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Unit 20 – Space and Conquest

Class: ……………………………………. o
Date: …………………..................... Worksheet n 53

1. When space hits the headlines, p. 189

A. Read the table to discover the main players of the space race today.
B. Who is the latest player in the space race? What does it show about the space programs?


1957: First Russian satellite. 2023: Launch of a new orbiter of the Moon to relay
Russia 1961: First man in space (Yuri Gagarin). between Earth and Russian devices.
(Roscosmos) 1963: First woman in space (Valentina Tereshkova). 2026 or 2031: “Venera-D” project: Land on Venus;
1960-1980: Venus exploration. cooperation with NASA.

1958: First NASA satellite. 2021: Launch of “James Webb Space Telescope”
1961: First American in space (Alan Shepard). successor to the “Hubble” to observe the most
1969: Moon landing. distant objects in the universe (galaxies, formation
1977: Launch of spacecraft “Voyager 1”, exploring the of planets…). In cooperation with ESA (European
USA Space Agency).
universe and sending interstellar data.
(NASA) 1997: “Sojourner”: first rover to operate on the surface
of Mars. 2024: “Artemis” mission: Astronauts landing on the
2012: Robot “Curiosity” lands on Mars. Moon; cooperation with Roscosmos.

2030s: Human missions to Mars.

1968: First European satellite. 2021: Observation of clouds and radiation on the
Space Agency
1978: First European in space (Vladimir Remek). surface of the Earth.
(ESA, 22
2005: First landing of probe on Titan, one of Saturn's 2026: Launch of a space telescope to go beyond
moons. our solar system and discover exoplanets.

1970: First Chinese satellite 2023: Land on the south pole of the Moon.
China 2003: First Chinese in space (Yang Liwei). Announced cooperation with Roscosmos.
(CNSA) 2019: Landing of spacecraft on the far side of the Moon, 2030s: Crewed mission to the Moon.
for the first time in human history. 2033: First unmanned Mars exploration program.

1975: First Indian satellite. 2021: Sun exploration mission.

India 1984: First Indian in space (Rakesh Sharma). 2023: Orbit Venus and study its atmosphere.
(ISRO) 2013: First country to have spacecraft successfully 2024: Launch of “Mars Orbiter Mission 2”.
orbiting Mars on the first attempt.
2019: Mission to the Moon (orbiter and rover).

SpaceX 2008: “Falcon 1” becomes the first privately developed 2022: Send first cargo mission to Mars to confirm
rocket to reach Earth orbit. water resources and prepare life support
Private 2018: “Dragon” is the first spacecraft to successfully and infrastructure.
company autonomously dock with the International Space 2025: Fly the first private passenger around the
founded by Station. Moon.
Elon Musk in 2024: Build a propellant1 depot and preparing for
2002 future crew flights to Mars.

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