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Capstone project Career Paper

Kritza Contreras-Guzman

Health Science II

Richelieu Tah

April 15, 2024

Throughout their educational years, students find an interest in mutual things and grow

accustomed to the things they most enjoy or feel a great interest in, many of these interests turn

out to be future career choices that can be affected by the decisions made earlier in life, making it

harder to achieve one’s goals. The purpose of this paper is to provide a broader view of the

intentions of a student wanting to achieve a career as a Pediatric Doctor and how high school

actions and decisions can facilitate and help shape the path toward that goal. Some key items to

this discussion are a future career plan, current preparation for college such as academics,

extracurricular activities, and community involvement. Following this is the college readiness

research made to consider what interest colleges are looking for in students and what to do

before it's time to complete the application process. Finally, what could be done during college

years to further develop skills as well as post-college plans to set up the long-term goal.

There are many key factors to take into consideration when striving to be a Pediatrician

starting with pre-required classes or what could be considered an advantage to have before

attending college. Some of these advantages consist of college prep classes, provided by City of

Medicine Academy free of charge, at Durham Tech’s Associates in Science and their Spanish

Interpreting Certificate in the mist and taking recommended classes such as Biology, Psychology,

advanced Science courses, and Mathematics classes. After high school comes a four-year college

to pursue a bachelor's degree in biology, there is no specific major that is guaranteed to get

students into medical school since many come from different majors only ever needing to pass

the exam and take pre-requisite courses. After this comes the application process for medical

school which requires the student to pass the required tests in order to be part of it, followed by

earning a medical degree (either M.D. or D.O.) and becoming licensed to practice medicine, in

this case, Pediatrics. Pediatricians are required to complete a three-year residency program in a
hospital which covers everything in their training from extensive experience in ambulatory

pediatrics to the care of infants and children. Following this would be the completion of the

long-term goal of becoming a pediatrician as well as being required to update information on

certain topics, procedures, or information through the years to keep up to date with the latest

technology and medical advancements.

Current activities to aid advance the planned timeline of the chosen career consist of

current knowledge of college culture and how it is most likely to look or feel due to the

on-campus classes at Durham Tech’s buildings and a view of how classes and lectures work.

Preparation also consists of courses offered within the high school such as Health Science II,

Foundations of Nursing, and Emergency Medical Technicians (E.M.T.) classes that make it

possible for students to receive certifications and experience in the medical feel. It allows

students to acquire both Stop the Bleeding and C.P.R. certifications as well as an early start in

medical culture. This early exposure to medical terminology and field setting makes it so that

students are not overwhelmed by the college-level understanding of the subject.

Extracurriculars consist of participation in The City Medicine Academy Ambassadors that help to

showcase the school in district events help with tour guides to upcoming freshmen and

participation in community service hours via church to help clean up surrounding areas and

public parks. There is an incredible advantage provider to complete the requirements set up by

potential colleges and by looking at what needs to be done to make out what activities are needed

to do so. By utilizing Durham Technical Community College and City of Medicines Academy’s

resources there is more concrete information made available to the student.

Following the resource provided there are public domains from potential colleges, which

consist of consist of U.N.C of Chapel Hil, Duke University, and U.N.C. Charlotte, which provide
information on what each application looks forward to in applicants' colleges. To follow the

collages in order as listed: U.N.C.-Chapel Hill requires an SAT score between 1350–1510 or an

ACT score of 28–33 Letter of Recommendation, Official Transcript, and School Report SAT or

ACT Scores. Duke University asks for A score of 1560 SAT or a 35 ACT. You should also have

a 4.13 GPA or higher, “Three letters of recommendation, one from the school counselor and two

recommendations from teachers who have taught you in major academic courses,” as well as

“students ready to respond to those opportunities intelligently, creatively, and enthusiastically.

We like ambition and curiosity, talent and persistence, energy and humanity.” Finally, U.N.C.

Charlotte requires 1120-1340, an essay, “Three recommendations are typically required for a

master's or doctoral program while most certificate programs do not require any

recommendations,” and “Applicants whose academic credentials show a likelihood of success in

their selective academic program.” With this, there is a temple with the things that need to be

archived if it is in the student's desire to attend these colleges


Duke University Essay application


UNC-Chapel Hill essay Application.


Durham Technical Community College.

City of Medicine Academy.


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