Punctuation Revision Activity

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*All questions are adapted & sourced from X-Kit Achieve! English Grammar Home
Language CAPS Grade 11 Study Guide

Activity 1: Insert commas in the correct places in the sentences of the following
1. Dad: Where have you been Josh?
2. Josh: I’ve been to do the shopping Dad.
3. Dad: Josh are you sure that is true?
4. Josh: Of course. I bought fruit meat milk and chocolate.
5. Dad: And then Josh where did you go?
6. Josh: Well I did go to my friend Ayesha but I didn't stay long.
7. Dad: Despite my warnings you went via Ayesha?
8. Josh: Yes I did because I needed to return her book.
9. Moreover I have invited her Khadija and David to come over tonight.
10. Dad: Well please don't disturb us as we would like a quiet evening.

Activity 2: Replace the blank spaces with a colon or semi-colon.

1. We hope to leave soon_ we do not always get what we hope for.
2. We may need to get further documentation_ visas and passports.
3. I have already applied for them_ the reply is still coming.
4. l had a letter that specified_ all documentation had to be requested a month in
5. Perhaps we should go to the offices_ our presence may hasten things.
6. Last time I went, the officials were late_ bad weather had delayed them.
7. The places we wish to visit are_ Paris, Bonn, and Amsterdam.
8. We want to see the following _in Paris, the cathedrals_ in Bonn, the government
buildings_ in Amsterdam, the harbour.
9. I would like to travel in Europe by train_ you want to drive.
10. l hope we get there after all this delay_ I would like to get the documents soon.

Activity 3: Use brackets, dashes, hyphens, or ellipses to improve the

1. My sister in law is coming to visit.
2. She said if you remember that she would stay for a week
3. My brother her husband will arrive here a day earlier.
4. I hope but perhaps that is best not said.
5. You will need to coordinate the arrival of all your guests.
6. Yes and I hope to recover the chairs before they arrive.
7. Are they if you pardon the question staying long?
8. No, they have done a uturn on that and will be here for only a week.
9. Well perhaps it is better not to say any more.
10. All the best you may need some luck.

Activity 4: Use apostrophes to show possession in the correct places in the sentences
below. Note: not every sentence needs an apostrophe.

1. I saw Peters cat the other day.

2. I thought it was his parents cat.
3. No, it has always been his.
4. The committees rules say that one cannot have a cat in the flats.
5. Yes, but he's asked for the chairmans permission.
6. The chairman did not give permission for James car.
7. No; some peoples pets get preferential treatment.
8. Pets all need to have someones care.
9. Yes, and we can see Peters willingness to bear the costs for his pet.
10. Students pets are not allowed in their dorm rooms.

Activity 5: Use apostrophes to indicate omission in the correct place in the

sentences below.
1. Well need to travel by bus.
2. No, Id much rather fly.
3. Yes, but thatll cost too much.
4. Were prepared to fundraise.
5. It wont raise enough money.
6. Whats the sum we must raise?
7. l dont know, but its quite a lot.
8. Well appeal to the whole team.
9. Thats fine, but its resources are limited.
10. Wont you go and talk to the captain?

Activity 6: Rewrite the passage using question marks, exclamation marks, full
stops, or capital letters in the correct places.
“where are my rugby boots” liam asked
“how should I know put them away when you come home,” answered his mother
“you never help,” said liam crossly
“don’t you backchat me” his mother replied “ you are old enough to be
responsible for your own goods.”
“well, how can I play in my match” liam asked in despair “it’s time to go”
“look in the kitchen,” suggested his mother “ that is where you normally deposit
your goods”
“hurrah they’re here well done bye” and he was out of the door

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