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Diagnostic study of fungal and bacterial pathogens that cause

vaginal infection in women
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Heba Hadid Rashed, Ibtihal Muiz Al-Hussaini, Ali H. Al-Marzoqi

Department of Biology, College of Science, University Babylon, Babil, Iraq
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Background: Vaginal infection is an inflammation of the vagina that can result in discharge, itching, and pain. A specific kind of
vaginal inflammation known as bacterial vaginosis is roughing on by an overabundance of naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina,
which throws the body’s delicate equilibrium out of whack. Vaginal candidiasis is a fungal infection that affects the vagina and the
vulva, the tissues at the vaginal opening, causing irritation, discharge, and severe itching. Objectives: Isolation, identification, and
partial purification of bacteria and fungi that cause vaginal infection. Materials and Methods: In this study, 150 vaginal samples were
collected from women aged 15–55 who did not have any chronic diseases in the city of Hilla, Iraq. Cultivation of samples of bacteria on
MacConkey, mannitol salt, and Eosin-methylene blue culture media and fungi on potato dextrose agar medium and chromo agar for
Candida and conducting diagnostic tests for them. Results: The samples were culture on different medium. Bacteria have a percentage
(55.3%) and fungi percentage (54.7%). Types of bacteria that appeared are Escherichia coli 24.3%, Klebsiella 20%, and Staphylococcus
aureus 55.7%. Fungi are Candida albicans 52.6%, Candida glabrata 23.7%, and Candida krusie 23.7% have all been identified as fungi in
clinical cases. Biochemical tests were performed for each sample, whether bacteria or fungi and included an examination (indol, citrate,
urease, catalase, oxidase, coagulase, and H2S). Conclusion: Through results appeared S. aureus papered was found to be more common
than bacteria species and fungi in clinical cases. C. albicans was found to be more common than other Candida species.

Keywords: Bacteria pathogens, Candida, catalase test, oxidase test, coagulase test, fermentation test, biochemical tests

Introduction their lifetime. The vaginal disease can be infectious,

noninfectious, and chronic in nature. Infectious vaginitis
Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina that can cause
is most commonly grouped into bacterial vaginitis and
discharge, itching, and pain. This is due to the constant
vaginal candidiasis.[3]
change in vaginal bacteria. It is also caused by a drop in
estrogen levels after menstruation and certain skin types. The polymorphic opportunistic fungus Candida albicans is
primarily responsible for the extremely common mucosal
Lactobacilli predominate in the bacterial flora of a healthy
infection of the lower female reproductive tract known
reproductive-age female’s vagina.[1] In a healthy woman,
as vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). C. albicans, a typical
vaginal microbes are mutually antagonistic and dependent
component of the human microbiota, frequently colonizes
on one another, maintaining a dynamic equilibrium that
the vaginal lumen asymptomatically. However, exuberant
is controlled by the endocrine system, the local immune
mucosal inflammation that is predominantly brought
system, and the internal environment of the vagina.[2] The
on by fungal overgrowth in the vagina and followed by
age of the woman, how her hormones are managed, her
sexual activity, and her exposure to hygiene agents used in
vaginal irrigation can all have a significant impact on the
Address for correspondence: Dr. Heba Hadid Rashed,
microbiota makeup. Vaginitis is one of the most common Department of Biology, College of Science, University Babylon, Hilla, Iraq.
diseases that affect women’s health; over 50% of women E-mail:;
experience at least one episode of vaginal infection in
Submission: 31-Jan-2023 Accepted: 13-Mar-2023 Published: 09-May-2024

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DOI: How to cite this article: Rashed HH, Al-Hussaini IM, Al-Marzoqi AH.
10.4103/MJBL.MJBL_104_23 Diagnostic study of fungal and bacterial pathogens that cause vaginal
infection in women. Med J Babylon 2024;21:71-8.

 2024 Medical Journal of Babylon | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 71  
Rashed, et al.: Fungal and bacterial that cause Vaginitis

epithelial invasion and the synthesis of virulence effectors Stains

can result in symptomatic infection. Itching, burning, Lacto phenol stain
soreness, and redness in the vagina are typical illness The dye was used to color the chlamydospores to make
signs. These frequently come with a vaginal discharge that them appear more visible under the microscope and to
contains immune cells, yeast, sloughed epithelium, and germ tube.
vaginal fluid. VVC is the most common human candidal
infection, affecting 75% of women at some point in their Formation of germ tube test
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lifetimes; according to estimates, four risk factors for VVC It was taken 0.5 mL of human serum after separating
are the use of antibiotics, sexual activity, high-estrogen- blood components in a centrifuge and blended well with
containing oral contraceptives, pregnancy, use of sodium– a colony of yeast isolates from the medium and incubated
glucose transporter 2 inhibitors, and uncontrolled diabetes at 37°C for 3–4 h, and then took a drop of the mixture
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mellitus.[4] and placed on a slide with a drop of dye lacto phenol

One of the most frequent vaginal disorders linked to cotton blue and examined under a microscope to detect
abnormal alterations in the vaginal microbiome is bacterial the species of yeast that component the germ tube, this is
vaginosis (BV), also known as vaginal dysbiosis.[5] a rapid diagnostic test for the C. albicans from other yeasts
A decrease in the local Lactobacillus species that produce
lactic acid and an increase in anaerobic bacteria are two
Ethical approval
features of BV.[6]
The study was conducted in accordance with the ethical
principles that have their origin in the Declaration of
Materials and Methods Helsinki. The patients’ permission was obtained before
Sample collection sampling. The study protocol, subject information, and
One hindered fifty clinical samples were taken from female consent form were reviewed and approved by a local ethics
patients using a sterile swab. Bacteria and fungi culture committee according to document number 7/17/1336 on
media samples were collected with the assistance of a February 21, 2022.
gynecologist. All of the women in the study were married
women between the ages of 16 and 55.[7] Results
Reagent and culture media Isolation and diagnosis of the bacteria and fungi
Culture media pathogens in ``vaginitis"
All cultures were prepared according to the manufacturers. The samples were culture on different medium, where 141
bacterial isolates were found. After that, it was diagnosed
Catalase reagent was prepared by mixing 100 ml of whether it was gram-positive or gram-negative by
distilled Water with 3% H2O2, then store it in a dark- culturing it on special culture media. Then a microscopic
colored bottle. The reagent was used to identify the ability examination was performed for each sample where the
of bacteria and Candida to generate catalase enzymes.[8] following types appeared that are positive for a gram stain
(Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis)
Oxidase reagent and negative for a gram stain (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella
This reagent was ready-made as filter paper discs called pneumonia pneumonia). These media include blood agar,
oxidase discs that contained tetramethyl-paraphenylene MacConkey agar, Eosin-methylene blue (EMB) agar,
diamine dihydrochloride. They were kept in a dark and Nutrient agar.
cool environment. When the color of the smear changed
to purple, the oxidase test was positive. A small fraction A gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus
of the bacterial colonies were dispersed on the disc with was isolated by culturing it on a Mannitol salt agar
a wooden stick. Tetramethyl-p-phenylene-diamine- medium.
dihydrochloride, a redox dye, and the presence of a After plotting the sample on MacConkey medium,
specific bacterial oxidase that would catalyze the transit of single, dry, circular pink colonies appeared fermented
electrons between electron donors in bacteria are required with lactose sugar. These characteristics apply to E. coli
for the test.[9] bacteria and 114 fungi yeasts that were isolated, including
Candida tropicalis, C. albicans, Candida glabrata, and
Coagulase test Candida krusie, as shown in Tables 1–4.
The test is a rabbit’s plasma that has been vaccinated with
Figure 1 shows E. coli and Klebsiella growth on EMB.
Staphylococcus bacteria. The tube is incubated at 37°C for
an hour and a half. The result is negative; the result is 18 h. In addition, a sample was diagnosed by culturing it on a
The result is positive, and the plasma will coagulate and Mannitol salt agar medium. Figure 2 show S. aureus on
appear in the form of collected pieces.[10] Mannitol salt agar.

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Rashed, et al.: Fungal and bacterial that cause Vaginitis

Table 1: Total number of samples, the kind of microorganisms, Table 3: Type of bacteria isolated from vaginal sample
and the percentage of isolates Number Percentage
Type of Number of Percentage of Gram-positive
microorganisms isolates isolates Staphylococcus 117 55.7
Bacteria 141 55.3 Gram-negative
Fungi 114 44.7 Klebsiella spp. 51 24.3
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Total microorganisms 255 100 Escherichia coli 42 20

Total number 210 100

Table 2: Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria isolated

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from vaginal swap Table 4: Type of fungi isolated from vaginal sample
Type of bacteria Number Percentage Type of fungi Number Percentage
Gram-positive 138 50 C. krusie 27 23.7
Gram-negative 138 50 C. glabrata 27 23.7
Total number 276 100 C. albicans 60 52.6
Total number 114 100

Figure 1: Gram-negative bacteria on EMB (A) control, (B) E. coli, (c) Klebsiella

Figure 2: Mannitol salt agar (A) control, (B) S. aureus

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Figure 3: Blood agar (A) control, (B) E. coli, (C) Klebsiella, (D) S. aureus

Figure 4: Indol test (A) control, (B) S. aureus, (C) E. coli, (D) Klebsieala, (E) S. epdermides

Figure 3 shows the ability of bacteria E. coli, Klebsiella, Figure 6 shows the Kligler iron test; all bacteria are
and S. aureus to hemolysis of blood. positive (S. aureus, E. coli, Klebsiella, and S. epidermis).
Through this research, we found the different bacterial The samples were diagnosed, and all bacterial species that
species that were isolated differed in their ability to produce were isolated and diagnosed were positive for the catalase
the enzyme tryptophanase; that’s why we found E. coli and test, such as E. coli, S. aureus, and Klebsiella, as shown in
S. aureus to be positive for the indol test while Klebsiella is Figure 7.
negative for the indole test, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 8 shows the oxidase test; all bacteria are positive for
To ascertain an organism’s capacity to transform the oxidase test. The E. coli and Klebsiella were positive
tryptophan into indole, a biochemical test known as an for the oxidase test, while S. aureus was negative for this
“indole test” is carried out on a variety of microorganisms. test, as shown in Figure 8.
This division is carried out by a cascade of numerous The diagnosis of S. aureus was made using the
separate intracellular enzymes, or “tryptophanase,” which coagulase test, and this test was found to be positive
is the name given to this system. only for S. aureus, while the other samples were negative
Through the samples that were isolated and diagnosed, for this test, such as E. coli, Klebsiella, as shown in
it was found that some bacterial species, Klebsiella and Figure 9
S. aureus positive for Simmon citrate and E. coli, negative The morphology and color of colonies on CHROMagar
for this test, as shown in Figure 5. were used to identify the yeast cells in Figure 10.

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Figure 5: Simmon citrate test (A) control, (B) S. aureus, (C) E. coli, (D) Klebsieala, (E) S. epdermides

Figure 6: Kligler iron test (A) control, (B) S. aureus, (C) E. coli, (D) Klebsieala, (E) S. epdermides

Figure 7: Catalase test (A) E. coli, (B) Klebsiella, (C) S. aureus

Figure 8: Oxidase test

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Hemolysis test create enzymes, such as hemolysin, is a crucial virulence

The purpose of this research was to assess the hemolytic factor (C. albicans, C. krusie, C. glabrata, and C. tropical).
activity amongst Candida species, where a positive result
was found for all species [Figure 11]. Candida’s ability to Figure 12 shows all isolates are positive for the catalase test.
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Figure 9: Coagulase test

Figure 10: CHROMagar (A) C. albicans, (B) C. krusie, (C) C. tropical

Figure 11: Blood agar (A) C. krusie, (B) C. albicans, (C) C. tropical [Figure 10]

Figure 12: Catalase test

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Figure 13: Oxidase test

Figure 13 shows all isolates are negative for testing oxidase. E. coli and Klebsiella species isolates were identified with
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The cytochrome C oxidase or cytochrome oxidase test is a negative oxidase test.[21] S. aureus is Biochemically, they
a procedure for determining the existence of the terminal are catalase-positive and oxidase-negative.[22]
enzyme system in aerobic respiration.
S. aureus produces the coagulase enzyme, which turns
plasma’s (soluble) fibrinogen into (insoluble) fibrin. This
Discussion test helps distinguish S. aureus from other staphylococci
since they do not produce coagulase. Coagulase comes in
Tables 1–4 show clearly that the vagina contains bacteria
two varieties: free coagulase and bound coagulase. It is
and fungi in different proportions. This has been proven
discovered via various techniques. A slide test can quickly
in a number of studies include. Instead, a complex
identify the clumping factor, also known as the bound
combination of numerous factors, including the various
coagulase. The creation of a clot, in turn, allows for the
elements of the vaginal microbial ecosystem and their
detection of free coagulase in the test tube.[23]
human host, results in BV. Many of these characteristics
still need to be described because developing an effective According to the color key putted by the differentiation
treatment and prophylactic for this condition depends in colors belonging to the containing species of this
on having a good understanding of their respective agar, chromosomal material interacts with an enzyme
contributions to the genesis of BV.[12] called hexosaminidase, which is secreted by the same
Most of the studies mention that C. albicans is the most species, and this results in a quick diagnosis based
prevalent and the most more than BV. It is considered on the color and appearance of the colony.[24] The
a normal flora organism but the variation of the advantages of CHROMagar are easy to prepare,
gastrointestinal tract and reproductive tract, and the boiling, and dispensing in petri plates, and facilitates
different varieties of exogenous factors from predisposed the fast isolation and identification of yeast species.
monarchal women to acute vulvovaginitis candidiasis, CHROMagar facilitates identification between Candida
pregnancy situation, lacteal phase of the menstrual cycle, spp. From specimens containing a mixture of Candida
hormone change to oral estrogen with high dose and the side spp. in the present study do not affect the viability on
effect of antibiotic and variation of diabetes mellitus.[13] The subsequent subcultures. CHROMagar has the advantage
sample was also cultured on MacConkey’s medium, so the of rapid identification of Candida species, technically
colonies appeared in a single violet color, moist and mucous simple, quick, and cost-effective compared to the
in texture. This differs from colonies of the intestinal coli. technically demanding, time-consuming, and expensive
conventional method.[25]
The bacteria were cultivated on differential media, as
shown by Figures 1–3, as it is considered one of the Figure 10 shows CHROMagar medium was used to
methods of diagnosis, and this was confirmed by a diagnose Candida species due to its positive properties
lot of research, including.[14-18] Kligler test shows the agreed upon by a number of researchers.
susceptibility of bacteria to produce H2S and gas on Table 5 shows a biochemical test, where he explained
Kligler iron agar and fermentation tests for nine different the ability of some types of Candida to produce certain
saccharides, namely glucose, sucrose, lactose, mannitol, enzymes, and this was explained in a number of research
xylose, rhamnose, mannose, dextrose, and maltose.[19] papers. The C. albicans, C. krusie, C. glabrata, and
A common enzyme called catalase is present in almost C. tropical are capable of analyzing blood. An essential
all living things that are exposed to oxygen, including component of virulence known as hemolytic Capability
bacteria, plants, and animals. It catalyzes the breakdown enables the Candidato genus of fungi to absorb iron from
of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. It is a crucial host tissues for use in metabolism, growth, and invasion
enzyme for defending the cell against reactive oxygen during host infection. For practically all species, both
species’ oxidative damage. One catalase molecule may unicellular and multicellular, iron is a necessary element[26]
convert millions of hydrogen peroxide molecule.[20] ability Catalase produces agreement with.[27] The result of

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Table 5: Biochemical test for some Candida species

Candida Ureaes Catalase Oxidase Germ tube Blood hemolysis
C. albicans – + – + +
C. krusie – + – – +
C. glabrata – + – – +
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