.t:£,A T g o wild
ii!tJ:5.iJ!lj!J�A. "{Mi!!l"�A bump into sb. ( :i:1 ¾B;f: went wild)
��.A.IMJilrll?. do some catching up with sb. �1i idol
E{. ffi:. atm osphere
�fr take(u*a-t: took) the stage ;t: ni!i ¥5 jJ 13<] full of energy

�*�llf clap and cheer t& /.t �it B<.7 thrilled

5J; �lit� band members l\j,u ¾ T pass out

ji;fn�09'$,t," ;Jt;�" highlight

scream ... at the top of their lungs 5f; llA.;¥1H!.il,�2,fB] 091Lz;/J
�- album $ell single interaction between the band and the
;i-)fl t :Y: � � 1¥.J � 11H, "� tin it" � rt!J
acoustic songs I
bend down to shake hands with their fans l
miuui wave our arms
�:i�Hit€ special guest
' -m!ffl:ffP/§ sing along
::ls:."��" T It was a blast! I
; i:ilffllfiltla<Ja-t�tl
• the most memorable moment

! JPI •••· .. }ff- wave to ... a phenomenal performance

, �Jli-'llts<.J ( mat) on top of the world 1Ut.t$ glow sticks

( "��" ��;/ikzY]ii'i] wave)
Fl!}J!IH�(l<Jil� live music
(tEJ!t-mm-£ live 1¥.J.iElifll�i};&/laiv/)

IELT P ii:. � at it % � Describe a situation when you were surprised to
meet a friend. ( 1� :iN. - 1-- JlfL� ) . tf. � jj 1 % ll<j- -00 i! M i 1/HPJ � , It��
at i� � :iN. Jill :iz -tMl!l 'liOl , � � -t£ M ;t 89 ilHL J:. -00 i! jj - t-:fl j( ;f � lfJ :t JPl i -ii!.
:fl tH& , J£ ;ff Jil. ii , ¾ llrJ $ -tE. $ ¾ 1PH� -00 i! JIil i ll9 :Ill!. Ji o

Describe a party you organised for another person.

You should say:
who you organised the party for
what kind of party it was
where it was held
and explain how you felt about the party.

I'm going to talk about a party that I organised for a friend of mine named Mia.

Last month, I noticed Mia's birthday was coming up. I wanted her to have a really
special birthday , so I decided to organise a surprise birthday party for her.

I called my friends Jillian, Elena, Chris, Liam, Evan and Matt who were also Mia's
friends, and asked them if they'd like to join me in throwing a surprise birthday party for
Mia. They were excited to hear my ideas and promised they wouldn't tell anyone about my
plan. Also, I called Mia's parents in advance t o make sure they would be okay with my

On Mia's birthday, we went to her home with a big birthday

cake, colourful balloons and our presents for her. We also
helped her parents decorate the living room. Then we hid behind
doors or curtains.

About ten minutes later, we heard footsteps and Mia came

in. We jumped out and shouted, " Surprise!" Mia was so

surprised that sh e was like, "My goodness! What's going on here?" Everyone said "Happy
Birthd ay" to her. Then we brought out the cake, lit the candles, and started singing the
birthday song to her.

Mia thanked everyone for the party, and she said it was the most special birthday she
ever bad.

l was very glad Mia l iked the party I organised for her. I felt all my planning really
paid off.

�t£A���t¥,Mia,Jillian fll Elena.¾
£ � ffi iRI f[
:t{�4;.�:f£ Chris :f£�®'5�:tz:�$
the birthday boy / the birthday girl
iiJW4{!ttltA�¾fi1it�� Chris.¾'5 �
4;,Liam, Evan f!l Man ¾'5�� ,ff!;.:!m* /&; tit close friends
����W�§c����x���m � El M � birthday card
ii!iiJ I;,(fflm;*©)
Jr. C:J f<i'J,a±t!!i�" � B -tR*"
f!;j.Ji)lt.�:113 mfi a surprise birthday say "Happy Birthday" in unison
party ( � iz; i! 1- �,\!!,Bi, native speaker s
DI§" :f51.ffF� B-tR>F;"
�i.>/. a surprising birthday party )
sing( :i:i¾B;j: sang) "Happy Birthday"
J9�A7fl/f(x-f throw a party for...
it !5 make ( :i1 ¾ B;j : made) a wish
�ITTf�······1J� tis call... in advance
l!l( $:Im
'=(pjt balloons �1"!i decorate blow out( :i:1¾13-t: blew out) the candles
:113 tL� birthday present {&'.Jltt!Hfi/, hug each other
� bide(i:H.dlt :hid) tJJ�� cut the cake

I I� curtains Jllll:$- footsteps 7f.:f:L!lm open the presen ts

j ,r.'Hf:11P. light( i:t ¼Et-t: lit) the candles P� i: tu: OK sing karaoke ( :i:i ¾ Bt: sang
i ��! Oh my goodness! ( i:t:i ®�la]$ karaoke, wt ff � D.Jr {i· ®! .ll karaoke l'J<J .iI fOf!
I itl�9niiOh my God! ffi.¾:fE;l.�1¥)�� �if ,W$f<i'.l��i���1-ii'iJ)
:'im.lEm-E(Jt_tQ�}i� My goodness! �� ?it {lH� ITMZ.��Jn
i £titl9r JIJ, 9-� � �J " �� 'lit 1t i:)?," 1¥) Bt f� a memorable experience
i native speakers ;;f"�tsl Oh my God!)
J ;fj l�Hi! pay off( :it *Rt :paid off) �,i:_,'�j1J1¥J��
a well-thought-out party

Describe a wedding you have attended.
You should say:
when it was
where it was
who got married
and explain what happened at the wedding.

I'd like to talk about a good friend's wedding that I attended last month.

The wedding ceremony was held in a church. It began at 9 in the morning. There
were around 150 people at the ceremony, including the bride and groom's family, friends
and colleagues. We all dressed up for the occasion.

After the guests were seated, the Wedding March started and the bridesmaids
entered. My friend, who was the bride, entered last, in a white wedding dress. Some
guests were moved to tears as the bride and groom met at the front of the room, exchanged
wedding vows and kissed each other.

There were even more people at the wedding reception, which was held in a hotel.
The room was well decorated, with lots of flowers and a huge wedding cake. My friend
and her husband walked around and greeted their guests. Everyone had a great time at the

I ���1(.:a'.; wedding ceremony/ marriage ll'ij,fl: colleagues / co-workers


! ceremony( ��a{J�I\HL-�m�1g,r,s��i
! 1.l'lj:l;'.��1��-t-mHt-)
�.lfil were seated
I ��� wedding reception
�tnL:itrfi!lt! the Wedding March
�ll!��AA the bride and groom

i ( :l!Bilt�)t£a{J J:J•tlJtJIW!ff�" !fr�ifr��,.) #� bridesmaids

Jtf!Y wedding drffl / wedding gown 1-tf! flower girl

�ffi�UK were moved to tears tfi,A_

the newly-wed couple / the newly-weds
��MJtWtf exchange wedding vows

best wishes and congratulations

lt�LH wedding cake
tJJffi:� cut the cake
j'ii]�1f Afn greeted their guests
� A honeymoon

t1J1-t3R toss the bouquet( �iM."t!¥1J1-t*

�31:�¥ff;;� r -"M,Hia(J31:�)
I ii]� MC
*� El opening remarks
shower the couple with rice( or confetti)
I f¥�� best man
l'D ······ �ffi drink a toast to ...
! JJ±l�.*LJi(�{t���.iE:i:l:��,fr)
l tuxedo / tux

Describe a good law in your country.

You should say:
what law it is
how you fast heard about it
� it is good
and explain who can benefit from this law.

3!1-t J=l"�JUf �:JHNi:i£$'.ftj:, {11.¾ lzsl j;J :t£ :fr m "how you first heard about it"
M�••m•��Mtt�"�.��a�re�•:t:E�•*•-•��m••- ��1

I'm going to tell you about the Traffic Safety Law in China. I first beard about this law
from a friend. Then I learnt more about it at the driving school that I at tendoo.

This law has eight main parts, including rules about driving, parking and road signs.
It was passed in 2003 and took effect in 2004.

It's a good law because the rules are very clear and detailed, � they can be easily
understood by drivers. For example, the penalty for drink-driving is clearly set out in the
law. The aim of the penalty is to show drivers that drink-driving is a crime and it won't be
tolerated. This definitely helps to reduce drink-driving.

This law is good also because lawmakers have been making changes to it to keep the
law up to date. The number of drivers in China has been increasing rapidly. And the
number of car accidents has also been rising. We really need an effective and up-to-date
traffic law to improve road safety.

This law helps to make our roads safer. I think everyone - drivers, cyclists and
pedestrians - who obey this law can benefit from it.

I iJil.;E rules f¥$ parking frA pedestrian

I J!iJJH;'f-i,,q_ road signs iEA:�� take effect il'ir�$ obey the law
I Wtru i¥J detailed :l(tf,.l penalty
[ M� drink-driving ( � 5:t ) I drunk-
! driving( �5:\':) � !J9!fl1f J:IFHJL
l use a mobile phone while driving
I :t:Er!�m���JaAxAAI.�
is clearly set out in the law [ BBC i§IJ1ij] Drivers who use a mobile phone
while driving will face tougher penalties.
fH,t- aim
91qJ� labour law
: :.f�1it��.'.:?�fil won't be tolerated
I %�rt- company law/ corporate law
! � t.f��1'f�RM-1¥J Bt�·14:
i keep the law up to date ]tlj_ill,,� commercial law

$� accident )loc�rt, copyright law

iltl!,ll!il\'li'i> imprnve ,...d ,.r,ty j@!IJ!jrt, marriage law

A cyclist {-f!Jr! patent law

Describe a rule in your school ( t hat you agree or disagree with).
You should say :
what the rule was
whether you followed it
whether your classmates followed it
and explain � you think it was good ( or bad) .

�m�it11i$ ··�,%" �i5tt1H�ffteg�13JL� �iu 7 �5'H�w-ta � 1:f;J�lf EJ{J�IEJ =

OO(fs]�utJi �:Jt:;i::�wr,lj·':txt�t:ll�� "u.±ffl" , :l!Il5f/: "u.±" 1i j\:51.Hf riJ fi�:iM��-;;Jy

��•*z•�•mo m�m��-�MMSS��W�: �ffA�W�EJ{J�£&�

I'm going to talk about the "hands-up" rule in the high school that I attended. We
were asked to put our hands up in class to answer questions.

This rule made us feel we could make our own choice to answer a question or not. And
we were encouraged to put our ideas forward in a polite way instead of talking over each
other. We put up our hands only when we had an answer ready, so the rule also helped us
build confidence.

I always followed this rule.. But sometimes when I was chosen by th.e teacher to
answer a question, I couldn't remember what I wanted to say, which was a bit

However, some of my classmates were too shy to put up their hands. They were afraid
they would get the answer wr ong and get laughed at. And honestly, some teachers picked
the same people too often.

Anyway, I think this rule was good. Without it, we would have just shouted out our
answers and ended up learning nothing at all.

V¾ tlrf� fn l¥Jm'$: put our ideas forward i.l:A�f!l'l9 embamtSMg

:/W fl:/J � ff1 ;W SL fl'f ,c., #fff�11� would get laughed at

helped us build confidence
�*N:1i't,JUJ�R:llo ······
ffii:f � · · · ··· instead of ... Without it, we would have just ...

Describe a positive change in your life.

You should say:
what this change was
when this change happened ■
why it was positive
. Ji
and explain how this change has influenced you r life.

1t-¾.#1¥.l change�� a positive change?

a positive change PJ W,�1::_ m 1J,$ 0 1:t�ll § e. I:) ituif ;Jt,i:,,� *, !=��'M"f!l �*

�� (often argued with my parents), �-?X5t*�::i!r-a!:*:i.ffeJT;ta.,ijsJiiZW:Jm'®l5t-ilt,
§ e.-tl11fl!t !il!*,L'�%5�1J,A_ T (I became a more caring and understanding person.) o

X 1:1:'..JIU i3HI e, I:J 1W :(£ ,@_ :eft 1R ��:jg :eft IR !t! ::f JL� ;fQ IR :&-€1-f!:: ( was not a good
team player) , ,trf,�Jit:kY.:l:ff:jJ 1¥J�.� ( always wanted to be the center of attention),
tl!i�1{f�� IR:& ( often refused to pass the ball to my teammates), mi .El. i:!Lif ;Jt{,IR:ti
1¥.l�� ( didn't care about my tearnmates' feelings) :f;j(!RiJ/ljJ-txtM&Z.Fo ( after our

team suffered a heavy defeat ) , § a ;t f!ij S lfil IR -S fF l'l9 :I� tt (the importance of
teamwork), ��T�:m: § e.B<JIR:& (learnt to respect my teammates), 'f¾lti!Rlifn
lilt (apologised to my teammates), # _§Jfilft;fUIRtifllW-1:JJ!t!?.-Sf'F (started to work
closely with my teammates) �IRYHf T1/ (Ou r team improved a lot.), § B

.!§!R:&fi'l-tl!...Glt T :!!f-Jm:& (I became good friends with my teammates.), ][¥!J�tEi1:��

�� ( I still keep in touch with most of them. ) ��o

a positive change !l'fll-Ftl! jjf W.�x1{�q'i<J:'.t f.!f :1f.:i:t1f ��,j� Ul<iJ s<J::k� 0 tt.:(m § B J:J. fir
ttlliU.m�K (relied too much on my parents), .M.*$::f'M**1�t&�tHam1aJ
(never helped my parents �ith cooking or cleaning), 1§.,l§-*�3f*¾�IJB'-J:!Jixr!Lt*?t,
iJ:�'.3Nf!l!:/J□M!:V:mf.§.Jiff'!lr1f�T ( more independent and responsible) 0

¥} lt�U {$ !V-fili i'.l{J:':t m1f:i:t1�;:f@� (I used to have an unhealthy lifestyle. ) , -/9lj�Q

&:::RtHltt B;j fa] H IXXJ � fhJ xlt ( spent many hours playing online games) , :if�� U:l. .@lj
(stayed up late watching TV series) �� 1.E!.--t-f@AW.11 §, -*-11:li;lt�-1H1H�..ti'.l{J

:t� ( a newspaper article) !/W l!tJ 1� 1i. .iE 1Y=J 8 T ;:f fil! � !:E. tiS 1f ]t B"J fit� ( helped me
better understand the damage caused by an unhealthy lifestyle) 0 1$tk:JE'i!!,(1:Jt: § c s"J;:fft�
!:E mn � ( decided to change my unhealthy lifestyle) , {Jlj �I] l[g\l j;' :!JG � � Wf xJt s{] B;f fa]
( reduced the time I spent playing onJine games ) , tii: B;j ft }�, ( kept a regular sleep
schedule) a im:ff § c & J;:Wm,x;1�:1�1f m fJ C feel energet.ic every day) , 1ffl .fi a :I" fJ -t11.
!l � 9'I T (can concentrate bet ter) .. · .. ·

mill, § BtfftttlH.Rt& s{J� �Z mi §raB s<Jttil'-� T:iJ W. ffl -'f Describe a mistake that
you made. ( ��Bs{J-1-ffi�) ���@, im § c. r t;k:,C,, �5tz.J§-mlJ� s{] § fj!J!i ilJ k]
fF '7 Describe a recent goal you have set yourself. ( --t-:iliJ!JHM JE B'-J § ;j:Jj;) � �� 89

IELTS i:Jit)l1fHi� � Describe a naughty thing that you did as a child. �l!lil2i o
jf'f11£��i'.1�1J\�',:l:JIH5t, :lirfin�s{j�'li!f�:i1-=f :iiH:f (skipped class) o t��IJ1i!rifF
� !fili § e. 'tm T , �K � w §I c -ls:;& � :'.t ( I told the teacher I was ill and my father was
going to take me to the doctor's.) , �jl,,f-__t §I c t;fJ�-i':�EE!.l� ( went to the cinema) o

11',lffl "/§. ?til 7. B'-J � - � ')lr JN, 1f :r.t £ fiWi !fil ft .@lj ffi! 3'F :JJIJ .A. ( pulled a prank on
someone), 1:t.�are-t1b.KJl)[i£1'lf]t__tffii (put a bucket of water over a door), Mn
-tl(lJJ(IE��J:j'f{i!!, / �� ..t (He/ She pushed the d oor. The bucket tipped over and
feU on him/ her. ), tt�{i!!. / M!��ii� T (He/ She got soaking wet. ) 0 .¥Ht-tl!
�1J�T-��-1D¥��ff-.@J�ff.:ktll;j:i (I was lucky the prank didn't go too far.),
��1-lii'l�i9:ff�195 (He/ She wasn't hurt.) o

tili:i£ Describe a special meal. i!1-l!5»1faJIJ.1f1�$1J1!, 1Mll;fll$�;;i:;,m(l9�JJJl�
-���--�. ¾-�MM��-n��l'l9-••.�P*fi���l'l9-afi
H: :!m ' AJ � iJl:itHl ct.1-J $�.::fm �16Jlll :& � 1H/i-m l'l9 �JJj :
•� 0

An old friend of mine visited me a couple of weeks a go. We hadn't seen each other for
more than five years, so we spent quite some time catching up with each other (!Ml&Jlt
B9:llcc£). Then we got hungry, so I decided to cook a meal for us.

w��1$11xa<JJJr-:J!4 (ingredients):
We went to a supennarket near my home and bought some ingredients, like meat,
fish, shrimp and vegetables (*ll*-MiM.i��Tl!ll�@Jll,-{,t.fijt�"fnGW�M-t/!.iiH� o �U*
� �)l!B, tf3�:i5t1fF� M �Ji!:��.£ S(:lf a vegetarian, fi,Jr IJ,� (Y!Jm(fHll�fi.U�t!Lic�
DJ t:J) . After that, we went back to my home and I started working on the ingredients.

�*, -w�, 1�* c .::Fm:�iJ?.�ij*��):

I rinsed (ffl7j()1:pr5t]J¥-)jSJ.�.ffl wash, ffiiffl rinse) the ingredients.
I sliced ( ·Wr:ilt.!t) the cucumbers and carrots.
I s hredded (-W./ilt�f'.) the meat.
I stir-fried ( nJ;) the meat and vegetables.
I deep-fried ( Ylfl�) the fish.

We chatted over the meal.

We had so me ice cream for dessert.

�����m��M�-��-�. ���--··••fflWA*To
*aJ!(!:!'Jt*JJ!'.W*-®�IJHfiDJ t:J utu!:Wi���r, [z5!j;JJt�-tl!:tt;;i:;xl*:
chopped up ( i.J]) the meat and vegetables
mixed the flour ( mi*)}) with water
rolled out the wraps (1�&:JL)
wrapped the filling ( :tEif!iJL,fg®*)
put the dumplings into boiling water ( IB�-1-:$::i!tffllll<ltt)

Describe an occasion when you had a cake.
You should say:
what kind of occasion it was
where this happened
what the cake was like
and explain how you felt about the cake.

A{ll�f;Z:(£� 8 i!x-t ( birthday party) fa �i � ( wedding reception) .l.
nz: :iR" , 1f 111" 111. � 1E 1H!H! � nM� Fo t':l<:J '&t ,g ( dessert) , Pat ;(ii"®� IE Jffl 0:. if
��tE��t':l(JBt�m.ffic.t1Mff� o

��.•T*ffi&�. �T•*�B�m••���ffiG: *�-��t':l<JffiR

(�XQ4fl: a customised cake/ a custom-made cake), �ml3f-dN�?iK It looked very
special. (#iHa illli ml% t':l(J ffi tt. oval cake :l!liAH!dtHUIVI\Hl� :W 1� �-1- �ml* t':l<J MR
tiered/ tiad/ cake) , �� It tasted very special. (f§tl:irn cake with a crunchy nut topping
:itt.�ffiiilfl�-� almond �1=, pecan w�f!��r=Jmlrn�We:t':l<J�*, �?i�ffil*i@jt�
il�1f7.k:St-r$It tasted very moist, :nJe3;1jlljr;_mw)t1tT melted in my mouth.)

ff�OOiE1f-filtlttli:��t':l<J-@'1'f�;j.5} ginger powder B<J�•. IJ;!df½i;ff,g� (a bit

spicy), if1ft':l(Jffitt,_tjfil(:jg�tffi1lHi� (The decorations on the cake were very special.
-191]:lrn::fPiJ � Oz:. a9 � * edible ribbons that looked great and t asted awesome, � � mR
.tiffi�t':l(Jiist��� There were words on the cake. saying ... iJ'.ifr-Jtq{H�t�%b I felt really
moved by the words. E,Xlr:/!Bl:i?b!iifJ I felt really inspired by the words. ) , � �lf AJil�¾
J!-'tffi88°;t;l!!:�(l{J�-uz*A�Jffljj:_�¥�a{_J (The cake was baked by my ... ) 0

Enjoy the cake! ©

mm� = m.'t$,ft
IELTS Di'il'.1'illt��� Describe a historical event in your country. ( f�filrnJ*(:jg
-�ffi�$#)�-'t��o m•t�-���A�ffi.ffi��*mlli�¥#�¥*•
�ffltt¼�.������m�����-ffilm� o

>!tTJ! f-'F �"5n!, WM!c¾Bi��, $!tlA NP�ffl 9=' X,\!l;tj-,»liit!.1E!. re--t-.ffi.t
�{4a<J�uttft-t?:Ht "ffiffiHJUIJ" MV), �iJl�tkiU�.lJ�--t- El G��@(j(J[jj�$#

-��. �ffl•��-. ���B*R�®8So

www. historyworld. net/wrldhls/PlainTextHistories. asp� 1' fijJ M ��JIB fr- f{j T
q:i �JJJ.51:, JJfi'fiitc{)j!IJ:lf iJHj!; T ��J'J<JW!� ( dynasties) riJ�i:i\;�, M-!l-�ffJ!tJHk�
�Jm--t-¥-{lfwt.lE�T o

warhistoryonline. corn/ ancient-history/end-han-dynasty-battle-red-clitfs. html ft m 7

the Battle of Red Cliffs ( iiF�Z�),­ ."'r
back-on-nixons-trip-to-china jj!lj W- gm ft m T Richard Nixon's visit to China ( � }t t'�
in*) o

��. ���Awmm�ti<Ja�&riJ ■����.m�mm�m�•#�1t-•�

at1lm.-fff�JE0�m §I c�¥ihiE,1�J-t-Ut;/J (critical thinking skills), �!16,tfl>\ (Don't
accept their views blindly. ) 0

ffiis-, if�.5] Day 6 p. 68 0

*�i8�ag i�!t�m
Mind Map

(�7oJ"y.,{1{f P/J-itJ!-t J:iiia'-J.W.if-�,t#, riiifl-!J Mind Map� ofv;.{,WJ/J

it ,if Ji tti .:to J! ' ft. i (1-J $ j: )

'E�ft1.Jl� -�*Ff-J��iit I

mtfiLIDt�nffi -
'Er±llJJ�� E s{J9�:x_w_� $;f-¥B{J I
Where E Ff-.l 17'.l :g:B� $f¥ s{J

itftfJM"f�*i1 / ifF7'1it-z.1i:t.lB�/
ftimtft¼B"11�ft it ;;Jit-z. �:x-" 1i:t.lB�
When Why

Describe a hotel you stayed at or visited.
You should say :
where the hotel is located
when you stayed there
why you went there
and explain what you liked about it.

I stayed at the Yong-Fan Hotel while visiting my relatives in Shanghai last July.

It's located o n a busy street near the city center and is well-known for its guests. I was
told many celebrities stayed there before, including Kris Wu and William Chan.

My stay at the hotel was pleasant and enjoyable. The room I stayed in was spacious
and bright. The bed was nice and comfortable. The flat-screen TV had many channels to
choose from, and the air conditio ning was quiet and easy to control. The free Wi-Fi was
fast and reliable.

The hotel offered a wide variety of rooms to its guests, from single rooms �
Presid ential Suites on the top floor. It also offered a wide range of amenities, including
restaurants, bars and a fitness center.

The hotel employees were friendly and helpful, and the room rates were very
reasonable for the area. I really enjoyed my stay there.

,-- -----------------------------,
I {:l:�tg stay at a hotel( it!J.ili:�X.fil" {±� Miffi� William Chan
, tl1f"B<J�i1u7Fffl live) � .A.1titk (f.) pleasant and enjoyable
12S!::h······ITTJ�� is well-known for ... '.6.\:�tm�(f.J spacious and bright
� A celebrities .ljl-��tl\l. fiat-screen TV
�!JJ'}L Kris Wu
I �iffll air-conditioning

!MtX�..t� free Wi-Fi �11!i decorations
I i!!l!:1:R ffii fiilfiiJ;\lag fast and reliable

i $#$f.fa<J fti. l'lJcffi fridge

i a wide variety of/ a wide range of
i IIJJJlll11:tfl. coffee maker
! ,�-��}% Presidential Suite
I� tll' a<J li %-iJi»l& amenities
ffij/j!ff ( ���ilt � jJaJ 11 mi/Jt .ffi 139 ,m- � i?l:
�) thermostat
! ilt� i:fl ,C,, fitness center
?;fi=� B<Jtff-� ii�ilt a famous landmark
I m.I employees
r:J iill!M has a good reputation
m.I( �f$) staff

ht:9rim_§Jf'f lVJAag friendly and helpful

\ It's a home away from home.
l �m�m-fft room rates I room prices ( i!BiH�:>CEI'!. B<J lfil �W.�)
I �JI� reasonable
�J%� room attendants

;,i� 89 energy-efficient

;{jj ..m'iil-:J;iB<J well laid-out

A r:J ::kff, "j:.:'.g" lobby


:Jt 1t i t¥: JL a(} :
ihg. com/holirlayinn/hotel.s/gb/ eo/london/lonuk/ hoteldetail/ hotel-room-rates

Describe a shopping center that you like.

You should say :
where it is
what it is like
bow often you visit this shopping center
and explain� you like this shopping center.

My favourite shopping center is Oriental Plaza. It's just a short walk from Tian'an
Men Square.

The center is quite big, and it's wrapped in glass.

The inside of the building is amazing. It's spacious, clean and well-organised -
unlike many other shopping centers wher e you can easily get lost.

This shopping center is a famous landmark in Beijing, not only because of its size and
location but also because of the enjoyable shopping experience it offers.

My friends and I really enjoying shopping there because it has a wide variety of shops,
and the stuff sold there is high-quality and well-priced. And the service is good too. The
shop assistants are always friendly and helpful.

The center also has a large food court, with a wide variety of food choices, from
traditional Chinese food to Western food.

f}�1n. shop assistants

is just a short walk from ...
1i !1r a<i iliiJ3.1lftH'HM a9
( l't5'JI: 89) 5'H& iffi t�¾mum � friendly and helpful
is wrapped in glass �!jmi:p,C,,(l(J�j:ff] food court
I ( l't5'J[ B� ) rJ;J '¾-15 the inside / the interior $#$�a<) a wide variety of
I ��"m°!lf 89 amazing
! �i�B9 spacious
# ?J :.fef ff� well-organised &'it&-f!<R is well-located
i f,,j;�·li�5'J[ a famous landmark
......fil�<R�1Jt a ... - storey buildin g
i � A-l'Htr·�a<i�!fm�� ]]!�a<J top-notch
I enjoyable shopping experience
fll]{�:1it.A. greet sb.
I f,1(;}1lt 8<J high-quality
{t;(!;5f coupon
� iftit l11Ht9
well-priced / reasonably-priced $.� lift ( �Jt) / ele�·ator ( �5:t)

/ tt� escalators ;(f.'5 florist's shop
: �ilp decorations ���
cinema ( �5:-\:) / movie theater (�.it)
: i:�itUt: run refund
i rl �110f has a good reputation �tfftj food court
,�,;lltl9H�7 A is always packed
I $£llii:tli!is boutique

l 'lt�fili'!fffi cosmetics section

Jtif1:a<J pg $;fjj J�Htt1J��ffl o
The layout of the building is easy to follow.
I fJ� , fJEffi sales / special Offers

uk. westfield. com/london

Describe a concert hall.

You should say :
where it is
what it is like
� you went there
and explain whether you like it or not.

.. - - .t�it:
:·i:>a· - -----

I'm going to tell you about a concert hall in my city , which is called the Centennial
Center. It's only a short walk away from the city center and is easy to get to by public

The building is old, but still in good condition. The main hall is quite big. There're
probably more than 800 seats in it. The seats are nice and comfortable, and it's easy to see
the stage from most of the seats.

The hall has a high ceiling and a wooden Door. The sound quality is great from
almost everywhere in the hall. I went to many concerts at this hall, from clllSfilcal concerts
� jazz concerts. I also went to some drama performances there and the sound quality bas
always been amazing.

I like this concert hall because it's a great place for music lovers. The concerts are
always impressive and the employees there are friendly and helpful. Ticket prices are
quite reasonable as well.

I EiJJ ······ Q�jE-1]\�Jm o

j It's only a short walk away from ... go to many concerts

��0::Jt3<:im.1��$!i jUo "2:i" :!11!-'i ffi ff classical concerts

It's easy to get to by public transport.
�.@IJ�� drama performances
I :/Jz 15UUr in good condition

�f.:, the stage

.DtMii'iill5f-;'fJl/JAil9 friendly and helpful

�-fit ticket prices

*.1lfi::it!!t!i a wooden floor
-frl.l a<] reasonable
j � .1lfi: sound quality

Describe a store that you like.

You should say:
where it is
what it is like
how often you shop at this store
and explain why you like this store.

I'd like to teU you about a convenience store t hat I often shop at.

The store is located on a busy street and is next to an office building. It's a single­
storey brick building with large windows , and there is a sign with the name of the store,
Kevin's Convenience, above the front door. There are three parking spots in front of the

The store is small but it is well laid out. There are three shelves in the center of the
shop, with plenty of space between them. And the shelves are clean and well organised.
There a re also some tall fridges along the walls, while the shop counter is in the back corner
of the shop.

The store offers a wide variety of goods, from snacks � magazines � birthday cards.
The prices are quite reasonable. For example, the prices of their snacks are about the same
as those in Walmart.

I like this building because it's cosy and practical. And it's just a 2-minute walk from
my flat, � it's really convenient for me to shop there. I like it a lso because it's open 24
hours a day, all year round, and the service is good. The employees are always friendly
and helpful.

l iJI=f······ is located ... �ft� ff a{] is well organised

\ ���------ is next to ... �#�;J:$S{J a wide variety of

\ ;jj-�� office building ff� � ffl S{J cosy and practical, cosy tE
re.� 'lit ffl *% � �1,:lt :ii;(;/;f *Ji�!!
±t!!iH� j(
j -�(f)j!$t a single-storey building,.ffiE!I
' iEifjl,lj�at)}t1,({ a two-storey building,=:
! Ji!l¥Jit1Jl a three-storey building � &!WiJL:Jc every few days
J �*{;I park spot/ parking space -�:¥ all year round
1 tfiffi.l" is well laid out lit"M- ffiJ ..13.* 'F W1 .A.a{]
friendly and helpful
! 1Jt� shelf,�tt¾ shelves

:·Patafi��- �
,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .,

I'm going to talk about a temple in my city.

The history of the temple goes back to the 15th century and it's weU-preserved.
Today, lots of people still go there to pray for good luck and good health. Interestingly,
although it's a holy place, it's located on a busy street.

But from the moment you enter the temple, you start to feel calm and peaceful. Like
most historical buildings in the area, the temple faces south, and the front gate is guarded
by two stone lions. As you enter the front haU, you'U see four wood sculptures, which are
called "the Four Heavenly Kings".

The Great Hall is separated from the front hall wit h a courtyard where you can see
many trees and plants. The roof of the Great Hall is supported by tall, thick columns.
Inside the Great Hall , you can see a Buddha statue as well as the statues of some of his f,,
students. On t he east and west walls of the Great Hall, you can also find some Buddhist
works of art.

This temple not only is a holy place but also attracts thousands of tourists each year. It
offers many cultural activities as well , including traditional art classes. So besides being a
place of worship, it's also educational and fun.

······B <JJ3J.5l:i:iJLV-�Wlitl······ ffl.... · · srif is guarded by...

The history of.. . goes back to ...
.lftm sculpture
[ BBC g1J 'A]] The history of this building
.lft{i statue
goes back to the 17 th century.
� ...... !WjJF is separated from...
I ilf:fij'e:/lfB<J well-preserved
� � courtyard
i fl!l¥:B<J:tll1.:Jf a holy place
Ji"]ji roof
tfrmi pray for good luck
tt-f column
! sr-mi-1 tl$B<J calm and peaceful
ffll:tll Buddha

I z!:*il'li works of art ��(l(J]Jj��fll h istoric site
»-•*�m;!Ja<J�m' a place of worship ······ 1¥.rl&fcs the historic residence of...
:JC {tffl;IJ cultural activities �!.ii cracks

��t�ttffiiIHlHi�a<J ( M J35� �milH'r l¥J) renovation

educational and fun
:j;IU5c7t:!!f l¥J in good condition
i:p faJ� IJll\%8911�, f91Hm" !m%11%JL"

courtyard house ( H!Wt�P4fl= courtyard)

tJtm (J� elegant

e * l¥J enormous
fbljt,(l(J private
ll pagoda
JE,@_1¥] �fHt plenty of sunlight
i-lfffi,\ make a wish
£J.Jllti:ili § �YI-- get closer to nature
j 1tt� bum incense sticks

I ti��ttltift landmark

Describe your idea of an ideal house ( )]!�, B<J .§JIJ !!If) .

You should say :
what kind of house it would be
� you would like to Ii ve there
what special features it would have
and explain whether you think you will ever live in
a house like this.

���1t��•*�•1¥J¾•••��•". M��m���w�•�•���
Jff1JHnifi��fir�{J;.(jl/lj�, lt��tt--i.xlt!lB91DA ©
: . Patrt9��- �
.. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ,

My ideal house would be just an average house,

nothing too fancy.

It would be close to public transport and have two or

three cosy bedrooms, a spacious and bright living room, a nice kitchen, some bathrooms
and a garage. Most importantly, it must have a garden. I would love to watch my plants

There should be plenty of appliances in the kitchen, like a gas stove, a fridge and a
dishwasher. And there would be a dining area next to the kitche n, with a dining table and
some chairs.

The living room would have a high ceiling, large windows, a sofa, a coffee table, a
Oat-screen TV and some paintings on the walls.

In the bathroom, there must be a bathtub where I could relax in warm water after a
busy day. By the way , the garage would be for my car, bicycle and tools.

Such a house would cost a fortune in my city. So I guess it's nothing more than just a
dream for me ...

'il/f-ima{J average(tE�filE-1'¾"->JL�"a{_j �@l*nl�J\i"m' !i1a(H!CE!l �ff�:

�,f&,) � lJ.l(ffi fridge

i.$1;�#!. dishwasher
0ft3(jffi public transport
[!!l�� vacuum cleaner
! �:m � �} '.¥: cosy bedrooms (cosy" �:m (�!E1:.m1lt�H:�f;F;/-J vacuum)
i w·
- -) �llitiF' microwave oven
j ��EY=!:%1¥! spacious and bright c�oo1:mm-m-:m�$J;J microwave)

iI $� garage ��m washing machine
! �JfJEt!.ff home appliances dryer

jltjj;'!I next to 3¥-:f& �t!l'. flat-screen TV

jl1lj]]!;Wj, ?i/i51ct.t:� high ceiling r£)-8i[ batbtub(�mm,m-*1{1t� tub)


:J-1t�1c#ta%x,:J-1t-::k�� �illi decorations
would cost a fortune
'1lf.:bl' lawn
��f!l,(;,!qJt<J�nlB amenities
lij!,1':;lt!rl:& hardwood flooring
1�/iti e(_J ::R-1t:l& high ceiling
! C flooring ¾ =& ±t!1A&. B<J M Jl',;J. )
*tJ;-1,t sofa / couch 't .R �1-tJ � iffi E. It's just a fantasy.
-�,R �-p B<J§.JIJm' .�!ll.�J}IJ!llr
, i11P fireplace detached house
I i%mt¥l RD TV -��1'fli::f:i"� p 13<.J]JiJ!llr

I it851it pay a mortgage semi-detached house

�IK the suburbs

terraced house
?J tt the countryside

«��ij�-��l;J.*��1-MM, •4����#��ft&4����: uk/blog/tbe-11-different-types-of-houses-in-the-uk/

IELTS P � � a,J- � 4 ;lf Describe a place near water ( - 1- :3 :ilt ;,j( � :l1B 7i ) .
� � I
�-•.•�*•�. -���-�-+���M-�«--t-•����.
1n :it 1if i;.ue. -t i1J .!r fP A {fi' {l(i im y[ � iI � � .±{g �
m m� *, *
p. 119 f- � � t*.1
� iC -ll!. ,if l;J. � ;j:l � Jfl o % 11-- , � ±f. � � !)... www. huffingtonpost. co. uk/2014/
06/20/beach-hotels-britain-uk-good-hotel-guide_n_SS 15270. html �-1- � :hl:.i" ,ij

Describe your favourite room i n your house / flat.

You should say :
where you live
which room it is
what it is like
and explain � you like this room.


:-. P·a-t�ii� �
------ - - -'

I Live on the fifth floor of an eight-storey block of flats. My favourite room in my flat 'f
is the bedroom.

Actually, it's not big, just around 10 square meters. There's a single bed in the right
comer of the room, not big either but quite comfortable. There's a table beside the bed,
with a lamp and a vase of flowers on it. The table is brand-new. I bought it from IKEA
last week.

There's a wardrobe next to the table. I keep all my favourite clothes in it. There's a
desk in the left comer of the room, with a chair in front of it. My favourite part of the
room is the potted plant on the desk. It is gorgeous and smells good, too.

By the way, the walls are light blue, just like the sky on a sunny day.

It's my favourite room because it's my own personal space where I can enjoy privacy
and comfort. Sometimes I even spend the whole weekend daydreaming there. I like my
bedroom also because I decorated it all by myself.

-�- · · · · · &: � a�ntm a ...storey building

-0;iii;� a block of flats '4;.Jf living room

i 312-n* square meter ( 'ii.AITT) �jlJ-® get together
\ -Jf[;re a vase of flowers ��-t!l\ watch TV

i !M-ifr£19 brand-new HH� �A entertain our guests

I �ff dining room
! �tlJ_f wardrobe

i ��1ff next to
have family rneals together
\ ��f/!lm potted plant
I -;.i���2t�(!(J$•1W
j �F1t�3'tB{J gorgeous talk about our day
i ft§ c. £19-1'-A'£ fa] my own personal space JiJ1% kitchen

I �i'rli decorate .1.7*Ai$:tli cook meals for my family

jp*�- J jf ;f Ill] Wt.. t/;J }fr fP], uktv. co. uk/home/dgiped/kw/236 :i!-t-W:I y/j
l 1f ,i.# Ur fiil tJ(J -i\i I�- � ( # ;t- 1f mL.l:. 7i 09 Rooms "iif i;J. • i1] � # ,.% fa] 4; * ) ,
iA•�•oo�. R¥••ffi��". ��i-�����-�-���a*l

Describe an open-air market.

You should say :
where it is
what it is like
what you do there
and explain whether you like it or not.

: . F;a·t�i�- ;
" • • • " • ., • • • I

I'd like to describe an open-air market in my homet own.

It's located near the local train station. The history of the market goes back to the
1950s and it's famous among the locals.

The market is quite large and has seven different sections, including the food section,
the clothing section, the jewellery section and the furniture section. There are many stalls
in each section, and most of the things sold in the market are locally-made or locally­

This market is al ways crowded, especially at weekends. Some people go there to buy
things, while others just enjoy wandering around in the market and chatting with the

My favourite part of this market is the food section where I often have breakfast or buy
snacks. Another part of the market which I really like is the cl othing section. It offers a
wide variety of clothes and the prices are ver y reasonable.

I like this open-air market because it's well managed. Most of the vendors there are
friendly and helpful. Honestly, it's kind of noisy but I guess that's perfectly natural for an
open-air market .

... .. · a< AJ �H�Wl�J · ····· tl<l:!R wander around

The history of . . . goes back to ...

tzm-.11.nJL� the 1950s

I irll� reasonable

I $:B-, ( m :1:.m !lHt<J) 5t- 1K section �l.llWHiM-1¥1, 'ltlll!�i!f� well managed

! !f 'mi jeweUery
.lit:!lfifii.1Hlf1lf f;J 11/J(l<J friendly and helpful ·
j *1l- furniture �.�I!'.!> kind of noisy
1 ��3lfl stall
�-t'f ..... · JHiiE'/t(l(J
tE�:11!!.�t"��tE�:11!!.f'l'ffi(l<.J that's perfectly natural for ...
locally-made or locally grown

Describe a place where there is water.

You should say:
where the p lace is
when people go there
what people do there
and explain how you feel about this place.

: "·--------'

I'm going to talk about our community swimming pool. It is located in our community
center, which is quite close to where I live.

Lots of local residents go there on hot summer days. Some pe ople just go there to
hang out and cool off. Others go there to improve their swimming skills.

People who are good at swimming tend to stay in the deep end , w hile the shallow end
is often packed with children who just splash water around and have fun. Sometimes there
are also instructors giving them swimming lessons.

I go to the pool at least a few times a week in summer because I enjoy swimming on
hot days and the pool is well managed. And it's fun to socialise and make friends with
others who also enjoy swimming. It helps to create a sense of community.

vJ.'f······ is located ...

U 18: tp,(., community center '.fl���rtl!. outdoor swimming pool

� :11!!'5 � local residents 1£ p;J � rtl1. indoor sw imming pool

q� ffl'ri&: a<J crystal-clear

�J]c 1K the deep end, XHt: � 7.K IR the �:ii lanes rn:. ffi goggles

I shallow end
.'!li� breast-stroke fi:J]� back-stroke
i m:mT ······ is packed with ...
$!Iii� butterfly-strok e § l±l � freestyle
! fflUM<;/:tJL splash water around
I �;!¼�z;/J warm-up exercises
\ ���� swimming instructor
7.)( ·11 {!!!:!If swim like a fish
j 'm'�W�!HJ� well managed

l f!l···· . t-±51:* !l�:J;:,11/l:& swim like a brick
j socialise and make friends with ...
;p]�� beginners �'f!!,IJ doggy-paddle !
! UIR� a sense of community
�:'.t..ln lifeguard

at M "if. :;e. � fol if. :ii of � ;{£ www. croydon. gov. uk/leisure fll
www. cityofsydney. nsw. gov. au/explore/facilities � WJ 1-- � M -'W" � if 00 *
J,$.rp .f(lls�fil¾���

Describe a library.
You should say :
where the library is
what it is like
how often you go there
and explain whether you like the library or not.

�jjlj , {§. ¾ pg $ 'JlJ. � 11)3 '.fE ( From the outside, it

looks plain, but the inside is spacious and bright. ) 0

iffiili1=f::*�� � 00-=tHtilJ f-f 1t1��*�
( bold and daring ) � it1! � 0 Pat 1" .A. J..'X � �
Seattle Public Library ( � 00 ) , � W � if the
Information Age (1§",�J l11"t) �-1Jl: 0

i.l?. It's a landmark on our carnpus 0

7'1-x!Mi?J¥t�i:iJt;J_i,� It has a beautiful exterior. '.j'.if;J_1H',Hfff!i!tl�i]t The interior is


A. Cl �a<J:kff¾ entrance hall�� lobby, ;lcff .!IUB;ktt-=f-P4 tall, thick colurnnso

00-=j=HfUJ<J 11 � te 'El' P4 the circulation desk, .ej; * ]I tl the front desk tlfiiH_,( o
if�!ilU?9:JJ�0Ji;ftJw, ll�ti!t:izt drop box wcM- T O ���Wi.l?. reading room �1f�fm
PJrffit, ffij __§_� @I B-9:k�OO �ffl m.BS;ff-fip group study room, ¾ilH'r��i,,tie; ( group
discussions) Jtl�, 1E!.¾-M1ffl=JHlt!tu'i':OiiT (reserve) 0 �tWOO-=f=HtLi1S;:ff study carre!B,
:l!: m ;tGtti 0-JF � /1 \ 1% raJ , PI i;;_ § c:Ht 1£11� .m �mi:1mtr � o

INN�lll:BtlH��:BPt��:B-M#: -#¾ open-stack library (��ilJIV. El BA
$llk�), �-fi!r closed-stack library ,Rflli0045'ffl'J.i.v3..AJ$�-l) 0 00451.ts<J §��04
f'F catalogue room, !(l;fl�P4 photocopy room, it1fflLJJs¾ computer lab, �:4\t-1,t;:j:
iiJl;,(04 muJti-media center 0

lll:Bff 11� ��¾librarians, fii-:j:5ffl';Jt check out books ( -ig;ff .® A�i#. sign out
books), :i!45�¾ return books, i:I��jf ��� late fee 0

mI"=�mi:ltOO�ffi�7.ffl.i.tJdlHttlt, ffl'i>t It offers a relaxing atmosphere.

iJ?.00:Btg;ff$#�f.fa9:Bffi�J't:Ci\:¾ It has a wide variety of books, CDs and DVDs.

mI*:i!m��-¥1fx�:t.t�oJt:Ji.>t It provides free Wi-Fi. '8¾�45;1fs<J*!m, !1!1.:i!�Jt

�tll. It's a mecca for book-lovers!

iE�Xl'IHai�A� a<J M W'f� 'ilt�ffl ¥11 �r�it, �I-Mt� tt� a{) isJ L�
� l�, l�� 3:1 Day 6 p. 78 0

Mind Map

ffu / �®:fti'
f-fu / Mi.£-ii
� - ffu / �t[iJ�"fti�Jjj

f-fu / Mi,{£ 0JJB�

'i'A h ffu, ��ft¼ ttm�-�-

f!Fitz Bti�iA i.Rffu / Mi_B{] f*:;i;Jfti��ffu I 9:l!!.ii�1rfil

(� },_)f,T-it¼ Bii�3f ��*).iff!?M!_B{] - .____

't£it¼ :l'.Eil'.. l!!JB�A�'ffi'�ffl-e;/r,JH� *

What 'Who

1?: /r,J � mi i:t�l!f it¼.�:�"

}- :re �
't:(:EDJJB� -

't!.li1.?'£�ft¼ � -�

fir-ft¼ B-ti�ftffl i1E s{]ij�* I I {,t jj ft¼ � �bY�1rffiB

,t-�itz s-gf��m '2 tr-Jij�% Why

Describe a teacher you had.
You should say :
when he / she taught you
what subject he / she taught
how he / she taught his / her subject
and explain � you still remember him/ her.

§�ftjt�Jt�»1fAJ�W:ft1n1!i'i6�, ]!�t,'tJ!!?.l"lt�ff Part 2o

l:IJ□, *□*liAi-f.u$�itHf{J��Jfili. ft1i1mt':i:iJ�IE']B,t?{t�ff Describe an elderly

person. ( -1-�� A) • Describe a person who helped you before. ( --t-!/W Jl/J :u-$ l¥J
}...) • Describe a person who is good at anothe r language. ( --'t-11 tE::J3-M1i'fr�B9 A),
Describe someone who gave you good advice. ( --t- �f.t1$tll!: tf:\ 1'f J=!UlHJ. 89 A) , Describe
a person who had influence on your. (--t-i-t1$1'irJJn(r,J9{_),A) � "-&,!JL" 1it�tisli o

I'd like to tell you about my 5th grade English teacher, Mr Yang.

He was in his early 60s but looked younger than his age. He wore glasses and always
had a smile on his face.

Mr Yang was friendly and helpful. He knew his subject well and e njoyed sharing
his knowledge with us. He was very patient when explaining new words or grammar rules
to us. And he gave us a lot of sound advice about improving our English skills.

Also, I remember that he gave us a lot of opportunities to speak English in class. For
example, he asked us to describe our daily routines in English to our classmates.
Sometimes he ctivided us into groups and encouraged us to talk with other group members
in English about topics like our favourite food, animals or games.

At first, we were shy and afraid of making mistakes. But Mr Yang kept encouraging
us and telling us not to worry about making mistakes. I remember that he often said, "The
more you practise, the better you'll get. " When we had trouble expressing our ideas, he
came up to us and gave us simple words or p hrases to help us express what we were trying

to say. By the end of that yearI most of us felt comfonable with having basic conversations
in English.

I still remember Mr Yang because he really helped me improve my English skills.

Also, he had a good sense of humour and he was a teacher who knew how to keep his
students motivated.

60 l# � --� , "60 ,':l:l *"was in bis early

60s,ffiJ.ili:�)t£:if PJ I)) i� is in his 30s(30
iJ:ffMl9��-lliH��;g �JJ
keep his students motivated
, $l!}) ,is in her 20s(20 $� )�

I �HI.Hi wear glasses( :i:1¾B1: wore)

I :t�Jf im .§.. 1l!F(f 'M WJ B<J friendly and helpful 1i/J � mi JI. li'iUi B9 is hardworking and
! dedicated to his / her job
11! T ffr-f. ftl!. M � B<J ;f4 § know his subject
well ( :i:1 -'ft: B1 : knew) 312-� iliA 89 approachable
��if(J,imf,t:.,(J(J kind and patient
I l'.�8lU.ltff10-$:f1l!,B<J �if!.
j enjoy sharing his knowledge with us m�(l(_J , *�imJJ�i!){J articulate
l::J ffi
\ i:g-$JJl1,Ji!Ll grammar rules fi:fRt& B91:m �Ii
!, ..g-�a<.J�i)l,"r:pilj(l<J�i,)l" sound advice has a positive outlook on life
c��mm) ��1:ifJW:l'L 7111!�1'!9l:?it-F
i m� opportunity a good role model for bis / her students

B it'im#tl daily routine �*F�fil:llH�03JZ-!){J strict but fair

ie�1fl5f.6.x.1J,til divide us into groups (fx$�1Jili) it�$��J,JlfritR

make maths fun and enjoyable
1Mliii\t� group members
1 tt:l!t!······ �f.s®I topics like ... explain math concepts clearly
I �•ts�e�� afraid of making mistakes '1&:IiiiJ$1: fi] J!l! :fL :It!!,\!!,� encourage his/
*:i;s�fiJ (:J{J�� express our ideas her students to think independently

rffi• a<.J 1tiffel � m Hf C�*�difi) tf.lil/J$!i 11TfHLtit!!.�-�

simple w ords or phrases encourage his / her students to think
�lill\(l<J�f.s basic conversations

( m 51:� difi >u��111miiE:lt!!,��
encourage his / her students to think
has a good sense of humour( :d:¾81 :had)
1 critically

ii:l± >l-i- jH� :t � �
i,t f'J e. $ � >J IJ *
09 f6 ft!, :if PJ" � tE. Describe a piece of
ad,ice that vou received. ( i& i� ±t 09 }t-\,}{_) {& - � >l � ::/(f

Part 2 .!B:�il#--t-t Jt: Describe a job that can make the world a better
place. «�� il i!t !f. f � � � ::/(f�.:r. 'ft: " , � -i! !IUi- �bl ;:l§- � * :lh pass out O Jet.�
�: \\-1,·w. renewableenergyjobs. corn/ content/what-is-a-green-job ,B. il:r J3:.1-- ij yf
�ffiijftff-,}I�. -������t�#•ffl�o
IELTS P�!.�at:if%;:l§-Describe a job that you want to do in the future.
t "iiJ CJ- 7if 1! .lt ft 11J n � oo -i\'i � Jj: � � 1 o # I.. 'ft: ifJ iiHro 1Hii : uk/blog/most-in-demand-jobs-2019/

Describe a famous musician.

You should say :
who thls musician is
how the musician became famous
what is special about his / her music
and explain how you feel about this musician.

I'd like to talk about one of the most successful musicians in the world, Yo-Yo Ma.

He was a cltild prodigy. He took his fust cello lesson at the age of four and he
perfonned for John F. Kennedy in the White House when he was seven. Now he's
considered to be one of the greatest cellists alive. As far as I know ( tJ;H�F,Jr�, �ff- gJ
�*�•*••�••�•�.m���n�#�■�A•��-��tt•��. 1
j;Jf2:::fiAfi:lf::J!Jr�fiil»]i.t(l{J1i"�O, he has recorded around 100 albums and has
received 18 Grammy Awards.

Yo-Yo Ma tours the world playing his cello, and he always looks for new ways to
express himself. He not only plays classical music but also plays countcy music, Chinese
folk music and African music. He likes to perform on stage with other musicians as well.
Wherever he performs , people are touched by his music. And he always receives huge
applause and cheers at the end of his performances.

I'm a fan of Yo-Yo Ma because he's very talented and creative. Also, he's bumble
and modest, and really respects his audience. He often says to his audience, "To me,
playing music is about learning forever." And he is very dedicated to his work, � he's
a good role model for young people.

�j'f! a child prodigy

:km� ( cellist :i&*:J:ll':����{) cello $;t$t;� multi-talented

! ��il!l. John F. Kennedy
�P�}t{l--15), "��"
! �iA.�'Ak · ·· ·· · is considered to be ... sign a recording contract
i tEtit a<1 J\f!df> * B� · · · · · · z- �Jjj award
! one of the greatest ... alive 1E�:ifl!il"i:iiiitt«. ignore the press
���� Grammy Award ft-i1f-A� a legend
ttl:91'-:ifilWf tour the world
( fF �wt if5fr€H'i:.A.) �/" {l<J prolific
I 1i':!II!-if»; classical music �/lb single
I er� � fa] if»; Chinese folk music
�iii.I lyrics
i �{i!i.�if *�� �,A.(j(J touching
I are touched by his music
fibIt(t) inspiring
i �?.!H1<r�:pf;¥11�_xnf Jss

J huge applause and cheers {f£7Ji'./!1J'il- a deep and mellow voice

j {�im}ffii.§.lilfUffi 139 humble and modest ��(l(]!it- a soft and pleasant voice
I 1��}1i
is dedicated to his work i!1li1 L ff l!PmjJ (t)�t-
a high-pitched and powerful voice

is a good role model for young pe ople m�v;?16t- ff()'' �pi" has a nice falsetto

-�$;� an overnight success tf fjg-=f- guitarist

il-.ffi:W-,".ffiii� the music scene !1! Wi-=f- bassist

*�Jrl9! band members 1&.-'f- drummer

.:£111 lead singer/ lead vocalist ��-'¥- keyboard player

-S-;J:. � Jt ir ;fdJ(J Jlll ;t S � � � � � :l! -W Jfl eig l#J Jlfi : www. britannica corn,
�jai, �H!,i! ft ill Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran ;fP The Weeknd � -€tl ft W, :;fk .:f fi;J
1t-tfi O WWW, imdb. com/list/l s076954447/ !i!tl 1r m J 100 + � -W ;t � � � Jt- lR 0

I'm going to talk about an artist I admire, Vincent Van Gogh ( � �) . He was a 19tb­
century Dutch painter.

Van Gogh was very talented and creative. Instead of just trying to copy what he
saw, he used colours freely in order to better express his feelings. His painting style
influenced and inspired many other painters. And now he's considered one of the greatest
artists in history.

I admire Van Gogh not only because he was talented but also because he had great
sympathy for the poor. He often painted farmers and workers in his paintings. He even
gave away most of his own money to help people who lived poverty.

Unfortunately, Van Gogh sold only one painting during his lifetime. But in my
opinion, he's much more than a great painter. He's one of the greatest cultural heroes of
modem times.


f.f�1¥.J Dutch �� (19j:lf!ft! colour scheme

talented �l! strokes

I ,r,j";,j-if! 1¥.J
I 1'ft1J � 1¥J creative )\.{# imi portrait

*�{tkl¥.J�� expre� bis feelings Jxl.f:iii!i landscape palnting

fl/WJ inspire *4o// imi still life

i �lffi ,C,, sympathy qurFn.Jfff,C,,(Jg compas.gonate
rzm-��i'.mJ.....fll the poor �1! fame

fli!.{Et!tl¥.JEt{� during his lifetime tlll�Wl abstract

�m{E�I!) cp live in poverty

aJffl'1¥.J:lik, · ·· · ·· Unfortunately, ... � �Hlil,1/j W!i-5¥ffl' receive great reviews

�;r genius

?.tiff masterpiece
¾J 00 composition

*��**• �1-�MA*��i¾�j•�. ��t•t••���

1� �: www.biogra html

� r � 1- ii,<J M Ylff 1x ,m: � 1 � Jt JJJ ,t J: 1i'UH; t19 l ;Jc !t flllH: .JJ1-, mi 1l. if
tl i# 11N. ffe l!l >r W 1{F* �ll "Jil.,i.iE" �� t **
totallyhistory. corn/ art-history/famous-artists/

�ffJi:iJ 1).,,/j"E Describe a famous arcltitect. ( Ji1!$t!/ifi) �1-�H!-.®$-lM, �®*

qjix1£, �IJ�,, ;J§l;�ft1iJV.JJfiJL5}i}jt�fHk:12' 0 iJ5fjJ,qffejE:

( a) $ it. i)t Z *� a'-] JL 1- � :SC �' 4k i�: talented ::f:i ;;1-$ a<J, prolific i\1li F WI,
creative designs q� f.i-€� � B'-Ji&!:it, masterpiece �fl: o

� 131 , li·�c. f:l: :iz;: 1-q� :if!l. ii l'.m 1aJ-=f-: He / She can think out of the box. ( ft!! / �
arw. "tE�TZ��-��", :i!'fiJi!S!'2'iltffl*%�-1-.AffHrnJ�. /�Hlif-sf����

( b) fiul(! 7fff-1-�1Jt!1ilia<J�.siz.. 1:t:llll�-t�M�tlt:W-�� �1Jt!1ili::k�
WWW. greatbuildings. corn/architects. h tml o )X 1-�ML_ m 1A: !lip l'l(j A� ffl5 ��'!Ii: X
tt�(!{Jtl�ffl:ffl:J1J a<J, B m ;1t "P-1-?&Jl�(F :t.iHIJ Biography 8,/tfi T , tt !!O, iiliiaU1H�
-tt$A(!{J�1£i 1 M. Pei ( In$�) o, tf{��lUfHt9JJ-ill.@iDescribe a creative person. i:!1.IJ'iJBtli¼tif T 0

Describe a small business.

You should say :
where it is
who you go there with
what it is like
and explain how you feel about this small business.

I'm going to talk about the fitness club that I go to regularly.

It's very close to where I live. I go there almost every evening. Some friends of mine
also go there to work out.

The club offers a wide variety of membersh ips , and the membership fees are quite
reasonable. They even have three-day guest passes for people who visit their club for the
first time. The club also offers group exercise classes and yoga classes.

I like this fitness club because it's well managed . It has a wide variety of exercise
machines, including treadmills , exercise bikes and steppers. The equipment is very clean
and in good condition. And with my membership, I can also use the swimming pool in the
club for free, so it's good value for money.

All the employees, from the front-desk people � the trainers, are friendly and
helpful. My only complaint is sometimes it's a bit too crowde d. But most of the time,
there's plenty of space for everyone, so it's not a big issue for me.

j fit!l-OUF-$ fitn� club/ health club ffi� complaint
: fil!:!i½ work out W�B9 crowded
� 1f.i. �m membership .x��*i#.�.t!*fiill!
it-�MJ reasonable it's not a big issue for me

�:W��3i': guest pass

Jtilr{Jrn yoga
����-Ul keep fit
$�• $� B<J a wide variety of
ft�iJlJl� build muscles
iffi:tP-tfl treadmill
��IE}J, "�ff" reduce stress

[M )E � �. !f:
exercise bike / stationary bike
�n� lose weight

Wlzt-tfl steppers
tH.v:� Pilates
� E.� Zumba dance
i-9: � equipment
tfll# recommend
-61!:!t�tt- trainer
tz ffit/Sl!ll'.#�;ftI#," Mi!lt lift weights
j 12:'B<Jiifft tt�I!!� It's good value for money.
"'" VO ''"""" ii> qi, ,!Ji :,!! II! J, lfil� dumbbell

( "'., ffl)
I 89B.J-1�t&.1.rm•
iii {E
f.[# barbell

IELTS P �* et��Describe a sports star. il 1'i5 M.

:fit,� f
( � 1f P}l £)

WWW. Olympic. org/athletes :J! 1- ji,lJ 16 �-(# J l!.IJ £ /JIJ ft t/i, t�

k;iJj;:t_lf;fiti-Jitfd;t, 1£it�ti-'.ftADanLin, #.:it-Go, Mffi'tit'#!J-/J(J
� it , :® :«. n� � Jtl Jt fr ftJ vHm 1r- m

Describe a small business.

You should say :
where it is
who you go there with
what it is like
and explain how you feel about this small business.


I'm going to describe a Chinese restaurant on Nan Hu Street. The restaurant is quite
small, but it's easy to find because it's next to a hotel.

I've been a regular customer of this restaurant, and I've taken a lot of friends there.
We usually go there for di nner , but I've heard their lunch is also good.

The restaurant is a family business. It is quite small and on!y has 12 tables, but the
tables are neatly s et and the seats are comfortable. The restaurant also has simple but
attractive decorations, such as some elegant black-and-white photos on the walls.

Their menu has a wide variety of Chinese food, from shrimp dumplings to spring
rolls to roasted ribs. The food is always freshly prepared and tasty. The portions are
quite large, too.

I go to this restaurant regularly because it offers authentic Chinese food and it's well
managed. The service is quick and friendly. It is always packed when my friends and I are
there, but we have never felt rushed by the staff. And although the restaurant i s small, it
offers a relaxing atmosphere. It proves "Smal l is beautiful. "

'iHt3g ... ·· · is next to ... ]QI ff(_) ,g, �, the staff ( -1' m I�� an
I j·� regular customer
employee,� 'rn 13{] n� � � Ja!.«.-
fil J:il!. � J;;
waiter / waitress)
l m--t*J1Ir£gati��.*�:1t�
family business
:ltJ1j! 13{] , iE* ff(_) authentic
ffJl!WHl.t!lfa{] is well managed
I ( .f T) ::(µl!1�1lHl'Hf atJ are neatly set
j ffi$.{!HHf PJi5ijJ atJ simple but attractive
� i-! .m ff(_] - 'rl] � � � i,.g " ;J, � ¾ �"
I Small is beautiful. , f/5J � � i.g � � " � RP
I ttftati elegant ;[¾�" Less is more.
i !f� shrimp dumplings
I ff$ spring rolls
/U�iit roasted ribs
ft·tfH! � 8tJ �"r� atJ:ii , " �:Ii" portion
fr1,tff(_)Jll!/ili, ":kW" chef
tMPH ,.A..fl<J packed

�I:m manager n1e. !!!llJJ} lighting
;ft:f& owner �-tfli�f�li! �:% i'.19 is beautifully-decorated

(RR*) :XilJ ljtJJ(l(J impeccable

The food is good value for money.
-f;&�(l{Jj:iW;JL aroma
( ... is good value for money. �:!1/f�.A. �
"tt-ffl- ttqii\t"iit1ltffl�iJi�) �'&'�:ij-� gounnet

*:(fi tablecloth m:1'¥ recommend

:$:ii; 'OF fortune cookie ( � 5'� l¥J r:p � � .ll ���!Hfa(Ji.fffl' receive good reviews

* t¥J
���· !ii!.EI<J:$31�, �--1- cookie t]\J!fe;t}j: m. ilii
$: - *'MU;� , J:m tH�� :iEE\:)

&ft "�&�" ff1�-MJH1<J r:p OO�H'f � P-1 #::f :llUiiiifi:fif!(J�, f!!JJ!i;;'.mtf� t:J ia!:B{
il::J'ik �iJt� "@' 1f1 1.:/li � B<J r:p 00 � � , t! � J:IH,! ifr3(': iiii: (i(J 1H& tt, It �o sweet and sour
soup ( rut ¥JI( Ym ) , Kung Pao chicken ( 'g -Oil:� T) , Ma Po tofu (��ft�) , braised
pork (Utl�), stir-fried st ring beans (-=f�tm*.R), Wooton Soup (ttliit!), General
Tso's Chicken ( �-t-1-c-*;ilt�::(E{i�#iJ7'Hl<J r:p�it H:1..t!\�, fit Pat ,ff cp OO(l(Jliit mif
lt ;lidi: tJl JU ) o

Describe an interesting large company.

You should say :
which company it is
what kind of comp any it is
what you know about this company
and explain why you think it is interesting.

I'm going to describe ByteDance, which is headguartered in Beijing. It is not only one
of the largest IT companies in China but also one of the leading IT companies in the world.

ByteDance was founded in 2012. Since then, it
has created a wide variety of apps, i ncluding
Today's Headlines and Watennelon Video. Its most
popular product is "Douyin" , which is, basically , a
\ideo-sharing app. People can use the app to make
short \ideos and share the videos with others. Users can also challenge others to do the
same thing as they have done, which gives the users a strong sense of community.

I find ByteDance interesting because its products are very creative and innovative. For
example, one of its main products, Today's Headlines, is a news app which uses Al to
offer customised news feeds. The company is interesting also because many of its
executives make their own Douyin videos and share the videos with users of the app. Some
of them have a good sense of humour and their videos are quite entermining .

I .�,$:tE ······ is headquartered in ...

11 m.!Utf0'ii.1 IT company I information creative an d innovative

, technology company .AI��� AI / artificial intelligence

! @ij\:
119 leading

[¾ff ...... 1J::�11:a(_J was founded in ... , cus tomised / personalised

i ffitl: i:: � 1- i.\i i! � B(j found � ¾ find ( 1f:�1¥J) �� executives

iI "tOIJ"�ii't:at, rm¾;bii1.!mO�" �3L." B(J
i :t,\l!, 1&::f'f l!lll�� have a good sense of humour

j t!UUt:f:Jiffl a video-sharing app 1&::f'f�Jt�tl:B� entertaining

�&a<JUIK� a strong sense of community

fortu ne. com/fort une500/list

WWW. n -f !M I 500 5! -Jc¾� ff-J 4iYi � PJ' � f 1!f
#11t-m �_/�� ��;# 7i �o

ITO '1--tDescribe a business leader. ( 1ffj" .'1ft. � �) � 1--it �, Britannica JiJ �

* m:
1fJ � 1# 1 i: � {\ � ;g iliJ .'1ft. 4;l 'fa! {/'} iff ff.. 1t- WWW. britannica. corn 1,iJ -p:p '

1i of I;). Jfi � im J:. 7i � � #- � tH'.Htl!, fl Jij jp: CEO Tim Cook ff-J ft gg o

IELTS P � iE. ��Describe a book that you enjoy reading. (�f. i:t /Jig - *
1t � :i! � �lHJ � i , 1!! � � - -t .t A � -ft iE ( biography ) ¾ i: i tk t,!J
:ii\dt :z:. - o 13f � J; iJl PJL (1 ) :i! 45 ¾ -t ifH\1 , -ft-¾ :{E "JL :t JJJ tFJ 1! *-# ,
( 2) 1t J7 1t ¼ �- 1 Mi!-t- A, ( 3) 1t i! ii� :l!*-# 1 � :til � -ti! 1- )d? � �
't1t'5L, (4) ff� 1i!*45i:.Foifl1ti#���tt-Jff'J jttp�J (2) fi.f;,
*, *

� ( 3 ) -� oJ i;i_ ;fP 1t-t- � � WI jt .t A , t: ;tt #-11 B}l £ P.U� -& 19! JHt ¾ .t
��, ¾-in1t� ;iJ iJl;J%�� 0
)It� "ff�� iJi;J -* 45" � JI! Ji-# It ft t JJ ftJ :;ni¾fll a film i �
�*. U:'..Jllli}l§ e,�� {��:!iB*} tt�t-:\-iJt�. �Jr/lll.iiJt:l!:llt!H!
-tR :Ji� � lt f:J it � j1J -fJj. Jo:.. iJl;J � 4; 1)', i-JL � ffi � ( A friend told me that the film was
adapted from a novel of the same title by Liu Cixin, an award-winning sci-fi
writer. ) , §I it*
e, $\'.. 1M] ji!iJ 1 i ( bought the book from an online bookshop) o .W
i�U� � s� tf-1 JG. Cii 1;,q:11 it !H(J JHt - � i{i �) , :1f 11 i-Jt aJl t t� t !HIH# T J! �
B9 � 1I ( It offered more details than the film. ) , .pt f.ij if!. i.ll. v/. § G ij $ � it M 1 o

Describe an elderly person you know.

t/a:i£�..A..Bt�rtm1JJW.ffl�1fJ:tE111HiiiJR¥U1¥.J�j[ffi�itf, tt:ru:i kind and patient,

friendly and hel pful, a good role model �, {fl.�Jt.Jll.:if ::ff �j;':ff� ;fll�� ift�1f f1
Wi � � _AJiJ Ef,J {� ffl l¥l 0

�A�{,fq�:/lf, �111� TAJ 0 i.>i He's / !&ilt�Jt.lIHE

She's healthy and active.
1ffl� He's/ She's hale and hearty. J!-1--/J?.7'!, �W'ffi��..A.(!(J�-!$:ff, "��
icl::J±" o :i!IJ*�(cJ=.J\.jEJmBf£��ffitt, :l&ili�XJJlU�i.#. He/ She walks slowly with a
walking st ick.

El�wt;iik white hair, 1!<.�!J: grey hair, mi ";ttg(!(J�iit" t£!1!!.ilt�X1!.!i!tlU4

salt and pepper hai r 0 :i!1J*Bf�3t;J]i, �X�JfJW-fria.1 baldo �O:W:1ii"SM-f-, iti)I. He
has a white beard. �__t����j(�-/J?. He/ She has some wrinkles on his/ her face.

i)t�(cJ=.J\.W;f;xl\1., �T:kiiiJ optimistic z.�1-. ifi'iJl;,,(Jf:IJ!fij!'f!-1¥.J�Xi#. He/ She

always looks on the bright side of things. ::l;..A. L'���JH.#. He's/ She's young at


heart. W::tf����f&ilti� has a good sense of humour fi:ltgirL �1¥.A rtJ!t� play
chess, tJ��� play mahjong, �11-t®::1$�¾ exercise regularly, tr.:t:f&P4 practise
taichi, ,UnJ� walk his (or her) dog, f�f,l,Jit!!'ltY:iP-, ":ili'�JL" Ji!IJ¾ take a stroll 0

:fi-51.t:A "JlW", 13l.fJ.ffl bright l'iJwt��T, Ei.ZW:i3t wise ;;tM o �Al¥Jic·tljJ

��rlt!8'- gti51, He / She still has a great memory. � A B<J }�Hit ,ft< ?'t n'i lltlr :.Ii!: His I Her
mind is still sharp. �A.if��l:11-t���i.52, He's/ She's still eager to learn. �!tfA.139
A1:�/Jj$/j\� He/ She has a lot of life experience. 5(U*�i3t "�,ff!,£"i:iJ�b"-{tl\ I�
Jl�.!E�Wf!Hf89.iil!i5C ', :ltgji�J'c£ 11-t�i3t I can always count on him ( or her) for
good ad,ice.

Describe a child you know.

,J\f!Jl�/W3¥-3¥-a<JP4 chubby, tt�;rfa<JP4 slim (M*i3l thin Pfrj@*��#I!J!z.>(),

!1a:�1J\Mti�lfi:iJ��T cute ;;t?1ri:!11'iJ�J.iJl adorable 0

1J\M��,C.,ffl11lHlijUJEiJ?, is happy and healthy, %.X.X .P :5'r m i;/J :.Ii!: likes outdoor
acth'ities, 1Nmtr "1�::tfm.1J" E:ifili1!�J'c£%i.5l He's/ She's full of energy�� He
/ She's energetic, tt#H�?'r fol P4 He's / She's very sociable. Rhl :$ ffl� -€Hi*¾ He/
She gets on well with everybody.

����IJA-%-ft�i� He/ She is a team player. �U*1J\IDt�:R� F-1 c:if��a<J.AtE

-.i&Bt�l:t��fl!, .li!tliJl He/ She tends to be quiet around people h e I she doesn't know

1Nffltil-��A .%, �Ti)l He/ She's funny. Z��, ia5r3J�-ill. He/ She enjoys
sharing jokes with others (-&�R&�1J,A71$:�i:i5). ¥&�He/ She has a good sense of
humour ON::tfl!l!l!t'(�).

1NJ/l:!�>t£¥flt��:!lf�iJ?, He I She gets good grades at school. W"ft.!{1.9;ei¥]ri4 well­

behaved, 1HL�im.§.�fi£J;1JA_B<]P4 polite and respectful, ¾fa'Jf,JIIJ'f.l*-=1f11¥Jifi��:>(;.l
He's/ She's a role model for his/ her classmates, l!�,aJHmJ3.JZ.�ftU�JJ B<JP4 intelligent
and creative, tE�niffi1'f �M�i>t has a talent for (music, painting, maths �) , -i-51,
--t ,J\M:ti'.!¥=>.J 1� � jJ, li�i:!1 l'iJ l.:J. i)l studies hard, 1E!.¾t£ 1Pk B<J��1': m-.£ He/
She works hard. ZZ£1itffl 0

1NlJ1::&JVJ,�t-�i'iiJ-1-�ft.z., �X!! i#. He/ She has an inquiring mind. �=f¾
Jt-BJ:a<J "�J:fY:ll:Sl c", �XP4 He's/ She's the apple of his (or her) parents' eye. ��
tt�a<J¾: �¾���<Jt!lUIH�.�, apple� eye $,ffJ/p.fllJJr�;;t native 0

Describe a friend who is a good leader.

1�a<JM�;�p:irfi�¾� jRJ�:W B�®!�, ltM: ,¥.11[,t(R� !R-K ( the captain of our

department basketball team), :k�����.±J:t ( the Students' Union President), sx�
. ( manager) , $ tl � � ( the head of our department) , iM. ..[@f
I {'F � 9" s<J �.Hffi � ( our
team leader) � 0

He/ She is a na tural born leader. 1tl!. I :91!!.1fxif.�1-lfti o

He/ She is quite charismatic. 'fi!7. I :M,,11%!.lf �}J, -AA /:9![i,;(f4;l-lfpllj'g o
He/ She s
i confident and has good communication skills. 1tt / :9!li, 1\1-ftiilf ll..:tf-1tHU�
�jffi_ij�;fJ O

He/ She is good at bringing people t ogether. -AA / :9!li,� f-�A 1fl 31 M" JIJ-�o
He/ She knows how to motivate people to achieve t heir comm on goal. ft/��it
�MilA�*�;fJ��-1tl!.��#�§# o
He/ She is go o d at building trust and respect with others. -AA I :91li,,f f' lq $� A�ir.�
1t1f�1f 1 L
He/ She cares about hi s ( or her) team members. -AA I :91li,t�'11!!. ( :9t) a\J 0l R� Pl. o
He/ She is hon est a nd relia ble. 11!!. / � � � llu ll. iiJ :tf; o
He/ She can see the big picture. -ftl!. / j..:tf �!,j��o
He/ She can stay calm under pressure. ft!!. I :91[i,;{£J¥.�lf.;1Ja!Jat�·OH-fiif�-{!Ht
)}� o
At the same time, he/ she is a go od listener. �lit, 11!!./ M!i-f-19fJUtlAi¥1t.lto

:iaS�Y.:l:�EJ{Jfik: :(£:tl!!:i!�.X.m, "®(�;;tfro" �4-f'Fleadership skills, native speakers

� � leader skills X

ffl�XWii£ natural beauty ( §�89��) ���Jfl�J;1c-'fJxli1-�
!?&���r[;fl]�ifr, i'if�33 Day 6 p. 82 0

$�ili�B{] ,W.!t�OO
Mind Map

Ett'Yl�� 1flzit¾Bi1�1s:s{.)Jl��
Where When

ft�it-� �;B{J 1flz�i1J7it¾�t.J.

Who E]f&� ,___ it*�7OJJ�lEt )3 i;/J

*��� it�it¼NB'-:1��

E�it¼ E�5t?':EOJJ�fil
What Where

�-ttt¼ 81�� ii] ii't 1--

� �� - 't s{J ff -=rf□ s:J ·1-1 � it¾tt,s
When How

tfo A� {t-J �'dl $.1'¥: eg I 1t7.J it¼ �i� t-OOJ�*t:g
Who I Why

Describe a garden.
You should say :
what it's calle d
where it is
what people do there
and explain whethe r you like the garden or not.

· Pa-ta���- -.
My favourite garden is the Classical Chinese Garden, which is located near the city
center. It is a great place to learn about plants and enjoy natural beauty.

The garden is breathtaking all year round. For example, in early spring, the leaves
and grass in the garden turn green, and the flowers bloom, which makes everything in the
garden feel fresh and energetic. And the trees change colours i_n autumn, which l ooks
gorgeous and attracts many visitors. It looks attractive even i n winter when the snow on
the trees and on the ground makes it look like a Chinese ink painting.

I like this garden because it's a nice place to get away from busy city life for a while
and recharge my batteries. It makes me feel calm and relaxed. And the air in the garden
is always fresh and c lean. To me, it's an oasis in the city. I like it also because I've been
visiting the garden since childhood, so it brings back fond memories, and the admission
fee is quite reasonable and well worth it.

T fff. · · · · · · learn about ... ( T fff. ffiW learn

about plants ) :Wit bloom
�§t � ?"J i'l<:J � � enjoy natural beauty Jti'lil!1: tJL;fl) mjJ (J(] fresh and energetic
�1=c11t � a9. "�ut re u1 l!& l'IPIW jE T .. 1!:-ftW!-f5 change colours
breathtaking / gorgeous
�5111!��� attracts many visitors
�1¥, -�£f:'. all year round

i ifllJHl;h(l(J at tractive A�l'fill_llt�. fountain

1-M!f�l](/!@i a Chinese ink painting t$vit stream

i Wat�Jf�it�ffllm�� LIJ � mountain spring

I get away from busy city life for a while ,AI�-!UPB91lt:l:-ili lawn
i ti'if'Hl,i:., / !'ii�,i:,,Jt:ft!"
§ �WB9:x�.1;tit!!, meadow
I recharge my batteries
�Jf B9 ::tt blooming flowers
: ( BBC i91J'AJ] I will go on holiday in Spain to
\ recharge my batteries. 1.tti flowerbed

( 1¥, li,lt �.ER)� nl.j chirp

j �¥!J�D ffii Il1iH'i feel calm and relaxed
J!:/Jl1*ili* El� get closer to nature
j _;£rp.lf[�-}t"�ml" an oasis in the city
I < �xlE �J:lrn:-t� i!D!Htl0£ riJ 1;,t �at� r.f�l'fi crystal-clear

Jf:lit�ffll*�ffi�i!B7f) :l±x!i!.l'fi spectacular

'l!r*�ij'.�@ltZ bring back fond memories fi;(p waterfall
(U'Hlt a�ion fee �Pt roar

1 il"l!!(l(J reasonable
a must-see for nature lovers
11Hl� well worth it
dJ�� val ley

!lff"i have a picnic

I §!�t§*imfc
*:izi;,@, ��J)Kfi go hiking
I Jxt:jjl-:lrn@i a(; picturesque
*!Jljff go camping
\ 11H��!ii� take a stroll
1� 13 J't7f't go sunbathing
l �ll!la(J1J,�,"1H�" w inding paths ( a:�PJr1f�ll['i2B':JIE�.ftl�1f)

l �Jj pond ( "�:i.ttl!!"�XP4 lotus pond) �� have a barbecue

l �r gazebo :(Ej/j/J.t:!Gtlfill row a boat on the lake

l �-ti

������r����*1¾@��m. ffiA����oo*m*���
*-¥«:f�: uk/parl<. p hp
Describe a park.
You should say :
what it's called
where it is
what people do there
and explain whether you like the park or not.

:·- i=>- �a..·1------'

a��� ·.
I'd like to describe Ocean Park Hong Kong. It's about a 20-minute drive from
downtown Hong Kong, and it's quite easy to get there by public transport.

The park has many different sections. There's a lot to see and do as you walk around
these sections. For example, in the " Strait" section, you can find a wide variety of sea
creatures , such as sharks , turtles, seahorses and jellyfish. They have plenty of space to
swim around , which i s really n ice to see. f particularly like the jellyfish tanks where
thousands of jellyfish float peacefully.

In the outdo or "Wild Coast" section, visitors can watch the exciting dolphin show,
sea lion show and a wide range of other interesting performances by sea creatures. And in
the play area, children can even touch s ome of the sea creatures that they li ke.

I like the Ocean Park because it offers so many attractions and it has an amazing
variety of sea creatures. It can really help visitors learn about nature, especially the
ocean. Also, the park is well organised, and the employees are friendly and helpful. It's
a park that is good for all ages.

r§J� strait
a 20-minute drive from ...
r§Jrf.!I!(!(J�!f!ll sea creatures
0�:X::illl public transport ( :l&Ji��mitffl creaturedEm��)

W7J' parts / sections �ii shark


I {g turtle .w !?ixlt�U!I watch circus shows

1 �.!?i seahorse �!tt::R:� ride a Ferris wheel

i 71<-HJ= jellyfish �rfit�AA ride a pirate ship

I #i� dolphin :Hie T $ go-karting

i �}Jji sea lion Jiff� have a picnic

*� performance J[!Ut!i.f;t.� experience ... first-hand

:ft.� attractions i-1.AJcJfHIU'f.(!<J eye-opening

I T !ff§ �W learn about nature 1lff1:. igJ 4m Im safari park

I m3t1'i/¥ffJ,:tt-#1'i�B9 well organised llff 1:1:.1m{�Hr' lZ wildlife reserve

I m-fr�-t���ffJ, ":tY�1rffl" El �ilil:tP 1K nature reserve
good for all ages
�.@.±!!! habitat

T frl7fllff 1:1:. 1m learn abo ut wildlife

( wildIife � rz ffiJiff 1:. igJffi 1wJ )
I !Bf.Sf-.% amusement park

I *:u LU$ ride a roller coaster

��M�••r�oo��1��•-¥1ffl&:, jfj- � .ttl!, III -Jj/} ,� i:fr � 1if � � f1J
�� 1 M-ti;J :!I!!, 1K � nature reserve # •!ff

Describe an animal.
You should say :
what the animal is
where it can be found
what is special about it
and explain how you feel about it.

:-i=ia- t ���-:
.. _ _ _ _ _ _ ., _ ,

I'd like to describe the elephant. It can be found in Africa and Southeast Asia.

Elephants are huge mammals with large ears and long tusks. African elephants can
stand as tall as 4 meters. Actually, they are the largest four-footed animals in the world.
But they are very gentle and slow-moving. In other words, they don't " bully" other

Elephants use their trunk to " grab" food and use their tusks to dig for water.

They are social animals , and the mothers lead the whole family group.

People say that elephants never forget. Trainers can even train them to use simple
tools. For thousands of years, elephants have b een trained to carry heavy stuff and cany
people through the jungle. They are like hard-working employees for their owners. But
they ask for bananas instead of cash.

I think elephants are fascinating creatures. They are intelligent, gentle and they care
about each other. They are really good at teamwork.

*� �
1 l!Jft�Li;IJ!11JJ mammals cash
3f & tusks il:.A.ti'izE(J(Jij/)4tJ
fascinating creatures
l!!UEi;/J!l1JJ four-footed animals ( :lt!l:m:�xm'litm creatures *m��)
!ID� 89 intelligent
l r.&l ;ff! i'.19 gentle
:k��9/i-T trunk
� !!A.*� teamwork

t1l1. grab
� dig i!Ji:IM'!JJ# endangered species
ff.@�ig]� social animals ii� poaching
iJII K!J;J/ili trainer �3f3(� ivory trade

dt,;.f;t; jungle Ifi.i.4tJ *to18: wildlife reserve

ffi/J1iti'.19fftI hard-working employees lfi.i;/J�� safari park
.:!::.A. owner

i>J i;J. ff JJJ � A it-iB )

Describe an animal.
You should say:
what the animal is
where it can be found
what is special about it
and explain how you feel about it.

:..-F;- -a--tffjii
- -- ---:

I'd like to talk about the lion. It can be found in many parts of Africa.

Just like the tiger, the lion is also a member of the cat family and ... in many ways

lions are just big cats.

Humans have been so amazed by lions' size and strength that we call them the king of
beasts. And a lion's roar can be heard up to 10 kilometers away.

Lions live in groups. In other words, they are social animals. Adult females look
after their cubs together, hunt together and defend their hunting grounds together.

But the males tend to be lazy. Actually, some of them are troublemakers. Sometimes
cubs even get hurt by adult males when the adult females are away.

I like lions not only because they are strong creatures but also b ecause my girlfriend
( for girls: boyfriend) is a Leo...

mf.,} the cat family �IHl:t1:t'.l9;1J#J strong creatures
jJfii strength -1',ii-=f� 89A a Leo
,m-i:pz.:£ the king of beasts
llliP4 roar
:t: � m * mJ 1c
�ff pride(:ll!!il?Ji;:t!l!-JUH·�tlt
tW.@� social animals
P�f'F a pride of lions, AJ!mUJJ�®*�9
P.�� look after " .9,f,(tt" �* )
: 1Ml'ili-r- / 1J,:t;)Jt / 1]'.1'1�� cub £� sign
I tiM/il' hunt ��89 fierce/ ferocious
I �if' defend
I ffi<JHU_:••hlemok�
IELTS P i};'.. l! � at :if%� Describe a popular pet. -it��� rp Ii ilJ l $

� 5t #I 71<- i& trl ¾_ dogs , :lk 1'- � ir5 jJ " f. � �" 111 it ,g\: 1 � -i- # � $1 89 if ft..
tt!i � : www. terrificpets. corn/ dog_breeds/

J3 - # It � :/If � 5t 1m ¾ parrot ( � AA ) , � JiJ 51t f t 1il fdl 15 Jdit i!

:ik.1'-4'f ,� -1' j,' , It�: Parrots have gorgeous feathers (*I l !¥J � -t)
and a big tail. But what's really special about parrots is they can copy human
words. When you visit a pet shop, you'll probably find some parrots repeating
" Hello ! Hello ! " . And many parrot owners ( .i A) have noticed that their birds
can say words like "goodnight" and "snack" at the right moment. Some parrots
even have the vocabulary of a two-year-old child. Most parrots are very friendly,
but some parrots do attack the people around them.

Describe a picnic / an outdoor meal.

fft¼�:i1!/MI1¥.J:ff�¾AJ"f)J�jj-iltli Describe a special meal. -®•lk: To ill¾

Pat �f.lJl.� i:p � [P]*ffl�i!ll;;i;;T iUtiH�ll!f�1ltJ:(l(_J�), it� native speakers tEiJI.
!!fftB;j-s{JfflWJ#� "Jiff" 0 �ffi�-�Jii,m-,ffJ(l(_J "!l!f*ffli#":

� -}Jri jt i1t fc 13 ;& get closer to nature � -t- £ ;fP ii- .JJ: B<J .1t -=f picnic basket
( ±t .:iJ:- at :
got closer to nature) ( ,,i 00 ?!-- Jf ft. at � 1'i' , � 't '9T j� ¾
:f: � !'.l ft 1/(J Jlt-l enjoy natural beauty
( ±t .:};;- at : enjoyed natural beauty) �� have a barbecue ( barbecue l!,t, 1if
!V-1;½{4; if;J-ili, 1if �1�;/Jiii])

� � Jtl B<J fff- i/EI- barbecue ingredients

*JtHtHt ( ?it � B<J � chicken , lamb , shrimp $ )
a family gathering/ a family get-together

JL t A � * iffil �-!- sauce

a potluck ( - ;ll ¾ -$- �
$'1lr�"t�, share) 0-' iii: salad

¾ @ .f 89 Jt ;i � picnic table ff,!\>; dessert ( l� -jtJ1 cakes ;fP biscuits)

(Yi � : i:: 89 £ -t ;fP 0-' 1!.t desert ;f -ff:)
*#f bench
lk* fruit ( l� -Jt.D strawberries 5fP grapes)
1J, � l JL small stool
j/!f.� 7l<. bottled water
picnic blanket ( "J._ � 9111# Jtl plaid sheet *rr juice
"�-t1P°" �f.)
;!:ft$._� garbage bag
fffl jf spread out
#J ,l!lt Jt take photos ( :l± -¼ at ¾. took
f{il. backpack photos)

�.ii I �,ff paper plate/ paper cup �§e_,#J/ffi}t, "�§;}a"

take selfies ( :tl-:¼ at¾. took se!fies)
� -t chopsticks
� � � play games
J.. -t forks ( :ii-:¼ at¾ played games)
JJ knife
a memorable experience
/v-t spoons

IELTS J:l -!at !I! ;ff at�� Describe a place that has been affected by pollutioD.
�ign! o

•eam���-�-o ��-1-�*����-�.���-ffliliM7fflS
(an airport was built just a few kilometers away from that area), �fit1:fi�fi<J.i&1r
( became a very noisy place ) , � :ltl!..@ ����if (19 iJr� ( local people have suffered a
lot from the noise), �J:Hj::f1!f'.l¾1: (can't sleep well at night), �:lt!!,(19�1:_ff]-m�1'
�l!Jk-'g--=f:J>Jti±�JJ ( are often distracted by the noise) ��o

§3-#�SiJlB{J75�:i'lk� § Ira<Jr§� o lt��-1-itlr7I�1i1H!Ff�. 1PJ;,j(��-ntn1flfi

(crystal-clear) , J§-*1:Eiltt:ili:� T -1-1-tir ( a chemical plant), iaJ �:!f!!!l(JjiiJ.!![{ljlf{jj
:k:il:B�?57.k ( It has discharged tons of waste water into the local river), ffii.El.*tU/:.fa"
fl°�t'.l<JS(.� (It has been releasing poisonous gases into the air.), ��'/iiJ)J<�F:fi}sm
(the river was seriously polluted), 1:E�ith�'it�;ft�J�im (We can often see a layer ,;
of smog over the area. ) 0

��. 75�-t:!1*&,�:iX:r-F::kJi.W.ffil'fJ, �n:W:1.t!iJl.113iHH� (used plastic bags)�

-?JZtlB{Jr@.��Wli,}Lf:!!'£� (disposable foam lunch boxes) �i5\.�� (were scattered all
over the place) im �3& t'.l<Jt5.tl11li.lf-F:li!:tOmi'J9�� o

�ey, iri�33 Day 6 p. 86, p. 88 ;f1] p. 90 0

7-f.c�i!�B� .�;t�OO
Mind Map

't:*it¼ D)l�J!£: A�X��lqi5tiiJJ /

aJl� l!f .A.�x�� 1- :AAHt

ftft¼Btf�M��#5tiiJJ /
fift¼ ll11�;'g§x��1-�lit '---
1*1*-li□ - ft$*"¥f-1'$�lcpftM I
� 1-�lit� DJl� �.tt� ,9,
When �� How

iB-tED]��M��#5iM I i�1J1t¼�x5\�;j:cp5%M I
1ttEDJl���§x�Ofr�i'Pl1$: �i'�i*
Where Why

As a child, I often played hide-and-seek with my friends. We usually played this
game in a park or in a building with many rooms.

The game was played like this : one of us, called the "seeker" , searched around for the
"hiders". The game started with the seeker covering his or her eyes and counting to 100,
while everyone else ran away and found a p lace to hide.

After the counting was finished, the seeker opened his or her eyes and started searching
for the hiders , which was my favourite part of the game. The hiders tried their best to keep
quiet. But then, there was always someone who got caught, and this person would be the
next seeker.

I really enjoyed this game because it was simple but

exciting , and it helped to make us more active. These days,
my friends and I tend to have fun by sitting around and playing
computer games, which, honestly, can be quite unhealthy.
Sometimes I really miss the simple pleasure of playing hide­

I 11:E�� hide-and-seek
j tjl � search for ... i!lA play tag
l �®* hide �*BI!!¾ run around
i 1/&i/&� count &t1f.mJL play hopscotch
I -W#:tcl'flt keep quiet
m ilili � r tJ(J :;iz � fll #J f.l fl'6 }J improve

children's balance and coordination

! tHtJ!UEIJ get caught
t£$tl(B(J��J: on the school playground
I il:ft i1T� 1it ili i9J
j help to make us more active tf�!):gl[ in a park t
! rai i!!iEl.�4-A�� B(J simple but exciting
m�rft play marbles
I raii!!B95f.� the simple pleasure of... JEt.f,lj T �� is full of suspense


=trm-{ll: have a snowball fight m�1\f §Ju:ff ,c.,
have a great time I have a blast
i iH�m��� board games

! =tr!i&X'J"ff defeat the other player

m ll.Un:Ml team spirit
! Ml��� card games
I work closely with their teammates
/ 1f@ffii_§_ 4-A ��89
fun and enjoyable
I improve our teamwork skills

��NMA*T��-�--��-�' �����•�-���
"j;> if- Bf 1-\:." � l\iJ Bf , -\tL 1iJ 1iA � It - r If' 00 1J, M '$.. fP :9t i� 00 * JL f: 1fl ff,J i# � :ti'
'fil �::If! ij;J: uk/all-games-a-z

Describe your favourite sport.

You should say :
when you started this sport
how you learnt to do it
whether you can do it well
and explain � you like it.

native speakers 'ilti� Swimming is an important life skill ( :m:� 1¥11:. ffltt1i�). Ji:tl
ll*����. =&fniiJW-ll'iJBtfE Describe a time when you learnt a new skill. (?¥=�
-# ifr tt � � r£JE) i:!Ul � :ff o

I'd like to tell you about my favourite sport, which is swimming.

I learnt to swim when I was 8. I remember that my instructor was very patient and
helpful. At first, I couldn't swim at all. Actually, I was afraid of the water. My instructor

told me to relax and concentrate, which helped me overcom e my fear of swimming. He
showed me patiently how to move my anns and kick my legs. Gradually , I began to feel
comfortabl e in the water. Then my instructor taught me how to control my breathing. It
took me a lot of practice to learn to breathe properly. But by the end of the swimming
course, I'd become quite confident in my swimming skills.

Now I'm a pretty goo d swimmer, and I go swimming every weekend. I like it because
it helps me keep fit and improves my balance and coordination. It's also a good way to
relax and reduce stress. And I've made many friends in our local swimming center.

���� swimming instructor ilHl f:. ThF� swim like a fish

�31.. El ffi build self-confidence
I instructor ,<J:JEzYJliM!H,�A4 coach)
$X il goggles
jfij ,t:., MJ patient
!ltt$ breast-stroke
�"Pt£ �jJ concentrate
11P� back-stroke
i/lllil"Pif-�89,'J� control my breathing
�� butterfly-stroke
3'lfllH� 89�•� L'� overcome my fear
El EB � freestyle

improve my balance and coordination �7.)( dive

��!i!!.'�� breathe properly :It f:_Jlfl � build muscles

El f� a<J confident �Bel lose weight

����ffljJ boost my endurance

l -lJiH�.:�.H!n:f�fil! keep fit
I �4£.llijJ , "�.lli" reduce stress
�Re\ lose weight
I £�:t'§�m];[
ti3c sociaJise
I %���v'i'f¥ilc swim like a brick
��Jn lifeguard
ID�� beginners
J.j jJ:Yj/f,$}( m swim trunks
fl!ffi. kickboard
31:�Yj/f,�;& swimsuit I bikini

"�i9.l]JL" doggy-paddle

YJl ;lit at fa] 1t 19- ' � Ji Pf � .jl} ;fr ;fr z ff 1r m %' � /JkJ � m. :iE #J ( extreme sports) :
www. britannica. corn/sports/extreme-sports

Describe a sports event.

You should say:
what it was
where it was held
who went to the event
and ex.plain � it was special.

:lii�&�4i, ::F���]tj;JliJ!.�f,f."1PJH4', -J;r�¾ the Olympic Games 0 iiT·l'lt

*J?.:Aili��fftiisT, mHIH"J�ili� (Rio Olympic games) .OOLl1Zi!jg*f'l1�-=0iEtJti,lJZjg
"�.t:fiil\l.!l:�:glfi" 0 :!!f-:(ff-Q:it�ilifi (London Olympic Games) El':lff4i:t-\��f-f�-@.,
*��-&�m�Aili��0iE. �H����&���rn�•mffl���o

I'd like to talk about the London Olympic Games.

The opening ceremony showed us the contributions Britain had made to the world.
I particul arly enjoyed Mr Bean's hilarious performance and Paul McCartney's
performance of Hey Jude .

During the London Olympics, more than 10,000 world-class athletes competed for
their nations. Swimming was my favourite Olympic sport. And I was really excited that
Chinese swimmers won several gold medals and broke a variety of world records in
London. They reminded me of the Olympic motto - "Faster, Higher, Stronger".

The event was very special because only the best athletes in the world went there and
most of them competed fairly and honestly. It was very inspiring and it really helped to
promote peace and understanding among nations.

I 3f;m;j;\ opening ceremony ���1§(
i comp ete for their nations the Olympic motto
I :vt"� contributions
I jtJI; particularly �/l!I! gold medal 0:iE , ii£�;ltlt�{fr
compete fairly and honestly
!� B{j hilarious

I break a va riety of world MA.89 ,ffl/J;:t:tJ9 inspiring .
I !&lW performance records
ilE:i1UU�!5l.ifff promote
i t!t W-� B{j world-class
peace and understanding
�ig]Jn athlete reminded me of. ..

( ":t';} f'f-11'1" fans) 1'J{-t!z1f15l �.l4JjJfi5!:a9ltJ} an evenly .fo]Jlll! bronze medal

I t#B<Jr!A1JDYl:ll matched competition
cheer their team on
(cheer B{j:i:J:*J.t¾ cheered)
mt r * m
·m.� i;IJ a9 1J<
cried the tears of joy and MiEftltHr(!(JiY!�@..t
$1H-lHt�(J(]JlifiJ excitement stand on the podium

win the match

)EfJJt� football pitch IN:tt national anthem
I (win B{ju*i.t!i won)
ffii� attacker/ forward i!Il speed
j defeat their opponents fJ fit strength
I ( defeat (J(Ji:1:*J.t¾ defeated) :,_-BJ< header

I g�;(:E ,(jt ft{* Ml®!� f:,- ..t 'sr i'l ff! goalkeeper / goalie balance and coordination
1 stand on the winner's podium
i:f:t:%1:Jtl,1 midfielder lfil llA.fflt!F team spirit
( stand (f(J:i::J:*�1'.:¾ stood)

1 �lk f a1:J Jl'1 f1J
0c m ft!dil ff5 JI defender �#ll!J'l01ffi
I celebrate their victory Olympic Park
1&/IJ referee
i ( celebrate a<J u
'ii: Jt ¾ �illtt Olympic Village
a penalty shoot-out �:@t�tg Olympic venues
i �1'J��rfrjlfitr:}!l[tt�
' lose the match because of fiWJ£ sports buff .:1:11-�m the host city
a mistake
illi:i::J:x� � Ef<J � JJ ;t t-Ht B9

( lose i¥Ji1¾J.t¾ lost) I
Jliftj The International Olympic
W;��r.!!(J(] tt� Committee (IOC)
a hard-earned victory
a fierce competition /
a tight competition ffl/l!I! silver medal a�!lm mascot

100 *�� 100-meter sprint Mm shooting

ffl;� volleyball 83�:im § track and field events

!:*�1llk artistic gymnastics �� tt� hurdle race

:t.HU'ft;}( synchronised swimming

m# diving ;!;li::i\f volunteers

www. nationa.lgeographic. com/travel/top- lO/sporting-events/


Describe a festiva.l that is popular in your country.

You should say :
what the festiva.l is
when it is celebrated
what people do during this festiva.l
and explain whether you like this festiva.l or not .

I'm going to talk about the Duan Wu

Festiva.l, which falls on the fifth day of the fifth
month of the lunar calendar. It has become
even more popular since it became a public
holiday io China.

The festival is celebrated in honour of a famous poet in Chinese history, named Qu
Yuan. His country was defeated in a war and even lost its capital. The poet was so sad he
drowned himself. These days, during the festival people eat rice dumplings ( or in
Chinese, zong zi) , to pay tribute to him. We all respect people who love their country,

Another popular way to celebrate the festival is dragon boat racing. Basically, it's a
race between different rowing teams. The boats are decorated to look like dragons, so
they're called dragon boats. To be honest, I've only watched dragon boat races on TV.
From what I've seen on TV, they are fun and exciting events.

I like the Duan Wu Festival because it celebrates loyalty and the circle of life. And
zong zi, the main food we eat during the festival, tastes really good ...

! �Alli lunar calendar i:ptic-=w the Mid-Autumn Festival

(P] ...... � 0 � � pay tribute to ... J=j 'i;# mooncakes
�Llffil row �'Cf]i decorate 5trJf-=w the Lantern Festival
�f.r� dragon boat race �!Kxfti!lU!l ward off evil spirits
;fij"�jm_§_�A�tl'B<J fun and exciting :tJ � display of lanterns
.�,Vilt loyalty "1¥-=:i- JL" the Lunar New Year's Eve

1:.fii'B<J1Jl(lif,'.':E.1:�}�, the circle of life II�� lucky money

fI§ red envelope

�-=f dumplings
® Wl\ origin 11.Hl � B<J patriotic
tvC¥-/J!:.til! set off firecrackers
M* sticky rice/ glutinous rice
f�mH�� traditional costumes
( �T rice dumplings � � -=f dumplings !I:!.
i �) "t�)L" filling Ml!); couplet

I Ei fy bean paste
Jfiyn lion dance
I 'p' El m:m:ffi�B<J'mi*
I m -t'r U·t- '@, j@* B<J wrapped in bamboo
the highlight of the festival
! leaves
�UHJi:B<J ( adj.--)��-t-iv_e_______________
�{iE;f represent/ symbolise


! 1HH� hat) ( adj. ) lively / energetic W� make a wish
I l:f=N�.��Jtta-t count down to midnight ifl:k*uii: fireworks display

���*AAiffi�00�. �-�-��-��-��-�#�*00*

���-�h-�M*M*o •��•-��-¾�#JA«too••�
( i ¾ Ji im J:. � " About" it �� fr jlJ,ftJit � o/ 00 fJi" • � it IA « m i;ii J ) :
www. visitlondon. corn/ things-to-do/ event/4 733685-chi nese-new-year-in-london

Describe a TV programme that you enjoy watching.

You should say :
what type of TV programme it is
where you watch this programme
what this programme is about
and explain � you enjoy watching it.

My favourite TV show is a popular reality show called America's Funniest Home


The show is like... people send in their funny homemade videos. Then the host plays
the videos on a large screen and makes comments on the videos.

Many of the videos show funny moments at weddings or parties. Also, some people
send in videos showing the hilarious mistakes made by their young children. Sometimes the
videos are organised around popular themes, such as pets, birthdays or vacations.

I enjoy watching this show because the host has a great sense of humor. He keeps the
viewers laughing throughout the show. I enjoy watching the show also because it's all about
famiJy life and ordinary people. I guess that's why it attracts so many viewers.

! "JiA.1'; reality show ::ti"illi..Rtt� educational
! *&!�ft homemade video ��fj§ game show

±.�A host ::ti":;t$� talented

, V¥i-Q: make comments �hu���§ s<J:iz'i.¥- contestants

j 1-f@(:f{J�lsJ funny moments isitfi:flHJL4iJi s<J witty

: M!�J\r!j �jf<j hilarious ( 'f:: s<J if� It funny �£ prize

�ffi ,;1;,1¥::, 'f-" )fil�ti'/i�□<J .. )
l �t:fI§ variety show
i !Em:---.. -!£1.�R®* i'iiJ�"'p § quiz show
I are organised around ...
���ff§ talent show

I ±.R2 theme
J.ul�"'p § cookery show
{IB!i'i(l{J�!W.'.� a great sense of humour
J)&Wf"'p § travel show
J&;gfj El □9Aff] viewers
ffl*"'p 13 blind date show
I& 5 I attract
�� guests

l4��"1£A� scientific reality show

11 A.A J1i B<J engaging �:fij:/1-J-i!f receive good reviews
j �11Hl.t!ff B91>'1ff)- receive good reviews �Wi*lHSI.B<JtfillW is the talk of the town 1
I fiL'&Jfrjc B<J informative 1!!-li'1'1" 11a<J1'1l a ,ont,o,enial show

IELTS □ ii\f-fEl,j"�� Describe a time when you received something free. ({JH�
1tm�@.iB<J�J.n) ffJt{�;(:E� ll'J-t-F, 1:E00:9rfilf2'/ir1ef �W:l!i2� (viewers) §x:lfOJr�
(listeners) "1T call" E1<J "'p" 13 ( call-in show) OJr /);. i:iJ VJ.� :IJ□ ·t,t� ( join the

discussion), iU&§cB<Jtr?"i (share their own opinions), ���:/JU1f��ffi (quiz

0 �� �

game), @l�-@W,{fggB<JfoJM (answer some interesting questions), �ftHlW�m(J{J

*L£-F (free gift cards), ��El<Jl:£1.�� (free film tickets), TII[P��fl� (free concert
tickets) � 0 �?'t, :lia:W::mJi.:iJl§c�1JaT-<X$jgMl� (entered a luckydraw) #-ft
liHiT���@.i (won a free prize) m�AJ!V-El<J, .R���;J;§xt�ffi:-,g o

I'm going to talk about a sitcom I like, called The Big Bang Theory.

The main characters of this sitcom are Leonard and Sheldon. Both of them are Caltech
physicists and they share an apartment. Leonard has an IQ of 173 but has no problem
communicating with the "average" people. Sheldon is even more intelligent, with an IQ of
187. But he really lacks social skills and often finds it hard to interact with the "ordinary"

Penny, their next-door neighbour, is a waitress who dre a ms of being an actress.

Leonard has a crush on her, but they just seem to be completely different people. So Penny
starts to show the two geniuses what " real life" is all about.

I like this sitcom because it's hilarious. Every episode keeps me laughing non-stop.
And many of the conversations in this sitcom are not only funny but also very witty. I have
recommended it to many friends of mine.

I ffi:11<:fl..@J sitcom .±�1¥.1 main �ff:tt!! non-stop

j l;�@!Ji:j:11¥.J,A� character tll.t113� witty

j :IJO:J+IJ11!I Caltech ( The California Institute fft;f½: recommend
I of Technology.� 00af!Jl�lj::{it, *:1f:it:tit
! ttll11l�)fri¥.J������-) :t:�t!H�:im5C
i ttil11!�� physicist imiml'.J(J intelligent 4ti-=f nerd

I �.z. lack 1t!/fli\*71JJ�HI TV series

i U�'.lcfi:1¥.l ttfIB social skills �%tl:11BiaMJ entertaining

; �······xii interact with (EIH:!!!*1tl.(lWl¥J)-* a season

i ��tv{;llt• dream of doing sth. �IEAtlil American Gods

i !Pil��.A. have a crush on someone Xlt� Twin Peaks
! �� genius Mi�l\!li�l'.J(J hilarious iffi$1i!:� Westworld

I ( Et'!.t!IL�91J.@Ji¥.) )-� an episode �-iflr'!liiJifi Breaking Bad



il11.�#;:;,I- How w Get Away with Murder �!$ Heroes

� Ji %,t;!i, I Agents of S. H. I. E. L. D. *�*� Modem Family

I i'lf llil::R" � Gossip Girl
�:s:11:.�ff Grey's Anatomy

I 1-SCJJ (1/;JrJfr'J&. Game of Thrones :!r:-=f¾i� Orange ls the New Black

,C,,��A Mindhunter �� Lost

�If t;J, Agent Carter lhl � * The Flash

��.±"!8 Desperate Housewives �r:j:i ��tL� Mo1.llrt in the Jungle

�Y::9:��tf Pretty Little Liars

fjp�� The Walking Dead

I'd like to talk about One Piece.

The main character of this anime series, Luffy, is the leader of the Straw Hat Pirates.
He and his crew sail the seas in search of the treasure called "One Piece" , which can help
him become the next King of the Pira tes.

Luffy is unstoppable not only because he can gain superhuman abilities by eating the
"devil fruit" but also because his crew members are very helpful. Together, they defeat
strong enemies such as Crocodile and Rob Lucci.

The action in One Piece is fast-paced and exciting. But One Piece is not just about
fighting. It's also about friendship and teamwork.

In other anime series, it's always like ... the main character does everything. But in
One Piece, the crew members, like Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Usopp and Chopper, are
all COOL, which makes the team extremely powerful.

One Piece is a very long series, but it's not boring at all because it really makes us
think and inspires us. That's why I'm a huge fan of OP.

�tl\��A� character �Jji/J inspire
B2j;:�it anime
13:lfs:�ii!ii manga
i£ jffiA!Im hero ( JJ& : heroes)
*7'J.@IJ series
" Jj_ iliR" villain ( � fi : villains)
�� ( !ix:lifJl.ffl�� ) a%'t�
crew members �ffi;¾-�� Eiichiro Oda

j§J� pirate ·Mf'f:;j!r creator

tE#ifiLt-l§:11;j(iiJJJ1!.fiitfj( lifil�� ifr) ]x�l'J{j�E, Fairy Tail

sail the seas �j!f!l:!/ili ( Hitman) Reborn!
ffiA�f19�jJ superhuman abilities ji]R..:E Shaman King
�/j*� devil fruit -t ft� Dragon Ball Z ( tE � � � B;j t&'. W
I ffli& defeat f/FjJ DBZ)

�A enemy :k��,:t'- Naruto

13fi!i�tl9 fast-paced l!H\11, Gin Tama

si::k B9 powerful � f!Jj;'� Jump Weekly Shonen Jump

tiffi friendship �Mi Bleach

m M:€tft teamwork :k:13tJL InuYasha
� [DJ , ffi:ftt ambition ;/Ji�El(J�{i-ff Code Geass

��+�����-��•f&•B*i��#•¾M, #�¾4+¾�
111. � Storyline ( JIHt) ;gJI ¾� ,-J--W1R 1f 1,/;I J1)J: www. imdb. com/list/ls054666938/

"Ji!ij" Jlocl'l{J Simba &ft-tlI.Wlfj, {f! �JiJl.&l'l{J Simba "l/jJ.t" FlJL�j'ii{j T JL+��
( is much more adorable) 0

ifiJB;j��11!1W9'1 §!1 µij�fn ti:� � �: native speakers :frti:,£ it� 89 .@!HJ ( storyline /
plot) >:Jfflffl-Mi�tEB;j mi Jl liP�;!i!:frti :l£i1 ;g 89 it�, tE 1r m .@IH1' 89 B;jf�m�

I first watched The Lion King as a young child , and then watched it again several times
over the years.

This animated film is about a lion prince named Simba, whose uncle kills Simba's
father and makes himself the ruler. But Simba is held responsible for the death of his
father, so he runs away out of guilt.

Many years later, Simba is told that the kingdom is in serious trouble. So he faces up
to the challenge and returns. With the help of his friends, he defeats his uncle and saves the

I enjoyed watching this film because most of the characters were very cute, and the
soundtrack to the film was amazing. I particularly enjoyed the theme song " Can You
Feel the Love Tonight. " by Elton John.

The film also taught me valuable life lessons. For example, it taught me that running
away wouldn't solve any problems. It also taught me the importance of courage and

i;/Jlll!IJt animated film/ animation

3:.-1- prince @IJ'lj plot / storyline

iJ:;ll!;A:PJ. �ff hold sb. responsible 1M!Ji!i-:f-(1J,�m;,1M��) cub

ff;! 1J'19J.� iifJ �;ff run away out of guilt �mnit� a(_]�� • ..t!i �1&il1fi ���
!1Ut±t!!.fili:5t<Jf;l�� face up to the challenge a box office hit / a box office smash

1Jvj,�, ";j\'�,AJL" Minions

3:. 00 kingdom tJ!i& defeat
�;Jcfi�frii Kung Fu Panda
�:Jilt Je:pef 1f !/!j: soundtrack

jt;)t:gj!_x particularly like

.±.»1i IIE theme song �� sequel �Jilatft Ice Age

valuable �4. courage :iii�� Smurfs ��& Gargamel

JliiJ'ttfiti cat Azrael "lx.'frii'AA Cinderella


•m fairytale i,$:�� a 3-D
( �a<]���¾ three-D) film
��,R�jf-� .��!V-trllli(A
Don't judge a book by its cover.

I'm going to talk about the sci-fi blockbuster The Wandering Earth, which is based on
a novel of the same title.

The film goes like this: in the future when the sun is dying, the United Earth
Government decides that the only solution is to move the earth to a new star system. An
astronaut named Liu Peiqiang is sent to a space station with the task of helping the earth
navigate its way through the solar system. Before leaving the earth, he promises his son,
Liu Qi, that he will return after his mission.

Seventeen years later, Liu Qi has become a rebellious young man who blames his
mother's death on a decision made by his father. When Liu Peiqiang is due to complete his
mission and return to the earth, Liu Qi and his sister escape from their underground city,
steal a truck and start driving around.

But as the earth passes by Jupiter, it is dragged into Jupiter's gravity well and is going
to crash into Jupiter. Liu Qi suggests to a rescue team that they can push the earth away
from Jupiter by igniting Jupiter's atmosphere.

The team accepts his suggestion but fails to ignite Jupiter's atmosphere, so they call the
space station for help. Liu Peiqiang promises to help. Then he flies the space station into a
cloud between the earth and Jupiter, sacrifices his own life and ignites Jupiter's
atmosphere. The earth is saved and continues its journey to a new star system.

I like this film because it has a well-written plot and spectacular special effects.
Also, the main characters are well-acted , and I have learnt many scientific facts about the
solar system from the film.


I fll.� sci-fi I science fiction 1J,ntz2fs.:it!.� a small-budget film

I :kJt blockbuster £-'f is based on �IB······tlt..�t'l<J was directed by ...

I ls]�1j,-fil. a novel of the same title '.W:¥1H&j\1fja<Jiiffft receive great reviews

1 t�A9·1W7J :fdtf-F:(19: ··· ··· The film g oes ffi�Jt comedy/ funny movie
! like this: ... ( B" � native speakers fr� it!,
ilii��l'l9 hilarious
I �ffi'$"Bt'litiJU1<J-1iJ�)
J Hf�,@j romantic comedy
�AA:!P. astronaut
;!J � Jt action film

navigate its way through ... JE��*i'J9;/Jf'F:!:miffi full of action scenes

! :tlll3� the solar system �%( special effects

�:i:2!B<J rebellious �5f; tt�lBsl B<J entertaining

jJT E\IW: .. · · .. 1¥.l B�· l'Eil is due to ... JJj 3e. Jt historical drama

*fil Jupiter 3-f�®J time-travel drama

Jc�J\!.:I � 1¥.J5l fl # gravity well l&,{J!- Jt war film

Ii.A crash into fffii:1.Jt biopic

��IR rescue team -�� ignite fc. -sit Jt documentary

I :k"'t.Fzl atmosphere El r&fc."sltJt nature documentary

l ffi41: 7 § c. B<J �-$- s acrifices his own life Jjf/J ;il;( B<J inspiring

J tt.!l5:A9.!s!J·IW a well-written plot �.Axft'ii:-l'l9 unforgettable

ttxW.89�� spectacular special effects �� � � ( ff Harry Potter � The lord of

the Rings ,J�fil') fantasy movie
; �1i1H¼Hitl\�1¥J well-acted
�tfti Jt horror film
! #�$� scientific facts
�� Jt suspense film

II £�ffi*�5c �� Jt New Year celebration film

! fiffiiRtta<J educational ��A9H!�ffi}t trailer

I �OHi.filZ�Je<Jit!� �li\::k:89liiifftl1$� a strong cast

a box office hit / a box office smash ( cast @t¾"tiiiff.t!I$�" )

J .tmit!.� a romance film

��M�'iiJ��¾--��*m*�:W�.�d�mm, ��- ;{Ett••
.f Jj A Chris Hemsworth, :® � 'iiJ LY- � ftl X " 'i # " ( Thor) � 1J[ :M" tt-1 1t- f8 o
* tt
:lni {£ f ffi. .f � A Tom Hiddleston , _µ!� 'iiJ i;.1- � fj M " 'i # " $($ $($ � £ a(j t,i- jJ[

���-M�m••��t•w����¾ "�•��"
www. rottentomatoes. corn/top/, 1t ii]'� ;{E � .f :t'<. i1J �# t • a(j reviews

Describe a song or a piece of music you like.

You should say :
what the song or piece of music is called
when you first heard it
where you first heard it
and explain � you like it.

I'm going to talk about a song I like, called Picture Postcards from LA. I first heard
this song at a friend's home last month. Of course, LA stands for Los Angeles, the city
where Hollywood is.

The lyrics of this song are about the singer himself and a waitress named Rachael.
Rachael always dreams of becoming a superstar in Hollywood. And she often tells the singer
about her dream. The singer is always like, " Sure, so send me picture postcards from

I like this song because it's about ordinary people and their simple lives. Both of them
know this dream probably will never come true, but they're still happy and hopeful about
the future. So it's a moving story about ordinary people.

I like this song also because the singer, Joshua Kadison, has a unique voice - a deep
and rich voice. And the music of this song makes me feel calm and relaxed.

!j Ho·····•B':l§m!jf stand for ... qiui!J�l'l9 inspiring
I �ffie':Jjr;"HIUEE waitress ff�(lg slow and soothing
! �00 lyrics qll::(ifffljJ 89 lively and energetic
I [ BBC f§1J 1:iJ] The lyrics of this song are very �'!:Rag happy and energetic
q1Hr�11fag is full of passion
······iJt he's like," ... " /she's like," ... "
ca••a•�mmff�¥AB':J��g qnr ��jJ ag very expressive

I .ffl) �imA ordinary people

'ill' ( ;Jkiii]) 1.i{�$if 1'19 very meaningful
· �Ai'.!<J�$ a moving story C Jfi:iii.l) ffilj!!l,ij T 1'19
!!l!�B':J unique simple and straightforward

ff!;m'.�1¥8':l�il' a deep and rich voice iHE tempo

tdEW rhythm

�� El ?& 1'19 if
� A 1:p � tiH�tl B':J , {& � � ictt B':J a pure and natural voice
very memorable

{ixj(�•{f *a<JJ!Jt�:,RJf(:E�,t-�}i:[ag search box 11HimA:($��1'19¥:�, ¥t�'Jt

tlf!J'f:1¥HI'KiiiJ;f1V(;j''f: a<Jifit't: www. songmeanings. corn

IELTS P �-1'1 Ht:B:¾� Describe a song you liked as a child. ( !-1F-lltl-J.k

fr<J � ) o -i! 1-- � M � 1# 1 i!t .ff{.. � :!tl!. fr<; jc :It )L � : www. mamalisa. corn, #t P.!!
00 * ft lLl China � iiJ' IV. � iLl If 00 � JL ¥k 1 , ».. " 1h,; -t" JLl " m 9' ::ft�" � -fi"

Describe an interesting advertisement you have seen.

You should say:
when you first saw it
where you first saw it
what it was like
and explain why it was interesting.


tf:fl-f¾Irt!.�, rt!. t!\1. 71 § �� J 15" 89'li!f711Jt, native speakers 53 •mffl-mt :Jm:(:E Fl,j°,
iffi.§.�P�:lHti£:M��(J{Jrt!.�, rt!.f!N.$§!llt�1i5-B9'!1i"\1 (the storyline/ the plot)

I'm going to talk about an interesting commercial I saw on TV last weekend.

The commercial goes like this: a man rushes to the airport, hops on a plane and flies
to another city for a job interview.

After arriving at an office building, he gets into a lift and goes up to the 20th floor,
looking very nervous. Then he looks down at his shoes, only to notice that they don't match
each other. But he goes in for the interview anyway.

The man looks sad after the interview. But all of a sudden, his mobile phone rings -
he gets the job! He's so excited that he jumps into the air. Then the narrator says caJmly,
"Converse can always take you there. "

This TV commercial was interesting because it was very creative, and the message
was clear and powerful.

1i1trn::tll poster
1"e-e<rl1i'""n ¾��89: ... The commercial
J�f�- flyer
goes like thi s: . . . ( 't ¾ native speakers
1�1'!�89 effective
fl-tB r- 1§-ffl iJ a-t ?&-.ti-Jt�-'PJ iti)
�t hop 1B1lHf �� 'ffi'� E/9 beautifully-shot
iJJ®89 reliable
1 lt!.� lift O'JLi'O�*) / elevator ( � J0t
i �m) #HIH';lr r" &:t promote new products

!I ,'i B narrator
attract people's attention
i @;� Converse
! 1iW:� ic-f.t a<J r-�wi
j 11a-JH�it89ffi.�, the message a memorable slogan/ a catchy slogan
I m��H 1iiJ2JlllJJ� clear and powerful {i�JfH4-A1lfti'IR89 fun and enjoyable

�-��-•*�-��•¾-�•�. --��--:l!���:
www. boredpanda. corn/creative-print-ads/, Iii] Bf -t!!. ,�, � - "f :l! � J % .J * .iA
� message

Describe a piece of interesting news.

You should say:
when you heard the news
how you heard the news
who the news was about
and explain how you felt after you heard the news.

I'd like to tell you about a piece of interesting news that I heard on TV last weekend.

Last Friday afternoon, a man went into a bank in New York and tried to rob it.
Actually, he was probably not a bad person. He wanted to rob the bank because he had lost
his job, and then he lost his house and his car. The only thing that he had was debt. So he
decided to rob the bank and get some money.

What made the news interesting was that since he didn't have a gun, this guy just took
a banana and put it in his pocket. He thought that could fool the bank tellers.

He entered the bank, walked up to a teller, told her that he h ad a gun and asked her to
give him some cash. Of course the p olice came. This guy got so scared that he pulled out
his "gun" , I mean, his banana ...

The news was quite interesting, but honestly, it was a sad story. These days, many
people have lost their jobs because of the economy. I feel sorry for them.


�l.;IJ rob ffi* debt

lF!Jf: fool ( v. ) f!rl)i:Jt!{f.!n news presenter/ anchor

\lHi'm� bank teller pJ;,W; � reliable

cash �•ta� scared �;/] 1¥.) sensationaJ

mask �)d�,[l,1¥.) thought-provoking

���M���OO��-�-�-- *�--���¾+�•� "��"

�*: www. globalnews. ea/world/

Describe your favourite website.

You should say :
which website it is
how often you visit this website
whether it's popular or not
and explain � you like it.

My favourite website is Yahoo. com. I'm sure you've heard a lot about it because it's
one of the most popular websites in the world. I visit it every day, and I have its app on my
mobile phone as well.

This website is informative and entertaining. It offers a wide variety of

information, like the latest news, business updates and reports about important sports
events. It also offers the latest entertainment stories, including news stories about film stars,
TV celebrities and famous singers.

This website also has a Question-and-Answer ( Q & A) section. It's like an online
community where people ask questions and interact with each other. Many people go there
to ask questions. They usually get answers quite quickly. And most of the answers are
detailed and helpful.

The main reason I like this website is that its layout is clear and well-organised. It's
user-friendly and easy to navigate.

I like this website also because its founders, Jerry Yang and David Filo, started the
website when they were just 24. Their success has inspired many young people to create
new ideas and start their own businesses. So the website is not only helpful but also

I ElZfflWff
app i1¥.£1WJ ( V. ) inspire
I f(L�:li1Lt:ktr:J informative liW Ji!;; 1¥7 ( adj. ) inspiring
�JHf.d�HlB!Ji EJ<J entertaining itl�/:1:l���� create new ideas
fi:tJr£�1¥.J latest

7l1i ,@,1¥.Jj!� update

ffi.� report ��Jxx.lM shopping website

i; A. celebrities ���� online shopping

fix� :!lli social networking website

��:J:±IR online community �lt!Jiil=l:$1x:ilM video-sharing website
( f§lj�I]: YouTube �f..j.=g.)
:!i. ;/1 interact
00 Jt;ttljf lx:i]M photo-sharing website
< f§IJM: Instagram)
j � :!lli r;J � 13� ;ff5)aj website layout
�� micro-biog
11Uf�/¥� ,;J=t-:;l=i'::{f �1¥.J well-organised
��it±i online forum
Jf{!l!{5eJijtr:J, "Jf:l.F �:B-1¥.l" user-friendly
JWP)c][ chatroom
( � M 1¥.J ) �fliHJR aJl fife , rq $1LHl 'F� � 0-$.�rt�x!,il,,� share ideas and opinions
I easy to navigate
ti!ii,,tl.�JlflO: make new friends
i i��;J!f founder

l E.�lliff�Tf�$?X r� download
!I has been reposted many times
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i EIUW-(l<J11t� a virtual world

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Describe a story you heard as a child.

You should say:
who first told you this story
whether you heard it again later
what the story was about
and explain � you still remember this story.

I'd like to talk about one of my favourite childhood stories, called The Three Little
Pigs . I first heard the story from my grandpa, and I also heard it from some other

The story goes like this : once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They moved
to a new village and built their own houses.

The first little pig built a straw house because that was easy. But the house was not
strong at all. The second little pig built a stick house for himself. He didn't spend much
time on it, and the house was not strong either. The third little pig was hardworking. He
built a brick house. It took him a lot of time, and the house was very strong.

Then a wolf came along and blew down the first pig's straw house. The pig ran to the
stick house. Then the wolf also blew down the stick house and chased the two pigs to the

brick house.

The brick house was very strong. The wolf couldn't blow it down. He then tried to
enter the house through the chimney and got killed in a pot of boiling water. And the three
little pigs lived happily ever after.

I still remember this story because it's interesting and meaningful. It teaches us to hope
for the best but prepare for the w orst. It also teaches us that hard work always pays off.

t&�i¥J•lfi, ��Ws<J:
... The story goes like this: ... (E� native
Iliis"$¥1W�i: the moraJ of the story
speakers 1rm$¥fMl)a,J-*x.iziJti¥J-1iJ-iis)
-.11r fable
bUt.:c.J§ tR5f- !I!?.�
I lived happily ever after
ns � #I-*�§ Aesop's Fables

ifii§" fairytale
c�:!ft!.�x�z�-m-m i¥J:ff�;fll��. B*0.3:.;fll--t;-1'-1J\�.A. Snow White and
� � (t{J 1j\,§jj N.1f11E:fi�� '/,f� W,j 1i] "ffi) the Seven Dwarfs

*JI£ relatives lR"Mi� Cinderella

j ffij\t� straw house �7fiB9�� The Emperor's New Clothes

! *;Jt!t{i:�1¥)�-=f stick house �A.-f!J. The Little Mermaid

ffl���i':!<J�T brick house 11.!H� The Ugly Duckling

l!X fiij blow down �1re� Hans Christian Andersen

ilit!:,ilt� chase J!Mff� The Monkey King

j ml lzl chimney .t,�IW loyal

l jlJt 7.K boiling water

rr�fW fight against demons

�--�����-�-«�-. ��·•�-1-��:
etc. usf. edu/lit2go/68/fairy-tales-and-otber-traditional-stories , ii'ii 11. :i:I ¾
11,t fi� � 5l �� 'fr

Describe a foreign culture you're interested in.
You should say:
which culture it is
how you learnt about this culture
what you know about this culture
and explain � you feel this culture is interesting.

I'm going to talk about British culture.

I learn about British culture mostly from newspapers, magazines and television. And I
have some online friends from the UK, who often share their ideas about their culture
with me.

The first thing that comes to mind when I think about British culture is the historic
buildings. There're many world-famous historic buildings in Britain, like Buckingham
Palace and the British Museum. I really hope I can visit them someday.

I'm also very interested in British literature. So many good novels were written by
British writers, such as Pride and Prejudice, Robinson Crusoe, and of course, Harry

What's more, some of my favourite bands are from the UK, like Coldplay and One
Direction. It seems there're many musically-talented people there. I also know that a lot of
people in the UK like football, and I'm a big fan of Manchester United.

I'm interested in British culture because it's very different from Chinese culture. For
example, Easter is an irnponant festival in the UK, but not many people in China celebrate
Easter. Another interesting ilifference is British people drive on the left side of the road,
while we drive on the right side of the road.

I'm interested in British culture also because a good understanding of British culture can
really help me improve my EngUsh skills, so I always want to learn more about it.

T ffi1{, • • • • • • learn about... -��'f::;/g the Palace of Westminster)
(:{f9if��m.m.,1ea m #�-��"�>]", �lllf±M the Thames
m 'litJlH1H� '' T ffli'V' )
"ffi�Oll" the London Eye
�b't online friends
( ffi�11!� .:g B<J--t-Jfx� ferris wheel)
::fi:ffi:�]Jj 3t�SU1'9�$t historic buildings
;:k:;$:� Big Ben
*tltPr:J;g B'9 £x!\1.:ft go sightseeing
world-famous / world-renowned
fp� author
X'.?¥: literature
fa] • �Wi"IT Jane Austen
· fllrltEJ1Alu.!h1.. Pride and Prejudice

fl-�M�vitic. Robinson Crusoe

�* J. K. Rowling

f�Hi idol
�;i;lj · �� Harry Potter
ffif,,t.AMffi$}(::!1M!ta<JPftf$ "the Tube"
mi.§., ······ What's more, ...
0;!t:x:JH1 public transport
W1'fif*:;Ji;:%\:BkJ musically-talented
��$8'9 very efficient
3'!l&c!R Manchester United Football Club
( i: ¥5 £f£1if fij #.F 1J Manchester United) iit�rni.§ .�fL�� friendly and polite

�fis-=p Easter -11:#i p;j fit B'9 reserved

{!Hf�tJ.:� have a good sense of humour

t!tW��;:k:$: world-class universities

�ih1�� tourist attractions
Wil'l±.R9k fish and chips
i>l�::k� t he Houses of Parliament
1t�EJ}X\A� traditions and customs
(�1' house 3:l'l:�Li=!=l,J&,ffi�.t2's::lt!l.)\.{I],�

¾�fir 101--00��F-%¾�-ft-:
https :I/ 10-most-visited-countries-in-the-world.html

� )[_ ¥ a<] paintings ± � :0- nit .:::. #: /Xl � il!.!J ( landscape painting) , f1P 1w.l imi
( still life painting) f!l A 1� (portrait) o § 1l!lJ ® 114 self-portrait, "P 00 B'9 71< � [ll!i a4 ft

Chinese ink painting 0

iIDi 00 B(J � 00 u4 composition, :W; � 04 lighting , � M 04 f1= brush strokes, ll!!J ;jg 04
frame, ®i¥:¾ a painter's studio, jffiifili}ftji ���X¾ gallery T 0

-tiiimi�*�B(jf�.� u4 f1= the message of a painting 0 Jl.� ll!!J 04 realistic painting,

mH!ll�®i:Jl!: abstract painting, �;,jcJiX�ill/:{:[�>(.fil.U4f'I= art appreciation classes 0

-!MiiIDi�{�Jl��ffcU4f'l=the colour scheme of a painting o :tiO*ll!!Jim�Wi-@.{��f!ij,

ffi iJUt has bright, vivid colours. �ll*lll!lim1¥JW!f5�®*3¥-fftmf .§.*�, Ji!IJ¾ It has
calm and gentle colours.

-�ii "�f'I=" u4 a masterpiece o �tit::l'l!-ffl:�15�-�/lill!!JiltJE¾ Mona Lisa o E¾

-�l��fl ( a half-length portrait) , ¾:;k� 500 1f iW EEi Jt3f�.g1Jf1= Ef(j ( It was painted
by Leonardo da Vinci about 500 years ago.) 0 Now it hangs in the Louvre ( l:Jl\{:[tttE
p�'g.fil.) and attracts art lovers from around the world ( lJlBl;gJ!HI 1:tt�4}fM9�.;f:

5!$iiimifi�� ��.�«:Ji!: Mona Lisa MJ�,B(Jit&� (The most famous feature of this
painting is Mona Lisa' s mysterious smile.) 0 � 89 A '.!tt 1!1 jg $M 1/JlJ 16! 1{. � ( realistic ) ,
f!!¾tl!�AiA:k!ztll.B(Jit&�t�¾J 7 ( a dreamy smile) 0 f§.¾:::f��f-F, JX�Mll!!Jffii�;(:£
A�,c., iftF1J.¥.f.!ta(Jlil}� ( It inspires strong feelings. ) o

�-�«��-A��. ��M���-�•r••t�•�•�M�
-Ji 5¼: totallyhistory. com/art-history /famous-painitings/

� tltl

�-�iB*¥���-£��ffl�-�-��WCfflm�. -��
Day 6 p. 92 5fll p. 94 0

*�iEJ!B� ,�!t��
Mind Map

B�it¼ OJJB �A% �k1f ffl iZ � *-i □'=ii

What Who

1� it¼ Bii�H� �IJEt-J � 1'-� 6b

- l� E � $1� 51, m 1IB � it z tl,�
□□ -
1�im.1t it¼ Bi1�1:ie ffi � 1-i� o"b How

f{R.?'£11)]�� 1� fij � 1-� c:?o , {1F ;l;J it i. '.% f� ��JHB J!tt cl1
{{R:(:ED}l�ffi �ffl �"i"�c:?o Why

Describe something that you use often.
You should say :
what it is
what it is like
what you use it for
and explain � you like it.

:..· _________
P·at�ii ,,
I'm going to talk about my iPad Air. It was a birthday present from my parents.

It's very thin and light. I can easily carry it with just one hand. I guess that's why
it's called iPad "Air".

The chip of my iPad is very fast and all the apps and games run smoothly without
lagging. The screen looks sharp and clear and the colours are bright and vivid. The
image quality of the iSigbt camera is excellent. It can record HD videos as well.

The battery life is quite good, too. I can spend a whole afternoon on my iPad and still
don't need to recharge the battery.

I use my iPad to send and receive emails, watch films, listen to music and play
games. Also, I often use it to take pictures and record videos.

I like my iPad because it looks great and has many user-friendly features. I like it
also because it reminds me of my parents' love for me.

( ��) i!lHta<J bright and vivid

( t0t/Li'fl) nx1l.&t:li image quality

1Bffi�Yi!rllifia-<Jm®i record HD videos


!'ftEgrtl!;tEg recharge the battery t!R.�11911 :Jc: vi deo-chat

1Bt!R.� record videos ttm�iiEJJJ� Touch ID
I 1I{UJ/!:ffll¥1, "JllP�M-1¥1" user-friendly �)Jl/J JI personal assistant
���Jfj� features iifir�ffi l¥J voice-activated
:fH&$1filftffl a<JW'-@.:Wfll; 15&:ii/t& limited edition / special edition
has many user-friendly features
'E l¥J It1ft 1:UIHlli
It's good value for money.
J! � ffi � iii] J[
:Jc:�J:ilH!iJ3!ZJIHiFF weather app
"fli�9�" flflf.,VJ!
1f *tl$:J3!ZJ:JHiFF music-player app
I unlock my phone with Face ID
tl\1.�tffi::ti!.{J3!ZJIH=!ili'F video-player app
�sslJ!M� augmented reality / AR
1'Jtl\1.JWIEg lJ5 make video calls
Jf;�Ij:{JL wireless headphones
� �/.i)ZJ!HiFf. fitness app / work-out app
fB!i!¥,itm- touch sc reen
:il!!.001.i)zJIH:filFF map app
il1!i:5:HJ�$EJ{J HD / high-definition
:i:�¥%�tl*fiiZYIHa!il/¥ to-do list app
_tli,:i] browse the Web/ surf the Internet
l'fm:f-� smart watch
JJ;Jlf:ffl{JL built-in camera
��¥ff- fitness band iilUi!i fitness tracker
( fflffL) :Jffl�A��ff9�9)K�feJ
l capture special moments in life
_______________________ __,

-f. xx � -1ilb r £ 1'Mlfl � 9!� � �ff! i.£ 'm' % � � 1- � !!5 , � :h t ;,f ,(R � � ::1§- Part 2
� f ,!!JJ , "J!._ � � � � -M- � 1fl � ;f. @ : www. bestbuy. corn lt Jill, -it tic :i!. � f�
* f- 1jt * � R� -=t- * ( Apple Watch) a1-; # W1 fr;/?

Describe a photo that you like.

You should say:
when it was taken
where it was taken
how it was taken
and explain why you like it.

�I!!* **
!}!3¥-lffi (jg (two-dimensional) , � �PX7CZ.Etf1�.R � JJ� ¾ :k, :fm ,R fjgb',_
.Ifft.It (!g-1'- comer m-1£ flj J3 -1'- comer iJt W10-il!1 ¾ l:t (jg , {!! � � fE J!� 89

��:ft8MMB�Atal'.!9-*�•. ¥���-A-®ta�-*g.Jt, ���

-®JJt®M;(E-1'-:iiRWf*lHaa<J-51:EJ!ij.Jt, �)Ja-1'-IDL& 1¥J*i�LBt �f@rAA ( bride)
�ffiU(� m)- ®:JBA<J-*, 8��1'-��-��-z€A<J-*�tE
(re�)•. -��§·••w-@�.ltz*l'.!9p;jff o

:... Pa.tffii�- ;

I'm going to talk about a photo that I like. It was taken last month while I was at the
Hong Kong airport waiting for my flight.

I was chatting with some friends. All of a sudden, I noticed a man who looked exactly
like ... (the celebrity's name).

... is ... (�£1'iJl;,t§M:ltl!.:/JaA2 ~31i:Jfdllit1'-celebrity A<Jp;iff, {E!.¾��K. tt

��£Mt 1'iJ i;,t ffi-fli!JJ,\l,;(E Bt)

I became really curious. So I went up to him and asked if he was ... He smiled politely
and nodded. I was so excited because I'd never thought I could meet him in person.

I told him I really liked his films ( §.x:� songs, music videos, TV shows). Also, 1
took out my mobile phone and asked him if I could take a selfie with him.

He was like, " Sure!" And he smiled and posed for the picture. He even said

Once I returned home, I printed out the picture and hung it on my bedroom wall,
and I've shown it to many friends.

I like the picture because it reminds me of a very exciting experience. I'd never
thought such a famous person could be so friendly and approachable.

1 tll.:f:m a irport i-1ft�®··· ... remind me of...

Mfil flight �-� ili:.A. � approachable

j l!Uc chat

I �M all of a sudden
1ELtil � photogenic
j M-'tt 1¥1 curious

�FHL&HI!!.�� smile politely tEJHUt:fvctf�flHI! get the picture framed

�= =
t[-.!a" 'F :::r:.
c:i Ef! Jt'.J!
�Ill :i:.-1113" A meet ... m

person 1&iHf@HZ.l¥Jr£1Jj a memorable experience

.�� nod 4-.A.1tutlcl¥J�/J3 an enjoyable experience


ta § f8 P,� take a selfie **�Ef(J@Hl bring back fond memories

fiEt?!J} pose �)}! P.� Jt family photo

{11!,/ *tll�B,J-i5t:"······" �-f21-.B9ir� group photo

He / She was like , " ... "
( t:l i-'l½ .EIHi"?:'lt:iZ¥M I J£ilJ)d1{j-ii!f)
( ;tft ,t- A:s.x ;tft,t-� !Im) i.t �-m *IMLBf ,i:.,
iJI." mi T " say " cheese " ( J:j:i :X ,El� ffl B1 * ... re ally made my day!

��P.�Jt edit the photo

I "t.i1i T .. 'mi� X mHB Bti.5t cheese .. -Jtrj �" )

I fl"E:p 1±\
* print out � Jt f,1\u!j!J.iilffl photo-editing app

i te\'ttEtf · .. ·-- _tjij

j hang( :i:1 �l'I�· hung) it on ...

Describe something you made by hand.

You should say :
what it was
why you made it
how you made it
and explain whether you still have it today.

I'm going to tell you about a simple kite that I made for my cousin as a birthday
present last month.

Honestly, I'd never made a kite before, so I thought it would be hard. Luckily, I
found a video online which showed all the steps for making a simple kite. It turned out
that making a simple kite could be quite easy and fun.

I followed the steps shown in the video and decided on the shape of the kite first. It
seemed to me that making a square kite would take less time. Also, it would be easier for
my cousin to carry. So I went to an arts and crafts shop near my home and got a piece of
coloured paper and two long plastic sticks.

Then 1 took them home and drew a large square on the paper with a pencil. And I
asked my cousin to cut out the shape with scissors. After that , I tied the plastic sticks
together with a piece of string to make a "T" shape, which would be the frame of the
kite. Then I glued the paper square to the frame. I also attached the flying line to the kite,
and it was ready for its first flight.

We went to the park near my cousin's home to fly it. The wind was quite strong, so
the kite went straight up and soared into the sky. Our hard work really paid off.

My cousin really liked the kite, but I have no idea where it is now. Maybe he still
keeps it at home, or maybe he's thrown it away. He's just an 8-year-old child anyway ...

�HB1f&�*Mllf&l!f cousin ��*fll� Iffi rfl, �� Ji5

arts and crafts shop
� B fL� a birthday present
�� coloured paper
( $:iE:lt!!�- ..... Luckily, ...
i Wijy,;7tiJft...... 1¥.J�:i:J:W rJU-J-;ji
1 plastic stick

j showed all the steps for making ... iiID draw( :i:J:�at :drew)
1 ilt:@ilJl¥.J�-----· It turned out that... ffl-� pencil

3cT·----·ftlil±H:k:� decide on... WJ l:l:l ( ;lt,t-1!1%) cut out

l iE1n� square �]] scissors

fE·····•#lljlJ-® tie... together .=ifJ % triangle

!lHI string Jf.� frame :fffi!ffll% oval

�ml* glue �� J] screwdriver

�%'.il ...... ...t ffif attach ... to... ffir tweezers

Jxl.iH1{J�ilitJ� flying line fltr pliers

��7Sfr first flight/ maiden flight fe ...... !f� bend

jv{}XI,� fly the kite re...... rr�* twist

/Ip J: i111i � soar into the sky iJrffl; paper folding

( � jJ) f-f @] W pay off( :u ¾ B;j- : paid off) � ;f_\; paper cutting

�$J knitting( Jt�f-f�Y����:WHI!

��·· :J'T=e-7&")
IMI% circle jliyz'.:: pottery
-&1J% rectangle

����-�1•-�i����-tlffl, ��Jt-��·��•-•=
www. kidspot. corn. au/things-to-do/collection/craft-activities? sort= title

IELTS P-j;g-JL��:lf¾�iUDescribe a toy. �:i!Jlg_, kite*Jl'-t11�-#

� � ( Longman : a toy is an object for chiklren to play with) 0 at f� it•� [\3] f 11
1if 12)_ • • : www. toysrus. ea/ en/home, ii:. -ftr-Jt 1} � � - »( ":lt� :lf :1" � � '.)l!:

Describe an piece of clothing you Ii.Ice.

You should say :
what it is
what it looks like
when you wear it
and explain why you like it.
lft 4:t�if! Im B<J :tzH!: JlL �o * 1ft 4ft n1t tf!l ( chi- pao) ]iX; .:M-Jl� ( Tang suit) , )l;ft i:iJ IV­
re Describe your favourite traditional clothing (�ijrn!Bi). Describe a traditional product
( � rJf. F 5/i) in your country. %ii Describe an occasion when you wore your favourite
clothes. ( �ilif..i.X B<JOi�B<J:l:Jiir) � 3 1- "���JJI!tllAA!" s<Jxlt!Mim-�ffi!Hk: To

i&Jl!IU!l�tf!lfi;f,f-.®fflfi;J_B<JJ;f;J�, @Jl�l:t.��f'� (loose-fitting), 'tB<J�Hl�

3::�¾it�±�ml3!0!!1if:rJJ: (look wealthy and important), 1m�tf!l!i!U¾�51'B<J (close­
fitting ), 'tB<J�*:E�¾iJ::P;±# ml*J! 1ft!lt ( elegant) o �{f1 IV-n1H@:;/;J f91J * i&�
'.'J; � JfHtl!if! B<J � J'c 11 l£ 1trJEBll� o

-P:C,it�t� '.
I'm going to talk about my chi-pao, which was a birthday
present from my parents.

.. :.,
Basically, it's a close-fitting dress. But it looks quite special �1

- . '°\.·i::a ..·

because it's made from silk which is smooth and shiny. The short · '< •• :·

sleeves, the colourful pattern and the slits on the sides also make
it look unique.

I only wear my chi-pao on special occasions. For example, I wear it during Spring
Festival celebrations and at formal parties, such as business parties. I also wore it at my
best friend's wedding last year.

I like it because it tits me well. It is easy to slip on and comfortable to wear as well.
I like it also because it looks festive and elegant, and makes me feel special and

l £2js: ..t , .. · ·.. Basically, ... f!J!H�i' colourful pattern

: '.t � B<J close-fitting flll�-@!JJims<J�!it," H'=tJL"

! ii .tx: m dres.s
slits on the sides
j r.t�(J(_J:l:Jh1l' special occasion
: �tt.!J silk
i �'p(J<J5':t51.7lsil:I] Spring Festival celebrations
! ft:1fa(J smooth and shiny
,15, t,f, .:z.
IEJ:t(J<J�� formal parties

1. .
'IIII J short sleeves

I i'ili:9HI�� business parties
national treasure
! �lHt:!iit fit me well
i w�� �..t easy to slip on
milill the Qing dynasty

:fii'°iJ El SC.� B<J festive ( 't'.' ¾ festival B<J % �f3Hlli&1ILB<J�fil status symbol

����) ffi;fSI. fabric

I fj()ffHt9 elegant ffi!:-=f brocade

I �'.l.\t��!j,;J� § 1� flil cotton
feel special and confident
*Ml-r long sleeves

��fjt�� graceful

Bl.�Jl leather jacket :!Ui�B<J:;/ttt complicated pattern

Ltff_t;& denim jacket


=§;& ( iE lffi � 1f tO -=f 89 .=§ ;& )

"t:&. ( iE lfil::fsi"-:t-l�t□-=f i'!<J.=§;&) cardigan SALVATORE FERRAGAMO

I �-ft�tk.�89*1ru:Ei#J� sweatshirt VERSACE DOLCE&GABBANA

Describe a vehicle you'd like to own.

You should say :
what the vehicle is
what it is like
whether it would be expensive to buy
and explain why you'd like to own it.
:-Pa- tFf.ii� :
.. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...

I'm going to describe a car that I'd like to own, which is a Subaru Forester. It's a car
that not only looks good but also performs well.

The outside of the car looks sporty and attractive, and the build quality feels solid.

The inside is spacious and practical. The headroom and legroom are perfect for me,
and there's a lot of cargo room in the back. The handling of the car is also very good.

I'd like to own a Forester because it looks attractive and it's fun to drive. Also, it has
comfortable seats and plenty of cargo space. But it costs much less than a luxury SUV like
a BMW X3 or an Audi QS. So it's good value for money.

I test-drove a Forester last week and was very impressed with it. I'm quite sure I'll
buy one later this year or sometime next year.

3&lfil tl:\ � perform well £(1{Jttffi-ttq&� It's good value for money.
��ig]�l¥.J sporty JA� test-drive( u-t:Bst test-drove)
�l!IBIJJ1¥.J attractive

$ !if 1¥.J I Z build quality ( E: ft : ff� 1-

fifil )E �"$� �� ffl building) £i;Jffi, engine

� �\jfimJi� ffi 1¥.J spacious and practical ig]jJ��,@ It has plenty of power.

� EI!le �l�HIPJ 1¥.J'£fa] headroom iiJ�it ffi 1¥.J reliable

�$1¥.Jffii9J'£fa] le groom( �p;!j-'j'-��1¥.) 1f!'iltl 1¥.J fuel-efficient

room ��mm fa] ffij 1B] )
�m� B;ffi61¥.J stylish

$;!itFo$1¥.J#li�'£1aJ $§1J!$tl¥.Jjf-xll', exterior
P-! $'£ fa] interior
I cargo room / cargo space

I ��tt� handling

! 3Mtm#t�lJJt5f-@ is fun to drive

I ff�l¥.J�� comfortable seats
?l$ 1¥.J luxurious
! *$� SUV luxury SUV

�#fffl!$. affordable car mfiIB front wheel drive ( � ,t MM m 1!r
::R��:ff l$.11z.JJ T)
iffi:$ sports car
$��fiiJttfm steering
Ei:I, igJ $ ele ctric car
&$L�llR.�l'.l<J very responsive
J% !f. RV / motor home

�JIB�m the all-wheel-drive system/ the

=¥$l¥Ji!H.l:ltfl-� resale value(:ff�A

AWD syste m( ��g*mtf»J<':;R.�:11!!�� re.. � ;,� , � � � .lit 'it$, JI;�{£ oo ;,�

"ffi.$"-tl!.:;f j;', Jf =-¥:!J::tBBi:,1':-f-$
l'.l<J liib ri!Hlffll-tll.:;f :{:Ej;'tt)
12!1�� four wheel drive ( � .x;ffir:f:i�:f;;,

[.__ ____________________________

( Ji" iro i£ .1- ft! Choose a make .J. iro /.J� make ¾ ,t ij;J , fa' f(. $ a'<; JI, � , model 91� ¾
fe'j\ $ �J)_12f'� % ) : uk/car-reviews

I'd like to describe a car that I'd really like to own, which is a Mini Cooper.

A friend of mine bought a Mini Cooper last month. It cost her around 250, 000 yuan.
But I would say it looks like a 500,000 yuan car. ( i£jlj_:�09�j(�-m!l!� I would say ...
J!��iJ,9iili-'fr��IJ;'t, ;l't�;}f:;f:£ "�hJt:;f:AJ", ff!iJtT.wtJ!�:!&A�AZJiiJeg3(�,

The car looks very cute, like a chubby baby because it looks compact and solid.
Actually, the inside is quite spacious. The front seats feel ver y comfortable, and there's
plenty of headroom. The back seats are a bit small, but that won't be a big isme for me.

The car is well-equipped. I particularly like the backup camera because it makes
parking easier and safer. The speakers also sound very impressive.

Unlike Beetles, Mini has a powerful engine. It's fuel-efficient as well.

I'd like to own a Mini because it's fun and comfortable to drive, and it's good value
for money.

)lf.,Y..3¥-1'.19 chubby

����1'.19 compact and solid

��1'.19 spacious

!I eu�Ult� front seats &:8f � leather seats

I Frrn�8f� back seats �$.Ui. parking spot/ parking space

\* 1]j ¥1J1ilH®l 1'.19 � fa] headroom

good gas mileage/ good fuel economy
I x-i-t.1r�iJt;f£:kroJ1m
' won't be a big issue for me �� envy

i&!:-1Hc:il!:l'.!9 well-equipped ;J [ii] ii. steering wheel

I fill $11�* .:f-;!J;ffl stick shift/ manual

backup camera/ rearview camera

I pa ff speakers
El ;!Jt�
automatic( transmission)

�$ parking
ffi!f. sports car
�····••;f-t-F unlike ... I
��ru!B9 streamlined I
" Efl :;t..!R." Beetle i
� ii. !
chassis ( );. iE B9 $. � W JY:l B engine
W�ffl!t'.19$.� curved body ;f!l chassis �£�:i:�1'.19, $ B9:$'rAAJ.Jl;.,t:,, l

�.!ii�B9�i9Jtll a powerful engine

l 1li'711l B9 fuel-efficient
$ B9 ru! % model
I Et'.1911-fftl:t�&iWi It's good value for money.
! O!-'i,J ili :a:!tf 00 A*� &li B9111ft l:t W. iWi at
I m�'lftm)

Pat 13 c, � $ a(J lit� iffi. � % ,\3tl � -t- � M .l �I'..� car reviews ( $ if ) M Jf;
.ilf "tll -f": www. thecarconnection. com/new-cars o � lli 00 z.Jf; -j/.P ;!ft ,;ft���
� !f.-llt.;f #J:ie t 1t n m a(J �;if o

;e:. � 00 ,
*�* "�
Mercede s Benz ( 11 � : A -t :ii!� j[. Cadillac

*�* " �
1f1 ,t, ¾ Jfl Mercedes
1¥. et� Porsche
�" , - i!t M ;;t ,ffl Benz
�" ,1t � ¾ ;;f :!ll?. ilt � � j( )

* f;:_ Volkswagen 'I* Renault

�1-\:. Hyundai � t!k it Citroen

'l''Jf.,'f!r-J\lr Lexus � 1,ll � Chevrolet

( 1. � J. -t!di '$ � f,l: JJ Chevy)
� i4 £ /F:.., Lamborghini

1'.lb BMW .$ EE Toyota

�:ilk. Audi *EE Honda

l!ili it Land Rover

Describe an important invention ( before the age of computers).

It was invented in the late 19th century by some Frenchmen.

It became popular soon after it was invented, because it didn't cost much and it was
easy to ride.

Also, cycling ( %' l�H-=f $) was faster and more efficient ( ]! 1:R:111J!i1.fli!&(l(j) than
walking. ( 00 J:';J IE.l��ffl biking -rn_ "!5tl' §fi$", fE!.� native speakers J!1itffl cycling)

Today, millions of people ride their bikes regularly ( �1itr.f § fi$).

Some people cycle to work or school. ( .!fti § �'r.$.t.J,E�;j!fl:�) . Others ride their


bikes just for fun. ( g\ >�.1; 7 ;f-��§ fi!j::)

Cycling is also a good form of exercise. (m:liHIMl¥.JfflU$1J�)

It improves balance and coordination. (:tiH�PJZ-if-"3#}j}.¥JfmjJ)

It can boost endurance (�i!11iimth) and burn calories Ui!H!t:¼:it, ":lf&�"F�ll!.")

as well.

�:l!fi:jlf T fff-r bicycle 1¥.!*1-$% (parts) :

#�¾bell, � :u M {l � tE :lt Jit � :u 1¥.J JL W/($ # � ffl\ � P(,i] ( The bell didn't
work. ) 0 !j::1f.P4 handlebars, !j::flji] P4 brakes, ta\J!�¾crossbar, $�¾saddle, }J!j)�i!R
� pedals, i!.if�n4 chain, �-=f�M8Jt� tyres(�;r.t) /tires(��) T o

:tm*§fi:$:qiffi8Jt*It's brand-new. E�tt�IET-iWiJUt's a bit worn-out. �ll�

E.��ql�t§[�:tlT, 'ii]'l)J.-j,� It is gathering dust now ( tE "f.g���" ).

tE:ltJ?.:�ll* cycling B;j-HS�*l L 1/t��fltiA.1.J¾;J\iW::fd't{ ( make a fuss about

nothing) o @¾tE�IE, �§ fi:$.Bt�*� (wear a helmet while riding a bike) tfltlk.11
'/it.!Ji!., mi..§.1:H�§t�IE.AiAJ;;�§fi:$:�*�¾1'f�{f�1¥.J-f-t:Jm (It shows that you
are a responsible and reliable person. ) 1f!.\ 0 m� � 'ii]' [J_-j,� -ki) I always wear a helmet
while riding my bike. �./8����1?1¥.J&m o

tEi:pIE I fF 1¥.Jft,i�,�1?{f] � i:pfF�.:E>l.::\lf (environmentalists) 1¥.J ttf9tlq� �, Mr i:J.

kfi=iH.:J.1l-m §fi:$:MJf�i¥.JM�, tt*ll: Bicycles don't need fuel( �1lfi��JM), so
they can help to reduce carbon emissions (�j8wHl�$:). *ll*1f!.\1A.ffll-¥1J)li]E4ij,Jcffl5
!f£5EJfi:$__trfJI, �::\lf__t$:, $:$:tj5�§fi:$:, -tg}JIJ:@Ti�-ki) I cycle to work (or
school) every weekday because it's more eco-friendly (Jf�l¥.J) than driving.

IELTS CJiJ!:;(;fB;j�� Describe something in your home which was broken or didn't
work. �1-mR][ 0

* :m *
Pat �JJR.1'f�i$ !Iil$:� L!J J;; �J!R][�,@i� #Ji 3£-{lj: "flt tTli$1¥.J 1f-W" o ¥ � __t,
broken tE :it!!. i! '!Ii:. X .I. � 11;· .ffl .ffl � � ( home appliance ) §.x ::\1f � =f ';tr- ifl:i

( electronic product) t;r-� 7 0

tt:trn, native speakers �'lit��� a<J'AJ T: My iPad was broken but luckily, it was
covered by Apple's warranty ( ili!:f�).

m'�T broken a<JJ!l:�* Jl..., ��f!ij El 7i3U!:ii/m��ff;;It�m��' i#.-1-

"�7" a<J�-r���wa-®, ��=

I'd like to describe my laptop.

It had been working well for two years. But last week, it went out of order ( � ��
iE 'it :iE f-f) all of a sudden ( ��:!:I!!.) after I downloaded a file ( r�X{tf:) which was
attached to an e mail (f1=1J-{5J�-=fill�{lj:�jlfH4). The file looked safe. However, after
1 opened it, I ended up with a virus ( ffef$) in the laptop. The virus was so powerful that
the operating system of the laptop crashed ( � ft: � m M Wl: 7 ) right away and it
destroyed the hard drive ( :filli� Tlil ft) too. The screen also went back ( l.t,lji!.) while
the laptop was still running. So I had to turn off the laptop, only to find out that it wouldn't
even boot up ( E§J©Ja @) anymore.

I got really worried that I wouldn't be able to get the files back from the hard drive.
And my laptop was not covered by warranty ( � ;(E {liHf 11-1) anymore. So I took the
laptop to a local computer store immediately. Their employees are still working on it. All
I can do now is to wait patiently and hope for the best. Hopefully, they can fix the
problems for me and I'll be able to get all the files back from the hard drive.

ml .El., W� 1-�� a<J��ffi��-r f!SP]" W. �a,J-?t*M- Describe a time when you

made a mistake. O'Hffia':J�}Jj) 3K:ilxfU�, �t�lli!JC/g����:

I made a serious mistake because I didn't try to make sure the file was safe before
downloadin g it. On the other hand, I learnt an important lesson from this mistake. Now I
know I must be really careful when I download things from the Internet.

IELTS r:J ut� B;j:f!S�� Describe a letter that you received. �1-�M0

rt��- m.i3£ £El{� £El#�� a thank-you letter ( tt�ll�lW JI/J T -{ft�� A.�:\1f
1]\Jffl,b[, *r,Jt fciJ 1n-*f�3&W, �#1n-:t£t±!R {itt;t!!;;lt Hi* did volunteer work imi&i!J/fl
�Wffi) f!l an apology letter (ili:fJ:ffi, l:tm:J��--1'-M:ti�iN:l:t1f15'-ifi:-!$;E-'f;!it{4
$•ffj(fl1{�ffl75l, J§*�ffiioJ�ili:fJ:) O

-tl! PT� iJt an admission letter ( � llR f�, l:t :tm f* t& jJ :i:1 B9 � � � llR ii 9;11 ) , a job
offer letter ( m�Ifl=:JfRuLB9ffi), an invitation letter ( �mft, 1:�:tmf*:Jft:!i:I-�M:ti
1fUH!ffi, �ilj,{$�:/JOffi*L invited me to the wedding) � 0

"wl'." (fl:t!E��Jt¾ a nice surprise , :tm*-iffgilft-�Jcm�JR��, native

speakers �i)t The letter really made my day.

ml.El., �ili:!m(flJ§ffifJL-1'- ideas -tl!IJJ�WI!/J-f$tJci!li*M- Describe a piece of good

news that you read recently. (Jli:AA-w;i!JB9�7i1l.�,) �-1'-fflN L


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