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Essentials of HRM
Answer of Internal Assignment April 2024

Answer:- 1
In the realm of performance appraisal for hourly employees, it becomes imperative to
adopt methodologies that resonate with the unique nature of their roles and duties.
Hourly employees, exemplified by delivery drivers, typically engage in tasks with
tangible and quantifiable outcomes, necessitating the selection of evaluation techniques
that prioritize objective metrics and job-specific proficiencies. Within this framework, the
strategic deployment of performance appraisal methodologies holds the potential to not
only enhance employee engagement but also elevate productivity levels and contribute
to the overarching success of the organization.

For hourly employees, especially those in positions such as delivery drivers, where
performance metrics are often quantifiable and task-oriented, a performance appraisal
method that focuses on objective criteria and job-specific competencies would be most
effective. One such method that could be recommended is the Management by
Objectives (MBO) approach.

Concept and application:

One effective performance appraisal method for hourly employees is the Management
by Objectives (MBO) approach. MBO focuses on setting clear and measurable
objectives collaboratively between employees and supervisors, aligning individual goals
with organizational objectives. For delivery drivers, MBO can involve establishing
performance targets related to delivery efficiency, customer satisfaction, and safety

Throughout the appraisal period, supervisors can monitor driver performance against
these objectives, provide feedback, and offer support to help drivers achieve their goals.
At the end of the period, performance evaluations are conducted based on the extent to
which objectives were met, allowing for rewards, recognition, and development

Management by Objectives (MBO) is a performance appraisal method that emphasizes

setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives
for employees. In the case of delivery drivers, these objectives could include metrics
such as the number of deliveries completed per shift, on-time delivery rates, customer
satisfaction ratings, and adherence to safety protocols

Application of the Management by Objectives (MBO) Method for Delivery Drivers:

I. Setting Performance Objectives: In applying the MBO method to the appraisal

process for delivery drivers, the initial step involves collaboratively establishing
clear and measurable performance objectives. This entails defining specific goals
aligned with the company's overarching objectives, such as achieving a target
number of deliveries within a designated timeframe and ensuring adherence to
safe driving practices.
II. Ongoing Performance Monitoring: Throughout the designated appraisal
period, supervisors closely monitor the performance of delivery drivers against
the predetermined objectives. This involves conducting regular assessments,
whether through daily check-ins, post-shift evaluations, or periodic reviews, to
track progress and address any emerging challenges or obstacles hindering goal
attainment. This foundational step involves defining specific goals that align with
the company's overarching objectives, such as achieving a targeted number of
deliveries within specified timeframes and upholding adherence to safe driving
practices. By ensuring alignment between individual objectives and
organizational goals, delivery drivers are equipped with a clear direction to focus
their efforts and contribute meaningfully to the company's success.
III. Provision of Feedback and Support: As part of the MBO process, supervisors
provide continuous feedback to delivery drivers based on their performance vis-
à-vis the established objectives. Positive feedback reinforces behaviors that
contribute to goal achievement, while constructive feedback identifies areas for
improvement and offers guidance or coaching to address deficiencies effectively.
This entails conducting regular assessments, whether through daily check-ins,
post-shift evaluations, or periodic reviews, to track progress and identify any
emerging challenges or obstacles hindering the attainment of goals. By
maintaining continuous oversight, supervisors can proactively intervene to
address performance issues, provide timely support, and offer necessary
resources to facilitate goal achievement.
IV. Formal Performance Evaluation: At the culmination of the appraisal period,
supervisors conduct formal performance evaluations with delivery drivers. This
comprehensive assessment entails reviewing achievements, identifying
strengths, pinpointing areas requiring enhancement, and exploring potential
development opportunities. Through this process, both parties gain insights into
performance trends and areas for growth. Conversely, constructive feedback is
instrumental in identifying areas for improvement and offering guidance or
coaching to address deficiencies effectively. By fostering a culture of open
communication and support, supervisors empower delivery drivers to optimize
their performance and drive positive outcomes.
V. Implementation of Rewards and Recognition: Based on the outcomes of the
performance evaluation, appropriate rewards and recognition mechanisms are
implemented to acknowledge exemplary performance by delivery drivers. This
may involve providing bonuses, incentives, or participation in recognition
programs to incentivize continued high performance and foster a culture of
achievement. By offering tangible rewards and recognition, the organization
reinforces the value of outstanding performance and motivates delivery drivers to
sustain their efforts. Moreover, these initiatives contribute to fostering a positive
work environment and cultivating a culture of excellence and achievement
among delivery teams.
VI. Rationale for the MBO Approach in Delivery Driver Roles: The Management
by Objectives (MBO) method holds particular relevance for delivery driver
positions due to its structured approach to goal-setting, performance monitoring,
and alignment with organizational objectives. By focusing on specific,
measurable outcomes, the MBO method empowers delivery drivers to
comprehend performance expectations clearly and assume accountability for
their contributions to organizational success. Ultimately, by leveraging the MBO
approach, organizations can empower delivery drivers to take ownership of their
performance, drive positive results, and contribute significantly to the attainment
of organizational goals and objectives.


In conclusion, adopting performance appraisal methods such as Management by

Objectives (MBO) for hourly employees like delivery drivers can yield significant
benefits. The structured approach of MBO, characterized by setting clear and
measurable goals, providing continuous feedback, and evaluating performance against
predefined objectives, offers a comprehensive framework for assessing and enhancing
employee performance.

Moreover, the ongoing feedback provided throughout the MBO process allows for timely
course corrections and performance improvements. Delivery drivers receive regular
input on their performance, enabling them to identify areas for growth and development.
This feedback loop promotes continuous learning and skill enhancement, ultimately
leading to improved job performance.

Answer:- 2
Realistic Job Previews (RJPs) play a crucial role in modern recruitment strategies,
serving as a strategic tool to provide prospective employees with an authentic portrayal
of the job role and organizational environment they are considering. The primary
objective of RJPs is to equip candidates with a thorough understanding of the job's
requirements, expectations, and work culture, empowering them to make well-informed
decisions regarding their suitability for the position and alignment with the company's
values and objectives.

The key aim of RJPs is to provide candidates with an authentic insight into the job,
encompassing its favorable facets and possible obstacles. This transparency enables
candidates to make well-considered decisions regarding the alignment of the job with
their competencies, preferences, and professional goals.

Concept and application:

RJPs function by providing candidates with a realistic portrayal of the job role through
various informative methods and channels. These include detailed job descriptions,
virtual or on-site tours of the workplace, testimonials from current employees, simulated
work tasks, and transparent communication throughout the recruitment process. Each
component of the RJP aims to present candidates with an authentic preview of the job's
responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities, enabling them to assess their fit with the
role and organization accurately.

As a manager or business owner, the utilization of RJPs can be highly advantageous in

optimizing the recruitment and selection process. By incorporating RJPs into
recruitment strategies, organizations demonstrate a commitment to transparency,
honesty, and integrity, fostering trust and credibility among candidates. Furthermore,
RJPs help manage candidate expectations, reduce turnover rates, and enhance overall
job satisfaction and employee retention. By providing candidates with a clear
understanding of the job role and organizational culture, RJPs contribute to better-
informed hiring decisions and ultimately lead to improved organizational performance.

Operational Mechanisms of Realistic Job Previews (RJPs):

1. Comprehensive job descriptions within Realistic: Job Previews (RJPs) serve

as foundational documents outlining the essential aspects of the job role. These
descriptions provide prospective candidates with a clear understanding of what
the position entails, including specific duties, responsibilities, and qualifications
required for successful performance. By detailing aspects such as work
schedules, physical demands, and potential risks associated with the job,
comprehensive job descriptions enable candidates to assess their alignment with
the role and make informed decisions about their suitability. Moreover, these
descriptions serve as a reference point for both candidates and employers
throughout the recruitment process, ensuring transparency and clarity in
2. Virtual or On-Site Tours: RJPs often facilitate virtual or on-site tours of the
workplace, enabling candidates to visually explore the physical environment and
amenities where they would potentially work. These tours enable candidates to
visually explore the physical workspace, including facilities and amenities,
thereby gaining a tangible understanding of the work environment. By virtually or
physically navigating the workplace, candidates can assess factors such as
layout, ambiance, and amenities, which may influence their decision-making
process regarding the job opportunity.
3. Employee Testimonials: Within RJPs, testimonials or interviews with current
employees may be included to offer firsthand accounts and perspectives on the
job and organizational dynamics. These testimonials provide candidates with
firsthand accounts of employees' experiences, allowing them to gain insights into
the day-to-day realities of the job role and the broader organizational dynamics.
By listening to the experiences and viewpoints of existing staff members,
candidates can better understand the work culture, team dynamics, and
organizational values, helping them make informed decisions about pursuing the
job opportunity.
4. Simulated Work Tasks: Some RJPs integrate simulated work tasks or role-
playing scenarios to provide candidates with experiential insights into the job's
intricacies. These exercises allow candidates to assess their compatibility with
the role and evaluate their competencies and aptitudes within a realistic context.
By engaging in simulated work tasks, candidates can gain firsthand insights into
the job's intricacies, assess their proficiency in performing relevant duties, and
determine their suitability for the position. This experiential approach enables
candidates to make more informed decisions about their compatibility with the
role and their potential contribution to the organization.
5. Transparent Communication: Throughout the RJPs process, transparent and
candid communication is imperative. Recruiters and hiring managers should
ensure forthright discussions about both the positive facets and potential
challenges inherent in the job. By transparently discussing both the positive
aspects and potential challenges associated with the role, recruiters can help
candidates develop realistic expectations and make informed decisions about
pursuing the opportunity. This transparency fosters trust and credibility in the
recruitment process, strengthening the employer-candidate relationship and
contributing to positive candidate experiences.

As a manager or business owner, leveraging realistic job previews can yield numerous
advantages. RJPs serve to establish pragmatic expectations for both candidates and
employers, mitigating the risk of turnover and mismatches in hiring. By furnishing
candidates with accurate information upfront, RJPs contribute to heightened job
satisfaction, bolstered employee retention rates, and ultimately, enhanced
organizational efficacy.

Moreover, the integration of RJPs underscores a commitment to transparency and

integrity in the recruitment process, augmenting the employer's reputation and
attractiveness to top-tier talent. Hence, incorporating realistic job previews into the
recruitment and selection framework represents a strategic imperative for any
discerning manager or business owner.


In summary, Realistic Job Previews (RJPs) play a pivotal role in modern recruitment
strategies, providing candidates with an authentic understanding of the job role and
organizational culture. By incorporating RJPs into recruitment processes, managers and
business owners can enhance candidate experiences, attract well-suited individuals,
and minimize the likelihood of mismatches between job expectations and candidate
capabilities. RJPs uphold principles of transparency, honesty, and informed decision-
making, making them indispensable for effective talent acquisition efforts. Thus, as a
manager or business owner, adopting RJPs in recruitment practices can yield
substantial advantages in selecting the most suitable candidates and fostering long-
term organizational success.
Answer:- 3.a
Upon assuming the role of senior vice president of human resources at Turbo
International, Sakshi faced a myriad of challenges stemming from the departure of the
previous board of directors and top executives amidst numerous charges. Hired by the
new CEO, Eshan Bhatt, Sakshi was tasked with navigating a complex landscape of
organizational issues, including the need to hire a new management team, address
perceptions of a questionable ethics culture, and overhaul the company's top-
management compensation plan. Despite her impressive background in executive
compensation and education from the Harvard Business School, Sakshi encountered
significant obstacles in her quest to restore Turbo International's reputation and
operational integrity.

Concept and Application:

To assist Turbo International in regaining its footing, Sakshi, the former senior
vice president of human resources, took several crucial steps:

1. Management Team Hiring: Sakshi spearheaded the recruitment process for a

new management team. Recognizing the importance of leadership in steering the
company's direction, she focused on identifying candidates with strong ethical
values, strategic vision, and the ability to inspire positive cultural change within
the organization.
2. Ethical Culture Promotion: Understanding the need to address the perception
of a questionable ethics culture, Sakshi implemented initiatives to foster a culture
of integrity and transparency within Turbo International. This involved
establishing clear ethical guidelines, providing ethics training to employees at all
levels, and instituting mechanisms for reporting and addressing ethical concerns.
3. Compensation Plan Overhaul: Sakshi recognized the importance of revising
the company's top-management compensation plan to align with ethical
standards and shareholder interests. She led efforts to redesign the
compensation structure, ensuring that it incentivized performance, accountability,
and long-term value creation for the company, rather than fostering a culture of
self-interest and excess.
4. Employee Engagement Initiatives: Sakshi prioritized employee engagement
initiatives to rebuild trust and morale within the organization. This included
fostering open communication channels, soliciting feedback from employees,
implementing recognition programs, and creating opportunities for professional
development and advancement.
5. Change Management Strategies: Recognizing the need for effective change
management, Sakshi employed strategies to facilitate a smooth transition and
adoption of new policies, processes, and cultural norms. This involved
communication campaigns, stakeholder engagement, training programs, and
organizational restructuring efforts as needed.

Sakshi's strategic human resource management interventions were instrumental in

guiding Turbo International towards a path of recovery, rebuilding its reputation, and
fostering a positive and ethical organizational culture.


To address the urgent challenges faced by Turbo International, Sakshi initiated a series
of strategic human resource management endeavors aimed at realigning the company's
trajectory. These initiatives ranged from orchestrating the recruitment of a fresh
management team and instilling a culture of integrity and transparency to revamping the
top-management compensation framework and nurturing employee engagement.
Sakshi's leadership and astute HR strategies proved decisive in guiding Turbo
International towards a trajectory of resurgence and ethical rejuvenation, despite the
formidable hurdles encountered along the way.

Answer:- 3.b
Assuming the role of senior vice president of human resources at Turbo International
amidst a tumultuous period presented Sakshi with formidable challenges and complex
decisions. Tasked with addressing allegations of unethical conduct, restructuring the
management team, and revising the top-management compensation plan, Sakshi faced
a daunting task that demanded strategic acumen and decisive leadership. Reflecting on
Sakshi's tenure, it prompts consideration of alternative approaches that could have
been taken in her position.

Moreover, exploring more comprehensive training and development programs focused

on ethical leadership and compliance could have been beneficial. Investing in
employees' professional development at all levels would have equipped them with the
knowledge and skills to navigate complex ethical dilemmas and uphold ethical
standards in their work. Empowering employees to act with integrity could have
contributed to a culture of ethical conduct throughout the organization.

Concept and application:

If I were in Ms. Sakshi's position at Turbo International, facing the challenging

circumstances described, there are several strategies I might have considered
implementing differently:

 Immediate Cultural Assessment: Rather than reacting solely to external

perceptions of a culture of questionable ethics within the company, I would have
conducted a thorough internal cultural assessment. This would involve engaging
employees at all levels to understand their perspectives on the organizational
culture, values, and ethical standards. By identifying root causes and underlying
issues, I could have developed targeted strategies to address any ethical
concerns from within.
 Transparent Communication: I would prioritize transparent communication with
employees, stakeholders, and the public about the steps being taken to address
the company's challenges. Openly acknowledging past issues, outlining
corrective actions, and emphasizing the company's commitment to integrity and
accountability can help rebuild trust and credibility both internally and externally.
 Comprehensive Training and Development: In addition to hiring a new
management team, I would have invested in comprehensive training and
development programs focused on ethical leadership, compliance, and corporate
governance. By equipping leaders and employees with the knowledge and skills
necessary to uphold ethical standards and navigate complex ethical dilemmas,
we could foster a culture of integrity and accountability throughout the
 Review of Compensation Practices: While addressing the top-management
compensation plan is essential, I would have conducted a comprehensive review
of all compensation practices across the organization. This would involve
evaluating alignment with performance, market benchmarks, and ethical
considerations. Any necessary adjustments or revisions would be made to
ensure fairness, transparency, and alignment with the company's values and
 Engagement and Collaboration: Finally, I would prioritize employee
engagement and collaboration in driving organizational change. Actively involving
employees in problem-solving, decision-making, and culture-building initiatives
can enhance buy-in, morale, and collective ownership of the company's success.
By fostering a sense of shared purpose and empowerment, we could mobilize
the entire workforce to contribute to Turbo International's turnaround and long-
term sustainability.


While Sakshi's actions were undoubtedly decisive and informed by her extensive
experience, hypothetical scenarios allow for exploration of alternative strategies.
Emphasizing proactive measures to foster a culture of integrity from the outset,
implementing robust compliance mechanisms, and engaging stakeholders in
transparent dialogue could have potentially mitigated the challenges faced by Turbo

Additionally, a more comprehensive assessment of the root causes behind the alleged
ethical lapses and a more collaborative approach to addressing them may have yielded
different outcomes. Nonetheless, navigating such complex circumstances often requires
a blend of pragmatism, foresight, and adaptability, highlighting the intricacies inherent in
leadership roles during times of organizational crisis.

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