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L|dar n Cho|ces

1he Compan|ons of the Asuryata

WS 8S S 1 W I A Ld Sv

Lxarch 3 3 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+
Cccaslonally wlLhln a slngle shrlne more Lhan
one warrlor wlll become Lrapped on Lhe aLh
of Lhe Warrlor Lo become an Lxarch When
Lhls happens Lhe shrlne wlll ofLen recelve a
vlslL from Lhelr AspecL's founder who wlll
choose Lhe mosL worLhy warrlor Lo [oln Lhem
ln Lhelr eLernal war agalnsL Lhe enemles of
Lhe Lldar noL only does Lhls provlde Lhe
hoenlx Lord wlLh a sulLably skllful enLourage
buL also prevenLs a bulldup of aggresslon
wlLhln Lhe shrlne
Ooe oolt of compooloos moy be potcboseJ pet lboeolx
lotJ locloJeJ lo tbe otmy 1bls oolt ooJ tbe lboeolx lotJ
ote o sloqle nO cbolce
Dn|t 1ype lnfanLry Squad 3 Lxarchs of Lhe same aspecL as Lhe hoenlx Lord
Wargear Same as a baslc aspecL warrlor of LhaL aspecL
Cpt|ons Lach Lxarch may Lake any weapon opLlons Lhey would normally be allowed
Asurman's Companlons may purchase up Lo Lhree addlLlonal Lxarchs for 23 pLs/model
Zaln Zar's karandras' and luegan's Companlons may purchase up Lo Lhree addlLlonal
Lxarchs for 28 pLs/model
8aharroLh's Companlons may purchase up Lo Lhree addlLlonal Lxarchs for 33
Maugan 8a's Companlons may purchase up Lo Lhree addlLlonal Lxarchs for 47
Lxarch owers 1he Companlons as a whole know all Lhe Lxarch owers avallable Lo Lhelr aspecL
Spec|a| ku|es lleeL of looL
no characLer oLher Lhan Lhe hoenlx Lord of Lhe same aspecL may [oln Lhe
Whlle [olned by a hoenlx Lord Lhe Companlons galn Lhe followlng speclal rules
Asurman's Companlons become scorlng
Zaln Zar's Companlons galn lurlous Charge
karandras' Companlons may choose whlch Lable edge Lhey enLer from when
luegan's Companlons galn leel no aln
8aharroLh's Companlons may charge on Lhe Lurn Lhey ueep SLrlke
Maugan 8a's Companlons galn 8endlng Lo all shooLlng and close combaL aLLacks
Asurman and 2a|n2ar's Compan|ons cost 100pts
karandras and Iuegan's Compan|ons cost 11Spts
8aharroth's Compan|ons cost 130pts
Maugan kas Compan|ons cost 180pts

1he Seer Counc|| of D|thwe 22S pts

WS 8S S 1 W I A Ld Sv

larseer 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 10 4+
Warlock 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 4+

WS 8S S 1 W I A Ld Sv

Lxarch 3 3 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+
Cnce led by Lhe legendary larseer Lldrad
ulLhran Lhe Seer Councll of ulLhwe has
consLanLly lnfluenced Lhe course of hlsLory
AL Lhe behesL of Lhe Councll Lhe warrlors of
ulLhwe are ofLen senL lnLo apparenLly
unrelaLed baLLles LhaL wlll ulLlmaLely concern
ulLhwe lLself 1hose of Lhe Councll who have
prevlously walked Lhe aLh of Lhe Warrlor wlll
ofLen lead Lhese assaulLs lendlng Lhelr
precognlLlve powers and formldable psychlc
powers Lo Lhe mlghL of ulLhwe's warrlors
Ooe 5eet cooocll of ultbwe moy be cboseo os oo nO
cbolce lo oo lJot Atmy
Dn|t 1ype lnfanLry Squad 2 larseers and 3 Warlocks
Wargear WlLch 8lade
Shurlken lsLol
8une Armour
ChosLhelm (larseer only)

Cpt|ons Lach larseer and Warlock may Lake any of Lhe opLlons llsLed ln Codex Lldar
wlLh Lhe excepLlon of !eLblkes
up Lo Lhree addlLlonal larseers may be purchased for 33 pLs/model
Lldred ulLhran may be added Lo Lhe Seer Councll for 210 pLs
-ote oollke tbe lotseets lJtoJ tetolos tbe loJepeoJeot cbotoctet speclol tole
bowevet be moy oot voloototlly leove tbe 5eet cooocll
up Lo seven addlLlonal Warlocks may be purchased for 23 pLs/model
lnsLead of Lhe powers llsLed ln Codex Lldar any Warlock ln Lhe Seer Councll may
purchase Lhe psychlc power AugmenL for 10 pLs
Spec|a| ku|es lleeL of looL
Craftwor|d D|thwe
An army lncludlng Lhe Seer Councll of ulLhwe ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng changes
All Cuardlans Cuardlan !eLblkes and vehlcles become 8S 4
All SLorm Cuardlans become WS 4
1he army may noL lnclude more AspecL Warrlor Squads Lhan lL has Cuardlan or SLorm Cuardlan
WralLhguard Squads may noL be Laken as Lroops
1hls power may be casL on Lldrad ulLhran or any oLher larseer ln Lhe Seer Councll of ulLhwe aL Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe Lldar player's Lurn unllke oLher Warlock powers AugmenL requlres a psychlc LesL lf
successfully casL Lhe range of all Lhe LargeL's psychlc powers ls doubled for Lhe duraLlon of LhaL Lurn
1he Spear of kha|ne 12S pts

WS 8S S 1 W I A Ld Sv

Warlock 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 4+

WS 8S S 1 W I A Ld Sv

Lxarch 3 3 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+
ln Lhe dlresL of clrcumsLances accompanles lLs
AvaLar wlLh a bodyguard of senlor baLLle
seers known as Lhe Spear of khalne An
lnLegral parL of Lhe psychlc cholr whlch
summons Lhe AvaLar Lo war Lhe Spear
conslsLs of Lhose Warlocks who have
prevlously spenL cenLurles on Lhe aLh of Lhe
Warrlor and have a sLrong psychlc connecLlon
Lo Lhe AvaLar ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe llvlng
lncarnaLlon of Lhelr god Lhe Spear of khalne ls
a nlghL unsLoppable force on Lhe baLLlefleld
lf oo lJot otmy locloJes oo Avotot lt moy olso locloJe
1be 5peot of kboloe 1be Avotot ooJ tbe 5peot of kboloe
cooot os o sloqle nO cbolce
Dn|t 1ype lnfanLry Squad 3 Warlocks
Wargear WlLch 8lade
Shurlken lsLol
8une Armour

Cpt|ons Lach Warlock may Lake any of Lhe opLlons llsLed ln Codex Lldar
wlLh Lhe excepLlon of !eLblkes
up Lo seven addlLlonal Warlocks may be purchased for 23 pLs/model
Spec|a| ku|es lleeL of looL
1he Spear of khalne and Lhe AvaLar form a slngle unlL whlch Lhe AvaLar cannoL leave
-ote tbot tbe Avotots weopoo sklll coooot be locteoseJ obove 10 by obooce
Craftwor|d D|thwe
An army lncludlng Lhe Spear of khalne ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng changes
All Cuardlans Cuardlan !eLblkes and vehlcles become 8S 4
All SLorm Cuardlans become WS 4
1he army may noL lnclude more AspecL Warrlor Squads Lhan lL has Cuardlan or SLorm Cuardlan
WralLhguard Squads may noL be Laken as Lroops
1he Court of the oung k|ng

WS 8S S 1 W I A Ld Sv

Lxarch 3 3 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+
Along wlLh Lhelr councll of seers 8lel1an ls
led by a body known as Lhe CourL of Lhe
?oung klng 1he CourL ls comprlsed of Lhose
Lxarchs who have served a year as Lhe ?oung
klng an Lxarch who ls used as a sacrlflce Lo
awake Lhe AvaLar should lL become
necessary Cn Lhe fleld of baLLle Lhese grlm
warrlors wlll form an honour guard for Lhe
embodlmenL of khalne and wlll ofLen be
found aL Lhe forefronL of Lhe Swordwlnd
Ooe oolt of compooloos moy be potcboseJ pet lboeolx
lotJ locloJeJ lo tbe otmy 1bls oolt ooJ tbe lboeolx lotJ
ote o sloqle nO cbolce
Dn|t 1ype lnfanLry Squad 37 Lxarchs aL Lhe polnLs llsLed
Wargear Same as a baslc aspecL warrlor of LhaL aspecL
Cpt|ons Lach Lxarch may Lake any opLlons Lhey would normally be allowed
Lxarch owers Lxarch owers are chosen as normal any whlch apply Lo Lhe Lxarch's unlL apply Lo
boLh Lhe CourL of Lhe ?oung klng and Lhe AvaLar
Spec|a| ku|es lleeL of looL
1he CourL of Lhe ?oung klng and Lhe AvaLar form a slngle unlL whlch Lhe AvaLar may
noL leave
no characLers oLher Lhan hoenlx Lords may [oln Lhe CourL of Lhe ?oung klng
Craftwor|d 8|e|tan
An army lncludlng Lhe CourL of Lhe ?oung klng ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe followlng changes
Powllng 8anshees SLrlklng Scorplons Warp Splders and Swooplng Pawks may be Laken as Lroops
WralLhguard Squads may noL be Laken as Lroops

D|re Avenger Lxarchs cost 2S pts]mode|
now||ng 8anshee Str|k|ng Scorp|on and I|re
Dragon Lxarch's cost 3S pts]mode|
Dark keaper Lxarchs cost 4S pts]mode|

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