Gorlin 1965 Pathophysiology of Cardiac Pain

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Pathophysiology of Card'iac Pain

ANGINA pectoris can be no better de- impulses; clinico-physiologic factors in the
scribed than in Heberden's original dis- development of angina pectoris.
cussion some 160 years ago.' Despite the
enduring quality of his description, Heber- Mechanism of Pain Excitation
within the Heart
den had no idea of the cause of angina Myocardial Ischemia
pectoris, although he did appreciate its morbid
quality. In the same era, Jenner, Parry, and The "ischemia" theory of angina pectoris
Burns were among the first clinicians to has been based in large measure on the
associate angina pectoris with anatomic results of retrospective observations, i.e., that
disease of the coronary arteries. This notion the coronary arteries are narrowed or oc-
lost favor somewhat during the latter half cluded; regions of myocardium served by
of the nineteenth century when anginal these vessels are often necrotic or scarred,
pain was thought to originate in spasm of and that clinical factors favoring cardiac
the coronary arteries or in disease of the anoxemia precipitate or aggravate angina.
aortic wall itself.2 The twentieth century NO
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witnessed the observations of Herrick,3 Mac- SPONTANEOUS


Kenzie,4 Levine,5 Keefer and Resnik,6 and REST REST ISOPROTERENOL

Blumg-art, Schlesinger, and Davis,7 culmi-

nating in the theory that angina pectoris 1.0 VENOUS O
came about as the result of myocardial ische-
mia, usually in the presence of intraluminal .9
coronary artery disease or disease causing .7
qSN. //
cardiac hypertrophy, and elicited by disturb- CAD 'K _

ance of the balance between coronary mM/ L
oxygen supply and myocardial oxygen de- .s

The purpose of this report is to indicate
what new facts may be added to these
masterful disser;tations. The discussion is
divided into three parts: mechanism of pain
excitation within the heart; myocardio-neu- ol

ronal reception and transmission of pain REST ISOPROTERENOL

Figure 1
From the Medical Clinics, Peter Bent Brigham Myocardial lactate metabolism in coronary heart dis-
Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massa- ease. Arteriocoronary venous lactate difference in a
chusetts. subject with rheumatic heart disease and normal
Supported by grants from the U. S. Public Health coronary arteries (N) (solid lines); and a subject with
Service (NIH H-2637 and HE 08591-01, Peter Bent totally occluded right coronary artery and major ste-
Brigham Hospital, GRS 9831-6, and Warner Chilcott nosis of both branches of the left coronary artery
Laboratories. (CAD, coronary artery disease) (broken lines).
138 Circulation, Volume XXXII, July 1965
During the last few years, our laboratory artery lesions, myocardial ischemia may oc-
has been able to document directly the cur only in certain zones of muscle and only
occurrence of ischemia of the heart in as- with provocation. Two principles are essen-
sociation with angina pectoris. This was tial in laboratory diagnosis: the first is that
accomplished by placing a catheter in the myocardial ischemia must be provoked during
coronary sinus, and by sampling oxygen and the laboratory study by simulating those
lactic acid concentration of coronary venous clinical conditions that lead to ischemia or
blood draining the left ventricular myocar- pain, or both; the second is that sampling
dium, and then comparing it with the must be done at multiple sites in the
concentration of arterial blood drawn simul- coronary sinus to detect the different venous
taneously. The heart is a curious organ, and drainages from the anterolateral and infero-
completely different from skeletal muscle in posterior walls of the heart. For example,
that, normally, it is totally aerobic, i.e., there lactate production sampled far out in the
is hardly ever breakdown of glucose or great cardiac vein can be diluted by venous
glycogen to lactic acid under normal or even drainage from other nonischemic areas, and
stressful conditions. In fact, the normal heart therefore be undetected when sampling is
extracts lactate from the blood and converts obtained farther down the coronary sinus
this to pyruvate. In figure 1 is shown lactate (table 1). The site of ischemia can be small,
arteriovenous difference at rest and again and yet result in angina pectoris. Also, as
when the heart is challenged by infusion of shown in table 1, the site of lactate production
a powerful catecholamine, isoproterenol. In did not always match the demonstrated site
the heart with the normal coronary arteries, of coronary disease. This discrepancy be-
extraction of lactate occurred both at rest tween locale of arterial disease and region of
and while the heart was stimulated by affected myocardium could have been pre-
isoproterenol. In the patient with angiograph- dicted from the concept of "infarction at a
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ically proved severe coronary artery disease, distance" propounded by Blumgart, Schle-
however, while at rest there was lactate singer, and Davis.7 If deliberately and dili-
extraction, with "spontaneous" angina pec- gently sought for by multiple site samplings
toris and again with isoproterenol infusion during stressful challenge to the heart, lactate
there was reversal of extraction, so that production will almost always be elicited in
actual production of lactate, or evidence for the anginal subject.
glycolysis in excess of oxidation, occurred. It is also significant that but for a rare
When myocardial arteriovenous sampling of subject (5 per cent of the series), cardiac
lactate has been performed at the time of pain and lactate production always occurred
an anginal attack, markedly reduced extrac- in the presence of organic disease-either
tion (0 to 5 per cent) or actual production coronary artery disease or disease resulting
of lactate has been observed in 90 per cent in left ventricular hypertrophy. Due to the
of observations.8 On the other hand, lactate type of cases referred to our laboratory for
production was seen not infrequently in the study, aortic stenosis or insufficiency was the
complete absence of clinical pain in subjects lesion most commonly leading to left ventric-
with established angina pectoris. It is highly ular hypertrophy. A small number of cases
unlikely, therefore, that lactic acid itself is of hypertrophic subaortic stenosis or idio-
the primary cause of pain. However, lactate pathic hypertrophy constituted the re-
production is unique as a biochemical mainder. Approximately 40 per cent of the
diagnostic test for myocardial ischemia, and aortic valve disease cases and all the other
in fact, it can serve as a functional indicator hypertrophic disorders had normal coronary
of the adequacy of any given degree or arteries cineangiographically.9 The occurrence
distribution of coronary arterial disease. of angina and cardiac lactate production in
Because of the spotty nature of coronary these latter groups, supports the concept that
Circulation, Volume XXXII, July 1965
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Circulation, Volume XXXII, July 1965


angina anid myocardial ischeemia can occtur Clinical State P.i. F.**
cl -eSt
Angina P.t.is at1
du,ation: mnin
Iest P.i. F..w
2 min post tNG

\vithout coroniary disease,"' presumably be- 0 2 4 o.3 mg w6ling.olly

cauise hlypertroplty has ouitstripped its vas- Rate

cuilar siupply.
A,ta,mal 170

Coronary Spasm Blood P...

14 5

.m Hg 74

Seventy-five years ago, Latham and Gaird-

ner advocated that spasm of tlhe coronary tV *dp
mm Hg

arteries wvas the instigator of anginial pain.

C.di 1.4.
This idea received clinical support because 2

tlhe characteristically precipitouis and violent

aniginal attack cotuld be relieved quickly by Ejeclieo.
m s-X'|7 o
127 122

the administration of smooth-muscle relaxants

(niitroglycerini) and by carotid sinus pressure.'" Figure 3
The "spasm" theory has also been suip- 5poitanecons angina pectoris and sylstemic vasocon-
ported by various angiographic labora- striction. Patient developed anginal pain as his blood
tories, which have docuimented the transient pressture began to rise. Pain was relieved wheni. pres-
sulre wcas lotwere(l bIy sublingial niitroglylcerin.
niarrowing and occasional actual occlusion of
coronary vessels. Figure 2 shloxvs an example teinic arterial spasm per se can elicit severe
of suich spasm. However, there has been an pain; however, coronary spasImi cain occuir vith
iinconstant associatioii of symptoms of any or witbout causing pain. Pain associated witlh
kincd with the observed spasm. In a number spasm may depend on- wvhether the change
of instances, the spasm has been attributed in caliber of the vessel is oceluisive eniough
to direct stimulation by the tip of the anigio- to initiate isehemia of the myocardium
graphic catheter. In our experience, recorded doxvnstream. Thus, in sutmmary, spasmn has
sequences of spasm were totally unrecognized been morphologically demonstrated to occur
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by the patient, and occasioned no alteration irrespective of the presence of coronary

whatever in cardiac fuinction. Certainly, sys- sclerosis; and it can occur without inciting
pain. The precise relationship, if any, of such
Settcliv. RighI Co#onfry Ingecti.n spasm to clinical angina pectoris is still
I uinsettled.
Acute Left Ventricular Failure
In a study of patients xvith coronary lheart
disease, Muller and lB0rvikl'2 described a rise
in pulmonary capillary pressiure duiring exer-
SECOND cise that preceded the onlset of anoginal pain.
Both the rise in pressure and the occurrence
of pain vere abolisheld b)y prior uise of
nitroglycerini. They suggested that the occuir-
rence of pain might be related to suiddein
congestion of the heart or lunigs. Sueh a clhain
of events has been uncommoni in our experi-
Figure 2 ence. In at least 30 examples of stress-indulcecd
Evidetnce for coronar-y spasm. Single frames have angina, an increase in left ventricular end-
been taken fron? three successive selective injections diastolic pressure was observed in only one
of right coronary artery to illustrate the progressive instance. Here, left ventricular systolic pres-
development of a zone of narrowing. This subsequent-
ly disappeared. The patient experienced no sensation sure had risen remarkably because of the
wchatever and the electrocardiogram teas unchanged. presence of severe aortic valvular disease. XVe
Circulation, Volumne XXXII, July 1965
have observed eight instances of "sponta- Myocardio-Neuronal Reception and
Transmission of Pain Impulses
neous* angina unrelated to any deliberate
laboratory stress. Left ventricular end diastolic It is unclear how the pain signal is initiated,
pressure rose on three occasions. In each, but some factors are known. There are two
systolic blood pressure had risen considerably. networks of sensory fibers in the heart: the
Figure 3 shows the sequence in a patient perivascular network encircling the coronary
with coronary disease with fixed heart rate arteries and the paravascular fibers, running
due to complete heart block and controlled alongside the vessels and terminating be-
by an internal pacemaker. Left ventricular tween the muscle fibers in free-branching,
systolic pressure rose progressively, as well as unmyelinated and nonspecific nerve endings.13
end-diastolic pressure, and soon the patient These endings are not so numerous in mus-
complained of angina. Reciprocally, the car- cle as in other structures.
diac output and mean ejection rate declined, The present concept of pain (fig. 4)
indicating peripheral vasoconstriction as well holds that with ischemia, various pain-produc-
as acute heart failure. A significant feature ing substances or substances akin to or
of the unprovoked anginal attack often ap- identical with the plasma kinins, are activated,
pears to be acute vasoconstriction with acute possibly by kallikrein released from ischemic
hypertension and sometimes a rise in ventric- or inflamed tissue.'4 Concentration of such
ular end-diastolic pressure. Cardiac perfor- substances is intensified by stagnation of
mance can be profoundly affected by blood flow, and their action to produce pain
systemic vasoconstriction when the heart is is augmented by heightened local concentra-
diseased. In another patient, however, angina tion of H+ or K+-15-a likely interstitial
developed on two occasions at two completely consequence of cellular hypoxia. Apparently,
these agents affect the free-branching ter-
different values of left ventricular systolic and minals, and pain is registered in proportion
end-diastolic pressure.8 Pain and failure of
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to the intensity of chemical stimulation and

cardiac function are probably both dependent to the number of receptors sending signals
on myocardial ischemia, in part abetted by (size of total area of ischemia produced as
the obligatory pumping of the heart against well as the number of live receptors, i.e.,
hypertensive pressure; but pain and failure loss with prior infarction).
are not necessarily dependent on each other. This theory does not answer three discrep-
It would seem unlikely that pain is due to ancies: (1) pain is uncommon with acute
heart failure per se. myocarditis as opposed to myocardial ische-
mia, and inflammation is notorious in
Free Branching Sensory Receptors Dead releasing pain-producing substances; (2) gen-
eralized ischemia of the heart as a whole
may not necessarily cause pain, and yet a
I~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
small area of ischemia may result in major
discomfort; (3) similar degrees of chemical
ischemia (seen in the same patient) may
Increased \K n
or may not initiate pain.
Kinins or
[H ] Once the receptors have initiated the
[K ] signals, this information flows to the central
nervous system through the eighth cervical
? Activation by Kallikrein and first four thoracic ganglia. In so doing,
these impulses must utilize the same pathways
By-products of Ischemic Muscle
as impulses bringing information from other
Figure 4 organ systems. In addition, there is segmen-
Pain generation within cardiac muscle. tal "overflow" both along the ganglionic chain
Circulation, Volume XXXII, July 1965
and within the lateral ascending pathways opportunity for reinterpretation. Indeed, the
of the spinal cord. For these reasons, in- well-worn pathway of impulses streaming
formation coming from the heart cannot neces- from the heart, as proposed by MacKenzie4
sarily be distinguished as such, but may be can become part of a conditioned and
expressed solely via a somatic referral-a easily provoked reflex. Is the load on the
projection onto that part of the body surface heart necessarily different in the morning
supplied by that particular spinal cord seg- while the patient is shaving or when rushing
ment. Here again, the intensity of stimuli for a bus so that angina should be more
from the heart can be amplified or diminished frequent at such times than during similar
depending on what other traffic is in this activities later in the day? It is probable
segment of the nervous system. For instance, that conditioning of a reflex response plays
impulses from another organ such as a some role here. It is not that ischemia does
diseased gallbladder (or hiatus hernia) may not occur on other occasions, but rather that
ordinarily be below the threshold of conscious under certain given circumstances, cardiac
recognition, but the summation effect of ischemia is more specifically directed to the
subliminal stimuli from the gallbladder and patient's conscious level. Thus pain awareness
heart may elevate angina to conscious aware- is not only a function of the occurrence of
ness and make perception of pain more likely ischemia, but also of neuronal receptor stimu-
with minimal degrees of cardiac ischemia. I lation, density, and intensity of sensory
have also observed that patients with partic- traffic, and finally its reception and interpre-
ularly crippling angina pectoris almost al- tation by the brain itself.
ways have some other pain-producing
syndrome such as cervical spine disease, Clinicophysiologic Factors in Development
of Angina Pectoris
costochondritis, or a gastrointestinal disorder.
Anginal pain is not an automatic by-
A 68-year-old patient was seen who had a
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product of cardiac ischemia. Nevertheless,

10-year history of relatively infrequent attacks of angina does fall into certain well-known
angina pectoris. For 1 week, substernal pain patterns and has a predisposing background.
had increased in frequency and intensity, particu-
larly after meals, and waking the patient from Predisposing Background
sleep. Electrocardiogram showed ST-segment de-
pression over the left precordium. The patient was Reduction in arterial oxygen content or
hospitalized for presumed preinfarctional angina. capacity as with chronic anemia by reducing
After 4 days there was a sudden increase in pain, oxygen transport per milliliter of coronary
with a shift in location for the first time to the flow, potentiates angina; and, although ex-
epigastrium. He developed chills and fever to tremely rare, it is reported that severe enough
103 F. and subsequently became icteric with a
rise in serum SGOT and LDH; within 48 hours anemia has caused angina in the absence of
all symptoms and signs of biliary tract obstruction morphologic coronary disease.16 Cardiac ac-
receded; the anginal syndrome and ST changes tivity and metabolism can be chronically
on the electrocardiogram subsided within 3 days. heightened as in thyrotoxicosis, valvular
Gallstones were subsequently demonstrated and heart disease, arteriovenous fistula, and pul-
his gallbladder was removed surgically. Angina
has returned to its former mild tempo. monary or systemic hypertension. These factors
can so burden the oxygen transport system as
Thus, previously stabilized angina can be to bring borderline areas of myocardium
so increased in intensity and frequency by closer to frank ischemia. Polycythemia can
another disease, i.e., cholelithiasis, as to sug- augment a tendency to angina. Finally,
gest the preinfarctional state. Complete re- changes in blood lipids can result in sludging
mission resulted once the offending condition or clumping of cells, or possibly inhibition
is corrected. of oxygen diffusion through the capillaries
Finally, the information reaching the brain with intensification of already existing ische-
must be sorted and identified, allowing ample mic symptoms. Whether these latter factors
Circulation, Volume XXXII, July 1965

10. U' Angina with Tachyeardia

Venous o
Tachycardia reduces coronary artery filling
time in diastole as well as augmenting car-
06. diac oxygen requirement.'9 This sets the
04. stage for selective myocardial ischemia be-
yond a stenotic coronary artery.
uI Il
Spontaneous Angina
Rest Exercise Although angina at rest may occur without
Figure 5
discernible hemodynamic change,4 Sir Thom-
as Lewis pointed out that blood pressure or
Change in cardiac lactate arteriovenous difference in- pulse increases in most patients at the time of
duced by exercise. Patient had total occlusion of the an attack. This has been true of the majority of
left anterior descending artery, the rest being normal.
Angina and ST depression were induced by effort. patients observed in our laboratory during an
Simultaneously, lactate extraction at rest changed to attack of "spontaneous" or unprovoked pain.
lactate production during exercise. The patients are usually tense, nervous, or
fearful. The rise in pulse or blood pressure,
are operative in the absence of morphologic
coronary disease is unknown.
p 153/78 /110 130/73
Angina of Effort P 54 86 65
This is readily understood. During exercise, 105 -

increased mechanical work is expected of a

heart in which energy supply to certain areas CPM

of the myocardium may be inadequate 30 60 90 120 150 1i0

under stress. Exercise may evoke a poor
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mechanical performance* as documented by 104 CONTROLb 05


reversed splitting of the second sound,17 by TN

inadequate elevation in cardiac output and CPM

in mean ejection rate,'8 and by an occasional,
abnormal increase in left ventricular end- 71 .Ir/100 m 1 0n
diastolic pressure (fig. 3). In addition, elec-
trocardiographic changes are common and 30 60 90 120 )so


30 60 90 120 lSO ISO

cardiac lactic acid production is almost CORONARY

76 lO! 51
always the rule with leg exercise (fig. 5). RESISTANCE
d.s.c-. .103
Occasionally, only special types of effort may LACTATE A-V
+ .12 .04 +.12
cause pain such as use of the arms as in mmM/L

lifting or pushing. All these abnormalities Figure 6

may occur with effort, but without pain, even Change in coronary blood flow during spontaneous
in the patient with established effort angina. anginal attack. CPM, counts per minute; BP, blood
pressure; P, pulse; TNG, nitroglycerin. A control
coronary flow measured prior to the attack is shown
*It is the author's belief that many patients with (semilogarithmic plot, lower left), and is higher de-
coronary heart disease have subliminal cardiac failure. spite a lesser mechanical workload on the left ventricle
Not only are there measurable deficiencies in the when compared to flow during the attack (semi-
response of cardiac output to stress, but some patients logarithmic plot, lower right). Lactate arteriovenous
exhibit moderate salt and water retention long before differences across the heart were positive (normal) at
overt effort dyspnea or pedal edema occurs. This can rest and upon recovery from pain. The reversed
be detected by the response to mercurial diuresis, (negative) arteriovenous difference in quotation marks
which often will result in a surprising weight loss of had been obtained during a separate but similar an-
5 to 10 lb. as compared to a normal of about 3 lb. ginal episode in this patient.
Circulation, Volume XXXII, July 1965
of itself, would not seem to be enough of a supply an important clue to the nature of
mechanical load to precipitate angina through many so-called spontaneous anginal attacks.
demand-energy imbalance alone (fig. 3). It is probable that such phenomena occur
On the other hand, these changes may frequently with sympathetic nervous discharge
represent signs of generalized sympathet- in all kinds of people (fig. 3). When this
ic nervous discharge involving vasoconstric- occurs in a patient with obstructive coronary
tion through vascular beds as well as direct artery disease and lowered pre-arteriolar
inotropic and chronotropic stimulation to arterial pressure, such arteriolar vasoconstric-
the heart. tion may readily precipitate myocardial
Figure 6 represents a fortuitous set of ischemia. It is well known that coronary
observations made during a spontaneous vasoconstriction when produced by ergot and
anginal attack in a patient with severe, Pitressin can precipitate angina pectoris, and
diffuse narrowing of the left anterior de- norepinephrine administered intravenously
scending coronary artery. The figure shows a may cause coronary vasoconstriction.20 One
continuous krypton-85 left coronary blood of the important roles of both the long-acting
flow determination initiated from a subostial and short-acting nitrites may be in the pre-
position approximately 1 minute prior to the vention or mitigation of such constrictor
time that the patient began to complain of episodes.
what was for her a typical attack of angina
with severe substernal chest pain (by Angina of Emotion
history the patient's pain had no apparent It seems most likely that this form of
predictable provocation). It was noted that angina has a dual origin similar to that of
she developed hypertension of 180/110 from "spontaneous" angina. Undoubtedly, with
a nearly normal blood pressure, a relative sympathetic stimulation an increased blood
tachycardia of 86 from a slow heart rate, pressure, heart rate, and vigor of contraction
augment the cardiac need for oxygen. To this
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and change in T waves of lead III. The

portion of coronary flow curve recorded may be added the possible further aggravation
during the time of pain, yielded a value of of ischemia by participation of the coronary
51 ml./100 Gm./min. This was significantly system in systemic vasoconstriction. The very
lower than a control value for coronary same response pattern to emotion may take
flow (71 ml./100 Gm./min.) in this patient place in any individual. Only if there is under-
measured at an earlier time in the study lying segmental vascular disease and antece-
when hemodynamics were normal and cardiac dent drop in line pressure will superimposed
oxygen demand was presumably much less. constriction seriously impair segmental coro-
This patient then had a reduced coronary flow nary flow.
in the presence of increased cardiac work Angina of Deglutition
due to acute hypertension. Coronary vascu- This is poorly understood. Occasionally, if
lar resistance was increased during the attack this symptom is outstanding, it may serve
indicating that there must have been marked as a clue to the presence of an associated
coronary artery or arteriolar constriction. disease in the gastrointestinal tract, such as
Nitroglycerin, given sublingually, resulted in cholelithiasis or hiatus hernia, working through
an almost immediate increase in coronary the summation phenomenon discussed earlier.
flow to 88 ml./100 Gm./min., and thereafter More often, however, angina with eating is
relief of pain and return of pulse, blood usually a sign of advanced coronary disease
pressure, and T wave to baseline. This case or of the pre-infarctional state. The few studies
represents documentation of a severe vaso- of hemodynamics during eating have failed to
constrictor (or less likely arterio-spastic) indicate major changes either in blood pres-
episode occurring as part of a generalized sure or in cardiac output, and heart rate does
sympathetic constrictor discharge. This may not rise much above 110. Perhaps unrecog-
Circulation, Volume XXXII, July 1965
nized visceral coronary reflexes or alterations Amelioration of Angina Pectoris
in the chemical constituents of the blood may Angina pectoris can be mitigated in
be important in angina of eating. various ways.
1. Morphologic: Total infarction may de-
Angina with Cold Wind stroy the nerve receptors of an ischemic region
This symptom is virtually characteristic for or new anastomotic collateral ingrowths may
angina related to coronary heart disease, and eventually revascularize a region formerly
is less commonly seen when other disease ischemic. The development of heart failure
underlies the anginal state. Its mechanism is may alleviate angina as well. This is usually
unclear. Freedburg and co-workers21 demon- attributed to lessened physical activity, but
strated that anginal pain and electrocardio- it may involve, to a greater degree, the
graphic abnormalities following exercise were mode or vigor of contraction of the heart
more readily elicited if the subject were in plus a more sluggish mechanical response of
a cold as opposed to a warm room, or held the failing heart to environmental stress. (In
ice cuLbes in his hands. Murray22 has shown this connection an occasional patient will
that a blast of cold air can cause electro- suffer aggravation of angina pectoris upon
cardiographic changes in some subjects with development of heart failure with relief by
coronary disease. He has recently demon- specific therapy of failure.)
strated in the dog that cold air triggers 2. Physiologic: Cessation of physical effort
a marked vasoconstrictor reflex in the system- or control of emotional tension can alleviate
ic and possibly the pulmonary vasculature angina. Carotid sinus pressure usually stops
which can be blocked by local anesthesia an anginal attack for reasons unknown. The
to the pulmonary airway.23 Perhaps similar
to observations reported during "spontaneous " relief is too rapid to be due solely to slowing
angina, hypertension and concurrent coro- of the pulse, and may involve inhibition of
nary vasoconstriction result from exposure to sympathetic constrictor activity.
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cold air. 3. Pharmacologic: Smooth muscle relaxants

can relieve angina. The caliber of large
Nocturnal Angina arteries can be visibly increased by nitrites,
This form of angina was once considered but this implies nothing about total blood
solely a late and quite serious manifestation flow along the vessel. It may well be that
of myocardial ischemia. We now know that distribution of blood flow may be improved
this can be the presenting manifestation of
angina even preceding angina of effort. Its through dilatation of collateral vessels. If
mechanism is unclear, but three possibilities severe arteriolar constriction or spasm oc-
seem reasonable: (1) nocturnal angina may curs, as in "sponitaneous" angina (fig. 6),
point to early heart failure and be a the nitrites can effect dilatation and therefore
symptom equivalent to paroxysmal nocturnal relief of ischemia. The fact that relief of
dyspnea; (2) nocturnal angina may be due pain cannot alwyas be attributed to relief of
to fall in blood pressure at night with inade- ischemia is illustrated in the relief of pain
quate perfusion of the myocardium be- with monamine oxidase inhibitors. Patients on
yond a stenosed coronary artery; and (3) such agents often obtain pain relief, but
nocturnal angina may be due to sympathetic continue to show gross alterations in electro-
discharge as in "spontaneous" angina, and cardiographic response to exercise, and they
may be brought about as a reaction to a occasionally develop frank myocardial infarc-
dream. tion without pain. This indicates how pain
Angina can also occur with idiosyncrasy transmission or perception can be dramati-
to tobacco, coffee, drugs, etc. The reasons cally diminished without change in the under-
are as yet unclarified. lying pathologic process.
Czrculaiion, Voiume XXXII, July 1965
General Formulation Concerning increased by any stress which acutely in-
Angina Pectoris (Fig. 7) creases cardiac pressure, contraction, or rate.
Almost invariably angina pectoris occurs Emotion, through autonomic stimuli to the
in the presence of obstructive coronary artery heart, can even be more detrimental than
disease or of myocardial hypertrophy. Ische- effort in provoking ischemia. Conversely, the
mia can be precipitated by any set of circum- r-eserve mechanism of oxygen supply can
stances which disturbs the balance between be chronically compromised by disease pro-
oxygen supply and oxygen demand. Oxygen cesses chronically affecting oxygen transport
demand can be chronically augmented by (anemia). Oxygen supply can be acutely
any disease process chronically increasing compromised by reduction in perfusion pres-
cardiac activity. This demand can be acutely sure or time and, more important, by acute
coronary vasoconstriction (or coronary spasm
if it occurs clinically). Acting as a resistance
in series with arterial obstruction, constric-
tion can readily induce ischemia in the
diseased heart. Thus, the potential exists for
ischemia to occur with varying degrees of
morphologic coronary disease, depending
solely on what other influences play upon
the heart. For example, severe coronary
disease may be decompensated by even a
mild anemia or mild physical effort. By con-
trast, a single moderate coronary stenosis can
be made highly significant by the simultaneous
effect of increased cardiac effort and coro-
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nary vasoconstriction. Special emphasis must

be given to reflexes from the central nervous
system in changing cardiac activity. The
response to an emotional stress or to external
stimuli, such as environmental cold, may
involve acute hypertension, tachycardia, and
Figure 7 augmented vigor of contraction. Such stimu-
This figure encompasses those factors believed to
lation may be poorly tolerated in the damaged
enter into the production of angina pectoris. A partial- and potentially ischemic heart. In addition,
ly obstructing atherosclerotic plaque is depicted in active coronary vasoconstriction, an "inap-
one vessel and not in another. PPS, pain-producing propriate" sympathetic nervous system re-
substances; PF, arterial pressure; P2. postobstruction sponse, may be a major factor in many attacks
arterial pressure; P3. arteriolar pressure. Because P2 of angina. Vasoconstriction further com-
is less than P1. the superimposition of sympathetically
mediated arteriolar constriction (or arterial spasm) promises coronary supply in areas distal to
will act to reduce Ps further, and therefore reduce arterial obstruction or narrowing, particularly
segmental flow. Thus, regional ischemia can readily under circumstances demanding augmented
be induced. Also effective are autonomic impulses in- cardiac performance.
creasing inotropic or chronotropic activity of the
heart (and particularly in the ischemic zone). The The interplay of all these factors may well
induction of ischemia releases pain-producing sub- explain some hitherto confusing aspects of
stances (PPS), stimulating unmyelinated, free-branch- clinical angina. The occurrence of ischemia
ing nerve endings. This sensory information passes is not necessarily a good yardstick for the
via a paravascular network to the autonomic ganglia significance of morphologic coronary disease.
through a series of synapses to the brain. These
impulses are also integrated with sensory impulses Not only is there the anatomic variable of
arising from other nearby organs. collateral flow, but there is the functional
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