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Connection between nature and person

Mother Nature is the ultimate inspiration. When you're feeling sluggish, simply walking outside and
getting fresh air can do wonders for your mood and outlook. Often, nature's beauty can take your
breath (and words) away. In those moments of awe, I like to turn to some of our favorite nature
quotes that sum up how we're feeling.

My favourite quote is - “Fresh air is as good for the mind as for the body.
Nature always seems trying to talk to us as if she had some great
secret to tell. And so she has." –John Lubbock

I am that type of person, who really like to spent time in the nature, listen sounds of birds, enjoy the
beautifulness of what we have in our planet. I think, we need to take care of our planet, safe rare
animals and flowers, do not make a trash around us, make our planet look good!

When our teachers said to us what we need to do, the first thought in my head was, „nature and

• I think that our nature is like persons organism.

• The lake.

I was walking through the wonderful park, where there is a very calm lake, I really enjoyed it
because I can look at how the lake is moving and it is making me calm. In my head, the lake is
like a blood in persons organism. It can move faster or slower, just depends on our health,
the same is with the lake, if it is too much of the trash in the lake, it looks very bad, it really
hurts as well as the person.

• The tree.

When I was going to the University I saw a tree with the shadow. It reminded me about
person and his soul. For example, sunny is a person who lives in the present and tree, who is
always looking back, but the sun is helping to see another world, to open tree’s soul. I think,
every person needs someone, who can help him to be more open to the world and do not
be scared pf showing up! I think I had this idea in my head because I also sometimes do not
show myself, scared of do not understanding, but in a time, after artiving to Belgium I am
feeling here much better and more confident, how I have never felt before!

• The birds.

• The birds is like the beat of our heart. Sometimes it beats faster, sometimes slower. It
denepds on persons mood, health and age. The same with the birds. If bird is old and have a
bad health – animal will be calmed down and singing more relaxed notes, but if it is young
and energetic bird – he will be loud, enthusiastic and give much more sounds.

• The grass.
The grass is like a hair. It has different colours – green, yellow, orange. Person can different
colours of a hair as well. The movement of the grass and hairs in windy days is typical!

• The sea sand.

I was in Europian Brass Band Championship in Palanga! In this city there is a sea and when I
was walking around, enjoying the sun and nature I looked down and saw lines on a wet sand.
It looked so interesting and it is very similar to persons veins. The size and the structure of
those lines exactly like veins. I was really in shock and when I showed this to my teacher he
was interested in it as well!

In conclusion I can say that I very enjoyed this work! I was searching for some non typical
things and similarities between nature and us! Now, I see the planet in another way and
colours. I understood, how happy I am, what wonderful life I live! Take your time to feel
every small detail, enjoy the moment and just appreciate everything you have and how you
can feel and see this world!

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