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Altered connections on the road to psychopathy

Article in Molecular Psychiatry · June 2009

DOI: 10.1038/mp.2009.40 · Source: PubMed


292 1,035

10 authors, including:

Michael Craig Quinton Deeley

King's College London King's College London


Richard Latham Eileen Daly

East London NHS Foundation Trust King's College London


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Molecular Psychiatry (2009) 14, 946–953
& 2009 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 1359-4184/09 $32.00


Altered connections on the road to psychopathy

MC Craig1,2, M Catani1,2, Q Deeley1, R Latham1, E Daly1, R Kanaan3, M Picchioni3, PK McGuire3,
T Fahy4 and DGM Murphy1
Section of Brain Maturation, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London, UK; 2Natbrainlab, Institute of Psychiatry,
De Crespigny Park, London, UK; 3Section of Neuroimaging, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London, UK
and 4Department of Forensic Mental Health Science, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London, UK

Psychopathy is strongly associated with serious criminal behaviour (for example, rape and
murder) and recidivism. However, the biological basis of psychopathy remains poorly under-
stood. Earlier studies suggested that dysfunction of the amygdala and/or orbitofrontal cortex
(OFC) may underpin psychopathy. Nobody, however, has ever studied the white matter
connections (such as the uncinate fasciculus (UF)) linking these structures in psychopaths.
Therefore, we used in vivo diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) tracto-
graphy to analyse the microstructural integrity of the UF in psychopaths (defined by a Psycho-
pathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) score of X25) with convictions that included attempted
murder, manslaughter, multiple rape with strangulation and false imprisonment. We report
significantly reduced fractional anisotropy (FA) (P < 0.003), an indirect measure of micro-
structural integrity, in the UF of psychopaths compared with age- and IQ-matched controls. We
also found, within psychopaths, a correlation between measures of antisocial behaviour and
anatomical differences in the UF. To confirm that these findings were specific to the limbic
amygdala–OFC network, we also studied two ‘non-limbic’ control tracts connecting the
posterior visual and auditory areas to the amygdala and the OFC, and found no significant
between-group differences. Lastly, to determine that our findings in UF could not be totally
explained by non-specific confounds, we carried out a post hoc comparison with a psychiatric
control group with a past history of drug abuse and institutionalization. Our findings remained
significant. Taken together, these results suggest that abnormalities in a specific amygdala–
OFC limbic network underpin the neurobiological basis of psychopathy.
Molecular Psychiatry (2009) 14, 946–953; doi:10.1038/mp.2009.40; published online 9 June 2009
Keywords: psychopathy; limbic system; white matter connections; diffusion tensor imaging;

Introduction ‘acquired sociopathy’ after frontal lobe injury, the

orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and other regions of the
Psychopathic personality disorder (psychopathy) is
prefrontal cortex (PFC) have been considered impor-
characterized by features of emotional detachment
tant for personality and social behaviour.6 For exam-
and antisocial traits,1 and is strongly associated with
ple, OFC is crucial to successful reversal learning
criminal behaviour and recidivism.2 It has been esti-
(in which previously rewarded stimuli are associated
mated, for example, that 15% of the prison popula-
with punishment) and reversal learning is signifi-
tion are psychopaths and they commit approximately
cantly impaired in adult psychopaths7 and in young
50% more criminal offences than non-psychopathic
people with psychopathic traits.8 It has also been
reported that violent personality-disordered offenders
The development of reliable and valid methods
have reduced PFC grey matter volume9 and glucose
for diagnosing psychopathy (for example, the Hare
metabolism,10 and impaired OFC (and limbic) activa-
Psychopathy Checklist Revised; PCL-R4) in conjunc-
tion during aversive conditioning.11 In contrast, other
tion with brain-imaging techniques is converging
researchers have argued that amygdala dysfunction is
towards the identification of neurobiological mecha-
central to the affective deficits and impaired moral
nisms that may underpin psychopathy. Since the
socialization of psychopathy.12 This latter view is
report of the case of Phineas Gage,5 who showed
supported by evidence that psychopaths show per-
formance deficits in tasks sensitive to amygdala
Correspondence: Dr MC Craig, Psychological Medicine, Institute damage,13,14 and have significantly reduced amygdala
of Psychiatry, PO50, 16 De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill, London volume15 and decreased amygdala activation during
SE5 8AF, UK.
verbal learning16 and decreased activity in brain
Received 7 August 2008; revised 25 February 2009; accepted 13 regions modulated by amygdala during facial fear
April 2009; published online 9 June 2009 processing.17
Altered connections on the road to psychopathy
MC Craig et al

More recently, the dichotomy between researchers PCL-R scores (that is, X25). Sixteen patients initially
postulating whether OFC or amygdala dysfunction is agreed to participate and nine were suitable for
central to psychopathy18 has narrowed, and it has magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Healthy controls
been suggested instead that the social and emotional were recruited from the general population through
deficits of psychopaths may reflect an interaction the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London, and
between OFC and amygdala dysfunction.19,20 Analy- the absence of psychopathy was confirmed using
sis of the functional and anatomical links between the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version
these structures offers the potential to move beyond (PCL-SV).26
theories of regional dysfunction towards a more Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethical
coherent understanding of the possible brain net- Committee of the South London and Maudsley Trust
works underlying psychopathy. However, to date, and Institute of Psychiatry, and St Georges Healthcare
nobody has studied the white matter tracts linking Trust. After complete description of the study to the
these brain regions. The OFC and the amygdala are patients, written informed consent was obtained.
interconnected by fibres belonging to the uncinate
fasciculus (UF), whose volume and integrity can be Neuroimaging and data analysis
analysed in vivo using diffusion tensor magnetic Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain was carried
resonance imaging (DT-MRI) tractography. This is a out on GE Signa 1.5 Tesla LX MRI system (General
non-invasive neuroimaging technique that can be Electric, Milwaukee, WI, USA) at the Maudsley
used to reconstruct three-dimensional trajectories of Hospital, London.
white matter tracts within the living brain,21 and to
probe the microstructural integrity of white matter in DT-MRI acquisition. Data were acquired with
a wide range of neuropsychiatric conditions.22 40 mT m 1 gradients, using an acquisition sequence
We therefore used in vivo DT-MRI to dissect and fully optimized for DT-MRI of white matter, providing
measure the volume and the microstructural integrity isotropic resolution (2.5  2.5  2.5 mm) and coverage
of the UF.21 For each hemisphere, we dissected the of the whole head. The acquisition was gated to the
fibres of the UF and counted the number of stream- cardiac cycle using a peripheral gating device placed
lines (SLs) as a surrogate of the tract volume. We also on the patients’ forefinger. After the correction for
measured the mean fractional anisotropy (FA)— image distortions introduced by the application of the
which is an indirect measure of white matter spatial diffusion encoding gradients, the diffusion tensor was
organization and integrity.23 We compared the psy- determined in each voxel following the method of
chopaths (that is, PCL-R score X2524) with age- and Basser et al.27 The operator (Michael C. Craig) carried
IQ-matched controls. We recruited psychopaths from out all dissections blind to the diagnosis. Anatomical
three specialist forensic inpatient units. All were consistency with classical descriptions of the tracts of
repeat violent offenders with index offences that interest was confirmed by using neuroanatomy text
included attempted murder, manslaughter, multiple books and tractography atlases.
rape with strangulation and false imprisonment.
Tract reconstructions. The trajectories of the UF,
inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) and inferior
fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF) were each recon-
Patients structed using an approach that involved dissecting
We studied 18 normal intelligence right-handed adult out two regions of interest (ROIs)28 (Figure 1).
male volunteers: nine with high PCL-R scores (mean The ILF is a ventral associative bundle with long
28.4, range 25–34), aged 34±12 years, with full-scale and short fibres connecting the occipital and temporal
IQ (FSIQ) 94±7, and nine healthy male controls aged lobes.3,28 The long fibres are medial to the short fibres
37±9 years, with FSIQ 91±6. All patients (that is, in and connect occipital visual areas to the amygdala
both groups) were unmedicated and screened by and hippocampus. The first (temporal) ROI used to
formal psychiatric semi-structured interview using dissect the ILF was defined around the white matter
the ICD-10 research criteria,25 and a review of case of the anterior temporal lobe, usually on five axial
notes was carried out to exclude any co-morbid slices. The second (occipital) ROI was defined around
psychiatric illness or neurological/extra-cerebral dis- the white matter of the occipital lobe, usually on
orders that might affect brain function. 13–15 slices.
Most psychopaths had a past history of alcohol The UF is a ventral anterior associative bundle
and/or substance misuse (polysubstance misuse that connects the anterior temporal lobe (including
(n = 3), combined polysubstance and alcohol misuse amygdala and hippocampus) with the medial and
(n = 3) and alcohol misuse (n = 1)), but none fulfilled lateral OFC. The first (temporal) ROI was defined
the criteria for a substance misuse or dependence in the anterior temporal lobe (MNI, 15 to 19), as
disorder within 6 months before scanning, with the described for the ILF. The second (external/extreme
exception of one patient who fulfilled the criteria for capsule) ROI was defined around the white matter of
harmful use of cocaine. Psychopaths were recruited the anterior floor of the external/extreme capsule.
from three specialist forensic inpatient units over a The IFOF is a ventral associative bundle that
period of 6 years from a group of 34 patients with high connects the ventral occipital lobe and the OFC. In

Molecular Psychiatry
Altered connections on the road to psychopathy
MC Craig et al


Figure 1 Virtual dissection of the major association pathways connecting to the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex
(OFC). A two-region-of-interest (ROI)-approach was used to carry out virtual dissection of the major association pathways
connecting the amygdala and OFC. An anterior ‘frontal’ ROI was defined around the anterior floor of the external capsule in
five consecutive axial slices (from MNI 6 to 14). A second ‘temporal’ ROI was defined around the white matter of the
anterior temporal lobe in five consecutive axial slices (from MNI 22 to 30). A third ‘occipital’ region was defined in the
white matter of the occipital lobe in 10 consecutive axial slices (shown here only from MNI 4 to 4). To dissect the uncinate
tract, all fibres passing through the ‘frontal’ and ‘temporal’ regions are shown in yellow. All fibres passing through the frontal
and occipital regions are shown in red and correspond to the interior fronto-occipital tract. Finally, all fibres passing through
the temporal and occipital regions are shown in green and correspond to the interior longitudinal tract. Dissections were
carried out for both hemispheres.

this occipital course, the IFOF runs parallel to the ILF. All fibres passing through the temporal and occi-
On approaching the anterior temporal lobe, the fibres pital region are shown in light grey and attributed to
of the IFOF gather together and enter the external the ILF. All the SLs passing through the temporal and
capsule dorsally to the fibres of the UF. The first ROI external/extreme capsule are considered to belong
was delineated around the occipital lobe on approxi- to the UF and are shown in white. Finally, all SLs
mately 13–15 contiguous axial slices in the same passing through the occipital and external/extreme
manner as the posterior ROI of the ILF. The second capsule are considered to belong to the IFOF.
region was defined around the external/extreme At the termination of tracking, the FA—a measure
capsule as described above. that quantifies the directionality of diffusion on

Molecular Psychiatry
Altered connections on the road to psychopathy
MC Craig et al

a scale from 0 (when diffusion is totally random) to 1 differences in FA and number of SL. Statistical
(when water molecules are able to diffuse along one analyses were corrected for multiple comparisons
direction only)—were sampled at regular (0.5 mm) using Bonferroni’s correction.
intervals along the tract (facilitated by the B-spline
continuous tensor-field approximation3) and the
means computed. We terminated the fibre tracking
when the FA fell below an (arbitrary) threshold The psychopath group had a similar number of SLs
of 0.15. For each tract, the trajectory obtained was in the right and left UF compared with age- and
checked to ensure consistency with neuroanatomical IQ-matched controls, but a significantly reduced mean
atlases by reconstructing in three dimensions. FA in right UF (psychopaths 0.403±0.014, controls
0.435±0.023, P = 0.003). There were no differences in
Analyses of tracts. In our initial analysis, we the FA of the left UF (psychopaths 0.419±0.027;
compared the mean number of SL and FA of the UF controls 0.427±0.020, P = 0.448) (Table 1, Figure 2).
in psychopaths and controls. We hypothesized that There was no significant difference in the number
the mean number of SL and FA of the UF in the of SLs or FA of the left or right ILF and IFOF (Table 1,
psychopaths would be significantly less than in the Figure 2).
control group. Using a ‘two-factor’ model of psychopathy, we
To test the hypothesis that the FA changes were report a significant negative correlation between
specific to the UF, we carried out a secondary analysis ‘antisocial behaviour’ (factor 2) scores and total
of the volume and microstructural integrity of con- number of SL in the left UF (Pearson’s correla-
nections of two ‘non-limbic’ control tracts connecting tion = 0.880, P = 0.004) and right UF (Pearson’s
the posterior visual areas to the amygdala (through correlation = 0.884, P = 0.004). Using a ‘four-factor’
the ILF) and the OFC (through the IFOF). We hypo- model, we report a trend towards a negative
thesized that in these ‘non-limbic’ tracts, there would
be no significant between-group differences in the Table 1 Analysis of between-group differences in DTI
mean number of SL or FA. indices
We also investigated whether the anatomical differ-
ences in the UF of the psychopaths were associated Psychopaths Controls Differences
with variation in symptom severity. Early factor (s.d.) (s.d.) (P-value)
analyses of the PCL-R suggested that the two dimen-
sions reflect ‘emotional detachment’ (Factor 1) and UF (SL)
‘antisocial behavior’ (factor 2).29 We therefore corre- L 19.8 (16.2) 23.0 (9.0) 0.609
lated anatomical variation with these PCL-R factors R 37.1 (31.9) 28.6 (17.4) 0.490
within the psychopaths. More recent factor analy-
ses of the PCL-R have also suggested that 18 of the L 62.6 (38.8) 70.3 (43.6) 0.695
items are underpinned by four factors: Interpersonal R 48.9 (26.2) 49.3 (18.1) 0.975
(factor 1), Affective (factor 2), Lifestyle (factor 3) and
Antisocial (factor 4).30,31 We therefore correlated IFOF (SL)
anatomical variation with these PCL-R factors within L 77.2 (54.2) 67.9 (51.8) 0.714
the psychopaths using a ‘two-factor’ and a ‘four- R 62.4 (55.8) 59.1 (41.2) 0.887
factor’ model.
Finally, as noted above, the psychopaths had a UF (FA)
history of substance misuse and institutionalization, L 0.42 (0.03) 0.43 (0.02) 0.448
and this may have affected the significant difference R 0.40 (0.01) 0.44 (0.02) 0.003*
we found in the UF. Hence, we carried out a post hoc ILF (FA)
analysis comparing FA in the UF of psychopaths L 0.48 (0.02) 0.48 (0.02) 0.883
with that in 11 patients who had a past history of R 0.48 (0.02) 0.48 (0.03) 0.690
alcohol/substance misuse and institutionalized care
for psychotic mental illness. These patients did not IFOF (FA)
differ significantly in age (33±6 years), IQ (95±5) L 0.44 (0.02) 0.46 (0.02) 0.241
or handedness, and were screened to exclude the R 0.45 (0.02) 0.46 (0.03) 0.448
presence of an Axis II diagnosis (for example,
antisocial personality disorder) using the Schedule Abbreviations: FA, fractional anisotropy; IFOF, inferior
for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, Lifetime fronto-occipital fasciculus; ILF, inferior longitudinal fascicu-
version (SADS-L).32 lus; L, left; R, right; SL, streamlines; UF, uncinate fasciculus;
DTI, diffusion tensor imaging.
*P < 0.005.
Statistical analysis Psychopaths had similar number of SL in the right and left
Statistical comparisons of the data were carried out UF compared with controls, but a significantly reduced
using SPSS software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). mean FA in the right UF (P = 0.003). There were no
Student’s t-test (two-tailed) for independent samples differences in the FA of the left UF (P = 0.448) or in the
was used to investigate tract-specific mean group FA/SL of two ‘non-limbic’ control tracts: the ILF and IFOF.

Molecular Psychiatry
Altered connections on the road to psychopathy
MC Craig et al


Figure 2 Tract-specific measurements of fractional anisotropy (FA) in the psychopathy and control group. Psychopaths had
a significantly reduced mean FA in the right UF (P = 0.003). There were no differences in the FA of the left UF (P = 0.448) or in
the FA of two ‘non-limbic’ control tracts: the ILF and IFOF.

correlation between antisocial (factor 4) scores and In addition, we examined (post hoc) whether our
FA and total number of SL in the right UF (Pearson’s findings could simply be explained by differences in
correlation = 0.797, P = 0.058 and Pearson’s correla- substance misuse and/or institutionalization.
tion = 0.794, P = 0.059, respectively) and affective Taken together, our findings suggest that abnormal
(factor 3) scores and total number of SL in the left ‘connectivity’ in the amygdala–OFC limbic network
UF (Pearson’s correlation = 0.792, P = 0.06) in may contribute to the neurobiological mechanisms
psychopaths (Table 2). underpinning the impulsive, antisocial behaviour
In our post hoc analysis, comparing psychopaths and emotional detachment associated with psycho-
with patients with an earlier history of substance pathy. This hypothesis is supported by findings of an
misuse and institutionalization, the psychopath group association between UF dysfunction, impulsivity and
had a significantly reduced mean FA in the right UF reactive aggression. For example, earlier studies have
(psychopaths 0.403±0.014, controls 0.437±0.016, reported (a) UF damage in many cases of Kluver–Bucy
P < 0.000). In addition, the mean FA was reduced in syndrome (that is, a disconnection syndrome char-
the left UF (psychopaths 0.419±0.027, controls acterized by aggressive behaviour, loss of normal
0.460±0.024, P = 0.002) and there was no significant anger and fear responses, decreased inhibition and
difference in the number of SLs or FA of the left other personality changes),33 (b) reduced UF FA in
or right ILF and IFOF after correction for multiple children showing impulsive traits after early severe
comparisons. socio-emotional deprivation34 and (c) reduced func-
tional connectivity between the amygdala and
OFC in impulsive aggressive borderline personality-
disordered patients.35 It could therefore be argued that
In summary, we report significantly reduced FA in our findings are not specific to psychopathy per se;
the right UF of psychopaths compared with age- and but may underpin antisocial behaviour in general.
IQ-matched controls. Further, within psychopaths, However, to date, there have been no studies that
we report associations between measures of antisocial have specifically analysed the UF in individuals with
behaviour and anatomical differences in the UF. antisocial personality disorder. Further, post-mortem
To confirm that these findings were specific to the and DT-MRI studies that have analysed the UF in
limbic amygdala–OFC network, we studied two ‘non- schizophrenia, that is, another mental illness asso-
limbic’ control tracts connecting the posterior visual ciated with aggressive and violent behaviour,36 have
and auditory areas to the amygdala and the OFC, reported equivocal results.37–39 However, this is clearly
and found no significant between-group differences. an important issue for future studies to address.

Molecular Psychiatry
Altered connections on the road to psychopathy
MC Craig et al

Table 2 Correlation between the ‘two factors’ and ‘four factors’ that underpin the PCL-R score and the microstructural integrity
of the uncinate fasciculus

Two-factor model F1 P-value F2 P-value Total P-value

L 0.010 0.981 0.020 0.962 0.081 0.836
R 0.134 0.752 0.344 0.404 0.476 0.195

L 0.608 0.110 0.880 0.004* 0.056 0.888
R 0.274 0.512 0.884 0.004* 0.318 0.404

Four-factor model f1 P-value f2 P-value f3 P-value f4 P-value

L 0.152 0.774 0.200 0.704 0.085 0.872 0.570 0.237
R 0.368 0.473 0.433 0.392 0.628 0.182 0.797 0.058

L 0.361 0.482 0.327 0.527 0.792 0.060 0.528 0.282
R 0.349 0.497 0.004 0.994 0.718 0.108 0.794 0.059

Abbreviations: FA, fractional anisotropy; L, left; R, right; SL, streamlines; UF, uncinate fasciculus.
Two-factor model: F1, factor 1‘emotional detachment’; F2, factor 2‘antisocial behavior’; *P < 0.005.
Four-factor model: f1, factor 1‘interpersonal’; f2, factor 2 ‘affective’; f3, factor 3‘lifestyle’; f4, factor 4‘antisocial’.
In a two-factor analysis, there was a significant negative correlation between factor 2 scores and total number of SL in the
left UF (P = 0.004) and right UF (P = 0.004) in psychopaths. In a four-factor analysis, there was a trend towards a negative
correlation between factor 4 (antisocial) scores and FA and the total number of SL in the right UF (P = 0.058, 0.059,
respectively) and factor 3 (affective) scores and the total number of SL in the left UF (P = 0.06) in psychopaths.

Lesion studies also suggest that executive function Thus, in summary, earlier studies support our
and impulse control may be lateralized to the right findings of an association between reduced micro-
hemisphere,40 and this might help explain why our structural integrity of the UF and behavioural traits
main findings were limited to the right UF. Further, that characterize psychopathy. However, it remains
the right UF has been reported to play a pivotal role unclear whether this is because of a primary patho-
in the recollection of affect-laden autobiographical logy in the UF white matter, or whether it is second-
memory triggered by sensory stimuli (‘ecphory’).41 ary to abnormalities in the amygdala and/or the
This relevance of this finding to our study is that OFC. Further, the biological mechanisms underlying
psychopaths have been reported to show poorer reduced UF microstructural integrity also remain
memory for affect-laden material compared with unclear. One possible mechanism may include tract-
non-psychopathic offenders42 and healthy controls.43 specific deficits in axonal maturation and/or myeli-
Therefore, although highly speculative, reduced nation. This suggestion is based on the fact that FA
microstructural integrity of the right UF could signal indirectly reflects the degree of myelination
contribute to deficits in the processing of emotional and anatomical arrangement of axonal fibres,45 and
autobiographical memory that may underpin psycho- that the number of SL is an indirect index of tract
pathic traits such as shallow affect and lack of volume (which may also reduce in proportion with
empathy. axonal number and/or myelination).
Finally, it could be argued that a past history of Our study has a number of weaknesses. For
institutionalization, alcohol and/or substance misuse example, we only studied a relatively small number
in most psychopaths is responsible for the anatomical of psychopaths, and so our findings need to be
differences that we found. Although FA in the white replicated in a larger study. However, the difficulties
matter of patients with a past history of alcohol involved with recruiting and scanning our study
misuse has been reported earlier, changes tend to be group cannot be over-emphasized. To control for
diffuse and affect multiple tracts rather than being potential confounds as best as possible, we limited
localized to a single tract.44 Further, we carried out our investigation to a group of psychopaths without
a post hoc analysis comparing psychopaths with co-morbid mental illness, who were off medication
patients who had a past history of alcohol/substance and not currently engaging in substance misuse.
misuse and institutionalized care. This post hoc Nonetheless, the psychopaths we recruited had
analysis confirmed our earlier findings in that the committed the most serious criminal offences defined
psychopath group still had a significantly reduced by Law (for example, rape, attempted murder, etc.)
mean FA in the right UF. with minimal guilt or remorse. As predicted, most

Molecular Psychiatry
Altered connections on the road to psychopathy
MC Craig et al

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