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English Proyect

Natá De Los Caballeros

Nata de los Caballeros is a corregimiento and the head city of the Natá District in the
province of Coclé, Republic of Panama. It is the second oldest city on the Pacific coast
of the American continent. It is the second oldest city on the Pacific coast of the
American Continent. In this District, one of the most important archaeological sites
located in Panama. Over the course of the last Century, archaeologist have been
uncovering several pre-Colombian burial sites in this location, believed to date between
700 and 1000 AD.

Natá de los Caballeros was founded on May 20, 1521, This city was named after the
chief named Nato, who ruled the area where the village was located, and it is the
second oldest settlement on the American Pacific coast, and the fifth European-
founded settlement still inhabited on the entire Continental America, after Nombre de
Dios founded in 1510, Cumaná founded in 1515, and Panama founded in 1519.

The Spaniards were colonizers and conquerors of Natá. Gonzalo de Badajoz was
responsible upon arriving in this region in 1515. After obtaining a large amount of gold
from Chief París, driven by greed, he attempted to attack again, resulting in a heavy
defeat that forced him to leave behind what he had acquired in the territory of Chief
Anatá, Natá or Natán.

The Basilica of Saint James the Apostle and the Chapel of Saint John of God are two
colonial gems of this city, built by the Spaniards over five centuries ago.

The Basilica is one of the first established by the colonizers on the American Pacific
coast, and it is the only one that still stands. The Chapel of San Juan de Dios in Natá de
los Caballeros, built in the last quarter of the 17th century (1670), as recorded by
historians, also had a dependency, the San Juan de Dios hospital, founded in Panama
by Friar Juan Burgos.

It becomes a tourist destination par excellence due to its small-town spirit. Strolling
leisurely through its squares and parks or trying a delicious 'sancocho' and other typical
dishes of the region at its restaurants.

Since April 12, 2019, the site has had a renovated museum, which provides national
and foreign visitors with a scientific insight into the life and death of the first
inhabitants of Coclé, their social structure, funeral customs, and worldview.
El Caño is one of the most important archaeological sites in the country. In this place,
the remains of a necropolis built by the inhabitants of the Chiefdom of Río Grande are
buried, shortly after the year 700, as a burial site and for funeral ceremonies. Today, it
is a historic site that you can visit.


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